ENC 3213 Seminole State College Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals Paper Writing Assignment Help

ENC 3213 Seminole State College Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals Paper Writing Assignment Help. ENC 3213 Seminole State College Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Writing Assignment 2 – Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals

For this assignment, you will use the same business you used for Writing 1.

Note that this assignment has 4 parts:

For your dream business, write the following documents:

  1. A press release announcing the opening of the business. (25 points)
    b. A newsletter with several short articles that would interest customers or clients of your

business. (25 points)

  1. A flyer that will be used to attract interest and customers to your company. It must

have visuals to enhance its appeal. (25 points)

  1. Visuals which will enhance any documents pertaining to the product or service your business offers. (25 points)

***attached is business proposal and logo from wrtiting assigment one****

Note: The visuals should be placed in both the newsletter and flyer, but they don’t have to be the same visuals for both.


ENC 3213 Seminole State College Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Santa Clara University Case Studies and Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help

1.) If you were a manufacturer of fertility drugs, would you voluntarily disclose the study information?

2.) Explain the impact of private equity firm acquisition of manufacturing and retail firms.

3.) Discuss following terms

a.) Codes of Ethics

b.) Sustainability

4.) Discuss the case study and answer the questions at the end of case study. The link was mentioned below:


5.) Discuss the case study and answer the questions at the end of case study. The link was mentioned below:



For Questions, 1, 2 please write minimum 500 words answer for each question

For 3rd question, please write minimum of 600 words for each a.), b.) sections, total 1000-1200 words for 3rd question answer.

For 4th question, please write minimum of 200 words for each a.) – e.) sections, total 800-1000 words for 4th question answer.

For 5th question, please write minimum of 200 words for each a.) – d.) sections, total 800-1000 words for 4th question answer.

Also provide minimum 2-3 references for each answer. Extract references from academic journals or peer reviewed articles

Please follow minimum word count for each question/answer.

Avoid plagiarism and grammatical errors.


San Jose State University Business Environment Questions Paper Computer Science Assignment Help


What must companies focus on in order to survive in today’s business environment?

Length: 4-5 paragraphs (at least 110 words per paragraph).

Minimum 2 references—— All references should be from the years 2007 to present day


Read the case: Prime Bank of Massachusetts.Develop a list of changes for the operations function that should be considered by the bank. Use at least one unique reference.Begin by identifying operations management decisions that would be involved in operating a bank, for example, layout of facility, staff, drive-through service. Then identify ways that they can be improved at Prime Bank in order to support the strategy focused on customer service.

Length: 4-5 paragraphs (at least 110 words per paragraph).

Minimum 2 references—— All references should be from the years 2007 to present day


In the product screening stage of new product development, what are some questions that may need to be explored by the operations function? By marketing? By finance?.

Length: 4-5 paragraphs (at least 110 words per paragraph).

Minimum 2 references—— All references should be from the years 2007 to present day


Describe how consumers can use the Internet to shop in new ways. Use at least two unique references.

Length: 4-5 paragraphs (at least 110 words per paragraph).

Minimum 2 references—— All references should be from the years 2007 to present day


References should be listed immediately after the question

Please check Plagiarism

APA Format

Reference Books

1.Title: Information Systems for Business and Beyond

Authors: David Bourgeois

Publisher: https://opentextbook.site/informationsystems2019/

Publication Date: 2019

Edition: Updated August 1, 2019

2.Title: Information Technology and Organizational Learning

ISBN: 9781138238589

Authors: Arthur M. Langer

Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2018

Edition: 3rd


BUS 128 GCC Northern Lumber Company Assignment Approval Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Weekly Communications: Provide a Seven Weekly Commutations (175 points, 7 @ 30 points each). Formats on communications will vary from week to week dependent on the related instruction. Go to the assignment tab for directions for each week. Do Not Assume the Assignment will be the Same Format for the Entire Course. Refer to BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY for background information on the selected format.
    Each week you provide a form a communication to the CEO (Instructor) via CANVAS answering any questions or concern he may have.
    The Assignment will be:
     Brief (1-page, 12 Font, single spaced).
     Cover the key areas and objectives of the Lessons and assigned reading.
     Provide research, opportunities and to solutions for the topic given that week.
     Be in the assigned format for that week.

Assignment Rubric Points
1. Compliance with all directions, correct format following standard grammar. 50%
2. Content was logical, well written, and demonstrated adequate topic research. 25%
3. No evidence of plagiarism. All sources properly sited. 25%
Total 100%

Week 6:
Assignment Topic: Build basic Power Point format. Submit introduction slide and one content slide for approved by the CEO. Include with slides a short memo outlining the slide for approval. A good example is in your text page 247 figure 9-13.
Format: Power Point slide in PDF format
Submit: PDF draft via CANVAS to CEO Bud Rose for approval
4. Company: Northern Arizona Lumber
5. Specialization: global fine lumber distributions company specializing in ancient wood products.
6. Company Location: Flagstaff, AZ


HMD 305 UNLV Managing Hospitality Organizational Behaviors Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete question 5 and 6 from group exercise.

(1.In no less than 100 words, propose ONE recommendation for an integrative resort to help its employees to deal with work-family conflict. Provide a guideline on how the organization can implement this stress management practice (e.g., who should be the target employees that benefit from the practice? what is the application/ selection process? What are the hours/ date to implement the practice? how much would this practice cost?). Hint: Stress management practices are organization-wide practices. (2 points: 1 point for a relevant recommendation, 1 point for implementation details)



Columbia Southern University Internal Migration Social Shift Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Most migration is internal, and there are three main reasons why people move internally in their country: age, employment, and a location’s physical environment. Write a two-page essay about the impact of internal migration on your state or a state where you previously resided.

  • How has the population changed in your state over the past 5 years?
  • Is your state gaining or losing residents?
  • Where are the residents mainly coming from or going to?
  • What are the push-pull factors accounting for the population changes?
  • What economic and environmental impacts are the population changes having in your state?
  • Conclude the essay with a section discussing your own internal migration story. Have you moved within or between states? What were the push and pull factors relating to your move or moves? If you have not moved, please list some of the factors that have kept you from moving.

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

Columbia Southern University Internal Migration Social Shift Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CIS 256O College of Southern Maryland Encapsulate Lists Java Data Structures Homework 5 Computer Science Assignment Help

This homework will teach you a secure way to encapsulate lists and give you practice using it to accomplish tasks

The list package contains encapsulated DList and SList classes (both of which
inherit from an abstract List class). These classes differ from those we have
seen before in a critical way: each ListNode knows which List it is in. A new
invariant in our Lists is that for every ListNode x in a List l, x.myList = l,
UNLESS x is the sentinel. For any sentinel node x, x.myList = null. Because
every ListNode knows its List, we can move some of the methods from the List
class to the ListNode class.

Further information is shown in the readme.pdf included in the zip file.


Figurative Language Essay Writing Assignment Help


“What is literature, and why write about it?”, pp. 1 – 8

“Writing about Fiction: The World of the Story”, 59 – 108

Online lessons in Module 1


Adichie, pp. 209 – 217, “Tomorrow Is Too Far”

Atwood, pp. 257 – 267, “The Art of Cooking and Serving”

Butler, pp. 287 – 305, “Bloodchild”

Carver, pp. 307 – 318, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love”

Chopin, pp. 321 – 326, “Desiree’s Baby”

Devi, online, “Giribala”

Hemingway, pp. 342 – 346, “Hills Like White Elephants”

Lahiri, pp. 358 – 374, “Hell-Heaven”

Lim, online, “Paper”

Ousmane, online, “Her Three Days”

For Essay 1, your main task is to formulate and argue for an interpretation of the messages in two of the short stories you have read for our unit about short fiction. You can choose any two short stories that you think are connected, but be sure you explain how they are connected and make that part of your analysis. Choose one of the options below:

  1. How do the writers convey criticisms of social mores and social conditions surrounding women protagonists in the stories of Adichie, Chopin, Devi, Hemingway, or Sembene (pick any two)? Do you find these criticisms effective? Are criticisms embedded in stories more effective than those conveyed more directly, such as through opinion essays in newspapers or through political speeches? Explain how you find criticisms in stories more or less effective than other forms of social criticism.
  2. How do the writers convey criticisms of social mores and social conditions surrounding child protagonists in the stories of Al Shayk, Heker, Hughes, Joyce, Kashkuli, Salih, or Tan (pick any two)? Do you find these criticisms effective? Are criticisms embedded in stories more effective than those conveyed more directly, such as through opinion essays in newspapers or through political speeches? Explain how you find criticisms in stories more or less effective than other forms of social criticism.
  3. How does each writer’s choice of narrative point of view influence the reading of two texts? For example, does Hemingway’s objective-dramatic style heighten or lessen the emotional impact of his story for you? Does Devi’s detached limited omniscient pov make you more or less sympathetic toward Giribala? Would a change from first to third person (for example) change a given story substantially?
  4. How do writers use figurative language, foreshadowing, and symbolic objects to help readers gain a deeper understanding of their stories? What is revealed through such examples as Adichie’s garden and serpent in “Tomorrow …”, Carver’s use of light and alcohol in “What We Talk About …”, Lim’s paper house in “Paper”, Sembene’s use of Noumbe’s heart medicine in “Her Three Days”, or Tan’s piano and the musical pieces in “Two Kinds”? Feel free to use other examples from other stories.

To support your claims, you must refer to ideas and examples from two of the texts we have read in the past few weeks. In addition, draw on your own experiences, and feel free to consider any other material collected through background research about the stories. You may also use material from any additional source in LCR if you so choose. Remember to cite your sources and include them in a bibliography at the end of your essay.


Columbia Southern University Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Create a PowerPoint presentation that you might deliver to administration on the following topic:

Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

In the presentation, you need to explain federally prohibited gender discrimination, sexual harassment in the workplace, and the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Also, discuss affirmative action plans your company may institute. The purpose of the presentation is to educate administration on prevention and detection of workplace discrimination. Provide a transcript of what you might say for each slide in the notes section.

The PowerPoint should have at least 10 slides, not including a title slide with the title and your name and a reference slide(s) with five to seven references (two of those references must come from the two documents attached). It should follow APA style for citing and referencing.


SFU Ethical and Societal Concerns of Computer Science Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Can use or not use book – if you can that will be great to answer it accurately
PART 1 TEXT BOOK – From the E&T text BOOK (Chapter 1): Ethics & Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology (5th ed.), Herman T. Tavani (author), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (publishers)-E&T (2016)

  • Part One

    Q.21=> “Assess Don Gotterbarn’s arguments for the claim that computer ethics is, at bottom, a field whose primary concern should focus on moral responsibility issues for computer professionals. Do you agree with his position?”

    • Length of answers to these questions: 2 or more PARAGRAPHS (for the answer). If you use information from the texts, include in-text citations.

      PART 2 TEXT BOOK -From the Spinello text BOOK (Chapter 1): Cyberethics (7th ed.), Richard Spinello (author), Jones & Bartlett (publishers) – CE (2021)

      • Part Two
      • Read Chapter One
        • Length of answer to these questions: 2 or more PARAGRAPHS (for the answer). If you use information from the texts, include in-text citations.
          Read the attached article.
          Incorporating considerations of reasonable pluralism, individual agency, and legitimate authority.State your opinion to the following question: Do you agree with the author’s assessments that ‘political philosophy’ should be included in making ethical decisions?

          Grading will be based on:

          • Thoroughness/Completeness of assignment
            Submitted on Time


ENC 3213 Seminole State College Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals Paper Writing Assignment Help

ENC 3213 Seminole State College Press Release, Newsletter, Flyer and Visuals Paper Writing Assignment Help

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