Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Oil Change Process T Test Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Oil Change Process T Test Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Oil Change Process T Test Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help.

I’m working on a mathematics question and need an explanation to help me study.
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John is the owner of John’s Jolly Oil Change. John is experimenting with a new oil change process and is trying to determine if the new process takes less time than the old process. John is comparing sample mean times to evaluate his hypothesis about the population (total number of oil changes). Over the period of a week, he took a random sample of oil changes using both the old and new processes. Using the information John provided, you ran a t-test for independent samples. These are the results (? = .05). 

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal VarianceNew ProcessOld ProcessMean14.230.15Variance14.16842105234.8710526Observations2020Hypothesized Mean Difference0df21t Stat-4.520032841P(T<=t) one-tail9.37197E-05t Critical one-tail1.720742903P(T<=t) two-tail0.000187439t Critical two-tail2.079613845

When you begin to share the information with John, he immediately says, “Oh my gosh, look at that P value, it is 9! That is bad, right? What does that E-05 mean at the end of the number?” 

How will you explain the results to John?

First, watch this video to become familiar with running and interpreting a t-test in Excel.

Hypothesis Test for 2 Population Means using Excel’s Data Analysis (YouTube 5:39) (Links to an external site.)

Now, think about how you will respond to John. Answer the following questions.

  • What is the hypothesis in this scenario?
  • Did the new oil change process take less or more time? How do you know?
  • In the scenario, did you conduct a one or two-tailed test?
  • What is the P value? (Round to 3 decimal places)
  • Do you think (as John does) that the result is not statistically significant?
  • Do the results “prove” anything?

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Oil Change Process T Test Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 418 University of Phoenix Week 2 Business Capability & Preparedness Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

MGT/418: Evaluating New Business Opportunities

Wk 2 – Feasibility Study Paper [due Mon]

Wk 2 – Feasibility Study Paper [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Figure 3.1 in Ch. 3 of Entrepreneurship

    Prepare a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper discussing what is needed to complete a feasibility study for a new start-up or a new product line within an existing firm.

    Complete a feasibility study for the new product or service using the template in Figure 3.1 as a guideline.

    Include the following in your paper:

    • The Business Problem and Opportunity Statement
    • The Feasibility Study Requirements
    • Assumptions
    • Alternative ranking (as needed)
    • Conclusion/decision


ELAC Organizational Behavior & Performance Goal Setting at Allstate Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need an explanation to help me study.

This case is from the book Organizational Behavior, Thirteenth Edition by Don Hellriegel & John W. Slocum, Jr. pp. 215-216 (I post it in the file).

Please read this case, and answer the following question.


1. Using the model found on page 194, evaluate Allstate’s

goal-setting process. How does it work?

2. On pages 202–203, we list some of the dimensions of an

effective goal-setting program. Does Allstate meet these


3. What type of high-performance reward system should

Allstate choose to motivate its employees to reach its
diversity goals?


Indiana University Purdue University Unit 6 Managing Projects Best Practices Paper Writing Assignment Help

Kogon, Blakemore, and Wood (2015) note that for many workers in the current business environment, an increasing amount of time is spent working on or leading projects. This assignment is intended to help you understand the primary elements of the project management process, how you can choose a project management methodology that will be the best fit for your project, and the skills you will need to be a successful project leader. In your readings and videos for this unit, as well as personal experience for many of you, you have discovered that there are many variables to successfully managing a project. The project management methodology chosen for a project must reflect the organization’s requirements to ensure success. Included in these variables are the size and complexity of the project, the process used to manage a project, and the skills that are needed to successfully complete the project.


The Stages of Group Development Retrospective Study Discussion Boards Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read The Stages of Group Development: A Retrospective Study of Dynamic Team Processes article, watch the 12 Angry Men – Original Live TV Version 1954 (Links to an external site.) film and the Team Development: Leadership Essentials (Links to an external site.) video episode which demonstrates the stages of group development.

Apply different scenes of the movie or short film to each of the stages of group development as formulated by Tuckman, as discussed in Chapter 2 of Leadership Essentials. Describe at least one lesson that you learned about leading a group through hard times. Your discussion post should be 250 words.



Prior to beginning work on this discussion, watch or listen to Dr. King’s last speech of his life, I’ve Been to the Mountaintop (Links to an external site.).

During the speech, Dr. King addressed an action that could impact several businesses, the local economy, and the direction of the nation. Explain how the speech reflects on leading through hard times while providing a defining vision for followers. What were the conditions at the time impacting his leadership ability? What direction could current leaders take from the speech concerning addressing the present and the future success of a strategy, movement, or vision, or the success of an organization? Your discussion post should be 250 words.



MATH 124 UCLA Scatterplots & Product Moment Correlation Exam Practice Mathematics Assignment Help

A correlation, whether product-moment or rank order, has to be between:

Select one:

If you have two measurement variables you want to correlate and one is badly skewed, you most likely want to take:

Select one:

Based on the scatterplot and statistics above, what is the nature of the correlation between eye fatigue and sleep?

Select one:

If I were trying to guess someone’s sleep quality and didn’t know anything about the person, I would just guess the mean sleep quality score. After all, the mean is the “central” figure and is a good measure of what is typical. But if I know the person’s eye fatigue score, it helps me guess their sleep quality. How much does it help?

Select one:

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Question 5

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When eye fatigue increases by 1 unit, sleep quality tends to:

Select one:

Clear my choice

MATH 124 UCLA Scatterplots & Product Moment Correlation Exam Practice Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PHIL 202 Upper Iowa University Philosophy According Aristotle Questions Humanities Assignment Help


Aristotle is known as a man of brilliance, a deep thinker that set off ethics as we know it. I appreciate his thinking of having good virtues is a requirement for a good life. Even though I would like to think this is the case, I believe in my heart that it is not so. There are corporations, CEOs, or other individuals that have had shady business dealings or secrets in their life that have proved otherwise. Even in a world of information and accessibility, people are cunning enough to get away with things to enhance their well being and status that may not be “virtuous.” You can think of one example as a stockbroker. Insider trade agreements are offense in the eyes of the law, but if they have valuable information they may sell or buy stock to easily make profits. By the definition of virtue, they would overindulge on wealth and break the law at the same time.


Virtues are traits or qualities that are morally good. Good habits that you learn that can make your life better. There are many different types of virtues such as honesty, courage, compassion, etc. Aristotle believes that by having virtues you are a good person of good character. I do not think that a person must have good character to do well in life and to be happy. I think that being a good person would be ideal to me to have a great life, but some people would probably disagree. Some people could have grown up not knowing what good even is. So maybe they can live their own version of their best life and still be happy. Not everyone sees good the same either. So what is good and following the virtues to Aristotle, could be the opposite for someone else. As long as you try to be the best person possible, then you have at least some good character in you, but I do not think everyone would need that to be happy and do well in life. Someone with weak character and bad virtues could be living their best life because maybe they do not know about good character and virtues, or maybe they have tried that and it does not work for them. What successful and happy mean to someone could be the opposite for another, but I believe that everyone has the option of being happy with who they are regardless of their character and virtues.


I personally don’t feel this is 100% true. I think that even if someone has a bad or weak character they are still able to live a happy, successful life. However, I think it completely depends on the person. If you don’t care about having a bad character then that probably wont stop you from having a happy life, but if you do care about you character and you have a bad character then that most likely will affect you and your life. This also relates to virtues. If some has virtues then they are high moral standards. So, if you have virtues then most likely you are going to have a good character and not want to spend time with someone with a bad one. I also think this effects those around you as well. If you have a good character yet chose to surround yourself with people with weak or bad character then I feel that affects the person with a good character. They will start to develop a bad character and they are the one that will end up unhappy in life, since that is not necessarily how they want to be


I would like to believe that Aristotle is right, but im a blunt realist. I have seen several lazy and bad people take advantage of good people and reap the benefits. In many cases they even get away with it. Older people have past down this theory of good morals and hard work ethic through generations to maintain an order of good moeality. Of course not all bad people get away with it, but either way it goes, good people are not always the winners in this deal.


This topic about being a Nazi soldier is intriguing. On one hand, we know that Nazis were a plague to this world, killing millions and millions of innocents to further Adolf Hitler’s regime. With a Nazi soldier, we must understand that their point of views was different than ours. While the Allies thought he was evil, this soldiers mostly thought different. This could be due to a few different factors like the dictator’s entrancing speech style, fear for their life or for the love of their country, but that is besides the point. What they thought they were doing was just and courageous in the eyes of their government. Enemy combatants can be just as courageous as us. If you think of it, WE were enemy combatants to them, and no one thinks the Allied Forces were less than brave men and women. What makes us different? We served our country, and Nazi soldiers were just serving theirs.


Despite the reality of Nazi soldiers actions, I would like to think that even though German soldiers were forced to follow orders, but behind the scenes some chose to help other races. Like the movie ” The Pianist” when the Nazi soldier chose to help the Polish man survive the end of the war with food and clothes. Just because a book front looks bad, that doesn’t mean the contents are bad too. People justify their actions on the amount of information they know. Just like in the underground railroad, many people put on a front to keep up appearances.


There are different Nazi roles you can’t just assume their all concentration camp solders. Some of the brightest minds were Nazis. Erwin Rommel was one of the best tank commanders of all time. In the case of solders fighting on the front lines, I would say most likely these guys are courageous. These guys were high on meth (Pervitin was the official name) and pushed through Western Europe. I would say most enemy combatants are just as courageous as us Americans. How ever some don’t have the same fight, but shouldn’t be taken lightly.


I believe that a Nazi soldier would still be courageous fighting in World War II. Although he was not fighting for the morally right side, he was being loyal to his people. Courage is when you are not scared of the outcome, brave. I think that the act of fighting does show his courage. Maybe he did not know any better or had no choice. I would not say his actions were good, but I think you can have a virtue without being a morally good person, but the more good you are the more virtues you have. Enemy combats may be the enemy at the time, but I think there is a certain level of respect I would give them They are fighting for what they believe is right, even though it may not be our definition of right. You certainly do not have to like the enemy, but I do not see how you could not think that they are brave for fighting their fight. Although I would be against Nazis and anyone who is an enemy of someone fighting for me, I think that they are just as brave for putting their lives on the line for what they believe in.


PADM 4226 Unversity of Memphis Conflict in Organizations Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Read the case study, then write a paper outlining how you think the situation involving Donald should be handled. Incorporate concepts we’ve discussed in class into your response.

Case Study 3 is due on or before 9:40 a.m. on Thursday, September 24th. Your response to the case study should be typed in 12-point type, double spaced, standard font, and be at least one full page, but no longer than two pages, in length. Please submit your assignment in a Microsoft Word document. Avoid sending documents in zip files or Google Docs. The assignment should be submitted to the dropbox. Points will be deducted for late submissions.


Saudi Electronic University The Diamond Water Paradox by Adam Smith Discussion Economics Assignment Help

The Diamond-Water Paradox

In “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” published in 1776, Adam Smith wrote:

“Nothing is more useful than water: but it will purchase scarcely anything… A diamond, on the contrary, has scarcely any use-value; but a very great quantity of other goods may frequently be had in exchange for it”

Explain the diamond-water paradox and find out in the literature how economists have later solved this paradox.


  • Your essay is required to be two to three pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and external reliable sources. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards.
  • The assignment is graded ZERO, if Plagiarism percentage exceeds 20%.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Theory and Nursing Practice Issues Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This graded discussion will explore the impact of systems theory on a practice problem or issue.

Discussion Question:

Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current or future practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, or macro level? How would you address this issue? What impact might your solution have on the other levels of the system? In what ways could interprofessional collaboration be used to resolve the issue?

DeNisco, S.M. & Barker, A. M. (2015).Advanced practice nursing: Essential knowledge for the profession (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

  • Chapter 5: Influencing and Leading Change in the Complex Healthcare Environment: The Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse p. 110-116.
  • Chapter 6: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health p. 123-135
  • Chapter 7: An Overview of U.S. Healthcare Delivery p. 174- 176 The Systems Framework

Lis, G. A., Hanson, P., Burgermeister, D., & Banfield, B. (2014). Transforming graduate nursing education in the context of complex adaptive systems: Implications for master’s and DNP curricula. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(6), 456—462. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2014.05.003 003 


Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Oil Change Process T Test Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Oil Change Process T Test Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

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