EDUC 6156 WU Student Population Student Diversity & Distance Learning Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. EDUC 6156 WU Student Population Student Diversity & Distance Learning Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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For this week’s assignment, read the “Student Diversity” course document… and visit the National Center for Education Statistics “Fast Facts” Web page at Click on More info under the “Back 2 School Stats” image and scroll down to “College and University Education”. Click on source after each fact to learn more about trends in the gender, age, and race/ethnicity of U.S. college students.
Based on your review of these resources and on your personal/professional experience, select a student population for your research. Submit your selection to the Instructor, explaining why the group demands further research. Based on the Instructor’s feedback, you will begin gathering information on the group for next week’s assignment.
Assignment length: 1 page – K-12 Practitioners Circle – K-12
Required Readings
Patton, L. D. Renn, K. A., Guido, F. M., & S. J. Quaye . (2016). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Chapter 1, “An Introduction to Student Development Theory” pp. 5-18
- Chapter 2, “Using Student Development Theory” pp. 51-64
Skipper, T. L. (2005). Student development in the first college year: A primer for college educators. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition
- Chapter 1, “Student Development Theory and the First College Year” pp. 1-13
Student Diversity
National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). Fast facts. Retrieved June 9, 2010, from
Conduct a search of the website for current statistics related to higher education to learn more about trends with respect to gender, age, and race/ethnicity of U.S. College students.
EDUC 6156 WU Student Population Student Diversity & Distance Learning Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSY 257 SNHU The Type of Research Design to Be Used for A Research Study Essay Humanities Assignment Help
First, read the article Overview of Psychology Research Methods. As you read, keep in mind a type of research design that may be useful to explore further based on the track and topic of social psychology you have chosen to study for your final project. Next, consider how the research you will conduct may support further exploration of the topic and, in your initial post to the discussion, address the following:
- Based on the track and topic of social psychology you have chosen to study for your final project, what research designs can you predict might be appropriate for you to investigate further?
- Do you foresee any issues of ethics in any research design you might use?
In responding to two of your peers, offer your initial thoughts regarding the proposed research designs that they have discussed. Make suggestions about how they might implement their research designs based on what they have shared. Are there any ethical considerations they may not have considered? Cite from the article to support your responses.
Florida National Forensic Psychology in Criminals Judgment Trials Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I would like to make my research about the following topic:
What is the Position of a Forensic Psychology in Criminals Judgement Trials, and his/her Importance and Influence in Magistrate’s Sentence?
I consider this topic as relevant and interesting because evaluating the psychological condition of a criminal individually in order to submit a fair sentence and establish if the inmate will need to receive continue evaluation to determine the percentage of possibility in a future successful reinsertion, or predict troubles with reinsertion in order to give post realizing assistance to avoid committing new crimes.
APA Style 7th Edition: Please understand that this class (most important aspect of this class) is about writing one term research paper. It is expected that you understand APA 7th edition at least half way decent. That does not mean that you know the format like margin, letter size and font. It means you know how to cite appropriately, express your self professionally and know the difference between an original research, quasi-experiment and literature reviews. I highly suggest that you obtain a copy of the APA Manual 7th edition and become familiar with APA style 7th edition. It will help you greatly.
Coastal Carolina Computing Accounting Entries of Cap House Cleaners Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help
Step | Instructions | Point Value |
1 | Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseCleaners.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. | 0 |
2 | The title and column labels in the Week 1 worksheet are formatted with cell styles. You want to apply this formatting.
Group the Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4 worksheets. Select the range A1:B1 on Week 1 and fill formats only across the other weekly worksheets. |
3 |
3 | Now you want to fill the formatting and contents to the other worksheets.
With the four weekly worksheets still grouped, select the range A11:E11 and fill both content and formatting across the other weekly worksheets. |
3 |
4 | You want to unlock the data-entry cells on the weekly worksheets.
With the worksheets still grouped, select the range A12:D40 and unlock the cells. |
2 |
5 | You want to create a data validation rule to control data entry.
Ungroup the weekly sheets, select the range D12:D40 in the Week 1 sheet, and then create a data validation rule with these specifications: |
10 |
6 | You want to duplicate the data validation rule on the other worksheets.
Select the range D12:D40 (if needed) and click Copy. Click the Week 2 sheet tab and group Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4 sheets. Select the range D12:D40, click the Paste arrow on the Home tab, select Paste Special, click Validation in the Paste Special dialog box, and then click OK. Ungroup the sheets. Note: Paste Special validation is not available on Excel for Mac. Excel for Mac users need to repeat Step 5 to create validations on the Week 2, Week 3, and Week 4 worksheets. |
9 |
7 | Display the Week 2 sheet and insert a split bar between rows 22 and 23. | 0 |
8 | Although the data validation will prevent future errors in data entry, it did not correct errors in the existing data.
Display the Week 1 sheet. Circle invalid data to identify cells containing invalid end times. Display the Month sheet. In cells H4 and H5, indicate the name of the cells (e.g., A1) that contained the errors (do not enter a formula). Display the Week 1 sheet again. Change the first incorrect end time to 11:00 AM. Change the second end time to 4:15 PM. |
4 |
9 | The hourly rate you charge clients, the hourly wage you pay your housecleaners, and the mileage allowance are stored in a separate workbook. You will create links to those inputs to perform calculations in the weekly worksheets.
Open Exp19_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseInput.xlsx. Arrange the two open workbooks vertically to display both workbooks at the same time. Display the Exp_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseCleaners workbook and group the four weekly worksheets. In cell B5, multiply the Total Hours that is stored in cell B4 by the Customer Cost per Hour that is stored in cell B3 in the Exp_Excel_Ch09_CapHouseInput workbook. |
5 |
10 | In cell B6, multiply the Total Hours that is stored in cell B4 by the Cleaner’s Pay per Hour that is stored in cell B4 in the Exp_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseInput workbook. | 5 |
11 | In cell B7, multiply the Mileage that is stored in cell B3 by the Cleaner’s Mileage Reimbursement that is stored in cell B5 in the Exp_Excel_Ch09_CapHouseInput workbook.
Ungroup the worksheets, close Exp19_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseInput, and maximize Exp19_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseCleaners. |
5 |
12 | The Month worksheet was created to calculate the totals for the month. You will insert functions with 3-D references to add data from each worksheet.
Display the Month worksheet. In cell B3, insert a SUM function that uses a 3-D reference to add the mileage from the four weekly worksheets. |
5 |
13 | Copy the function from cell B3 to the range B4:B8. Use the Auto Fill button to Fill Without Formatting to preserve the original formatting in the range. | 5 |
14 | Now you are ready to calculate the weekly charge for Week 1.
In cell E3 in the Month worksheet, create a formula with a 3-D reference to display the contents of cell B5 from the Week 1 worksheet. |
4 |
15 | You are ready to enter similar formulas with 3-D references to display the total weekly charges for the other three weeks.
In cell E4 in the Month worksheet, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to display the contents of cell B5 from the Week 2 worksheet. In cell E5 in the Month worksheet, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to display the contents of cell B5 from the Week 3 worksheet. In cell E6 in the Month worksheet, insert a formula with a 3-D reference to display the contents of cell B5 from the Week 4 worksheet. |
7 |
16 | You want to create hyperlinks from the Month sheet to the cells containing the total weekly client charge for each week.
In cell D3 in the Month worksheet, insert a hyperlink that links to cell B5 in the Week 1 sheet. Include the ScreenTip text: Total client charges for Week 1 (no period). |
5 |
17 | Now you will insert hyperlinks to the second weekly worksheet.
In cell D4 in the Month worksheet, insert a hyperlink that links to cell B5 in the Week 2 sheet. Include the ScreenTip text: Total client charges for Week 2 (no period). |
5 |
18 | Now you will insert hyperlinks to the third weekly worksheet.
In cell D5 in the Month worksheet, insert a hyperlink that links to cell B5 in the Week 3 sheet. Include the ScreenTip text: Total client charges for Week 3 (no period). |
5 |
19 | You are ready to insert the last hyperlink.
In cell D6 in the Month worksheet, insert a hyperlink that links to cell B5 in the Week 4 sheet. Include the ScreenTip text: Total client charges for Week 4 (no period). |
5 |
20 | Create a footer on all worksheets with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side. | 5 |
21 | Protect each worksheet so that others can select the default cells but not make any changes. | 8 |
22 | Mark the Workbook as Final.
Note: Mark as Final is not available in Excel for Mac. Instead, use Always Open Read-Only on the Review tab. |
0 |
23 | Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch09_Cap_HouseCleaners.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. |
PSYC 565 LU Week 2 Impact of Internship on Cognitive Skills of Learners Outline Writing Assignment Help
Research Paper: Outline and References Instructions
The outline assignment is intended to encourage you to start thinking about the research paper in more specific terms. The research paper is the capstone project for this course and will require a great deal of time to be done well.
** For the topic you choose, be sure that is focused on the application of a learning theory or principle, such as the role of context conditioning in substance abuse. **
Your outline must include your topic, at least a few statements about back ground information for the learning principle and applied research, your hypothesis, and 5 references. Please find below a guideline for your outline. Some example statements have been provided to illustrate the required material. Your outline should follow this example closely. You may find that your paper will flow better if you move some minor sections around; see the paper instructions for a list of material that must be included. It is not necessary to have all of the applied articles you will be discussing in the literature review sections. You are also not required to give specific information in the discussion and assessment sections. Note that it will be helpful to read the Research Paper Instructions before completing this assignment.
- Introduction
- State your topic (e.g. “This paper will examine the roles of spontaneous reinstatement of operant behavior in drug addiction.”).
- State why this topic is important (e.g. “More than 80% of individuals who go through substance abuse treatment will relapse within 5 years”).
- State your initial research questions (e.g. “What are the critical variables that contribute to spontaneous recovery of operant responding for drugs of abuse?”).
- Background information about the issue
- Learning principle (e.g. “Spontaneous recovery was first reported by _______. Later research revealed that _____,_______, and ______ influence spontaneous recovery in animal studies.”).
- Principle’s application to the problem or issue (e.g. “______ initially suggested that drug relapse may work through a similar mechanism. The methods used to study spontaneous recovery of drug seeking behavior are…”).
- State your hypothesis. Your hypothesis is the main focus of the paper (e.g. “While stress is a critical factor in the reinstatement of operant behavior for drugs of abuse, its effects can be mitigated by an enriched environment.”). Everything discussed in the paper should be related back to the hypothesis. Does a study support or contradict your hypothesis?
- Define all terms in your hypothesis, referencing appropriate sources
- Discuss any points of clarification
- Point 1
- Point 2
- … (as needed)
- …
- State your topic (e.g. “This paper will examine the roles of spontaneous reinstatement of operant behavior in drug addiction.”).
- Literature Review
- Theoretical literature pertaining to the learning principle
- Overview and summary of each theory or explanation
- Relevance of each theory/explanation to the issue
- Application of the theoretical findings to the issue
- Applied literature—Repeat for each study
- Rationale of the study
- Overview of the study
- Methodology (key elements)
- Key findings related to your hypothesis
- Critique of the study
- Design?
- Appropriate methods?
- How do the findings relate to your hypothesis/thesis?
- Theoretical literature pertaining to the learning principle
- Discussion
- Summary
- Summary of all relative findings
- Recommendations
- What can be learned from this research?
- What are the implications?
- To whom are these recommendations relevant and why? (e.g. parents, government agencies, organizations, educational institutions, mental health professionals)
- Future Research
- Conclusions
- Recap the importance of your topic (no new information)
- Revisit your thesis statement (did you find support or no support?)
- Conclusion based on information derived from the literature
- Summary
- Assessment of Research Paper Writing Process (this section is based on your process)
- How your process worked (evaluate your own writing process)
- Outline
- PowerPoint presentation
- Article review assignment
- What have you learned
- How is this assignment going to impact your career goals
- How your process worked (evaluate your own writing process)
- References
- Reference 1
- Reference 2
- Reference 3
- Reference 4
- Reference 5
SEU Advantages and Disadvantages of Whole Foods Hiring Process Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
please read the case “Whole Foods” from Chapter 11 “Team Characteristics And Diversity”
Page: – 362 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:
Assignment Question(s):
1.What label would best describe the type of team that Whole Foods uses in its stores? Explain.
2.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Whole Foods’ hiring process with respect to managing team composition.
3.What steps could Whole Foods take to mitigate potential disadvantages of their hiring process?
Discussion Question: Please read Chapter 11 “Team Characteristics and Diversity” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.
4.In which types of teams have you worked? Were these teams consistent with the taxonomy of team types discussed in this chapter, or were they a combination of types?
Guidelines for the assignment:
- Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
- Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
- The answer to each question must not be less than 200 words
- Plagiarism is forbidden
- Case study with attachments
SEU Advantages and Disadvantages of Whole Foods Hiring Process Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grand Canyon University Spirituality in Healthcare & Wellness Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
n 800-1,000 words, complete the three parts for this assignment.
Part One
Based on the topic study materials, in 300-400 words, respond to the following prompts:
- Briefly describe the cultural, sociological, philosophical, and religious aspects of the term spirituality.
- Describe the relevance of spirituality in the context of health care and wellness.
- Briefly describe the concepts of scientism and postmodernism.
- Describe relevance of scientism and postmodernism in the context of health care and wellness.
Part Two
Based on your responses to the Part One prompts and according to what you believe, in 250-300 words, answer the basic worldview questions:
- What is prime reality?
- What is the nature of the world around us?
- What is a human being?
- What happens to a person at death?
- Why is it possible to know anything at all (epistemology)?
- How do we know what is right or wrong?
- What is the meaning of human history?
Part Three
Finally, evaluate how all these concepts impact and form your philosophy about spirituality in health care and wellness. How will this personal philosophy about spirituality in health care and wellness practically impact your interactions with those to whom you provide care?
PUBH 140V Stetson University Introduction to Public Health Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
The following questions will lead you through how a Zombie epidemic could be studied. Both cohort and case-control study options will be explored.(You must fully respond to the 7 questions)
1) To conduct a case-control study, you need to define the cases. Defining cases includes both a medical definition of “case” as well as an indication of where you would recruit study participants and how you confirm they are a case. Please describe these steps for a Zombie Case-Control study:
2) What information would you collect on each study participant to address potential risk factors for the disease?
3) Your study yields the following Odds Ratios. Define Odds Ratio and explain which risk factor is likely related to becoming a Zombie. Is there a risk factor which may be protective of being “turned?”
4) To conduct a Cohort Study you need to define a healthy population (i.e. before they became zombies)(Hint: you can start a cohort study in the past as long as you have records to define the population). Define the cohort you would study below, including a start date. What records on campus could be consulted to provide a list of the cohort?
5) What exposures or risk factors would you study? How would you gather data (records? interviews; other sources)? Would you collect any blood samples?
6) Your study yields the following results. Define Relative Risk and interpret the findings explaining what you would report back to the Medical clinic regarding how the virus spreads.
7) The third type of Epidemiologic study is a Prevention Study. Do your data suggest any potential preventative strategy. Does anything seems to prevent being turned by a Zombie? How could you test this?
Everything is in side the file and LMK if you need anything:
MGT 211 SEU Personal Financial Advisors Small Plan with A Big Impact Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
CDV 380 CSUF Data Analysis Results of Common Statistical Tests Worksheet Writing Assignment Help
Watch this video about Results section of the paper.
See How to Write Results – Alternative Formats
(this gives you an example of how to format the results of each analysis)
Submit the draft of the Results.
I would strongly suggest you drafting it on the Word document, so you can copy and paste to this assignment.
How to complete this assignment
- Click on “Create Journal Entry”
- Add a Title (e.g., Results — if you would like to submit a separate entry for each analysis, you could do that, too).
- Copy and paste of the section as “Entry Message”
- Click on the “Post Entry” (If you want to keep editing, you could press “Save Entry as Draft, but I won’t see it unless you click on “Post Entry”).