ECON 2301 Mountain View College The Distribution of Income in The USA Questions Economics Assignment Help

ECON 2301 Mountain View College The Distribution of Income in The USA Questions Economics Assignment Help. ECON 2301 Mountain View College The Distribution of Income in The USA Questions Economics Assignment Help.

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Answering these questions with provided links and own research

QUESTIONS: (discuss these fully)

1. What does “progressive taxation” mean? What is your opinion about the role of
government regarding taxation? Should we worry about taxes that have a regressive
effect on the taxpayer?

2. If you agree with the idea of progressive taxation, how progressive should the rate be.
In some European countries, the rate on the super-rich is as much as 90%.

3. As a society, should we worry about the distribution or income or simply allow market
forces to make that determination. What do you think would happen if there was no
attempt to influence the distribution of income and wealth…would the distribution: stay
the same…become less concentrated…become more concentrated in the hands of
fewer people?

4. We hear many politicians suggesting that lowering taxes will always increase economic
growth, create more jobs and ultimately mean more tax revenue. Is this true?

5. Does “trickle-down economics” really work? If we allow those at the top of the income
ladder to make more and more, does that trickle down to those at lower income levels
and increase the number of jobs?

6. Regarding the recent changes in tax law…what is your opinion. Will these changes be
beneficial to the economy or a detriment? Does the new law still favor those at the
top? Does a lower corporate tax rate increase investment, growth and employment

7. What is your opinion about the distribution of wealth—which is much more disparate
than income. Should we be concerned that so few have an investment in the system?

8. What is government’s role in the overall distribution of income and wealth?

9. Regarding the “happiness index”, are low tax countries happier than higher tax

10. What is the longer term impact on income distribution of the current pandemic? Has it
effected all income group the same?

ECON 2301 Mountain View College The Distribution of Income in The USA Questions Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

OC Ethical Issues in Consultation Psychology Personal Experience Essay Humanities Assignment Help

This week you have reviewed the stages of consultation. In all likelihood, you have been consulted at least once with someone who asked for your advice on something. Your task now is to prepare a brief reflection paper in which you compare your experience against the generic model of consultation: entry, diagnosis, implementation and disengagement.

For example:

  • Was the consult formal or casual?
  • Was it professional or personal?
  • Did your experience follow the stages?
  • Was it a contractual relationship?
  • Was there a clear-cut disengagement?

Consulting psychologists face different ethical considerations than those engaged in counseling and psychotherapy. Conclude your reflection with your assessment of how you will address potential ethical issues that might arise in a consulting situation with which you might be engaged. For example, how would you determine whether it is appropriate for you to offer consulting services such as expertise or existing relationships? How would you ensure client confidentiality?

Support your reflection with at least two references from scholarly resources.

Length: 2-3 pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


University of California Los Angeles Personal Productivity Abstract Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I uploaded the instructions for this project and the previous work and instructions of my experiment which you would use to finish this project.

For this project, the abstracts must be no longer than 250 words, and contain the following 8 subheadings:

1.Title: Develop a title that best suits your experiment.Be concise and creative.

2.Background:Provide 23 sentences of brief background information to shed light onto the specific topic that you addressed in your experiment. This is NOT an explanation of personal reasons for why you chose your topic (see examples below).

3.Objective: This should be 1 statement, and should finish the sentence: “The purpose of this study was…” This should NOT be phrased as a question.

4.Methods:Briefly explain your methodology for your data collection. Unlike your “Methods” section of the project that you completed earlier in the quarter, this section should only include the important details of your procedures. You do not need to list specific brand names. The following 3 important details are required:1) frequency of testing intervals, 2) manipulation of the independent variable, 3) how you measured the dependent variable.

5.Results:State your most important finding(s), but do not explain them. You must include 1) your starting dependent variable value, 2) ending dependentScientific Project_Abstract_2020_V22variable value, and 3) total change (mean difference). All of these values should be presented as numbers, as you all have been required to conduct quantitative research.

6.Conclusions: Explain your most important findings, and whether or not they agree with the present literature. You must make a comparison to published literature (it can be one statement).

7.Keywords:Please list 34 keywords that would aid someone to quickly decipher the basics of your experiment

8.Word Count: You must present (clearly type out) your word count at the end of the abstract. You must reach a minimum of 200 words, but cannot exceed 250 words. You should NOT include your title or subheadings in your word count total.


ENG 1A Contra Costa College Research Methods Narrative Paper Humanities Assignment Help

PP4 Part 3

Part 3: Search 2

Find two “good” sources on your topic. In this entry, add two additional sources to your RESEARCH JOURNAL that contribute to your knowledge about the situation. You will want to include sources that expand upon what you already know about stakeholders, arguments, evidence, information, or relevant context.

As your write this entry for your research narrative, consider WHY the two sources you’ve selected are “good.” Which aspects of the CRAAP test did you apply to your sources so you know you can trust them? Be specific! Point to specific characteristics of the text that help to build authority and credibility. You can also mention some sources that you ruled out with the CRAAP test, of course, but be sure to include two “good ones.”

As with the prior entry, this is a “journal,” so taking a narrative form and including any aspects of the “story” of your search are perfectly acceptable!

Not sure where to go from here? After an initial internet search, the LIBRARY is the place to go, of course! Use the DATABASES on the righthand side of this link to help ensure you are finding “scholarly sources.” (Links to an external site.) You can also use the “OneSearch” on the Library Homepage (Links to an external site.) to jump straight into your search!


Turn in your Final Portfolio here, including your:

(PP5/Final) Proof of Goals Cover Sheet

And your revised:

(PP1) Literacy Narrative

(PP2) Discourse Community Rhetorical Analysis

(PP3/Midterm) Persuasive Essay (Motif or Op-Ed)

(PP4) Research Narrative

PUT ALL OF YOUR ESSAYS INTO ONE SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT – USE THE ORDER LISTED ABOVE. Use continuous page numbers, so the beginning of PP5 is page 1, the beginning of PP1 is page 4 or 5 and so on, up through the end of the PP4/Research Narrative on page 25 or so. Attach Works Cited with their correlative essay, not at the end of your text as one giant works cited. i.e. put the works cited for PP3 at the end of PP3.


You will want to tell me: 1). what your goals were at the beginning of the semester and 2). show me that you have completed (or at least tried to complete) these goals. Include direct textual evidence from your own papers – – this means you will need to quote from your own texts!! You must quote from at least two different papers (PP1 – PP4) you’ve written this semester! Include citations (text, page number)!!). You will probably need at least 500 words to really show me how you’ve met your goals.

Don’t skimp on explanation – this is just the same as embedding a quote from an academic source (but now you are the academic). Don’t just drop in a quote and assume it proves your point – tell me why and how the evidence you have selected from your texts shows you have met your reading/writing goals.

You may feel it is appropriate to include growth or development from the different versions and revisions of the papers that you have written . If you do so, be clear about where you are drawing your evidence from.

You may also want to draw from class discussions, the literary reading we have done (poetry and short stories toward the end of the semester), pair or group activities, peer feedback, or the like. Don’t rely solely on these, though, as you are being required to include textual evidence from the formal graded work.

If you feel that you HAVEN’T met your goals, that is OK. Show me evidence of growth, attempts to fulfill your goals, or opportunities for further development, as demonstrated in the many diverse texts you have created this semester. You may also be able to show me why you haven’t met your goals.

The third part of your cover sheet is where you will tell me what’s next. Now that you’ve worked toward these goals, what is next? What reading and writing goals will you set for yourself as you move on to ENG 1A, your disciplinary curriculum, and beyond? Why? What opportunities for future growth, as a reader and writer, have you seen within yourself as you have navigated the course this semester? Use this last section to set explicit reading/writing goals that you would like to achieve. You’ll probably need something like 250 words to fulfill this reflective section, bringing the total word count to 750 for this letter (for a total of between 2 and 3 pages, double-spaced).

You can write this as a formal academic essay, or as a letter (to whom exactly is up to you). Show off the hard work you have put in this semester by adhering to our textual conventions of purpose-driven work, audience awareness, structure and organization, paragraph focus, constructing logical arguments, evidence selection and integration, (counterargument, maybe), editing/proofreading/language/mechanics, and thorough task fulfilment.

PP4 Part 5 + Whole project submission

Part 5: Reflections

Read back over your entire research project. Give special attention to parts 2 and 3, where you detailed some of your experiences with developing a research inquiry and partaking in focused research.

In a well-structured, reflective mini-essay of 300-400 words, consider the following:

Which aspects of the narrative demonstrate your strengths with research? What about your project demonstrates opportunities? Where did you get stuck along the way as you worked through your project? How did you overcome those obstacles? Where along the way did your research project change or evolve? Why, do you think? Was it out of need? Interest? Lack of information? Too much information? When you inevitably take on research projects in the future, what will you do the same way? What will you do differently? How might you approach the formulation of a research topic when you’re faced with that challenge?

As with any of the reflections we do, any relevant and focused thoughts are welcome!

Word Count: 300-400 Words



> Combine all parts into a single document, but maintain divisions between the different “Parts.”

> TOTAL WORD COUNT: Minimum 2000 – Maximum 2500.

> Add a title for the whole project, and subheadings for each “Part.” Your whole project should have only 1 “Heading” (Name/Date/Prof./Word Count) appearing on the first page of your text.

> Parts 2 and 3 (the “Journal Entries”) may be combined into a “Part.”

> Note that the different “Parts” of the text ask you to demonstrate different skills and proficiencies – don’t assume you can just “do a research project” without actually looking at what the task is asking you to do!!

> MLA Formatting, Citation Convention, and Works Cited Page.

> One Works Cited page should appear at the end of the project.

> An ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of 6 discrete texts should appear on your Works Cited, including Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, as you found at least 5 sources as you completed parts 2 and 3. You likely found more as you completed “Part 4,” so be sure to include citation for ALL outside information, or anything that you wouldn’t consider “common knowledge” for your reader.

> Great job! Way to make it through!

PP4 Reflection

PP4 is a monster. In a brief paragraph, reflect on your experience writing it. Some ideas to consider:

What was comfortable or easy? What posed difficulty for you? How did you deal with those difficulties and get it done? If you look back at the assignment sheet, is there anything you might have missed? Did you spend your time well? How were the conditions of creating your text (author context)?


De Anza College Dickson Experimental Sound Film Screening Journal Humanities Assignment Help

Keep a weekly informal journal of your textbook readings and film screenings for the second half of the course, which will help reinforce the material and prepare you for the Final Exam. You may use any format: digital or write on lined paper (you will need to photograph or scan and then upload handwritten journal entries).

The journal entries should cover each of the instructional weeks of classat least 5 pages—by the Final Exam.

What should you write about? Note some of the most significant things that you learned in the assigned reading for each week, and most importantly, the key elements of the content and/or techniques of the film(s) streamed. Don’t worry about margins, font size or formatting. Whatever works for you, works for me.

  • Label your journal entries WEEK 7, WEEK 8, WEEK 9, WEEK 10 and WEEK 11.
  • Write a minimum of one page each week (8 points/week; 40 points total for the second half of the course).
  • Screenshots of my lecture slides and/or PDFs as Journal pages are unacceptable and will result in 0 points for that week.
  • Write about, question or connect to other ideas/experiences you have. The journal is a way of recording and deepening your thoughts while reading/streaming films.

Sample Reading/Film Screening Journal:…

Materials Week7-Week 11:…



CU Decadent Developmentalism The Political Economy of Democratic Brazil Paper Economics Assignment Help

Students are expected to research and select a book that deals with one of the “Development” issues covered in class. This assignment is an individual submission. The selected book must NOT be a textbook. Please see the last page for guidelines. Due date is indicated in the course outline below.

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.The review should consider (please use as your outline):The intended audience for the book and who would find it usefulThe background of the author(s)The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplishedThe context or impetus for the book – – political controversy, implications of the book for research, policy, practice, or theoryA comparison with other works on this subjectConstructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the bookThe front page of your review should include:Your first and last nameYour student idAuthor(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)Title of bookYear of publicationPlace of publicationPublisherNumber of pagesPrice (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if availableISBN

CU Decadent Developmentalism The Political Economy of Democratic Brazil Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ASU Creating Training and Development Programs ADDIE Model Assessment Business Finance Assignment Help

The first step of the ADDIE Model is Assessment. Assessment data must be used to identify gaps between where an organization is performing and where they want to be. This gap could exist due to a strategic or organizational level change or issue (Strategic Analysis), the way tasks are defined or performed within the organization (Task Analysis), or the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the employees within the organization (Person Analysis). SHRM provides information in addition to your text that gives not only detailed outline, but also case studies: (Links to an external site.)

For a group assignment, consider the following situation and concentrate on the assessment portion of the ADDIE process.

You are the HR Director of organization XYZ. XYZ is a domestic manufacturing plant that has declining profits and has consistent complaints of quality and efficiency of delivery of product. Using the assessment portion of the ADDIE model, describe the steps you would take to assess Strategic, Task, and Person Analysis. Within each of the assessment phases, give examples of information that could be found to account for the issues XYZ is experiencing.

The answer should include the following steps and each group could come up with varying ideas of where the problem exists.


  • Review of organizations goals and which ones are being met/not met
  • Assess resources the organization has to help with HRD processes such as location, facilities, expertise in the area of need?
  • Assess the culture and climate of the org through a survey or focus groups
  • Review production issues to include manpower levels/appropriateness, types of complaints, turnover, and absenteeism


  • Job descriptions
  • Interviews
  • Job observation, etc.
  • Performance standards
  • Industry standards for similarly situated jobs.
  • Job specifications to include KSAOs needed to efficiently and effectively perform the jobs


  • Review of performance appraisal data
  • Observe employees
  • Collect survey data on required KSAOs from incumbents
  • Collect work diaries
  • Give KSA tests/evaluations.


San Diego State University Indian Market Analysis Marketing Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Macro-economic Factors:GINI score – explain exactly what that means – not just the definition of GINI but what it really means.Unemployment rates and primary sources of employment

Economic Freedom Score- explain relevanceInflation rate for at least ten years- you can average themSavings rates and attitudes about savingsUsage of credit and attitudes about credit

Infrastructure available to manufacture, process, inventory, and deliver the goods or services and costs associated with that infrastructure.

Primary trading partners both export and importMembership in effective, productive Regional Trading Blocs such as ASEAN, the EU, etc., not those that are just bureaucratic organizations such as the UN.

Micro-economic Factors:How does the host nation measure on adoption/usage: Communications: Broadcast (radio and TV,) Telephones, PCs and InternetExtent of travel: flights, hotel beds and accommodations, passenger carsHealth Expenditure as % of GDP; # of Doctors, Dentists, Hospital beds per 1,000 People; mortality/ longevity ratesPenetration of some of the following: vending machines, McDonald’s, CoffeeAnd Coke consumption.Any other observation /measurement of life in households

Explain very well what the marketplace really looks like in the targeted country as a viable market, and why it is good or bad overall as a potential target.


ACC 616 Grand Canyon University FASB Accounting Standards Update Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

Please go to, click on the Standards tab, then
Accounting Standards Updates Issued, then Issued in 2019 or 2020, and choose
one of the standards listed.

In memo format, summarize the new standard and the potential
impact of that standard’s implementation on internal users and external users.
Be sure to address possible unintended consequences.

The response should be 250-500 words. Please Cite at least one
source on the standard, from an acceptable academic source. You will also need
to find at least one news, magazine, or Internet article on the topic.

For this assignment, please use the “Memo Template”
provided with as an example memo format.

APA style is not required for the body of this assignment,
documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the attached file.


Economic Development by Michael P Todaro & Stephen C Smith Book Review Economics Assignment Help

A full book review may concern only one book. Its length is about 1500-2000 words. It should give readers an engaging, informative, and critical discussion of the work. The review should follow the Guidelines below.The review should consider (please use as your outline):The intended audience for the book and who would find it usefulThe background of the author(s)The main ideas and major objectives of the book and how effectively these are accomplishedThe context or impetus for the book – – political controversy, implications of the book for research, policy, practice, or theoryA comparison with other works on this subjectConstructive comments about the strength and weaknesses of the bookThe front page of your review should include:Your first and last nameYour student idAuthor(s) or editor(s) first and last name(s) (please indicate if it is an edited book)Title of bookYear of publicationPlace of publicationPublisherNumber of pagesPrice (please indicate paperback or hard cover) if availableISBN

Students are expected to research and select a book that deals with one of the “Development” issues covered in class. This assignment is an individual submission. The selected book must NOT be a textbook. Please see the last page for guidelines. Due date is indicated in the course outline below.


ECON 2301 Mountain View College The Distribution of Income in The USA Questions Economics Assignment Help

ECON 2301 Mountain View College The Distribution of Income in The USA Questions Economics Assignment Help

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