Duality in Projective Geometry and Spherical Geometry Problems Mathematics Assignment Help. Duality in Projective Geometry and Spherical Geometry Problems Mathematics Assignment Help.
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a) Make it as easy as possible, as you will explain to a novice!
b) Add to figures when you explain the solutions.
c) Please add which theory you used to solve the questions
1. What is meant by ….
(a) ellipse, hyperbola and parabola;
(b) spherical geometry,
(c) duality in projective geometry,
(d) hyperbolic geometry,
(e) and fractals?
2. Make below constructions with compasses and (ungraded) ruler.
(a) Show how to divide a given distance into three equal parts. Enter the theorems you use.
(b) Show how to invert a distance OA. You must therefore master a procedure such as gives a point A1 such that OA OA1 = 1. A circle with radius 1 should be used.
(c) Construct √5
3. Some proofs:
(a) Prove Euclid’s 32nd theorem: the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.
(b) Prove that in a circle the midpoint angle, ∠AMB, is twice the peripheral angle, ∠AP B.
(c) A circle passes through all the corners of a quadrilateral. Show that the sum of two opposite angles is always equal to 180 degrees. And vice versa: In a quadrilateral, the sum of opposite angles is 180 degrees. Show that there is a circle that goes through all the corners of the quadrilateral.
(d) Prove the chord theorem both when the point P lies inside the circle and outside and touches it. (When the point P is outside the circle, the theorem is usually called the secant theorem)
(e) Prove that the three medians of a triangle intersect at a point.
(f) Prove that a point P lies on a bisector to the angle ∠BAC ⇔ The heights from P to the angle legs AB and AC are equal in length.
(g) Prove that the three bisectrices of a triangle intersect at a point.
(h) Prove the bisector theorem for an inner angle.
(i) Prove Pythagoras’ theorem. You must know two different proofs. Euclid’s proof and another that you choose yourself.
(j) Derive the expression for the area of a spherical triangle, see the course book. I have posted a Youtube clip under the course documents about this. Feel free to make your own sketch of a ball or orange.
course book: https://ibb.co/F3X78Vv
Duality in Projective Geometry and Spherical Geometry Problems Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Cedar Crest College Buddhism The Four Noble Truths Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help
Q-1Buddhism has spread to many lands, and is the fourth largest religion in the world. It has shown the ability to adapt to history and culture. What did you know about Buddhism before the reading? After the reading in the book and the lecture, what are the elements of Buddhism that you find most interesting? Why are the teachings of The Buddha so attractive?
Q2-Buddhism shares many of the same concepts and words with Hinduism. Sometimes, the two religions use the same word, but their understanding of that word is different. This has much to do with Buddhism coming out of the Hindu context, but also wanting to reform some Hindu thought. How does the author explain the Buddhist understanding of karma and samsara? Are these explanations different from Hinduism? Were there other shared concepts between the two religions that Buddhism interpreted differently?
With two responses to two students. One short paragraph each.
Read the article linked here about the Dalai Lama’s escape to India in 1959:
Acaydia Spa and School of Aesthetics Creating Environment for Learning Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
for this assignment you will add a paragraph to each part of the teacher observation. Only use the references that are on the paper. The you tube videos, and the book is attached You will need to use the book. I believe we are on Chapter 8,and 9. The name of the book is Creating Environments for Learning Author: Julie Bullard ISBN: 978-0-13-401455-5. The book is in the book shelf. You will need to log in to retrieve the ebook. Please only use this book ,and the listed you tube references as a reference. Also please include intext citation.
add a paragraph to the following
1. Introduction add a paragraph
2. Summary add a paragraph for each part
3. Conclusion add a paragraph
UBC Goods and Services Tax Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment 11
Goods and Services Tax
Choose There is no video on this topic just a link to the CBSA website so do use your notes:
Tell me what the advantages as a small business operator are to be registered with GST.
Please no more than ½ page on this topic.
Assignment B
Doc, B15 Export reporting
Take the 2 items you imported from LA Exports and you are sending them to Great Britain:
This document is no longer available on the CBSA website. Go to the learning hub and see in CBSA documents. Print the document then fill it out and scan or take a picture of it.
You have sold these items to:
England importers
London England
UC Business Process & Lead to Achieving Organizational Goals on Completion Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Responses to other students initial posts (Please refer the uploaded document for other students initial posts)
Total of 6 Responses
Minimum of 250 words for each response
Minimum of 2 APA References for each response
Responses should cover:
Ask a captivating, thoughtful question about the topic.
Provide extensive additional information on the topic
Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
Make an argument concerning the topic.
Please follow the format below:
Response 1, References
Response 2, References
Response 6, References
University of Nevada Las Vegas Mathematical Equations Exam Practice Mathematics Assignment Help
Hello? Can you help me do these 21 questions of math please?
You also need to use excel files to finish these questions too.
You may only use Excel and this Word document.
You will put all of your answers and support in THIS Word file. This means do not use the words “look at my Excel file” for the answer. The evaluator will not be looking at your Excel file except in rare circumstances where an answer does not make sense and the Excel file is being used to evaluate partial credit. In other words, “Excel file consulted = less than full points on question.”
When asked to put mathematical equations, you may either put in actual mathematical equations or approximate mathematical equations (e.g., B0 or β0 are acceptable)
Round all answers to 2 decimal places.
Save often. Submitting the correct and completed file is your own responsibility.
When you complete your exam submit your Word and Excel documents within the Canvas quiz
so I will need the excel file too
I attached files
one file is for the paper of questions, the other one is for data
University of Nevada Las Vegas Mathematical Equations Exam Practice Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Johns Hopkins University International Law Situational Questions Discussion Law Assignment Help
7 International Law situational questions:
1.The International Court of Justice is frequently referred to informally as “the World Court.” But is that term accurate? Is the ICJ “the World Court”?
2.As you know, the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over such internationally-recognized offenses as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. At the Kampala Conference in 2010, the Assembly of States Parties added to that list the crime of aggression. Should the jurisdiction of the ICC be expanded to include other crimes? If so, which, and why? If not, should we be concerned that this list is too narrow, which may allow serious human rights abusers to evade justice?
3.The Refugee Convention of 1951 defines a refugee as someone who has fled, or is in any event outside, his or her country of nationality, and is unable to return because of “a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, [or] membership of a particular social group or political opinion.” Europe, and to a lesser extent the Unites States, are currently being inundated by individuals described by the mainstream media as “refugees,” but who do not meet the Convention’s definition: they are seeking improved quality of life, not fleeing from persecution. Assuming that “economic migrants” are not eligible to receive the benefits to which refugees are entitled under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol, what obligations must receiving states honor in their treatment of these people?
4.Ever since it handed down its judgment in the Gabcikovo-Nagamaros Project Case in 1997, the ICJ has increasingly suggested that states depending on a common natural resource, such as a watercourse, are bound by an obligation, established through customary international law, of “equitable sharing.” Numerous international environmental treaties are based on this principle. This is said to derive from the concept of sic utere tuo, which the Court held in the Corfu Channel Case in 1949 is a rule binding on all states.
That sounds delightful, doesn’t it? Who could be against “equitable sharing”? But it is terribly vague. When, say, a river flows from Country A into Country B, and Country A desires to build a dam that will substantially reduce the river water available in Country B but will bring substantial improvements to the quality of life of the people of Country A, what considerations should be taken into account in determining whether the proposed “sharing” of the watercourse is “equitable”?
5.If a Panel established under the World Trade Organization Agreement finds that a Member has denied another Member a benefit guaranteed under the treaty (for example, by denying its products most-favored-nation status or national treatment), and the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) accepts this finding, the DSB will grant the offending Member an opportunity to bring its trade measure into conformity with the WTO Agreement. If the offending Member does not do so within the time allotted, the DSB may authorize the affected Member to retaliate against the offender by imposing tariffs or other trade restrictions on import of its goods. Should the WTO Agreement be amended to allow the DSB to award monetary damages as compensation to the injured Member?
6.What would be the outcome were the General Assembly to seek an advisory opinion from the ICJ on the question: “Is the practice of capital punishment for the commission of certain criminal offenses in domestic legal systems consistent with conventional and customary international law?”
7. In the last two decades, three of the five permanent members of the Security Council have been accused of serious violations of international law (some examples are: Russia – the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight #17 over Ukraine and the invasion of Crimea; China – the treatment of the Uighur minority, human rights violations in Hong Kong, and the unilateral claims of sovereignty over areas in the South China Sea; the U.S. – unauthorized invasion of Iraq, human rights violations at Guantanamo and elsewhere, and the use of drones in places like Yemen and Somalia).
Obviously, all three deny these allegations, and to answer this question you need not accept that any of them is (or is not) accurate. But whether or not the charges are legally supported, the mere fact that they have generated widespread discussion raises this issue: what, if any, opportunities does the international legal regime provide to review the legality of acts and omissions of the P-5?
UMB Social Media Influencers on The Consumer Decision Making Process Summary Writing Assignment Help
This discussion topic provides you an opportunity to share your executive summary for your white paper with your classmates.
Please read over the document “Strategies in Writing the Executive Summary.” This is posted in Content for Week 6.
After reading this document, please ensure that you have applied the strategies it outlines when you wrote your executive summary.
Then post a draft of your executive summary for your white paper. This will allow your fellow students to see the topic on which you are writing your white paper and the possible conclusions you have come up with.
Please note that your executive summary might change a bit before you submit the final draft of your white paper.
Revise White paper and provide a summary
Southeastern CC Health Screenings and Immunizations on Older Adults Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Head-to-Toe Assessment
For this assignment, perform a complete head-to-toe assessment on someone of your choice or a hypothetical person who has at least two (2) systems issues. Use the head-to-toe template here to document your assessment (add more lines as needed). In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages (in addition to the template) formatted in APA style, discuss the remaining criteria for the assignment. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.
In your paper, address each of the following criteria:
- Use the template and include:
- System being assessed.
- Detailed review of each system with normal and abnormal findings.
- For any system for which you do not have equipment, explain how you would do the assessment.
- Normal laboratory findings for client age.
- An analysis of age-specific risk reduction health screening and immunizations.
- Two differential diagnoses (diseases) associated with possible abnormal findings.
- A plan of care (including two priority-nursing diagnoses, interventions, evaluation).
- Pharmacological treatments that can be used to address health issues for this client.
- Client and age appropriate evidenced-based practice strategies for health promotion.
On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.
• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template
Submission Details:
- Name your document SU_NSG3012_W4_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
- Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
ENG 315 Strayer University Job Search and Application Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
- Review a guide to writing cover letters, located at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/549/01/. Next,
reflect on what you learned regarding the importance and structure of
job application cover letters. Ascertain the key factors an employer may
take into consideration when determining whether an applicant receives a
job interview. - Identify two (2) key skills that you learned during the course that you think will add to your communication effectiveness.
- Think
about your goal established in Week 5’s discussion. How well did you
progress towards achieving that goal? What additional work must you do
to achieve or expand that goal?
Duality in Projective Geometry and Spherical Geometry Problems Mathematics Assignment Help
Duality in Projective Geometry and Spherical Geometry Problems Mathematics Assignment Help