EMERGENCY Answer the following questions regardring ADM using the 10 K Business Finance Assignment Help. EMERGENCY Answer the following questions regardring ADM using the 10 K Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Answer the questions by using the SEC websites 10K. Don’t include any of the numbers for these questions just summarize the parts of the 10K that apply to the questions. Highlighted parts only need to be revised and put together. Follow these guidleines:
1.Table with 5 years of ratios w industry averages.
2.Ratios on each table include profitability sales salads growth GPM, ROS, ROA, ROE. Asset Efficiency, Accounts Recivable Turnover it Days on Hand, Inv, TAT, or PLE Liquidity + Leverage working capital or current ratio, Debt-Equity, Debt Ratio+ Times interest Earned Cash Flow- All 3 ratios
3-WRITING is short and Curt-get to the point
4-No personal pronouns and no “the company”
5-No quoting the 10K
6-Need a 1 sentence Note about industry averages
7-Do not define the ratios or categories
8-Most important aspect, answer WHY
9- when writing- work line by line down the table and within each line, you work year by year
10- Always discuss all 4 sales growth Ratio
11- Do not rewrite the questions
13. Do not write monetary numbers just note the increases or decreases.
These are only guidelines every guideline does not have to be used for every question.
EMERGENCY Answer the following questions regardring ADM using the 10 K Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Essay questions- Current emerging technology Writing Assignment Help
Part I
Essay Question 1: What are the challenges which are inherent in emerging technologies that scenario planning address?(Should not be less than 400 words. Mention 2-3 references in APA format)
Essay Question 2: What are the four key traps to avoid when scenario planning?(Should not be less than 400 words. Mention 2-3 references in APA format)
Part II
Essay Question 1: What are the four major appropriation mechanisms to protect innovative gains?(Should not be less than 400 words. Mention 2-3 references in APA format)
Essay Question 2: Provide some real time examples for these appropriation mechanisms?(Should not be less than 400 words. Mention 2-3 references in APA format)
Part III
Essay Question 1: Discuss the internet of the future.(Should not be less than 400 words. Mention 2-3 references in APA format)
Essay Question 2: Discuss the identification of the technology constraints.(Should not be less than 400 words. Mention 2-3 references in APA format)
chemistry lab questions about lead analysis by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. Science Assignment Help
1)Explain what happens to the analyte sample when it is aspirated into the flame of the AA, including ionization and atomization? (cite all sources used).
2)The flame side of the AA measures concentrations in parts per million range and the furnace side of the AA measures in parts per billion. What is the major difference in terms of sample introduction and electron excitation for these two kinds of the spectroscopy.
3)What are the units of ppm in mass/mass ratio? In mass/volume ratio?
4) What units of ppb in mass/mass ratio? In mass/ volume ratio?
The Turnaround Story at Leonard Cheshire Writing Assignment Help
Read the “The Turnaround Story at Leonard Cheshire” Case Study (attached). Thoroughly respond to the three questions listed at the beginning of the case in a 3 page essay.
The Checklist-to-Success for this assignment:
- Review the grading rubric (attached) to thoroughly understand the expectations for this assignment.
- Include an introduction, the body of text, and a conclusion.
- Develop a 3-page essay (title and reference pages do not count in the 3-page requirement).
- Support your major points with citations from course materials and outside sources. Remember that you must cite facts and support your ideas and opinions with credible sources. To complete this assignment, citation of a minimum of three scholarly references other than the course textbook is required.
- Follow the APA. Your paper should be formatted with double spacing, citations, title page, reference page, and errorless APA formatting.
Writer choice Business Finance Assignment Help
Comunity Policing has been a longtime strategy to help impact crime rates in communities. At the same time, broken windows type policing is also popular in light of New York City’s perceived crime success story in this area. Please describe and explain both styles of policing; which style of policing might be more successful in the long term? Please answer in a paper of 3-4 pages, double-spaced, no larger than 12 point font. Please document all of your sources in APA format. Please refer to the grading rubric in the resources area. The rubric details the point values and various criteria used to grade the assignment.
Emerging threats and Countermeasures Writing Assignment Help
In this scenario, hackers launch cyber attacks that affect several parts of the nation’s financial infrastructure over the course of several weeks. Specifically, sensitive credit card processing facilities are hacked and numbers are released to the Internet, causing 120 million cards to be cancelled; automated teller machines (ATMs) fail nearly simultaneously across the nation; major companies report payroll checks are not being received by workers; and several large pension and mutual fund companies have computer malfunctions so severe that they are unable to operate for more than a week. Identify the countermeasures that need to be implemented to prevent these cyber attacks from occurring in the future.
Start a discussion thread and discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.
You must do this following:
1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, discuss what type(s) of countermeasures need to be implemented to prevent the cyber attack described above from occurring in the future. Be specific in recommending countermeasures for this scenario.
2) Select AT LEAST 3 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread.
ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”)
Emerging threats and Countermeasures Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Write a discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Medieval Religious Texts Discussion. Each discussion writes at least 200 words and reference.
Book: The QUR’AN. The Norton Anthology: World Literature, Volume B
Augustine’s Confessions. The Norton Anthology: World Literature, Volume B
1.Augustine (or St. Augustine, in the Christian tradition) is the first writer to foreground his own life in a book and widely regarded as an inventor of autobiography as a genre (though biography was a long-established genre, usually reserved for the lives of military and political figures). What does Augustine’s use of biography do to develop his religious views? How does it shift a reader’s thinking about his place in the world? his place in God’s creation? How does the form of Augustine’s book help advance his ideas?
2.Assuming that many students have not previously read any of the Qur’an, what were your reactions to the text? Did it surprise you? If so, in what ways? What in the content, the themes, the organization, or word choice (and remember that this is a translation, and that, according to Muslims, the only real way to experience the Qur’an is through a recitation in Arabic) was interesting to you, and why? In reading the Qur’anic version of stories you may be familiar with from the Hebrew Torah or the Gospels of Jesus, what omissions or reinterpretations seemed especially noteworthy to you, and why?
Linear Regression and Simple Exponential Smoothing (SES) Forecasting Business Finance Assignment Help
Scenario: You are a consultant who works for the Diligent Consulting Group. Your client, the New Star Grocery Company, believes that there may be a relationship between the number of customers who visit the store during any given month (“customer traffic”) and the total sales for that same month. In other words, the greater the customer traffic, the greater the sales for that month. To test this theory, the client has collected customer traffic data over the past 12-month period, and monthly sales for that same 12-month period (Year 1).
I want you to find an advertisement image Writing Assignment Help
I want to challenge your critical thinking and decoding skills in an “adbusting” challenge. I want you to find an advertisement image (it should be visual but not a video) that uses “politicized” images of heterosexuality to sell a product. Politicized means that it has an agenda or perspective; in other words, the ad has an embedded bias that encourages the viewer to think something in particular about heterosexuality. This might mean that the image represents a very liberal or very conservative idea of heterosexual couples. Or it might mean that the advertisement targets heterosexual people in a particular way. It could be that the advertisement shows a married couple as the only happy, “normal” unit of love. Perhaps the advertisement has an embedded argument about what “real” marriage is. Whatever ad you choose, make sure that the ad politicizes heterosexuality in some way – that it has an embedded perspective about heterosexuality that it intends to get across to the viewer.
Post the image and provide a short discussion using the following questions. Your response doesn’t need to answer each question in order, but it should in some way touch on each topic below:
- What is the advertisement actually selling? What is the company and product?
- Who is the intended audience? Who is it targeting?
- What techniques are used to attract your attention?
- What values and points of view concerning heterosexuality (and, in relation, gender, race, class, and other social categories) are represented in or omitted from the ad?
- What are the implicit messages this ad sends concerning gender, race, and class?
write 6 pages in 6 hours, I will pay more if I get a perfect work. i have the brainstorm Humanities Assignment Help
please see the attachment ( brainstorm – instructions- lecture)
Purpose:Reflection is the conscious exploration of one’s experiences.A reflective essay is a form of writing that examines the development of the writer’s individual experience.
Task: This assignment is designed to be a practice in cultural humility (review readings by Hohman (2013) and Schuessler et al., (2012).You will take part in an activity that challenges you to learn more about yourself and others who may have different social identities and experiences than your own.For instance, some students have attended a service for a religion different than theirs, used a wheelchair at a grocery store, ate a meal at a social service agency that serves free meals, and volunteered at a food bank.
You will reflect on your experience and apply the course concepts we have covered thus far (e.g., social identities, intersectionality, privilege, socialization, and cultural humility) in your reflection.Keep in mind that this is not a social experiment. Your intent is not to deceive others (e.g., wear certain clothing to “look poor”) or solely observe others.Your task is to learn about diverse groups of people and about yourself in the process.
Audience: Although your instructor and TA will read your paper, assume that the reader is not in the class and is unfamiliar with the course concepts.You must define course concepts in your own words and cite relevant readings.You are also expected to use the language you have learned in class in your essay (e.g., writing about privilege rather than “being lucky”).Demonstrate your understanding of course concepts and flesh your ideas out as much as possible for the reader. Provide rich detail about your affect (emotions), cognitions (thoughts), and behavior to help the reader obtain a rich understanding of your experience.
Length/format: 5-7 pages double-spaced (excluding title page and references), APA style (title page, 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, headers, 1” margins.).Use the APA style template posted on Canvas to write your essay.You are allowed to use first person for this assignment (e.g., “I felt that…).Do not include another person’s name or address in your paper, use a pseudonym when referring to someone else. All activities must be approved by the professor before you participate in the activity.