[Early Childhood Education] Assess the literacy development of two children Writing Assignment Help. [Early Childhood Education] Assess the literacy development of two children Writing Assignment Help.
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Part A: Gather information to assess the literacy development of two children
Observe two children (of same age) in a variety of activities and settings as they engage in reading and/or writing over the span of three days. For example, you could observe them during large-group story reading time, a small-group shared writing activity, when they retell their favourite story or engage in reading or writing as part of dramatic play in the learning centre.
Gather information to find out what the two children know and are able to do in terms of reading and/or writing. This could be information about their disposition to read and write, print and book awareness, alphabet knowledge, phonological awareness, their use of invented spelling when drawing and writing. For example, you could take anecdotal notes of specific literacy events. Collect samples of their drawing and writing.
Based on your observations and the information you have collected, analyse and assess the literacy development of the two children. Apply your knowledge of child development, and reading and writing development to explain the knowledge and skills they have acquired. Cite specific examples of the children’s reading and writing behaviour and/or use work samples to support your assessment.
Your write-up should include the following:
- Describe the two children including how similar or different they are in terms of their literacy development, interests and needs
Observation and documentation
- Explain the focus, context, setting and duration of your observations
- Describe the tools and methods of documentation
Information collected
- Describe your observations and information that you have collected (e.g. from speaking with the class teacher/parents, checklists and portfolios)
- Include artefacts such as anecdotal records, photographs and work samples, if any
[You may refer to Chapter 13 of my textbook for assessments : https://suss.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781621590385/cfi/297!/4/2@100:0.00]
Explain your assessment of the children’s literacy development, citing specific examples to support your assessment
To maintain confidentiality, use pseudonyms instead of the children’s real names. Ensure that their names and any other identifying information are not included in the work samples, anecdotal records, notes and other forms of documentation.
Part B: Develop a proposal of individualised support for the two children
Drawing on your knowledge of child development and principles of developmentally appropriate practice, propose a plan of individualised support for the two children based on your assessment of their literacy development in Part A. This could include large-group instruction, small-group literacy activities and individual scaffolding in the classroom to support their literacy development. Note that this is a proposal and not a teaching plan.
Your proposal should address the following:
- Theoretical basis
Identify the theoretical orientation of your plan and describe the key concepts and assumptions underlying your proposed literacy activities, instruction and individual scaffolding. Based on the theoretical orientation of your plan, explain your approach to literacy instruction, comparing and contrasting it with other approaches.
[approaches can be found in Chapter 2 of my text : https://suss.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781621590385/cfi/37!/4/4@0.00:47.6] - Conceptual understanding
Identify and describe the intended literacy goals for the two children in this proposed plan, taking into consideration what they know and are able to do based on your assessment in Part A. Explain the rationale for and describe the specific literacy activities, instruction and individual scaffolding to support their literacy development.
Part C: Propose a plan for fostering partnership with families to support the literacy development of these two children
[you may refer to Chapter 14 of my textbook : https://suss.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781621590385/cfi/331!/4/4@0.00:47.7]
Families play a crucial role in their children’s learning and development. Propose a plan for fostering partnership with the families of the two children to support their literacy development. This proposed plan should be should be specific to their individual needs, based on your assessment of their literacy development in Part A. Draw on current practices and policies of the centre, where applicable.
Your proposal should include the following:
- Explain the pedagogical considerations and rationale for your plan
- Describe what you think this partnership should look like
- Elaborate on how you would partner with the families to support the literacy development of the two children
- Explain what you would do to establish effective communication and build relationships with the families of the two children
Let me know if you cannot assess my textbook.
Also, do use at least 5 other sources.
Thank you!
[Early Childhood Education] Assess the literacy development of two children Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Historical Analysis – Introduction & Body Humanities Assignment Help
I started this analysis already. I am needing the introduction and body of the analysis completed. Please send the introduction back in one document and then the intro and body together in another word documents, two separate rubrics are attached.
The historical analysis is on the assassination of MLK. I already came up with a thesis. Please thoroughly read through the information attached. Please leave the document in the format that I am sending over. You can add any extra information to what I already have and/or change the thesis. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
can you write my history essay of the events that led o the American revolution? Humanities Assignment Help
essay should be 6 pages in length, double spaced,Times Roman font 12 point, and one inch margins.
In a cogent answer discuss the events that led to the American Revolution. Was the battle cry of “liberty” based on economic, political, intellectual, religious, or social issues? In other words, was it a violent reaction from colonists adamantly opposed to taxation and virtual representation by Parliament? Was it the reaction of an angry mob (“ordinary” colonists) that put pressure on an elite class reluctant to wage war? Was it rooted in a deeper cause and linked to notions of English liberties, enlightenment ideas, and the Great Awakening? Was it an organized revolt or simply a misguided, unorganized protest movement that went too far by a handful of colonists overreacting to a few unfortunate events? And finally, was it a worthy cause considering that only one-third of the colonists (patriots) supported it and that it marginalized certain groups of Americans (slaves, women, and Native Americans)?
I. Introduction: Briefly mention the possible motivations that led to the American Revolution. Make sure to state your thesis—that is your argument for why thirteen separate colonies joined together to fight the War of Independence. Discuss what you think the important issue or issues were that compelled the colonists to back the cause, and whether or not that cause was worthy. Take into consideration Jefferson’s words “all men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence. Discuss whether the spirit of the American Revolution applied to everyone in Colonial North America including women, slaves, and Native Americans.
II. Economic motivation for the War of Independence.
a. Salutary neglect by England enables the colonists to tax themselves which allows a certain level of economic independence.
b. Parliament imposes the Navigation Acts but they are largely ignored by the colonists.
1. Writs of Assistance (search warrants to combat smuggling). The Colonists claim Parliament is exerting arbitrary power.
c. By 1763, the British want the colonists to help pay for the Seven Years’ War.
d. Parliament begins taxing the colonies.
1. The Sugar Act (1764)
2. The Stamp Act (1765)
3. The Townsend Duties (1767)
II. Political motivation for the War of Independence.
a. Colonists unrepresented in House of Commons
1. “No taxation without representation”
2. Virginia’s House of Burgesses approved four resolutions.
b. Stamp Act Congress (1765)
1. Boycotts
2. An effigy of Andrew Oliver was hung from Boston’s Liberty Tree.
3. Committees of Correspondence
c. The Stamp Act Repealed by Parliament in 1766 empowers colonists.
1. The Declaratory Act (1766) (response by Parliament)
d. Intolerable Acts (1774)
1. Quebec Act
e. Opposition to the Intolerable Acts (Worcester, Massachusetts)
1. Suffolk’s Resolves
f. First Continental Congress (1774)
1. The Continental Association
2. The Committees of Safety
g. Second Continental Congress (1775)
III. Intellectual and religious motivations for the War of Independence.
a. The British Constitution.
1. English liberties and rights
b. John Locke – “Social Contract,” and natural rights.
c. Enlightenment Ideas.
1. Enlightenment thinkers believed that “reason” could govern human life.
2. Arminianism
3. Deism
4. Sir Isaac Newton – natural law
d. The Great Awakening
1. A reaction to enlightenment rationalism (Arminianism and Deism)
2. Revivalist ministers encouraged independent judgment
e. Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”
IV. Social protest toward British conflict motivates colonists to fight the War.
a. The Boston Massacre (1770)
1. Five colonists are killed but the event is used as political propaganda.
b. The Tea Act and the Boston Tea Party (1773)
1. Colonists organize a peaceful protest.
2. Massachusetts gets the attention of the other colonies when the British impose strict punishment on them.
c. Lexington and Concord April 19, 1775.
1. Militiamen organize to resist the advance of British Soldiers.
2. A mysterious shot is fired and a battle ensues.
V. Conclusion: Restate your thesis (argument) and briefly discuss the worthiness of the cause for independence.
MUST mention all topics listed above thank you!
Keywords search Humanities Assignment Help
Read mark chapter 6 34-44 and the do the following online bible http://bible.oremus.org/
Run at least 2 interesting keyword searches using interesting keywords from your passage, searching for those words in that gospel
Begin by looking for interesting or unusual words in your passage, or words favored by that Gospel author. You might have to check for different versions of your word (e.g. dwell or live?). Use the text box provided or upload a file explaining a search or two that you ran, and comment on the results and what seemed interesting about the results. (See below for instructions on how to do a keyword search in your gospel and gospel passage.
then read the attached file and do the following
Look up your passage on ATLA, especially by using the Scripture citation (e.g. “Mark 5:1-20”). Use the tricks I taught you. Email to yourself the good articles you find. Write a short explanation of what you did to find good results (I will ONLY accept results from ATLA).
How to do a search on keywords in the Bible:Go to http://bible.oremus.org/ .
- Scroll down to the third way of requesting a search (“Or enter a word or a phrase to search for“).
- Set it to New Revised Standard Version (same as the red bible we use in class). Don’t pick the “Anglicized version” or the spellings will seem off).
- Use the drop down menus to set your starting section/gospel of the bible (for example “Matthew”) and ending section/gospel (“Matthew” if you want material only in Matthew, starting with “Matthew” and ending with “John” if you want all gospels, etc.). (This drop down menu includes all the books of the bible in order).
- Try searching for some words and skim looking over your results list for anything that looks like it might be interesting (perhaps terms used frequently, or words that are very rare–but perhaps important when used, or words that are very frequent in one section of the gospels and not in others, etc.). You probably need to try a few words before you arrive at an interesting search (use words you see in your text and spell them correctly!)
- Explain your searches and results in the text box (you can even copy in the most interesting ones) or by making and uploading a file .
- ****Also run some keyword searches on ATLA Catholic and ATLA religion (EBSCO databases) that find good articles for your paper. Note 3 good keyword searches you used.
Some examples:
- “Immediately” is used 28 times in Mark (rushed eschatological pace!), but hardly at all in John.
- “Women” is used 2 times in Mark, but 12 times in Luke. “Woman” is used 6 times in Mark, but 17 times in Luke (Luke is known for featuring stories about women).
- “Testify” is used 4 times total in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but 18 times in John.
- “Weep” or “weeping” is repeated 3 times in John’s resurrection account in association with Mary Magdalene. Mary of Bethany is also featured as weeping. John’s gospel is the only one that describes Jesus weeping.
The Stories of Corporations and Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 1 250 words
Corporations tell three kinds of stories, The story of the firm itself, stories of the firm’s products or services and customers’ own stories and their relationship to the firm.
watch the following video and others from the 1990s
Describe the story behind United Color of Bineton.
Why was the story so powerful for you?
How did it make you feel?
When you think about it today does it have the same impact on you? Why?
In your view, is it possible to develop a strong brand without developing a story to convey the brand?
Part 2 1200 words
watch the following
usng what youknow about me, compose a paper that addresses my personal plan to build my brand using Brown’s four lessons to selling myrself.
ICI #6: The Giraffe and the Elephant Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the narrative about the giraffe and the elephant. Using what you have learned from TC Chapters 11 and 12, response to the following prompts:
1. To what extent can you relate to the Giraffe? Why?
2. To what extent can you relate to the Elephant? Why?
3. Can the Giraffe and the Elephant work constructively together? How? Offer some metaphorical or concrete suggestions.
4. Can culturally diverse groups in the United States live and work constructively
together on an even playing field? Can you offer some imaginative solutions?
ThIs assignment must be two – three type-written written pages (double spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. font) that address the listed topics. You will turn in the inquiry assignments to the appropriate assignment box. You must include a reference page which is not “counted” in the 2-3 page exploration of each inquiry. (REMEMBER, TO USE APA FORMAT FOR IN-TEXT CITATIONS AS WELL AS YOUR REFERENCE PAGE).
ICI #6: The Giraffe and the Elephant Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Please read the following article and write a response in 1-2 pages? Science Assignment Help
Please read the following article:
and write a response in 1-2 pages (minimum of 300 words, maximum of 600 words, not including the exam question) using the 3-2-1 format described below:
3: Find 3 concepts from within the article and relate them to 3 concepts within CHEM 210 we have discussed in class and cite 3 textbook references using the chapter and page number.
2: Find 2 concepts from within the article that you want to know more about (i.e. muddy points, have questions about, did not quite understand).
1: Write an exam question with the answer about 1 concept discussed from within the article. The exam question must be well thought out and appropriate to the subject matter.
I uploaded the lecture_notes to help you writing the papers.
Development in Zambia Writing Assignment Help
Watch a video “T-shirt Travels” Please search the film online.
This video talks about failed development policies in Zambia in the 1970s- 2000s.
Based on the video “T-Shirt Travels” write an essay “Development in Zambia?” Address the following issues in your essay:
- Colonial past in Zambia;
- The nature of Zambia’s debt;
- Programs of structural adjustments;
- Consequences of the free market policies;
- International Monetary Fund and its lending to the developing countries (as it is described in the video);
- Provide your own ideas on how to help developing countries to improve their economic and social conditions.
Be sure to answer each of the questions with details and use YOUR OWN OPINION. This essay is mainly about what you think, not repeat what is in the film.
Paper requirements: Your essay should be typed using the following requirements: font – Times New Roman, 12; double-spaced; MLA style. Please do not use quotes or citations, only base on your words.
interview project Writing Assignment Help
1 An essay of at least 9 double-spaced pages, using 12 point font and 1 inch margins.
2 Your essay should have a title page, with a clear descriptive title. Pages should be numbered,
with your first page of text numbered as page 1 (i.e., the title page is not page 1 of the 10 page
3 The essay should use your interview findings in combination with other academic literature to
answer one or more research questions of your choosing (or, in other words, to develop an
empirically-based interpretation of an aspect of social reality that your interview data helps you
to understand).
4 The essay should be fully referenced, using the bibliographic and in-text referencing style
recommended in the course outline. It will be marked for content, spelling, grammar, style and
There are total 32 interview, just choose 10 of them to analyze. i already organized some files.
The interview questions in seminar8, and the requirment in seminar9-10
John 18:15-18 Passage Theology Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Hi there,
i have this assignment, it is not that hard, about my passage which is John 18:15-18
use the instruction below, find 2 keywords interesting in this passage.
Ask me if something needs to explain
Once i got good deal, we will work on the final project.
Keep your work simple plz, and maintain good quality
This assignment has two parts, both related to your work on the final assignment.
First, as instructed in question 4 of the final assignment: Run at least 2 interesting keyword searches using interesting keywords from your passage, searching for those words in that gospel. .Begin by looking for interesting or unusual words in your passage, or words favored by that Gospel author. You might have to check for different versions of your word (e.g. dwell or live?). Use the text box provided or upload a file explaining a search or two that you ran, and comment on the results and what seemed interesting about the results. (See below for instructions on how to do a keyword search in your gospel and gospel passage.)
Second, start the work for question 7 of the final assignment. Look up your passage on ATLA, especially by using the Scripture citation (e.g. “Mark 5:1-20”). Use the tricks I taught you. Email to yourself the good articles you find. Write a short explanation of what you did to find good results (I will ONLY accept results from ATLA).
How to do a search on keywords in the Bible:
Go to http://bible.oremus.org/ .
- Scroll down to the third way of requesting a search (“Or enter a word or a phrase to search for“).
- Set it to New Revised Standard Version (same as the red bible we use in class). Don’t pick the “Anglicized version” or the spellings will seem off).
- Use the drop down menus to set your starting section/gospel of the bible (for example “Matthew”) and ending section/gospel (“Matthew” if you want material only in Matthew, starting with “Matthew” and ending with “John” if you want all gospels, etc.). (This drop down menu includes all the books of the bible in order).
- Try searching for some words and skim looking over your results list for anything that looks like it might be interesting (perhaps terms used frequently, or words that are very rare–but perhaps important when used, or words that are very frequent in one section of the gospels and not in others, etc.). You probably need to try a few words before you arrive at an interesting search (use words you see in your text and spell them correctly!)
- Explain your searches and results in the text box (you can even copy in the most interesting ones) or by making and uploading a file .
- ****Also run some keyword searches on ATLA Catholic and ATLA religion (EBSCO databases) that find good articles for your paper. Note 3 good keyword searches you used.
Some examples:
- “Immediately” is used 28 times in Mark (rushed eschatological pace!), but hardly at all in John.
- “Women” is used 2 times in Mark, but 12 times in Luke. “Woman” is used 6 times in Mark, but 17 times in Luke (Luke is known for featuring stories about women).
- “Testify” is used 4 times total in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but 18 times in John.
- “Weep” or “weeping” is repeated 3 times in John’s resurrection account in association with Mary Magdalene. Mary of Bethany is also featured as weeping. John’s gospel is the only one that describes Jesus weeping.
- Scroll down to the third way of requesting a search (“Or enter a word or a phrase to search for“).
- Set it to New Revised Standard Version (same as the red bible we use in class). Don’t pick the “Anglicized version” or the spellings will seem off).
- Use the drop down menus to set your starting section/gospel of the bible (for example “Matthew”) and ending section/gospel (“Matthew” if you want material only in Matthew, starting with “Matthew” and ending with “John” if you want all gospels, etc.). (This drop down menu includes all the books of the bible in order).
- Try searching for some words and skim looking over your results list for anything that looks like it might be interesting (perhaps terms used frequently, or words that are very rare–but perhaps important when used, or words that are very frequent in one section of the gospels and not in others, etc.). You probably need to try a few words before you arrive at an interesting search (use words you see in your text and spell them correctly!)
- Explain your searches and results in the text box (you can even copy in the most interesting ones) or by making and uploading a file .
- ****Also run some keyword searches on ATLA Catholic and ATLA religion (EBSCO databases) that find good articles for your paper. Note 3 good keyword searches you used.
Some examples:
- “Immediately” is used 28 times in Mark (rushed eschatological pace!), but hardly at all in John.
- “Women” is used 2 times in Mark, but 12 times in Luke. “Woman” is used 6 times in Mark, but 17 times in Luke (Luke is known for featuring stories about women).
- “Testify” is used 4 times total in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but 18 times in John.
- “Weep” or “weeping” is repeated 3 times in John’s resurrection account in association with Mary Magdalene. Mary of Bethany is also featured as weeping. John’s gospel is the only one that describes Jesus weeping.