Duke University Utility of Naval Power in the European v the Pacific Theaters in WWII Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Duke University Utility of Naval Power in the European v the Pacific Theaters in WWII Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Select ONE of the five prompts to answer in a 3-6 page double spaced argumentative paper. Have a clear thesis and defend it. My recommendation is to answer the question. Look at the question or topic – decide what points you need to make to answer the question – support each point with relevant evidence – and keep the essay focused – one explicit point per paragraph. Provide a summary and you will be fine.
-Which was the more important the development of naval power, 1905-1945: the diesel-electric submarine, the airplane, or the dreadnought battleship? Provide clear and explicit criteria for measuring importance.
-Compare and contrast the concepts of Mahan and Corbett with the Jeune Ecole. How do they differ? How do the agree with one another. What were their assumptions?
-Compare and contrast the utility of naval power in WWI and WWII in European theatres. How are you defining “utility”? What criteria are you using to compare the utility?
-Compare and contrast the utility of naval power in the European vs the Pacific theaters in WWII. How are you defining “utility”? What criteria are you using to compare that utility?
-To what extent did the “lessons” of sea power in WWII shape the naval policies of the U.S. in the Cold War? Do not confuse strategies, tactics, and doctrines.
The credibility of evidence is extremely important to historical research and writing. It should also be an important part of anyone’s “critical thinking skills.” This is a fancy way of saying that establishing the credibility of one’s sources is common sense. Because of the importance of credibility, there are two concepts which are used in this paper. The first is citations and the second is “vetting:”
1.Citations: These are specific references to the sources of assertions of fact. Students usually know that they need to cite quotations. What some do not appreciate is the need to cite any assertion of fact that is not common knowledge. It does not matter that you have put it into your own words. If you are presenting a fact that is not common knowledge, you need a citation to tell the reader where that information came from. This may take the form of a footnote, an endnote, or a parenthetical citation. Note: Simply noting the number of the work in your bibliography in the text of your paper is NOT an acceptable or recognized citation format.
2.Bibliography. In conjunction with this, all papers need a complete bibliography, listing all sources which were used in writing that paper –regardless of whether or not they were cited in the paper. Remember, while the necessity of a citation is a judgment call, when in doubt it is usually a good idea to provide a citation.
3.Vetting: This is the information which you must supply to establish the credibility of a given source. It is a good idea to do this for all sources in one’s bibliography. IT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INTERNET SOURCES. This means you need a short paragraph for each of these sources, explaining why this is a credible source. This means the author needs to establish the credibility of the site’s author, the sources they used, their objectivity, and the logic of their assertions. It is NOT enough to say “this is a credible site” or that this site was “useful.” Remember, it is up to you to prove that the site you used is credible –this is not assumed for internet sites.
Duke University Utility of Naval Power in the European v the Pacific Theaters in WWII Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PJM 400 Colorado State University Procurement and Contract Management Project Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management project and need an explanation to help me understand better.
NOTE: This option will focus on procurement from the procurement management perspective and will include discussion and analysis of project management. You may want to select this option if you are not getting a degree in Project Management.
For this option, you will write a paper presenting a complete procurement management process for an organization of your choosing. The paper will be based on the procurement practices of an organization you have researched. The elements you must include are:
- Requirements – Planning the Procurement
- Requisitions – Conducting the Procurement
- Solicitations – Requesting Seller Response
- Awards – Selecting Sellers
- Administration
- Contracts, Incentives, and Risks
- Quality and Closure
You are building on the work you’ve completed in the discussion forums and Critical Thinking Assignments. Be sure to incorporate feedback you have received along the way.
Your paper must have:
- An introduction. Use your introduction to summarize and define your topic, including a clear statement of the procurement goal.
- A discussion or body that must include:
- A discussion of the implications of proposed solutions for procurement and contracts. Also, be sure to properly organize your writing and include other headings/subheadings for the body of your work associated with each of the bulleted items above.
- A discussion of how procurement works within project teams to facilitate the needs of projects.
- A discussion of how procurement works within a global environment to facilitate the needs of projects.
- Your evaluation and conclusion regarding possible methods of managing or addressing the problem raised by your opinion on the issues (supported by research). Relate your paper to larger (broader) procurement and contract management issues as found in the course readings.
- Current, relevant research from at least 6-8 credible sources that are not used as readings in this course. At least three references must be peer-reviewed, scholarly sources and the rest may be trade or professional procurement management You may certainly use your textbook and course readings but these do not count as part of the required 6-8 sources. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find your resources. Cite and reference all sources used.
- A conclusion
The paper is expected to provide a thoughtful analysis on the topic. You are encouraged to add your own opinions, but these should be carefully considered and supported by evidence or outside rationale.
Note: This project has two Portfolio Milestones:
- By the end of Week 3, you should secure approval from your instructor regarding your topic.
- By the end of Week 5, submit a detailed outline of your Portfolio Project paper for review and feedback from your instructor.
- You will be expected to account for the instructor’s feedback in your final version of the paper.
Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length (not counting the cover and reference pages that you must include) and conform to the CSU Global Writing Center.
Need it by Sunday
DSRT 839 UC Identification of Information Technology Types Chapters Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a article writing Dissertation and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
DSRT 839 |
Dates |
Milestone 1 – Chapter Two Revisions |
Goals |
Milestone 2 – Research Proposal |
Goals |
Milestone 3 – Chapters 1-3 Drafts |
Goals |
Milestone 4 – IRB Materials Draft |
Goals |
Milestone 5 – IRB Approval |
Goals |
Milestone 6 – IRB/Letter of Consent, Surveys Final Draft |
Goals |
Milestone 7 – Chapters 1-3 Final Drafts |
Goals |
Milestone 8 – ComprehensiveExam |
Goals |
ENC 1101 Palm Beach State College Effects of Torture on Prisoners Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english report and need an explanation to help me learn.
I have an essay already written, however I needed it to be a little more specific. This is what my professor said about it:
Per classroom discussion, it is very normal and common for college students to write a generalization for the first sentence that does not add anything to the point they are making. Just delete it.
Next sentence: You know very well prisons were not introduced in nineteenth-century Europe. There are prisons in the Bible.
Prisons are not in every town, though even the smallest town has some kind of holding cell.
You have a good Works Cited list and once you get into the cited material, this improves. Luckily you have time to make the first couple of pages better. Try not to make general statements: get right into the concept of torture in prisons. I think you are talking mainly about political prisons. Try being as specific as possible as soon as possible–lok at your sources, and see how many of them get into cited material within the first paragraph. You can do the same thing–it is better than generalization that gets you into trouble with the reader.
CHEM 232 GCCCD Reaction Conditions on Condensation of Furfural With Cyclopentanone Lab Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Lab Report Instructions:
1. Title Page
2. Analysis: •Draw the structuresof Product Aand Product B
•Calculate thetheoretical yieldand % yieldof Product B(Show calcs).
•Provide the melting point range for Product B
.•Draw structuresof Product Aand Product Bin which all of the hydrogens are labeled as either Ha, Hb, Hc, etc, corresponding to the labeled peaks on the given NMR spectrum for each product.
•Provide answers to Exercises 1, 3 and 5d in the Lehman text.
PJM 410 Colorado State University Assessing and Managing Risk Report Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a risk management report and need guidance to help me learn.
The Project Management Institute (Project Management Institute, 2017) defines the Risk Management planning process as including:
1. Plan Risk Management2. Identify Risks3. Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis4. Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis5. Plan Risk Responses6. Implement Risk Responses7. Monitor Risks
For your final Portfolio Project, you will submit a paper detailing the entire Risk Management planning process. You will include discussion and analysis of terms learned throughout this course. Your paper should describe each phase; how it is planned; and any inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs that can be applied.
The final project should demonstrate your critical thinking abilities, your knowledge of risk management systems, and your ability to apply risk management practices and tools.
In Module 3, you submitted an outline of your paper.
In Module 6, you submitted an annotated bibliography, including an APA references page.Using the instructor feedback from your milestone assignments, your paper detailing the entire risk management and planning process should meet these requirements:
- Be 10-12 pages (3000-3600 words) in length (not including the title and references pages)
- Conform to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
- Include at least six scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these references.
Be sure to properly organize your writing and include a cover page, an introduction, headings / subheadings for the body of your work, analysis and recommendations, a conclusion, an appendix, and a list of references. Consult this assignment template for a more complete list of requirements: http://csuglobal.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=21534702 (Links to an external site.).
Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric available below for information on assignment expectations for the final project.
Need by Sunday
PJM 410 Colorado State University Assessing and Managing Risk Report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Santa Monica College Poetry Heaven by Patrick Philips Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. After reading the article included in Lecture 17 which of the poems that we have read this week would you select for posting somewhere in the LA Metro System during this time of national unrest as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? And why? Explain what mood or tone the poem conveys and why that mood is important for people in LA right now.
It can be any poem that we focused on this week or one that appeared on the Dickinson and Harlem Renaissance webpages.
2. Explain what you notice about how the poem you chose works. That is, draw attention to at least two literary elements of the poem (rhyme, metaphor, simile, diction, imagery, sounds, ambiguity, etc.) and interpret the interesting ways in which those elements function to create complex meanings.
I have attached what was In Lecture 17 and what you will be writing about. Please make sure the assignment is at least 300 words.
CS 370 Harvard University The Gottcha Anti Theft Machine Lab Report Engineering Assignment Help
The purpose of this project is to create Finite State Machine (FSM) which can detect a certain eight-digit binary sequence in a continuous serial binary input stream. When the correct sequence is detected, the single output signal should be a logical true value, in all other cases it should be a logical false. This project is designed to allow a gradual transition from strictly combinational circuits to a simple sequential circuit.
There are 2 questions for this lab. Use this 11011001 for secret key. This is require to use LogicWorks version 5, I have full version if you don’t have it. Kindly see the attached file for your reference. Thanks.
KU Kenya Country Accounting Profile & Total Dependency Ratio Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Please visit the site Worse Corporate Accounting Scandals of All Time: https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/accounting-scandals/
I would like you to further research what exactly happened leading up to the accounting scandals, how it managed to go unnoticed, and how this has impacted certain industries today.
Students are to complete a 5-full page, double spaced typed paper on past accounting scandals.
The 5 pages are strictly content. This does not include the cover page or reference page. The
paper should be formatted as follows:
i. MLA formatting throughout the content of the paper
ii. Cover page
iii. Introductory paragraph
iv. The body of the paper should cite the major research on your topic.
v. A concluding page that indicates the implications of the research, your
opinion, and how the research relates to your work life.
vi. Works Cited (minimum of 3 references)
Neither the cover page nor the reference page count toward the 5-page research paper.
Charts, graphs and long quotes should be kept to a minimum and cited properly. The paper is
due the day of the presentation. Late papers will not be accepted, under any circumstances. A
zero will be received. Parenthetical references are to support your own thoughts (70/30). 70%
independent thought/opinion/personal stories supported by 30% research. Points will be
deducted if the paper does not include 70% independent thoughts, stories, and/or opinions
supported by 30% research. A (-3) will be received, if the paper is not 70/30.
If there are no parenthetical references in the paper and only a reference page, the team will
have 6 points deducted from the paper. This is an academic, research paper. No exceptions.
Cuyahoga College Unsung Heroes and Favorite Historical Sites Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
For our last Discussion Board forum, you will answer questions on the longevity of the American Republic, who you believe is an unsung hero in Early American History and what historical museums, monuments, battlefield sites or historic locations you recommend visiting. Here are your instructions for Discussion Board #4, write two (2) posts where you address any of the following three questions or reply to another student. Your two posts may be answering two of the three questions OR one post that answers one of the three questions and then a reply to another student. Therefore, after your initial post answering one of the three questions, you choose what you want for your second required post – answer to another question or reply to a student. Here are the questions you can address:
- Aware that republics are short-lived, offer ideas or reasons how the American republic has survived for over 230 years. In other words, why do you believe as a republic, the American experiment has endured for so long? What is because of the strength and structure of the Constitution? Brilliant leadership in the formative years? Economic growth, opportunity and capitalism? Specific freedoms? The character of the American people? Favorable geography – land and frontier? Few enemies? Ability to expand and conquer? Knowing how to expand democracy? There could be a multitude of explanations, but focus on what you believe to be a dominant one and support and argue this viewpoint. In addition, you can write about some current concerns or worries if the American republic appears in jeopardy.
- What historical figure in Early American History do you believe is an unsung hero? In other words, someone who is not a major historical figure but should be recognized and appreciated for his or her accomplishment. What vital role did this figure play in American history from colonial times to 1865? You may select a man, woman, African-American, Native American, Hispanic, Asian, European, etc.
- Recommend for your classmates a historic museum, exhibition, town, battlefield or historic site that they should visit. What is important, reflective, or even awe-inspiring about this place? What aspects of Early American History (stay before the year 1865) is honored and memorialized here? Explain what you will see, what the setting is like, and comment on your experiences there.
Here are your instructions and criteria for this Discussion Board:
- You must have two (2) separate posts. Each post is worth five (5) points each for a total of 10 points for Discussion Board #4.
- Provide insightful and well-reasoned support in your posts. Show serious reflection of thought.
- Each written post should be between 75-150 words. You may write more, but don’t be excessive; don’t write less than this word minimum; this word range should be enough to develop your ideas concisely.
- Remember don’t copy and paste material from the internet. Your posts must be your own original writing.
- Keep in mind that you must post first before seeing other classmates’ posts. To begin your post, point and click on Reply and a text box will appear. Then after you have reviewed what you written, then you can click Post Reply. Then you’ll be able to read your classmates’ posts.
- Remember to follow the rules of civility and proper academic conduct in your posts. Avoid vulgarity, rudeness, and insensitive language. You may disagree with someone in a reply, but be respectful. And above all else, DO NOT PERSONALLY ATTACK anyone for their views.
- You may write as many posts as you like, but the maximum points for Discussion Board #4 is 10 points.
I would like you to further research what exactly happened leading up to the accounting scandals, how it managed to go unnoticed, and how this has impacted certain industries today.
Students are to complete a 5-full page, double spaced typed paper on past accounting scandals.
The 5 pages are strictly content. This does not include the cover page or reference page. The
paper should be formatted as follows:
i. MLA formatting throughout the content of the paper
ii. Cover page
iii. Introductory paragraph
iv. The body of the paper should cite the major research on your topic.
v. A concluding page that indicates the implications of the research, your
opinion, and how the research relates to your work life.
vi. Works Cited (minimum of 3 references)
Neither the cover page nor the reference page count toward the 5-page research paper.
Charts, graphs and long quotes should be kept to a minimum and cited properly. The paper is
due the day of the presentation. Late papers will not be accepted, under any circumstances. A
zero will be received. Parenthetical references are to support your own thoughts (70/30). 70%
independent thought/opinion/personal stories supported by 30% research. Points will be
deducted if the paper does not include 70% independent thoughts, stories, and/or opinions
supported by 30% research. A (-3) will be received, if the paper is not 70/30.
If there are no parenthetical references in the paper and only a reference page, the team will
have 6 points deducted from the paper. This is an academic, research paper. No exceptions.