Education History and Role of Federal Government Annotated Timeline Humanities Assignment Help

Education History and Role of Federal Government Annotated Timeline Humanities Assignment Help. Education History and Role of Federal Government Annotated Timeline Humanities Assignment Help.

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Refer to the attached Annotated Timeline.

Write a 260- to 350-word reflection that addresses the following questions:

  1. Why do you think the events on the timeline are important historical events?
  2. How do you see the effects of these events reflected in education today?
  3. What is the relationship between these events and other events in education history?
  4. How might educational history be different if one of the events on the timeline had a different outcome?
  5. How has the role of federal government affected these events and other events in education history?

!00% original work and site any references used.

Education History and Role of Federal Government Annotated Timeline Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Unit IV Good Decision Making of a Manger Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

  1. As a business manager or owner, once you or your team have made decisions, how would you make sure that future decisions are good ones and not an escalation of commitment? Be sure to include a discussion of sunk costs versus future costs and benefits.

    Your response must be a minimum of 300 words in length.

  2. Please ensure that the APA format is used, with the in-text citation not included in the 300-word essay. Ensure that following text book is included in the answer: Bazerman, M. H., & Moore, D. A. (2013). Judgment in managerial decision making (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Check all work before submitting the final answer for plagiarism.


Train on Interpersonal Communication Skills Presentation Other Assignment Help

I need to do a Powerpoint presentation to help me assist the presentation for training about the interpersonal communication skills. I have attached our proposal

To: Vice President of Training, Fluor Corporation

Proposal to Train on Interpersonal Communication Skills

We are four high-achievers, innovative, and ambitious undergraduate Business Students studying at George Mason University with a lot of pathos when it comes to making great companies greater. We have been continuously learning on communication skills during our study and its importance in an organization. Interpersonal communication is one of the most commonly used forms of communication in an organization and therefore, the knowledge of skills required is vital (Hargie, 2016). Learning that Fluor Corporation is considered the largest construction and engineering company, according to the Fortune 500 rankings, we would like to request an opportunity to provide an interpersonal training session to your employees in order to ensure effective communication at the interpersonal level. We have chosen your organization because you an international company hence there are people of different cultures interacting with each other and on top of that your organization works with different teams of experts, procurement staff, administrative staff, project managers, craft workers, and other workers. This training session will be very beneficial to the organization’s operation and company’s culture.

Target Audience

Interpersonal communication skills training is targeted towards the entire staff of Fluor Corporation, with showing some more attention to HR staff and higher managers.. We would like to ensure that everyone in the organization understands the skills required for effective interpersonal communication. There are many skills we will train the staff on depending on the levels they are in, but most skills will cut across all the levels. Skills such as explaining, persuasion, negotiation, questioning, and reinforcing will be emphasized to those at the senior level, but they will also useful to those at the junior level (Hargie, 2016). At the junior level we will focus on skills such as listening and assertiveness among others. These skills will be demonstrated by the staff in groups to ensure they understand how to put them in practice. The staff will get to air the issues they have experienced when communication both diagonally and horizontally and ask any questions. We will give answers to questions the staff may have in order to help them in case of a future encounter. The session will not only help the organization’s smooth running but also improve the personal lives of the staff.

Introduction to the Training Topic

Interpersonal communication is an important skill every employee must have. “Interpersonal skills are the skills we use every day when we communicate and interact with other people…” (Kelly, S). These skills range from maintaining eye contact all the way to having empathy towards whomever you are speaking to. Having these skills allows the secondary party to feel comfortable and portrays the primary party in a professional manner. In the current digital age, there is an entire new set of interpersonal skills for online use. “While interpersonal digital communication may seem to contradict each other, using them together can help you become the most effective communicator possible” (Callecave). Having these skills is important because motives of communication, such as email, are becoming the preferred choice in an office place. To become the best communicator, you have only one option, put those interpersonal skills to use. Using them on a daily basis will make you a master communicator, and a trusted employee in the workplace.

Specific Goals for our Training Session

The major goal of our training session is to improve your company’s productivity. Our method of accomplishing that goal is to improve the interpersonal skills of your employees. We believe by helping them learn how better communicate and understand the environment around them it will improve your company’s productivity (Indeed). What we expected to accomplish with your valued employees are; define a definition of what interpersonal skills are and how does this make them better employees, have each employee understand their strengths and weaknesses and give tips on how they can improve on their interpersonal skills (Big, 2018). Making sure they understand that having interpersonal skills are valuable for improving their productivity at work. Helping them talk about their experience with interpersonal skills at the next interviewing for their next promotion, and finally how they can use this skill in everyday life. As you can see our program has been carefully crafted to guide your employee step by step first to help them recognize the importance of this invaluable soft skill and second to them recognize areas of weakness where they can improve on. Lastly, we like to finish by helping them see what value this will bring to them as an employee and a person.

Benefits of the Training

The benefits of learning this soft skill are tremendous to the company and the employees. For the company, having your employees learn not only to communicate better with words but also be able to recognize the situation without words will be a great value to your company. Interactions between employees will be smoother, which will equal better work delivered quicker. Also, employees will build long-lasting relationships with clients (Tucker, 2017). That, in turn, will lead to more work from your clients and the client will mention you the next time someone is in need of your service since they knew that your company cares about their needs. As for the employees, this can lead to less misunderstands between employees. It will create an environment focused on teamwork and more support for one another. It is something they can mention in their resume or cover letter that will separate them from other candidates (Kea). This skill can be used outside of work as well. Interpersonal relationship is a skill that can be transferred over to employees personal lives. It can deepen the relationship they have with friends and family, making them live a more fulfilling life.

Agenda for the Training Session

During our presentation we plan on engaging the audience in short interactive activities that will help to engage and teach the audience of building their interpersonal skills. One of our interactive activities will be short skit where we will have two-three of our presenters create moments of good and bad interpersonal skill use. From there the audience will watch and ,following the skits, decide what interpersonal skills were used, what could have gone better, and whether or not the skit displayed a good use of interpersonal interaction, or a bad. Our second interactive activity we would like to use is a brief but informative question game on the Kahoot website. Each question will use pertinent knowledge straight from the presentation with the addition of questions that will deal with scenarios in which an interpersonal skill is used and the audience will choose which answer. They believe, is right. Each one of these activities will be designed to engage the audience to be attentive during the presentation so that they are able to perform the best when participating during the activities.

Before the interactive portion of our project we intend to give a short presentation about our topic for around 8-10 minutes following that is when we will implement the skits. The skits will be given following the presentation and be during our presentation as well to give an example of some the skills we will end up discussing. After the presentation and skits are concluded, around the 12-15 minute mark, we will have our last activity, the online questionnaire game. The game will follow the presentation and skits as a final way to retain the information given to the audience. Once these events conclude we will allow a brief period for questions regarding our topic and presentation.


Aguilar, Elena. (2018). How to Hone Your Interpersonal Skills. Retrieved from:

Elena Aguilar hits three out of four textbook skills in this article. First, to listen with an expansive mind. Second, to be mindful of body language. Third, to address conflict. All of these are important, but you hear about them most often. The tip that will have the most effect is to expand your cultural competence. At the end of the day interpersonal skills are all about forming a trust or a friendship with someone, whether it be professional or personal. Being understanding of someone’s culture can be the difference between creating that connection and missing out on it completely.

Big Think Edge. (2018). Top 8 Interpersonal Skills for the Workplace. Retrieved from

This article gives you eight skills in Interpersonal skills you need to be successful for in the workplace. The eight skills are; exercising self-awareness, being cognizant of nonverbal, being respectful of others, showing empathy and understanding, being a clear communicator, engaging in active listening behaving appropriately, and being receptive to feedback. Each skill is broken down in its little section where it gives you a better definition of the topic and also gives the reader quick tips on how to improve this skill. One limitation of the article is that it does not go into detail, so it made to be a quick read, and you can pick out a tip that you want to work on. The Article does offer links in case you do want more detail information about the topic. Overall it’s a good article to give the reader eight different areas of Interpersonal skill they can work on.

Callecave, Victoria. (2017). Interpersonal Skills in the Digital Age. Retrieved from:

Victoria Callecava composed a compelling article about the differences between in person interpersonal skills, and that of the internet age. The two are noticeably different, but can be used in unison with one another. Trying to use acceptable “internet” interpersonal skills in person simply will not go over well. The internet can also play in your favor. If you feel strongly about something and feel the need to interject or cut someone off, an email provides a platform to get all of your thoughts out in one place without having to interrupt others. While you cannot look someone in the eyes over an email, that email can be used as a follow up after a meeting or phone call. We are in the midst of a digital dominated economy and learning how to use interpersonal skills online is invaluable.

Clark, C. M., Murfett, U. M., Rogers, P. S., & Ang, S. (2013). Is empathy effective for customer service? Evidence from call center interactions. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 27(2), 123-153.

The article looks at the effectiveness of empathy when one is offering customer service. This article examines how empathy is used in a call center situation. The researchers examine a multinational call center by using a grounded study technique. An analysis of 289 stressful calls is done. The calls are looked at as communication genres and shows that agents and customers have conflicting needs that may hamper communication. Some of these needs are organizational, and service needs. The conflicts can, however, be mitigated using three types of empathetic expressions. The authors explain that using an affective expression, for example being sorry had less effect. Responses that were cognitive and attentive could lead to high customer responses. Customer service employees should, therefore, use their enactment and diagnostic skills when performing empathetic communication.

Corporate Finance Institute. (2019). Why Interpersonal Skills Matter and How to Improve Them. Retrieved from:

I am studying finance, so this article really sticks out to me. The difference between this article and others is its explanation of how to use interpersonal skills in your resume and cover letter. The way you present yourself starts with your resume. That is how employers first meet you. The words you use are make or break for whether or not an employer will pursue an interview. Knowing how to incorporate these skills into your cover letter and resume will prove invaluable.

Doyle, A. (n.d.). Here’s a List of the Top Interpersonal Skills That Employers Value. Retrieved from

This article by Alison Doyle discusses the significance of interpersonal skills that help you move up the corporate ladder in a timely manner solely because of being a good “people person”. She discusses the value of each type of interpersonal skill and the importance of showcasing each one. This article is from a website recognized as one of the top 100 websites for progressing in your career and was written by a job search expert and one of the highest regarded career experts. In terms of usefulness, the article provides good insight into the minds of hiring coordinators and I feel like she gives a simplistic approach to training a very specific set of skills as to not overwhelm the reader. However, some of her reasons behind building up these skills seem a little ridiculous to me and I found some of the example to be a tad underwhelming. Because of this we will probably end up cutting portions of the article out of the final project.

Guest, & Resume Genius. (n.d.). What are Interpersonal Skills | Definition, Examples, & Importance | RG. Retrieved from

The article by ResumeGenius, lists out ten important aspects of interpersonal skills that one should develop to impress future employees. The article begins to give the definition of interpersonal skills before then listing off the ten most important skills that ResumeGenius surveyors listed. After giving the skills it then goes on to list ways to strengthen the listed skills in your resume as to appeal to future employers. The website page is from a website that specializes in strengthening ones resumes and to build upon existing skills someone struggling to build a resume might have. It’s a nice article but the only part i’ll actually use is the section dedicated to building upon your own interpersonal skills for a resume since it applies to both your resume and in real life. However, most of the skills listed are repeated in numerous articles that we already have since building interpersonal skills has been talked about for many years it makes sense some of the skills would overlap.

Indeed. Interpersonal Skills Definitions and Examples. Retrieved from

This article that is posted on Indeed is a great article to learn the broad definition of what interpersonal skills with examples. It gives some skills of interpersonal skills are like Active listening, leadership, motivation. It also mentions what jobs use a lot of interpersonal skills which are teachers, Administrative assistants, and marketing managers. The article with how to improve on your skills and how to highlight them in a resume and during an interview. This article will be resourceful in the workshop became it give a simple definition that if you have never heard of interpersonal skills. A limitation of the article is that it really only focus on getting a new job or improving your resume. It will show you how you can improve your interpersonal skills at your current job. However, if you are looking for a new job, it will not be that helpful.

Kea, Kaila. How Developing Your Interpersonal Skills Will Help You Get Ahead. Retrieved from

This article is posted on Ziprecruiter. Ziprecruiter is a job board site, and the article is written to help you show ways you can mention your interpersonal skills so you can stand out as an employee. The article is broken down to 5 sections; Show that you can talk to anyone, Demonstrate your ability to, illustrate your capacity to remain calm under pressure, exhibit how you fit into company convey information usefully, focus team success culture. This source is helpful because it helps you display your interpersonal skills on a resume or during the interviewing process. One limitation of the article is designed to show off your skills but more to improve them. The author has written different articles for Ziprecruiter, the other articles she has written. She focuses on how to choose the best career path. This article will be good to mention in the workshop because it will help classmates how to display their interpersonal skills.

Kelly, S (2017). Interpersonal Skills. Retrieved from

This article by Kelly, dives into the numerous interpersonal skills one should have built up to become successful in the working world. It briefly states that interpersonal skills are ones we have been developing since birth since they deal with basic human interaction. From there it discuss the idea of changing up our basic way of life to put more emphasis on building up these skills until they have reached a highly proficient level. The article itself is from a website that specializes in giving readers information about the numerous skills one might need in life to become successful. After reading the article I ended up learning a few different scenarios where interpersonal skills ended up being the difference between getting a job, and being passed off to another candidate. However, as with a lot of the previous articles, some of the skills are repeats of other articles and I can’t repeat the same information over and over again hoping for a better grade. Because of this the only thing i’ll take from this is the different scenarios the article talked through.

Lapré, M. A. (2011). Reducing customer dissatisfaction: How important is learning to reduce service failure?Production and Operations Management, 20(4), 491-507.

The article looks at how organizations can recover and also learn in case they get a service failure. Many customers are not happy with the way their complaints are resolved. The authors analyze whether learning can help organizations to reduce customer dissatisfaction. The author uses data from major United States airlines over the past 11 years. The findings show that a reduction in service failure does not translate to a reduction in customer dissatisfaction.

Leroi-Werelds, S., Streukens, S., Van Vaerenbergh, Y., & Grönroos, C. (2017). Does communicating the customer’s resource integrating role improve or diminish value proposition effectiveness?. Journal of Service Management, 28(4), 618-639.

The above article is research which looks at whether communicating the role of the customer in value propositions improves or diminishes the effectiveness of the value proposition. The researchers used existing value propositions, and three criteria were applied in looking at the same. These three criteria were the purchase intention, clarity of role and the expected customer value. The study used 207 participants in studying the purchase of toothpaste while the second study used 228 participants and studied fitness programs. The findings show that when organizations adopt service logic while doing marketing activities, the communication improves the effectiveness of the value proposition.

Lim, Sarah. (2019). Interpersonal Skills. Retrieved from:

Sandra Lim takes a dive into how interpersonal skills are developed, and why they are important in the workplace. Lim stresses that interpersonal skills can be studied infinitely, but will not be effective until they are practiced in person. Learning by doing is definitely the only way to fine tune your interpersonal skills. Having these skills within the workplace is absolutely necessary. Using these skills forms a personable connection between you and the person you are talking with. With that comes trust, and with more trust comes opportunity. I wish she was a little more specific at times, but overall it is a good overview.

Linkedin. (2015). Importance of Interpersonal Communication Skills. Retrieved from

This article on Linkedin is talking about is what communication skills are and have they are important to develop. It gives a general definition of what Interpersonal skills are which is engaging in a face to face communication with one or more other people. The article flows from listening is vital, to good interpersonal skills enable us to work effectively, and how interpersonal communications skills are essential to developing other key life skills. It is creditably article because it was posted on linkedin help improve your career section. One of the faults it does have is that it is super short. It does not go into detail in its three sections. However, it does have links throughout the article, and if you have any questions, you can ask the author through email.

Loehr, A., & Loehr, A. (2017, December 07). Coaching 101: Eight Quick Tips for Interpersonal Communication & Relationship Building. Retrieved from

This article goes into depth about eight interpersonal skills you can use to help build relationships and improve your communications skills in the workplace. The author who wrote the piece is a speaker who specializes on coaching techniques for professionals in the workplace. However, her article almost seemed like it was trying to sell the reader a book or subscription that the author made herself. Given this, the article still displays many important points about how one can improve their interpersonal communications skills while only making slight adjustments to how you go about talking to co-workers and the higher-ups. I see many points that we can use to make an impact in the presentation for our final project, however a majority of the article is storytelling and I’ll have to cut a bunch of the actual article out since it will have no impact on our presentation.

Open Colleges. (2018). Top 10 Interpersonal Skills to Land You That Dream Job. Retrieved from:

This article does an incredible job breaking down the basics of interpersonal skills. It starts with an interactive activity asking what you value the most including: being on time, always smiling, family values, disciplined, and flexibility. All of these are interpersonal skills. It created that “a ha!” moment for me personally. Interpersonal skills go deeper than just looking someone in the eye and being confident. The list of ten skills are all non negotiables for me. Each and every one builds an employee that employers want to have. This is a great article for learning what interpersonal skills are and how they matter.

Sahai, V., Kumar Jain, A., & Bahuguna, P. C. (2014). Bridging the gap–interpersonal communication orientation to improving customer service. Industrial and Commercial

Training, 46(4), 209-219.

The article analyses the Functional Fluency Model, which is a way employees can monitor customer response. The Functional Model is integrated with a SERVQUAL model gap 3. Service delivery is affected because of the poor interpersonal communication by employees. The Functional Model enables the organization to identify how employees respond and can be used in designing the appropriate training programs which can assist employees in enhancing their interpersonal communication.

Sarapaivanich, N., & Patterson, P. G. (2015). The role of interpersonal communication in developing a small-medium size enterprise (SME) client loyalty toward an audit firm.International Small Business Journal,33(8), 882-900.

The article looks at how clients, that have limited financial qualifications, evaluate the service offered by a firm such as a financial audit. Clients may have difficulty looking at the technical aspects of the service offered by the company. The study analyses 519 audit firms in Thailand. The findings show that despite the client not understanding the technical aspects of the service; interpersonal communication plays a great role in influencing how the customer perceives value. This further determines whether the customer will go back to the audit firm to use its services.

Tucker, Kristine. (2017, July 05). The Importance of Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace. Retrieved from

In Kristine Tucker’s article, she talks about interpersonal skills about how having strong interpersonal skills are important and why not having them can lead to trouble. She talks about how having strong skills help with building relationships that help you keep your job, reduce problems with customers, and makes stronger leaders. One of the effects of not having good interpersonal skills is your actions may be misunderstood, and it can lead to a lawsuit. This source is helpful because it gives you a different view on interpersonal skills than the other sources do. The article can helpful in the workshop by giving examples on why it is important to build interpersonal skills for your career and gives you a warning if you do not build a strong skill set. A limitation of the article is that it only touches the surface of each topic and does not go into great detail.

9 tips for improving your interpersonal skills. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Kelly Services goes into a short and to the point article about improving your interpersonal skills. They give a brief example showing the importance of developing interpersonal skills and proceeds to give nine ways someone can go about growing their skills. Kelly Services is a group that specializes in networking potential employees to various companies, including a majority of the fortune 500 companies, to start new opportunities and growth options. It’s a pretty simple article however it makes brief points that can help us to give reasons as to why developing your interpersonal skills is still relevant today in a world operated by working behind a computer screen. Because of this I think that i’ll be able to incorporate some of the teachings listed due to the fact that they are not what most people would expect when thinking about developing a certain skill


Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Practice Agreements Paper Other Assignment Help

Part 1

Washington Stae

For this Practicum Journal:

  • Briefly describe the practice agreements for PMHNPs in your state.
  • Explain the two physician collaboration issues that you identified.
  • Explain what you think are the barriers to PMHNPs practicing independently in your state.
  • Outline a plan for how you might address PMHNP practice issues in your state.

Part 2


Explain the diagnostic criteria for your assigned sleep/wake disorder.

  • Explain the evidenced-based psychotherapy and psychopharmacologic treatment for your assigned sleep/wake disorder.
  • Describe at what point you would refer the client to their primary care physician for an additional referral to a neurologist, pulmonologist, or physician specializing in sleep disorders and explain why.
  • Support your rationale with references to the Learning Resources or other academic resource.


Nature of Rhetorical Analysis and Framing Contemporary Arguments Questions Other Assignment Help

In a fully developed short essay (minimum of eight paragraphs in length), please answer all of the questions below and post your essay to the discussion forum. Your work should include an introduction, a body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion.

Remember that you are having a conversation with your peers in this particular genre of writing, so adopt an appropriate tone and vocabulary for an audience of contemporary college students. Edit your work for clarity, punctuation, and usage, and don’t forget to comment on the works of two peers in order to earn full credit for these discussions.

Questions for Analysis:

1) What is Carroll saying about the nature of rhetorical analysis? How do the fundamentals of rhetorical analysis figure into your life, both as a student and as a citizen? Describe a pair of specific examples in which these concepts might play (or have played) a role in your participation in those areas.

2) Using at least one citation from Carroll’s essay, comment on the role of context in framing contemporary arguments. Is there enough contextual background on news stories, speeches, advertisements, and other areas of rhetoric in today’s digital information culture?

3) Finally, in the second half of your essay, explain to your classmates the general features of your research argument. Using the taxonomies of reflection in the previous section as a guide, answer the following questions in your final four paragraphs:

A. What did you learn about your topic that you didn’t already know or that was surprising to you?

B. What is an area that you would like to improve upon as a writer moving forward, and which aspect of your research argument are you most proud of?

C. Finally, how do you see the subject of your research argument changing over the course of the next ten years? Where will it be in a decade’s time?

Where applicable, feel free to use hyperlinks to connect your essay to a resource or two in support of your answers.



Social and Cultural Views of Human Sexuality Male and Female Attitudes Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a paper of 1,000 to 1,250 words analyzing different social and cultural views of human sexuality.

Select two historical perspectives on human sexuality listed in the text.

Select one contemporary cultural perspective on human sexuality listed in the text (e.g., sexual revolution, gay activism, sex research).

In your paper, be sure to address the following:

  1. Cultural attitudes toward male and female sexuality for each selected perspective.
  2. Roles of men and women for each selected perspective.

Include at least four scholarly references in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Text- Rathus, S. A., Nevid, J. S., & Fichner-Rathus, L.
(2017). Human sexuality in a changing world (10th
ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN-13: 9780134525068.

Social and Cultural Views of Human Sexuality Male and Female Attitudes Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southwestern College Module 4 IRAC Approach to a Legal Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Module 04 Written Assignment – Distinguishing Cases to Enhance Analysis
  • Pen Click for more options Module 04 Written Assignment – Distinguishing Cases to Enhance Analysis

    Time Line

    Module Assignment
    03 Analyzing Using IRAC
    04 Distinguishing Cases to Enhance Analysis
    05 Explaining What You’ve Learned Through a Legal Memorandum

    Purpose of Assignment: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate distinguishing case law from a given fact pattern.Course Competency: Distinguish case law from specific fact patterns.Instructions:Content:

    • For this assignment you will be preparing your own analysis of our fact pattern from last week in light of new cases. The cases are located here:
    • As a reminder, the following is your set of facts to analyze:
      • Steven owns a bar, The Lucky Duck. The Lucky Duck employs five bartenders, all of whom he has provided training on mixing drinks and general employment issues. It also employs a security person on weekends, when the patrons are a bit rowdier. The Lucky Duck has posted signs in the restroom giving patrons the phone number for local cab companies in the event they are too intoxicated to drink home.
      • One Saturday night, Michael went to The Lucky Duck with a group of friends to celebrate his promotion. His group of friends was ordering rounds of shots from all the bartenders, and large beers all night, toasting to Michael’s recent success. As the night went on, the group became more intoxicated, and rowdier. At 1am, one of the bartenders, Melissa, told Michael that it was his “last round,” as he was staggering when he walked up to the bar. After finishing that beer, Michael had his friend go buy him another beer from a different bartender, Sally. Shortly after he finished his last drink, Michael decided that he was ready to head home. Security watched as Michael walked out towards the parking lot, muttering “what a drunk.”
      • On his way home, Michael ran a stop sign and ran into Mindy, who was driving home from a late shift as a nurse at the local hospital. Mindy was severely injured with a concussion, fractured ribs, internal bleeding, a broken arm, and lacerations to her face and hands, and contusions where her seatbelt dug into her. Mindy was forced to take several months off work to recover, and her hospital bills were large.
      • Mindy sought out an attorney, who told her that she should sue Michael. Michael however, lost his job after the accident, and was drowning in debt. Therefore, the attorney told Mindy that she should also sue The Lucky Duck for overserving Michael.
    • The cases you have been provided are cases to distinguish from our fact pattern. You should explain the ways in which the cases can be distinguished from our fact pattern in terms of the law and the facts.


    • Your final assignment should be formatted as follows:
      • Write the name of the case being analyzed
      • Summarize the facts from the case and holding of the case
      • Explain the ways in which the law is distinguishable from the case law provided in comparison to our case
      • Explain the ways in which the facts are distinguishable from the case law provided in comparison to our case facts
    • Your assignment should have proper spelling and grammar throughout, and use proper Bluebook formatting of citations.

    Resources:Microsoft WordGrading Rubric:


Cuyamaca College Examples of Descriptive Language Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

Examples of Descriptive Language

PROMPT: Please take something ordinary ( a feeling, event, routine, object, person, etc) and

describe it in a new surprising and revelatory way.

This is an example:

Sifting in the Afternoon BY MALACHI BLACK (2009)

Some people might describe this room as spare:

a bedside table and an ashtray and an antique

chair; a mattress and a coffee mug;

an unwashed cotton blanket and a rug

my mother used to own. I used to have

a phone. I used to have another

room, a bigger broom, a wetter sponge.

I used to water my bouquet

of paper clips and empty pens, of things

I thought I’d want to say if given chance;

but now, to live, to sit somehow, to watch

a particle of thought dote on the dust

and dwindle in a little grid of shadow

on the sunset’s patchy rust seems like enough.


Problem Solving and Appreciative Inquiry Paper Writing Assignment Help

Use APA Formatting to answer the following:


  • Article: Fitzgerald, S. P., Murrell, K. L., & Miller, M. G. (2003). Appreciative inquiry: Accentuating the positive. Business Strategy Review, 14(1), 5-7.
    Use the Business Source Premier database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 9303287
  • Article: Hasler, M. G. (2005). Leadership development and organizational culture: Which comes first? Retrieved October 26, 2008, from
  • Article: Kerka, S. (2003). Appreciative inquiry: Trends and issues alert. Eric Publications, 1-4.
    Use the ERIC database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: ED473671
  • Article: McNamara, C. (2008). Basic guidelines to problem solving and decision making. Retrieved on October 23, 2008, from
  • Article: Schein, E. H. (1983). The role of the founder in creating organizational culture. Organizational Dynamics, 12(1), 13-28.
    Use the Business Source Premier database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 4636855
  • Article: Sharkey, L. D. (1999). Changing organizational culture through leadership development: A case in leadership transformation.Organization Development Journal, 17(3), 29-37.
    Use the ABI/INFORM Global database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 44514701

Application: Problem Solving and Appreciative Inquiry

Organizational acumen includes the means and methods by which problems are identified and solved. Traditional problem solving relies on a diagnostic model that starts with the question “What is wrong?” On the other hand, appreciative inquiry, much like positive psychology, is a methodology that starts by asking “What is right?” and focuses on the strengths of organizations rather than on the weaknesses. For this Application, you will consider some of the differences between problem solving and appreciative inquiry. Then you will apply appreciative inquiry to a problem or issue that occurred in an organization for which you work or have worked.

To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review the articles “Appreciative Inquiry: Accentuating the Positive,” “Appreciative Inquiry: Trends and Issues Alert,” What Is Appreciative Inquiry?,” and “Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making.”
  • Think about how appreciative inquiry differs from problem solving.
  • Identify an organization for which you work or have worked. Think of an issue or problem that occurred within the organization.
  • Consider how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the issue or problem and develop a solution.

The assignment: (12 pages)

  • Analyze the differences between appreciative inquiry and problem solving.
  • Briefly describe an organization for which you work or have worked.
  • Describe a problem or issue that occurred within the organization.
  • Explain how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the problem or issue and develop a solution.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.


MUSIC101 Coachella Concert in California Experience Paper Writing Assignment Help

Describe a concert of any genre that you have attended recently in California and write about your experience. Student’s approach should be entirely “subjective”. The nature of the concert requirements and accompanying reports is expose students to musical experiences to which they are for the most part unfamiliar. I would prefer concerts to represent different genres (rock, folk, classical solo, orchestral, band, opera, modernism, etc.). This provides students with the widest and most lucrative experience this class, and the southern California cultural metropolis, has to offer. Mind you I consider concert attendance to be the single most important component of this class so be sure not to procrastinate and to complete the requirement in a timely manner. As to the nature of the essay itself: This is not a research paper, nor is any source material expected or necessary. Rather this is a “personal” perspective on your own subjective experience at the various musical event you choose to write about. Not all events are equal, and some events may provide more capacity for written exploration than others. I would like to insist on at least a full page of writing (double-spaced, 12pt font, etc….(standard collegiate style essay parameters). As stated above the content should be “subjective”. The intent is to reflect your individual experience only and be able to voice that experience in a somewhat collegiate but honest manner. Sometimes a musical experience affects us emotionally, sometimes visually. It would not be improper to write a short story elected upon the experience….perhaps one that has absolutely nothing to do specifically with the music itself, but visual imagery “inspired” by the music. This would also be acceptable. Certainly the more you explore and have fun with the inner reflections of the emotional and intellectual psyche, the more you will get out of this assignment and the happier I will be. I refuse to put an upper limit in terms of length as that would be countering the “creative” process which I am hoping to nurture.


  • Article: Schein, E. H. (1983). The role of the founder in creating organizational culture. Organizational Dynamics, 12(1), 13-28.
    Use the Business Source Premier database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 4636855
  • Article: Sharkey, L. D. (1999). Changing organizational culture through leadership development: A case in leadership transformation.Organization Development Journal, 17(3), 29-37.
    Use the ABI/INFORM Global database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 44514701
  • Application: Problem Solving and Appreciative Inquiry

    Organizational acumen includes the means and methods by which problems are identified and solved. Traditional problem solving relies on a diagnostic model that starts with the question “What is wrong?” On the other hand, appreciative inquiry, much like positive psychology, is a methodology that starts by asking “What is right?” and focuses on the strengths of organizations rather than on the weaknesses. For this Application, you will consider some of the differences between problem solving and appreciative inquiry. Then you will apply appreciative inquiry to a problem or issue that occurred in an organization for which you work or have worked.

    To prepare for this assignment:

    • Review the articles “Appreciative Inquiry: Accentuating the Positive,” “Appreciative Inquiry: Trends and Issues Alert,” What Is Appreciative Inquiry?,” and “Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making.”
    • Think about how appreciative inquiry differs from problem solving.
    • Identify an organization for which you work or have worked. Think of an issue or problem that occurred within the organization.
    • Consider how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the issue or problem and develop a solution.

    The assignment: (12 pages)

    • Analyze the differences between appreciative inquiry and problem solving.
    • Briefly describe an organization for which you work or have worked.
    • Describe a problem or issue that occurred within the organization.
    • Explain how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the problem or issue and develop a solution.

    Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.


    MUSIC101 Coachella Concert in California Experience Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Describe a concert of any genre that you have attended recently in California and write about your experience. Student’s approach should be entirely “subjective”. The nature of the concert requirements and accompanying reports is expose students to musical experiences to which they are for the most part unfamiliar. I would prefer concerts to represent different genres (rock, folk, classical solo, orchestral, band, opera, modernism, etc.). This provides students with the widest and most lucrative experience this class, and the southern California cultural metropolis, has to offer. Mind you I consider concert attendance to be the single most important component of this class so be sure not to procrastinate and to complete the requirement in a timely manner. As to the nature of the essay itself: This is not a research paper, nor is any source material expected or necessary. Rather this is a “personal” perspective on your own subjective experience at the various musical event you choose to write about. Not all events are equal, and some events may provide more capacity for written exploration than others. I would like to insist on at least a full page of writing (double-spaced, 12pt font, etc….(standard collegiate style essay parameters). As stated above the content should be “subjective”. The intent is to reflect your individual experience only and be able to voice that experience in a somewhat collegiate but honest manner. Sometimes a musical experience affects us emotionally, sometimes visually. It would not be improper to write a short story elected upon the experience….perhaps one that has absolutely nothing to do specifically with the music itself, but visual imagery “inspired” by the music. This would also be acceptable. Certainly the more you explore and have fun with the inner reflections of the emotional and intellectual psyche, the more you will get out of this assignment and the happier I will be. I refuse to put an upper limit in terms of length as that would be countering the “creative” process which I am hoping to nurture.


  • Article: Schein, E. H. (1983). The role of the founder in creating organizational culture. Organizational Dynamics, 12(1), 13-28.
    Use the Business Source Premier database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 4636855
  • Article: Sharkey, L. D. (1999). Changing organizational culture through leadership development: A case in leadership transformation.Organization Development Journal, 17(3), 29-37.
    Use the ABI/INFORM Global database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 44514701
  • Application: Problem Solving and Appreciative Inquiry

    Organizational acumen includes the means and methods by which problems are identified and solved. Traditional problem solving relies on a diagnostic model that starts with the question “What is wrong?” On the other hand, appreciative inquiry, much like positive psychology, is a methodology that starts by asking “What is right?” and focuses on the strengths of organizations rather than on the weaknesses. For this Application, you will consider some of the differences between problem solving and appreciative inquiry. Then you will apply appreciative inquiry to a problem or issue that occurred in an organization for which you work or have worked.

    To prepare for this assignment:

    • Review the articles “Appreciative Inquiry: Accentuating the Positive,” “Appreciative Inquiry: Trends and Issues Alert,” What Is Appreciative Inquiry?,” and “Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making.”
    • Think about how appreciative inquiry differs from problem solving.
    • Identify an organization for which you work or have worked. Think of an issue or problem that occurred within the organization.
    • Consider how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the issue or problem and develop a solution.

    The assignment: (12 pages)

    • Analyze the differences between appreciative inquiry and problem solving.
    • Briefly describe an organization for which you work or have worked.
    • Describe a problem or issue that occurred within the organization.
    • Explain how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the problem or issue and develop a solution.

    Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.


    MUSIC101 Coachella Concert in California Experience Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Describe a concert of any genre that you have attended recently in California and write about your experience. Student’s approach should be entirely “subjective”. The nature of the concert requirements and accompanying reports is expose students to musical experiences to which they are for the most part unfamiliar. I would prefer concerts to represent different genres (rock, folk, classical solo, orchestral, band, opera, modernism, etc.). This provides students with the widest and most lucrative experience this class, and the southern California cultural metropolis, has to offer. Mind you I consider concert attendance to be the single most important component of this class so be sure not to procrastinate and to complete the requirement in a timely manner. As to the nature of the essay itself: This is not a research paper, nor is any source material expected or necessary. Rather this is a “personal” perspective on your own subjective experience at the various musical event you choose to write about. Not all events are equal, and some events may provide more capacity for written exploration than others. I would like to insist on at least a full page of writing (double-spaced, 12pt font, etc….(standard collegiate style essay parameters). As stated above the content should be “subjective”. The intent is to reflect your individual experience only and be able to voice that experience in a somewhat collegiate but honest manner. Sometimes a musical experience affects us emotionally, sometimes visually. It would not be improper to write a short story elected upon the experience….perhaps one that has absolutely nothing to do specifically with the music itself, but visual imagery “inspired” by the music. This would also be acceptable. Certainly the more you explore and have fun with the inner reflections of the emotional and intellectual psyche, the more you will get out of this assignment and the happier I will be. I refuse to put an upper limit in terms of length as that would be countering the “creative” process which I am hoping to nurture.


  • Article: Schein, E. H. (1983). The role of the founder in creating organizational culture. Organizational Dynamics, 12(1), 13-28.
    Use the Business Source Premier database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 4636855
  • Article: Sharkey, L. D. (1999). Changing organizational culture through leadership development: A case in leadership transformation.Organization Development Journal, 17(3), 29-37.
    Use the ABI/INFORM Global database, and search using the article’s Accession Number: 44514701
  • Application: Problem Solving and Appreciative Inquiry

    Organizational acumen includes the means and methods by which problems are identified and solved. Traditional problem solving relies on a diagnostic model that starts with the question “What is wrong?” On the other hand, appreciative inquiry, much like positive psychology, is a methodology that starts by asking “What is right?” and focuses on the strengths of organizations rather than on the weaknesses. For this Application, you will consider some of the differences between problem solving and appreciative inquiry. Then you will apply appreciative inquiry to a problem or issue that occurred in an organization for which you work or have worked.

    To prepare for this assignment:

    • Review the articles “Appreciative Inquiry: Accentuating the Positive,” “Appreciative Inquiry: Trends and Issues Alert,” What Is Appreciative Inquiry?,” and “Basic Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making.”
    • Think about how appreciative inquiry differs from problem solving.
    • Identify an organization for which you work or have worked. Think of an issue or problem that occurred within the organization.
    • Consider how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the issue or problem and develop a solution.

    The assignment: (12 pages)

    • Analyze the differences between appreciative inquiry and problem solving.
    • Briefly describe an organization for which you work or have worked.
    • Describe a problem or issue that occurred within the organization.
    • Explain how you might use appreciative inquiry to address the problem or issue and develop a solution.

    Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.


    MUSIC101 Coachella Concert in California Experience Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Describe a concert of any genre that you have attended recently in California and write about your experience. Student’s approach should be entirely “subjective”. The nature of the concert requirements and accompanying reports is expose students to musical experiences to which they are for the most part unfamiliar. I would prefer concerts to represent different genres (rock, folk, classical solo, orchestral, band, opera, modernism, etc.). This provides students with the widest and most lucrative experience this class, and the southern California cultural metropolis, has to offer. Mind you I consider concert attendance to be the single most important component of this class so be sure not to procrastinate and to complete the requirement in a timely manner. As to the nature of the essay itself: This is not a research paper, nor is any source material expected or necessary. Rather this is a “personal” perspective on your own subjective experience at the various musical event you choose to write about. Not all events are equal, and some events may provide more capacity for written exploration than others. I would like to insist on at least a full page of writing (double-spaced, 12pt font, etc….(standard collegiate style essay parameters). As stated above the content should be “subjective”. The intent is to reflect your individual experience only and be able to voice that experience in a somewhat collegiate but honest manner. Sometimes a musical experience affects us emotionally, sometimes visually. It would not be improper to write a short story elected upon the experience….perhaps one that has absolutely nothing to do specifically with the music itself, but visual imagery “inspired” by the music. This would also be acceptable. Certainly the more you explore and have fun with the inner reflections of the emotional and intellectual psyche, the more you will get out of this assignment and the happier I will be. I refuse to put an upper limit in terms of length as that would be countering the “creative” process which I am hoping to nurture.


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