ECE MME 303 Miami University Fire Alarm System Final Project & Presentation Engineering Assignment Help

ECE MME 303 Miami University Fire Alarm System Final Project & Presentation Engineering Assignment Help. ECE MME 303 Miami University Fire Alarm System Final Project & Presentation Engineering Assignment Help.

I’m working on a electrical engineering question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Guidelines for Design Project (Sections A and B)

1. Objectives

Apply the knowledge and skills you acquired in ECE205 and ECE/MME303 (and possibly other courses) to the design and implementation of a project of interest to you.

2. Project Rules

(i) Each student will do the final project design independently.

(ii) The major sources of items for final project design are:

  • The Arduino Training Kits.
  • You can also use extra elements not in the kits but AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE.
  • You could also build simple mechanical parts using readily available materials (e.g., hard paper, wood, or plastic) or via 3D printing.
  • ECE MME 303 Miami University Fire Alarm System Final Project & Presentation Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ELM 540 GCU Literacy Toolkit 1 Phonics and Word Recognition Chart Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a writing Worksheet and need an explanation to help me study.

    There are various aspects of literacy and it is important to begin developing instructional strategies to introduce these literacy concepts. It is crucial to examine multiple instructional and differentiation strategies in order to implement standards-based concepts related to phonics and word recognition.

    Part 1: Phonics and Word Recognition Chart

    Using the “Literacy Toolkit 1: Phonics and Word Recognition” template, choose a K-3 grade level and identify three standards related to phonics and word recognition.

    For each standard chosen:

    • Identify an aligned instructional strategy.
    • Describe how you would differentiate the strategy to accommodate student needs.
    • Identify materials, including digital tools and resources needed to create relevant learning experiences and promote student learning.

    Part 2: Phonics and Word Recognition Reflection

    Using the “Literacy Toolkit 1: Phonics and Word Recognition” template, summarize and reflect, in 250-500 words, on the strategies and aligned differentiation you would use to inform your instruction of phonics and word recognition standards. How do the materials, including digital tools and resources, chosen to implement your strategies address the various needs and provide equitable access to all students? Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

    Submit your “Literacy Toolkit 1: Phonics and Word Recognition” template and reflection as one deliverable.

    This completed assignment will be the first part of your Literacy Toolkit and will inform your assignment in Topic 6.

    Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


    HSA 4210 CBE Rasmussen College The Healthcare delivery System Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a health & medical presentation and need support to help me understand better.


    Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.

    Student Success Criteria

    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.

    After the first series of training, your CEO decided that employees would benefit from an online self-check after completing the training. You are tasked with developing a PowerPoint presentation with a list of questions that ask about liability protections for the physicians and the facility. Correct answers should be provided in the notes so that employees can check their responses.

    Please prepare a PowerPoint presentation (or feel free to use other shareable Webware/software that you prefer) with questions that check employee understanding about the liability protections for physicians and the facility.

    1. The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 8 slides and a maximum of 12.
    2. On each slide, provide a question that can be utilized to ascertain basic understanding. Open-ended questions are preferable.
    3. Use the notes area on each slide to provide the answer with a thorough explanation of why that answer is correct.
    4. Include a slide that provides links to 3-5 resources for employees who want more information.
    5. Your final slide should be the reference page for sources cited in the Notes.

    NOTE: – APA formatting, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form required.


    CS 459 Colorado Technical University Requirements Traceability Matrix Question Engineering Assignment Help

    I’m working on a engineering project and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    In week 2, you had to build the software-testing process through developing the structure for the unit/usability/system testt plan, and a method/procedure and report. Now in week 3, it will be critical to provide the customer with a populated requirements traceability matrix (RTM):

    • The creation of at least 20 “shall” driven requirements. Ensure that you have more than just functional requirements which means you may need to adjust the list of requirements you started in Week 1. At a minimum:
      • 5 external interface requirements, 5 safety, 5 security, 5 performance that will support unit, usability and system test; and the draft unit/usability/system testt plan, testt method/procedure, and testt report
      • You may find it easier to create a separate RTM for unit, usability, and system tests.
      • Ensure requirements are written in a testable manner, are not vague, and capture the required functions needed to satisfy each area: safety, security, etc.

    This again will become part of the overall final product due in Unit 5 and should be added to your Appendix A in the final project.

    Please submit your assignment.

    For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.


    University of California Irvine The Life of Painting According to Van Gogh Paper Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a english report and need support to help me learn.



    There are three essays. Instruction separated placed below.

    For essay 1, 800 words; essay 2, 600 words, essay 3, 800 words


    I have attached the sample for essay 1, and 3.

    Use the same structure, 5 para, hook, thesis, and quotes.


    For essay 1, topic is William Faulkner, choose his only one book, follow the instruction and sample.

    For essay 3, topic is Vincent van Gogh, follow the instruction.


    For essay 2, the 1) 2) 3) are three body paragraphs, and structure should be intro, 3 body paras, and conclusion. (the your author part is William Faulkner)


    Sample high school essay, intro – 3 para -conclu

    for body para, topic sentence, (quotes),explain, support, etc.


    All essays need annotated bibliography,1-2 sentences would be fine.


    Thank you.



    KAU Customer Satisfaction Towards Islamic & Conventional Banking Research Paper Engineering Assignment Help

    The Project of IEEM660 consists of three parts as follows:

    Part (A)

    Please select at least one of the available cloud E-Systems and apply them to a function in your organizations.

    • IT Project Management

    • Management Information System (MIS) •

    • Supply Chain Management (SCM) •

    • Digital Marketing • E-Commerce & Data Monetization.

    Part (B)

    Write a review about at least two E-Businesses in the Middle East. It is not necessary to be well known or even successful. The Reflect upon the lessons you learned from researching these E-businesses and what recommendations you have.


    • Provide an overview of the services provided by IS/IT Department of your organization in which you are currently working.

    • What kind of information technology systems/solutions are used in the organization or part of the selected organization for following: (discuss any two).

    a. Marketing

    b. Data Management & security

    c. Enterprise Resource Planning

    d. Sales Forecasting

    e. Workforce scheduling

    • Suggest at least two alternative software solutions in the same two areas you selected above, for the same organizations and explain how these can be beneficial for the organizations.

    What I need:

    For Part (A):

    ▪ Choose National Commercial Bank (NCB) – Saudi Arabia

    For Part (b):

    ▪ Any E-businesses in Middle East.

    For Part(c):

    *Select every company separately, each company must contains all in Part(c)

    a. a-DAR AL-HANDSA (

    b. b- National Commercial Bank(NCB)-Saudi Arabia (

    c. C- Omrania Architecture and Engineering – Saudi Arabia (

    d. D- Shibh Al-jazira Contracting – Saudi Arabia (

    KAU Customer Satisfaction Towards Islamic & Conventional Banking Research Paper Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    NYIT Roles and Responsibilities of a Test Engineer Computer Science Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

    Please link the below subjects to the roles and responsibilities of an Test Engineer

    CS206 Introduction to UNIX/Linux

    CS400 Operating Systems

    CS430 Object Oriented Programming

    CS502 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    CE452 Advacned Logic Design

    CS440 Computer Networks I

    CS500 Operating System Design

    CS596 Special Topics in Computer Science: Wireless Communication

    CS596 Special Topics in Computer Science: Theory of Computation

    CE450 Computer Architecture I

    CS520 Database System Principles

    CS540 Computer Networks II

    CS596 Speical Topics in Computer Science: Computer Performance Evaluation


    Below is an Example

    Infer Stats in Decision-Making: This subject helped me to deal with analyzing statistical data for improving the quality of applications that we test. We collect the necessary data, to create statistically correct surveys, experiments, surveys, and thematic surveys. To help manage surveys, we usually receive or write instructions on how to properly manage and organize survey data. We also suggest how to improve the design of future research and experiments. Organizing and clearing data is one of the key elements of the job and I use data cleaning techniques to separate files and verify overall quality accurately. Data management is required to get accurate results, and we must maintain and update their correct databases. I analyze the data using special statistical software and the main responsibility is to see trends in data sets and identify relationships. We usually conduct tests to determine the reliability and flexibility of the data. After the statists ensure their accuracy, we create a Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) to find useful information. we perform data calculations using statistical formulas, computers, and calculators. Conducting research and development studies to develop new predictive models is the primary responsibility of statistics. Employers are training employees to try testing and improving products and processes. Its statistical research helps companies and organizations develop more effective strategies.


    SOC 110 UCSD Refugees and Immigrants Social Work Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Social Work 110 requires all students to write a 5-6 page (including cover page, abstract, references, and annotated bibliography pages) scholarly research term paper on a field of service in the social work profession, in the American Psychological Association (APA) format.

    What are the Literature Requirements?

    1. You will need at least one book or e-book
    1. Choose a book that focuses mainly on the field of service that you have chosen (textbooks can be used as a supplemental source, but not the main source).
    1. The course textbook from Social Work 110 cannot be used as a reference.
    1. The book should be written by a professional in the field of social work or a closely related field.
    1. You will need three scholarly articles – What is a scholarly article?
    1. A scholarly article is written by a professional and is usually contained in a professional journal.
    1. Social work journals and articles written for the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) are good examples of appropriate references.
    2. “Social Work Today” is an online/hard copy magazine that often has scholarly research articles available; it is available in the Cuyamaca Library.
    1. You can also use journal articles from other related professions such as psychology, psychiatry, nursing, pediatrics, and education.
    1. Articles, research, and statistics from the Federal Government are acceptable.
    1. You can also use e-scholarly articles.
    1. Popular culture magazines, newspaper articles, and websites are not appropriate for scholarly research (Examples: Wikipedia and

    *Please be sure that all resources include author/s and dates. Undated books, articles, or websites will not be accepted.

    Important Research Specifics

    1. All resources must be from the United States of America
    1. All resources must be no older than 2010. The date must be included!

    Part I of the Research Term Paper

    1. Cover Page
    2. Abstract
    3. Literature Review
      1. Define Field of Service
      2. Target Population
      3. Practice Methods
      4. Social Worker Role
    1. The Topic Headings – Content of the Scholarly Research Term Paper
      1. Below are the topic headings as provided by San Diego State University for the “Literature Review” and “Field of Service.”
      1. A literature review is a way of organizing, summarizing, and critiquing a topic to inform the reader about a problem or issue.
      1. It allows you to examine the research question, topic, problem, or issue in greater detail by considering what other people’s’ writings and studies have shown.
      Topic Headings for the Literature Review

      • Define the field of service
      • Drawing from the literature, describe in detail the following:
      1. What is the target population? (Who are the clients in need of service? Include information regarding the age ranges, gender, and socioeconomic status)
      2. What are the practice methods that social workers use in this field? Indicate micro and/or macro practice methods.
      3. What is the role of the social worker in this field?

      rces must be no older than 2010. The date must be included.


    University of South Florida Global Music and Jazz Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Global Citizens Assignment – Draft

    NOTE: a Draft is a complete paper, it is supposed to be your best writing and will be reviewed and graded as a complete paper. Your draft will be read and reviewed with suggestions made for improvements to make in your Final Paper submission. Submissions are to made inside this Assignment

    Draft is due by September 22

    Late submissions receive a 10% per day penalty, and the assignment is only open for late submission for 3 days after the due date.

    This Canvas assignment allows for resubmissions (by the due date.) This is because you get a Similarity Report on your paper from Turnitin. This report identifies what parts of your paper are copied materials. There will be some percentage of copied materials in your paper, but all of these need to be accounted for, through quotations, citations or as materials that are clearly part of your reference citations, discography, etc.

    Remember to submit your Draft in time to get the Turnitin Similarity Report back before submitting your final version of the Draft for review. The report is usually available quickly, but allow up to 24 hours for return of Similarity Report from Turnitin. The paper is automatically run through TurnitIn when you submit to the assignment, you do not have to open TurnitIn to submit.

    Drafts will be reviewed and returned with comments by October 2. Look in your Grades area for the assignment and click on it to open and see your grade and comments.

    Final Papers are due by October 13.

    Global Music and Jazz

    This assignment is a research and writing assignment that asks you to find a Jazzartist who is combining an International music style with Jazz music to create/explore a new Jazz sound in a specific project (recording or concert) IT IS IMPORTANT YOUR READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS ASSIGNMENT – YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR A JAZZ ARTIST THAT IS CREATING JAZZ MUSIC WITH AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC INFLUENCE. The artist can be American OR from another country, but must be creating JAZZ music, not using international music influences to create other styles of music (which is interesting, BUT not in the scope of this class.) The international music needs to be indigenous music from a specific country or region/culture – Irish folk music, or Calypso music from Trindad/Tobago, or music from the Basque region of Spain, etc.. It can not be a music that is already a mixture of styles (Afrobeat for instance), or a music from an International urban area that has lots of different ethnic groups (like London.) So, for instance, an artist creating dance club music using Indian musical influences (from India) is NOT someone you can use for this paper.

    As you have discovered in your text readings and other assignments in this course, Jazz music developed in America from the combining of different musical influences, which came about as a result of the numerous International cultures that played a part in the development of the country. As the music grew, Jazz continued to incorporate musical elements from other styles of music, including world music influences. Examples include Dizzy Gillespie, who collaborated with Cuban congero Chano Pozo to explore new sounds in Jazz. In the 1960’s the Brazilian music style of Bossa Nova influenced artists like Stan Getz, and became a popular new sound in Jazz. The combining of International music styles and Jazz in this way is continuing today, creating interesting new Jazz sounds. Many international musical influences can be heard in modern Jazz music.


    Research and find an artist or group that is combining an international music with jazz to create a new Jazz sound for a specific project (usually a recording, but could be a concert) Limit your research to music created in the 21st Century (since the year 2000.) Pick a culture or country whose music you would be interested in learning about and see if you can find an artist or group who is combining that music with Jazz music to create a new Jazz sound. BE SURE YOU FIND A JAZZ ARTIST OR GROUP THAT IS COMBINING AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND JAZZ, TO CREATE A NEW JAZZ SOUND. There are a number of examples of non-jazz artists using international music in their folk music, rock music, hip hop etc.., so be sure your choice of artist/group is a JAZZ artist. The artist can be an American that is using International music as an influence or it can be an artist who is from another country that is an accomplished Jazz artist who is exploring combining music from his/her culture with Jazz. Be SURE the artist is a Jazz artist and the specific music project you write about is a combination of Jazz and an International music style.

    This assignment is requires you to do collegiate level research to find an appropriate artist who has a specific project/composition(s) that combines Jazz and an International music.

    Example: an online search for “Traditional Japanese music and Jazz” produced a large number of entries, and some were useful in suggesting some artists that are combining the 2 styles of music to create a new Jazz based music.

    When conducting online searches, use quotation marks around the important key words in the search…”Japanese Folk Music” and “Jazz” for instance.

    The USF Library has created a Course Guide for this class with useful information on how to conduct online searches and what materials are available in the USF Library that could be useful to this assignment. (Links to an external site.)

    Once you find an artist you are interested in, listen to the musical examples and read about the artist and their concepts for combining Jazz and the International music they specialize in.


    1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
    2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
    3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
    4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
    5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
      1. Date released
      2. Record label
      3. Musicians on the recording
      4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

    You will be graded on:

    1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
    2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
    3. Your description of the music.
      1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
      2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
        1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
      3. How well written and readable the paper is.
        1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

    Note: Reference materials (discography and citation lists) are not part of the word count

    Basic format:

    Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

    – describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

    Inside Paragraphs

    – discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)



    – a selective listing of the Artist/Group’s important recordings that relate to the paper. Look up “discography” so you know what it is!

    Research References

    – citations need to be in MLA or APA format

    Use of copied materials:

    This assignment uses the Turnitin tool, which assesses the materials in the paper and issues a Similarity Report of any materials that are copied from existing sources. You need to be sure that any copied materials are properly cited, in quotations, etc.. You have 3 submissions for the Draft and Final paper to assure that you have viewed the Similarity Report and rewritten your paper to make sure there are no copied materials that are not properly cited in your final submissions. The university takes plagiarism very seriously (see syllabus), so be SURE your paper does not include copied materials that are not cited or quoted in your writing.

    Note: Including LARGE amounts of quoted materials in the body of your paper (to build up word count) will not be viewed favorably in the grading of the paper. This writing assignment is designed for you to write about music, using your own words and descriptions. You need to include cited information about the artist/group and recordings, but the body of the paper that includes your descriptions of the music and concepts should be your own words, organized for this paper, not copied descriptions from research sources. That being said, important quotes from the artist/group or reviews that help make your points are encouraged. How and where you place these quotes in your paper can be very effective in the creation of an interesting and well written paper.


    Pratt Museum Artifacts Narratives of City Identity Digital Object Analysis Writing Assignment Help

    In response to the in-class virtual visit to The Tenement Museum’s Strikers & Stylemakers exhibit, each student will select a digital artifact to document and analyze with a one-page response paper. The artifact may be selected from the open-access digital collection at The Tenement Museum or the student may select their own source material including photographs, letters, diary entries, audio/video recording or other creative works. A digital version of the source material must be uploaded to each student’s individual drive folder along with the analysis including:

    • A complete bibliographic entry citing the primary source
    • A narrative description of the source including contextual information situating the object in place and time
    • An analysis dissecting the object’s role and significance both in current day and in relation to when it was originally created


    Once you find an artist you are interested in, listen to the musical examples and read about the artist and their concepts for combining Jazz and the International music they specialize in.


    1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
    2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
    3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
    4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
    5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
      1. Date released
      2. Record label
      3. Musicians on the recording
      4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

    You will be graded on:

    1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
    2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
    3. Your description of the music.
      1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
      2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
        1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
      3. How well written and readable the paper is.
        1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

    Note: Reference materials (discography and citation lists) are not part of the word count

    Basic format:

    Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

    – describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

    Inside Paragraphs

    – discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)



    – a selective listing of the Artist/Group’s important recordings that relate to the paper. Look up “discography” so you know what it is!

    Research References

    – citations need to be in MLA or APA format

    Use of copied materials:

    This assignment uses the Turnitin tool, which assesses the materials in the paper and issues a Similarity Report of any materials that are copied from existing sources. You need to be sure that any copied materials are properly cited, in quotations, etc.. You have 3 submissions for the Draft and Final paper to assure that you have viewed the Similarity Report and rewritten your paper to make sure there are no copied materials that are not properly cited in your final submissions. The university takes plagiarism very seriously (see syllabus), so be SURE your paper does not include copied materials that are not cited or quoted in your writing.

    Note: Including LARGE amounts of quoted materials in the body of your paper (to build up word count) will not be viewed favorably in the grading of the paper. This writing assignment is designed for you to write about music, using your own words and descriptions. You need to include cited information about the artist/group and recordings, but the body of the paper that includes your descriptions of the music and concepts should be your own words, organized for this paper, not copied descriptions from research sources. That being said, important quotes from the artist/group or reviews that help make your points are encouraged. How and where you place these quotes in your paper can be very effective in the creation of an interesting and well written paper.


    Pratt Museum Artifacts Narratives of City Identity Digital Object Analysis Writing Assignment Help

    In response to the in-class virtual visit to The Tenement Museum’s Strikers & Stylemakers exhibit, each student will select a digital artifact to document and analyze with a one-page response paper. The artifact may be selected from the open-access digital collection at The Tenement Museum or the student may select their own source material including photographs, letters, diary entries, audio/video recording or other creative works. A digital version of the source material must be uploaded to each student’s individual drive folder along with the analysis including:

    • A complete bibliographic entry citing the primary source
    • A narrative description of the source including contextual information situating the object in place and time
    • An analysis dissecting the object’s role and significance both in current day and in relation to when it was originally created


    Once you find an artist you are interested in, listen to the musical examples and read about the artist and their concepts for combining Jazz and the International music they specialize in.


    1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
    2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
    3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
    4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
    5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
      1. Date released
      2. Record label
      3. Musicians on the recording
      4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

    You will be graded on:

    1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
    2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
    3. Your description of the music.
      1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
      2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
        1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
      3. How well written and readable the paper is.
        1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

    Note: Reference materials (discography and citation lists) are not part of the word count

    Basic format:

    Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

    – describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

    Inside Paragraphs

    – discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)



    – a selective listing of the Artist/Group’s important recordings that relate to the paper. Look up “discography” so you know what it is!

    Research References

    – citations need to be in MLA or APA format

    Use of copied materials:

    This assignment uses the Turnitin tool, which assesses the materials in the paper and issues a Similarity Report of any materials that are copied from existing sources. You need to be sure that any copied materials are properly cited, in quotations, etc.. You have 3 submissions for the Draft and Final paper to assure that you have viewed the Similarity Report and rewritten your paper to make sure there are no copied materials that are not properly cited in your final submissions. The university takes plagiarism very seriously (see syllabus), so be SURE your paper does not include copied materials that are not cited or quoted in your writing.

    Note: Including LARGE amounts of quoted materials in the body of your paper (to build up word count) will not be viewed favorably in the grading of the paper. This writing assignment is designed for you to write about music, using your own words and descriptions. You need to include cited information about the artist/group and recordings, but the body of the paper that includes your descriptions of the music and concepts should be your own words, organized for this paper, not copied descriptions from research sources. That being said, important quotes from the artist/group or reviews that help make your points are encouraged. How and where you place these quotes in your paper can be very effective in the creation of an interesting and well written paper.


    Pratt Museum Artifacts Narratives of City Identity Digital Object Analysis Writing Assignment Help

    In response to the in-class virtual visit to The Tenement Museum’s Strikers & Stylemakers exhibit, each student will select a digital artifact to document and analyze with a one-page response paper. The artifact may be selected from the open-access digital collection at The Tenement Museum or the student may select their own source material including photographs, letters, diary entries, audio/video recording or other creative works. A digital version of the source material must be uploaded to each student’s individual drive folder along with the analysis including:

    • A complete bibliographic entry citing the primary source
    • A narrative description of the source including contextual information situating the object in place and time
    • An analysis dissecting the object’s role and significance both in current day and in relation to when it was originally created


    Once you find an artist you are interested in, listen to the musical examples and read about the artist and their concepts for combining Jazz and the International music they specialize in.


    1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
    2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
    3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
    4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
    5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
      1. Date released
      2. Record label
      3. Musicians on the recording
      4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

    You will be graded on:

    1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
    2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
    3. Your description of the music.
      1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
      2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
        1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
      3. How well written and readable the paper is.
        1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

    Note: Reference materials (discography and citation lists) are not part of the word count

    Basic format:

    Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

    – describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

    Inside Paragraphs

    – discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)



    – a selective listing of the Artist/Group’s important recordings that relate to the paper. Look up “discography” so you know what it is!

    Research References

    – citations need to be in MLA or APA format

    Use of copied materials:

    This assignment uses the Turnitin tool, which assesses the materials in the paper and issues a Similarity Report of any materials that are copied from existing sources. You need to be sure that any copied materials are properly cited, in quotations, etc.. You have 3 submissions for the Draft and Final paper to assure that you have viewed the Similarity Report and rewritten your paper to make sure there are no copied materials that are not properly cited in your final submissions. The university takes plagiarism very seriously (see syllabus), so be SURE your paper does not include copied materials that are not cited or quoted in your writing.

    Note: Including LARGE amounts of quoted materials in the body of your paper (to build up word count) will not be viewed favorably in the grading of the paper. This writing assignment is designed for you to write about music, using your own words and descriptions. You need to include cited information about the artist/group and recordings, but the body of the paper that includes your descriptions of the music and concepts should be your own words, organized for this paper, not copied descriptions from research sources. That being said, important quotes from the artist/group or reviews that help make your points are encouraged. How and where you place these quotes in your paper can be very effective in the creation of an interesting and well written paper.


    Pratt Museum Artifacts Narratives of City Identity Digital Object Analysis Writing Assignment Help

    In response to the in-class virtual visit to The Tenement Museum’s Strikers & Stylemakers exhibit, each student will select a digital artifact to document and analyze with a one-page response paper. The artifact may be selected from the open-access digital collection at The Tenement Museum or the student may select their own source material including photographs, letters, diary entries, audio/video recording or other creative works. A digital version of the source material must be uploaded to each student’s individual drive folder along with the analysis including:

    • A complete bibliographic entry citing the primary source
    • A narrative description of the source including contextual information situating the object in place and time
    • An analysis dissecting the object’s role and significance both in current day and in relation to when it was originally created


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