ED 5123 American College of Education Researching Diversity Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

ED 5123 American College of Education Researching Diversity Research Paper Writing Assignment Help. ED 5123 American College of Education Researching Diversity Research Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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In the Module 3 application, you will research trends, issues, evidence-based remediation practices, the learning preferences of the selected student group, and the identified achievement gap. Your goal in this application is to discover as much as you can about your selected student group.

For the purposes of this assignment, a trend is defined as a pattern of gradual change in an average or general series of data points to move in a certain direction over time. Example: Frorm 2010-2014, state achievement tests show a slight reduction in the achievement gap between low-income students and all students at Reagan High School, typically a reduction of 1 to 3 percentage points. The key to detecting a trend is to collect and analyze data over multiple, sequential years. An issue, then, is defined is as an important topic or problem of debate arising from a trend. Example: Despite the slight reduction in the achievement gap between low-income and other students, Reagan High School recognizes the need to further reduce the achievement gap.


  1. Create a Word document for your response. Use APA format for the paper, title page, references page, and in-text citations.
  2. Compose an introduction and conclusion for your paper.
  3. Follow the “Student Group Research” directions to complete the table and four questions.
  4. Follow the directions to submit your final Word document.

Student Group Research

  • Continue to research your selected student group. Use the internet and other reference sources to complete the table and answer the questions that follow.
  • Compose introductory and concluding paragraphs for the the table and subsequent questions.
  • Create the table in the Word or text document, and complete the following:
    • Introduce the student group you have selected by providing demographic data.
    • Identify the achievement gap experienced by the student group. Use data to support the presence of the gap.
    • Identify trends, issues, evidence-based remediation practices, and learning preferences related to the student group. For example, you might look at achievement patterns, graduation rates, learning preferencess, and evidence-based strategies proven effective with your selected group of learners.
    • Incorporate information from one peer-reviewed article outside course readings. Cite the articles in APA format in your response with a full APA references page at the end of your response. http://www.apastyle.org/learn/tutorials/index.aspx (Links to an external site.)
  • As a supplement to the table, answer each of the four questions in a well-developed paragraph. Follow APA format.

Student Group (Provide demographic data):

Achievement Gap (Use data to identify the gap):



Evidence-Based Remediation/ Accommodation Practices

Learning Preferences

Example Table with Notes:

Student Group (Provide demographic data): At Reagan High School, 69% of the student population is classified as low-income.

Achievement Gap (Use data to identify the gap): State achievement test results show that a gap of 47% exists in mathematics between 10th grade, low-income African American students and higher income white and Hispanic students.



Evidence-Based Remediation/

Accommodation Practices

Learning Preferences

From 2010-2014, state achievement tests show a slight reduction in the achievement gap between low-income students and all students at Reagan High School, typically a reduction of 1 to 3 percentage points.

NOTE: Use the state achievement exam data over multiple years to determine a trend. Many schools already have these data.

Despite a major initiative at the school and the slight reduction in the achievement gap between low-income and other students, Reagan High School recognizes the need to further reduce the achievement gap.

NOTE: The issue emerges from the trend.

More active coursework with extended time on task, including extending the school day using a flexible schedule (Olatokunbo, 2013)

NOTE: This information may come from evidence-based practices used by your school or research. If research is used, cite the author and year as shown and include on the references page.

Expressive, creative, oral expression (Willis, 1989)

NOTE: This information comes from research. Cite the author and year as shown, and include on the references page.

  1. What trends related to this student group are evident at your selected school? How is the school currently addressing these trends?
  2. What issues related to this student group are evident at your selected school? How is the school currently addressing these issues?
  3. What suggested evidence-based remediation/accommodation practices are in use for this student group at your selected school? What practices would you like to see implemented? What specific practice will you address in your Module 4 lesson plan? How can you incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles?
  4. What are the learning preferences of the student group? How does your selected school address the group’s learning preferences?

ED 5123 American College of Education Researching Diversity Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

VCU Insights Involving a Management Information System Course Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

As you wrap up your BUS experience, this assignment gives you the opportunity to both reflect on
what you’ve learned this semester and project forward to envision your future self. Together, your
reflection and projection should be no more than two, single-spaced pages.


1. Describe three lessons or concepts from this course that you feel were the most valuable to you.
Be specific about what you learned and why it was meaningful or useful. If you find this difficult,
please explain why and provide 2-3 specific suggestions for how this course could be improved
for future business students.

2. Overall, did your professional skills grow during this semester? Why or why not?

3. Describe a time this semester when you did not live up to your own expectations — a time when
your action (or inaction) resulted in a disappointing result. What did you learn from that
experience? What advice would you share with future BUS 303 students who may face similar
circumstances or challenges?


1. What are 2-3 goals you would like to pursue and/or accomplish in your career over the next five
years? Consider the SMART goal method to ensure you are providing detail.

2. Describe 2-3 challenges that might arise as you pursue your future goals. Be specific.

3. What 2-3 professional skills would you use to navigate those challenges and support your
continued development?

Evaluation Criteria

• Did the student identify clear, salient ideas related to professional development throughout the
reflection and projection?

• Did the student thoughtfully reflect on the course to identify specific areas of professional

• Did the student project forward to identify potential challenges based on future goals?

• Did the student identify professional skills that could be used to navigate those challenges and
continue future growth?

• Writing was clear, concise, free of errors, and the appropriate length.


Digital Transformation Traditional Economy Paper Writing Assignment Help

one single space page need to include:

1) Summary – a concise overview of the main content highlighting the presenter(s) and the presentation itself;

2) Evaluation – a critique of the session (you may wish to comment on the content, methodology, model, measures, conclusions, presentation style, etc.; and

3) Application – a personal opinion of the usefulness of this presentation as it would apply in business and/or government with a second opinion drawn from another published article or website (full citation is necessary for secondary research reference).

8.5 X 11 inch paper, 1 inch margins, 12 point font, single spaced

And Turnitin must can check


AC 312 PU Tax Compliance & Provision Gnome Assets & Taxable Income Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting project and need a sample draft to help me study.

Your tax senior has approved your taxable income calculations for Gnome and has now asked you to prepare a tax provision using the results from your work in Part I of this project. You will be completing Part II of this project using the same workbook you uploaded to Canvas for Part I.

You will have to compute a few additional modifications to Federal taxable income when calculating the overall tax provision because Gnome files its state tax return in a state that doesn’t entirely follow Federal tax rules. Therefore, adjustments will be required to properly represent the impact of the variances between Federal and state taxable income.


APU Project Management the Denver International Airport Main Issues Case Study Law Assignment Help

Case Study Analysis Resources

Calleam Consulting Case Study on Denver Int’l Airport Baggage Handling will be used to complete module 6 case study analysis. Refer also to PMBOK Chapters 10, 11, & 12: Risk & Procurement.

One of the best ways to learn is to analyze a case, a particular situation that exemplifies the issues, strengths, and weaknesses that are faced when actually managing a project. This is a proven learning tool shown to reinforce knowledge and understanding of material. The case studies focus on two important aspects of project management, aspects that are used to judge the success of projects.

The second case is Communications, Risk and Procurement. These are important because a project cannot be managed successfully without effective communications, risk management and mitigation, and timely purchasing of necessary supplies.


  • Introduce the case and offer a summary of the issues and the main concerns in the case.
  • Explain how the issues and concerns could impact the success of the project.
  • Drawing from the PMBOK Guide and other course material, and most importantly your knowledge and expertise of project management, critique how the case was handled. What was done right, what went wrong, what could have been done differently, why, and how?
  • Explain what you learned about project management from the case.


  • Must reference theory, concepts, material covered in the course, and Project Material in general.
  • Must be in APSA, APA, MLA, or in approved stated citation/reference format with in-text citations and a bibliography/work cited page.
  • Must be at least 3 pages in length (not including the title page or reference page) , double-spaced, 1 inch margins, with 12 point fonts, Times New Roman.

Please refer to the case study grading rubric for grading criteria.



Depression as Extreme and Persistent Sadness & Mood Changes Outline Humanities Assignment Help

I have a paper that I have to discuss details, examples, analysis, background and cognitive information about Depression. For now, I just need you to make an outline for me about what you will write in it.


Draft an outline for your paper. Write a 1-2 sentence description about what will be discussed in each section. For example, if your topic is on addiction, the body of the paper may contain multiple sections such: “History of addiction, Biological Addiction, Psychological Addiction, etc.” Provide a 1-2 sentence description about what will be discussed under each section of the paper. Please no plagiarism!

Depression as Extreme and Persistent Sadness & Mood Changes Outline Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of North Dakota Rip Van Winkle And Trifles Research Humanities Assignment Help

Your Assignment

In this section of your nonfiction portfolio, you will write a synthesis-style, documented argumentative essay based on an issue in your book. You MUST conduct research for this assignment. Think of it as a synthesis question, but you will need to research to find your own sources to use, instead of them being provided for you.

Once you choose and research your issue, you will determine the focus of your essay.

Your argument may focus on:

  • the causes of your issue
  • the solutions to your issue
  • the long-term and/or short-term effects of your issue
  • your opinion of how the issue has been handled
  • any other aspect of the issue that strikes you as significant

Once you have your focus, create your thesis statement and organize your ideas and research.

What will this look like?

Let’s pretend you read a nonfiction book called Fast Food Nation. You might be interested in researching diet in America. This may lead you to a discussion of vegetarianism in our country. Once you have a focused issue, you will form a thesis. A sample thesis for this book could be:

“Many of America’s health issues would dissipate if American citizens reduced their meat intake.”

In this example, the essay will focus on a solution (reducing meat intake) to the problem presented in the book. You will use a problem-solution plan to organize your ideas.

Please review these steps before writing:

  1. Consider the social issues presented in your book.
  2. Choose one issue of particular interest to you. (Each book has many issues. Narrow your focus here!)
  3. Research your chosen issue and find at least three documented scholarly sources you can use in your paper to write an essay with a strong line of reasoning on your chosen topic.
  4. Evaluate the ideas to form a thesis that enables you to argue some aspect of the issue.
  5. Write your essay using at least three documented scholarly sources. Make sure your essay has a strong line of reasoning and is well-structured and organized.
  6. Include MLA parenthetical citations AND a correctly formatted works cited page.
  7. Be sure to review the rubric to understand how your essay will be scored.

My book is “Up from Slavery” by Booker T. Washington.

The attached document is some details and main points of the book.


University of Southern California Health and Medical Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

If you were the nurse , which client should you see first? Identify the priority framework you are using and the rationale for your selection.

Patient #1 – Nancy Jones in room 6310 has an infiltrated IV line, we were unable to start a new IV and her ampicillin is due at 8 AM

Patient #2 – Justin Foster in room 6314 called for pain medication at 7 AM so that still needs to be given to him

Patient #3– Anna Chen in room 6315 is diagnosed with gastritis and called for assistance to the restroom. I contacted assisted personal and told them this

Patient #4 – Lenny Williams in room 6307 contacted Laura, the assisted personal, stated that he experiences pain in his right calf and Laura stated his calf was red

**Patient #4 – Lenny Williams is the patient to see first due to possible Deep vein thrombosis*** the priority framework you may use is ABC**

  • Your paper should be 2 pages
  • You are required to use and cite one academic source.
  • Use current APA Style.
  • Include a title page and a reference page listing the source(s) you used.

Examples of priority framework:

ABC (Airway, Breathing, Circulation)

Safety and risk reduction

Acute Vs. Chronic


The University of South Florida Professional Selling Software Salesforce Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

2 pages


  1. Value Proposition – why we are better than our competitors
    Salesforce is a specialist on Improved Sales Results. It specializes in gathering data for customers in order to create leads, and sell smarter.
  2. Challenges
    1. Company does not have full control over its selling efforts (work overload)
    2. Shipment delays
    3. Wrong label on product and packaging
    4. Can’t keep track of their customers
    5. Can’t expand without organization
  3. Solutions
    1. salesforce has the most complete service platform that provides an easy way to manage all the customer’s data, from anywhere
    2. The CRM software has features such as contact management which would keep track of all names and addresses. This would help to make sure no packages were lost or sent to the wrong place again.
  4. Why are we better than the competition? Gain customer approval


    contact management, workflow creation, task management, opportunity tracking, collaboration tools, customer engagement tools, analytics and an intuitive, mobile-ready dashboard
    has pre-installed security features that allow business owners to decide who within their organisation can access their data, making this a very reliable and secure software. With the Salesforce App Cloud, businesses can create and run all of their personalised applications.

    According to Salesforce statistics, 86% of consumers admit to personalisation playing an important role in purchasing decisions. Salesforce makes it possible for businesses to personalise emails that are sent out to customers. Salesforce also takes the unique purchase history of every client into consideration.


    Lack of interaction tracking, lead segmentation, source tracking nor prospecting tools. Need to upgrade to access more features
    Salesforce offers training in person, live online, webinars, and documentation. While Pipeline only offers live online training as well as webinars.
    You can’t install it on your server, so you don’t have the advantage of choosing between cloud and self hosting, source code access, customization or migrating from cloud to your own server, due to legal regulations that mandate that your customer data must be stored in your country


HUM 111 SU Historical Figures and Leadership Then and Now Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The link is below that we need to use for this ASSIGNMENT historical figure and leadership and i choose Constantine. See assignment Template.


Alternate Name(s): Constantine the Great, Constantine I.
Location & Time Period: Roman Empire, 3rd Century AD.

  • Recommended Research

Assignment Instructions

After reviewing the recommended research about your selected historical figure, you will use the provided template to write a two-page essay about their leadership skills and how they might play out in today’s workplace. In your essay, you will provide a rationale for your selection, some background on the selected individual, discussion of leadership skills, and application of those skills in today’s workplace. Refer to the template for further details on the themes you should include.


ED 5123 American College of Education Researching Diversity Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

ED 5123 American College of Education Researching Diversity Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

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