Economic paper Economics Assignment Help

Economic paper Economics Assignment Help. Economic paper Economics Assignment Help.

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Final Project Assignment

These are some guidelines and recommendations for developing your final project assignment.

You have been hired as a consultant to make economic recommendations for a public firm (or

private firm if data is available) of your choice. The goal of every business is Profit Maximization

and you are giving them economic advice to achieve their goal.

Conduct thorough research on different economic aspects of this firm using outside sources.

Complete an economic analysis for the firm based on at least five (5) of the key weekly topics (see attached file) or concepts discussed during this class. The topics can be demand, supply, price, profit, competition etc. Make a recommendation to the firm for the improvement of its current performance and future sustainability based on your research and enhanced economic

knowledge achieved through this class.

Below is a general outline for you to use in your paper. This is a guideline; you can use your creativity and talents and make necessary changes.

1. Pick your company (Introduction)

2. If your company produces several products you can chose one product. (For example if you are picking Apple, you can chose just one key product like iPhone or iPad) for the simplicity of analysis. Give a brief description and why you chose that product (market share, profitability, future prospect etc.)

3. Research current demand, supply and equilibrium price of that product and develop demand and supply chart.

4. Based on the research, the concepts we learned, and in your own intuition, analyze factors that can influence the change in the demand and supply of this product. (Show the graphs)

5. Based on the elasticity concept analyze whether a price change is desirable for profit maximization. (Use hypothetical numbers for analytical purposes)

6. Find the profit maximization price and quantity

7. Write your conclusion, summarizing the main analysis and recommendation.

The paper should be a minimum word count at least 1800, excluding cover page and reference page.

Economic paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

C++ Programming Computer Science Assignment Help

1 Description
Over the course of the semester, you will develop an interpreter for interactive fiction. Interactive fiction (IF) is a text-based medium in which a reader is given passages of text interspersed with choices. In a sense, these stories resemble the “Choose Your Own Adventure” books that were once popular; however, IF may be more sophisticated in that early choices in the story may influence later passages or choices. In this assignment, you will write code to parse the passages that you tokenized in part 1 into their constituent components. Like Part 1, this assignment is individual; however, you will be working with a partner in later parts of the project, so using good coding style is strongly encouraged. Also: the different parts of this project build on one another, so it is important that you do well on the earlier parts of the project, or you may need to spend time later fixing the bugs in earlier parts. If your solution for Part 1 did not work correctly, please get in touch with a TA or the professor immediately—this project cannot be completed without a functioning StoryTokenizer.
2 Background information
Your IF interpreter will be based on a limited subset of Harlowe (https://, a common format for IF.
3 Specifications
Your goal for this assignment is to write a pair of classes to tokenize the passages in interactive fiction stories. The “main” class, PassageTokenizer, will take in the text of a passage in an interactive fiction story (e.g., from the getText() method of PassageToken), and it will break this input up into PartToken objects, each of which represent an important section of the passage. Your code should be able to recognize a total of 8 different kinds of part tokens: links, commands, blocks, and text, where there are 5 different varieties of command tokens: go-to, set, if, else-if, and else. These tokens will be described in more detail in the following sections.
3.1 Part tokens
In order to correctly interpret each passage in a story, it’s important to be able to separate out the different parts of that passage. Your PassageTokenizer class should implement nextPart and hasNextPart, which return the next PartToken and whether the passage contains another part, respectively. You should have a PassageTokenizer constructor that accepts a string. Like PassageTokens, PartTokens should have a getText member function, along with an appropriate constructor, but they should also have a getType member function, which returns the token’s type (LINK, GOTO, SET, IF, ELSEIF, ELSE, BLOCK, or TEXT). These token types are described in more detail below. PartTokens should also return an empty string and type TEXT when invalid.
3.2 Links
A link in the body of a passage will be surrounded by double brackets: [[ and ]].
Example link:
[[Example link]]
3.3 Commands
Commands are denoted by a single word and a colon immediately after an open parenthesis. Your IF interpreter should support 5 different commands, (go-to:, (set:, (if:, (else-if:, and (else:. In all cases, the PartToken should begin at the open parenthesis and end at the corresponding close parenthesis.
Example commands:
(go-to: “start”) (set: $ateCake to true) (if: $ateCake is true) (else-if: $ateCookie is true) (else:)
3.4 Blocks
Blocks are parts of a passage that follow if, else if, or else commands and denote what should happen when the given condition is true. Blocks will always start with an open bracket [ and end with a close bracket ]. As expected, the PartToken should begin at the open bracket and end at the close bracket. Note that an input file may have some white space between the if command and it’s corresponding block—you should ignore this white space, as the block must be the next token after an if, else if, or else commend. Also, blocks must follow these commands, and they can only follow these commands. If, for
example, the first character of a passage was [, this character could be part of a link or text, but it cannot start a block. One very important feature of blocks is that they may contain other features inside them, such as links, commands, text, or even other blocks. As a result, you need to be very careful when matching brackets so that you connect the bracket that starts a block to the correct bracket that ends it, not just the first end bracket that appears. For this part of the project, you do not need to process anything inside of a block. A block should be a single PartToken, regardless of what it contains.
Example block
[All of that cake you ate earlier has made you [[drowsy]].]
3.5 Text
Text is a part of a passage containing ordinary text to be displayed. Text tokens should contain all of the characters in the passage text that do not belong to a command, link, or block (including new lines and other white space). If the text in a passage contains HTML features (e.g., <a> tags or symbols like “), you should just treat these as ordinary text; you don’t need to do any HTML processing. Also, there should never be two text tokens in a row; you should combine all characters of uninterrupted text into a single token.
4 Error handling
Your code will only be tested on valid input, so it does not need to be robust to reading errors in its input.
5 Implementing your code
You have been provided with a main function that will read in a story from input.txt and use your PassageTokenizer and PartToken classes, along with your SectionTokenizer and PassageToken classes, to break down each passage of the story into its constituent parts. You have also been provided with an example input file you can use to test your tokenizer. I recommend that you start implementing nextPart to only return tokens containing the links in the passage, ignoring everything else in the passage. After testing to make sure you can detect links, add in the ability to return tokens containing set commands (then debug). Afterwards, add support for the other 4 commands, then add text tokens in between the other tokens (treating blocks as ordinary text), and finally add support for blocks, debugging your code after each major addition. Correctly identifying blocks that contain links or other blocks can be quite tricky. I recommend that when you try to process a block, you iterate through
the text character by character, counting how many “levels deep” in brackets you are. The first open bracket of the block puts you at level 1, every open bracket after that will put you one level deeper, every close bracket will reduce your level by 1, and the close bracket that brings you back to level 0 will be the one that matches the first open bracket. Important: By limiting the amount of code that you write between testing one version of your code and the next, you will drastically reduce the difficulty of debugging. In general, it is useful to think about the “minimum testable version” of your code when working on a large project, so that you do not try to debug the entire thing at the end. Do not wait until the last minute to start working on this part of the project; you will not finish in time. This part of the project is substantially more difficult than part 1.
6 Submission instructions and grading
You should submit header and source files for your StoryTokenizer, PassageToken, PassageTokenizer, and PartToken classes as a zip archive. You may split the headers and source for these classes into any number of files. If you do not combine the headers together, though, you should #include the other headers at the top of your StoryTokenizer header (storytokenizer.h). Your submission will be evaluated based on whether it compiles, as well as whether it can correctly tokenize passages of increasing complexity when using the provided driver file.


Establish a personal development strategy and leadership learning program that incorporates Chinese culture and the environment. Writing Assignment Help

You need to choose one of the “one key leadership levers”: innovation, relationships, acumen, inspiration, strategic vision, execution.

You’ll integrate the key leadership principles in Chapters 1-6 and other references that you think are important to support leadership. Submit a unique development plan that defines and describes the culture of China and the challenges of the Chinese work environment. Design and build a comprehensive plan for your personal continuous leadership development, and the program will consider your customized capabilities/passions and career needs.

You should:

Develop a personal plan for leadership development in “one” of the 6 leadership levers: innovation, relationships, acumen, inspiration, strategic vision, execution.

Attach a copy of your Leadership Levers: Building Critical Strengths Development Plan

Develop an organizational/ plan that highlights and punctuates the most needed aspects of leadership in your selected organizational with a time-line for implementation

Integrate class reading assignments and any past course work you feel adds value to your analysis.

Establish a curricular plan that is skills- and competency-based, with sufficient detail around logistics, cost, implementation strategy, evaluation and metrics that would allow a senior leadership group to evaluate and respond to support — or not — the initiative as a breakthrough focus for establishing dispersed leadership capacity and confidence in a dynamic and rapidly changing health care practice environment.

Be creative but concise with your plan.


Criminology question; eyewitness identification Law Assignment Help

For this paper, you will choose one of the major forensic psychology topics that contributed to

the wrongful prosecution of this case: eyewitness identification or interrogations/confessions.

You will then analyze how this factor contributed to the prosecution of the defendant. You will

need to identify three empirical (research) articles on the topic you selected that are related to

the facts of the case. Each of the three empirical articles should have at least one experiment

where they are collecting data and testing their hypotheses. Your paper should clearly:

1) Make an argument for how (eyewitness identification or interrogations/confessions)

contributed to the defendant’s wrongful prosecution___ (approximately 1 page).

2) Provide a critical analysis of each the three empirical articles that you identified as supportive

of your argument (in #1). For each article, describe the research question tested by the research,

describe how the authors tested that question and what they found, and relate their findings to the

case presented in the documentary. If an article has more than one experiment, choose one of the

experiments for this portion of your paper. This analysis should be critical, noting strengths and

weaknesses both in the study itself and in its relevance to the case in question___ (approximately 1page per article, for a total of 3 pages).

3) End with an evaluation of the overall prosecution in this case in light of the material we have

covered in class since the beginning of the course. You should discuss both eyewitness

identification and false confessions in this section, regardless of which topic you chose for the

first 4 pages of the assignment. Finally, make recommendations about how the prosecution of

this case could have been improved ___(approximately 1 page).

4) Include a Reference section with the three articles you selected along with any other sources

you used to complete your assignment. You do not need to write a reference for the film.

Your assignment must follow APA formatting including:

1) Size 12 font, preferably Times New Roman

2) Double-spacing

3) Page numbers on top right (header)

4) 1” margins on all four sides (you may have to adjust the default settings)

5) Title page including title of paper, your name, affiliation (college) and course

6) No abstract is necessary for this assignment


Project Management Business Finance Assignment Help

Make sure that you have Microsoft Project software

each sub-section of the project 1. normal duration, 2. crash duration,
3. Normal Cost, 4. Crash Cost, 5. cost per day, based on the attach file

Purpose for this assignment is calculate how many days could be cut short? Which part of the process could be cut short?

This is the request given by my professor.

“So far you have
established how long it would take to accomplish your project. However,
observe your resources to find out how you can expedite your project (
lessen its duration) by crashing some resources. ”

You need to complete this Assignment according to the Project
software file and the Cost management in the Final sample file.



Eco 2302 Principles of Micro. 2 page case report. Economics Assignment Help

You will need to make some assumptions to complete this report, these assumptions will allow you to:

1-Calculate the Elasticity of your product

2-Calculate the Supply and Demand and the effect from government policies

3-Calculate the cost of production.

To create the assumptions to calculate the previous 3 points, you will need to read the related chapters, your previous report and some additional information that you may need to research. Again, this important exercise requires to create assumptions and what you need to complete for this report, partially, will be based on these assumptions.

You must also, during the project, research about the industry, labor, cost, competitors, about products, services and everything that it is related with your company and product, see below.

Format and Content Requisites.

1-2 pages minimum without the questions, single space, no spaces between paragraphs, 0.5 margins all around, type letter times new roman, font size 11. You cannot copy, you cannot quote or paste any image or graph with in the 2 pages content. The 2 pages must be 100% from you as the author. Images, pictures or graphs can be included at the end of the last page, including also the references. Any deviation from these instructions will penalize your grade for 10% each deviation.

2-You must answer the numbers below as are they described. This is not an essay, this is a business report requiring a series of questions to be answered. In order for the reader to be efficient while is reading your report, write the number first, then answer what is asked and nothing else, you can elaborate yes, but keep this rule simple, focus your answer to the question.

3-You must submit Word Document File and cannot exceed the 10% originality report inside the Safe Assign Black Board tool, if you don’t know this future you can ask OIT. You also must submit one excel file with the support of all your calculations. My computer does not run any other program than Word and Excel, please not PDF files. If you submit a different type of files your grade will be ZERO.

4-The Black Board Safe assign score sometimes require hours to give you the score results, so be aware that if you submit the file and the originality report is above 10% you must modify and resubmit until it fulfills the maximum 10%. I will not grade any file with more than 10% originality report. Report above 10% originality score are graded with ZERO.

5-If you copy or paste any text, image or graph within the 2 pages content, you will have plagiarism issue, see the syllabus to understand the consequences of this action. Also, this report will be graded with ZERO. No quotations are allowed in this case report.

6-Because I am here informing you in advance the case report that you must work for the next weeks, I do not accept late work. If your file is not in the proper drop box you will be graded with ZERO. For the system, it is the same one minute due, 10 minutes due, 1 hour or one day. Check the Syllabus to verify when is due this Case Report.

Content and requisites of the Word and Excel files.

1-Word document will discuss the following:

1-Explain and describe the price elasticity for your product. Here you will need to make some assumptions to simulate what should be the price elasticity for your product, you can use all the information available to complete this important exercise, for example, price of the competition, size of the industry, type of product and time horizon that should will needed to identify the price elasticity. Here also you will need to graph the price elasticity in excel, you can use what you have as a price and assume some quantities to calculate elasticities, remember assumptions are very important in this exercise. In this first section and according with your calculations you must answer if your product is elastic, inelastic or the type of behavior that your product responds when the consumer income change.

2-Explain in which circumstances your product can experience price floors or price ceilings, yes you need to make your own assumptions to explain this important concept when it applies to your product.

3-Now, imagine if your product experience an increase in the consumption tax and increase in the import tax, in one case the tax will be imposed to buyers and in the other case to the sellers. Making all your assumptions where it is necessary. Also calculate the incidence of tax. Your calculations should be in excel.

4-Make all the necessary assumptions to use your case product in a way that it could be experience a consumer surplus, you need to also calculate using your own assumptions the supplier surplus, here you need to explain both, consumer and supplier surplus. Finally, for this section, graph the equilibrium in the excel file.

5-You need to explore here your product cost. For this you may need to have some assumptions, read the chapters, your previous case report and the competitor’s information and build a table with the following data. Variable cost, fixed cost, average fixed cost, average variable cost, average total cost, marginal cost, revenues. You must graph all these variables using different levels of output or quantities. Yes, you will need to make some assumptions.

Eco 2302 Principles of Micro. 2 page case report. Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The existence of implicit bias Law Assignment Help

In seven pages (that is, in no fewer than seven pages, and no more than seven and a half pages), using what we’ve learned up to this point in the They Say, I Say text:

1) explain Alexander’s presentation of the difference between implicit and explicit race bias (from the first and second page of the assigned excerpt from week seven);…

2) explain Russell’s analogical argument about the existence of others’ thoughts and how it could possibly ­­­serve as explanation of how we can be aware of others’ unconscious behaviors;…

3) explain the relevance and implications of evidence about the existence or non-existence of implicit bias that you have discovered in a peer-reviewed article;

4) argue for the importance of your research for either Alexander or Russell; and

5) defend either your thesis or your argument in support of your thesis against someone who could disagree with it.


Writing Task 3 Rhetorical Precis Humanities Assignment Help

View the following Videos

Step 3 Read the following handout

Sample Rhetorical Précis.docx

Minimize File Preview

Step 4 Read and Annotate the following article

Read “How to Mark a Book” by Adler.

How to Mark a Book.docx

Minimize File Preview

Step 5 Write

Write a rhetorical precis for the Adler article.


CIS552 Strayer WK3 Encryption & Hashing Algorithms Tools and Commands HW Computer Science Assignment Help

Assignment 1: Encryption and Hashing Algorithms: Tools and Commands

Due Week 3 and worth 100 points

The CIA and FBI have been working as a joint task force to unearth the meaning behind a vast amount of intercepted digital communiqué between two known operatives believed to be spies. They have recruited your company to assist with the decryption of these messages.

Part 1:

Write a paper in which you answer the following:

Before you start on this mission, both national organizations want to verify your ability to identify hash and encryptions standards. Answer the following questions, providing specific details for each topic:

  1. Explain how to identify the type of hash, identifying a tool that can integrate with Linux and Windows so desktop users are able to verify hash values. Specify any online tools.
  2. Describe the difference between RSA and ECDSA encryption algorithms and name a well-known product that uses each type of encryption. Be sure to cite your references.
  3. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Part 2:

Here is a useful online resource to help with your tasked assignment from the FBI. Using the following link, decrypt the random messages and put them together into a useful missive. Identify the hash type and rearrange the messages in logical order to assemble the message.

Contact your supervisor (professor) to receive the communiqué, if it is not shared with you first .

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe cryptology and its impact on cybercrime response.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in cybercrime techniques and response.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to cybercrime techniques and response using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


write 3 paragraphs on how the author of the article uses each ethos, logos, pathos; 1 paragraph for each. Humanities Assignment Help

Hello, please read the online article, “It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them” and write three paragraphs in total for each ethos, logos, and pathos. How does the author successfully appeal to these rhetoric concepts? I have attached the article and my teachers instructions. I have already started writing this essay, however, I am stuck on this part. I have also attached what I have written so far, please take a look at it and if you can, insert the paragraphs in my essay. My teacher is very critical on relating everything back to the audience. So please make sure to bring the friendly audience up in at least every 2 sentences. Thank You!


Contact your supervisor (professor) to receive the communiqué, if it is not shared with you first .

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe cryptology and its impact on cybercrime response.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in cybercrime techniques and response.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to cybercrime techniques and response using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


write 3 paragraphs on how the author of the article uses each ethos, logos, pathos; 1 paragraph for each. Humanities Assignment Help

Hello, please read the online article, “It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them” and write three paragraphs in total for each ethos, logos, and pathos. How does the author successfully appeal to these rhetoric concepts? I have attached the article and my teachers instructions. I have already started writing this essay, however, I am stuck on this part. I have also attached what I have written so far, please take a look at it and if you can, insert the paragraphs in my essay. My teacher is very critical on relating everything back to the audience. So please make sure to bring the friendly audience up in at least every 2 sentences. Thank You!


Contact your supervisor (professor) to receive the communiqué, if it is not shared with you first .

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe cryptology and its impact on cybercrime response.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in cybercrime techniques and response.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to cybercrime techniques and response using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


write 3 paragraphs on how the author of the article uses each ethos, logos, pathos; 1 paragraph for each. Humanities Assignment Help

Hello, please read the online article, “It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them” and write three paragraphs in total for each ethos, logos, and pathos. How does the author successfully appeal to these rhetoric concepts? I have attached the article and my teachers instructions. I have already started writing this essay, however, I am stuck on this part. I have also attached what I have written so far, please take a look at it and if you can, insert the paragraphs in my essay. My teacher is very critical on relating everything back to the audience. So please make sure to bring the friendly audience up in at least every 2 sentences. Thank You!


Contact your supervisor (professor) to receive the communiqué, if it is not shared with you first .

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Describe cryptology and its impact on cybercrime response.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in cybercrime techniques and response.
  • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to cybercrime techniques and response using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.


write 3 paragraphs on how the author of the article uses each ethos, logos, pathos; 1 paragraph for each. Humanities Assignment Help

Hello, please read the online article, “It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them” and write three paragraphs in total for each ethos, logos, and pathos. How does the author successfully appeal to these rhetoric concepts? I have attached the article and my teachers instructions. I have already started writing this essay, however, I am stuck on this part. I have also attached what I have written so far, please take a look at it and if you can, insert the paragraphs in my essay. My teacher is very critical on relating everything back to the audience. So please make sure to bring the friendly audience up in at least every 2 sentences. Thank You!


Economic paper Economics Assignment Help

Economic paper Economics Assignment Help

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