Drama Literature: Lysistrata and Chi-Raq Comparison Paper Writing Assignment Help. Drama Literature: Lysistrata and Chi-Raq Comparison Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Topic: Write an essay comparing similar elements in Lysistrata and Chi-Raq.
- The thesis should be something like: “The most interesting similarity(s) between these two works….” (this one makes a point)
- Another sort of thesis might be: “Chi-Raq uses many of the situations and devices from the source play, Lysistrata.” (this one is more about details)
- a tip: if you don’t really have a point to make at the start, save it for the conclusion; if you’ve done a good job of discussing interesting similarities, a point will occur to you eventually.
Grade value: 1-6 points. I’ll be looking for details, thoughtfulness, and organization of ideas. Please, impress me with a stunning conclusion, too.
- standard stuff: 10-11 pt font, nothing silly. 1-inch margins. Typed, double-spaced.
- please, no space-wasting headings or unnecessary padding.
- punctuate the titles correctly within the text every time you mention a title. You’ll lose a whole grade if you make any title punctuation errors. See the MLA guide in Course Docs if you forget the rule. (Beware of the difference between punctuating the play Oedipus and the character Oedipus, etc.)
- no documentation or works cited page is required. But if you quote from the play, you should indicate the page number in parentheses.
- expected length is 2 pages +/-.
- Two samples of very good student essays on this topic are in Course Docs (in the Chi-Raq folder)
- The stories are similar, Duh! (one’s an adaptation of the other, so this has to be.) Again, way too obvious–do not tell us how the plots are similar. However, you might discuss some story elements that are very cleverly recycled or surprisingly transformed.
- You can assume that the reader knows both works, so no plot summary is wanted.
- Think about conventions used. About structure. About satiric targets. About genre. About why anyone is motivated to write an adaptation of anything.
- Don’t even think about looking for material to borrow (plagiarize) on the internet. I’ve spent hours researching online for anything that might be tempting, and haven’t found anything useful (if I had, I wouldn’t be assigning this topic). There are LOTS of blogs and reviews of the movie, but of course most movie reviewers don’t know anything about Lysistrata.
- If you didn’t really read the play, you should go back and do so first. You won’t be able to make thoughtful, detailed comparisons of the two works if you haven’t immersed yourself in both. If you need to read the play a second time, or watch the film a second time, GOOD! That’s how it ought to be done.
- I do not want to read comments about the movie only–you got to watch it, so it is naturally going to appeal to you more and be more memorable. Demonstrate that you had some reaction to reading the play, too.
- As always: details, specifics, examples. But this won’t be much of a paper if all you do is list similarities that you found. Describe them and say something about them. Explain why it’s interesting.
- Make it fun to read, please.
Drama Literature: Lysistrata and Chi-Raq Comparison Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
summary about Michael Boylan, Georgia. you must have the book because i do not have it Writing Assignment Help
Summary about Michael Boylan, Georgia: A Trilogy—part one, part two, part three/
1 -2 sentences for each chapter
!!!!! you must have the book because i don’t have it !!!!!!
Step One: Review the number of chapters involved in the assignment (given in page numbers).
Step Two: Read the given section of pages.
Step Three: Create chapter summaries for each chapter in the given assignment. Tell what goes on in the chapter, to whom, and to what effect. Use the chapter numbers as headers: Chapter One: (then give summary), etc.
Step Four: Find some part of a scene in one of the chapters that strikes you as unusual (an anomaly). Decide whether you are positively or negatively disposed to this anomaly. Summarize the anomaly and your reaction under the header: Anomaly.
Step Five: Cite one philosophical principle that you think in some way connects to the anomaly. Header: Philosophical Principle.
Business Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Congratulations. Your project has been staffed and you are about to meet with the team for the first time. Initial impressions are important and you’ll need visuals for your presentation. Create a slide show (in PowerPoint or similar software) in which you address the following, in this order: 1. Goals: What the project hopes to accomplish. 2. Critical Success Factors: Identify at least 4 different stakeholders; for each, list at least 2 things that the stakeholder requires in order to deem the project successful. 3. Acquisition strategy: Should the system be built in-house, created by a contractor, purchased offthe-shelf and customized, or leased as a service? Explain your rationale. 4. Resources: For in-house development, what people/skills are required and what development lifecycle do you recommend? Otherwise, identify 3 candidate organizations that can deliver the system. 5. System functions: In a table format, summarize the types of users for the system; the business reason(s) each would use the system; the ways that the system supports each of these needs; and how this support differs from the current system. 6. Connectivity: Provide a diagram that shows how the system will connect to the other information systems and what data flows among them. 7. Security: List the most serious cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities of the new system. Suggest strategies to address them. 8. Mobility: Identify the system’s capabilities for mobile use. Include a title and summary slide. Use one slide for each of the 8 points above. Include speaker notes or audio narration that explains each slide more fully.
Need help with my Midterm Generalist Practice Family Social work assignment/biopsycholsocial assessment Humanities Assignment Help
Good morning tutors,
I have an assignment/assessment due for my generalist practice class due in the next couple of weeks and my mission is to complete this assignment early and correctly. This assignment is is basically an assessment of a make believe family. You will pretend (make believe) “Fake” you have interviewed a family, and follow the instructions listed on the attachment. The purpose of this paper is to see if my skills have developed.
I asked that only tutors who are Social work majors or Social Science majors to only take on this project.
I have attached the Assignment instructions, grading rubric, sample of an assessment my instructor provided (Please Note–Do not copy or follow the same format as the sample assessment, create your own) and textbook pages listed on the instructions for your reference to answer the questions.
(Textbook Pages will be uploaded/sent to you once the assignment has been accepted)
I ask that once you have completed the assignment to go back and double check that everything has been met.
This is not a research paper so no citations/reference page is needed. This is just an a paper on assessing a family.
I am giving the tutor 7 days to work on this assignment to fulfill all requirements for this assignment.
Should you need more clarification please feel free to message me with any questions before taking on the project.
essay for week 3 Writing Assignment Help
Select two styles of dance–such as ballet, modern dance, folk dance, and jazz dance–as described in your text.
Describe each style of dance, and include the following:
- History and development of the style
- Discussion of your understanding of the use of line, form, repetition, and rhythm in each piece
- Description of the inspiration for the work in terms of story, theme, and image
- Description of what the movements of both styles communicate to you in terms of mood
- Description of what influences each dancer, or the choreographer, in the performance of each style or creation of a new dance performance
Calculation and Analysis for Sound waves. Science Assignment Help
This is about Quantum analog for the wave sound.
Hi, please read carefully and understand the work before you start working on it.
1st, I need a person who is capable of working in PHYSICS. IF YOU ARE NOT, then DO NOT PICK ME PLEASE.
2nd, I need you to use the references that I have attached into this assignment, if you feel that you need to bring extra references, then you have to bring something related to what we are talking about not something unrelated, because I will not accept it. I will give it a read after you finish and see if you are doing what i am asking or not.
3rd, try to explain everything in the level that we do not go too academic. make it like you trying to explain something to your instructor, or to the reader, who is looking for right, and great answers in short way. just use your words in science when you explaining something. Try to make your writing as the level as the files i have attached.
4th, I want you to use “American journal of physics citation format” and no plagiarism please.
Now for part #2, I would like you to finish up the data analysis and calculations for 2.1 and 2.2. I have wrote down each all columns you need to use for calculations. Follow file named “1” for part 2.1 and 2.2. Whenever you see plating in origin, do not worry about it you can actually use excel instead of that. The zip file named QA part 2 has all images you need for that part. You have to bring me some source that support the manual file “2”. I have worked through half of 2.1 read it and see if there is any mistakes you find and fix it. World file named “QA part 2 is the one I want you to write for me, I already started this part, and if you read it you will be able to connect between file 1 and the world document. my problem is finding the amplitudes.
Now I want you see see file name “1” for part 3.1 and 3.2. , and follow what is asking you. File named “3” is the manual you need to follow and understand, you need to bring me some answers for the data analysis and if you want to cite the manual just do “ [1]”. I have uploaded the recorded data and it’s in the zip file. Images 1,and 2 has data for 3.1 and 3.2. Make table and answer the questions that re required in file 1, and 3.
Good luck bring me a good quality. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT PHYSICS. DO NOT BRING ME SOMETHING UNRELATED TO PHYSICS. Make sure to add the images and graphs and related you analysis to those for each part. I am sure that i have made some mistakes explaining part 2.1. go over it again and see what calculations and corrections you can do for that part. do part 3 in a separate world document. see file named example for more explanation. Remember, bring me some sources from outside that explain your answers and analysis. Make sure you label them as American journal of physics citation format” and no plagiarism please.
Calculation and Analysis for Sound waves. Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Reflection of final course of nurse practitioner student Health Medical Assignment Help
Topic: Reflection
As this course wraps up, take a moment to examine each of the course outcomes.
- MN610-1: Demonstrate emergent clinical reasoning skill in evaluating, planning and implementing care across gender and age span in a culturally competent manner for patients experiencing acute and chronic disease processes.
- MN610-2: In conjunction with the preceptor, order and interpret diagnostic tests and prescribe medications.
- MN610-3: Employ the concepts of health promotion, health maintenance, health restoration, and health teaching when treating adults.
- MN610-4: Incorporate clients’ cultural preferences, health beliefs, spiritual beliefs, behaviors, and traditional practices into the individualized management plan.
- MN610-5: Develop written and oral communication skills for conveying care related data to the interprofessional team.
Film paper Writing Assignment Help
The final paper should be a comparative study of two (or more) films. You are encouraged to take two of your film reviews and synthesize them to elaborate on the cultural changes that occurred in Greater China through the 20th century. You can opt to include a film we did not watch in class for your comparison, but you must discuss at least one of the films we reviewed as part of the class.
In the paper, you will compare the cultural representations of Greater China in the two films. In addition to making direct references to the films, you are required to use at least two quotes related to your key arguments from the textbook or other assigned readings in the course.
The final paper will be 5-8 pages and follow the MLA format of double spaced and font size 12 and include references.
Click on the link to view the grading rubric for this assignment. You will also submit your essay via this link.
two of the require reading though course:
complete separate outline and complete final project Health Medical Assignment Help
Portfolio Project Milestone (25 points)
Portfolio Project Paper Outline (Complete the outline first in a separate paper, you will be using this outline for the final project
Regardless of which Portfolio Project you have chosen to complete, this week you must complete and submit a one-page outline. Preparing an outline for your Portfolio Project will help you organize your thoughts and research. For more information on how to create a quality outline, review the tips at OWL in addition to the sample outline.
Final project- The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters Case Study (Exercise 11.3) 300 points
Read the “The Challenger and Columbia Shuttle Disasters” case study from the Managing Organizational Change textbook. In a carefully constructed 5-7 page document, address the following course constructs as they relate to the case study:
- Images of managing change
- Types of change
- Challenges for change
- Resistance to change
- Implementing change
- NASA vision and change
- Sustaining change.
The Checklist-to-Success for this assignment:
- Review the grading rubric, which can be accessed in the Module 8 Materials folder, to thoroughly understand the expectations for this assignment.
- Include an introduction, the body of text, and a conclusion.
- Develop a 5-7 page essay (title and reference pages do not count in the page requirement and are required).
- Support your main points with specific examples from the case study.
- Support your major points with citations from course materials and outside sources. Remember that you must cite facts and support your ideas and opinions with credible sources. To complete this assignment, citation of a minimum of five scholarly references other than the course textbook is required. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to locate these references.
- Incorporate both a textual description and a visual representation of your change management model into your paper.
- Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. Your paper should be formatted with double spacing, citations, title page, reference page, and errorless APA formatting.
- Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.
**For the final project you will need to use the textbook which is “Managing Organizational change” A multiple Perspectives approach by Ian Palmer, Richard Dunford and David Buchanan. this project is 300 points so please incorporate as much information possible and it needs to be very detailed.** Below I attached the story which is 6 pages long along with the three questions on page 1, the textbook is needed for additional information to complete this project.
Workload Analysis Computer Science Assignment Help
In this demonstration, you and a friend will complete tasks reputed to be more or less difficult. You will capture performance data (i.e., time and score). You will then complete a workload assessment (i.e., the NASA-TLX) and capture that data. Armed with two sets of results, you will interpret the meaning of the observed differences in workload, both within and across participants. The data interpretation should examine speed (time), accuracy (score), and how well those objective measures are reflected by the subjective ratings from the NASA-TLX.
- Access to the “Hit the Dot” exercise: http://www.dynamicscience.com.au/tester/solutions1/biology/nervoussystem/delete.html
- Access to the subjective workload assessment rating tool: http://www.keithv.com/software/nasatlx/nasatlx.html
- Open or print the performance data collection worksheet: Workload Data Sheet.xlsx
Part 1
- Set your mouse speed at its moderate (or faster) setting and assure the “enhanced mouse precision” is selected.
- Open the control theory exercise: http://www.dynamicscience.com.au/tester/solutions1/biology/nervoussystem/delete.html
- Read the instructions.
- Click “Start Game”.
- Move click on the grey dot as fast as you can.
- Record your time and score (objective performance data) in the workload data sheet.
- Repeat this process (steps 3-5) for a total of ten trials.
- Complete a measure of workload, using the NASA-TLX (subjective performance data): http://www.keithv.com/software/nasatlx/nasatlx.html
- Screen capture the workload summary. It looks like this:
- Set your mouse speed at its slowest setting and remove the “enhanced mouse precision”. (Alternatively, use the mouse pad).
- Repeat the entire process (steps 2-9 above), using the slowest mouse setting without precision (or the mouse pad). Make sure to record the objective data and obtain a screen capture of the subjective data.
Part 2
- Next repeat the entire process with a different participant . Make sure to record the objective data and obtain a screen capture of the subjective data.
Part 3
- Compare the objective performance (score) and the subjective ratings (NASA-TLX) for workload obtained for each of the two levels of difficulty of the task, both within and across participants.
- Does the performance (score) correlate with the subjective experience (the NASA-TLX assessment) of how difficult the tasks are? Explain your results.
- Who had the best score?
- Who had the lowest workload?
- How might this learning apply to the real world?
- Write up your results using the (abridged) scientific paper format (module 2G):
- Introduction with hypothesis
- Method (variables, participant, materials, procedure)
- Results (descriptive statistics, graphs of both data sets)
- Discussion (interpretation of the results)
- Conclusions (lessons learned and applications)
Reference: NASA. (n.d.). NASA-TLX Paper/Pencil Version. NASA TLX: Task Load Index. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from: http://human-factors.arc.nasa.gov/groups/TLX/paperpencil.html