Emory HR practices Result in Happy Employees & Customers Article DiscussionDiscussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Emory HR practices Result in Happy Employees & Customers Article DiscussionDiscussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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please do not exceed 500 words
make it simple and clear answers
Part I: Traditionally, human resource management practices were developed and administered by the company’s human resource department. Some companies are abandoning or don’t have HR departments. Why is this occurring? Is it a good idea for companies not to have an HR department or HR professionals? Explain your position.
Part II: Read the Exercising Strategy mini case titled “Publix: HR Practices Result in Happy Employees & Customers” which can be found at the end of Ch. 1 and on the attached handout. After reading it, respond to the three discussion questions at the end of the case:
1) Which of Publix’s HR practices do you think are most important for its success? Why?
2) Could promotion from within have disadvantages for Publix? Explain why?
3) Do Publix’s HR practices give it an advantage over its competitors? Why or why not?
Emory HR practices Result in Happy Employees & Customers Article DiscussionDiscussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Prince Georges Community College Strategic Management China War Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
References must come from the two below links and each question must contain at least 3 references
Support your rationale with a specific company or organization. Your discussion company must not be an example company on the identical topic from the ebook; you cannot use the same company in the discussion participation as the assigned company of the projects in this course. Apply the 4 integral parts “Statements, support, in-text citations and references” in your discussion participation.
Give a short description of a recent political event that happened last year (that is, in 2019) at the national or international level that critically changed the overall strategy of your current organization/company or one of your previous employers. Discuss that political event and its implications in your own words:
What were the original strategic management plans of the focal company before that political event?
What are the strategic changes and/or implications that the political event had caused to the focal company?
What do you think about how these changes had positively or negatively impacted on the current strategic management at the focal company or organization? Why?
Question #2
Support your rationale with a specific company or organization. Your discussion company must not be an example company on the same topic from the eBook. You cannot use the same company in the discussion participation as the assigned company of the projects in this course. Apply the 4 integral parts “Statements, support, in-text citations and references” in your discussion participation.
Give a short company/organization background information.
Discuss “What are some of the competitive advantages of the focal company or organization?” and explain “How has that company or organization gained these competitive advantages?”
Why can the above-mentioned company or organization normally sustain competitive advantage for only a limited period of time?
In which ways would the focal company or organization potentially avert or delay the erosion of these competitive advantages? Why?
Question 3:
Please select any firm that you are familiar with or would enjoy researching. Be careful not to select a firm that has been discussed previously in this discussion board. Review that firm’s recent performance and make a judgment as to its core competency. Observe the relationship between that core competency and a sustainable competitive advantage. Decide if that competency leads to an advantage and if that advantage is sustainable. Finally, make a judgment as to how this firm’s strategy fits into Mintzberg’s strategic framework.
Critical Lessons from Development and Implementation of the Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
1. In 2-3 paragraphs please explain how poliovirus is transmitted – additionally:
a. Why was a bivalent oral polio vaccine (bOPV) chosen as a key strategic tool?
b. What were the key steps in the development of bOPV?
c. Who were the key stakeholders involved in both bOPV development and implementation?
2. How did the development of the bOPV align with evolving programmatic needs? What were the vaccination tools available to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) prior to bOPV? Why were new strategies required for the polio
eradication program in remaining endemic countries? What was the programmatic impact of the bOPV introduction?
3. What were the key stages from a product lifecycle perspective that had to be addressed in the development of bOPV?
4. How did the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinate the accelerated clinical trial and production of bOPV? Why was India selected as the location for the clinical trial? Why was the clinical trial able to bypass phase I and II? Why and how did the WHO engage drug manufacturers and national regulatory authorities?
5. Based on what you’ve learned about reimbursement in the course how would manufacturers go about determining a fair price for the vaccines mentioned in this case? How about a COVID-19 vaccine for which the benefits of utilization outweigh the potential risks from a safety perspective? If your answers are different why are they different?
6. What can the global health community leverage from this experience that can be utilized during the current COVID-19 pandemic? Additionally, what other diseases could benefit from the lessons
learned in vaccine development from this case?
These are the 6 question this time.
I have attached the pdf which will help you to develop answers.
In addressing the questions presented, please feel free to develop and utilize diagrams to support your answers
Completed write-ups should in your own language and be approximately 8-10 pages in length, double-spaced in 12 pt font – please include your name (as well as your course collaborator if you choose to have one) in your submitted file (e.g. Amato – RGA6463 Case Study #3 Assignment.pdf)
If you have additional query do let me know. Also, do add pictures, pie chart and graph from the pdf or from elsewhere related to answer and place it at the end of answer completion.
Middle East College Riyada ?Entrepreneurship and Innovation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Note that: I’ve uploaded the “Proposal” as attachment, read it to know what kind of company and furthermore the assignment in details.
Learning Outcomes:
1) Evaluate the philosophies and theories behind entrepreneurial behavior, incorporating the entrepreneurial personality;
2) Differentiate between entrepreneurs, techno entrepreneurs, serial entrepreneurs, intra entrepreneurs and minority entrepreneurs, and in addition critically review the similarities, differences and the methods of management of these different groups;
3) Critically assess an organization’s characteristics that facilitate the innovation process and apply techniques used in the development, evaluation and application of ideas and concepts with commercial potential;
4) Plan and implement activities which will establish an innovative environment within an organization structure;
5) Analyze a company’s strategic approach to innovation management including the company culture and the role of the individuals in the process and as a result recommend strategic changes to improve a company’s innovation management.
Assignment Objective
The objectives of this assessment are to: Evaluate the philosophies and theories behind entrepreneurial behavior, incorporating the entrepreneurial personality; Differentiate between entrepreneurs, techno entrepreneurs, serial entrepreneurs, intra entrepreneurs and minority entrepreneurs, and in addition critically review the similarities, differences and the methods of management of these different groups; Critically assess an organization’s characteristics that facilitate the innovation process and apply techniques used in the development, evaluation and application of ideas and concepts with commercial potential; Plan and implement activities which will establish an innovative environment within an organization structure; and finally Analyze a company’s strategic approach to innovation management including the company culture and the role of the individuals in the process and as a result recommend strategic changes to improve a company’s innovation management.
Assignment Tasks
1. Main Assignment:
Analyse the strategic entrepreneurship and innovation
management process used by your chosen company and the realities regarding entrepreneurship and innovation in Sultanate of Oman as a country and beyond. Students should select a local company of their choice which must be approved by the faculty.
2. Individual reflection
The Individual Reflection is based on the guest lecture by the industry expert.
The main assignment is broken down into two parts:
Part 1: Discuss the Characteristics and Dynamics of Your Chosen Organisation and how Oman policy of In-Country Value Addition (ICV) could be improved for maximum benefit to the particular company and Omani companies in general.
(LO 1 and 2)
1. Describe its background;
2. Describe its nature of decision-making;
3. Describe its degree of innovativeness.
Part 2: Analyse the strategic management process used by your chosen company to drive innovation. (LO 3, 4 & 5)
1. Discuss the strategic forces that initiate the entrepreneurship and innovation activities at your chosen company and where government support comes in handy in this whole process.
2. Describe the steps in the strategic entrepreneurship and innovation process used by the company and Key Success Factors.
3. Critically discuss the measures used to determine the success of the aforementioned innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives and where higher education comes in as facilitator and promotor.
4. Analyse the factors key to the successful innovation and entrepreneurship by women in Oman and what hurdles they face along the way and possible mitigating measures.
5. In your opinion what major challenges are faced by SMEs (any two), and what would be appropriate government or business interventions to deal with them?
Special Instructions:
Journal articles: Students are required to use a minimum of ten (10) relevant entrepreneurship, innovation and SME journal articles in the body of the assignment and reference them correctlyunder Reference section. These scholarly citations must include citations by relevant professional bodies in business disciplines. ¾ of the journal citations should be 2014 to 2020 journals to be at the cutting edge of research.
*** Words count = 2500 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** I’ve uploaded file named “Proposal” to know the idea of this assignment.
*** This is the website of the company: https://riyada.om/en-us/Pages/home.aspx
Stetson University Secrets of Stonehenge Video Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
write 3 interesting things you learned from this video
example :
1. One interesting thing I learned from this video is that there are not just big stones for the Stonehenge, but also little stones and they are just as important, known as the “Blue Stones.” These stones were transported from Whales.
2. The original purpose for the Stonehenge was to act like a cremation center where bones and human material were buried within the circle. Today, these bones and parts are being dug up today to analyze them and figure out how those people used to live what they did. I would have never guessed that this location would have been used as a cremation site.
3. One final takeaway from this interesting video was how the people who built the Stonehenge felt about it. It was not just a burial ground, but was also predicted to be related to the Summer and Winter Solstices as some sort of astrological instrument. Whoever these builders were, they were very smart and precise with what they were doing because of how accurate their measurements were.
Dublin Institute of Technology The Evolution of Themed Hotels Dissertation Business Finance Assignment Help
Introduction (500 words)
Brief Background
Problem statement
Research gap
Key theory/ies and variables
The objectives and research questions of this research are as follows:
- …………………
- ………………
- ………………
Significance of study and expected contributions
What is the rationale for this study? Why do we need a study on this topic?
How is this study different from previous studies?
Brief Literature Review of the Topic (1500 words)
Critical review of previous studies (key studies by key authors) to identify:
- Theoretical Framework
- Theories support your study (Quantitative)
- Measurement Theories
- Structural Theories
- Theory generally support your area of thinking and research (Qualitative)
- Theories support your study (Quantitative)
- Quantitative research
- Dependent variable
- Independent variables
- Hypotheses
- Conceptual Framework
- Qualitative research
- Definition of key concepts based on previous studies
- Key questions and propositions for qualitative, which you aim to address
Bibliography (Assignment 1)
APA system of referencing
Word count: 2000 words
Plagiarism rate: below 20%
Dublin Institute of Technology The Evolution of Themed Hotels Dissertation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Secret of Stonehenge Full BBC Documentary 2015 Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I have a video and I want you to talk about three interesting things.
That’s an example of how to write the comments
“1. One interesting thing I learned from this video is that there are not just big stones for the Stonehenge, but also little stones and they are just as important, known as the “Blue Stones.” These stones were transported from Whales.
2. The original purpose for the Stonehenge was to act like a cremation center where bones and human material were buried within the circle. Today, these bones and parts are being dug up today to analyze them and figure out how those people used to live what they did. I would have never guessed that this location would have been used as a cremation site.
3. One final takeaway from this interesting video was how the people who built the Stonehenge felt about it. It was not just a burial ground, but was also predicted to be related to the Summer and Winter Solstices as some sort of astrological instrument. Whoever these builders were, they were very smart and precise with what they were doing because of how accurate their measurements were.”
this is the video
and also I need you to response to two discussions. I’ll send them later.
ENG 315 Strayer Importance of Social Media to The Workplace Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Due Week 6 and worth 150 points
Develop a PowerPoint presentation (12-18 slides in length). It should include a title slide, an agenda slide, body content slides, a closing slide, and a references slide (if applicable). All slides count toward the required length.
The content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace. Potential examples include the importance of companies embracing social media, advertising through social media, policies involving social media, proper professional communication through social media platforms, or any number of other angles.
The presentation must be submitted in .PPT or .PPTX format. Any other submission formats will be returned ungraded.
The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:
- Content:
- Address some aspect of social media use in the workplace.
- Organize the presentation in a clear, logical manner.
- Provide between 12-18 total slides.
- Assume your target audience is familiar with the overall concept of social media.
- Format:
- Follow the design requirements from Chapter 12-3 (pages 218-223) in BCOM9.
- Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide, and two to three (2-3) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.) throughout the presentation (not per slide), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away.
- Open with an engaging introduction (including one title slide and one introduction slide).
- For the body of your presentation, cover the main points of your subject. Create slides that reinforce and illustrate your main ideas.
- For your single closing slide, finish with a memorable wrap-up statement that refocuses on the purpose of your presentation.
- Slides should cite any relevant outside sources using footnotes on relevant slides (the source should be clearly visible to the audience) OR in SWS format (in-text citations on slides and an included references page at the end of the presentation). Choose one method or the other (do not mix both).
- Clarity / Mechanics:
- Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.
- Run spell/grammar check before submitting.
Your assignment must be completed in PowerPoint (using either .PPT or .PPTX format). Your professor may provide additional instructions.
Assignments must be submitted through the online course shell only.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
- Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar, mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.
- Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
- Develop presentation skills for use in the professional environment.
SCM 301 UCLA MOD1 CH1 Centralized and Decentralized Procurement Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
This exercise discusses the various functions of a purchasing department, reviews centralized & decentralized purchasing, and the purchasing department’s interaction with other departments. Answers are not in the book. Students should rely on information in Chapter 1, knowledge gained in SCM 301, and general logic.
If answers are not obvious to students, time should be spent pondering the concept. If the student still cannot answer the questions, internet searches are absolutely okay for reading, comprehension, and then answering the questions on his or her own. If the student copies information form the website, he/she has committed plagiarism and will be subject to all penalties associated with it including potentially failing and being removed from this course.
This assignment is designed to challenge you to review, research, and think. Deductions will be taken for incomplete assignments or responses that have not been thought out.
BUS 302 Strayer University Complementary Partners Leadership Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Assignment 2: Complementary Partners
Due Week 6 and worth 200 points
Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a document that discusses the main components of leadership and corporate culture.
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:
- Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict.
- Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization.
- Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace.
- Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) . The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Describe the primary functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling) and the associated skills, tools, and theoretical approaches that can be used to accomplish these functions.
- Explain the principal theories of leadership and motivation, and describe the fundamental considerations in managing and motivating individual and group behavior.
- Describe actions to improve communications, manage conflict, develop strong organizational culture, and improve the ethical behavior in organizations.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues in management concepts.
- Write clearly and concisely about management concepts using proper writing mechanics.
Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 200 |
Assignment 2: Complementary Partners |
Criteria |
Unacceptable |
Meets Minimum Expectations |
Fair |
Proficient |
Exemplary |
1. Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. |
Did not submit or incompletely addressed a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. |
Insufficiently addressed a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. |
Partially addressed a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. |
Satisfactorily addressed a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. |
Thoroughly addressed a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict. |
2. Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. |
Did not submit or incompletely discussed a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. |
Insufficiently discussed a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. |
Partially discussed a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. |
Satisfactorily discussed a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. |
Thoroughly discussed a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization. |
3. Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. |
Did not submit or incompletely described some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. |
Insufficiently described some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. |
Partially described some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. |
Satisfactorily described some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. |
Thoroughly described some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace. |
4. Follow Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) requirements for format, in-text citation of quotes and paraphrases, and references page. |
Did not complete the assignment or had more than 9 errors in following SWS requirements. |
Had 8-9 errors in following SWS requirements. |
Had 6-7 different errors in following SWS requirements. |
Had 4-5 different errors in following SWS requirements. |
Had 0-3 different errors in following SWS requirements. |
5. Follow guidelines for clear and organized writing: include an introductory and concluding paragraph; address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. |
Did not submit or incompletely followed guidelines for clear and organized writing. |
Insufficiently followed guidelines for clear and organized writing: did not include an introductory and / or concluding paragraph; did not address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. |
Partially followed guidelines for clear and organized writing: included a partially developed introductory and / or concluding paragraph; partially addressed main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. |
Sufficiently followed guidelines for clear and organized writing: included an introductory and concluding paragraph; sufficiently addressed main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. |
Fully followed guidelines for clear and organized writing: included an engaging introductory and thoughtful concluding paragraph; fully addressed main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and detailed supporting sentences. |
6. Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling. |
Did not complete the assignment or had more than 9 errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling. |
Had 8-9 errors in grammar, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling. |
Had 6-7 different errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling. |
Had 4-5 different errors in grammar, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling. |
Had 0-3 different errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, spelling. |
to view the grading rubric.