ENG 101 Essay about Creley’s poem Kaleigh, now she is dead analysis Writing Assignment Help. ENG 101 Essay about Creley’s poem Kaleigh, now she is dead analysis Writing Assignment Help.
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Objective: Demonstrate the connections between secondary sources and a personal reading of a primary source.
In other words: Show how your reading of a poem is supported by or in conversation with the articles that we have read.
is a form of art that is almost as old as literacy itself, but sadly,
it has in many ways fallen to the wayside of American life. Creley uses
poetry to capture his own unique sense of the world, a sense of the
world that in many ways is a reflection of the millennial generation
itself. We will use Creley’s poetry as a way to engage with some larger
conversations about what really makes the millennial generation work.
a 5 page MLA format essay, analyze how one of Creley’s poems captures
distinctly millennial perspectives or traits as identified by one of the
articles from class. Essentially, you are going to show how
one of Creley’s poems captures something uniquely millennial as
identified by the articles that we have read in class. Is it how he
approaches concepts of faith? Is it how his work blends a certain level
of education into it? Is it how he deals with suicide? Is it how he
details pension theft? Is it he how he includes a much more culturally
diverse perspective? You will want to answer at least one of these
questions and show how one of Creley’s poems directly speaks to an issue
raised by these secondary readings. Remember: This is not just an
analysis of his poem, summarizing it or even summarizing what it means
to you. You are actively analyzing his poem to show it connects to one
of the articles and the distinct qualities that a millennial possesses.
You are free to choose any poem from the collection, but I highly
recommend that you choose one we will discuss in class. Start now, and
if you would like me to view a draft, please feel free.
Remember: Just 1 poem and as many articles that you wish.
ENG 101 Essay about Creley’s poem Kaleigh, now she is dead analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Vail Ski Resorts Goes High-Tech for High Touch Writing Assignment Help
List and describe the types of systems described in this case study
How do these systems improve the operation of the business
How do these systems support decision-making? Identify 3 different decisions that can be supported by these systems
- The questions are worded to help you apply the readings to the case, so don’t limit yourself to the case’s terminology and perspective. The best analysis will abstract the case content by applying the reading materials to draw broader lessons about the material
- The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up and including the current week in the course.
Managing Across Cultures discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
prepare a report on the above topic, Managing Across Cultures. you have been given the Introduction:
In today’s global economy, working with people from different cultures is becoming the norm. Although this brings many rewards it also introduces challenges for both workers and management alike. All managers know that motivating
their staff is the key to a successful business. To do this, they must understand what drives their staff. But what if their staff, seem to think and behave in unexpected ways? This can happen when people from very different cultures
work together. Organisations are beginning to realise the importance of training their managers to become inter-culturally competent in order to ensure their staff continue to be motivated and productive.
The main issues to be discussed in this report are:
– How culture influences working styles
– Different management styles
– The importance of training managers to become inter-culturally competent
you have to complete the following based on this introduction;
The Reading – in Reading and Resources on this Breo site :
-“Quality management: a cross-cultural perspective
You need to provide a discussion of the issues as given in the Introduction and use the reading as evidence to support your discussion
Conclude on each issue and a final conclusion.
Reference Section
*** Word count: 1400 words
*** In-Text Citation and References using Harvard style
*** Not less than 7 references
BIS 221 Hardware and Software Recommendations Computer Science Assignment Help
Read the following scenario:
Mary is a business student and is considering purchasing a new computer. She is looking for a recommendation on what to purchase to meet her needs. Mary is studying business with a finance minor. She will be doing data analysis on a regular basis using spreadsheets. She will need to write papers and collaborate with a team of students. In addition to her school work, Mary likes to listen to music, play computer games, surf the web, and store her pictures and movies in the cloud.
Write a minimum 350-word email to Mary in which you recommend key hardware and software requirements that will provide the needed functionality.
Include the following recommendations in your analysis:
- Minimum hardware specifications
- Peripherals
- Key software applications
- Key utilities to consider
- Security protocol related to security concerns
Cite a minimum of three website resources where the information was found.
Copy your email to Mary, including citations, into a Microsoft® Word document.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word document.
Used with permission from Microsoft.
The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health Other Assignment Help
Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of
Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750-1,000
word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing
practice. Include the following:
- Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and
explain why these are significant to nursing practice. - Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing
education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and
opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses. - Explain why it is
important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs
of an aging and increasingly diverse population. - Discuss
the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning,
and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life
span and within the health-illness continuum. - Discuss how
nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an
evolving health care system.
Prepare this according to the guidelines found in the APA
Style Guide
Child Development Observation Humanities Assignment Help
I need two different versions of this paper one for me and one for my friend. It must be 100% different we are u the same class and the same teacher.
Toddler & Child Observation
Purpose: To analyze and examine why children behave the way they do; to learn why milestones are important; and compare the observation findings (data) to child development academic research and use theory to support your findings.
- 1) You will observe ONE child –who must be at least 2 years old but not older than 5 years for at least 45 minutes from Child Development Center on campus.
- 2) You will write a minimum of a 3-page report examining your findings compared to the observation research and applying a specific theory to your findings.
- 3) You
must include the following analysis in your summary:- a) Compare and contrast your observation findings to the appropriate age group milestones
- b) Critically examine and compare the observation findings to academic research and theory (Scholarly journals or books; scholarly= peer reviewed, an author’s name & year of publication)
- c) Cite using APA, 6th edition.
These items must be in the paper:
- 1) Identify the child using a made-up name to practice confidentiality. The name must be a real name not a letter, or number.
- 2) What was the activity that the children were doing…describe with detail
- 3) What are the milestones for this age
- 4) Did the child demonstrate any milestones during your observation; what were they and how do they compare to the research
- 5) Proper citations using APA including a reference page (minimum of 3 academic references, textbook counts as one)
- 6) All observation notes you make while at the Center
You are expected to:
- a) Use APA, 6th edition writing style.
- b) Use academic language with proper grammar, punctuation and demonstrate strong effort of analysis
- c) Have a reference page with 3 or more references which match the in-text references made in the report
- d) Not expected: Running head, title page, abstract
DO NOT interact with the child during the observation. Simply observe and take notes. Follow the rules of the Children’s Center.
DO NOT make assumptions about the child. Only write about what you saw—compare and contrast what you saw to the research on this age.
Child Development Observation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Martial Arts in China Outline Writing Assignment Help
1400 words APA style with references. please see attached instructions
Students will explore a cultural sport production (sport/game/human movement) of a nation linked to the students’ personal ethnicities and histories. Students will develop: 1) overview of national history, 2) overview the rules of the sport/game and its historical importance, 3) overview of the cultural importance of the sport, 4) overview expressions of cultural values in sport/game/human movement, 5) explore how this cultural product has influenced their personal/familial sport experiences and sport identities, and 6) its relation to and impact on US sport/games/human movement
the time period of your sport life your narrative will cover: 19th century (OR WHATEVER CENTURY)
the sports you will discuss: martial arts
the theories you will use: Interactionist theory, critical theory
the country where this sport was developed: China
why you chose it: China is my hometown and Wu-Shu was one of the well-known sports in China.
1 academic ref you will Use: https://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/kungfu/history.htm (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
- Introduction (1/2-1 pg)
- Optional – cite an interesting quote
- Intro sentences to topic and paper
- Statement of purpose (what you will write about and discuss do in the paper)
- Goals of paper
- Definition of terms if applicable (Stress, racism, sexism, ageism, etc…whichever terms you will be using in your paper and fit into the experiences you are discussing in the paper
- Layout structure and organization of paper information
2. Overview the Nation (1/2 – 1 pg)
- Brief history, overview of larger cultural values and sport history
3. Overview the Sport (1/2 – 1 pg)
- Rules, history, organizations
4. Expressions of Cultural Values (1 page)
- Describe and analyze the sport (this could be a specific situation, or many situations related to identities: race, sexual orientation, ageism, disability, ethnicity, occupational, religion, and/or class)
- Sociocultural influences
- Relate to journal articles, which discuss/relate/contradict in some fashion, the general nature the sport experience(s)
5. Relationship to Personal Cultural Background (1 pg)
- Describe the situation(s) or experience(s) – yet focus on larger issues and context – less play-by-play
- Explore values expressed in that sport and your family, person, and sporting choices
- How the values of that sport have affected you
- Compare and contrast your experiences and understandings of sport with research, class text, larger popular cultural occurrences
6. Summary/Conclusion (1 pg)
- Summarize the main content of paper
- Wrap up main themes of paper
- Suggest possible intervention(s) and/or social actions
- re-Reference any journal materials
- Final thoughts and looking forward
Critical Sport Autobiography Cultural Sport Narrative Paper Outline
- 4 – 6 pages of text (around 1400 words), NOT including title and reference pages
- Reference min. of 5 journal, peer-reviewed articles – the more the better (max of 1 can be used from class reader)
- See webct and class reader for examples of peer review journal articles and how to cite
- 10 or 12 pt. font, APA style, black ink, times new roman font style, white paper, indent new paragraphs, use paragraph breaks
- APA is written in past tense whenever possible (e.g. The purpose of this paper was ….The goal of this paper was…)
- Need to have in-text citations for any material noted on the reference page
- Double space lines of text
- Inside the paper – main section titles are good for organization (e.g. section title…Personal Sport Journey: Navigating Bi-culturalism in Youth Sport)
- Brief, clear, and concise writing; write with academic, formal voice
- No more than 3 direct referenced quotes in paper if possible
- Read and follow in detail the paper guidelines; see grading rubric for specifics; see webct handout on personal sport autobiography paper details
- Try to avoid overuse of personal and object pronouns (it, they); make sure tenses agree; use of I in this paper is OK, but be sparing
- Do us both a favor, use spell check and grammar check!
HSCO 509 Liberty African American Communities and Mental Health Humanities Assignment Help
Please see attachment “Mental Health-OUTLINE”
-need at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles dated within the past 5 years, in an alphabetized list. Every source that you include in the references should be cited in your paper. Double-space.APA Format
Title Page:Include a Running head and page numbers in the header. The Running head is an abbreviated title for your paper (for example, if the paper title was Substance Abuse Counseling With Latin Americans, the left header might be: Running head: SUBSTANCE ABUSE). Page numbers begin on the title page in the right header (number only). Centered on the title page, between the top and middle of the page, is the Paper Title, Your Name, and Liberty University (no other information). Use Times New Roman, 12 point font for academic papers.
Abstract:The abstract is a summary of what you cover in your paper; this differs from the introduction. Center the Abstract heading (do not bold) on p. 2. The abstract is one paragraph, not indented, double-spaced, with no direct quotes or citations. The abstract is between 150-250 words. It should be in past or present tense, not future tense. Do not use personal language (I, me, we, my, for example) in the abstract. The abstract should be alone on page 2.
Do not include the topic rationale you write in Week 2, the outline you write in Week 3, or the annotated bibliography you write in Week 4, in your final paper. These are tools to help you prepare and write your final paper. The body of the paper (not including the title page, abstract, or references) should be 8-10 pages.
Introduction:One paragraph where you introduce the paper. Do not use a heading for the introductory paragraph. This goes below the paper title (centered at the top of the first page of text, which will be p. 3). ½ page
Keep in mind, that each section below must be based on your research from journal articles (not blogs, newspaper articles, books, or book reviews). There should be citations in each section of the body of your paper. Do not use first person pronouns (I/we/me/my/myself, for example) as research papers are not based on opinion or personal perspective.
Cultural Awareness
In the first section, include recent research on the topic and culture. Give recent statistics (prevalence rates, information on geographic or population clusters). Aim to include what is important for colleagues to know to best work with this population to meet the specific need you are researching. Some examples of information to explore here include: family dynamics (child-rearing practices, parental roles, obligations of children to parents, nature of relationships among family members, kinship bonds, gender roles, aging, extended family, clan, role of elders, tribal councils, etc.); political and economic concerns (poverty and income levels, value of education, unemployment, reservations/Bureau of Indian Affairs, immigration, etc.); communication (bilingualism, nonverbal/body language, personal space, problem-solving, silence, eye movement, music/dance/art as communication, concept of time). 3-4 pages
Counseling Approach
In the second section, identify specific strategies and approaches to use with this population to address the needs explored in the previous section. Have you ever gone to a conference where the presenter spent the entire time talking about what the problem was, and you thought to yourself, now what? This section is just as important as the previous section. Devote equal space to researching and explaining strategies, approaches, and methods for meeting the need. Identify specific counseling therapies and techniques that you believe would work best with this population, explaining why and how you would use this approach. Some examples of popular counseling therapies include existential therapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, rational emotive behavior-therapy, reality therapy, family systems theory, solution-focused therapy, narrative therapy, and creative arts therapies. I encourage you to look for non-Western based counseling approaches to write about in this section, or consider how you could adapt Western-based approaches. You may want to search for culture AND counseling; for example, Latin Americans AND counseling. 3-4 pages
Religious and Spiritual Application
In the final section, give biblical application to the topic you have been examining. Specifically examine counseling, life coaching, and/or human services from a faith-based approach. For example, if your paper looked at substance abuse, explore research on faith-based programs, and discuss why this would be meaningful for the culture you are focusing on. Explore the unique beliefs, values, ways of thinking, and expressing faith, religion, and spirituality in the culture you are researching. What is typically viewed as the role of the church for this culture? What is the common view of life after death? 1 page
End with a concise Conclusionparagraph where you summarize what you covered in the paper, and include ideas for future research needed on this topic. ½ page
References: Begin on a new page. Center (do not bold) the References heading at the top of the page. You need at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles dated within the past 5 years, in an alphabetized list. Every source that you include in the references should be cited in your paper. Double-space.
PICOT format discussion Writing Assignment Help
Formulate a clinical question using the PICOT format.
P: Patient Population
I: Intervention or area on Interest
C: Comparison intervention or group
O: Outcome
T: Time
Ex: “In acute care hospitals (patient population), how does having a rapid response team (intervention) compared with not having a response team (comparison) affect the number of cardiac arrests (outcome) during a three-month period (time)?”
- Reason for choosing this topic
- The PICOT question
- Possible integration of the evidenced that you found in clinical practice
- Methods to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation
- Your staff development PPT presentation will include the information from your written paper in 10-12 slides (including a title and reference slide in APA format). Make sure to include speaker notes at the bottom of your slide to explain the content of your slide.
The Evolution of a Claim Writing Assignment Help
For Unit 2, we will be exploring the topic of “Fake News & the Unstable State of Journalism.” Below are two really important resources for you. One is a PowerPoint that will guide you through the introduction to this unit, and the other is a handout called “The Evolution of a Claim.” You will be submitting this handout after you watch the videos in this introduction, so it’s really important that you download it, and fill it out as you watch them. I recommend you open the PowerPoint in another tab and make sure you save the “Evolution of a Claim” handout to your computer or Google Drive so you don’t lose your work. Please note that if for some reason, the videos don’t play in the PowerPoint, I have embedded them below as well. There is also a PDF version of the PowerPoint available.
Now that you have watched some videos in the introductory PowerPoint for this unit and filled out “The Evolution of a Claim” handout, please upload your handout to the submission area. This is a credit/no credit assignment, so as long as you filled out the boxes with your own ideas, you will get full credit. Please make sure you do not upload a blank document.
- Introduction (1/2-1 pg)
- Optional – cite an interesting quote
- Intro sentences to topic and paper
- Statement of purpose (what you will write about and discuss do in the paper)
- Goals of paper
- Definition of terms if applicable (Stress, racism, sexism, ageism, etc…whichever terms you will be using in your paper and fit into the experiences you are discussing in the paper
- Layout structure and organization of paper information
2. Overview the Nation (1/2 – 1 pg)
- Brief history, overview of larger cultural values and sport history
3. Overview the Sport (1/2 – 1 pg)
- Rules, history, organizations
4. Expressions of Cultural Values (1 page)
- Describe and analyze the sport (this could be a specific situation, or many situations related to identities: race, sexual orientation, ageism, disability, ethnicity, occupational, religion, and/or class)
- Sociocultural influences
- Relate to journal articles, which discuss/relate/contradict in some fashion, the general nature the sport experience(s)
5. Relationship to Personal Cultural Background (1 pg)
- Describe the situation(s) or experience(s) – yet focus on larger issues and context – less play-by-play
- Explore values expressed in that sport and your family, person, and sporting choices
- How the values of that sport have affected you
- Compare and contrast your experiences and understandings of sport with research, class text, larger popular cultural occurrences
6. Summary/Conclusion (1 pg)
- Summarize the main content of paper
- Wrap up main themes of paper
- Suggest possible intervention(s) and/or social actions
- re-Reference any journal materials
- Final thoughts and looking forward
Critical Sport Autobiography Cultural Sport Narrative Paper Outline
- 4 – 6 pages of text (around 1400 words), NOT including title and reference pages
- Reference min. of 5 journal, peer-reviewed articles – the more the better (max of 1 can be used from class reader)
- See webct and class reader for examples of peer review journal articles and how to cite
- 10 or 12 pt. font, APA style, black ink, times new roman font style, white paper, indent new paragraphs, use paragraph breaks
- APA is written in past tense whenever possible (e.g. The purpose of this paper was ….The goal of this paper was…)
- Need to have in-text citations for any material noted on the reference page
- Double space lines of text
- Inside the paper – main section titles are good for organization (e.g. section title…Personal Sport Journey: Navigating Bi-culturalism in Youth Sport)
- Brief, clear, and concise writing; write with academic, formal voice
- No more than 3 direct referenced quotes in paper if possible
- Read and follow in detail the paper guidelines; see grading rubric for specifics; see webct handout on personal sport autobiography paper details
- Try to avoid overuse of personal and object pronouns (it, they); make sure tenses agree; use of I in this paper is OK, but be sparing
- Do us both a favor, use spell check and grammar check!