Drawing/Design Science Assignment Help. Drawing/Design Science Assignment Help.
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Scan your 3 drawings and any other extra credit drawings into your computer. Paste them into a power point file. Be sure to include a label in each slide for your drawings ie. art assignment #1, extra credit etc. Upload this file into the submission box below.
The Canvas site only takes files that are less or equal to 20 MB so be sure to compress your images that you include in your power point. Otherwise , Canvas will not allow you to submit .
Please title the file with (your name) art assignments.
Art Assignment #1 = Basic drawing of a natural subject showing texture and shading
Art Assignment #2 = Drawing of a plant – Any part of a plant is fine ie fruit, leaves, tree etc. also must show shading and texture
Art Assignment #3 = Landscape drawing showing distance using the 3 elements of atmospheric perspective ie size of objects, contrast, and detail. Must be drawn on site (not from a photograph)
Drawing/Design Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Someone able to implement a backward SDE with python by a montecarlo regression method? Engineering Assignment Help
Hi everyone, I have a project to do where I have to implement two different backward SDE in a jupyter notebook (kernel python 3) and solving them via a montecarlo regression method. All the theoretical background is in the paper attached “Acturial_Sci_Quant_Finance_009_final_v5” and my personal task is the one to solve the FVA and KVA implementation using the function called “u” in the paper. The work must have a final graph given from the implementation equal to the one in page 10 (the first one by left) that represents the values of FVA and KVA wrt alpha. In the other file I attach you can find the final implementation to do, with the formula (file pdf “Projects” only slides 6 and 7). Please, if anyone could implement them, even if not completely, but at least starting the implementation of the two Backward SDE’s with the montecarlo regression.
Mechanic of Materials (2 related labs) Engineering Assignment Help
remember before u handle this work, this work is so important to me, so i will revise it many times before i turn it in and i will rate u depend on your work quality such as providing correct and full answers and meet all requirements in the attached instructions. Please avoid the Lack of depth in your response.
see the datas then complete and answer the attached WORD documents fully.
don’t forget to graph the data reports via Excel ,
Don’t forget to provide me with:
1: the excel files including graphs for both labs
2: calculations via Excel for both labs
Easy Discussion Replies Other Assignment Help
Must be a minimum of 100 words each
1) Chapter 19: Social Engineering
Hello again class,
Lets talk about Social Engineering today.
Chapter 19 says that Social engineering is a process in which an attacker attempts to acquire information about your network and system by social means, such as talking to people in the organization. A social engineering attack may occur over the phone, by email, or in person. The intent is to acquire access information, such as user IDs and passwords. When the attempt is made through email or instant messaging, this is known as phishing, and it’s often made to look as if a message is coming from sites where users are likely to have accounts (eBay and PayPal are popular).
Now, lets watch the follow video on Social Engineering.
Video Tutorial – Hackers and Social Engineering – 3 Minutes:
Class, what did you learn from the resources above? Thoughts? Experineces?
2) Chapter 19: Locating Lost or Stolen Devices
While theft is certainly a risk, I think most mobile devices are lost. I have personally used the Find My Phone feature before and was able to determine that I had left my phone in a restaurant and retrieved it the same day. I was unaware before reading this text of the remote wipe option. I could see companies who use mobile devices wanting to have this feature available to destroy the contents if the device cannot be located. While it’s a nice to have for personal data, I can see it being essential in an increasingly mobile workforce that carries around customer data.
3) Chapter 19: Destruction and Disposal Methods
Hello again class,
Lets talk about “Destruction and Disposal Methods”.
Your reading says to think of all of the sensitive data written to a hard drive. Data drive can contain information about students, clients, users–about anyone and anything. That hard drive can be in a desktop PC, in a laptop, or even in a printer (many laser printers above consumer grade offer the ability to add a hard drive to store print jobs), and if it falls into the wrong hands, you can not only lose valuable data but also risk a lawsuit for not properly protecting privacy.
Watch the following Video.
Video Tutorial – Destruction of Drive Data – 5 Minutes:
Class, what did you learn from watching the video above? What is quick formatting vs standard formatting?
4) Chapter 21: Downloading Apps on IOS
Your reading talks about Downloading Apps for iOS.
Your reading materials says that Apple’s App Store opened for business in 2008 just ahead of the introduction of the iPhone 3G, which was natively capable of accessing the App Store. The App Store was designed to market and serve applications created with the iOS and Mac software development kits (SDKs). The term app was coined long ago as shorthand for application, but in the period during the naming of Apple’s store, the term saw a resurgence, and it is now mostly associated with mobile applications.
Video Tutorial – Not Downloading – 4 Minutes:
Class, what was some of the solutions provided by the video tutorial? Please be thorough in your responses.
5) Chapter 21: Understanding Bluetooth Connectivity
Chapter 21 talks about how to Establishing Bluetooth Connectivity.
Your reading says the IEEE 802.15 specifies wireless personal area networks (WPANs) that use Bluetooth for data-link transport. The concept is that certain paired devices will be capable of exchanging or synchronizing data over a Bluetooth connection, such as between a mobile device and a desktop or laptop computer. In other cases, the Bluetooth pairing can be used simply to control one device with another, allowing information to flow bidirectionally, even if that transfer does not result in its permanent storage on the destination. Examples of this latter functionality include a Bluetooth headset for a cell phone, a Bluetooth-attached keyboard and mouse, and pairing a smartphone or MP3 player with a vehicle’s sound system.
Now, lets watch the following video.
Video Tutorial – Connectivity of a BlueTooth Device – 3 Mintues:
Class, have you had any bad experiences with connecting to bluetooth? What are the disadvantages?
6) Chapter 21: Mobile OS Versions:
This chapter covered the 3 mobile OS’s Android, Apple iOS and Windows Mobile OS an d its connectivities. It also covered the comparison between each other mobile operating system and its core functionalities. All along I have been an Apple mobile user from the very first model and still continuing to upgrade to newer ones as when it is available. However, I only used Android OS in a Samsung phone when I was traveling to Europe since my iPhone was not unlocked. Unfortunately I never had a chance to use a Windows mobile phone but looking forward to get more details from this chapter. One particular section that caught my attention the number of version each mobile OS released from the beginning. Plenty of good information to learn and looking forward for this week lessons.
Psychological Theory and Coaching Writing Assignment Help
In 750-1,000 words, do the following:
- Summarize the main points/characteristics of one major
psychological theory (Piaget, Vygotsky, Levinson, etc.). - Discuss how the theory relates to elements of successful
coaching. - Explain how reflective learning creates successful
coaches. - Explain how reflective learning creates successful
team members.
Use three to five scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for
successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer
to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Note: Please include a thesis statement in the intro paragraph. Ex: “The purpose of this paper is…” I want this paper to be well detailed and an informative. All research information should come from the gcu library. I will be giving you access to the library. Please if you do not know this subject area, do not attempt to write the essay. The entire essay must have the intro, body paragraphs (Each body paragraph must talk about those four main points in detail), and a conclusion summarizing the purpose of the essay. There should be a total of 6 paragraphs.
looking for helps.. Humanities Assignment Help
http://nfs.sparknotes.com/hamlet/ (Links to an external site.)
Write a 2-3 page double spaced paper called
“Hamlet: A Character Study”
In this paper, I would like for you to spend one to two paragraphs giving a brief synopsis of the whole story.
I then want you to spend one to three paragraphs describing the character of Hamlet. What are his strengths? What are his flaws? What is your opinion of him? Use examples from the play.
I then want you to choose two other characters from the play and do the same thing you did for Hamlet (1-3 paragraphs describing their character). Again, please use examples from the play.
looking for helps.. Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Creationism and Religion vs Evolution and the Scientific Method Humanities Assignment Help
Write one paper (i.e., a SINGLE PAPER IN A SINGLE FILE that is 2-pages maximum in total length (double-spaced) with 12 font size in black or dark blue typescript color) and submit in a SINGLE FILE.
Your SINGLE paper (only one file) should respond to the 2 guide questions posted with the assignment. Since your entire paper is restricted to 2 pages maximum, it is probably best to use 1 page to respond to each guide question. To reiterate, submit only a SINGLE FILE with your responses to the 2 guide questions. DO NOT SUBMIT SEPARATE FILES FOR YOUR RESPONSES TO THE 2 GUIDE QUESTIONS!
Respond to the following 2 questions:
1. Does the DNA data regarding human evolution and human migrations conflict with the “theory of creationism”? Explain.
2. Critique the believability or non-believability of the evidence that supports or refutes creationism and the evidence that supports or refutes human evolution. Explain your position or perspective(s) and avoid simply “declaring truth ” or citing from a given holy book.
Critical Annotations Humanities Assignment Help
Forming your own opinions and coming up with new ideas in response to your reading are very important parts of the reading process, but you need to learn how to produce these reactions. As you read, plan to record your notes on a separate piece of paper.
First, create two columns. Then, as you read, write the author’s main ideas on the left and your reactions to those ideas on the right side of the page. Be prepared to explain the connection between your notes and the material you’ve read.
Please note the following with regard to the completion and submission of the critical annotation assignments:
1. Each week’s annotations are to be submitted in ONE typed document with the chapters individually labeled and annotated and entries numbered.
2. Please review the example provided for the required format.
3. While there is no minimum number of annotations required, your work should reflect the content of the chapter.
4. Grammar is not specifically evaluated; however, if it is so poor that it impedes my ability to understand what you have written, it will impact your score. Please remember your task, in all written assignments, is to clearly articulate the relative facts and/or your thoughts as they relate to the subject at hand.
looking for helps.. Humanities Assignment Help
http://nfs.sparknotes.com/hamlet/ (Links to an external site.)
Write a 2-3 page double spaced paper called
“Hamlet: A Character Study”
In this paper, I would like for you to spend one to two paragraphs giving a brief synopsis of the whole story.
I then want you to spend one to three paragraphs describing the character of Hamlet. What are his strengths? What are his flaws? What is your opinion of him? Use examples from the play.
I then want you to choose two other characters from the play and do the same thing you did for Hamlet (1-3 paragraphs describing their character). Again, please use examples from the play.
looking for helps.. Humanities Assignment Help
http://nfs.sparknotes.com/hamlet/ (Links to an external site.)
Write a 2-3 page double spaced paper called
“Hamlet: A Character Study”
In this paper, I would like for you to spend one to two paragraphs giving a brief synopsis of the whole story.
I then want you to spend one to three paragraphs describing the character of Hamlet. What are his strengths? What are his flaws? What is your opinion of him? Use examples from the play.
I then want you to choose two other characters from the play and do the same thing you did for Hamlet (1-3 paragraphs describing their character). Again, please use examples from the play.
Write a 2-3 page double spaced paper called
“Hamlet: A Character Study”
In this paper, I would like for you to spend one to two paragraphs giving a brief synopsis of the whole story.
I then want you to spend one to three paragraphs describing the character of Hamlet. What are his strengths? What are his flaws? What is your opinion of him? Use examples from the play.
I then want you to choose two other characters from the play and do the same thing you did for Hamlet (1-3 paragraphs describing their character). Again, please use examples from the play.