Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Groupthink Setting in an Organization Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Groupthink Setting in an Organization Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Groupthink Setting in an Organization Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Groupthink occurs when group members choose not to voice their concerns or objections because they would rather keep the peace and not annoy or antagonize others. Sometimes groupthink occurs because the group has a positive team spirit and camaraderie, and individual group members don’t want that to change by introducing conflict. It can also occur because past successes have made the team complacent where Conformity is the process of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms. Conformity can be caused by a willingness to follow rules, comply with leadership wishes, and the desire for a sense of protection and security.

*Groupthink can happen in any organization, big or small, business or non-profit, and private or public. The key is to realize when it is happening in a group setting and then make the right changes that best fit the organization’s goals and objectives.

In the video below, we will see an example of teaching groupthink to students and the importance of enabling others to think for themselves.

Please read through both sections before proceeding to the next page, and refer back whenever necessary.

Once you have watched the video and read the case study, use the following guidelines to write your paper:

This assignment is to be at least 3 pages long (and not more than 5), not including title and reference pages, and should follow the formatting requirements in the College of Business Writing Style Guide.


  • Introduce the topic and summarize the paper.

The main body of the paper

  • What are the general concepts of groupthink?
  • How can groupthink impact group decision making?
  • What are some ways to eliminate groupthink in a group environment?
  • Provide a personal example of groupthink in an organization that you have been part of.


  • Provide a summary of the paper.
  • Provide an overview of what the reader should take away from the paper (purpose).

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Groupthink Setting in an Organization Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Irvine Valley Visual Communication Analysis of Van Gogh Starry Night Report Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities writing question and need support to help me study.

You will write a 2,000word paper that analyzes the images attached below.

The paper must use APA format, 12point Times New Roman typeface ,oneinch margins (top, bottom, right, left) and be doublespaced. IMPORTANT:The 2,000word minimum does not include title page, references,appendices, etc. It only counts on the body of the paper!

You must have a minimum of 5 sources. Sources CANNOT,under any circumstances,be from anyonline encyclopedia, Wikipedia, or online dictionary! Sources should be academic books, academic journals, or reliable online sources (blogs and personal websites are not reliable sources).

Divide your paper into nine sections: an introduction, the six perspectives, a conclusion, and a reference sectionwith at least five sources. Use boldface headings for each section.

Introduction(5% of paper, first and second person pronouns are allowed)This first paragraph introduces the reader to the image you chose and that you will analyze it with the six perspectives. In addition, it introduces/outlines the paper as a whole (similar to an introduction you would write for an essay).

Personal Perspective(10% of paper, first and second person pronouns are allowed)Say why you chose the image and analyze it using your personal opinions. Write about your initial“gut” reactions to the image.

Historical Perspective(10% of paper, first and second person pronouns NOTallowed)Analyze the image by placing it in its historical context.

Technical Perspective(20% of paper, first and second person pronouns NOTallowed)Discussthe image by describing how it was madeand a minimum of three (3) aesthetic or theoretical elements discussed in the course(e.g., line, shape, color, composition, Gestalt theories, rule of thirds, 3D depth cues). You must identify “what” elements you are discussing, but also “how” and “why” it connects to the image.

Ethical Perspective(20% of paper, first and second person pronouns NOTallowed)Justify the image by using one of the six philosophies.If you can’t find a philosophy to justify it, then make an ethical argument against the image using one of the six philosophies. First and second person pronouns are notallowed.

Cultural Perspective(20% of paper, first and second person pronouns NOTallowed)Identify and explain as many symbols as you can.First and second person personal are notallowed.

Critical Perspective(10% of paper, first and second person pronouns areallowed)Write a more reasoned personal perspective.How has your view of the image changed after you’ve spent time with it and researched all the other perspective? Maybe it hasn’t changed and you can write about that. Personal pronouns are allowed.

Conclusion(5% of paper, first and second person pronouns are allowed)Your conclusion should state what you learned from this assignment.

References You need at least 5sources.Use MUST use intext citations for any information you use from sources.Points are deducted if you list a sourcein the References section, but there are no intext citations referring to it.

Please see attached for the images and essay template.


Los Angeles Pierce College Role of Education Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need support to help me study.

After watching, please discuss what you learned about education and the role of teachers and/or parents in a child’s education. For example, Shabana Basij-Rasikh and her family risked their lives for education. Did you find this surprising or insightful? Sir Ken Robinson talks about education reform and states that ‘schools kill creativity.’ Do you agree? Why or why not? Rita Pierson, an educator of 40 years, discusses the importance of relationships for school success. Please comment in detail on at least TWO of the videos. Please give examples of specific content and citations from the videos as you formulate an academic discussion.


CMST 386 UMGC Website Creation in HTML CSS and Javascript from Scratch Project Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a html / css project and need support to help me study.

I’m working on a html / css project and need support to help me understand better.

Please see website proposal and code attached, please not this web page should be a minimum of 10 pages and includes a reflection word document. Please ensure to use – https://validator.w3.org/ CSS3 validator – https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ to validate the site.

Note: You may NOT create web pages for this class using HTML authoring programs, such as Dreamweaver, SharePoint Designer, InDesign, etc. You should also stay away from page or code generators or pre-made templates. This is your opportunity to start from scratch.

You will design and build the website you identified and explained in Project 2: Website Proposal/Plan.

  1. HTML Pages
    • Your completed website must contain a minimum of 10 pages, properly hand-coded by you, meeting the specific requirements listed in the grading rubric.
    • Include a hero image in the design of the final project. (Hint: this can be on the main page (index.html) or in the overall design of the site)
    • Generate a privacy policy using a free privacy policy generator (https://termly.io/products/privacy-policy-generator/) must include information on collection of personally identified information (PII), usage of information, cookie policy and third party information usage.(Hint: this must be in the format as the website; this counts as one of the ten pages)
      • Link privacy policy in footer of website not in main navigation.
    • Navigation must be between 4-7 main level links only; should remain the same links from page to page.
    • Each html page must contain at least 25 relevant words in the content; no placeholder text, under construction, coming soon, to be determined/announced.
    • Project must have an overall title; each page should have its own title that matches main navigation. [Hint: Services link in main navigation should link to a page titled Services].
  2. CSS
    • Must contain and implement a minimum of 15 styles including styles for all html semantic tags used.
    • Use good heading hierarchy with one h1 tag on each page; and other h2-h6 tags for lesser importance.
    • Utilize at least 4 relevant icons from font awesome (https://fontawesome.com/) in the design of the final project.
    • Implement a basic CSS transition feature relevant to the website content.
  3. Accessibility
    • Use a color contrast analyzer to make sure foreground/background colors and font size meet a minimum ratio of 4.5:1 on all pages
    • All images must include relevant alternate text for accessibility [Hint: a logo should not be alt=”logo”]
  4. Images
    • Must include images that are optimized for the web
    • Images must be stored locally and not linked from a third party site.
    • At least two images must be linked to either a webpage, file or another image.
    • At least two images must not be linked in the project
  5. Form
    • Create an accessible form with two required fields
    • Include the following input fields and labels: text, text area, select list, check boxes, radio buttons, and submit button
    • Form action must be to a mailto link not php function.
    • Include fieldset, legend, labels and tab indexes in the form development
    • Include input field placeholder text to provide user hints for form input.
  6. JavaScript
    • Add a date/time script in the footer of all pages that displays the current date/time (Hint: do not use a clickable button to display time/date).
    • Implement JavaScript form validation on the form page
  7. Search Engine Optimization
  8. Additional Instructions
    • Link Project 4 to the index.html page in the www folder
    • Upload project folder and all pages/files to the NOVA server
    • Apply appropriate file/folder permissions for each
    • Validate HTML and CSS. Include the results in the Project Reflection (not on the web site). (HTML5 validator – https://validator.w3.org/ CSS3 validator – https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
  9. Project Reflection (MS Word document or paste the information in the textbox of the Assignment folder on submission)
    • Include HTML validation screenshots for all ten html pages and CSS validation screenshot for the CSS file.
    • Include XML sitemap generated by sitemap generator
    • Respond to the following:
      • Developing a favicon that is relevant can be challenging, what did you choose to use for a favicon and why?
      • One of the fun features of CSS3 is the ability to create movement that attracts the user’s attention, how did you decide on the transition feature for this project? Do you feel it attracts the user or creates a distraction?
      • What challenges did you face in selecting a hero image for the background of your site? What steps did you take to mitigate these challenges?
      • If you did not face any challenges or issues in completing the project, what do you think are some issues or challenges someone new to creating web pages might face completing a project like this?
        Note: Your reflection must be a total of at least 250 words.
  10. Submit the URL to the project and make a zipped file maintaining the proper folder hierarchy of all of the project (all submissions require an upload) to the correct assignment folder.

Ready to upload? Check your work online after uploading the assignment to ensure the assignment link works! If you cannot see the assignment when clicking on the link you supplied, neither can I and I won’t be able to grade it.

Once you have completed the exercise you must submit the URL to the Assignment Folder. Your submission must include the full URL of the assignment (i.e. http://nova.umuc.edu/~ct386a00/final/index.html) and the LESS or SASS preprocessor files used. Make sure it is working as intended including all links and images displaying. This is a best practice part of website testing.

If any of the above materials are missing from your submission, your assignment will be considered incomplete and will result in point deductions. Please view your work on the web prior to submitting.

To view a sample project, click here Sample Project 4.
Sample project may not reflect all requirements of the current project.


San Diego State University Women Role in the Civil War Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history Essay and need support to help me study.

you will be doing one essay related to Chapters 12-13 (or related parts of Connecting California) and two essays on Major Themes that relate to the course as a whole. I spread out the primary source documents so you use one (or more) for each essay.

I hope you enjoy the topics!

This is a great chance to show what you have learned, and how you have grown in the semester 🙂




GRAD 699 HUST Customer Relationship Management For Facility Managers Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a research & summaries project and need an explanation to help me learn.

I’m working on a research & summaries project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Need to write whole thesis paper for implementation of CRM: Conveniences store with Gas station (Summit Group)

  1. This study aims to investigate the effect of applying the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on customer’s satisfaction and decreasing customer’s loss in retail business from customer’s perspectives. Understanding customer requirements, meet customer expectations and deliver customer value.
  2. Study aims to focuses on business performance from management point of view for revenue growth, share of customer and customer tenure.

GRAD 699 HUST Customer Relationship Management For Facility Managers Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ASU Issue of Gender Inequality Affects Most People in Society Discussion Other Assignment Help

the Discussion Board, acceptable posts, and responses include analysis of and connections to readings, PPT lectures, and videos/films/podcasts. Providing a direct reference/quote will help support your analysis. Unacceptable posts include not adding to the body of knowledge and not responding. I uploaded all files that you will need to use. there are reading, podcasts, films, and PowerPoint lectures. use all of them to write the discussion. in the reference d1 file, you will find the links for reading and podcast and film. to get full mark you need to involve

The quality of the posted information is of high quality—provides analysis and reflection. References course content.


CHEM 22 Pasadena City College Molecular Mass & Ionic Compounds Exercises Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry practice test / quiz and need an explanation to help me learn.

I need help with my chem homework that is 28 questions and need some explanations to help me study. it is based on ionic compounds, molarity, molecular and empirical formulas and orbitals.

in the zip file, the questions are labeled as follows “q23” contains questions 2 and 3, “q456” contains questions 4 5 and 6 and so on

You need a periodic table and these constants as well:

Useful constants:

h = 6.626 x 10-34 J*s

c = 3.00 x 108 m/s


Winston Salem State University School Violence Question Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Choose a specific problem (ex. Rape, discrimination, inequality, death penalty, murder, extortion, assault, school violence, trafficking, etc.), and describe it fully. You are welcome to present examples of these issues throughout history, and characteristics of the criminals responsible. Explain, in detail, the issue that you have chosen, its societal consequences, and describe how YOUR chosen theorist(s) would describe/analyze the problem within the framework of the theory.

Please follow the guidelines to receive the maximum number of points. These papers are between 5-7 pages long. The paper should include a reference sheet and cover page. Include an appropriate title for your work and make sure that your pages are numbered.

Your analysis should include:

1) A summary of the theoretical perspective main ideas

2) How a theorist from the perspective will analyze the social problem or issue in question (specify question to be addressed)

3) Your assessment or appraisal of the theory’s contribution to our understanding of the issue or social problem.

4) State if you agree or disagree with the theory and why

5) something new you learned in analyzing this particular problem or issue from this theoretical perspective.


Shubin Is a Paleontologist as Well as An Anatomist Biology Essay Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


Author Neil Shubin suggests “that we’re all modified sharks.” Throughout the book he attempts to explain human evolution and why human body works the way it does by drawing upon data from the fossil record, DNA, developmental biology and comparative anatomy. Your objective in reading Shubin’s book is to better-understand the evolution and homology of the human body by looking at homologous structures and body systems of other vertebrate animals, especially fish. For this assignment you will develop a 3-3.5 page essay discussing how considering the “fishy origins” of many of our body systems and anatomical features has helped us understand human anatomy and evolution. Your essay should include multiple examples and lines of evidence to support your conclusions. (This last requirement will lead to you writing a stronger essay and demonstrating to me that you have read the book!) I will evaluate your essay based on content (i.e. well supported and insightful examples and conclusions, synthesis of information and evidence that you have read the book)



Author Neil Shubin suggests “that we’re all modified sharks.” Throughout the book he attempts to explain human evolution and why human body works the way it does by drawing upon data from the fossil record, DNA, developmental biology and comparative anatomy. Your objective in reading Shubin’s book is to better-understand the evolution and homology of the human body by looking at homologous structures and body systems of other vertebrate animals, especially fish. For this assignment you will develop a 3-3.5 page essay discussing how considering the “fishy origins” of many of our body systems and anatomical features has helped us understand human anatomy and evolution. Your essay should include multiple examples and lines of evidence to support your conclusions. (This last requirement will lead to you writing a stronger essay and demonstrating to me that you have read the book!) I will evaluate your essay based on content (i.e. well supported and insightful examples and conclusions, synthesis of information and evidence that you have read the book)



Author Neil Shubin suggests “that we’re all modified sharks.” Throughout the book he attempts to explain human evolution and why human body works the way it does by drawing upon data from the fossil record, DNA, developmental biology and comparative anatomy. Your objective in reading Shubin’s book is to better-understand the evolution and homology of the human body by looking at homologous structures and body systems of other vertebrate animals, especially fish. For this assignment you will develop a 3-3.5 page essay discussing how considering the “fishy origins” of many of our body systems and anatomical features has helped us understand human anatomy and evolution. Your essay should include multiple examples and lines of evidence to support your conclusions. (This last requirement will lead to you writing a stronger essay and demonstrating to me that you have read the book!) I will evaluate your essay based on content (i.e. well supported and insightful examples and conclusions, synthesis of information and evidence that you have read the book)



Author Neil Shubin suggests “that we’re all modified sharks.” Throughout the book he attempts to explain human evolution and why human body works the way it does by drawing upon data from the fossil record, DNA, developmental biology and comparative anatomy. Your objective in reading Shubin’s book is to better-understand the evolution and homology of the human body by looking at homologous structures and body systems of other vertebrate animals, especially fish. For this assignment you will develop a 3-3.5 page essay discussing how considering the “fishy origins” of many of our body systems and anatomical features has helped us understand human anatomy and evolution. Your essay should include multiple examples and lines of evidence to support your conclusions. (This last requirement will lead to you writing a stronger essay and demonstrating to me that you have read the book!) I will evaluate your essay based on content (i.e. well supported and insightful examples and conclusions, synthesis of information and evidence that you have read the book)


Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Groupthink Setting in an Organization Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Groupthink Setting in an Organization Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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