DSU Wk 7 Social Work Identifying Internal & External Barriers & Helen Discussions Humanities Assignment Help

DSU Wk 7 Social Work Identifying Internal & External Barriers & Helen Discussions Humanities Assignment Help. DSU Wk 7 Social Work Identifying Internal & External Barriers & Helen Discussions Humanities Assignment Help.

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Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2013c). Petrakis family: Episode 3 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

Discussion 1 – Week 7


Self-Reflection and Awareness

Exploring the reasons for wanting to be in social work and examining your motives for choosing a career of helping others is very important. Your background, including childhood experiences, may be instrumental in bringing you into the field of social work. Understanding the possible connection and working to resolve any underlying unresolved issues is essential to becoming an effective social worker. While working with a client, you must strive to be objective, but in the end we are all human with past hurtful experiences that can impact our ability to effectively work with clients. While complete objectivity is impossible and not expected, it is necessary to self-reflect and become aware of when a situation or a certain personality type causes you to react in an unprofessional manner. Understanding potential internal and external barriers you and your client bring to the room will assist you in balancing an appropriate empathetic response with proper objectivity.

For this Discussion, review the Geller & Greenberg (2012) article and the program case study for the Petrakis family, and view the corresponding video.

Post by Day 3 your explanation of the importance of identifying internal and external barriers of the client and social worker. Then describe the barriers experienced by Helen and the social work intern. Finally, suggest ways the intern could overcome these barriers.

Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Discussion 2 – Week 7



Knowing that clients might react negatively to your work with them may cause anxiety, frustration, and even anger. It is inevitable that you will work with a client who expresses anger or disappointment over working with you. This does happen in the social work field and is to be expected over time. Understanding how you might react to allegations of incompetence or anger over incomplete goals is essential to managing this type of exchange. While a negative interaction may be justified if either person did not fulfill responsibilities, often it is a result of the client’s personal reaction to the situation. The best response is to use these interactions to build the therapeutic bond and to assist clients in learning more about themselves. Stepping back to analyze why the client is reacting and addressing the concern will help you and the client learn from the experience.

For this Discussion, review the program case study for the Petrakis family.

Post by Day 4 a description of ways, as Helen’s social worker, you might address Helen’s anger and accusations against you. How might you feel at that moment, and how would you maintain a professional demeanor? Finally, how might you use self-disclosure as a strategy in working with Helen?

Support your posts with specific references to the Learning Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

DSU Wk 7 Social Work Identifying Internal & External Barriers & Helen Discussions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 301 Saudi Electronic University Google Company Evaluation System Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

lease read the case “Google” from Chapter 6Motivation.Page: – 187 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019)and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1.Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get?(1.25 Marks )

2.Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers? (1.25 Marks )

3.Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how? (1.25 Marks )


Discussion question:Page: -167, please see the table and read carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4.Which of the outcomes inTable 6-2are most appealing to you? Are you more attracted to extrinsic outcomes or intrinsic outcomes? Do you think that your preferences will change as you get


FU Sport Management Sporting Events & Event Experience Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Hey guys, another assignment to do, trying to clean all my tasks for the week. Pretty much all information and and question are below, but please if you have any question let me know.

No Format needed, just answer the questions.

Thank you guys

Before you begin putting together your own marketing plan for Wind Surge Opening Day, I want you to consider the marketing planning process as well as items read last week about marketing mix and promotional mix, and consider how these relate to a sporting event that you have previously been to.

Think about the last sporting event** you went to as a fan (pre-pandemic) and submit a fully developed answer for each of the following questions (should be around 500 words total).

  • What are some of the factors that compelled you to purchase a ticket and/or attend the event?
  • Other than the product on the field/court, what stood out to you about your experience at the event?
  • What was the overall attendance like? And what do you think are some factors that lead to that attendance?
  • What do you feel the organization could have done to enhance your experience?
  • Will you attend future events?


The University Of Arizona The Role of Nutrient Contamination Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Several coastal areas of Florida has been impacted by major algae blooms in recent years. Some of these blooms are caused by various kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, often referred to as blue-green algae. In addition, several coastal areas of southwest Florida, the panhandle, and, most recently, southwest Florida have been impacted by “red tides”, which in Florida area usually associated with a marine dinoflagellate called Karenia brevis.

While the two types of algae blooms are quite different in how and where they form, both cause significant environmental harm – including large fish kills. Toxins from Karenia brevis and certain kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, particularly Microcystis and Anabaena species, can also have adverse impacts on human health.

Media and public discussions about these algal blooms have often been quite contentious, confusing, and, in some cases, outright wrong. Leading scientists have therefore attempted to communicate scientific knowledge directly to the public. For this discussion board exercise, you will think carefully about the (somewhat different!) thoughts of two well-respected scientific researchers:

– Dr. Michael Crosby, President of Mote Marine Laboratory – https://www.heraldtribune.com/opinion/20180817/gue…

– Dr. Karl Havens, former Director of the Florida Sea Grant Program – https://www.gainesville.com/opinion/20180815/karl-…

After reading both of these articles, answer the following three questions:

1) Based on what you have learned so far about the typical limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems (and, yes, Lake Okeechobee is freshwater), what nutrient would you generally expect to be the most likely limiting resource for Lake Okeechobee?

2) How do Crosby and Havens each describe the role of nutrient contamination, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, in initiating freshwater cyanobacteria (aka, blue-green algae blooms) blooms in Lake Okeechobee? What other factors do either of these researchers cite as a potential “trigger” for the cyanobacteria blooms to form in Lake Okeechobee?

3) Based on your reading of both Crosby and Havens (as well as any materials from lecture or other sources), describe why and how severe freshwater cyanobacteria blooms frequently occur in normally brackish ecosystems like the St. Lucie River estuary (on the east coast) and Caloosahatchee River estuary (on the west coast). (Hint – freshwater cyanobacteria normally would not survive in a saltwater estuary environment.)

Write for each question 150-250 words

This discussion board is worth 12.5 points. You can receive up to 10 points, which I will grade for completeness and thoughtfulness. You can also earn 2.5 additional points for responses to two other student comments (1.25 points per response).(I’ll send you two student’s posts after answering the questions) write for each comment 50-70 words


Ohlone College The Impact of COVID 19 Pandemic on Education Speech Outline Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Communications presentation and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

DUE ON 10/15 11:59PM


Student speeches should be between 4 to 5 minutes long. Students will deliver a speech in which they present information to an audience of students. Their topic must pertain to the students in class . Their speech is a briefing on that topic, its background, and the important issues of it. They are trying to help the audience to reach a decision about the topic without telling them what decision to make.


  • Your outline must be typed with a decent font, 12-size, at least one full page.
  • Your outline must also pass with 80% this time; if not, your grade will be affected.



AAS33A San Jose State University The reality of Racism in America Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Step 1: Listen to the spoken word poem below. It may take numerous listens to understand, so do not get intimidated. With any type of poetry/song, there are certain parts that will “speak to you.” Focus on these parts while listening.

Step 2: Write a 200-250 word paragraph response addressing these questions:

  • What did you think of the poem? Provide examples
  • Can you relate to the song? Or, do you know somebody that could relate? How?
  • At the beginning of the poem, the group records some overlapping narratives: “Why are you so angry?”, “If you don’t it here, just leave” and “There’s no racism here in America.” Why do you think they did this? Explain
  • Which lyrics stood out to the most? Why? (If you choose a long lyric, this does not count as part of your 200-250 response).

poem link:


AAS33A San Jose State University The reality of Racism in America Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FITM The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition Essay Writing Assignment Help

In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1).

In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768). Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.


University of Florida Telecommunication Technologies Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Standards Organizations may be used for reference to complete this assignment.


Write a fully developed paper in which you:

Select one of the working groups in the IETF or IEEE and briefly summarize what this group is working on.

Justify the need of the IEEE 802 standard used in networking.

Evaluate the three standard organizations including IEEE, ISO, and ANSI to determine the most important for communication technology.

Take a position on the need for a federal regulating body of standards such as NIST. Include supporting evidence to justify your opinion.

Use at least three quality resources in this assignment and write three pages double space. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Justify a position on the need for a federal regulating body of standards informed by research of the three standard organizations.


HLS 300 Colorado Technical University Police Chief Leadership Speech Law Assignment Help

Running Head: Leadership styles

You are a newly hired fire or police chief (you may choose which) and are expected to address the city manager with your leadership objectives for the department. Start by writing an introductory speech to identify your leadership style and how you plan to effectively lead your firefighters or officers.

  • In 2-3 pages, write an introductory speech to the city manager that addresses the following:
    • What types of leaders are required in dangerous occupations? Why?
    • How do emergency response leaders differ from public policy leaders? Explain.
    • What do you want the city manager to know about you? Why?
    • What do you want newly hired first responders to know about you? Why?
    • From what you have learned about HR organizations and hiring expectations, how does your leadership style translate into the types of people you would hire? Explain.
  • All sources must be referenced using APA style. Intext citation and references a must.


NUR 2180 Rasmussen College Musculoskeletal System Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Can you do this in 3 days

Patient Case1

Mrs. Gladys Runngingbird is an 82-year-old Native American female who recently fell, requiring hospitalization. She has been in the skilled nursing facility for 12 days now for rehabilitation with physical therapy. Current medications include alendronate sodium (Fosamax) for osteoarthritis. Supplements are a multivitamin, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium. She has no known food, drug, or environmental allergies. She states “I feel stiff and cold. My legs and hands don’t work the way they used to.” She reports chronic pain in both of her hands and intermittent pain in her right hip from the fall.

Physical Exam:

Vital Signs: Oral Temp 36.6 C, HR 82 BPM, RR 18, and BP 122/64.

Inspection: Active ROM in hands approximately 50% decreased from expected with flexion, extension, and hyperextension. Right hip abduction and internal rotation are limited to 15-20 degrees due to pain. Nodules visibly present in hands and knees.

Palpation: Tenderness noted over joints in bilateral hands. Muscle strength is 2/5 in bilateral hands and 3/5 bilateral legs.

NOTE: This is not a comprehensive list of all that should be included in the documentation.


DSU Wk 7 Social Work Identifying Internal & External Barriers & Helen Discussions Humanities Assignment Help

DSU Wk 7 Social Work Identifying Internal & External Barriers & Helen Discussions Humanities Assignment Help

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