Economic Comparative Advantage Economics Assignment Help

Economic Comparative Advantage Economics Assignment Help. Economic Comparative Advantage Economics Assignment Help.

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After our discussions in class this week about comparative advantage, you should be starting to understand the principle of comparative advantage and what factors contribute to comparative advantage. You may have also started to hear more in the media about the United States’ ability to concentrate in advanced manufacturing. When you consider that more than 68% of students in the US enroll in college after high school, it would seem that our education levels would support a move from traditional forms of manufacturing to more advanced forms. One of the many issues of concern is addressed in the following article from the American Journal of Transportation about a growing resurgence of textile manufacturing in the United States. Please also consider the following Sixty Minutes feature on How an Economic Developer is Bringing Factory Jobs Back to Mississippi. Is this trend likely to continue? What issues may affect the trend? Will an increase in advanced manufacturing be the best use of US sources of comparative advantage? Is the solution to remedy slow economic growth? You may have many other questions to consider here, and I am sure you have plenty of opinions. This is your opportunity to discuss this timely issue. Remember to reply to the last post you read; don’t start a new thread. I look forward to hearing (reading) what you have to say.

Read these then answer the questions, only answer half page long.……

Economic Comparative Advantage Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business website compare Business Finance Assignment Help

Visit three Web sites of your choice and apply the social marketing process model to both.


Critically compare and contrast the effectiveness of these sites in terms of the dimensions of the social marketing process. How well do these sites acquire fans, generate engagement, amplify responses, create a community, and strengthen their brands? What recommendations can you make for these sites to improve their effectiveness?

fan acquisition – attracting people to your marketing messages

engagement – encouraging visitors to interact with your content and brand

amplification – encouraging visitors to share their Likes and comments with their friends

community – a stable group of fans engaged and communicating with one another over a substantial period of time about your brand

brand strength – additional sales of products and services

Do not give any personal opinion. Compare all these three website with specific data, use data analysis tool such as google analytics to analysis the website. Use chats to show your data.


Analyzing research Mathematics Assignment Help

Chapters for the textbook have been attached as well as article. Please be sure to utilize APA format

Read the sample research article by Deslandes and Bertrand (2005) at the end of Chapter 1. Analyze the article, and answer the following questions:

  • Examine the title of the parent involvement study by Deslandes and Bertrand (2005), “Motivation of parent involvement in secondary-level schooling.” What quantitative characteristic does this title suggest to a reader?
  • In what way do the authors of this study believe that their research will contribute to the already existing literature on the topic?
  • What specific measures did the authors use to collect data for the second outcome shown in Table 2: Parent involvement at school?
  • The authors assert the need for implementation of longitudinal research studies to explore parental involvement at home and at school. What rationale do they give for encouraging such research?

Read the sample research article by Shelden et al. (2010) at the end of Chapter 1. Analyze the article, and answer the following questions:

  • Hoy and Tschannen-Moran (1999) identified 16 definitions of trust from extant literature. They studied those definitions and found five facets of trust that emerged as they conducted their analysis. Shelden et al. (2010) utilized those five facets of trust as they investigated their research question. What are the five facets of trust as first identified by Hoy and Tschannen-Moran?
  • In selecting participants, what was the researcher’s goal?
  • What reason did the authors give as to why they felt this question was worthy of study?
  • In your own words, summarize the conclusions of this study


myth and literature Humanities Assignment Help

1) Define and discuss the significance of Hesiod. Your response needs to be at least one-two complete paragraphs

2) Define and discuss the significance of Prometheus. Your response needs to be at least 1-2 complete paragraphs

3) Define and discuss the significance of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Your response should be one-two complete paragraphs

4) Define and discuss the significance of Aphrodite and The Adonia. Your response should be at least one-two complete paragraphs.

5) Define and discuss the significance of Haphaestus.. Your response needs to be at least one – two complete paragraphs

6) Define and discuss the significance of Dionysius. Your response needs to be at least one – two complete paragraphs.


Economic paraphrase Writing Assignment Help

I have 6 questions including the 6 answers. the only thing that I need to paraphrase the answers. I will send all the other question after.

for example:


Explain four salient issues of the role that history, endowment and institutions of a given country can have in explaining its process of growth. How does each one relate to the integral approach?


In the colonial countries, which is the case in Africa, history endowment and institutions explains the process of growth in these countries. In Banerjee, Abhijit, and Lakshmi Iyer (2005), the ex-British colony, India, the colonial land revenue set up by the British shows disparities in terms of the historical property rights institutions. In some areas, they have lower agriculture investment as well as social services such as health and education.

In some colonized countries, found themselves after the independence in need to start from the scratch. They don’t have neither institutions, nor human capital, nor infrastructure. This situation leads to the situation of paralysis with people without capacities so they can participate in development. For instance, Mozambique, that was colonized by Portugal which didn’t invest in any of the sectors, still know struggling to put the country on the track of development because of lack of necessarily means od development as the integral economic development requires.

The endowment affects the opportunity cost of countries especially those whose produce oil. The abundance of natural resources lead these countries to specialize in producing oil which generates the existence of comparative advantage. The specialization in producing natural resources doesn’t encourage the government to diversify the economy. Most of the time this situation is explained by the resource curse. I don’t believe in resource curst, but in good or bad public policies. Good public policies with respect of the integral economic approach would be a good path for these countries to diversify their economy. Providing good public policies in health, education and democratizing the political field would be a good start so their people acquire the necessarily capacities to work and generate fortunes.



quick research Economics Assignment Help

I am assigned to write a research paper on the following topic and the following are instructions on how to do the paper I also attached a powerpoint slides that have chapter one in it and also attached a sample of how the paper should look like

In a single Word doc (or similar editable application), respond to the next four items:

1. Restate one point/idea (from your assigned chapter) in your own words. It could be the same as you posted on the Discussions (above). In any case, the idea must have two or more possible viewpoints.

You must do this to get any credit for parts 2, 3, and 4.

1. Research to find one writer (public, that is, someone who has been published in print, or other medium) who agrees with the point. State that writer’s view in ONE paragraph; give the reference location for this writer. 10 points

2. Research to find one writer (as above) who disagrees with the point. State that writer’s view in ONE paragraph; give the reference location for this writer. 10 points

3. State your views on this topic—again in one paragraph. 16 points

Post your document to this Assignment (in Canvas) regardless of which chapter you have to cover. That is, everyone posts their work to the same Canvas Assignment. You are to do this research ONLY for your assigned chapter.

Everyone does this for their specific chapter.

quick research Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FYC reflection about the class Humanities Assignment Help

Over this semester, you have reflected on your identity as a writer. As you have collaborated with your peers on writing assignments, your identity may have changed, or you may have become more determined to remain the same. Similarly, as you have observed the global impacts of your topic, you may have noticed that your topic affects not just your life, but the lives of other people as well.

Write a reflective letter of 300 words that discusses your identity and your experiences with globalization and collaboration in this course. Address the letter to whoever you want–yourself, your friends, your hero, the campus squirrels.


Capstone Demonstration on Policies and Regulations—Graduate level Health Medical Assignment Help

Capstone Demonstration on Policies and Regulations

This week you have an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and insight of health policy at a “capstone level.” Please visit one of the health care management or nursing feedback websites, and read one or more current or past regulations or policies—and with your enlightened understanding on how important it is that regulations and policies be kept “current” in the context of our rapidly changing society and health care system, Make sure that your comment(s) are APA format,substantive and articulately expressed. Consequently, write no fewer than 250 words and no more than 500 words of verbiage . Copy/paste your remarks onto a Word document. Be sure to include a title page and a reference list—

Content: 50 points

Presentation: 10 points

Enjoy the fact that you’ve added viable input to entities where positive “change” can be considered and quite possibly implemented.

Go to:

  1. At that site, go to both: “Requests for Comments” and “Federal Register Notices” or the related tab where feedback is accepted.
  2. Each student will select either a policy that is currently open for comment or one in the past that has closed. Note that the submission link for an open comment is different than for closed policies…yet comments are welcomed at any time even if the policy comment period has closed.
  3. Craft a succinct response with references on the policy issue of the student’s choice and submit as per the directions on the various tabs. Make your comment substantive—one page of text or more.


What Will I Stand For Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5: What Will I Stand For

In Chapter 5 of your personal management treatise, you will consider behavioral ethics and workforce diversity. As the world becomes increasingly interrelated, managers will be expected to be comfortable working with a wide range of cultural differences. How will you prepare for this global environment? In addition, cultural differences sometimes translate into different ethical practices. Do you have a well-established personal ethical code? The goal of this chapter is to help you analyze how you can best prepare yourself to be an effective manager in a multi-cultural society. You will assess the impact of cultural differences on your approach to management, consider how you will gain cultural intelligence, and determine the ethical structure upon which you will base decisions and actions.

For this chapter you may choose to address the following topics. Now answer to the following.

  • In what ways will you treat those whom you manage equally and in what ways will you treat them equitably? What strategies will you use to balance the two approaches appropriately?
  • In considering your personal ethical code, what are your core values, those areas where you will not compromise?
  • How do you define diversity?
  • When managing a diverse organization, what strategies will you use to maintain a balance between respecting the rights of individuals and adhering to organizational standards and culture?
  • What strategies will you use to make your managerial style more sensitive to different cultures?
  • How do you plan to build your level of cultural intelligence? How will this new knowledge affect your management approach?

This chapter should be from 5 pages with at least two references from previous courses and two new references from scholarly resources.


Badaracco, J. L., Jr. (1998). The discipline of building character. Harvard Business Review, 76(2), 114–124.

Stewart, R., Volpone, S., Avery, D., & McKay, P. (2011). You support diversity, but are you ethical? Examining the interactive effects of diversity and ethical climate perceptions on turnover intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4) 581–593

Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding unethical behavior by unraveling ethical culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843–869.

Gino, F., & Pierce, L. (2010). Lying to level the playing field: Why people may dishonestly help or hurt others to create equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 89–103..

Banaji, M., Bazerman, M., & Chugh, D. (2003). How (un)ethical are you? Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 56–64.

Stimson, W. (2005). A Deming inspired management code of ethics, Quality Progress, 38(2), 67–75.


Developing & Leading Effective Teams Writing Assignment Help

paper is needing to be something about Developing & Leading Effective Teams

choose one academic journal article published no earlier than 2005 (not a news article) that relates to topics from this course. Good journals to start with include Business Horizons, California Management Review, Group & Organizational Management, Harvard Business Review, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. The paper will involve several major components including an overview of the main points of the article selected, the course concepts and theories that relate to the article, and practical lessons for managers, group leaders, and group members gained from the article.

The paper will be a minimum of 4 double-spaced pages for individuals (not including references and title page) and should be written in a professional manner (e.g., free from grammatical errors and typos, no slang, etc.). use appropriate references (e.g., academic journals, not websites or news articles) and adhere to APA guidelines.

I need to the get the article topic approved before you start by Tuesday April 10th. Once I get it approve you will be able to start The paper is not due until April 29th


  1. At that site, go to both: “Requests for Comments” and “Federal Register Notices” or the related tab where feedback is accepted.
  2. Each student will select either a policy that is currently open for comment or one in the past that has closed. Note that the submission link for an open comment is different than for closed policies…yet comments are welcomed at any time even if the policy comment period has closed.
  3. Craft a succinct response with references on the policy issue of the student’s choice and submit as per the directions on the various tabs. Make your comment substantive—one page of text or more.


What Will I Stand For Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5: What Will I Stand For

In Chapter 5 of your personal management treatise, you will consider behavioral ethics and workforce diversity. As the world becomes increasingly interrelated, managers will be expected to be comfortable working with a wide range of cultural differences. How will you prepare for this global environment? In addition, cultural differences sometimes translate into different ethical practices. Do you have a well-established personal ethical code? The goal of this chapter is to help you analyze how you can best prepare yourself to be an effective manager in a multi-cultural society. You will assess the impact of cultural differences on your approach to management, consider how you will gain cultural intelligence, and determine the ethical structure upon which you will base decisions and actions.

For this chapter you may choose to address the following topics. Now answer to the following.

  • In what ways will you treat those whom you manage equally and in what ways will you treat them equitably? What strategies will you use to balance the two approaches appropriately?
  • In considering your personal ethical code, what are your core values, those areas where you will not compromise?
  • How do you define diversity?
  • When managing a diverse organization, what strategies will you use to maintain a balance between respecting the rights of individuals and adhering to organizational standards and culture?
  • What strategies will you use to make your managerial style more sensitive to different cultures?
  • How do you plan to build your level of cultural intelligence? How will this new knowledge affect your management approach?

This chapter should be from 5 pages with at least two references from previous courses and two new references from scholarly resources.


Badaracco, J. L., Jr. (1998). The discipline of building character. Harvard Business Review, 76(2), 114–124.

Stewart, R., Volpone, S., Avery, D., & McKay, P. (2011). You support diversity, but are you ethical? Examining the interactive effects of diversity and ethical climate perceptions on turnover intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4) 581–593

Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding unethical behavior by unraveling ethical culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843–869.

Gino, F., & Pierce, L. (2010). Lying to level the playing field: Why people may dishonestly help or hurt others to create equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 89–103..

Banaji, M., Bazerman, M., & Chugh, D. (2003). How (un)ethical are you? Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 56–64.

Stimson, W. (2005). A Deming inspired management code of ethics, Quality Progress, 38(2), 67–75.


Developing & Leading Effective Teams Writing Assignment Help

paper is needing to be something about Developing & Leading Effective Teams

choose one academic journal article published no earlier than 2005 (not a news article) that relates to topics from this course. Good journals to start with include Business Horizons, California Management Review, Group & Organizational Management, Harvard Business Review, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. The paper will involve several major components including an overview of the main points of the article selected, the course concepts and theories that relate to the article, and practical lessons for managers, group leaders, and group members gained from the article.

The paper will be a minimum of 4 double-spaced pages for individuals (not including references and title page) and should be written in a professional manner (e.g., free from grammatical errors and typos, no slang, etc.). use appropriate references (e.g., academic journals, not websites or news articles) and adhere to APA guidelines.

I need to the get the article topic approved before you start by Tuesday April 10th. Once I get it approve you will be able to start The paper is not due until April 29th


  1. At that site, go to both: “Requests for Comments” and “Federal Register Notices” or the related tab where feedback is accepted.
  2. Each student will select either a policy that is currently open for comment or one in the past that has closed. Note that the submission link for an open comment is different than for closed policies…yet comments are welcomed at any time even if the policy comment period has closed.
  3. Craft a succinct response with references on the policy issue of the student’s choice and submit as per the directions on the various tabs. Make your comment substantive—one page of text or more.


What Will I Stand For Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5: What Will I Stand For

In Chapter 5 of your personal management treatise, you will consider behavioral ethics and workforce diversity. As the world becomes increasingly interrelated, managers will be expected to be comfortable working with a wide range of cultural differences. How will you prepare for this global environment? In addition, cultural differences sometimes translate into different ethical practices. Do you have a well-established personal ethical code? The goal of this chapter is to help you analyze how you can best prepare yourself to be an effective manager in a multi-cultural society. You will assess the impact of cultural differences on your approach to management, consider how you will gain cultural intelligence, and determine the ethical structure upon which you will base decisions and actions.

For this chapter you may choose to address the following topics. Now answer to the following.

  • In what ways will you treat those whom you manage equally and in what ways will you treat them equitably? What strategies will you use to balance the two approaches appropriately?
  • In considering your personal ethical code, what are your core values, those areas where you will not compromise?
  • How do you define diversity?
  • When managing a diverse organization, what strategies will you use to maintain a balance between respecting the rights of individuals and adhering to organizational standards and culture?
  • What strategies will you use to make your managerial style more sensitive to different cultures?
  • How do you plan to build your level of cultural intelligence? How will this new knowledge affect your management approach?

This chapter should be from 5 pages with at least two references from previous courses and two new references from scholarly resources.


Badaracco, J. L., Jr. (1998). The discipline of building character. Harvard Business Review, 76(2), 114–124.

Stewart, R., Volpone, S., Avery, D., & McKay, P. (2011). You support diversity, but are you ethical? Examining the interactive effects of diversity and ethical climate perceptions on turnover intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4) 581–593

Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding unethical behavior by unraveling ethical culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843–869.

Gino, F., & Pierce, L. (2010). Lying to level the playing field: Why people may dishonestly help or hurt others to create equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 89–103..

Banaji, M., Bazerman, M., & Chugh, D. (2003). How (un)ethical are you? Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 56–64.

Stimson, W. (2005). A Deming inspired management code of ethics, Quality Progress, 38(2), 67–75.


Developing & Leading Effective Teams Writing Assignment Help

paper is needing to be something about Developing & Leading Effective Teams

choose one academic journal article published no earlier than 2005 (not a news article) that relates to topics from this course. Good journals to start with include Business Horizons, California Management Review, Group & Organizational Management, Harvard Business Review, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. The paper will involve several major components including an overview of the main points of the article selected, the course concepts and theories that relate to the article, and practical lessons for managers, group leaders, and group members gained from the article.

The paper will be a minimum of 4 double-spaced pages for individuals (not including references and title page) and should be written in a professional manner (e.g., free from grammatical errors and typos, no slang, etc.). use appropriate references (e.g., academic journals, not websites or news articles) and adhere to APA guidelines.

I need to the get the article topic approved before you start by Tuesday April 10th. Once I get it approve you will be able to start The paper is not due until April 29th


  1. At that site, go to both: “Requests for Comments” and “Federal Register Notices” or the related tab where feedback is accepted.
  2. Each student will select either a policy that is currently open for comment or one in the past that has closed. Note that the submission link for an open comment is different than for closed policies…yet comments are welcomed at any time even if the policy comment period has closed.
  3. Craft a succinct response with references on the policy issue of the student’s choice and submit as per the directions on the various tabs. Make your comment substantive—one page of text or more.


What Will I Stand For Business Finance Assignment Help

Chapter 5: What Will I Stand For

In Chapter 5 of your personal management treatise, you will consider behavioral ethics and workforce diversity. As the world becomes increasingly interrelated, managers will be expected to be comfortable working with a wide range of cultural differences. How will you prepare for this global environment? In addition, cultural differences sometimes translate into different ethical practices. Do you have a well-established personal ethical code? The goal of this chapter is to help you analyze how you can best prepare yourself to be an effective manager in a multi-cultural society. You will assess the impact of cultural differences on your approach to management, consider how you will gain cultural intelligence, and determine the ethical structure upon which you will base decisions and actions.

For this chapter you may choose to address the following topics. Now answer to the following.

  • In what ways will you treat those whom you manage equally and in what ways will you treat them equitably? What strategies will you use to balance the two approaches appropriately?
  • In considering your personal ethical code, what are your core values, those areas where you will not compromise?
  • How do you define diversity?
  • When managing a diverse organization, what strategies will you use to maintain a balance between respecting the rights of individuals and adhering to organizational standards and culture?
  • What strategies will you use to make your managerial style more sensitive to different cultures?
  • How do you plan to build your level of cultural intelligence? How will this new knowledge affect your management approach?

This chapter should be from 5 pages with at least two references from previous courses and two new references from scholarly resources.


Badaracco, J. L., Jr. (1998). The discipline of building character. Harvard Business Review, 76(2), 114–124.

Stewart, R., Volpone, S., Avery, D., & McKay, P. (2011). You support diversity, but are you ethical? Examining the interactive effects of diversity and ethical climate perceptions on turnover intentions. Journal of Business Ethics, 100(4) 581–593

Kaptein, M. (2011). Understanding unethical behavior by unraveling ethical culture. Human Relations, 64(6), 843–869.

Gino, F., & Pierce, L. (2010). Lying to level the playing field: Why people may dishonestly help or hurt others to create equity. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 89–103..

Banaji, M., Bazerman, M., & Chugh, D. (2003). How (un)ethical are you? Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 56–64.

Stimson, W. (2005). A Deming inspired management code of ethics, Quality Progress, 38(2), 67–75.


Developing & Leading Effective Teams Writing Assignment Help

paper is needing to be something about Developing & Leading Effective Teams

choose one academic journal article published no earlier than 2005 (not a news article) that relates to topics from this course. Good journals to start with include Business Horizons, California Management Review, Group & Organizational Management, Harvard Business Review, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. The paper will involve several major components including an overview of the main points of the article selected, the course concepts and theories that relate to the article, and practical lessons for managers, group leaders, and group members gained from the article.

The paper will be a minimum of 4 double-spaced pages for individuals (not including references and title page) and should be written in a professional manner (e.g., free from grammatical errors and typos, no slang, etc.). use appropriate references (e.g., academic journals, not websites or news articles) and adhere to APA guidelines.

I need to the get the article topic approved before you start by Tuesday April 10th. Once I get it approve you will be able to start The paper is not due until April 29th


Economic Comparative Advantage Economics Assignment Help

Economic Comparative Advantage Economics Assignment Help

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