ECON 120C UCSD Threats to the Validity of a Regression Study Reflection Economics Assignment Help. ECON 120C UCSD Threats to the Validity of a Regression Study Reflection Economics Assignment Help.
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1. What were the most important 1-2 new things you learnt from the lecture and/orreadings that you did not know before class? Describe one way in which what youlearnt connects to either a different subject/topic you are interested in, or a personalexperience.
2. What were 1-2 points discussed in lecture/readings that you are still confused/unclearabout and would like some further clarification on?
3. What topics/questions would you like to learn more about or discuss more based oncontent covered in the lecture/readings?
The reflection should be concise and not longer than 1 page (letter format, 12points, double spacing).
ECON 120C UCSD Threats to the Validity of a Regression Study Reflection Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NUR 4636 Miami Dade College Community Health Nursing Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help
Women’s Health
- Read the scenario below.
- Respond to the questions in full sentences. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling
- What are the biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, behavioral and health system factors operating in this situation?
- What actions would you take to provide more sensitive and effective care for women who are lesbian, bisexual, or transgender?
- Describe the major health concerns of this woman and what role the community health nurse might play in this situation?
Scenario: Betty is 45 years old, self-employed, divorced three times, and mother of three boys and one daughter. Two years ago, her last husband died of lung cancer at age 54. She was referred to the local clinic because she has been feeling depressed. During the interview, Betty informs the community health nurse that she is tired of living the old way, and she is now involved with a woman and considers herself a lesbian. She admits that she has been sexually involved with both men and women during the past three years. She indicates that she is afraid she might have cancer because her mother died of breast cancer five years ago at the age of 67. She does not have health insurance. Betty stated that she is embarrassed to get a pap smear because she heard that gay women do not need to get a pap smear since they are not having “real sex” vaginally. |
NUR 2220 EDP University of Puerto Rico Health Assessment and Promotion Exam Health Medical Assignment Help
-Este trabajo será realizado de manera individual.
-El trabajo deberá ser enviado el día de hoy 17 de julio de 2020, en el horario de clases (5:00pm a 9:30pm).
-Examen entregado luego de este horario, se recibirá como tardanza.
-Se le restaran 5 puntos por cada día de tardanza, a la puntación final. Sin distinción de persona.
-Las contestaciones del examen parcial #1, serán enviadas al profesor asignado al curso, en la adjunta:
-Trabajo será entregado de manera ordenada (según las premisas de las preguntas).
-Trabajos entregados exactamente iguales en la parte de pensamiento crítico y contestaciones de cierto o falso, tendrán una puntuación de cero.
-Entregar el examen el día asignado, contara como asistencia.
Saint Leo University Nature vs Nurture Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
What questions do you have about the ideas in the post? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far? Your responses to other learners are expected to be substantive, referencing the assigned readings as well as other scholarly or professional literature to support your statements. End with a positive.
1. The nature versus nurture debate has been around for many years, drawing both criticism and praise for its basis. The theory lies in the idea that nature is referring to something biological and nurture is referring to sociocultural influences. Lifespan development theories seems to take one side or the other, viewing them as competing ideologies rather than viewing them simultaneously. Various studies have indicated that these two ideas feed off of one another and make up a vital piece of human development, and as such should be viewed together. In an article by Eagly and Wood (2013) the psychology of gender and the influences of nature vs nurture are highlighted in both classic and modern research. Gender is a specific construct that has been extensively researched, yet has been evolving in the last several years. The researchers review the previous studies and interpret the criticism of the overall theory of nature vs nurture.
The idea of nature vs nurture can be controversial in the world of psychology. Newer studies and ideologies present rapidly growing information on biological causes for behaviors, while others remain skeptical. In Eagly and Wood’s (2013) article, sex differences and similarities are able to be determined through both biological and social means. These findings are based on the review of many previous studies that indicate genetic influences are dependent upon the social environment (Eagly & Wood, 2013). On the other side of the debate, researchers claim that separating out nature and nurture explanations are “impossible and unproductive” (Levitt, 2013). Social scientists have stated that the approach to behaviors, sex related or otherwise, is unhelpful and outdated (Levitt, 2013). Yet, geneticists argue that nature and nurture do in fact interact but in ways that are not fully understood at this point (Eagly &Wood, 2013; Levitt, 2013). The multidisciplinary approach to nature and nurture creates complications and contradicting evidence on whether it should be more thoughtfully considered or not.
While differing approaches to nature vs nurture may fall in the lines of viewing the concepts separately, there are many scientists who feel that both can be viewed. The difference with this approach is that these scientists feel that the concepts of nature and nurture build on one another, and that one may be more influential than the other in a given circumstance (Eagly & Wood, 2013; Levitt, 2013) With gender or sex concepts it seems that nature can shape nurture, meaning that biological traits can have an effect on how the way individuals respond to nurture (Eagly & Wood, 2013). This approach is still an appropriate means of looking at nature vs nurture as both ideas are being viewed for motive behind behavior.
Eagly and Wood’s (2013) article is relevant as it was published within the last 7 years. The information that was provided was clear and offered extensive support to the conclusions. The relevancy of the article to the field is also highly appropriate as it addresses an idea of how behaviors and development are influenced by nature and nurture.
The different theories and ideas that surround the nature vs nurture debate lead to controversy over whether it is useful and appropriate to view development from this approach. Overall there seems to be enough research that makes the debate continue. The multidisciplinary approach to the theory provides viewpoints that psychologists should consider when furthering their research.
Eagly, A. H., & Wood, W. (2013). The nature–nurture debates: 25 years of challenges in understanding the psychology of gender. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8(3), 340-357.
Levitt, M. (2013). Perceptions of nature, nurture and behaviour. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 9(1), 13.
2. Practitioner-scholar model
The very first statement by Charles McClintock is huge. “The term scholar practitioner expresses an ideal of professional excellence grounded in theory and research, informed by experiential knowledge, and motivated by personal values, political commitments, and ethical conduct.” McClintock, C. (2004). Scholar practitioner model. In A. DistefanoK. E. Rudestam & R. J. Silverman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of distributed learning (pp. 440-396). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412950596.n134. In the current society we live in with social media everyone tries to be an “expert” on many different topics and it is often very difficult to determine fact from fiction. This model outlines specific concepts that allow me as the scholar to take my hypothesis and evaluate it for validity. It forces me find the “data” to support, or debunk that hypothesis and, if followed it, doesn’t allow me to just spew my opinions without data driven results. This concept is often talked about but rarely does one have a guideline to follow to implement the concept. The four steps listed in the Capella Learning Model Quick Reference and Examples: Acquire knowledge, Process information, Evaluate new strategies and Apply and monitor, gives the learner specific steps to follow before developing you final hypothesis and before presenting to other.
Overall Vision
This is a very interesting subject. I have a pretty good idea about where I am heading in my career but it seems like throughout my history as soon as I feel like I have a clear vision something comes along and turns me in a new direction. I don’t however think this is a bad thing; in my opinion my ability to adapt to change direction is a strength. No matter how many turns I have taken in my forty three years there have been a few very constant factors, so instead of discussing a specific landing point I will discuss these factors because no matter the situation I always end up landing very close to these factors. Factor one, I am a helper. I live by the quote from Zig Ziglar “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want”. This quote means, to me, that in order to get where you want to be you have to help as many people get where they want to be. I have had many “jobs” in my life but they all have one thing in common, I was a people helper. This will always be a constant in my life. Factor two, special needs population will be a focus. Throughout my life time this population has changed names several times but what has never changed is my passion for the population. This passion started as a High School freshman and has only gotten more intense and I don’t see that fire ever going out. ABA is currently my “landing position” because in the area where I reside the need for appropriate, non-cookie cutter behavioral intervention is abundant. Behavioral intervention has been an interest for me for a number of years and unless an unforeseen force turns the plane this is where I plan to “land”.
Time Management
This topic as it applies to me is huge and has very differing opinions depending on who, in my life, you ask. Busy doesn’t begin to explain me. I hold several “full time” positions. First and most importantly I am a father/grandfather. I have 5 children ranging from 24 to 6 and 1 eighteen month old grandchild. These guys take up a lot of my time. People think that once the kids are grown they don’t need the parents as much but I have found that this is not true. The needs just change or evolve. My second full time position is as a husband. I will not expand on the reasons for this one because it is self-explanatory and I refuse to incriminate myself! My Third full time position is my employment as an IDD Care Coordinator. I currently work for a MCO and manage the Medicaid innovations waver program. I have 30+ members on my case load at any given time and each one can require full time attention at one point or another. MY final full time position is both lucrative and a passion. I am a DJ and have been “spin the turn tables” for 11 years now. I currently DJ 2 to 3 events (parties, Wedding, Trivia, Karaoke) a week which once you factor in preparation time it becomes full time. So how do I plan to add my graduate program to the mix and be successful? I simply plan to “get it done”. I have developed several methods of “get it done” that I currently use and I plan to apply them to this program. One of those methods is spread sheets/check sheets. I find that this is a very effective organizational method for me. I plan to create these for the entire program, for every quarter and every week. I list the topics that need completing and review them and my progress to achieving them every day. During these reviews I will prioritize tasks as I go focusing on size of task and due dates. My final time management tool is that I don’t sleep so many of my assignments will be completed at mid night. I know what everyone thinks about this strategy but it has worked for me in the past, I’m not sure I submitted a single assignment before eleven A.M. during my undergraduate program, so if it isn’t broken you know.
Code of Conduct
A Code of Conduct is a huge concept that seems to be less and less of a focus in society today and this is very unfortunate in my personal opinion. A Code of Conduct to me is a set of guidelines that must be followed to represent your “integrity” in any role of life. As a young man I was a pizza delivery driver, as stated I have held many positions. Part of the Code of Conduct was that you must have a neat, clean attire. Your shirt must be stain free and tucked, your pants must be pressed and clean, shoes should be black and slip free. I lived by this and I was often “joked” on by other drivers because I was “too neat” but in my opinion this showed the customer that I cared about my appearance so I cared about their pizza. A Code of Conduct is twofold also. I, as a student, employee or member of a group must uphold my end of the code but my boss, professor, teacher or whomever one answers too must enforce and insist that their followers follow the code or else the code is rendered useless.
Project Animal Land Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 2 Assignment: PDM, Critical Path, and Schedule
Begin working on the exercises below. Be sure to use the WBS you developed in last week’s discussion, the SOW you developed for last week’s assignment, and the information in the attached exhibit.
Exercise 1: Draw a PDM and calculate the critical path. Use your results to inform your initial post to this week’s discussion forum.
Exercise 2: Create a schedule for project Animal Land using the template provided. Submit your schedule, PDM, and critical path to the part 2 Assignment: PDM, Critical Path and Schedule . To complete this exercise, use the attached template.
Attached Files:
Attached exhibit
Attached template
Part 3 Assignment: Budget and Earned Value Analysis
Exercise 1: Based on the WBS and SOW you developed in part1, the schedule you created in part 2, and the information in labor rates sheet, create a budget for project Animal Land using the attached template
Exercise 2: Perform an Earned Value Analysis for the status of Animal Land to-date. Based on your earned value analysis, what is your assessment of this project? On schedule? On budget? If not, what can be done? To complete this assignment, use the attached exercise 2 instructions.
Attached Files:
File Budget Template.xlsx
File Labor Rates.xlsx
Attached exercise 2 instructions
Central Texas College Principles of Macroeconomics & Economic Growth Discussion Economics Assignment Help
1.As a response to structural unemployment due to AI (artificial intelligence), Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang proposes “the Freedom Dividend,” a universal income of $1000/month per citizen. What do you think of this proposal? Consider any of the following in your answer: Unemployment, aggregate demand, economic growth, structural unemployment, labor force participation rate, opportunity cost, the federal deficit, business start-ups, and/or unintended consequences.
2.Chapter 25 (section 25-2) in your textbook discusses productivity and the challenges faced by governments as they seek to raise living standards. Obviously, there are areas of disagreement and areas of potential improvement. If you were polled, what policy would you suggest to improve U.S. living standards? In your answer, make sure to consider opportunity cost and any potential unintended consequences. You may also want to analyze the effect on future growth as you post and reply.
3.Chapter 27 introduces the financial system and the importance of assessing time and risk in making financial decisions. Summarize your own financial plan balancing present and future needs, especially future retirement needs. In your answer, you may want to apply: the Rule of 70, present value, insurance, diversification, and risk. How will you stay motivated to meet future goals (home ownership, business start-ups, family goals, and/or retirement with the human tendency to prefer “now” over “later?”
4.Chapter 33 (section 33-5a) discusses the Great Recession of 2008-2009. Respond to ONE of the following:
- What lingering effects from the Great Recession do you find in either news stories or in your own community?
- As hindsight is 20/20, what active stabilization policies (if any) should have been enacted to respond to the financial crisis?
- What should be changed to prevent future financial crises?
Each answer should be substantial (containing at least 200-250 words). Any use of outside resources requires that you cite and reference your sources in APA format.
Central Texas College Principles of Macroeconomics & Economic Growth Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENG 2205 Hamlet Power of Knowledge & William Shakespeare Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Answer one of the three prompts in MLA format:
Describe how ontological views of relativism’s impact the ethical situations in the plot by focusing in on Hamlet’s role, as opposed to the significance of absolutism or idealism? How does this narrative express the issues within a humanist Renaissance?
Discuss the theme of appearance versus reality in the play. Use this idea to answer how the ethereal elements, such as the ghost of Old King Hamlet, should be used to interpret the plot. Does the ghost represent Hamlet’s disbelief in his own reality and become a construct of the mind, which inevitably destroys him, or does the ghost fit within the of reality of the political corruption in the state to symbolize this notion as he takes revenge that he sees fit for the death of his father?
How should one interpret the use of knowledge and absolute power based on the play? What is your own interpretation of the divine right of kings as opposed to other forms of government based on the plot? Is the play an accurate portrayal of the divine right of kings, or is it otherwise based on your interpretation of how realistic the plot is?
American InterContinental University Week 7 The Severance Package Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Completing this activity will help you prepare for the upcoming assignment in Week 7. Think of it as practice for the assignment. As such, focus on content and not formatting. Your paper should be no longer than 2 pages in length.
For this activity:
– Create a severance package for a separated employee in a ficticious company.
– At a minimum include:
Position differences
Years of service
Actual compensation amounts
Any additional benefits that you want to add
– Determine whether severance pay is taxable.
– Create a chart that depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation.
– Use of Microsoft Word or an equivalent application, such as OpenOffice.
Use at least one quality academic resource in this activity.
University Of California Los Angeles Compound Average Growth Rate Memo Economics Assignment Help
Use the data in the spreadsheet below to complete the following tasks:
- compute the compound average growth rate (CAGR) for personal income and each tax revenue source;
- use the CAGR for personal income and the tax revenue sources to estimate the income elasticity of tax revenue of each tax revenue source;
- use the income elasticity of tax revenue measures to assess the vertical equity of each tax revenue source;
- develop a revenue forecast for each tax revenue source for FY 2017-FY 2021 and briefly defend the method used for the revenue forecast; and
- examine the 2003 and 2008 cigarette tax rate increases and estimate the tax rate elasticity of cigarette tax revenue.
Draft a memorandum to provide all the information required above to me.
- Microsoft Word Document.
- Five-page maximum, excluding cover page, references, graphs, and tables (if needed).
- Single spacing.
- 1-inch margins on all sides of the page.
- Justified text alignment.
- Arial 11 point font.
- Use tables if they are helpful in presenting information. However, provide sufficient explanation of the information in any table or tables.
- References in APA style
- Memo cover page must be as follows:
TO: [Instructor Name]
RE: Tax Analysis.
Capella University Is Quantum Computing a Cybersecurity Threat Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Research the development of quantum computers and how it will affect the digital world of the future,
once it is fully functional and how soon. Include how it will affect the current functionality of Cyber
Security among other industries such has science, physics, astronomy, healthcare, finance, etc..
Some topics to focus can include any of the following:
What can quantum computing do
What complications still exist with quantum computing
What is the estimated time frame in-which quantum computing will be completed
What will be expected of quantum computing once it has been fully developed
What are the quantum computing limitations
What industries will be most impacted by quantum computing and how
This paper should include the following:
Minimum of 500 words
MLA format
Your name and period
Sources / bibliography
Affects on Cyber Security Functionality and effectiveness
ECON 120C UCSD Threats to the Validity of a Regression Study Reflection Economics Assignment Help
ECON 120C UCSD Threats to the Validity of a Regression Study Reflection Economics Assignment Help