ENC 1101 MDC Perceiving What We Want in People Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help. ENC 1101 MDC Perceiving What We Want in People Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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This is by Maya Angelou. It might be a bit difficult to understand so please watch it more than once if you have to. It is pretty short and the message is great. After, tell me about a time you rose above a difficult situation. The first paragraph should be about the incident. Then tell me how you rose above. Please use three vocabulary words from vocabulary chapters 18, 19 and 20. Please highlight the words
Vocab by Chapter ENC 1101 spring – Documentos de Google-VOCABULARY CHAPTERS
ENC 1101 MDC Perceiving What We Want in People Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENGL 124 UAlberta Racism and Discrimination to International Students in Schools PPT Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a powerpoint Presentation and need a reference to help me learn.
Digital Presentation Instructions
The principle for the digital presentation is to explore an issue or topic related to intercultural communication and presents it in a way that educates your audience. Think of general audience where some may have an idea about the topic while others may have not heard about it. Thus your information should be informative at different levels. Make sure to discuss counter arguments if and when applicable.
You may pick any issue of cultural/intercultural nature: e.g. segregation and discrimination against a certain micorcultural group in your dominant culture of choice, certain celebration that a certain group in the U.S. or abroad does; origins of a particular holiday; development projects in underdeveloped countries. (examples of specific topics: amateur documentary type videos about a certain micro cultural group; video about International students at American universities and their American cultural experience; the impact of the COVID-19 and other pandemics on certain cultures or cultural groups, the effect of micro-cultural groups on food in certain cultures; stereotyping of Black (or other micro cultural groups) people in American (or some other) media; desalination plants in KSA; humanitarian crises in Darfur; the Rio carnival; origins of Christmas (or any other widely celebrated holiday) …etc).
- – The information should be enough but not overwhelming in specialization.
- – Your presentation should be between 5-7 minutes in length if recorded.
- – The presentation should also clearly reference your sources; include your references/sources within the presentation and not just as a reference list at the end.
- – Any format that you can work with will be acceptable (e,g power point with recorded voice, podcast, any video format, poster presentation; digital story…etc)
- – A minimum of five reputable sources (preferably academic and not .com or Wikipedia) are expected.
- high School style to can read it plz plz
PLST 400 Liberty University Employment Law for Business Discussion Replies Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business law discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Student Reply #1 BR
An employee has a set weekly schedule. An employee gets paid a particular amount and has taxes taken out. The employer offers benefits to its employees. Grocery Stores have paid cashiers and managers. The cashiers and managers are the employees. Grocery stores uses outside companies that come in to stock particular products or demonstrate products. Most likely some of the people are not employed by the store. The other day a man was putting out Krispy Crème donuts at the store and a customer asked him how to find something in the store. He politely said, “I’m sorry, I do not know where that is at. I do not work here. Some situations are not this simple. For example, a temporary employee who has recently turned into a full-time employee.
The three tests to determine if a person is an employee are “common-law agency test, IRS 20-factor analysis, and economic realities test.” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business 14.15,16, (9 ed. 2019). “Who has control over the employee?” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business,14 (9 ed. 2019). “Who is in control of hiring or paying said person?” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business, 14.15,16, (9 ed. 2019). “Does the person get hourly paid and benefits?” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business, 8 (9 ed. 2019). “An employer has the responsibility to pay FICA, excise tax, unemployment compensation, Medicare and state taxes.” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business 8 (9 ed. 2019). “Section 530 cites criteria to claim independent contractors.” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business, 12, (9 ed. 2019). “The company never treated the worker as an employee, and has treated all those in similar position as independent contractors.” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business, 12,14.15 (9 ed. 2019). “Federal taxes are filed with the worker as independent contractor.” Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business, 12 (9 ed. 2019).
An “at will employee” does not have a contract agreement and “either party can end the working relationship”. Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business,55 (9 ed. 2019). A company outside of Walmart may hire a person for a weekend job to put bikes or grills together. When that order is completed the working relationship may end.
A retaliation is when an employer has something against an employee who files a claim against the company and makes it very difficult for the employee to keep the job. Dawn Bennett-Alexander & Lauren Hartman, Employment Law for Business,82 (9 ed. 2019). An example: A man files sexual harassment, the company denies him is regular access to meetings and begins giving his work to another employee because he is deemed untrustworthy.
In the New International Bible, the King favor Daniel but the people around him were jealous and came up with a plan to get rid of Daniel. Daniel remained faithful to God and while doing so disobeyed the new laws that sent him to the lion’s den. Be honest and have compassion in the work you do but do not jeopardize your relationship with God. Daniel chapter 2.
Bennett-Alexander, D. and Hartman, L., 2019. Employment Law for Business. 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, pp.8,12,14.15,16,55,82.
Student #2 AP
Daniel Chapter 2 (New International Bible)
There are several tests used by the court to classify an employee, however the common-law agency test Is the predominant test used. Dawn D. Bennett-Alexander & Laura P. Hartman, Employment Law for Business 13 (9th ed. 2019). The most important factor in classifying an employee is the “right to control”. Id. The employer needs to have the right to control the work that an employee does. Id. Under the common-law agency test, courts will also consider if the worker Is paid standard wages. Id., at 14 The common law agency test will also determine employees regarding employment taxes. Id.
The difference between an employee and an independent contractor can also be defined by the IRS 20-factor Analysis. Id. at 15. In their publication, “Internal Revenue Service ‘Independent Contractor or Employee? Publication 1779” the IRS asked 20 questions to determine whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor. Id. A few of the questions include training – whether or not the employer trained the employee which indicates the employer’s control, if the employer hires, supervises and pays assistant, if there are set hours of work and if the work is performed on the employer’s premises. Id.
An example of an employee is a floor worker at Trader Joes. They are required to work a set number of hours, clock in and clock out at the end of their shift, work on Trader Joe’s premises, retrieve their floor assignments from management, and are paid hourly. Trader Joe’s management also has the right terminate the employee’s employment. Trader joe’s employees are only allowed to do what is authorized under Trader Joes employment during their work hours.
An independent contractor, however, is a person who will contract with a person to complete a task using their own methods. Id at 7. An independent contractor generally has the freedom to complete their jobs without the direction or supervision of an employer. Id.
The at-will employment rule is that either party in an employer-employee relationship may terminate the relationship at any time. Id. at 55. However, the termination cannot be for prohibit reasons. Id. Thus, the parties can leave the relationship at any time. Id. If an employer chooses to terminate the relationship due to, for example, an employee’s sexual orientation, then that is discriminatory and is illegal. Id. Exceptions to the at-will rule also include, if any employee refuses to break the law on behalf of the employer, and the employer terminates the relationship, exercising a statutory right, fulfilling a statutory duty such as reporting for jury duty or reporting violations by the employer. Id. at 57
As Christians, we owe our employers obedience and respect, and to work well with sincerity and genuineness. Ephesians 6:5-9 ESV. If we work well, and conduct our selves with our employers the Christian way, then the Lord will cover us. Id. This still stays the same regarding this weeks readings, because as employees in the world today, we should conduct ourselves with morals, obedience and respect. And should an employer decide to conduct themselves in a negative way that is illegal or detrimental, then we as Christians have a duty to remove ourselves from that employment.
St Thomas University All Developmental Stage of Life Health Maintenance Plans Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Health Prom & Dis Prevent.Module 7 Assignment
Health Maintenance Plan for a Selected Population
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a health maintenance plan for a selected population.
Your paper should:
1. Assess, develop, and recommend health maintenance plans for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice.
2. Apply evidence-based guidelines to the identification and prevention of significant healthcare problems affecting populations at risk.
Submission Instructions:
The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper should be formatted per current APA and 4-5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. The bibliography should be from 2016 – 2021.
See attached document for
Lecture Materials & Resources
Grossmont The Next Shortage Thats Making the Auto Industry Nervous Summary Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics discussion question and need support to help me learn.
Please complete the following:
For this discussion post, please find a recent example of economics in the news, briefly describe the article, properly define economics terms used, and list at least one question you have that was either left unanswered or that the article inspired in you. So, what specifically do I mean by all that?
- Find a news article (or video) and attach to your post (or provide the link). This must be a news article appearing anytime afterApril 2, 2021.
- Briefly summarize the article in your own words. (This should be roughly one paragraph in length; a paragraph is generally 3 – 5 sentences).
- Please make a statement as to the veracity of your source. For example, is your source a state-owned propaganda media site? You can tell by researching whether your source is biased in a particular direction. This only needs to be one or two sentences describing how you have verified your source.
- How is economics used or mentioned in this article? For example, is it an article specifically about an economic topic (eg unemployment), or is it about something different but featuring economic concepts? In your answer, be sure to also define any economics terms you use and define them in simple terms that anyone can understand (this means you will say something like “scarcity means the concept that there is not enough to satisfy everyone’s wants and needs” etc).
- What question(s) were left unanswered in this article? Alternatively, what question(s) did this article spark in you?
In searching for your article, please use any legitimate media source (avoid any propaganda agencies; see question 3 above). You do not need to use the library resources to complete this discussion board posting, though you may do so if you like. Feel free to also post comments on your classmates’ postings as well!
Post University Language Acquisition & Innate Ability of Learning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
1. In your opinion, is language acquisition learned, innate, or an interaction of the two? Defend your answer and use specific examples to elaborate your response (175 word minimum).
2. Five year old Nora’s parents speak Spanish at home, but all her classes at school are in English. Do you think Nora’s language acquisition, academic success, or cognitive growth will be hindered or helped by exposure to two languages? Explain your answer (175 word minimum)
3. Ann attends her son’s graduation from high school. She is so proud of him because he struggled academically throughout school. She is also proud of herself because she helped him to succeed by instilling self-confidence in him, setting goals, providing tutors, and fully supporting him throughout this process. According to Maslow, Ann has reached the ______________________stage of motivation. Define the stage you chose (and the other stages as well) and explain why you chose this stage (as opposed to the other stages).
4. Three major theories of emotion are the James-Lange theory, Schachter-Singer theory, and Canon-Bard theory. Compare and contrast two of these three theories of emotion (150 word minimum).
Post University Language Acquisition & Innate Ability of Learning Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UON The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down Health Care Providers Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical case study and need support to help me study.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Over the semester, you learned about the impact of culture/cultural norms and religion on peoples’ approach to health and wellness. What are some most important driving and restraining forces towards certain health behaviors? It would differ among individuals and their perspectives.
The following assignment will require you to comprehensively approach this topic and demonstrate your ability to critically analyze evidence from a diversity of perspectives to formulate a position related to an issue of personal and social responsibility . The assignment may also require some additional research/readings outside the class material.
Please read the following case study and respond to all questions listed at the end. As you are responding to questions, please keep the following in mind:
1. Respond to ALL questions using a comprehensive approach. It is expected that your responses will include at least 2 solid paragraphs per each listed question.
2. Clearly defend your position, which should be supported by literature/references/citations
5. Use the evaluation rubric as a guide regarding expectations. I strongly encourage you to use the rubric as you are preparing and writing your responses.
BUS 303 AU Developing and Carrying out The Management Process Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.
A job description is a useful tool that describes all the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a position. The primary function of this assignment is to increase understanding of the critical elements in a job description and its alignment to the HRM process and to talent acquisition. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article Job Worth Doing: Update Descriptions (Links to an external site.), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook (Links to an external site.), the guide Best Practices and Emerging Trends in Recruitment and Selection, (Links to an external site.) and the web page Employers (Links to an external site.) from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
In your paper,
- Discuss how a job description is a function of management.
- Consider the following areas of a job description below and explain how these components contribute to an effective performance management system:
- Tasks
- Tools and technology
- Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)
- Education requirements
- Explain the legal components in a job description as it relates to the EEOC.
- Describe at least two assessment methods that can be used when recruiting qualified candidates and how those two methods are appropriate for meeting organizational objectives.
2- 3 pages double space
The University of Texas at Dallas American Civil War Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me study.
I need 3 to 4 pages with 2 citations, MLA Style About :the topic is :(American Civil War (individuals, causes/effects, campaigns, etc.) Please follow instructions
- Contain at least one (1) primary source and at least two (2) secondary sources;
- Use one of these three prompts to guide your writing:
- Scenario #1: No one has written about my topic. Despite this scholarly neglect, my paper explains the significance of my research topic and offers a provisional interpretation of this new material.
- Scenario #2: A few scholars have written about my topic, but gaps and deficiencies in the literature still exist. My paper examines new or different evidence to correct these shortcomings.
- Scenario #3: Many scholars have written about my topic. Despite this attention, my paper calls for a reassessment of the existing literature based on recent findings, new methodologies, or original questions.
Maryland Global Campus Week 5 Understanding the Need for Innovation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
Margot Smithfield is asking for your input to help her understanding and ensure she does not overlook anything important to the success of introducing a new furniture product line to the current Smithfield product line. She has requested that you send her a single-spaced summary, using only course readings and proper citations, that addresses (in the order they are listed) the issues she believes she needs to be aware of related to communications and decision making.
ENC 1101 MDC Perceiving What We Want in People Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
ENC 1101 MDC Perceiving What We Want in People Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help