Effat University Jeddah International Commission on Illumination Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help. Effat University Jeddah International Commission on Illumination Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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THE TOPIC IS (Application of new CIE 2006 colorimetry)
The following systems will help keep you organized:
• a system for noting sources on bibliography cards
• a system for organizing material according to its relative importance
• a system for taking notes
Consider the following questions:
• What is the topic?
• Why is it significant?
• What background material is relevant?
• What is my thesis or purpose statement?
• What organizational plan will best support my purpose?
In the introduction you will need to do the following things:
• present relevant background or contextual material
• define terms or concepts when necessary
• explain the focus of the paper and your specific purpose
• reveal your plan of organization
Effat University Jeddah International Commission on Illumination Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Family in Crisis and Personal Reflection Case Study Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science case study and need support to help me understand better.
The Final Project is a descriptive narrative divided in two sections. Section One requires you to analyze a case study of a family in crisis, to include a child, an adolescent, and a set of parents. Section Two is a self-reflection of your abilities to be an effective clinician who works with children, adolescents, and families.
****This Final Project is a 6- to 8-page paper Include the following sections in your Final Project:
Section One:
Choose one of the three Case Studies focusing on a family in crisis. (CASE OF CHASE, CASE OF BRADY OR THE CASE OF THE COOPER FAMILY) You can chose which case you like.
Each member of the family has unique issues that you must address. You must also determine the primary problems (this may include diagnostic impressions but not formal diagnoses), intervention, prevention, and education required to assist the family. In your project, do the following:
- Identify the client and the presenting problem or symptoms. Briefly explain if anyone else is involved and how they contribute to the problem. Explain if anyone other than the “identified client” also could be identified as a client. If so, describe who and why.
- Briefly describe any underlying problems or potential mental health diagnoses contributing to the primary problem that should be noted as you proceed with the client.
- Briefly describe the presenting problem from the family’s perspective and what theoretical perspective you will use to assess, analyze, and develop a treatment plan for this case.
- Identify the unique needs of each individual in the family.
- Briefly describe the culture of the family, societal expectations, gender roles, and cultural norms. Briefly explain how each of these might contribute to the problem.
- Briefly explain the child and adolescent culture and at least one general contributing factor to the identified issue and explain how this may or may not impact the family dynamics.
- Describe one intervention you might use for the identified client that would address the presenting problem and any related psychosocial factors.
- Justify your intervention with evidence-based research to support the use of the interventions you have identified.
- Briefly describe one preventative technique that you might use to reduce the likelihood of further crisis or the perpetuation of the current crisis.
Section Two:
Reflect on your journal entries throughout the course and consider what you may have learned about yourself as a future clinician working with children, adolescents, and families. Explain any areas of strength you have identified by completing this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.
***(I did not do the journals but you can be creative and write about what you think you have learned about yourself working with kids, adolescents and families and explain areas of strengths)***
- Explain any areas of strength you identified as you worked on this course that will assist you in working with children, adolescents, and families.
- Explain any areas of knowledge you might want to further develop to become more effective as a clinician working with children, adolescents, and families.
- Explain any insights you had or conclusions you drew as you worked on this course regarding your interest in becoming a clinician that works with children and adolescents.
DBS Automated Insurance Claims Health & Wellbeing of Patients with Chronic Illnesses Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me study.
add 3000 words more to the existing paper (will be uploaded after a tutor is selected)
also make the corrections based on the feedback
add 15 sources to the bibliography
make the paper format like the examples from the given links
https://esource.dbs.ie/bitstream/handle/10788/4211… this is one dissertation that is available for comparison on the Moodle page. Can you do something more like this?
We need a table of contents created. Also we need some more figures and tables. The writing is strong! I think its a nice paper. This is a Masters dissertation though so I think it could be presented a little better. I want it to be on par with some of my colleagues. Im going to give you the link to a few other dissertations
https://esource.dbs.ie/handle/10788/102this is a link with more dissertation papers. So that you can understand what im looking for
Chapman University Personal Professional Career 10 Year Plan Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Individual Assignment # 1 and # 2 Tasks
Your assignment responses are compared to the responses of others in the class to determine your score. There is a 20% late penalty on late submissions.
Assignment 1: Personal Professional Career 10 Year Plan Gantt Chart. (Out of 10 points possible). Submission as an Excel Spreadsheet on Canvas; due by date and time in schedule to avoid 20% penalty. Class time will be given during some class sessions to work on and finish this assignment. See samples of student prepared Gantt charts placed on Canvas.
- Review the pdf file attached about career opportunities in Operations Management.
- Go online to find what is a typical salary (or salary range) for a person who holds the title of COO Chief Operations Officer or VP of Operations (or related job title).
- Review the 2020 Salary Reports available on the internet on different career fields and career ladders to move up in rank and job title/responsibility/salary. A good source is search: Robert Half 2020 Salary Guides. They have salary guides for accounting, finance, creative/marketing, information technology, law, administrative, and other careers.
Turn in an Excel spreadsheet with all three numbered items below completed:
- List the salary (or salary range) you located in your search for a typical COO or VP of Operations position.
- List (no need to elaborate beyond a sentence each) three things that you learned about careers in operations management that you did not know before you did this assignment.
3. Prepare a Gantt Chart (using Excel is fine or if you have access to Microsoft Project or some other project management software you can use that instead of Excel). The Gantt Chart will be a ten year career plan showing where you plan to be in 10 years (industry or firm/job title/salary; your ten year end target position does not have to be a COO or operations management). Identify 10 or more tasks that will be required for you to reach your 10 year out target. At the bottom of the Gantt chart explain each task (and have specific salaries identified with job titles and specific costs associated with activities such as tuition costs for further education/advanced degrees) in about a sentence for each task as the Excel task description column will limit you to just a few words. Even if you plan to be an entrepreneur or retired by then in 10 years, explain the tasks that will be required to get there.
St Cloud State University The Culture of Saint Paul City in Minnesota Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a geography writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Write a “research” paper dealing with some topical (current) aspect of the cultural geography of Minnesota or the British Isles not specifically covered in class (i.e. not Mall of America or Belfast murals). You will need to consult relevant sources including local newspapers, magazines, websites and connect the information found in those sources to theoretical approaches discussed in class and/or in the readings. You might write about an issue or topic concerning landscape, popular culture, class, gender, sexuality, homeplace, globalization, but you must write about it/them in the context of a specific local place. You may address topics with a broad regional scope but be sure through your analysis to justify how and why your topic is a state-wide one (perhaps related to regional/state tourism or cultural initiatives carried out at the state or local level by government). Don’t succumb to overgeneralization.
Your paper must contain at least 5 sources, at least 3 of which should be scholarly articles or books in cultural geography (scholarly articles refers to peer reviewed papers that appear in journals found on sites like Science Direct in the library’s article database; D2L readings and the textbook count, though note that the textbook only counts as one source, not each of the chapters). See syllabus for further guidelines.
General Guidelines for Papers: Papers should be at least 2-and-a-half pages in length (but absolutely no more than 6), excluding any illustrations (photos, maps, tables, graphs, etc.), which, by the way, should include numbered captions or labels. Use a double-spaced, 12-point type in a Times New Roman, Garamond, Book Antiqua, or Calibri font and reset the page to 1-inch margins, and 1 inch at the top and bottom. Papers should include your name, a title, in-text citations (Author Last Name, YEAR, p. #), and at the end a list of ‘References’ for materials used throughout the paper (General APA is preferred). Do not plagiarize and that includes copying and pasting off the internet—I do check for this. Plagiarism of any sort will result in a zero for the assignment, with repeated offenses resulting in an F for the entire course. Papers are due by midnight in the D2L Assignment Submission Folder (found under Assessments/Assignments) on the due date specified for that topic.
SDSU Nikola Tesla Charles Darwin & Fredrick Douglas Fictional Interviews Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a creative writing writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Take Kurt Vonnegut’s God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian as a model and create three fictional interviews with deceased people in order to advance an argument about our society, culture, or existence in general.
To be clear, write THREE brief “interviews” that follow the same format/style as Vonnegut’s text. Each should be approximately 200 words in length, so that they combine to be 600 words or more.
The arguments can be nearly anything you want, but they must matter to a significant portion of society. In other words, you cannot make one that argues something in your own private life. It must have societal implications. The best ones tend to focus on existence more than politics or policy.
Last thing to note: emulate Vonnegut instead of relying on too much dialogue and only read pages 1-45
LINK TO BOOK: http://hesomagazine.com/pdf/god_bless_you_dr_kevor…
SDSU Nikola Tesla Charles Darwin & Fredrick Douglas Fictional Interviews Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SU The Categorization of Punishment in Correctional Facilities Discussion Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Assignment 1 Discussion
The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date. Provide a detailed response to the topic questions in the Discussion Area. For this assignment, post your responses directly to the Discussion Area; do not attach any documents.
To support your work, make sure you use your course and text readings. When asked, also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite the sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the due date.
The Purpose of Punishment
People have varying viewpoints on the purpose of punishment. The five purposes of punishment are incapacitation, rehabilitation, deterrence, retribution, and restoration. Consider the following scenario:
John Smith was robbing a 7-11 convenience store when a customer tackled him from behind and his gun went off. The clerk was killed, and Smith was found guilty of capital murder.
On the basis of the scenario, answer the following questions:
- Determine how each of the five purposes of punishment influences the correctional processes and correctional facilities. Which purpose of punishment would be best utilized in this instance?
- How are a correctional facility’s structure and procedures influenced by the purpose it is trying to achieve? For instance, a facility that aims to achieve rehabilitation will be designed and run differently than a facility that aims to achieve incapacitation.
- Do you think it is appropriate for a state to punish someone solely for retribution? Also, discuss which purposes you believe capital punishment aims to achieve.
Norfolk State University Health Organizations Staff Case Study Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical case study and need a sample draft to help me study.
Hermit’s Pediatrics is a small practice serving the health care needs of children in a small, rural community. The practice has always used paper health records. However, the practice founder, Dr. Melody Hermit, learns that under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is offering significant incentives to eligible healthcare professionals who effectively adopt electronic health records (EHR). She sees an opportunity to move into the electronic age.
It takes some time for Dr. Hermit and her staff to get accustomed to using the EHR instead of the paper record, but they quickly see some real advantages. Information in the EHR is always easy to find and is well-organized. Things are going smoothly until one morning when Dr. Hermit and her staff discover that all of their patient records are gone from the EHR. Inadvertently, the system upgrade that was rolled out the night before has overwritten the storage partition containing the records. Luckily, the records had been backed up just before the wipe-out, and are eventually reloaded within a few hours.
Several months later, Dr. Hermit receives an irate phone call from a patient’s mother whose child has been diagnosed with sickle cell disease. The mother’s anger is triggered when a neighbor expresses her sympathy, although the mother has not discussed the diagnosis with anyone. Dr. Hermit questions her staff and learns that the receptionist discussed the child’s diagnosis with the mother’s neighbor after checking his medical records. Dr. Hermit is astounded that the receptionist could even view the patient information, particularly given that the EHR is supposed to be HIPAA compliant according to Planet, the software developer. She is equally surprised when she walks into the reception area only to witness that another patient’s record is in full-sight of those waiting for their appointment. To top Dr. Hermit’s frustration, the Planet software server suffers a malicious software attack. As a consequence, the EHRs of many patients have been compromised, and many others might have been made vulnerable.
Dr. Hermit is now rethinking her decision to adopt an EHR to qualify for the incentive payment after all. The clinic may be better off using paper records until she retires.
Case Study Questions
1. Hermit’s Pediatrics has experienced risks to information confidentiality, data integrity, service availability, and the business itself. Identify the consequences, the vulnerabilities exploited, and the ways these risks could have been mitigated.
2. What are some of the risks that are not addressed by HIPAA, but an EHR software subscriber may need to consider?
B235 LDR2439 Rasmussen College Introduction to Organizational Leadership Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.
We all make many decisions every day. Many of these decisions are routine and require no real thought, however, throughout life we will also face many big decisions. These big decisions will require us to seek external opinions or information. They will also require that we think about many possible solutions and try to predict the outcome of each solution. What are some of those decisions you’ve had to make?
Describe a big decision that you’ve recently had to make in your personal, professional, or academic life. How did you decide on the final choice that you made? Did you use some sort of decision-making process or seek external advice or opinions? Explain how that impacted the final decision.
SU Communication & Cultural Diversity in TV Show Modern Family Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Communication and Cultural Diversity
In this assignment, you will analyze an intercultural interaction. Find a movie or a television show that has characters who come from different cultures.
Step 1: Watch your selected movie or television show. On the basis of your observations, respond to the following questions:
- How did the characters communicate?
- What is your opinion about the characters’ communication skills?
- Who communicates effectively, and who doesn’t?
Step 2: Select one of the characters in the movie or the television show. On the basis of your observations, respond to the following questions:
- What do you think of your character’s interactions in terms of speech accommodation theory? Did your character adapt his or her communication message or style when talking with different people?
- Did this character’s communication skills influence others in the film? How?
- Did this character’s communication skills evolve throughout the film? How?
- What is this character’s listening style? Was he or she able to overcome barriers to effective listening?
- Did this character display any cultural or racial stereotyping and prejudice?
- Did he or she display evidence of creating a “third culture”?
- What evidence did the character display of adapting predictively or reactively?