Dublin Institute of Technology Competitive Marketing Strategies Reflective Journal Business Finance Assignment Help

Dublin Institute of Technology Competitive Marketing Strategies Reflective Journal Business Finance Assignment Help. Dublin Institute of Technology Competitive Marketing Strategies Reflective Journal Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Reflective Journal 

Please identify one key topic in this higher-level marketing course which from your point of view can be distinguished most from other marketing-related courses you have taken before.

Elaborate in detail on what the major differences are, in terms of the content and in terms of the application of knowledge in real-world business.


Firstly, review all the topics you have gone through over the previous months and think of all the things that you have learned in this course. 

Secondly, identify one of the key topics that has impressed you the most due to its distinguishing features in comparison to other marketing-related courses. 

Thirdly, explain clearly what the significant differences in content and application of knowledge throughout your learning journey are.

Dublin Institute of Technology Competitive Marketing Strategies Reflective Journal Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Wk 4 Im Nobody Who Are You Emily Dickinson Poem Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me study.


Sorry for posting it late as I was on the move but here is the week 4 discussion. You have to read a poetry and then follow the prompt and create a 3 pages double spaced response.

Detailed instructions attached.

I will attach peer response later for you to reply.

My regular tutor is not available it seems (not replying so I can assume) so if I pick you, you must have access to this book as it is required.

Literature: The Human Experience, Shorter Twelfth Edition, Bedford St. Martins


MITS 6011 CQU Data Analysis Data Warehousing & Data Mining in Banking Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing case study and need an explanation to help me learn.

The Introduction of the research report contains a full introduction to the research you have undertaken. The Introduction normally contains a statement of the problem (including the initial research question, the Significance of the problem, some historical background. The purpose, or goal to be gained from a better understanding of the research question, statement of hypothesis, any assumptions and limitations as well as any possible ethical considerations. Perhaps also a brief overview of the methodology.

The format of the Introduction can be found in the example document (report.doc, chapter 1). Use this document as a starting point to develop your Introduction (add and delete sections as appropriate).

Your submission also contains the full abstract. This is an extension of the initial abstract submitted with the proposal document and summarizes the report including the hypotheses, procedures, and major findings (you will not be conducting the research, so you won’t have any findings). The Full abstract should be no more than one page.

Submit this chapter by the due date and time to the assignment drop-box.


SAC Art Appreciation Sensa Productions the Jigsaw Short Film Formal Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a art discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Formal Analysis of the film, The Jigsaw

88 unread replies.88 replies.

Initial Discussion: For this Fine Arts Formal Analysis discussion, you will utilize the information learned in this module to answer and discuss specific questions about the film, The Jigsaw:

Formal Analysis Questions (Required):

  • What are some of the main elements of the films plotline, such as the Exposition, the Inciting Incident or Conflict, the Climax, and the Resolution?
  • What aspects of this film’s plotline or cinematography demonstrate an influence of such cinema genres as Narrative Film, German Expressionism, and Soviet Montage? Explain with a minimum of two examples from the film.
  • How did the director, cinematographer, and editor use cinema techniques, such as Camera Movement, Shot Types, Montage, Rhythm in editing, Music, and the films Mise En Scene to create Foreshadowing, Discovery, and Reversal within the plotline of the film. Explain with examples from the film.
  • How did the director and/or cinematographer use techniques of Camera Movement and Shot Types to create an impression on you as a viewer? Explain with specific examples within the film?
  • Compare and contrast some of the films cinema techniques with the film, Citizen Kane. How are the films camera and cinematography techniques similar and how are they different in creating drama for the viewer? Explain why with specific examples within the films.

Personal Perspective Questions (Required):

  • Which main elements of the play’s plotline made an impression on you as a viewer? Explain why with specific examples within the film?
  • What did you learn about this specific work of cinema in general from this Formal Analysis?
  • Did this Formal Analysis change the way you think about cinema? What else do you want to know or learn about cinema?


University Melbourne City Campus Smart Contactless Thermometer Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a networking project and need an explanation to help me study.

project title – non-contact smart thermometer

Project Proposal

1. Background and Rationale for the project

One product is a smart contactless thermometer that can be built and sold economically.

The team has to develop basic circuity and use widely available and economical microcontrollers (such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc.) to produce a hardware system that should allow users to use this device, without physical contact with it, to read their body temperature. That means such a device can be used autonomously without having another human being point a temperature gun at you or even come near you. As an example, the use of this device could be in areas with automatic doors where the device could be linked to the doorway to allow people to pass through if their temperature is below a certain threshold. This would reduce the cost of an FTE doing temperature checks or allow the person doing temperature checks to be utilized in other areas of the business.

Finally, if the circuity detects higher temperature than normal it should be able to alert via three systems: SMS and Email to the authority and Activate a voice alert system which will play a pre-recorded message asking the individual with higher temperature to step aside to a designated spot in a public building setting.

2. Project goals and Objectives


The aim of the proposed system is to develop basic circuity and use widely available and economical microcontrollers (such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc) to produce a hardware system that should allow users to use this device, without physical contact with it, to read their body temperature.

4. Project Resources


  • Project supervisor and guidelines.
  • Necessary data to simulate the prototype in a testing environment.
  • Microcontroller, cables, IR sensor for temperature, and other basic hardware’s used in the development
  • Programing tools and platforms.

I need to write 6 literature reviews on that as well as with references from 2017-2021

and write project domain with research questions and explain as well.

question 1. Problem domain
and research
Has the identified a research problem and described it clearly?
Are the research questions relevant to the problem being studied(minimum 6 questions with explanation)

question2.Is the summary of the literature review clear, specific and does it
capture the essence of the literature review is conducted? ( minimum 6 literature review with references in IEEE style)



Cuyamaca College Character Rankings in the Late Paper Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.


  1. Read the Case Study on The Late Paper in your On Course textbook page 42.
  2. Take a moment to think about all 6 characters in the story and their involvement in the late paper.
  3. Rank the characters in order of their responsibility for Kim’s failing grade in Psychology 101 on a scale of 1-6. So a score of 1 would mean that a character is the most responsible for Kim’s failing grade and a score of 6 would mean that a character is the least responsible for Kim’s failing grade.
  4. Give a different score to each character.
  5. Explain your choices in a paragraph. Be descriptive and give examples to demonstrate how you ranked the characters

Cuyamaca College Character Rankings in the Late Paper Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hofstra University Four Diamond Service and More Case Study Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Case 1

Homegrown Talent: Mary Barra Rises to GM’s Top Post
Pages 191-196 (Chapter 5)

Read the Case Study entitled, “Homegrown Talent: Mary Barra Rises to GM’s Top Post” on pages 195-196 (Chapter 5). Then, answer all of the questions at the end of the case.

Case 2
Loews Hotels: Training for Four-Diamond Service and More
Pages 274 – 275 (Chapter 7)

Read the Case Study entitled, “Loews Hotels: Training for Four-Diamond Service and More ” on pages 274-275 (Chapter 7). Then, answer all of the questions at the end of the case.

I selected the most interesting and applicable cases for the class. Please be sure to back up your answers to both of these cases with facts from the textbook. Please number each of your answers. This is very important so that I understand which questions you are responding to. Remember, it is quality that counts so be brief, thorough, and to the point. Good Luck!

Please be sure to back up your answers to both of these cases with facts from the textbook (please use APA format). Your case reports should have a minimum of 1000 words combined (500 words each). Please submit your case reports as Word documents (or both case reports as one Word document). Please number each of your answers, so that I understand which questions you are responding to.

Please upload your assignment (by clicking Week 2 HR Case Assignment above then Browse My Computer) in a Word document by Sunday 11:59 PM Eastern Time. See video below for directions on how to post. You can only post your assignments once (please attach both documents at the same time)! I will not accept late submissions.

HR Case Grading Criteria:

Grading Rubric

Total Points Possible

Thoroughly answered all of the questions


References to course material


Spelling/Grammar at the college level
(Please take this seriously)


Total: 100 points


Cuyamaca College Victim Statements Into Creator Statements Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

After reading Chapter 2 pages 42-55 in your On Course textbook, we will practice the language of personal responsibility. Learning to translate Victim statements into Creator statements will help you to master the language of successful people.


  1. Write the following Victim statements below:
    • If they’d do something about the parking on campus, I wouldn’t be late so often.
    • I’m failing my online class because the site is impossible to navigate.
    • I’m too shy to ask questions in class even when I’m confused.
    • She’s a lousy instructor. That’s why I failed the first test.
    • I hate group projects because people are lazy and I always end up doing most of the work.
    • I wish I could write better, but I just can’t.
    • My friend got me so angry that I can’t even study for the exam
    • I’ll try to do my best this semester.
    • The financial aid form is too complicated to fill out.
    • I work nights so I didn’t have time to do the assignment.
  2. Translate the Victim statements into Creator statements. Remember that the two keys to Creator language are taking ownership and making a plan. When you respond as if you are responsible for a bad situation, then you are empowered to do something about it (unlike Victims, who wait for someone else to solve their problems).
  3. Write a paragraph addressing what you have learned about how you use Creator language. Is it your habit to speak as a Victim or as a Creator? Do you find yourself more inclined to blame yourself, blame others, or seek solutions? Give examples


Cuyamaca College Accepting Personal Responsibility Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.

By choosing to take responsibility for your life, you will immediately gain an increased power to achieve your greatest potential. Remember that obstacles are a part of life, but it’s what you do after an obstacle that can make the difference between achieving your goals or remaining stagnant. In this activity we will learn about the Creator Mindset and the Victim Mindset.


  1. Read Chapter 2 pages 42-55 in your On Course textbook.
  2. Write and complete each of the sentence stems below. For example, someone might complete the first sentence stem as follows: If I take personal responsibility for my education, I will focus on really learning and not just getting good grades.
    • If I take personal responsibility for my education…
    • If I take personal responsibility for my career…
    • If I take personal responsibility for my relationships…
    • If I take personal responsibility for my health…
    • If I take personal responsibility for all that happens to me…
  3. Write a paragraph about a personal experience in which you did not take personal responsibility, and explain the effects of this choice on your life. What would be different if you had taken personal responsibility? And what would you do differently now that you know better? Be sure to reference Figure 2.1 in the On Course textbook, so you are familiar with the behavior patterns of the Victim Mindset


Cuyamaca College Low Voltage Power at the Escalator Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.

man sitting on escalator

Class Discussion:

  1. After reading Chapter 2 pages 42-55 in your On Course textbook, watch the video Broken Escalator. What would you do if you were stuck on a broken escalator? I’m sure a number of you laughed at the ridiculousness of the broken escalator problem video. It’s comical because most people would simply walk up the stairs. Well imagine for a moment that the people in the video don’t see that as an option. Instead, they expect someone else to come along and solve their problem. They are being Victims, not Creators.
  2. In the discussion, write a paragraph describing a time (either past or present) where you got stuck, and didn’t see a solution to your problem. In other words, what “broken escalators” exist in your life? Keep in mind that all discussion posts will be visible to the class, so be sure to select an example you are comfortable sharing with the class.
    • Then write down a plan of action to solve your “broken escalator” problem.
  3. Reply to one of your classmates posts and discuss anything you have learned from their post or something you may have in common


https://anyessayhelp.com/. What would you do if you were stuck on a broken escalator? I’m sure a number of you laughed at the ridiculousness of the broken escalator problem video. It’s comical because most people would simply walk up the stairs. Well imagine for a moment that the people in the video don’t see that as an option. Instead, they expect someone else to come along and solve their problem. They are being Victims, not Creators.

  • In the discussion, write a paragraph describing a time (either past or present) where you got stuck, and didn’t see a solution to your problem. In other words, what “broken escalators” exist in your life? Keep in mind that all discussion posts will be visible to the class, so be sure to select an example you are comfortable sharing with the class.
    • Then write down a plan of action to solve your “broken escalator” problem.
  • Reply to one of your classmates posts and discuss anything you have learned from their post or something you may have in common
  • [supanova_question]

    https://anyessayhelp.com/. What would you do if you were stuck on a broken escalator? I’m sure a number of you laughed at the ridiculousness of the broken escalator problem video. It’s comical because most people would simply walk up the stairs. Well imagine for a moment that the people in the video don’t see that as an option. Instead, they expect someone else to come along and solve their problem. They are being Victims, not Creators.

  • In the discussion, write a paragraph describing a time (either past or present) where you got stuck, and didn’t see a solution to your problem. In other words, what “broken escalators” exist in your life? Keep in mind that all discussion posts will be visible to the class, so be sure to select an example you are comfortable sharing with the class.
    • Then write down a plan of action to solve your “broken escalator” problem.
  • Reply to one of your classmates posts and discuss anything you have learned from their post or something you may have in common
  • [supanova_question]

    https://anyessayhelp.com/. What would you do if you were stuck on a broken escalator? I’m sure a number of you laughed at the ridiculousness of the broken escalator problem video. It’s comical because most people would simply walk up the stairs. Well imagine for a moment that the people in the video don’t see that as an option. Instead, they expect someone else to come along and solve their problem. They are being Victims, not Creators.

  • In the discussion, write a paragraph describing a time (either past or present) where you got stuck, and didn’t see a solution to your problem. In other words, what “broken escalators” exist in your life? Keep in mind that all discussion posts will be visible to the class, so be sure to select an example you are comfortable sharing with the class.
    • Then write down a plan of action to solve your “broken escalator” problem.
  • Reply to one of your classmates posts and discuss anything you have learned from their post or something you may have in common
  • [supanova_question]

    Dublin Institute of Technology Competitive Marketing Strategies Reflective Journal Business Finance Assignment Help

    Dublin Institute of Technology Competitive Marketing Strategies Reflective Journal Business Finance Assignment Help

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