ECON Concordia Seminary Ideal Tax Rates Discussion Questions Economics Assignment Help. ECON Concordia Seminary Ideal Tax Rates Discussion Questions Economics Assignment Help.
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Please review Mankiw page 162, Figure 6 on deadweight loss and the case study on “The Laffer Curve and Supply-Side Economics”.
A common misunderstanding is that the name “supply-side” economics comes from policies of favorable tax reductions for employers. While tax cuts of this type did happen during the Regan era, as the case study indicates the name “supply-side” was meant to indicate the output of those tax cuts, in other words, people supplying a higher quantity of labor to the market, thus decreasing unemployment and increasing the total aggregate amount of tax contributed. Hence why the Laffer curve is shaped the way it is, to represent that at some point an ideal rate for tax exists that will maximize the tax revenue collected. (For those of you who remember Calculus II and taking second derivatives of tax equations to identify the inflection point of a curve, this is what we were doing)
So your challenge for this week:
Do some reading, some research, and some thinking. As future DBA’s and experts in business administration, I would like you to join the dialogue on whether or not an ideal tax rate exists or can be discovered here in the United States.
1. Why or why not?
2. What is your suggestion for this rate?
3. Is it “fair and equitable”? (How are you defining fair and equitable?)
500 words please, and please cite references that informed your thinking.
ECON Concordia Seminary Ideal Tax Rates Discussion Questions Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Auburn University Google Offers News Business an Olive Branch Article Summary Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Write a summary of an article from a trade publication dealing with some aspect of the industry in which you are working during your internship. There is no minimum word requirement for the summary because the length depends on the article a student chooses. Trade publications market to a specific industry. Examples include Advertising Age ( and Columbia Journalism Review ( Find a trade publication relevant to the industry in which you are working. At the end of your summary, include a citation for the article in the style of the American Psychological Association (APA).
DON’T USE THIS ARTICLE :The article “BT Sport Uses Virtual Studio to Create Live Content without Compromising Staff Safety,” published by Forbes
MAN 3240 Florida Atlantic University Gazprom Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Organizational Analysis: MAN3240
Remember that you need to provide some background information about the organization since others may not be familiar with it.
Compare and contrast the THEORIES of MOTIVATIONS as related to the work environment and differences in performance within your selected organization.
Explain how your selected organization develops group dynamics and conflict resolutions.
Explain how your selected organization deals with diversity issues, multiculturalism, and individual differences.
Please remember that this is a scholarly paper, and not an opportunity to vent. Your opinion is not as important as the factual information you discover and support with research.
This assignment is a research paper 10-12 pages long NOT INCLUDING Cover Page nor Reference Page and written in current APA style 7th Edition. Use a minimum of ten references. You may wish to search the Internet, and review professional literature.
Rubric for Research Paper
Comprehensive description of organizational vision, mission, goals and structure
Discussion of leadership styles/theories/models
Analysis of organizational commitment to the vision
Evaluation of organization’s ability to achieve the vision
Logical flow of ideas
Writing quality
Proper use of grammar, and punctuation
High level of vocabulary
Quality writing
Integration of research
Use of Third Person
APA style 6th edition
Appropriate use of direct and indirect quotes
Appropriate use of citations in the text
Correct format of reference list
BU Direct Material Variance Calculation and Interpretation Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
6-37. Direct materials variance calculation and interpretation
(LO 2) (Data set from ‘The Weight of Euro Coins: Its Distribution Might Not Be As Normal As You Would Expect,” Ziv Shkedy, Marc Aerts, and Herman Callaert, Journal of Statistics Education, Volume 14, Number 2 [2006], used by permission of the authors.)
The 1 Euro coin has a silver-colored inner core and a yellow outer ring. The center core is made from a copper-nickel alloy, while the outer ring is made of nickel brass. The coins are minted through a series of steps that combine two separate metal disks into the final coin that should weigh 7.5 grams. (You can watch a video of the process to make a 2 Euro coin at ) You are a quality control technician in the mint and are responsible for ensuring that the coins meet the official weight and size specifications. As part of this work, you have weighed 2,000 coins from eight different production runs to determine whether the machines producing the metal disks are operating to specifications.
(a) Assume that the standard cost of metal in the coin is €.09. Calculate the direct materials quantity variance for each batch of the coin sample. Do the coins appear to be too heavy or too light? (You may find the COUNTIF and SUMIF functions helpful.)
(b) Prepare an XY scatterplot of the data using Excel’s charting tool. The horizontal axis should be coin weight and the vertical axis should be batch number What do you notice about the coin weights?
(c) Calculate the average weight of the coins.
(d) Calculate the average coin weight for each batch. (You may find the AVERAGEIF function helpful.)
(e) Recognizing that there may be some variation in the weight of the disks, assume that specifications allow the coins to be within +/-.01 gram of the target 7.5 gram weight Based on the information you have gathered, do you believe there is a problem with the weights of the disks being used to make the Euro coins? What if the tolerance is +/-.03 gram?
(f) Given that the coins are a combination of two separate disks of different metals, how would you determine which of the two disks is outside of specification?
Florida International University Eudicots Asterid Presentation Science Assignment Help
First be sure that your powerpoint slides are in the 16:9 slide size (the default “wide” size on recent versions of powerpoint) and that I (JC) have OKed them first.
Don’t forget that you need to have 3 species slides (one per partner). Each slide should clearly show the plant habit (form), and the visible leaf, floral, and fruit characters, labeled as shown in my example that I posted. Be sure all partners’ names appear on the title slide. On the possible homologies slide, list those that are visible and labeled for your 3 species. Finally, list all sources of information and images on a credits slide.
University of Western Impact of Covid 19 on Oil Supply for United Nations Proposal Economics Assignment Help
Identify an “anchor paper” that you plan to use as a starting point for your research
I will post a proposal structure i’ve done. Please try to follow that structure and expand it if you have better idea
University of Western Impact of Covid 19 on Oil Supply for United Nations Proposal Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Wake Technical Advertisement Targets Parents and Guardians with Children Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Purpose: In this post, you will apply the lessons you have learned about visual rhetoric, practice close-reading skills, and hone your analytical writing skills. Being able to analyze a print advertisement and identify the dominant means of persuasion will help you develop the skills you will need to analyze the literature in the upcoming units. Furthermore, strengthening your critical reading and thinking skills will help you in your other college courses and your career.
Answer at least 5 of the following bulleted sets of questions (you may answer in bulleted formatting instead of paragraphs) of the advertisment:
- Who is the ad’s intended audience? Why do you think so? How might the ad be perceived by those outside of its intended audience? How do you know?
- What is the primary means of persuasion—pathos, ethos, or logos, or a combination? Why do you think so?
- Who does the advertiser want you to think they are? Who are they, really? What (besides the product) is being sold, literally or figuratively? How do you know?
- Which of Jib Fowles’ list of needs/desires is being promoted—for sex, for affiliation, to nurture, for guidance, to aggress, to achieve, to dominate, for prominence, for attention, for autonomy, to escape, to feel safe, for aesthetic sensations, to satisfy curiosity, or for physiological needs (food, drink, sleep, etc.)? How and why is this kind of appeal being used?
- Is there a metaphor suggested here (e.g. “This product is/feels like X”), or is a certain story being told? If so, what is it? What might have been the advertiser’s main purpose in creating this ad the way it is?
- How does the composition or placement of people or items help the message get across? Where is the viewer’s eye meant to travel as it looks at the ad? What grabs the viewer’s attention, what is less noticeable, etc.?
- Is there any text that appears in the ad? If so, what form does this text take? (Foreground, background, beneath an image? Consider font and style.) Why use these specific words? Why is it phrased the way it is?
University Canada West Week 10 Ethics and CSR Project Writing Assignment Help
In this project, you are going to set up a fictitious business of your own in any province of Canada and take the perspective of the Chief Executive Officer to reflect on the dimensions of business ethics/corporate social responsibility (CSR) of your company. More specifically, you will: Briefly describe your company (your industry, your main product and/or services, the scope and size of your operations). Discuss the range of ethical/CSR issues and unique challenges that your company faces. Identify your company’s stakeholders and their varying interests. Discuss how your company goes about managing ethical issues, CSR activities, and stakeholder interests in practice.
Please provide examples for each to illustrate your points. Create a short position statement for the management of your company outlining your overall CSR strategy. What types of activities fall within your CSR strategy and what types of activities are excluded? Why? Discuss the potential implications (positive or negative) of your approach.
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the material that is covered in the course. This can best be accomplished by making use of concrete, specific examples to illustrate your understanding of how to apply the concepts.
Mount Royal University Importance of the Childhood Immunization Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Assignmemt # 1
The United States’ health-related views and laws are shaped by social, political, and historical factors that are often part of the larger debate over individual rights versus the collective good.
Although this debate reaches beyond the focus of this week’s topic, discuss and weigh in on some of the following issues:
Should childhood immunizations be mandatory or optional?
Should the government regulate workplace safety, or does this type of regulation stall the growth of companies and the economy?
Should higher insurance rates or taxes be used to punish poor health choices (e.g., cigarettes, “junk” food)? Would this be unfair to individuals, or is this fair since all Americans pay a portion of the healthcare costs to care for these choices?
When, if ever, does national security trump state or individual rights? In major health pandemics? In cases of bioterrorism or biologic weapons?
Posts should be no less than 250 words
Assignment # 2
Almost all you will be surprised to learn that the original “e” in epatient did not refer to anything electronic.
What did it mean? Does the original meaning matter today, or is it irrelevant, considering the newer and overwhelmingly more recognized technology-related connotation?
Houston Community Wk 1 Optimal Infant Growth & Developmental Needs Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
#1) Name two expected outcomes to promote optimal infant growth and developmental needs.
#2) Pick two typical developmental milestones in the toddler and discuss them.
#3)What are a couple of ways that the nurse can promote the health of the preschooler and family?
#4) Make a list of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes for the following clients:
- A mother brings her son to a clinic for a checkup. She tells the nurse that she is concerned because her 4-year-old son is having trouble with his speech and is repeating words and syllables in his sentences.
- Parents of a 3-year-old girl bring her to their pediatrician for a visit. They tell the nurse that they are concerned because their daughter will only allow her father to take care of her and wants to be near him all the time.
[supanova_question] (CSR) of your company. More specifically, you will: Briefly describe your company (your industry, your main product and/or services, the scope and size of your operations). Discuss the range of ethical/CSR issues and unique challenges that your company faces. Identify your company’s stakeholders and their varying interests. Discuss how your company goes about managing ethical issues, CSR activities, and stakeholder interests in practice.
Please provide examples for each to illustrate your points. Create a short position statement for the management of your company outlining your overall CSR strategy. What types of activities fall within your CSR strategy and what types of activities are excluded? Why? Discuss the potential implications (positive or negative) of your approach.
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the material that is covered in the course. This can best be accomplished by making use of concrete, specific examples to illustrate your understanding of how to apply the concepts.