Economic Issues Policy Briefing Canada Tax System and Policy Discussion Economics Assignment Help. Economic Issues Policy Briefing Canada Tax System and Policy Discussion Economics Assignment Help.
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- Background:
- Policy evaluation.
In this section, draw on Statistics Canada’s public tables to cover the following:
Who are the top 1%?
- Top income cut-off, average income, share of income from labour & how much tax they pay
- Sex and age
- Province/Location
- What is the net revenue effect (by province) of this proposal? Comment on any noticeable provincial differences.
- How much of the mechanical revenue gain disappears because of a behavioural effect?
- What are the revenue and mechanical effects per tax filer?
- Why is the elasticity of taxable income important?
- What might explain these differences
- Think about skewness & revenue gain share of the mechanical effect
- What is the marginal cost of public funds?
- Explain and calculate the optimal province-specific top 1% marginal tax rate. How far off is it from the fictitious +5 marginal tax rate?
- Assuming no income shifting, what is the size of the vertical fiscal externality?
- What are the progressivity implications of this proposal?
Compared to the bottom 50th percentile of tax filers, how has the income share and effective tax rate of the top 1% evolved over the data period?
By province, how has the income share and effective tax rate of the province-specific top 1% evolved over time?
Consider the following proposal to increase the top marginal tax rate on the top (province-specific) 1%:
Base Tax System, 2020 |
Fictitious System, +5 |
Top MTR threshold ($) |
MTR (%) |
Top 1% MTR threshold ($) |
MTR (%) |
189,604 |
18.3 |
210,200 |
23.3 |
63,969 |
16.7 |
172,400 |
21.7 |
NS |
150,000 |
21 |
191,900 |
26 |
NB |
160,776 |
20.3 |
175,000 |
25.3 |
ON |
220,000 |
13.16 |
260,600 |
18.16 |
MB |
72,164 |
17.4 |
202,600 |
22.4 |
SK |
129,214 |
14.5 |
209,800 |
19.5 |
AB |
314,928 |
15 |
297,900 |
20 |
BC |
157,747 |
16.8 |
244,800 |
21.8 |
Federal |
214,368 |
33 |
244,800 |
33 |
Cover the following issues (by province) with this proposal (Assume a constant ETI of 0.664):
Economic Issues Policy Briefing Canada Tax System and Policy Discussion Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Governors State University Earths Interior and Layer of The Earth Questions Science Assignment Help
Question 1 (2.5 points)
Which layer of the Earth is mostly liquid?
Question 2 (2.5 points)
Which of the following is not a source of heat for the Earth’s interior?
Question 3 (2.5 points)
Which of the following best describes plastic rock?
Question 4 (2.5 points)
Which of the following was a mineral we discussed in the videos?
Question 5 (2.5 points)
Which type of rock is best described as forming from molten rock solidifying?
Question 6 (2.5 points)
Which of the following would you consider to be an organic or chemical sedimentary rock?
Question 7 (2.5 points)
All types of rocks can become metamorphic rocks.
Question 8 (2.5 points)
Which of the following is likely to be a rock that formed deep underground?
Question 9 (2.5 points)
Which type of plate boundary is best described by two plates moving apart?
Question 10 (2.5 points)
Which of the following scenarios best explains how volcanic island arcs form?
Question 11 (2.5 points)
Which of the following scenarios best explains how mountain ranges that generally are not volcanically active form?
Question 12 (2.5 points)
Earthquakes occur at transform plate boundaries
Question 13 (2.5 points)
Most earthquakes are caused by landslides.
Question 14 (2.5 points)
A foreshock is a type of earthquake that occurs
Question 15 (2.5 points)
What type of fault occurs when the footwall moves up relative to the hanging wall?
Question 16 (2.5 points)
The place where the earthquake begins is commonly referred to as the
Question 17 (2.5 points)
Which type of seismic waves do not travel through liquids?
Question 18 (2.5 points)
Most of the information scientists have recorded about the deep interior of the earth (e.g., the core and mantle) comes from
Question 19 (2.5 points)
Which of the following volcanoes is usually the largest?
Question 20 (2.5 points)
Which of the following volcanoes would be more likely to lead to a large and dangerous eruption?
Question 21 (2.5 points)
The lava erupted from a shield volcano would most likely be?
Question 22 (2.5 points)
Buried ash layers are used as evidence of previous volcanic eruptions.
Question 23 (2.5 points)
Which of the following is not a type of basaltic lava flow?
Question 24 (2.5 points)
Which of the following volcanic gases is most responsible for the colder weather associated with the year without a summer?
Question 25 (2.5 points)
Based on what you have learned in class, where is most of the freshwater in the continental United States likely to be stored?
Question 26 (2.5 points)
Which of the following best describes the path that runoff takes across the land?
Question 27 (2.5 points)
Which of the following is not a common type of lake in Chicagoland?
Question 28 (2.5 points)
Which type of river is best described as a river that bends or has a snake-like appearance?
Question 29 (2.5 points)
The sandy bars that form in the inside of river bends are called.
Question 30 (2.5 points)
Which of the following best describes what an aquifer is?
Question 31 (2.5 points)
A material that allows water to easily flow through it is best described as?
Question 32 (2.5 points)
Which of the following best describes the driftless region or area?
Question 33 (2.5 points)
Which of the following best describes the formation of kames?
Question 34 (2.5 points)
Which of the following is not a way that glaciers collect rock debris and sediment?
Question 35 (2.5 points)
Which of the following is not evidence that glaciers covered the Midwest?
Question 36 (2.5 points)
A glacial landform that has a snake-like appearance or that bends is best described as a?
Question 37 (2.5 points)
An unsorted mixture of sediment deposited by glaciers is called.
Question 38 (2.5 points)
An icicle-like feature that forms on the roofs of caves is best described as
Question 39 (2.5 points)
Which of the following terms best describes the current that flows along a coast parallel to a beach?
Question 40 (2.5 points)
did the breakwater in the video cause the beach to bulge? In other
words, why did the breakwater cause the beach to become longer?
It |
The video did not mention a breakwater. |
HRM 517 Strayer University Understanding Strategic Human Resource Management Report Business Finance Assignment Help
- OverviewYou are now ready to present to management a final report on establishing a project team and project phases needed to initiate the changes for a more centralized model of delivering HR services. Once the management team receives the report and is thoroughly briefed on the direction the project will take, you and your project team will begin work on the project.The management team report will be a consolidation of the previous assignment papers you have written in this course plus a report overview (sort of like an executive summary) and final conclusion (offering importance of topics and recommendations for next steps). You may make up a fictitious company name (do not use a real company) and create your own HR project team name.
Prepare a 25–30 page paper in which you:
- Create a full 2-page (minimum) report overview (executive summary) summarizing and emphasizing the key points of the report’s contents, which are the topics from previous papers in the course. Hint:
- Copy and paste all content with headings from the previous course assignments minus any cover pages, running heads, introduction and conclusion sections, and reference pages.
- Prepare and include an original conclusion section to be placed immediately after the paper content. Note: Do not use any previous conclusion sections from past papers in the course. The conclusion section must take all previous papers into account.
- Create the reference page(s) by copying and pasting all references from the previous four assignments and any new references as a result of this report. Remember, the reference page should be separate from the other text.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Review the elements of project planning and management.
- By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
FL International University Mod 4 Supply Network Design Strategies Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
beside each answer write the number of question.
Supply network design strategies
Goldenbread buys different types of goods and services – including several raw materials (such as flour of different types, spices, aromas, emulsifiers), and different types of third-party products (such as little toys to be included in premium products e.g., Easter eggs) and services (such as transportation, marketing campaigns, and IT software).
The Chief Purchasing Officer, Mr. Schuber, has focused the attention on two critical categories in particular: cocoa beans, and chocolate decorations.
The suppliers for each category, the fragmentation of the volume, the length of the contract, and the location of the suppliers are reported in the following:
( picture attached)
For cocoa beans, 7 different suppliers were used. 4 of them (Macor, Caldic, Puratos, Millbo) were specifically selected to provide beans for different family of products (pieces of bread, cookies, desserts, and snack cakes). Unfortunately, to cope with some supply emergency a couple of plants in Italy decided to address three local suppliers for a spot contract of one month – at very high prices. Suppliers are located in different North European areas, as Italian suppliers are not experts in cocoa cultivation. The 4 suppliers have been working with Goldenbread for the last 3 years, and the last contract renewal was made for 18 months.
For what concerns chocolate decorations, Goldenbread has partnered with a historical supplier (Del Conte), which usually satisfies a great part of the demand. However, this supplier has recently initiated a renewal of their plants and machinery, which caused a (temporary) reduction of the production capacity and also the quality. For these reasons, Goldenbread started to reach other medium-sized suppliers, able to satisfy a small part of the demand and take over more whenever Del Conte experienced further issues. In order to be granted an allocation of production capacity, Goldenbread offered these suppliers a 2-years contract, at similar conditions to the one made with Del Conte. The exception to this is represented by Dolciaria Stocco, a supplier that did not satisfy Goldenbread standard, and the contract was terminated after 6 months. Due to the criticality of the product quality and transportation, Goldenbread gives preference to suppliers located in Italy or Switzerland, where the company has plants.
3-Characterize the supply network strategy for cocoa beans defining:
- The sourcing strategy (single vs dual vs parallel vs multiple)
- The relationship strategy (traditional competitive vs collaborative partnership)
- The location strategy (local vs global vs both local and global)
Carefully justify your choices for each dimension, referring to both the summary table and the information provided in the text
4-Characterize the supply network strategy for chocolate decorations defining:
- The sourcing strategy (single vs dual vs parallel vs multiple)
- The relationship strategy (traditional competitive vs collaborative partnership)
- The location strategy (local vs global vs both local and global)
Carefully justify your choices for each dimension, referring to both the summary table and the information provided in the text
-To understand if the supply network strategies currently adopted are correct, and if something needs to be modified, Goldenbread is in the process of designing the Kraljic matrix for classifying its purchasing categories.
In this regard, Mr. Schuber asked the buyers of their purchasing department to collect the following information for each category:
- The incidence of the purchasing costs for each category on the total purchasing costs;
- The number of items bought for each category;
- The contribution of each category to introduce an innovation in the product;
- The numbers of orders managed for each category;
- The number of suppliers available for each category;
- The average distance of suppliers of each category from main plants;
- The easiness to obtain price discount at the time of contract renewal for each category;
- The level of suppliers’ technical skills for each category.
5-Which of the previous information would you use to design the Kraljic matrix?
In particular, describe what information would you use (or not) to measure the supply market complexity and the strategic importance for Goldenbread.
This is an example of an expected answer:
“with the information available, to assess the supply market complexity for each category, Goldenbread should use A, B, and C because (…). To assess the strategic importance, Goldenbread should use D and E, because (…).
In the list provided, F and G seems to be not useful to assess neither of the Kraljic matrix dimensions, so they should not be included“
Pay attention that it is important to justify your answer. not necessarily you have to use everything, but also not necessarily you have to exclude something. Everything depends on how you elaborate on your choice.
-The CPO was finally able to design the Kraljic matrix for Goldenbread purchasing categories.
The cocoa beans and the chocolate decorations are positioned as follows:
(pictured attached)
6-Do you consider the strategy adopted for the cocoa beans appropriate compared to the positioning in the Kraljic matrix?
Describe if you see alignment or misalignment and, in case of misalignment, what Goldenbread needs to revise.
7-Do you consider the strategy adopted for the chocolate decorations appropriate compared to the positioning in the Kraljic matrix?
Describe if you see alignment or misalignment and, in case of misalignment, what Goldenbread needs to revise.
SPN 4313S Keiser University ?Validation of Research Work Through Survey Report Writing Assignment Help
Stage 3 of the research work
Enunciation of the research hypothesis and writing a Survey for its possible validation.
In the third week they will clearly state the research hypothesis. They will then write, based on this hypothesis, a survey that can serve as an instrument to validate it.
Total words: 200 to 250 words. 10% of the final grade
Make a Survey that will serve as an instrument for your research work. The survey should have 20 to 25 questions. Follow what is stated in Chapter 8 about writing the questions for the survey questionnaire. You must be very clear about what you intend to investigate with this instrument, what data is expected to be produced, and what questions guide and support this data production.
Keep in mind that if your study requires people, the ethical aspects involved in the research are very important.
Note: For reasons of time, this Survey will not be applied in practice before the writing of your essay; It is only an exercise to learn to design instruments that offer the necessary information for the verification of the research hypothesis.
Important: Any assignment that is not original and is a partial or total copy of some other source will receive zero (o) as a grade.
The work must be submitted using the APA template. They should follow the order that I show them in the example Template for this stage that they will find in Start Here / Additional Resources. It is extremely important to complete each stage of the project in the time indicated.
The following sources will not be accepted for the bibliography list:
Bum corner
Any source obtained from a general internet search.
Use information services with sufficient rigor and credibility.
The work must be submitted using the APA template.
They should follow the order that I show them in the example Template for this stage that they will find in Start Here / Additional Resources.
It is extremely important to complete each stage of the project in the time indicated.
Incentive Problems Define Challenges Discussion Question Economics Assignment Help
This week’s discussion will provide you with an opportunity to apply Froeb’s analytic method.
Read the example in the discussion instructions while keeping in mind the following questions:
- Who made the bad decision?
- What information did they have? And was it good, bad, or unclear?
- What was their incentive?
Read the following and then respond to the discussion prompt.
- Intel made large loyalty payments to HP in exchange for HP buying most of their chips from Intel instead of rival AMD. AMD sued Intel under the antitrust laws, and Intel settled the case by paying $1.25 billion to AMD.
Address the following in your discussion post:
- What incentive conflict was being controlled by these loyalty payments?
- What advice did Intel ignore when they adopted this practice (consider how the Robinson-Patman Act applies to their practice) and speculate why Intel ignored the advice
Minimum word count: 500 words; Resources: Minimum 3
Incentive Problems Define Challenges Discussion Question Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American College of California Distillation System Essay Science Assignment Help
Write a reflection essay on the topic “Genomics & Personalized Medicine: Promises and Perils”
Base this essay on the readings, website information and videos posted on Canvas (primarily in the Module for Lectures 25-27).
In your essay summarize the ideas presented in the course content. Include advantages of the human genome project and cautions/disadvantages/remaining challenges. Your essay should have an introductory and concluding paragraph.
The essay should be two pages in length, typed, 12 point font, and double spaced. This is equivalent to approximately 500 words. Points will be deducted if you are under 450 or over 550 words.
Use key sentences. One key sentence per paragraph. Underline key sentences in the essay.
Include a cover page with your name, the word count, and a list of the key sentences.
Reflection Paper Info:
-Slides Lectures 25-27 that were sent for Homework #10
University of Phoenix Correctional Programs Comparative Essay Law Assignment Help
Assignment Content
IT 261 SNH University Customer Service Department & Facing Issues Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Add more slides to powerpoint.
Using feedback from prior milestones, consolidate and finalize your final project.
Consider the Communication critical element and make appropriate updates to meet these requirements. If you plan to provide a recorded presentation, ensure that it adheres to the guidelines.
VI. Communication Use illustrations, analogies, and other didactic tools to express the technology terms used in your presentation to ensure comprehension by non-technical management staff. Be sure to use the appropriate level of information technology jargon/language to ensure that audiences of varying levels of IT experience can comprehend your proposal to improve service.
USC How Covid Signals the End of The American Era by Wade Davis Article Critique Humanities Assignment Help
write a 300-500 word ‘mini-essay’ that responds to the question by making an argument and supporting that argument with evidence from this article:
What is Wade Davis wrong about? Write an essay that identifies a claim that Davis makes or a conclusion that he draws that you believe is mistaken, and explain why.
Additional Instructions: Your essay must have a thesis statement that clearly identifies which claim or conclusion by Davis is incorrect and why, and it must support that thesis with clear arguments and with evidence drawn from Davis’s own essay and from other course materials.
1. Sources: You may use any source from this course. You may not use external sources.
2. Thesis Statement: Your essay must have a thesis statement in which you respond to the question, take a clear position, and give reasons. Your thesis statement is the main argument of your essay. It should be one of the first few sentences.
3. Argument: The remainder of your essay should focus on making a persuasive argument that supports your thesis statement with evidence.
4. Reference List:
5. Citations: When you use an idea from another source, you should cite it appropriately in the Chicago author-date format, and include it in your alphabetized reference list.
extra sources that can be used for evidence:
Economic Issues Policy Briefing Canada Tax System and Policy Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Economic Issues Policy Briefing Canada Tax System and Policy Discussion Economics Assignment Help