Eastern Michigan University Ethical Leadership a Fundamental Component Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Eastern Michigan University Ethical Leadership a Fundamental Component Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a management question and need an explanation to help me study.
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Your written response for both Part A and Part B should adhere to the following format:
1. Explain your rational for selecting the articles you have: 150-200 words
2. Identify limitations of the articles (Think: methodological, theoretical,
practical, contradictions, biases, omissions, etc.): 150-200 words
3. Highlight key contributions the articles make to Leadership research
(AT1(Part A)) or Change Management research (AT1(Part B)): 150-
200 words
4. Explain the implications of the articles to the practice of Leadership
(AT1(Part A)) or Change Management (AT1(Part B)): 350-400 words
AT1 (both Part A and Part B), should be submitted to the relevant assessment
dropbox in MyLO.
Note: For this assessment, you will be writing in an academic style. Your tone, language, style, and formatting should reflect this. This does not mean you need to make your writing overly complex or use long sentences and big words. But, it does mean you should avoid using first person (“I”/”me”), and that your tone should be reasonably formal. Please use the Harvard 2002 referencing style and be accurate and consistent in your referencing (both in-text and in your reference list).
Criterion Description
Measures Intended Learning Outcome:
1 2
Task length
Justify selection of articles Lo1 Identify key contributions to leadership or change Lo1
management theory and/or evidence
Identify limitations and/or critically analyse leadership Lo1 or change theory and principles
Write clearly in an academic style. Reference accurately and consistently.
800-1000 words (10% leeway), excluding references
Page 6 BMA701 Leadership and Change Management
Articulate relevance of leadership or change management theory to practice and identify potential impacts on employees, organisations, and/or society
I have attached an example of an hd essay, attached 4 articles, choose 1. i have also provided a rubric.
Eastern Michigan University Ethical Leadership a Fundamental Component Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grand Canyon University Epidemiology Importance and Purpose Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a science question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
History, Principles, and Application of Epidemiology |
Epidemiologists are public health professionals who collect and analyze data to address local and global health issues. Key individuals and historical events have helped shape the field of epidemiology. Research the following individuals and their roles in shaping contemporary epidemiology:
- John Graunt
- James Lind
- Edward Jenner
- Ignaz Semmelweis
- John Snow
Examine the history, principles, and application of epidemiology and write a 1,000-1,250 paper to explain your findings. Choose one of the individuals from your research and include the following:
- Define epidemiology and discuss its purpose and importance to public health.
- Describe the disease and the event. Using descriptive epidemiology, discuss how common the disease was at the time, who was infected, when it occurred (time of year or season), and the mode of transmission. If the individual is not associated with a specific disease, discuss a significant disease happening during that period.
- Explain how the individual influenced epidemiology and discuss the advanced epidemiological methods and process the individual used to describe and control disease. Discuss how the individual’s contributions helped to inform the application definition of epidemiology in public health.
- Identify and describe three subspecialties within epidemiology.
You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
HIST 201 University of California Importance of Creating a Society Reform Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Compare and contrast two different reforms from this week’s videos.
Answer the question and remember to follow all discussion guidelines per the syllabus.
- 10 points: The discussion posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material by completely answering the entire discussion question, and considers the implications of the question. Posting gives thoughtful analysis. Posting has excellent synthesis of material with proper citation where appropriate.
- 8-9 points: Posting demonstrates an above average understanding of the material by completely answering entire discussion question. The posting gives good analysis. Posting attempts to synthesize materialwith proper citation where appropriate.
- 6-7 points: Discussion posting only answers the question by doing the bare minimum required. Offers little to no analysis.
- 4-5 points: Discussion posting is below average. Does not meet the minimum requirements. No analysis, nor synthesis.
- 1-3 points: Posting is an attempt to merely complete the assignment. Summation or regurgitation ofthe reading and/or other students’ posts.
Requirements: 120+
De Anza College Physics Normal Force Calculation Questions Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a physics question and need guidance to help me understand better.
1.A person of mass 62 kg walks into an elevator and pushes the “up” button. As the elevator starts to move, it has an acceleration ?⃗=2.50??2?̂.Start each of the following parts with a free–body diagram.
a)Once the elevator begins to accelerate,what is the normal force that the floor ofthe elevator exerts on the person?
b)If the person pushed the “down” button instead of the up button, then the elevator will accelerate down with a magnitude of 2.50??2. What would the normal force on the person be in this case?
Differential Equations Problems Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a differential equations exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.
I can not post the actual problems until we start the assignment. I will be able to send you the problems once the assignment is started. Once we start, we must complete the assignment in 1 hour and 30 minutes. For now, I will post some practice problems so that the tutor can make sure they are familiar with the material. I will need all work to be shown and for the tutor to be very punctual and on time. The assignment must be started in the next 18 hours. If you cannot be available during this time frame please do not bid on this question. The assignment will consist of problems the are similar to the practice problems. There will be only 10-20 problems. They will be very straightforward, and almost identical to the problems I will post now. Thank you very much.
American Indian OIC Cybersecurity Web Attacks Detection Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science writing question and need support to help me study.
This is to write a literature review 6 pages
or more of the attached 7 articles on cybersecurity web attacks detection. The
review should including the following as minimum baseline:
1) Describe the Focus of the article
Briefly describe the limitation if any
3) describe the methods of
research used in the article
4 ) Describe the experiments done in the
article and the used dataset …
5) discuss any conclusions the author(s) may have made in the
6) describe your reaction to the article (what do you think of
the paper)
7) describe the relationships to other used references
6 pages
or more
American Indian OIC Cybersecurity Web Attacks Detection Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
COM 1101 Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Covid 19 Pandemic Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.
This Essay is to be written in the argumentative/persuasive writing pattern. This one to two pages persuasive essay should present at least three pieces of evidence to support your thesis (position) statement (underlined in your text) on an issue that should be changed. Take a position on some aspect of college life, the pandemic, or see possible other topics on p. 566 in the B.R. If you use information (outside sources) for your evidence statements, the information source must be cited in the text of your paper as well as on the Works Cited page in MLA Format. Review the grading rubric. The paper should be written from a third or first person viewpoint. Stay consistent and do not use second person (you) in formal writing. Be sure to have an intriguing title and underline the thesis statement.
HRM 203 Singapur University Socialisation in Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
You need to know how to do a literature review on 4 article with knowledge of human behaviour in organisation.
Your boss just came back from an HRM conference. He is keen to learn more about the latest application of people management theories and concepts in organisations. Over lunch, he asked you to prepare a Report on “Opportunities and Challenges to Organisational Socalisation.”
Report Format
4. Organisation of Report. While there is no fixed format that you must follow to organise or structure your literature review, you are required to cover the following elements:
(a) Introduction – Describe and provide an overview of the subject or issue under consideration, and explain why it is of importance to managers.
(b) Main content — Illustrate each piece of work by identifying and examining key points or ideas brought up by the writers. Relate the findings from the articles to challenges and opportunities in organisational socialisation.
(c) Your conclusion – Conclusion is opinion based on your findings. You should not take other people’s findings at face value. Do you agree with the authors’ interpretations? Evaluate and determine for yourself whether their conclusions are justified based on the data and arguments they presented.
In addition to restating the main idea of your essay, you will be required to propose feasible solutions and develop human resource policies and practices based on organisational behaviour, management, and work psychology concepts.
5. Language. In general, use past tense to describe what has been done in the past. Use present tense to represent general ideas that are not restricted to a single time period.
6. The assessment will be assessed on the following aspects:
7. Below is a checklist for you to review and improve on your assignment before submission. The items are not listed in sequence:
HRM 300 Cerritos Community College District Business Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Ted Talks (www.ted.com (Links to an external site.)) is an excellent resource for online business speeches. For this assignment, go to: https://www.ted.com/search?cat=talks&per_page=12&q=management (Links to an external site.) and select three Ted Talks videos on business management to watch. You have many videos to choose from; explore beyond the first page. Make sure that the three videos that you select relate to business management.
Write a 2-3 page paper to provide a brief synopsis of the three videos that you watched. Include the video titles and speakers. Discuss what you learned from the videos, how this relates to what you have learned in our course, and how the information can be applied to the business world.
Khushal Khan Khattak University EPAs Hazard Ranking System Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a science discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.
Discussion Questions:
You may answer all of these questions in one thread. Give the thread a subject title in the following format:
SAFE 5540 Your Last Name Week#. For example, SAFE 5540 Biden Week four, (fair and balanced).
For items 1-3 write at least 100 words each. For Item 4, your comment/reply to a classmate will be separate, write at least 50 words to two or more classmates, (remember to be nice and constructive). Note: DO NOT copy and paste. It is considered . Use your own words and cite your sources.
DB Topics:
1. Explain EPAs Hazard Ranking System, (HRS) criteria and the process.
2. From the EPA Superfund Process: Explain in detail cleaning up Superfund sites process. Provide reasons and an example for one of the steps of the process.
3. From Supplemental Material videos: What did you learn from the video? Is the Superfund site remediation cost justifiable?
4. Peer review: Comment to at least two classmate’s post with professional courtesy, provide additional analysis, constructive criticism and additional facts and solutions. These comments should be at least 50 words or more.
NOTE: Cite the sources that you use for your discussion board posts either at the end of each item or at the end of the post.