ECON 201 Saudi Electronic University Macro Economics Chapters 1 to 4 Questions Paper Economics Assignment Help. ECON 201 Saudi Electronic University Macro Economics Chapters 1 to 4 Questions Paper Economics Assignment Help.
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Q1: Imagine a society that produces military goods and consumer goods, which we’ll call “guns”
and “butter.”[2 Marks]
- Draw a production possibilities frontier for guns and butter. Using the concept of opportunity cost, explain why it most likely has a bowed-out shape.
- Show a point that is impossible for the economy to achieve. Show a point that is feasible but inefficient.
- Imagine that the society has two political parties, called the Hawks (who want a strong military) and the Doves (who want a smaller military). Show a point on your production possibilities frontier that the Hawks might choose and a point the Doves might choose.
- Imagine that an aggressive neighboring country reduces the size of its military. As a result, both the Hawks and the Doves reduce their desired production of guns by the same amount. Which party would get the bigger “peace dividend,” measured by the increase in butter production? Explain.
Q2: Suppose that there are 10 million workers in Canada and that each of these workers can produce
Either 2 cars or 30 bushels of wheat in a year. [2 Marks]
- What is the opportunity cost of producing a car in Canada? What is the opportunity cost of producing a bushel of wheat in Canada? Explain the relationship between the opportunity costs of the two goods.
- Draw Canada’s production possibilities frontier. If Canada chooses to consume 10 million
- Now suppose that the United States offers to buy 10 million cars from Canada in exchange for 20 bushels of wheat per car. If Canada continues to consume 10 million cars, how much wheat does this deal allow Canada to consume? Label this point on your diagram. Should Canada accept the deal?
cars, how much wheat can it consume without trade? Label this point on the production
possibilities frontier.
Q3: Suppose the demand function for corn is Qd = 10 − 2p, and supply function is Qs = 3p − 5. The
government is concerned that the market equilibrium price of corn is too low and would like to
implement a price support policy to protect the farmers. By implementing the price support
policy, the government sets a support price and purchases the extra supply at the support price.
In this case, the government sets the support price ps = 4. [1 Mark]
- Calculate the original market equilibrium price and quantity in absence of the price
- At the support price ps = 4, find the quantity supplied by the farmers, the quantity
support policy.
demanded by the market, and the quantity purchased by the government.
ECON 201 Saudi Electronic University Macro Economics Chapters 1 to 4 Questions Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENGL 1102 Idaho State University Ethical and Philosophical Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Your goal in writing an explanatory essay, or informative report, is not to argue a particular point; rather, you must present the facts in a reasonably objective manner. Like all other academic essays, your explanatory essay should be based on a thesis.
For this assignment, your essay’s topic will be generated from “Chapter 12: Artificial Intelligence” in Writing and Reading across the Curriculum and respond to the following writing prompt:
Dominic Basulto writes that “complex ethical and philosophical questions [lie] at the heart of AI.” In an explanatory synthesis that draws on three print, not video, sources in Chapter 12, explain some of these ethical and philosophical questions and discuss their complexity. To help you limit your focus and craft a meaningful thesis, your synthesis should build on an account of how AI systems “learn” and the ways in which recent developments in AI are forcing us to reexamine the boundaries between human and machine intelligence.
This question is broad enough to help you discover and create a meaningful thesis: Remember, the more interested in the topic you are, the more interesting your writing will be. A minimum of three sources from “Chapter 12” is required for this essay: Absolutely no outside research is permitted for this assignment. Failing to follow this simple requirement will result in an automatic “F” on this essay, regardless of how brilliant the work may be.
Turn to “Formulate a Thesis” on pages 114-116 of your textbook, as well as “Develop an Organizational Plan” and “Organize a Synthesis by an Idea, Not by Source” on pages 115-116 for guidance on how to construct a thesis and organize your discussion Also, remember that your thesis should be manageable and focused so that you can fully develop your 1000-word essay.
All your sources will come from the textbook and, a Works Cited page (MLA) or Reference page (APA) will be required. Refer to the sample Works Cited or Reference page posted to Moodle’s Week 2 block under “Resources”: Follow these examples exactly. Also, frequently review the assigned documentation lectures and resources posted in our website–these provide you with explicit instructions for citing work parenthetically, creating Works Cited and Reference pages, and formatting essays. All articles from our text will be treated as “works in an anthology” (in the MLA resources) and as “a selection from an edited work (in the APA resources).
975 to 1025 words, not including the Works Cited page/ Reference page, appropriate MLA-style headings, running heads, or APA-style cover page (refer Purdue OWL’s general format for APA essays). Follow appropriate formatting requirements (Again, the resources posted in Moodle provide examples of MLA- and APA-style essays). Essays over 1025 words will NOT be graded.
Follow either MLA- or APA-style format requirements (see Week 1’s lectures).
BMAL 500 Liberty University Myers Briggs Personality Tests Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Project 1 Instructions
This project requires that you complete the Myers-Briggs Personality Test online, and then apply your results. The links and details are in Steps 1 and 2 (see below). Read all of the instructions for this assignment before beginning any of your work.
Step 1
- Open the following website to complete the assessment: Jung Typology Test.
- Once complete, click on “Score it” to retrieve your four-letter type.
- Next, you will need to investigate your Temperament through researching the topic, however the various sites below are suggestions for descriptions of your Type and data on relationships, careers, etc.
- Personality Page-Four Temperaments: This site allows you to explore the Temperaments by traits
- Keirsey Overview: This site gives an overview of the Temperaments and Keirsey but doesn’t lend itself to a great deal of information. You might find it has some other items of interest for your traits though.
- Personality Club: This site has a nice visual graphic on the Temperaments for each trait.
- Using Temperaments links, explore Keirsey’s Temperaments and go back to the Jung Typology test site to explore the Sixteen Personality Types using the tabs at the top to locate the description of your type. You may also research beyond these suggested links as long as you cite them properly.
- Once there, click on links for The Four Preferences, Keirsey’s Temperaments, and Overview of the Sixteen Personality Types to locate the description of your type. If you cannot locate them within the Jung site, explore them through the other links.
- The personality test will reveal your 4-letter type and your 2-letter temperament. In this step, you will discuss the validity of each letter of your type and temperament. Provide your statistical/percentage results for comparison of letters within your discussion. Any adverse personal opinions on the assessment tools must be respectful and scholarly with supportive research.
- Include a separate section for each letter of your personality type, as well as a section for discussing how the different aspects of your personality (represented by the letters) work together. For example, if you scored with the letter “I,” then that letter with your type will be a heading: I-Introverted.
- You must have separate sub-headings for each section.
- Give specific examples from your life—especially your work life—and discuss the weaknesses of your personality type as well.
Step 2
- Apply the Type Talk at Work textbook, which focuses on how various personality types relate at work. The book must be evident within the discussion, not simply cited, with specific, applied topics.
- Using the Type Talk at Work textbook as your guide, discuss the things you have learned about yourself that will help you understand your organization and your role within it. In a new section in your paper (labeled Step 2), answer the following questions with specific correlation to the book:
- In general, what have you learned from these personality tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager?
- In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples.
- Use current APA format for every element of the paper. Be sure to include the current APA-formatted cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help or this site for assistance:
- Write in first person—this is allowed due to the personal nature of the assignment.
- To facilitate the Instructor’s grading of these assignments, you must have major headings for Steps 1 and 2. Additionally, under the major heading of Step 1, you must have subheadings for each separate letter of your Meyers-Briggs type. There must also be a subheading describing your entire Meyers-Briggs personality to round out the discussion with your Temperament. You will need a total of 5 subheadings for Step 1.
- The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each section is your decision; your Instructor will not be grading you on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas above.
- The minimum of 6 required pages of content does not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted as additional pages. You will likely find that it will be difficult to address all of these things in only 6 pages, but that constraint is part of the exercise itself. Learning to write succinctly and efficiently will improve your communication skills, regardless of the setting. Because you only have 6 pages to discuss all these components, be concise.
- Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point font only; use 1-inch margins, and avoid bold font (except for headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and contractions.
- The reference page must include a minimum of the 5 following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper and less than 5 years old):
- An outside scholarly source you have researched,
- Type Talk at Work textbook,
Scorecard Framework and Home and Community Based Services Utilization Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
- This discussion prepares you for the submission of this unit’s assignment. Be sure to post your response early in the week so that you can obtain and provide your colleagues with the necessary feedback.You have narrowed your topic, created concise statements regarding the focus of the project, and provided statements of rationale, as well as proposed visual displays to present your data. As you prepare for your initial meeting with the client, it is time to construct your first draft of the project proposal.For this discussion:
- Provide a specific and descriptive short title for your proposed data review project in the subject line of your post.
- Identify a framework for your project. (Examples: For a compliance project, use the regulations; for an accrediting assessment, use the standards and site survey criteria; for implementation of a new service line, you could consider using the balanced scorecard framework.)
- Include a minimum of six current, peer-reviewed or other authoritative sources to substantiate your approach and method for the project (such as accrediting body standards, accounting principles, federal laws, or Medicare Conditions of Participation). While an annotated bibliography is neither a graded discussion nor a graded assignment, you will need to integrate sources into your proposal.
- Construct a proposal that is specific to your project. Use the Data Review Project Proposal Template linked in the Resources. Attach the file to your discussion post to present your proposal.
- Develop a leadership project management timetable with succinct timelines that reflect major milestones for the completion of your data review project. Use the Project Management Timetable linked in the Resources. Attach the file to your discussion post to present your timetable.
Remember to:
- Clearly state the problem, the performance indicators, and the performance measurements.
- Use the Data Review Project Proposal Template and Project Management Timetable linked in the Resources, to create a detailed outline of your proposed data review project: problem, performance indicators, performance measurements, and project management timetable. Be succinct, substantive, and specific.
- Review the Data Review Project Proposal Scoring Guide to ensure you understand the grading criteria for this assignment.
- Incorporate the client needs and the requirements for the data review project.
Post your discussion as early in the week as possible to give your colleagues time to respond, so you can incorporate their feedback into your proposal and submit it in the assignment area for your instructor’s review. After receiving feedback from the instructor, make any necessary revisions and resubmit the document as your Unit 3 assignment.
Response Guidelines
Respond to the posts of your colleagues according to the Faculty Expectations Response Guidelines. Post your response as early as possible to give your colleague time to incorporate your feedback into their proposal.Note: Please use the Unit 3 Discussion Post Reply Table linked in the Resources, when posting your reply. Change the subject line format to “Reply to [colleague’s name].” Complete the table for your colleague’s post, then copy and paste the table into the Message text box. Please do not attach a Word file.Note: To add an image (such as a graphic) into your Message box, take a screenshot and save the file. Go to the Message box toolbar and click Insert/Edit Image tool to import the file. See the Format Your Text courseroom tutorial for guidance. If you have difficulty with this task, please contact Technical Support.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:
- Identify relevant performance indicators and performance measurement units.
- Construct a visual data display.
- Identify an organization’s vision, mission, culture, and strategic goals.
- Determine how a health care organization provides value to patients.
- Establish personal health care leadership competency development goals.
- Assess the relevance and credibility of information sources.
- Apply APA style guidelines and scholarly writing standards.
- popupWindow” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Select this link to launch this material in a new window.” data-track=”Resource Link|Discussion Participation Scoring Guide|||/bbcswebdav/institution/MHA/MHA5020/191000/Scoring_Guides/discussion_participation_scoring_guide.html”>Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
- popupWindow” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Select this link to launch this material in a new window.” data-track=”Resource Link|Data Review Project Proposal Template [DOCX]|||/bbcswebdav/institution/MHA/MHA5020/191000/Course_Files/cf_MHA5020_data_review_project_proposal_template.docx”>Data Review Project Proposal Template [DOCX].
- popupWindow” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Select this link to launch this material in a new window.”>Format Your Text.
- popupWindow” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Select this link to launch this material in a new window.” data-track=”Resource Link|Unit 3 Discussion Post Reply Table [DOCX]|||/bbcswebdav/institution/MHA/MHA5020/191000/Course_Files/cf_MHA5020_unit_3_discussion_post_reply_table.docx”>Unit 3 Discussion Post Reply Table [DOCX].
- popupWindow” href=”” target=”_blank” title=”Select this link to launch this material in a new window.” data-track=”Resource Link|Project Management Timetable [DOCX]|||/bbcswebdav/institution/MHA/MHA5020/191000/Course_Files/cf_MHA5020_project_management_timetable.docx”>Project Management Timetable [DOCX].
- Toggle Drawer
MAN 3025 FIU Customer Experience in Physical Retailing Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Scott Emmons was working for Neiman Marcus, the luxury retailer, as an enterprise architect when he realized a big gap in how their stores were handling technology. “Customers were showing up with smartphones and outgunning our own associates’ capability to access relevant information that would help them on their shopping journey,” Emmons said.
Emmons brought the need for better addressing technology to the company and they supported his founding of the Neiman Marcus Innovation Lab (iLab) in 2012. A few years into running the iLab, Emmons realized that a new way of thinking was needed. Neiman Marcus needed to serve shoppers of the future and approach what customers might want in a new way.
One of iLab’s innovations for serving shoppers is the digital memory mirror that records 360-degree views of how customers look in outfits. Customers can text video recordings of these views to friends to ask them for feedback. Customers also can compare how different outfits looks side by side via video using the mirror’s technology. Recently, a new augmented-reality feature was added to the memory mirrors: customers can virtually “try on” sunglasses and makeup without having to put them on in real life. Memory mirrors have been installed in most of Neiman Marcus’s forty-four locations across the United States.
Another related innovation is memory makeover mirrors. These mirrors record how a makeup specialist in the store applies makeup. The personalized recordings are sent to the customer to ensure they don’t get home and forget the steps to follow. Customer service buttons in dressing rooms that connect to sales associates’ smartphones and a “Snap Find Shop” app that allows customers to take a picture of a product and find similar styles in the store are other examples of iLab’s work. These innovations have contributed to Neiman Marcus achieving four straight quarters of revenue growth through the end of 2018.
Unlike other companies that create an innovation center that works separate from the rest of the company, Neiman Marcus’ iLab helps other teams through the company learn from their work. They also are able to get needed resources for projects (including borrowing the work of other employees at Neiman Marcus or getting help from consultants). By offering their services to different parts of the company, they have built “a model for innovation and experimentation . . . they’ve built a culture from that, that it’s okay to experiment and fail,” according to Brian Solis, an analyst at Altimeter, an innovation-focused consulting firm.
Case Questions
- Why is “innovation” a more accurate word to describe Neiman Marcus’s lab than “creativity”?
- What structural, cultural, and/or human resource variables helped encourage innovation success at Neiman Marcus?
- Has Neiman Marcus achieved disruptive innovation with their iLab’s work? Why or why not?
- What is an example of “sustaining innovation” in this case?
UOP Fundamentals of Investing The Retirement Income Funds & Goals Discussion Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need an explanation to help me study.
In this discussion, you will have an opportunity to make connections between your prior knowledge and the new content you are learning this week. Use your results from this week’s Build Your Proficiency Diagnostic to provide context for your prior knowledge and consider the new content about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment types as you respond to this discussion prompt.
Last week, you considered how much money you might need in retirement. This week, you will learn about investment options to help you save for the future. Consider the investment options discussed this week (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate).
Respond to at least three of the following questions in a minimum of 175 words:
- Identify one concept from the Build Your Proficiency Diagnostic from Chapters 12 and 13 that you scored lowest in. How might this concept be important to your personal finances? Why would you want to know more about this?
- How would you choose to invest your retirement savings (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, other)? Why did you choose that option(s)?
- What are the advantages of investing in mutual funds?
- In the Wk 5 Learning Path, watch “Demonstration Problem Video 12.1: Comparing Returns on Different Stocks” in WileyPLUS. Section 12.1 of Personal Finance discusses measures to evaluate common stocks. Which do you think is best to compare companies? Why?
- Section 13.1 of Personal Finance lists types of investment companies that offer mutual funds. Which of these would be of most interest to you? Why
UOP Fundamentals of Investing The Retirement Income Funds & Goals Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HSA 515 Strayer University Healthcare Policy Law and Ethics Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
Role of the Health Care Administrator Presentation
By now you know that administrative responsibilities in health care
facilities are managed by professionals who oversee medical facility
processes, have in-depth knowledge of regulatory requirements, and have a
thorough understanding of the complexities involved in patient care.
Drawing upon what you have learned in this course, imagine you have been
invited to an annual meeting for a large national health care company.
You have been asked to speak to a group of managers and directors about
the strategic role of health care administrators and must prepare a
comprehensive overview of the political, legal, and ethical aspects of
the health care administrator’s role.
For this assignment, create a professional, narrated presentation
focused on the political, legal, and ethical aspects of the health care
administrator’s role. Your target audience are professionals in the
industry who do not have a thorough understanding of your work.
Create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) and record the presentation using
Kaltura. Follow the content outline below and use speaker notes to cover
the required topics listed here:
- Provide an overview of the political, legal, and ethical aspects specific to the health care administrator’s role (2–3 slides).
- Summarize how the different aspects identified in 1., above, overlap and interface (1–2 slides).
- Provide three examples of the duties and responsibilities involved
in health care administration, such as risk management, policy and
procedure, regulatory compliance, ethics board, compliance officer, et
cetera (2–3 slides). - List two types of jobs or titles often found in health care
delivery settings that are focused on risk management and regulatory
compliance; include review of the importance and benefits of these
functions within the health care system (1–2 slides). - Summarize how the political, legal, and ethical issues affect patients and staff including the patient benefits (2–3 slides).
- Summarize how the political, legal, and ethical issues affect the
financial and business operations of a health care facility (2–3
slides). - Summarize the health care administrator’s role in regard to
political, legal, and ethical issues related to an issue such as a data
breach, a HIPAA or EMTALA violation, et cetera). Review the implications
of this function if mishandled. (2–3 slides)
Note: The presentation should not exceed 15 slides (with speaker notes) including a title slide and reference slide.
SMC Farewell My Concubine & Butcher’s Wife Books Symbolic Implications Discussion Writing Assignment Help
1. The image of sword, which some would read as a phallic symbol, appears several times in the novel “Farewell My Concubine”. For example, they first saw it in a shop as Little Bean ( Xiao Douzi) wishes he could buy it and give it to Little Rock (Xiao Shitou) as a gift. Then Dieyi sees it again in Yuan Shiye’s house and is able to get it from Yuan. Later Juxian brings the sword with herself to see Yuan Shiye to ask him to rescue Xiaolou. During the Cultural Revolution, the sword gets them into trouble because it used to be hung next Mao’s portrait in Xiaolou’s residence. When they are being struggled against by the Red Guards, the sword has reappeared once more. Finally, almost at the end of the novel, in their reunion, in performing their old roles, Dieyi cut himself with this same sword and gets bloody. After carefully reading these passages (and possibly other relevant passages), please describe the possible symbolic implications of “sword” in the novel. (max 400 words)
2. The relationship between “life on stage” and “life off stage” is an important thematic concern in “Farewell My Concubine.” Use specific examples to discuss how differently and/or similarly Dieyi and Xiaolou each views this relationship and how such differences/similarities have shaped their respective lives and careers. (max 400 words)
3. In the novel “Farewell My Concubine,” on page 255, it reads: “He decided to drop by the bathhouse and have a long soak. But when he got there, he saw tht the sign over the entrance had been changed from BATHING IN VIRTUE POOL to read FINLAND BATHS. There wasn’t even any refuge in virtue any more.” What is the implied meaning of this passage? 2. In the movie, unlike in the novel, there is no mention of their being reunited in Hong Kong at all. What is the possible reason for such omission on the part of the movie producer? In the movie, it is suggested that Dieyi commits suicide at the end with that sword, while in the novel, he does not commit suicide and it is said that “he would not die for love”. Compare these two different conclusions and discuss their possible different implications. (max 400 words)
4. In “Butcher’s Wife” Women’s own complicity in women’s oppression is an important theme. Use specific examples from the story to explore the role of such complicity in the tragedy of Lin Shi. 2. In “Three Inch Golden Lotus” women are said to have actively and sometimes even willingly participated in foot-binding, a practice thought to be invented by men to oppress women. Compare these two works to see how women become accomplices in their own victimization. (max 500 words)
SU Insurance Coverage Denial Limitation Clauses and Conditions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
In the discussion preparation, you were asked to analyze the major connections between liability of professionals, insurance policy coverage, and settlement of claims due to health care liability issues. Consider the concept of insurance coverage denial. Ascertain the manner in which such denial is built on the limitation clauses and conditions set forth by the insurance provider.
2. Predict what the focus of health information
systems will be ten years from now. Justify your post with examples.
Additionally, consider an example of a human technology interface in
health care, from clinical technology to administrative or electronic
data. Propose one way the future of health care will improve with human
interface technology. Next, provide one example of how human interface
technology could hinder future health care delivery. Justify your
Acaydia School AL Understanding Privilege Systems and Discrimination Student Response Humanities Assignment Help
Please respond to shannon with 350 words, and include citations and references:
Understanding Privilege Systems and Discrimination Response
1. What was your initial reaction when you watched the videos?
2. How familiar were you with this topic before you watched the video?
3. How would you describe your own personal identity?
4. What personal “Rewards’ and “Punishments” have you experienced in your
life by virtue of your personal identity?
5. How have you been “Programmed” to view others?
7. How can you use your personal “Bank Account” to create social change in
your work with children and/or their families.
After watching the videos my initial reaction was that I thought it was really
interesting how Peggy McIntosh began to realize the privilege she had received for things
she did not earn by being born white. I also thought it was interesting how she said she
prayed on it and would wake up in the middle of the night and wrote 46 examples of how
she is privileged. These examples she gave such as knowing if she gets pulled over its not
because of her race, that she is sure that if she moves her neighbors will be pleasant, and
if she goes shopping she knows she will not be harassed or followed. These were very
eye opening to read and really made me think about the struggles people of color
experience everyday and the ways I have been privileged because of my race or gender.
I would say I’m familiar with this topic because of everything that has been
happening in the world these days with people standing up against racism. Also, I come
from mixed cultures and my husband also comes from mixed cultures. My husband’s dad
is African American and his mom is Swedish. I have heard many stories from his
childhood and the struggles his parents went through for getting married such as their
family not approving and also the ways my husband was treated because he was “light
skinned”. Growing up my husband was considered black by his white friends, but not
black enough for his black friends. I would describe my personal identity as
multicultural. My mom is part Mexican and Native American and my dad is Jewish from
Russia. I would say I have experienced rewards financially growing up because my dad’s
family was very educated and they are doctors, lawyers, and business owners. These
expectations were passed down to my dad who is a successful business owner so growing
up we never struggled financially. Some punishments are stereotypes from being Jewish
such as being called a spoiled Jewish princess or jokes about my nose or greed. I am also
part Mexican but I don’t speak any Spanish so when we visit my mom’s family they
would say we were “white washed”. It was also hard as a child because I wanted so
desperately to fit in with one group, but I couldn’t because I was a mix of culture.
I think I have been programmed to view others with respect because of the fact
that I am a mixed culture. Some other ways I am programmed though come from my up
brining with regards to gender stereotypes. I was programmed to think that the man is the
one who should be the financial breadwinner while the mom/wife stays home, cares for
the children and takes care of the house. I myself became a stay at home mom after I had
my children just like my mom. I now realize I want a career of my own and decided to
break this cycle and return to school to get my degree and a job that fulfills me.
I can use my personal “Bank Account” to create social change in my future work
with children and their families my learning from the experiences I have gone thorough. I
will create a anti bias classroom that will teach children about culture and fairness.
“Learning about culture and fairness involves two dimensions: Children’s development
of a positive culture identity, and their comfortable, respectful interactions with the
cultures of others” (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p.55). I will support these
dimensions by teaching in a way to increase understanding of differences, to be respectful
of different culture, and to actively challenge bias, stereotyping and all forms of
discrimination in school and our communities. By doing this I hope to help children to
feel supported, and connected to their culture. “A culturally consistent learning
environment requires teachers to learn about the rules, traditions, and expectation of the
families in the program” (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010, p.61). I will apply this
knowledge by learning about my student’s families by developing a relationship with
them. This will help me to create an environment that is culturally consistent with the
children’s experiences.
Derman-Sparks, L., & Edwards, O. J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and
ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC