ECO 2013 Miami Dade College Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Report Economics Assignment Help. ECO 2013 Miami Dade College Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Report Economics Assignment Help.
I’m working on a macro economics writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Macropoland, a country that is a natural gas and oil importer, has a natural rate of unemployment (at the full employment level of GDP) that is about 4.5%, and the long run average rate of inflation over time has been about 2%. However, during the period 1973-1974, the country experienced an inflation rate of about 15% while simultaneously experiencing unemployment of nearly 13%.
At the present time, Macropoland is experiencing very sluggish consumption and investment (a result of a fall in the housing market), and unemployment has again edged up to around 9%. Inflation is very low at 0.4%.
Macropoland has just hired you as their economic advisor. You have a big job ahead of you. Using your knowledge of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, can you explain what happened in these two time periods?
ECO 2013 Miami Dade College Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Report Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IT 304 SNHU Millennia Healthcenter Systems Testing Worksheet Computer Science Assignment Help
Imagine that you are a systems analyst on the project team that is developing an IT system for Millennia HealthCenter, as described in the business case you saw earlier in this course. The same team is almost finished developing the system, and is about to start the testing phase. Before the team starts on the testing tasks, you have been asked to create the system test plan. Your test plan will ensure that all features within the developed solution have been validated. The plan will also ensure that when the system is tested in the future, what has been tested and all test results have been documented.
To ensure that your test plan will test the functionality of the system in the projects, you should refer to the activities you completed in Module Two and Module Four, as well as Project One in Module Five. Reviewing the business case, use case diagrams, use case specifications, and system requirements specification can help you have a better idea as to what kind of testing needs to be prioritized.
Your test plan should include the following components:
- Detailed test procedures, including how each testing task will be completed
- Who will participate in each testing phase
- Task dependencies within the testing phase, including when each testing task will be completed
- What test data will be used
This test plan will be used to check the system for readiness. After you have developed your test plan, write a brief reflection on making ethical decisions in the testing phase by thoroughly answering one of the following questions:
- If you found out that there were bugs in the system after completing several testing tasks, what would you do?
- If you found some small problems with the system, what would you do?
- What are the ethical dilemmas if you don’t complete the test plan prior to system launch?
Use the Test Plan template attached below to complete this activity, or you can create your own test plan. Something to keep in mind is that different industries and organizations will have their own templates, whether that’s for test plans, implementation plans, requirements specifications, etc.
SUNY Old Westbury Expanding Computer Network Risk Assessment Report Computer Science Assignment Help
For this activity, you will:
- Read the scenario.
- Utilize qualitative and quantitative risk assessment (RA) processes.
- Provide qualitative and quantitative estimates to inform management of the risks and costs associated with the project.
Imagine that you work for a company as a network administrator. Your company has just won a large contract with the United States government and you have been given the responsibility to plan and implement the project. The project involves expanding an existing computer network. Your company has never worked with the U.S. government at this level. Therefore, this is your chance to prove yourself in the company.
In meetings, you have explained the architecture, new enterprise-level firewall, additional requirements for network monitoring, need for an additional system administrator, and risks of not complying with Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) regulations for securely working with the U.S. government.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) outlines nine steps toward compliance with FISMA:
- Categorize the information to be protected.
- Select minimum baseline controls.
- Refine controls using a risk assessment procedure.
- Document the controls in the system security plan.
- Implement security controls in appropriate information systems.
- Assess the effectiveness of the security controls once they have been implemented.
- Determine agency-level risk to the mission or business case.
- Authorize the information system for processing.
- Monitor the security controls on a continuous basis.
It is expected that the implementation of the project will have a total cost of $3 million to bring it to full operation, including full compliance with the FISMA standards, in approximately six months. Your tasks in this project are to develop, test, and bring into production a network with these requirements in a short time frame.
This project, if executed properly, is likely to have an annual income of $30 million USD for your company. This income is a 20% premium to other sources of income, amounting to $90 million. Your company is expected this revenue in the current year, and it will greatly contribute to the company’s bottom line.
Based on the service level agreement with the U.S. government, service delivery requirements are expected to be on time and within the specified quality parameters of +/- 1% of the time with specified deliverables scheduled for every other Friday afternoon at the end of the day. For each month the project is late, a 5% reduction per month in the overall contract price will be imposed. If this reduction reaches 20%, the contract will be transferred to another company that was part of the original bidding process.
There is a lot at stake in this project. Therefore, it’s imperative that you execute an effective and accurate RA. These are your tasks:
- Estimate the qualitative and quantitative risks of bringing the project to completion:
- On time
- One month early
- Two months late
- Estimate the qualitative risks of bringing the project to completion:
- On time, but not with the required security
- One month early with the required security requirements
- Two months late, without the required security requirements
- Estimate the qualitative and quantitative risks of bringing the project to completion on time, with the required security requirements, within/on budget, but not meeting the required contractual commitment for service.
FSW Hamlet by William Shakespeare Act 3 Scene 3 Analytical Review Humanities Assignment Help
There is no substitution for seeing theater in person. However, given the limitations of time and place, this assignment will explore theater through script and a video of a production realizing that script.
It is a cliché to regard Shakespeare’s Hamlet as the greatest theatrical drama of all time. However, this cliché is not without cause. The play Hamlet is beloved because of its complexity and the wide-ranging possibilities it offers actors and directors for interpretation.
In this assignment, you will select a scene from Hamlet to analyze. Although you are encouraged to both read and view the work in its entirety, for practical time considerations, this will not be necessary for this assignment; instead you will be focusing on one scene.
First, read this synopsis of the entire play, found here: (Links to an external site.)
Next, select a scene to analyze. Your tendency might be to go for the famous “to be or not to be” soliloquy, but know that Hamlet is full of great scenes, and it might be easier to say something revealing if you choose a scene that is less well-known. Ultimately, try to choose a scene that seems – at least in its description – to seize your attention or interest. You can find a synopsis of each scene at this site: (Links to an external site.)
Now you must read the scene. As you do, keep in mind that Hamlet is not only considered one of the greatest dramas for performance, it is also regarded as one of the greatest pieces of literature in English – and even world – literature. Pay close attention to the language Shakespeare uses, the turns of phrase, and the ways he creates his characters and moves the action of the plot along. It would be useful to keep notes as you read, marking places that seem significant in some way, and noting any aspects of the text that strike you (here, you might find it useful to employ some of your learning from the literature module of our course). You can find the entire script of Hamlet, complete with helpful footnotes to assist with problems of language or meaning, here: (Links to an external site.)
Finally, watch a staging of your scene. Youtube has countless versions of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, scene-by-scene. You can also watch an entire production on the Kanopy streaming site, through the FSW library. As you watch the staging, pay attention to how this literary work is brought to life. Does the interpretation agree with yours? Does it seem to reveal anything about the scene that you hadn’t experienced from reading of it? How are the characters brought to life? How is the stage used? What kind of Hamlet do you get from this interpretation (bear in mind, interpretations of the character of Hamlet can range from indecisive and moody to insane, or even insanely clever)? Be sure and include an explanation for why you chose the scene you did.
Post your analysis on your blog. Feel free to offer a link and/or use any visuals that you think would help or might make the posting look good. The posting should be at least 250 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.
University of Cumberlands Security Issues Hardening Technique Report Computer Science Assignment Help
As a security administrator for Always Fresh, you have been instructed to ensure that Windows authentication, networking, and data access are hardened. This will help to provide a high level of security.
The following are issues to be addressed through hardening techniques:
§Previous attempts to protect user accounts have resulted in users writing long passwords down and placing them near their workstations. Users should not write down passwords or create passwords that attackers could easily guess, such as words founds in the dictionary.
§Every user, regardless of role, must have at least one unique user account. A user who operates in multiple roles may have multiple unique user accounts. Users should use the account for its intended role only.
§Anonymous users of the web server applications should only be able to access servers located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). No anonymous web application users should be able to access any protected resources in the Always Fresh IT infrastructure.
§To protect servers from attack, each server should authenticate connections based on the source computer and user.
Create a summary report to management that describes a hardening technique that addresses each issue listed above. Provide rationale for each selection.
City College of San Francisco Optimal Income Taxation & Budget Constraint Paper Economics Assignment Help
Problem 2: Optimal Income Taxation
Consider an economy with two agents who differ in their innate earning
ability, denoted by w and w for the high-ability individual and the lowability
individual, respectively, where w > w ³ 0. Both individuals share
the same preferences given by U(c,l) = c -l2 / 2, where c denotes
consumption and l denotes labor (the price of c is normalized to 1).
Income is subject to a proportional income tax denoted by 0 < t <1.
Moreover, the government is enacting a supplementary-security-income
policy (SSI) according to which, any individual whose (net) income is
City College of San Francisco Optimal Income Taxation & Budget Constraint Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Our Lady of the Lake University Intervention and Evidence Base Case Study Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Cynthia is a 29-year-old financial planner who is married and the mother of three children. Her husband
brought her to the emergency room after having spent the past 12 days in “another cycle of
depression,” marked by a quick temper, almost no sleep and tearfulness. He noted that these “dark
periods” have gone on as long as he has known her but that she had experienced at least a half dozen of
these episodes in the prior year. Cynthia’s husband reported that her mood typically stabilizes within a
few weeks of restarting her fluoxetine. He added that he wondered whether alcohol and clonazepam
worsened her symptoms, because she routinely ramped up their use when the dark periods begin.
Cynthia’s husband stated that he decided to bring her to the ER because he discovered a blog she just
created that presented unethical financial planning advice to her clients. He noted she had been working
on this blog around the clock. She has also avoided eating and her responsibilities regarding the
children. When he confronted her, she claimed she was fine and was going to “make them as rich as the
Queen of England.”
Cynthia was first diagnosed with depression in college, after the death of her father. He had been a
wildly erratic, alcohol-abusing businessman who Cynthia loved very much. Her paternal grandmother
had several “nervous breakdowns,” but her diagnosis and treatment history were unknown. Since
college, her mood was generally “sad”. Interspersed with recurrent bouts of enhanced dysphoria,
insomnia, and uncharacteristically rapid speech and hyper alertness. She had tried psychotherapy
sporadically and taken a series of antidepressant medications, but her husband noted that the baseline
depression persisted and that the “dark periods” were increasing in frequency.
Her outpatient psychiatrist reported that Cynthia appeared to have dysthymia and a recurrent major
depression. He also said that he had never seen her during periods of edginess and insomnia-she always
refused to seem him until the “really down” periods improved. She also refused him access to her
husband or any other sources of collateral information.
Upon entering the evaluation room, Cynthia was angrily pacing. The LCSW noted she was dressed in a
jeans and shirt that was carelessly unbuttoned. Her eyes appeared glazed and unfocused. She
responded to the LCSW’s entrance by sitting down and explaining that this was all a miscommunication,
and she was fine and needed to get home immediately to tend to her business. Her speech was rapid,
pressured, and very difficult to interrupt. She admitted to not sleeping but denied that it was a problem.
She denied hallucinations but admitted, with a smile, to a unique ability to predict the stock market. She
refused cognitive testing, saying she would decline the opportunity to be a “trained seal, a guinea pig,
Mr. Ed, and a barking dog, thank you very much, and may I leave now?” Her insight into her situation
appeared poor, and her judgment was deemed to be impaired
Rasmussen College Strategies to Promote a Culture of Excellence in the Workplace Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- Clearly stated, detailed, and succinct written response to the first question that supports the needs for change includes a relevant example as supporting rationale and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Clearly stated, through and succinct written response to the second question which included a relevant example supporting the rationale for the response and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Clearly stated, through and succinct written response to the third question which included a relevant example supporting the rationale for the response and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
Describe a culture of excellence in nursing.
You currently serve as a nursing member of a Practice Excellence Committee. The administration has proposed a new bar code system for medication retrieval by nurses at the bedside. The purpose of the new system is to decrease medication errors by providing nurses with an opportunity to retrieve medications at the bedside where clients and family members can ask questions and receive immediate feedback. At the beginning of the shift, each nurse will checkout a medication box based on assigned clients. Once medications are verified, scanned and removed nurses can send text messages from the bar code scanner to pharmacy should questions or concerns arise.
In the current medication retrieval system, the nurse must take a computer with client medication information to a central dispensing area and wait in line at the electronic medication dispensary for medications then return to the client’s bedside for administration. Hospital leaders are excited since the new beside bar code medication retrieval system is in response to a needs assessment of client and employee satisfaction survey data trended over three years and work by a consulting firm which identified the need after as six month observation period for employee behaviors related to medication administration.
Today is the launch of the new system. You presented the new, proposed innovation at a medical employee staff meeting attended by nurses, pharmacists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists, and respiratory therapists. Attendees received information including data summary supporting the change, a summary of the proposed change with equipment demonstration and proposed implementation plan including timeline and employee expectations for adoption.
During the implementation portion of the presentation, a few employees voiced concerns and disrupted the meeting. You lost focus and felt defeated after the presentation; you thought the entire interprofessional team would be excited about the innovative medication administration system. Unfortunately, many nurses left the meeting before the entire implementation plan had been discussed expressing emotional outbursts with outward negativity toward the proposed innovative change.
To facilitate this change and address concerns you scheduled another meeting one month later in a town hall format with only nursing staff invited to attend. Before this meeting, you plan to create a Facts and Questions (FAQ) document based on three priority areas of concerns you noted from the first meeting. You plan to disperse the FAQ document in an email to invited nursing staff one week before the town hall as a way to “break the ice.”
Create an FAQ (Fact and Question) document which provides a detailed and succinct (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed) response to each question below and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Why do we need this change?
- What we currently use works well, why change now?
- Honestly, as a nurse, how will this new piece of equipment help me better perform my professional role?
BHR 3352 UNA Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
HR Ethics: Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching
As business leaders get promoted, evidence suggests that there are more opportunities for ethical transgressions. Companies can do several things to help prevent ethical lapses. (1) Promote an ethical culture. (2) Use 360-degree evaluations. (3) Apply coaching. (4) Discuss the importance of ethical leadership.
- What kinds of approaches might you use to help leaders be more ethical? How could performance management processes be used to facilitate this aim?
- Besides some of the ideas already discussed, what do you think companies can do to reduce the likelihood of leaders acting unethically?
Your assignment is to 1) read the information in the box content, 2) answer these questions, 3) present/defend your ideas with thoughtful logic or relevant evidence, and 4) respond to at least two other students’ posts with other thoughtful analyses. Your posts should be comprehensive (multiple lengthy paragraphs), as well as concise and detailed.
Grades are assigned using a rubric with the following dimensions: 1) logic/support, 2) clarity/conciseness, 3) depth, 4) length, 5) contains multiple postings/responses.
ART 102 Los Angeles Valley College Vigee Lebrun Portrait Comparison Essay Writing Assignment Help
Use the Vigee Lebrun comparison images in the module to write an approximately 250 word essay comparing her pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary portrait. After the Revolution rococo art went out of style and was associated with the vanquished former monarchy. It was no longer fashionable for men to wear colorful or ornamental clothing and make up, and woman were encouraged to be “modest”.
Cosider the following questions in your essay:
How does Vigee-Lebrun represent herself differntly in each portriat?
How does she engage the viewer in different ways?
How is the palette of each work different?
Finally, watch a staging of your scene. Youtube has countless versions of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, scene-by-scene. You can also watch an entire production on the Kanopy streaming site, through the FSW library. As you watch the staging, pay attention to how this literary work is brought to life. Does the interpretation agree with yours? Does it seem to reveal anything about the scene that you hadn’t experienced from reading of it? How are the characters brought to life? How is the stage used? What kind of Hamlet do you get from this interpretation (bear in mind, interpretations of the character of Hamlet can range from indecisive and moody to insane, or even insanely clever)? Be sure and include an explanation for why you chose the scene you did.
Post your analysis on your blog. Feel free to offer a link and/or use any visuals that you think would help or might make the posting look good. The posting should be at least 250 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.
University of Cumberlands Security Issues Hardening Technique Report Computer Science Assignment Help
As a security administrator for Always Fresh, you have been instructed to ensure that Windows authentication, networking, and data access are hardened. This will help to provide a high level of security.
The following are issues to be addressed through hardening techniques:
§Previous attempts to protect user accounts have resulted in users writing long passwords down and placing them near their workstations. Users should not write down passwords or create passwords that attackers could easily guess, such as words founds in the dictionary.
§Every user, regardless of role, must have at least one unique user account. A user who operates in multiple roles may have multiple unique user accounts. Users should use the account for its intended role only.
§Anonymous users of the web server applications should only be able to access servers located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). No anonymous web application users should be able to access any protected resources in the Always Fresh IT infrastructure.
§To protect servers from attack, each server should authenticate connections based on the source computer and user.
Create a summary report to management that describes a hardening technique that addresses each issue listed above. Provide rationale for each selection.
City College of San Francisco Optimal Income Taxation & Budget Constraint Paper Economics Assignment Help
Problem 2: Optimal Income Taxation
Consider an economy with two agents who differ in their innate earning
ability, denoted by w and w for the high-ability individual and the lowability
individual, respectively, where w > w ³ 0. Both individuals share
the same preferences given by U(c,l) = c -l2 / 2, where c denotes
consumption and l denotes labor (the price of c is normalized to 1).
Income is subject to a proportional income tax denoted by 0 < t <1.
Moreover, the government is enacting a supplementary-security-income
policy (SSI) according to which, any individual whose (net) income is
City College of San Francisco Optimal Income Taxation & Budget Constraint Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Our Lady of the Lake University Intervention and Evidence Base Case Study Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Cynthia is a 29-year-old financial planner who is married and the mother of three children. Her husband
brought her to the emergency room after having spent the past 12 days in “another cycle of
depression,” marked by a quick temper, almost no sleep and tearfulness. He noted that these “dark
periods” have gone on as long as he has known her but that she had experienced at least a half dozen of
these episodes in the prior year. Cynthia’s husband reported that her mood typically stabilizes within a
few weeks of restarting her fluoxetine. He added that he wondered whether alcohol and clonazepam
worsened her symptoms, because she routinely ramped up their use when the dark periods begin.
Cynthia’s husband stated that he decided to bring her to the ER because he discovered a blog she just
created that presented unethical financial planning advice to her clients. He noted she had been working
on this blog around the clock. She has also avoided eating and her responsibilities regarding the
children. When he confronted her, she claimed she was fine and was going to “make them as rich as the
Queen of England.”
Cynthia was first diagnosed with depression in college, after the death of her father. He had been a
wildly erratic, alcohol-abusing businessman who Cynthia loved very much. Her paternal grandmother
had several “nervous breakdowns,” but her diagnosis and treatment history were unknown. Since
college, her mood was generally “sad”. Interspersed with recurrent bouts of enhanced dysphoria,
insomnia, and uncharacteristically rapid speech and hyper alertness. She had tried psychotherapy
sporadically and taken a series of antidepressant medications, but her husband noted that the baseline
depression persisted and that the “dark periods” were increasing in frequency.
Her outpatient psychiatrist reported that Cynthia appeared to have dysthymia and a recurrent major
depression. He also said that he had never seen her during periods of edginess and insomnia-she always
refused to seem him until the “really down” periods improved. She also refused him access to her
husband or any other sources of collateral information.
Upon entering the evaluation room, Cynthia was angrily pacing. The LCSW noted she was dressed in a
jeans and shirt that was carelessly unbuttoned. Her eyes appeared glazed and unfocused. She
responded to the LCSW’s entrance by sitting down and explaining that this was all a miscommunication,
and she was fine and needed to get home immediately to tend to her business. Her speech was rapid,
pressured, and very difficult to interrupt. She admitted to not sleeping but denied that it was a problem.
She denied hallucinations but admitted, with a smile, to a unique ability to predict the stock market. She
refused cognitive testing, saying she would decline the opportunity to be a “trained seal, a guinea pig,
Mr. Ed, and a barking dog, thank you very much, and may I leave now?” Her insight into her situation
appeared poor, and her judgment was deemed to be impaired
Rasmussen College Strategies to Promote a Culture of Excellence in the Workplace Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- Clearly stated, detailed, and succinct written response to the first question that supports the needs for change includes a relevant example as supporting rationale and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Clearly stated, through and succinct written response to the second question which included a relevant example supporting the rationale for the response and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Clearly stated, through and succinct written response to the third question which included a relevant example supporting the rationale for the response and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
Describe a culture of excellence in nursing.
You currently serve as a nursing member of a Practice Excellence Committee. The administration has proposed a new bar code system for medication retrieval by nurses at the bedside. The purpose of the new system is to decrease medication errors by providing nurses with an opportunity to retrieve medications at the bedside where clients and family members can ask questions and receive immediate feedback. At the beginning of the shift, each nurse will checkout a medication box based on assigned clients. Once medications are verified, scanned and removed nurses can send text messages from the bar code scanner to pharmacy should questions or concerns arise.
In the current medication retrieval system, the nurse must take a computer with client medication information to a central dispensing area and wait in line at the electronic medication dispensary for medications then return to the client’s bedside for administration. Hospital leaders are excited since the new beside bar code medication retrieval system is in response to a needs assessment of client and employee satisfaction survey data trended over three years and work by a consulting firm which identified the need after as six month observation period for employee behaviors related to medication administration.
Today is the launch of the new system. You presented the new, proposed innovation at a medical employee staff meeting attended by nurses, pharmacists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists, and respiratory therapists. Attendees received information including data summary supporting the change, a summary of the proposed change with equipment demonstration and proposed implementation plan including timeline and employee expectations for adoption.
During the implementation portion of the presentation, a few employees voiced concerns and disrupted the meeting. You lost focus and felt defeated after the presentation; you thought the entire interprofessional team would be excited about the innovative medication administration system. Unfortunately, many nurses left the meeting before the entire implementation plan had been discussed expressing emotional outbursts with outward negativity toward the proposed innovative change.
To facilitate this change and address concerns you scheduled another meeting one month later in a town hall format with only nursing staff invited to attend. Before this meeting, you plan to create a Facts and Questions (FAQ) document based on three priority areas of concerns you noted from the first meeting. You plan to disperse the FAQ document in an email to invited nursing staff one week before the town hall as a way to “break the ice.”
Create an FAQ (Fact and Question) document which provides a detailed and succinct (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed) response to each question below and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Why do we need this change?
- What we currently use works well, why change now?
- Honestly, as a nurse, how will this new piece of equipment help me better perform my professional role?
BHR 3352 UNA Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
HR Ethics: Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching
As business leaders get promoted, evidence suggests that there are more opportunities for ethical transgressions. Companies can do several things to help prevent ethical lapses. (1) Promote an ethical culture. (2) Use 360-degree evaluations. (3) Apply coaching. (4) Discuss the importance of ethical leadership.
- What kinds of approaches might you use to help leaders be more ethical? How could performance management processes be used to facilitate this aim?
- Besides some of the ideas already discussed, what do you think companies can do to reduce the likelihood of leaders acting unethically?
Your assignment is to 1) read the information in the box content, 2) answer these questions, 3) present/defend your ideas with thoughtful logic or relevant evidence, and 4) respond to at least two other students’ posts with other thoughtful analyses. Your posts should be comprehensive (multiple lengthy paragraphs), as well as concise and detailed.
Grades are assigned using a rubric with the following dimensions: 1) logic/support, 2) clarity/conciseness, 3) depth, 4) length, 5) contains multiple postings/responses.
ART 102 Los Angeles Valley College Vigee Lebrun Portrait Comparison Essay Writing Assignment Help
Use the Vigee Lebrun comparison images in the module to write an approximately 250 word essay comparing her pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary portrait. After the Revolution rococo art went out of style and was associated with the vanquished former monarchy. It was no longer fashionable for men to wear colorful or ornamental clothing and make up, and woman were encouraged to be “modest”.
Cosider the following questions in your essay:
How does Vigee-Lebrun represent herself differntly in each portriat?
How does she engage the viewer in different ways?
How is the palette of each work different?
Finally, watch a staging of your scene. Youtube has countless versions of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, scene-by-scene. You can also watch an entire production on the Kanopy streaming site, through the FSW library. As you watch the staging, pay attention to how this literary work is brought to life. Does the interpretation agree with yours? Does it seem to reveal anything about the scene that you hadn’t experienced from reading of it? How are the characters brought to life? How is the stage used? What kind of Hamlet do you get from this interpretation (bear in mind, interpretations of the character of Hamlet can range from indecisive and moody to insane, or even insanely clever)? Be sure and include an explanation for why you chose the scene you did.
Post your analysis on your blog. Feel free to offer a link and/or use any visuals that you think would help or might make the posting look good. The posting should be at least 250 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.
University of Cumberlands Security Issues Hardening Technique Report Computer Science Assignment Help
As a security administrator for Always Fresh, you have been instructed to ensure that Windows authentication, networking, and data access are hardened. This will help to provide a high level of security.
The following are issues to be addressed through hardening techniques:
§Previous attempts to protect user accounts have resulted in users writing long passwords down and placing them near their workstations. Users should not write down passwords or create passwords that attackers could easily guess, such as words founds in the dictionary.
§Every user, regardless of role, must have at least one unique user account. A user who operates in multiple roles may have multiple unique user accounts. Users should use the account for its intended role only.
§Anonymous users of the web server applications should only be able to access servers located in the demilitarized zone (DMZ). No anonymous web application users should be able to access any protected resources in the Always Fresh IT infrastructure.
§To protect servers from attack, each server should authenticate connections based on the source computer and user.
Create a summary report to management that describes a hardening technique that addresses each issue listed above. Provide rationale for each selection.
City College of San Francisco Optimal Income Taxation & Budget Constraint Paper Economics Assignment Help
Problem 2: Optimal Income Taxation
Consider an economy with two agents who differ in their innate earning
ability, denoted by w and w for the high-ability individual and the lowability
individual, respectively, where w > w ³ 0. Both individuals share
the same preferences given by U(c,l) = c -l2 / 2, where c denotes
consumption and l denotes labor (the price of c is normalized to 1).
Income is subject to a proportional income tax denoted by 0 < t <1.
Moreover, the government is enacting a supplementary-security-income
policy (SSI) according to which, any individual whose (net) income is
City College of San Francisco Optimal Income Taxation & Budget Constraint Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Our Lady of the Lake University Intervention and Evidence Base Case Study Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Cynthia is a 29-year-old financial planner who is married and the mother of three children. Her husband
brought her to the emergency room after having spent the past 12 days in “another cycle of
depression,” marked by a quick temper, almost no sleep and tearfulness. He noted that these “dark
periods” have gone on as long as he has known her but that she had experienced at least a half dozen of
these episodes in the prior year. Cynthia’s husband reported that her mood typically stabilizes within a
few weeks of restarting her fluoxetine. He added that he wondered whether alcohol and clonazepam
worsened her symptoms, because she routinely ramped up their use when the dark periods begin.
Cynthia’s husband stated that he decided to bring her to the ER because he discovered a blog she just
created that presented unethical financial planning advice to her clients. He noted she had been working
on this blog around the clock. She has also avoided eating and her responsibilities regarding the
children. When he confronted her, she claimed she was fine and was going to “make them as rich as the
Queen of England.”
Cynthia was first diagnosed with depression in college, after the death of her father. He had been a
wildly erratic, alcohol-abusing businessman who Cynthia loved very much. Her paternal grandmother
had several “nervous breakdowns,” but her diagnosis and treatment history were unknown. Since
college, her mood was generally “sad”. Interspersed with recurrent bouts of enhanced dysphoria,
insomnia, and uncharacteristically rapid speech and hyper alertness. She had tried psychotherapy
sporadically and taken a series of antidepressant medications, but her husband noted that the baseline
depression persisted and that the “dark periods” were increasing in frequency.
Her outpatient psychiatrist reported that Cynthia appeared to have dysthymia and a recurrent major
depression. He also said that he had never seen her during periods of edginess and insomnia-she always
refused to seem him until the “really down” periods improved. She also refused him access to her
husband or any other sources of collateral information.
Upon entering the evaluation room, Cynthia was angrily pacing. The LCSW noted she was dressed in a
jeans and shirt that was carelessly unbuttoned. Her eyes appeared glazed and unfocused. She
responded to the LCSW’s entrance by sitting down and explaining that this was all a miscommunication,
and she was fine and needed to get home immediately to tend to her business. Her speech was rapid,
pressured, and very difficult to interrupt. She admitted to not sleeping but denied that it was a problem.
She denied hallucinations but admitted, with a smile, to a unique ability to predict the stock market. She
refused cognitive testing, saying she would decline the opportunity to be a “trained seal, a guinea pig,
Mr. Ed, and a barking dog, thank you very much, and may I leave now?” Her insight into her situation
appeared poor, and her judgment was deemed to be impaired
Rasmussen College Strategies to Promote a Culture of Excellence in the Workplace Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Grading Rubric Mastery=4=A
- Clearly stated, detailed, and succinct written response to the first question that supports the needs for change includes a relevant example as supporting rationale and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Clearly stated, through and succinct written response to the second question which included a relevant example supporting the rationale for the response and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Clearly stated, through and succinct written response to the third question which included a relevant example supporting the rationale for the response and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Formal style reflected throughout the document, including no spelling, grammar, or APA format errors present.
Describe a culture of excellence in nursing.
You currently serve as a nursing member of a Practice Excellence Committee. The administration has proposed a new bar code system for medication retrieval by nurses at the bedside. The purpose of the new system is to decrease medication errors by providing nurses with an opportunity to retrieve medications at the bedside where clients and family members can ask questions and receive immediate feedback. At the beginning of the shift, each nurse will checkout a medication box based on assigned clients. Once medications are verified, scanned and removed nurses can send text messages from the bar code scanner to pharmacy should questions or concerns arise.
In the current medication retrieval system, the nurse must take a computer with client medication information to a central dispensing area and wait in line at the electronic medication dispensary for medications then return to the client’s bedside for administration. Hospital leaders are excited since the new beside bar code medication retrieval system is in response to a needs assessment of client and employee satisfaction survey data trended over three years and work by a consulting firm which identified the need after as six month observation period for employee behaviors related to medication administration.
Today is the launch of the new system. You presented the new, proposed innovation at a medical employee staff meeting attended by nurses, pharmacists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists, and respiratory therapists. Attendees received information including data summary supporting the change, a summary of the proposed change with equipment demonstration and proposed implementation plan including timeline and employee expectations for adoption.
During the implementation portion of the presentation, a few employees voiced concerns and disrupted the meeting. You lost focus and felt defeated after the presentation; you thought the entire interprofessional team would be excited about the innovative medication administration system. Unfortunately, many nurses left the meeting before the entire implementation plan had been discussed expressing emotional outbursts with outward negativity toward the proposed innovative change.
To facilitate this change and address concerns you scheduled another meeting one month later in a town hall format with only nursing staff invited to attend. Before this meeting, you plan to create a Facts and Questions (FAQ) document based on three priority areas of concerns you noted from the first meeting. You plan to disperse the FAQ document in an email to invited nursing staff one week before the town hall as a way to “break the ice.”
Create an FAQ (Fact and Question) document which provides a detailed and succinct (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed) response to each question below and promotes a culture of excellence.
- Why do we need this change?
- What we currently use works well, why change now?
- Honestly, as a nurse, how will this new piece of equipment help me better perform my professional role?
BHR 3352 UNA Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
HR Ethics: Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching
As business leaders get promoted, evidence suggests that there are more opportunities for ethical transgressions. Companies can do several things to help prevent ethical lapses. (1) Promote an ethical culture. (2) Use 360-degree evaluations. (3) Apply coaching. (4) Discuss the importance of ethical leadership.
- What kinds of approaches might you use to help leaders be more ethical? How could performance management processes be used to facilitate this aim?
- Besides some of the ideas already discussed, what do you think companies can do to reduce the likelihood of leaders acting unethically?
Your assignment is to 1) read the information in the box content, 2) answer these questions, 3) present/defend your ideas with thoughtful logic or relevant evidence, and 4) respond to at least two other students’ posts with other thoughtful analyses. Your posts should be comprehensive (multiple lengthy paragraphs), as well as concise and detailed.
Grades are assigned using a rubric with the following dimensions: 1) logic/support, 2) clarity/conciseness, 3) depth, 4) length, 5) contains multiple postings/responses.
ART 102 Los Angeles Valley College Vigee Lebrun Portrait Comparison Essay Writing Assignment Help
Use the Vigee Lebrun comparison images in the module to write an approximately 250 word essay comparing her pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary portrait. After the Revolution rococo art went out of style and was associated with the vanquished former monarchy. It was no longer fashionable for men to wear colorful or ornamental clothing and make up, and woman were encouraged to be “modest”.
Cosider the following questions in your essay:
How does Vigee-Lebrun represent herself differntly in each portriat?
How does she engage the viewer in different ways?
How is the palette of each work different?
Finally, watch a staging of your scene. Youtube has countless versions of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, scene-by-scene. You can also watch an entire production on the Kanopy streaming site, through the FSW library. As you watch the staging, pay attention to how this literary work is brought to life. Does the interpretation agree with yours? Does it seem to reveal anything about the scene that you hadn’t experienced from reading of it? How are the characters brought to life? How is the stage used? What kind of Hamlet do you get from this interpretation (bear in mind, interpretations of the character of Hamlet can range from indecisive and moody to insane, or even insanely clever)? Be sure and include an explanation for why you chose the scene you did.
Post your analysis on your blog. Feel free to offer a link and/or use any visuals that you think would help or might make the posting look good. The posting should be at least 250 words. This assignment will be assessed on its formal clarity, the quality of the writing and editing, its degree of engagement with its topic, its creativity/inventiveness/originality of ideas, and the sophistication of thought it expresses.