EN 361 Technical Writing Texas A & M University Artificial Intelligence Thesis Writing Assignment Help. EN 361 Technical Writing Texas A & M University Artificial Intelligence Thesis Writing Assignment Help.
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Headings in the paper include the following:
Abstract – bold font
Keywords– bold font
Introduction– bold font
Other major headings as needed– bold font
Subheadings as needed– use bold font
Conclusions– bold font
References– bold font
Other requirements
Use acronyms when needed. For the first use of an acronym, type the complete phrase followed by the acronym in parentheses. For example, Bring Your Own Pencil (BYOP). After the first use, you can just use the acronym.
Minimum of 10 pages single-spaced – not including tables, figures and references
Times New Roman 12 point
Standard margins – 1in top, bottom, left and right
Do not use two columns as in the example article
‘In text” citations and the reference list at the end of the paper must be in APA format.
Tables must be identified as a Table with a number and title after the table
Figures must be identified as a Figure with a number and title after the figure
If you did not create the table or figure, you must include an ‘in text’ citation so the reader can identify the source of the figure or table.
References at end must be in alphabetic order – see article from Week 1 for indentation format for the complete reference. For each reference in the list, you must have an ‘in text’ citation in APA format. If you do not cite a paper then do not include it in the reference list. This will be checked. In the reference list, the first line of the reference will be at the left margins and all remaining lines for each reference will be indented a few spaces just like this requirement has been done.
The URLs below contain information about citing references in the text of your document, ‘in text citation’, and creating the reference list at the end of the document. Use APA format in the report for references at the end of the paper and the ‘in text’ citations.
EN 361 Technical Writing Texas A & M University Artificial Intelligence Thesis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Indiana Wesleyan Interpreting the Issue of Circumcision Acts 15 1 to 9 Report Humanities Assignment Help
- View the rubric ;to be sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- You are allowed to choose a passage of your preference from anywhere in Acts 15 or 16. Your passage should contain a complete idea or story. You should not start in the middle of something or cut a unit off early. Generally, your selection should be at least 3 verses long but no longer than 10 verses. Remember that a narrative passage may be a bit longer to get a complete scene.
- Once you have chosen your passage. You will want to read it closely, attending to its overall flow, the structure of sentences, key nouns, key verbs, and any important descriptive elements. Then you will want to consider the four contexts (immediate, literary, cultural-historical, and canonical) and see how they may inform your understanding of the passage. Remember that you can draw on the videos on “Literary Styles in the Bible,” “Cultures in and of the Bible,” and “The Story of the Bible” to help provide some material for these various contexts.
- Compose a 650-750 word paper in proper APA format that contains the following
- A brief introduction that identifies your passage and explains why you chose it (approximately 50-75 words).
- A section that explores the details of the passage’s flow, sentence structure, nouns, verbs, and descriptors (approximately 250-300 words).
- A section that explains the passage more fully by using two of the following contexts with connections to details in the passage: immediate, literary, historical-cultural, and canonical (approximately 250-300 words).
- A short conclusion that states your main takeaway from your interpretive work and how that point may apply to our time and place (approximately 100-150 words).
- Proofread your paper for content, organization, and mechanics. Save a copy for yourself and upload a copy to Brightspace.
Ashworth College Week 1 Health & Medical Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please read the Kessler and Alverson (2013) “Influence of Lifestyle, Health Behavior, and Health Indices on the Health Status of Underserved Adults” article.
For this discussion, you will assume the role of a health and wellness professional working in the setting you identified in the “Post Your Introduction” initial post. In this role, you will create a client record for a fictitious person with one of these major health issues: alcohol dependency, diabetes, obesity, tobacco use, stress, or a chronic disease. Include the required elements in your client record.
Name, Photo, and Demographic Information: Include your client’s age, gender, race, ethnicity, marital status, occupation, sexual orientation, language, religious orientations, and location of residence (country, state, and region).
Symptoms and Diagnosis: List the client’s medical diagnosis, major health risks, and any cognitive, behavioral, or physiological symptoms. List the client’s presenting problem (e.g., lack of physical activity, poor diet, negative coping skills), and any cognitive, behavioral, or physiological symptoms.
Psychosocial Factors: Describe the client’s personal and cultural background including family history, mental health disorders, substance related issues, previous treatments and beliefs systems related to culture. Assess how these factors have influenced the client’s health and wellness.
Special Considerations: List any physical, social and/or economic barriers that the client may have. This may include allergies, dietary needs, or restrictions.
Assessment: Describe the client’s current knowledge about his/her condition and level or conviction and confidence towards changing the targeted behaviors.
Guided Response: Assume the professional role you identified in the “Post Your Introduction” discussion and generate 3-5 questions you have based on the information provided in the client record. Be sure to also respond to any questions posed by your peers.
University of Aberdeen Debenhams Annual Report for 2018 Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting writing question and need guidance to help me learn.
The two parts of this 500 words essay are:
a) Considering the Debenhams Annual Report for 2018 as a whole and what you have seen relating to its cash flows, its income, and its balance sheet over the period 2014-2018. critically assess
i) Whether Debenhams has been engaged in earnings management or income smoothing during that period;
ii) Whether Debenhams should be considered a “going concern” at 1st September 2018. You should compare your views on (ii) with those of the auditors that are presented in the Annual Report. (400 words)
b) Identify which theory of accounting-related choice best explains Debenham’s decision to write-off £302.1 million of Goodwill in 2018 and justify your answer. (100 words)
LSTD 402 APUS Immigrations & Applications for US Laws on Asylums Discussion Writing Assignment Help
to apply for asylum, the applicant must have experienced a form of “persecution” in their home country.
Attached are two BIA cases (CAL.pdf and AEM.pdf). Please pick one of the attached cases to review. Please submit your essay in Word document in this assignment.
Your essay should include the following information: Who were the parties? What happened that led to this case? What lower courts heard the case and what did they decide? What did the Board of Immigration Appeals decide and what was their reasoning? What cases did the Court use to help them with their decision? What was the end result of the case? Has the case had impact on society or do you think it will in the future?
Your paper should be 1-2 pages long. Points will be deducted for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Please proofread your work – most errors are easily corrected by proofreading. When citing legal cases the case names should be done in standard Bluebook format. Example: York v. Smith, 65 U.S. 294 (1995). For further information see citation and look under the “How to Cite” section.
PRST 1010 University of Missouri Columbia The American Leisure Experience Article Writing Assignment Help
This week we’ve learned about the physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of leisure motivation. Now, we will apply those insights to your chosen emphasis area by delving into a specific leisure activity of your choice.
Assignment Guidelines
For this assignment, you will select a leisure activity from within your emphasis area. Then you will select one of the five dimensions of leisure motivation we explored this week (physical, psychological, emotional, social, or spiritual) and conduct an article search to find a scholarly/academic article that explores your leisure activity and chosen leisure motivation.
For example, you might be interested in adventure tourism, so you decide to further examine what motivates rock climbing tourists by identifying a suitable article. Again, it is up to you what leisure activity and leisure motivation dimension you want to further research. Make sure to select a scholarly/academic journal article.
Read the scholarly/academic article that you select and write a brief, concise paper (175-word maximum) that addresses the following:
- State the chosen leisure activity and specific motivation dimension
- Briefly summarize the scholarly/academic journal article you read in your own words
- Explain why you found the article interesting
- Share something you learned about motivation that you did not know before reading the article
- Cite the scholarly/academic source with an in-text citation and reference list
Style Guidelines for Submission:
- The entire paper should not exceed 175-words in total.
- Use one-inch margins
- Times New Roman or Times 12-point font
- Double space your paper
- Be sure to format your paper using APA 6th or 7th edition (Links to an external site.). (In-text citations do not count toward your word limit).
- You must select an appropriate scholarly/academic journal article for this reflection paper.
- Include a reference list (does not count towards your word limits).
15–20 points: The student completes the written assignment following the provided instructions. The paper has a limited number of grammatical and spelling errors, effective organization, and clear content, and is legible and generally well written. The paper adheres to the font, margin, and spacing criteria. The paper specifically addresses the assignment purpose.
PRST 1010 University of Missouri Columbia The American Leisure Experience Article Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Santa Monica College Pelotons Marketing Strategy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Our Topic is on the peleton, we have one source if you could use it and possibly add more sources that would be great
Hot Topics
You will be responsible for finding current event topics relating to marketing that is of interest to you. It can be on anything as long as there is a marketing angle to it. Research your topic and prepare a multimedia presentation that you will upload in Sakai under forums to share with the class. You are given up to 4 minutes. After you upload your presentation/video, please view and comment on at least 2 of your classmate’s presentations/video.
Your group will be evaluated by the following criteria:
- Topic
- Is it interesting and does it capture the viewer’s attention?
- Does the presentation tie in key class concepts?
- Is the topic relevant to marketing?
- Knowledge
- Does the presentation advance the class’s knowledge of marketing?
- Are group members knowledgeable of the topic and context?
- Are there practical tools shared to be of value in practice?
- X Factor
- Having fun
- Energetic
- Above and beyond
● Comment on classmates’ presentations/video (at least 2)
Type of Discrimination by the British Discussion Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
1. What type of discrimination did Irish immigrants face? and Why?
2. What was the view of Americans toward Chinese food in the late 19th, beginning of the 20th century? How did these events come about? (You can base your answer from the content of the text).
3. What does the author mean when he says: “Domestic cookery became an important battlefield…”?
4. Provide at least two examples of “racialization of industrial foods”
5. How did the dominant culture exercise control over minorities through food?
6. What did you learn about the relationship of race – ethnicity – & – food ? How does that relationship manifest itself?
7. What does the article explain about the relationship between ethnicity and the restaurant business?
8. Do you think that ethnic food has been Americanized OR has food from immigrant cultures been “cleansed”?
9. Why is the topic of “food deserts” so complex?
10. What do you think is the 21st century (2010’s – to present) view on race, ethnicity and food? What has been your experience?
NUR 513 GCU Advanced Practice Nurse Role Informatics Nurse Specialist Question Health Medical Assignment Help
Advanced registered nursing graduates are entering the profession at dynamic time when roles and scope of practice are shifting based on developments in legislation and policy in response to the evolving needs of the health care system. Professional nursing organizations play an important role in making sure the perspectives of advanced registered nurses are heard, and in supporting nurse specialties in their efforts to expand their scope of practice and their full participation throughout the health care system.
For this assignment, you will conduct research on the current scope of practice for your specialty and efforts that are being made to expand that scope and the role of the advanced nurse in positively influencing the health care system. Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that includes the following:
- A discussion of the scope of your future role as an advanced registered nurse, including any regulatory, certification, or accreditation agencies that define that scope.
- A discussion of three professional nursing organizations that you think are most influential in advancing the scope and influence of advanced nursing. Of these organizations, evaluate the one that you would most like to join. How do its goals and mission fit in with your worldview and philosophy of care? How might membership in this organization improve your practice?
- A discussion of a controversial or evolving issue that is most likely to affect your scope of practice or role in the next few years. How do you think this issue could influence the profession and other stakeholders, and why does it matters to the advanced registered nurse?
You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite
Argosy University Cultures and Oral Traditions of a Family Questions Humanities Assignment Help
part one
When children are adopted, they are sometimes taken from one cultural group and transplanted to another. In some cases, the adoptive families ignore or overlook the former culture. In other cases, families learn about the former culture and teach children the best that they can.
Using the Internet, South University Online Library, and other sources, conduct research on the topic of adoption and how it relates to culture, particularly with respect to parents who adopt children from dissimilar cultural groups.
In your response, address the following:
- The process of enculturation starts early and is often learned incidentally. Let’s say that an adoptive family adopts a child from a drastically different cultural group. If the family makes an effort, would it be able to teach the child about the culture of his or her biological family? Using some of the terminology from the course, elaborate your answer. Include the challenges that parents might face as they try to teach the child about a culture that is foreign to them.
- Would the educational process be more difficult for cultures that have an oral tradition? What about all of the customs and practices that are taught through demonstration and imitation?
- Consider what happens as the child grows up and interacts with others in the society. Does the age of adoption or physical appearance (e.g., the child has skin color and hair that is different from his adoptive family) play a role in whether the adoptive family should make an effort to teach the child about his or her former culture? Explain your answer.
SWB is based on how the quality of a person’s life is and how satisfied a person is with his or her life. When determining a person’s level of well-being, a person factors in things such as moods, emotion, general satisfaction, and specific satisfaction into his or her mental equation. Studies show that SWB is positively related to health, and healthy people tend to report that they are happier than unhealthy people as they do not live with pain or serious physical limitations. To some extent, SWB is also tied to wealth. However, there are other variables that are important to SWB.
In your response, address the following:
- Research SWB and wealth. Do wealthier people report greater SWB than the people who are not wealthy? Discuss the relationship between SWB and wealth—consider the spectrum of socioeconomic levels from those who cannot meet their basic needs to those who have an abundance of material possessions. Is the relationship between SWB and wealth positive and linear, or does it become less linear as people become extremely wealthy? In the context of this course, discuss whether there are cultural differences in SWB that do not seem to be simply related to wealth.
- Happiness is one way to measure SWB. Search the South University Online Library and the Internet to find scholarly research articles on happiness and well-being. Discuss your findings. Some studies indicate that there is another variable that is important for maintaining a high level of SWB. State the variable and discuss whether there is some universal aspect to this finding. (Does the outstanding variable stay relatively consistent across cultures?)
- Some societies have a relatively even wealth distribution. Discuss how the societal wealth distribution impacts the SWB of a cultural group.
part two
Depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, and high rates of comorbidity are significantly related to interconnected and co-occurrent risk factors, such as gender-based roles, stressors, and negative life experiences and events (World Health Organization, n.d.). In this discussion, review the research on treatment differences in genders.
In your discussion, address the following:
- How does gender play a critical determinant in mental health and mental illness?
- Disorders such as depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints predominately occur in women, affecting approximately one in three people in the community and constitute serious public health problems (World Health Organization, n.d.). Why do you think this occurs, and what are the implications for the family and society?
- Why are men more likely (more than three times) to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder than women? Provide a brief explanation supported with research.
- Why should we be careful not to gender-type mental disorders?