ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Starting a Business Project Paper Paper Writing Assignment Help. ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Starting a Business Project Paper Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Plagiarism is a serious offence. Any kind of plagiarism will result in a mark of 0. Say “Plagiarism is Injurious to Good Grades.” |
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Include the cover page with all information required. |
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The use of In-text citations in case of using others’ work. Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references. |
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Your project report length should be between 1500 to 2000 words in total. |
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Proofread your work for spelling, grammar and punctuation. |
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Your file should be saved as Word doc (No submission in PDF format) Example: Your Group Number_ECOM421_Assignment Number .doc |
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Formatting style elements |
Use 1.5 line spacing with adjusting to all paragraphs (alignment). |
Use the footer function to insert the page number. |
Use black color for your answers. |
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As per the marking policy available on your blackboard, a deduction of 20% will be applied if the structure of the assignment is poor, if the word count is not correct, or if the assignment has multiple spelling, grammar, or punctuation issues. “Good Luck” |
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Starting a Business Project Paper Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Maine Social Inequality in the Media Paper Law Assignment Help
Deviance is a violation of cultural norms, but not all deviant behavior is negative. A sociologist can examine deviant behavior through a theoretical perspective to try to understand its causes. A symbolic interactionist view would explain deviance as a product of social stratification. For example, people born into a lower economic class will have limited access to resources, such as education and income, so they are, therefore, more likely to end up in a life of crime and poverty.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Give an example of a positive or negative deviant behavior that you have witnessed, either formal or informal. How did it violate social norms? How did you react? How did the people in the nearby social group react? (Please do not share incriminating or personal details.)
- How would a functionalist or conflict theorist explain the reasons for the deviant behavior?
Assignment Content
- Watch 30 to 60 minutes of a production from current media that illustrates examples of social stratification and inequalities, such as a sitcom, drama, movie, or documentary. Examples include productions like Blackish, Sons of Anarchy, Family Guy, Empire, CSI, BlacKkKlansman, Chicago Fire, Orange is the New Black, NCIS, When They See Us, Pose, Game of Thrones, or Law & Order. Contact your instructor for approval if you are unsure if a certain media production fits the assignment.
- Take notes while you watch to record examples of the behavior patterns that reflect social stratification and inequality.
- Refer to the Reading Guide Deviance Social Stratification and Inequality document for more information on theoretical perspectives on these topics to assist with this assignment.
- Write a 400- to 600-word paper in which you discuss the TV show or film as it relates to race, gender, and social class stratification. Include the following:
- Provide the name of the show or film you selected, as well as a brief summary of the plot and setting of the story.
- Identify and describe at least one example of social deviance that you observed. Which social structures or norms could have contributed to this act of deviance?
- Identify and describe at least two examples of sociological inequalities that you observed. Which social structures or norms could have contributed to these inequalities?
- Indicate the theoretical perspective—functionalist, conflict, or symbolic interactionist—that you would use to explain the social inequalities you observed. Explain your reasons for choosing this perspective.
- Make connections between the social stratification of class, race, and gender that you observed in the TV show or film, and the ways that it represents inequality in our society.
MPITB Matt’s Story From End-Stage Heart Failure to Recovery Video Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing exercise and need support to help me study.
The student must watch the video at the link
- The first paragraph should give a summary
- Give a summary of the patient condition, complications, and treatment plan
- Explain the pathophysiology of the disease
- Describe the patients clinical status including assessment findings
- What type of medications, intake and output, and diet would be best for this patient. In your answer explain why you would recommendations and diet would be recommended
- Analyze how the diagnostic findings for this patient would influence overall fluid balance and cardiac function
.This a “thinking out loud” process that deals with reasons, motives, and interpretation of your experience. Emotional responses are very telling so it is important to analyze how the situation made you feel. Some questions to think about when answering the analysis section are:
- How the patient situation make you feel?
- What were you thinking while thinking of the care of the patient?
- What new things did you learn?
- In what way has this experience challenged your assumptions, prejudices, or biases?
3.In the third paragraph you need to reflect on your analysis and self-assessment. You want to determine the WHY. You might want to begin with “In retrospect I realize or When looking back I recognize that” Consider answering the following in this paragraph:
- How did this event impact you?
- This has taught me…
4.Finally you want to improve your nursing practice. Look to the future and determine how you can use what you learned and incorporate it into your personal life or nursing practice. Utilize these questions when developing this paragraph:
- How will you use the knowledge gained in the future?
- When a circumstance like this occurs again I will…?
- How will this experience alter your future behavior, attitudes, or career?
American Military University Week 5 Traditional Educational Interactions Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Week 5 Brain Structures and Functions
100 Possible Points
For this assignment, you are tasked with completing a 6-8-page paper that addresses the major structures of the brain and the influence these have on cognition and learning. By completing this assignment, you will demonstrate (a) an understanding of the major brain structures, (b) fluency in the processes that occur within the brain, leading to the learning of specific behaviors, and (c) the connections of the relationships required between major brain structures and cognitive functions to facilitate the learning process.
In completing the assignment, include the following, ensuring details are provided to fully elucidate the concepts presented:
- Select 2-3 learning experiences, describing, in detail, how each experience generally occurs.
- Examples of learning experiences one might consider are learning to ride a bike, learning a new language, learning to bake a cake, to name a few.
- In describing each learning experience, identify at least 4 specific brain structures or functions that contribute to or impede the selected learning processes.
- For each identified function or structure, describe and define the structure of the brain and purpose, with detail.
- Include a diagram, a process model, or provide another visual representation of the brain structures and functions depicting accurate examples of the structural changes that might occur or steps in the process of the learning tasks selected.
- As a major purpose of the work is to demonstrate an understanding of the brain structures related to learning processes, close your work with a succinct summary of the major aspects of the topic from the learning experiences you selected.
- Share your conclusions as a result of completing this project; how is the knowledge you have gained useful to the field of cognitive psychology, the larger field of psychology, and society overall?
Include a minimum 6 to 7 pages, not including APA formatted required title and reference pages; submit APA style in-text citations throughout the work as well.
The basic parts of a paper should also be included; these are the opening, introduction section, with a precise thesis statement, the body of the paper with clear, discernable headings formatted to APA style levels of heading where appropriate, and a conclusion that restates the thesis and summarizes the major points of the entire paper.
American Military University Week 6 Aspects of Intelligence & Creativity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This week, in our course materials, we are challenged to consider aspects of intelligence and creativity. Creativity, we learn, is an important skill applied in solving novel problems and creating unique goods, products, services, or ideas.
Elizabeth Kirk (2016) explores the role of gesturing in encouraging creative thought in young children. The study conducted revealed gesturing increased the number of novel ideas generated by children. This gives us much to consider as we look at what drives our creativity!
- Considering the course materials for the week, think about the situations in which your creativity is at its highest. In what format is your creativity best expressed?
- If you were asked to define and develop a measure appropriate for your ideal display of creativity, how would the definitions and instruments of measures be described?
Kirk, E. (2016, December 14). Gesturing can boost children’s creative thinking.
Response #1
Good evening All,
This week, we enter the world of Intelligence and Creativity Comprehension during our week 6 educational voyage. As we strive to understand the concepts or definition of intelligence and creativity, our readings provide great insight and gave substance to both words for me. What is intelligence and how does it affect us? Intelligence, as we all make an attempt to gather, “is the capability to gain information through experience, face challenges, and apply knowledge by acclimating to change.” (AMU, 2021) Though it may seem cut and dry. . . it is one of the most multifaceted topics in the arena of psychology. What is creativity and how does it apply to the human mind? According this week’s readings, “Creativity is associating components of a problem and discovering an unforeseen bond. People who convey creativity articulate divergent thinking, allowing people to establish a hypothesis, envision other perceptions, and observe associations that are not instantly evident (Creativity).” (AMU, 2021)
As I pondered on the readings and all of the course materials, I thought about a situation in which I displayed personal creativity. As I mentioned at the beginning of the course, I am currently a drill instructor at MCRD San Diego. Though I am no longer operating at the platoon level, I run into many complicated issues on the daily. These experiences truly bring a test daily and I feel as if they bring out the best in all of us on this special duty assignment. The format that my creativity is best expressed is through navigating the company through all tribulations or obstacles. Every day I find myself developing, innovating, creating, or searching for new ways to meet our commander’s intent. This intent stems into how we plan to take the institutional priorities, and digest them preparing for a peer-to-peer adversary. With this in mind, the definitions or instruments of measure would be the product of Marine we make on the daily. We make Marines. . .handworkers, critical thinkers and innovators who are not scared to bring the fight to our enemy.
Works Cited
AMU. (2021). Intelligence and Creativity Comprehension. Retrieved from PSYC303 | LESSON 6:…
What Are Intelligence and Creativity? (2021). Retrieved from OER Commons:…
Hello class
Creativity is in everyone! Some may say to themselves, “I don’t have a creative bone in my body!” When hearing this, I reply, “That’s a lie, you just haven’t been placed into a situation to showcase your abilities.” I believe creativity comes from within and is expressed at its highest form when an individual is doing something they love. For me, I am most creative when I am cooking or dancing. When cooking, I have no idea what comes over me but, I know when I am in my element, something delicious will come from it. I enjoy following recipes for the first time correctly, then the second time adding my own flavor to them. The key to cooking is to cook from the heart without measuring your seasonings. You must shake until the souls of your ancestral grandmother whisper into your ear, “That’s enough baby!” When I am dancing, the rhythm and beat of the song take over my body and I move to the music as if I am the only one in the room. I feel the music…there isn’t any thought into it. I don’t count the steps in my head or tell myself of the next move I may perform. My body flows as if I were a single leaf floating in an autumn breeze.
Our readings coined creativity as the ability to generate, create, or discover new ideas, solutions, and possibilities (2020). This to me is a perfect definition but, if I had to describe it myself, I would say creativity is the ability to use your imagination to make something new. Using this definition to express my creativity I would prepare eggs. To showcase my creativity, I would give myself 30 eggs, the seasonings in my cabinet, and the ingredients currently in my fridge. I would have to prepare eggs in as many ways as I am able within 1 hour. This challenge would allow me to showcase my cooking abilities during a time constraint. To be honest, I think I would perform better without the timeline but, I would still be able to come up with something during that hour. If any of you enjoys cooking, would you be up for the challenge?
Spielman, R. M., Jenkins, W. J., & Lovett, M. D. (2020). 7.4 What Are Intelligence and Creativity? In Psychology 2e. OpenStax.…
In the reading this week, it states, “creative intelligence is marked by inventing or imagining a solution to a problem or situation,” (2007, P. 10). When looking at creativity and the variance approach, creativity is captured as a product that an individual will produce and or something that is seen as useful and adaptive to society. In order for creation to be deemed creative an individual must be open to new talents and interest and also poses discipline and expanded qualities. When looking into the reading, Batey believed that there were four pillars that helped define creativity which were the person, the cognitive process, the environment, and the product. Just because someone is creative doesn’t mean they have to be intelligent and this is a common misconception. In terms of self-creativity, the best expression would be through activity and or high stimulate situations. I cannot draw or make things with my hands but when it comes to sport involvement or outdoor activities I excel in creativity. High stressful and or stimulated situations allow not only my mind but my talents and interests to be exposed showing the creativeness. I enjoy playing softball and feel that I can fully be creative, nonconformity, curious, and persistent. I don’t focus on what others around me believe and I don’t need to be culturally accepted, it is something I enjoy and a way for me to express who I am both creatively and intellectually.
When looking at Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences and its resemblance to creativity, I believe that as stated, “each person possesses at least eight intelligences. Among these eight intelligences, a person typically excels in some and falters in others (Gardner, 1983). Table describes each type of intelligence,” (2007, P. 11). The intelligence would come from my creativity and the idea of bodily kinesthetic intelligence which would entail the ability to control the body to perform physical task related to sports or in this case, softball. The representative career choice would fall under athlete and describes the developed measure. Creative intelligence is important when looking at Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory because it includes finding a solution to a problem just like in softball. My creativity through softball and my expression is shown through the way I handle high stressful situations thrown at me, for instance a ball hit at me and knowing where and when to through said ball to make a play. This would be the outcome of a problem or situation, hence producing a beautiful play and or solution for my team.
Psychology, thinking and intelligence, what are intelligence and creativity? (2007). Retrieved February 09, 2021, from
SOC 159 University of California Davis Media Critique Paper Writing Assignment Help
The paper should be approximately 5-7 typed pages in length
(12-point font, 1” margins, double-spaced)
You will need to find TWO items: a popular media report OF a scholarly research article, and the scholarly article on which the report is based. Acceptable media sources include newspapers, magazines, television/radio news reports, the internet, etc. Please notice that narrowly focused newsletters, database clearinghouse publications (e.g., medicalnewstoday, medline) that briefly summarize research reports, and University sites that merely list recent affilitated publications are not appropriate.
After selecting a media report of a scholarly article on a topic you can relate to the course material, you must also locate the actual scholarly journal article. Media reports that do not cite a scholarly study are not acceptable. If multiple articles are cited, you may select one of them to obtain and analyze. If a link to the article is not provided in the media report, you must locate the research referenced in the report. To find scholarly journal articles, you can search the library databases (Web of Science, Sociological Abstracts, JSTOR, etc.)
àArticles with only a URL citation, blogs, and Wikipedia are NOT acceptable.
The deadline for approval of your sources by your TA is February 18. All students must have their media report sources approved. The earlier the better as many times the first media report is not acceptable. Be prepared to submit both the popular media and the journal article (links).
Read: “NYTimesReadThisFirst” posted in this module.
After careful thought, you will write up a critique.
Begin with 1) a paragraph summarizing the content/issue(s) in the article, and 2) a paragraph describing the original research source. The bulk of the write-up will critically evaluate the material, comparing the article to the original research, and relating it to information/themes covered in the class. (20 points)
Then, among the questions you should:
1. What model of mental health, illness/disorder is used (chapter 4)? (12 points)
2. Generally, does the “data” presented seem to support the conclusions that are drawn. Note that by nature the summary news bytes will not provide sufficient information for a detailed critique, and research reports tend to be very technical. Stating this is not sufficient. (12 points)
3. How might an alternative/different model or perspective on mental disorder approach the topic or interpret the data differently? (16 points)
-continued on the next page-
4. What kinds of information are still unknown — what further research remains to be done? (12 points)
5. How accurately does the article represent the original research report (or research in the area)? Note again that stating differences in length is not sufficient. (16 points)
6. A final paragraph will describe why you personally find the article/issue interesting. (12 points)
Links to the media source and the scholarly article must be included in your paper.
SOC 159 University of California Davis Media Critique Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HCM 4012 South University Wk 4 The Strategic National Stockpile Disaster Plans Health Medical Assignment Help
Disaster Plans
The SNS is a pivotal tool in the event of a disaster.
Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research SNS. Based on your understanding, respond to the following:
- List and explain the types of items a community hospital will require and seek from the SNS in the event of a disaster.
- List and explain at least two concerns you may have when forced to rely on this facility.
- During the creation of disaster plans, it is common and essential that neighboring hospitals work together. List and explain some of the problems that may arise from a disaster plan, which may be ten years old and involved all of the local community hospitals at the time it was originally designed.
Make sure that you include an introduction and conclusion to your post.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2016). Strategic National Stockpile. CDC.
Retrieved from:
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Your initial posting should be addressed at 150-300 words. Submit your document to this Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Be sure to cite your sources using APA format.
Media Interactions and Political Persuasion Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
Time to put your knowledge of the evolving role of the media in political messages to work! You’ve been asked by a popular news organization to create a web article for their official website that will help the public understand the role that media plays in politics. Your product will first explain your analysis of a media item and then describe how the role of media in politics has changed over time.
- Choose a visual, text, or other media item that is political in nature (TV Commercial, Political Cartoon, Debate, or Inaugural Address). Be sure to include the media item, or directions on how to access it, with your assessment.
- What is the political message of your chosen media item? In one well-written paragraph, answer this question by explaining the background of the text, image, or video. This background paragraph should include who created the media item, when, for whom, and for what purpose.
- What bias exists in your media item? In a second well-written paragraph, explain what bias the message reveals and how. This analysis paragraph should explain at least one strategy from the lesson that the media item uses to persuade people, such as symbolism or emotional appeal.
- How have the media changed over time, and how has this affected political communication? In a third well-written paragraph, answer this question in your own words.
SU Stock Exchanges in The United States NASDAQ and the NYSE Essay Economics Assignment Help
Answer the following questions in a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link.
Please respond to the following:
- In your own words, identify two different stock exchanges in the United States. Describe the similarities and differences between the two stock exchanges. Identify one stock from each of the two stock exchanges.
- Using the two stocks you identified, determine the free cash flow from 2015 and 2016. What inference can you draw from the companies’ free cash flow?
- Using the 2017 and 2018 financial statements for both stocks, prepare two financial ratios for each of the following categories: liquidity ratios, asset management ratios, and profitability ratios. You should have a total of six ratios for each stock, per year. What challenges, strengths, or weaknesses do you see?
SEU Wk 4 Strategy Planning Walmart Inc New Challenges Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
For this discussion, you will explore the relationship between financial analysis and strategic analysis in a review of the case study Walmart, Inc. in 2018: The World’s Biggest Retailer Faces New Challenges (from your textbook). In addition, read: Chapter 2, “Putting Performance Analysis into Practice.”
A case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading and answering the specific questions, develop your proposed solution by following these five steps:
- Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area which apply to the situation described in the case study.
- Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the principles and concepts of the course area issues. The case may have extraneous information not relevant to the current course area. Your ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of your answers.
- Describe in detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
- Consider how you would support your solution with examples from experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
- Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions, but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.
In an original post, present a well-written answer and diagnosis for the following case study questions:
- How well is Walmart performing relative to its competitors?
- From (a) the financial data and (b) what we know about Walmart’s businesses, can we identify the sources of Walmart’s inferior performance?
- How are Walmart’s shareholders and stakeholders affected by the performance?
- What can Walmart’s management do to close the performance gap?
Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article. Keep in mind that these scholarly references can be found in the Saudi Digital Library by conducting an advanced search specific to scholarly references. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Starting a Business Project Paper Paper Writing Assignment Help
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Starting a Business Project Paper Paper Writing Assignment Help