EN 2150 National Social Media Communication by Kimberly Clark Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. EN 2150 National Social Media Communication by Kimberly Clark Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.
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LP01 Assignment Dropbox: Professional Social Media Communication
Choose a well-known company in the industry in which you are preparing for a career. Locate some of the company’s social media websites, such as Facebook, Linked In, YouTube, and Twitter. If you do not have accounts with these social media websites, you should still go to their pages and see what you can access from a “guest” perspective.
Analyze how the company or organization uses each of the 4 social media websites.
- Do they use social media for advertising?
- Communicating with customers?
- News?
- What else?
Take notes as you review each social media website; you should be able to give a specific example of each communicative purpose you identify.
After completing your review and analysis, write a 2 page essay summarizing your findings. Be sure to explicitly explain what you found on each social media website.
Your essay should be a minimum of 500 words (2 pages), double-spaced, and in 12-point Times New Roman or similar font.
Submit this assignment to the dropbox “LP01 Assignment: Professional Social Media Communication.” You can navigate to this dropbox by clicking the “next” arrow at the top right of your screen. This assignment is worth 30 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.
Rating Scale | |
10-9 | Work meets or exceeds criterion at a high level of competence. |
8 | Work reflects an understanding of criterion with minor misunderstandings/misconceptions. |
7 | Criterion partially met, but one or more important concepts/skills are missing or flawed. |
6 | Work reflects an attempt to meet criterion, but significant misunderstandings/misconceptions are apparent. |
5-0 | Criterion not met or work is absent. |
Criteria | |
1. | Summary includes detailed information about the company or organization that the student selected. |
2. | Summary provides evidence of the student’s thoughtful review of each of the 4 social media websites. |
3. | Correct page length, grammar, spelling, and punctuation are used throughout the message. |
EN 2150 National Social Media Communication by Kimberly Clark Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Health Condition Cardiovascular Disease Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Just answer question as listed not a essay.
- My assigned health condition is cardiovascular disease .
- What are the recommendations for diet, exercise, and sleep for individuals diagnosed with your assigned health conditions?
- How do these behaviors relate to stress, if at all?
- What of the other factors you learned about in Modules 1 and 2 may be playing a role in the behaviors of patients that comply and don’t comply with these recommendations?
- Could any of these health behaviors have caused the condition or contributed to its prevention or development?
- dentify and describe at least one theory-based and evidence-based practice for increasing one or more of these health promoting behaviors (oftentimes one type of intervention will work across behaviors).
- Be sure to include references and examples from the articles you found.
SOCW 6090 Walden University McGough Experience with Schizophrenia Case Study Humanities Assignment Help
Experiences of schizophrenia are not
homogeneous; there is wide variety in onset, course of illness, and
combinations of symptoms. Social workers need to be able to understand
the different manifestations and pathways of the illness to plan
interventions. Social work services play a key role in stabilizing
crises, supporting family coping, and influencing overall quality of
life and outcomes of individuals with schizophrenia. In this Assignment,
you practice applying this necessary individualization.
To prepare: In the Learning Resources,
focus on the associated features, development, and course of the
illnesses in the schizophrenia spectrum. Also focus on descriptions of
the disorder and the way it develops for different individuals.
Choose two articles from the list in the
Learning Resources that apply to treatment support and interventions for
the schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders chapter in the
DSM 5. Choose either Saks or McGough to focus on for this assignment.
By Day 7
Submit a 3- to 4-page paper, supported by at least 4 scholarly resources (not including DSM-5 but mandatory to use), in which you address the following:
- Describe Saks’s or McGough’s experiences with schizophrenia.
Identify onset, associated features (specifically referencing the
positive and negative symptoms), development, and course. - Explain how you would use the Clinician Rated Dimensions of
Psychosis Symptom Severity measure and the WHODAS to help confirm your
diagnosis. - Explain how you would plan treatment and individualize it for Saks
or McGough. Support your response with references to scholarly
resources. In your explanation, consider the following questions:- What are the long-term challenges for someone living with the illness?
- What social, family, vocational, and medical supports are needed for long-term stabilization?
- Briefly explain how race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,
socioeconomic status, religion, or other identity characteristics may
influence an individual’s experience with schizophrenia.
Required Readings
Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
- Chapter 5, “Coping with Uncertainty” (pp. 43–56)
- Chapter 13, “Diagnosing Psychosis” (pp. 185–215)
Required Media
Article Choices for Assignment
Select at least 2 articles from the following list for the Assignment.
Optional Resources
Optional Media
EDU 6164 Walden University Child As Role Maker in a Diverse World Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment: The Child As Role Maker in a Diverse World
Very early in life, humans begin the life-long process of exploring different identities and ways to be in this world. In whatever professional role in the early childhood field you will find yourself, it will most likely include direct contact with young children and opportunities to witness, in myriad variations, this process of “role making.” Your responsibility is to be mindful of whether children feel secure or insecure in this world, powerful or powerless, safe or marginalized.
This assignment offers you the chance to study and evaluate the extent to which your identities are intertwined with the culture(s) in which you place yourself (or into which you were placed) and with the response of people around you.
In preparation, first review Chapter 7, pp. 92–105 of the course text, The Developing Child in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective on Child Developmentand pp.56–60 of the course text, Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves. Then consider the following:
- What have the readings taught you about the ways in which children try out various identities and explore role-related issues? Focus your analysis especially on issues of power, subjectivity, and responses to diversity. Be sure to reference the resources in your response.
- From the examples of children’s identities as street workers and/or soldiers, what new insights did you glean with regard to the relationship between diversity and social identities? Think about the specific roles/identities you assumed when you were a child. Why were these identities important to you? In what ways did those around you respond? How were these responses related to power and cultural inclusion/exclusion?
- Which of these childhood roles/identities have you preserved into your adulthood—and for what reason(s)?
- In what ways have the readings this week affirmed, extended, and/or modified what you learned so far about culture and diversity?
For this assignment, write an essay in which you address all four questions.
Assignment length: approximately 2 pages
Grantham University Akeelah Lack of Father Figure and Role Models Case Study Humanities Assignment Help
My Thesis: Akeelah and the Bee depicts that hardships that African American kids face growing up in a single-parent household; a household filled with its own stereotypes and judgements on what opportunities are available for kids who come from urban areas.
(You can tweak my Thesis a little if I didnt write it right)
Please post your fully formed outline here. Please include the amended thesis statement (using my feedback), indicate where you plan to use your source material, and include the works cited page.
Rasmussen College HRIS Applications Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
HRIS software helps organizations and HR departments become more effective when it’s time for talent acquisition and management. One such way is through an effective job analysis. This also helps organizations plan for the future through staffing forecasts. The purpose of this assignment is for you to delve deeper into the importance of HRIS applications and how those can be used to support HR functions such as job analysis, human resources (HR) planning, and talent acquisition and management. Keep the following information in mind as you conduct your research:
In the scenario, you are helping Hello Technology! Corporation. The company has 300 employees in three locations in the United States. The company has plans to grow 50% over the next three years. Currently, Hello Technology! Corporation utilizes Excel and Word for keeping track of employee files, payroll, and total compensation. |
Course Competency: Examine how human resource information systems can be used to support job analysis, human resources planning, and talent acquisition and management. Instructions: This week you will begin to develop your final project. For Milestone One, research HRIS applications and select three different types of HRIS applications. Conduct your research using resources from library databases (such as Business Source Complete, Business via ProQuest, and eBooks via EBSCO) and from additional credible sources. Address the following: What are the functions each HRIS type of application provides, as related to Hello Technology! Corporation’s HR roles and responsibilities? What are the deliverables each HRIS type of application provides, as related to Hello Technology! Corporation’s HR roles and responsibilities? How can implementing an HRIS application to support job analysis, HR planning, and talent acquisitions benefit the HR department of
Your assignment should include the following:
- Cover page
- Body addressing assignment questions
- What are the functions each HRIS type of application provides, as related to Hello Technology! Corporation’s HR roles and responsibilities?
- What are the deliverables each HRIS type of application provides, as related to Hello Technology! Corporation’s HR roles and responsibilities?
- How can implementing an HRIS application to support job analysis, HR planning, and talent acquisitions benefit the HR department of Hello Technology! Corporation?
- References page.
- It should be in APA format and include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage.
- For more information on APA, please visit the APA Guide.
- You should also use and cite multiple credible research sources.
Rasmussen College HRIS Applications Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CGS 2100 Valencia College Emotional Intelligence Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
In this project you will be working on the structure for a presentation about emotional intelligence. You will add footer information. You will rehearse the presentation and practice navigating through the slide show in Presenter view. You will change the handout master and print handouts for your audience.
Skills needed to complete this project:
- Changing the Order of Slides (Skill 4.2)
- Deleting Slides from Presentations (Skill 4.1)
- Hiding and Unhiding Slides (Skill 4.3)
- Checking Spelling (Skill 4.6)
- Adding Footers (Skill 4.8)
- Inserting Slide Numbers (Skill 4.10)
- Adding the Date to the Footer (Skill 4.9)
- Adding Notes (Skill 4.7)
- Rehearsing Timings (Skill 4.11)
- Starting the Slide Show (Skill 4.12)
- Navigating the Slide Show (Skill 4.13)
- Using Presentation Tools (Skill 4.14)
- Using Presenter View (Skill 4.15)
- Customizing Handout Masters (Skill 4.18)
- Printing Handouts (Skill 4.19)
- Open the PP2019-ChallengeYourself-4-4 presentation. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
- If the presentation opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the presentation so you can modify it.
- Move Slide 11 so it appears below Slide 12.
- Delete Slide 13.
- Hide Slide 7.
- Check the presentation for spelling errors and make corrections to the misspellings found.
- Correct the misspelling on the word Stressors.
- Correct the misspelling on the word purpose.
- Correct the misspelling on the word Neocortex.
- Correct the misspelling on the word decision.
- Add a footer to every slide that reads Emotional Intelligence
- Add slide numbers to every slide in the presentation.
- Add a date to the footer of every slide in the presentation using the Month Day, Year format (for example, January 1, 2020). Have the date update automatically.
- Add notes to a slide.
- Navigate to Slide 2.
- Display the Notes pane and add a note that reads Give three examples of over the top situations.
- Start the Rehearse Timings feature. Navigate through the presentation using the toolbar. Do not save the timings.
- Start the presentation and use presentation tools.
- Start the slide show from the beginning.
- Navigate through the presentation using the keyboard.
- Use the Show All Slides command to navigate to Slide 4.
- Use the Highlighter tool to highlight ‘right’ emotion, ‘right’ time, ‘right’ intensity, ‘right’ purpose, and ‘right’ way on the slide.
- Switch to Presenter view and navigate through the presentation.
- End the slide show and do not save the annotations.
- Customize the handout master by adding the text Emotional Intelligence to the header box.
- Show the footer on the handout master and add the text Presentation Handout to the footer box.
- Print handouts.
- Change the printing options so four slides appear on each page.
- Print the handouts. NOTE: If you are using this in class or in your school’s computer lab, check with your instructor about printing permissions before completing this step.
- Save and close the presentation.
- Upload and save your project file.
- Submit project for grading.
Indiana Wesleyan University Speaking Truth in Love Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Getting Started
14Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:14–16
- Bible
Background Information
How do we grow as people? How do we become mature? What does it take? According to the apostle Paul, growth is not possible without speaking the truth in love to one another. Without it, we will be tossed back and forth between teachings and deceitful philosophies, and never be grounded, secure, and strong. In making this statement, Paul clearly believes that there is something called truth and that truth objectively exists as something apart from just our opinion or what certain groups might say it is. He also tells us that this truth is grounded in Christ, who is our head. What do heads do? They understand the concepts of truth and make sure the body follows along.
We should be looking to Christ and His teachings to know what is true. Truth is what grounds us and makes us solid. Without knowing what is true, right, and good, we are susceptible to lies, deceit, and temptation. This is not what God wants for us. He wants us to be mature, complete, and built up.
Paul also clearly believes that it is important for love to be involved in the equation of hearing truth. Without love, we are told elsewhere in 1 Corinthians 13 that we are just “noisy gongs and clanging symbols.” Sometimes speaking truth without love sounds like that. A lecture, a condescending political opinion, a superior moral stance; all of these may be filled with truth but not love.
This week, consider your communication with clients, especially clients with diverse backgrounds and think about what speaking the truth in love might look like.
Lord, as your disciple Peter said, “To whom else can we go, you have the words of eternal life.” My words in and of themselves are not life, but you and your words and truth are life. Fill me today with the knowledge of your truth and make it clear that I might grow into maturity and by speaking the truth in love to others, help them also to grow. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit as my helper in this process. Amen.
- Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following discussion questions:
- How have you experienced the power of someone speaking the truth in love to you? Give an example of a situation where someone spoke truth to you in a way that helped you to change. What was it about the relationship or how they did it that made a difference?
- Write a paragraph describing how you see your role as a speaker of truth in love to those you will work with. Give examples of how you might balance these things.
- Discuss how a client’s cultural background (home life, lifestyle, beliefs, ethnicity, etc.) would change or impact the approach you use. Does their cultural perspective change the actual truth? Explain.
COLI 289F SUNY Binghamton University Computer Games and Narrative Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Respond to one of these prompts in about 400 words:
1. Gerald Prince defines a narrative as “the representation of at least two real or fictive events in a time sequence, neither of which presupposes or entails the other.” How does this definition capture the criteria of defining what narratology and narrative are, and mark the borders that separate narrative from non-narrative?
2. In light of the different definitions of “narrative” provided by Prince and others, how can computer games fit the definition and be regarded as narratives? What are the ways in which they could be studied and analyzed by narratologists?
Negotiation and Conflict Management Persuasion as it Relates to Negotiation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Select one key item and conduct a research and complete the assignment.
Key Terms:
- Influence as it Relates to Negotiation
- Persuasion as it Relates to Negotiation
- Power as it Relates to Negotiation
- Pressure as it Relates to Negotiation
DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.
Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.
EN 2150 National Social Media Communication by Kimberly Clark Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
EN 2150 National Social Media Communication by Kimberly Clark Essay Business Finance Assignment Help