ENG 102 MSU Police Brutality in Minneapolis & Defense of Police Officers Essay Writing Assignment Help. ENG 102 MSU Police Brutality in Minneapolis & Defense of Police Officers Essay Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Identify an audience who can benefit from and participate in the solution your proposal addresses. In other words, think of a specific rhetorical situation and opportunity.To do this, first identify a problem with a clear solution. As you are drafting, consider how you are supporting your claims about the text. Refer to specific evidence from your research (using quotes and other concrete details) to define the problem. At the same time, consider the balance between problem and solution in your writing. Remember that your job is not to summarize what has already been said about the issue to your reader. Your job is to articulate a clear solution in enough detail for it to be persuasive.
ENG 102 MSU Police Brutality in Minneapolis & Defense of Police Officers Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Colorado State University Carbon Footprint and Sustainable Living Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a environmental science writing question and need support to help me understand better.
Option #1: Carbon Footprint and Sustainable Living Paper
In this laboratory exercise, you will investigate how your daily activities impact the environment. You will calculate your carbon footprint and then determine how you can alter your habits to live a more sustainable life.
Complete all sections of the Carbon Footprint and Sustainable Living laboratory exercise, in your Environmental Science Lab Kit from Hands-On Labs, Inc. Fill out all parts of the worksheet. It will not be necessary to submit your original worksheet for this assignment.
In a Word document, discuss all parts of this lab activity. Your essay should include the answers to all the worksheet questions. Do not include the original questions. Your answers should be presented in flowing paragraph form. Be sure to include all data tables and graphs from this activity in your paper.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 3-4 pages in length (excluding tables, graphs, and other visuals, title page, or references list)
- Include 1-2 outside sources
- Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Option #2: Carbon Footprint and Sustainable Living Video
In this laboratory exercise, you will investigate how your daily activities impact the environment. You will calculate your carbon footprint and then determine how you can alter your habits to live a more sustainable life.
Complete all sections of the Carbon Footprint and Sustainable Living laboratory exercise, in your Environmental Science Lab Kit from Hands-On Labs, Inc. Fill out all parts of the worksheet. It will not be necessary to submit your original worksheet for this assignment.
In a recorded video of approximately 5-10 minutes, discuss all parts of this lab activity. Your presentation should include the answers to all the worksheet questions. Be sure to show all data tables and graphs from this activity in your video. References and citations should be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). and be provided on a separate paper that you turn in. To submit your video itself, please upload it to the web (YouTube, for example) and provide the URL where it can be accessed. Please do not attempt to upload your video directly to the CSU Global classroom.
Stevenson University The Impact Covid 19 has on Mental Health Professionals Proposal Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Directions below: Part I is attached
typed in APA Style, Please use 12 point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins all around. Use the lettered headings in the outline below as headings for your paper. Provide references (citations in text) throughout, as appropriate per the current APA style manual. Please include a “Cover Page” and “ References” page for each paper. Use the same title and running head for both papers.
Content requirements are provided below. Please address the items below in the narrative of your papers in paragraph style. Do not use a bulleted format and do not state then answer the questions. The outline is intended to guide you in what to include in each section. However, the paper is written in a narrative style.
Paper II should include
(Total 6 pages not including Cover Page, Table of Contents, Abstract, References, Appendices)
Cover page for Paper II with same title and running head as Paper I
Table of Contents for Paper II
Abstract of Paper I (1-2 paragraphs)
III. Method
A. Variable Specification
- State the independent and dependent variables for your study. Please limit yourself to one of each to keep things simple.
- Provide conceptual (nominal) definitions for each. Briefly discuss how these variables fit with the human behavior theory you selected to conceptualize your study.
- State how will you measure the independent and dependent variables (operational definitions). Describe each measure to be used. Provide information on reliability and validity if applicable. Comment on the strengths and limitations of using each measure with your intended sample. What are the diversity considerations, if any, related to sampling?
- State the demographic data will you collect on your participants.
B. Design Specification State the specific study design you propose to use to answer your research question (i.e. true experimental, cohort, pre-post one group, etc.) It is not sufficient to only indicate longitudinal or cross sectional. State a specific design and provide a full explanation as to why you selected it and why you rejected other possible designs (i.e., why this is the best design for your situation based on research methods available and feasibility for the study within the context it would occur).
C. Participants/Sampling
- Describe the desired demographic characteristics of the participants of your study.
- State how many participants you propose to include in the study and justify your number.
- Describe how you would recruit and select participants. How would you identify people who would participate? If you plan to use a random sample, how would you obtain a sampling frame? What procedures would you use to select potential participants from the sampling frame? How would you solicit potential participants? Where would you “find” them?
D. Protecting Participants from Harm
- What level of risk does this study represent for participants (low, medium, high)? State how you would protect the privacy of the participants and otherwise protect them from being harmed in the conduct of your study. Where will you store data collected and signed consent forms? How will you prevent signed consent forms and other identifying information from being associated with individual participants when storing the data?
- Describe the procedures you would use for ensuring informed consent from potential participants for the study. Provide a consent form that you construct for the study in the appendix of this paper.
- What issues related to diversity need to be considered in the design of this study?
E. Data Collection and Analysis
- Describe the procedures you will use to collect the data. For example, will you use face to face or web based surveys/questionnaires, observation guides, interview schedules, focus groups, etc.? Address any special circumstances necessary.
- Describe how you will process the data to prepare it for analysis.
- Make a mock table that shows how you would display your sample characteristics (i.e., demographic data on your sample)
- Restate the research question from the literature review section and describe how you will analyze the data to answer it (i.e., what statistics will you use to answer the research question/address the hypothesis.) Indicate why you selected the statistics that you did based on the level of measurement of the data collected and the purpose of your research question.
1. Formatted data collection instrument with directions for participants
2. Formatted consent form
ENGL 202 Western Carolina University Multi Genre Project Proposal Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a creative writing writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
ENGL 202
Assignment Sheet Unit 3: Multi-genre Project Proposal
This paper will draw on the readings and research you’ve done both in and outside of class as well asclass discussions and shorter writings from this unit. I am looking for evidence that you have been able to synthesize and think critically about the concepts and ideas contained in this unit. Remember to keep a clear sense of your genre and purpose in mind when thinking about this assignment.
The Task:
For this assignment you are faced with several tasks. 1) Develop a “plan of action” for completing your Multi-genre Project. 2) Provide a detailed rationale for the genres you want to use in this project and a discussion of how these genres will be used with your existing narrative. 3) Provide a detailed rhetorical situation analysis for this project; 4) Provide a clear discussion of your narrative structure and the integration of your scholarly and other text-based sources in the text of the narrative.
Guiding Questions:
These are questions to get you thinking. You do not have to answer these specifically in your paper although a good paper will most likely touch on some of these.
- Who is my intended audience for this project (aside from my instructor)?
- How can I best identify with my audience?
- What genres will be most useful/effective for telling my story?
- How will I effectively integrate my research into this project?o DoIhaveallthesourcesI’llneedtobesttellthisstory?
- What kind of Narrative structure will I use to tell this story?
- What genres am I capable/proficient/confident in using for this project?
- What are the affordances and limitations of the delivery mode?
- What is my desired outcome for telling this story?Audience:Our reader always influences how we write. Therefore, it is important to know who our reader is. For this paper you are writing to your instructor. I am invested in your success in this course and I want to ensure that you are conducting useful research for the final paper and that you have some conception of how your research works together.Important Due Dates:
- Unit 3 Assigned 3/10
- Rough Draft due 4/12
- Final Draft due 4/14Technical Notes:Length: Roughly 1500 words
Font size: 11-12 pt
Margins: 1 inch (all sides)
Style Requirement: MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian or preferred style
MBA 5028 UKY Community Health Efficiency & Healthcare Coverage Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management case study and need guidance to help me learn.
Read the following article:
Community Health Center Efficiency: The Role of Grant Revenues in Health Center Efficiency
Complete a detailed case study analysis of the given case, using the process described in Analyzing Strategic Health Care Cases-PG 431 in the textbook Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations.
The completed case study analysis report will include the following sections:
- Executive summary
- Key issues
- Situational analysis
- Strategy formulation
- Recommendation
- Implementation strategies
- Benchmarks for success and contingency plans
- The report must include a purpose but no conclusion is needed.
- The report must be in APA 7th edition format and be 2 to 3 pages in length.
Trident University The Health Care Human Resource Management Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english test / quiz prep and need guidance to help me learn.
Item 1
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
As a further example, APT queries and their results may be used to form rules for expert systems that become part of an intelligent computer-based instructional system. Such a system theoretically can optimize student learning by recommending instructional sequences (i.e., temporal patterns) that have high probabilities of resulting in student mastery. In other words, APT-based decision making by a computer program can provide an empirical foundation for artificial intelligence. References: |
One way that learning can be personalized is through the use of computers to aid in “recommending instructional sequences (i.e., temporal patterns) that have high probabilities of resulting in student mastery” (Frick, 1990, p. 202). However, the ability for computers to make appropriate decisions about instructional strategies is limited, in part, by the quality of information they have access to. References: |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 2
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
There is a desperate need for theorists and researchers to generate and refine a new breed of learning-focused instructional design theories that help educators and trainers to meet those needs, (i.e., that focus on learning and that foster development of initiative, teamwork, thinking skills, and diversity). The health of instructional-design theory also depends on its ability to involve stakeholders in the design process. Reference 1: Original Source Material 2 Reference 2 |
Driscoll (2000) defines instruction broadly as “any deliberate arrangement of events to facilitate a learner’s acquisition of some goal” (p. 25). In order to increase the effectiveness of instruction, there is a critical need for the creation and refinement of instructional design theories to aid those who seek to promote learning. According to Reigeluth (1999), “The health of instructional-design theory also depends on its ability to involve stakeholders in the design process” (p. 27). References: Reigeluth, C. M. (1999). What is instructional-design theory and how is it changing? In C. M. Reigeluth (Ed.), Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory (Vol. II, pp. 5-29). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 3
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
The patterns which control a portion of the world, are themselves fairly simple. But when they interact, they create slightly different overall configurations at every place. This happens because no two places on earth are perfectly alike in their conditions. And each small difference, itself contributes to the difference in conditions which the other patterns face. References: |
Alexander connects simple patterns to the apparent complexity that seems to surround us. The fact that no two places on earth are perfectly alike means that when simple patterns interact they create slightly different overall configurations at every place. This is analogous to the way that the result of math equation can be changed using different variables. |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 4
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
The way the U.S. judicial system works, a defendant is first found to be innocent or guilty. The punishment sentence is determined only after a defendant has been found guilty. It might seem that this is a relatively minor procedural issue. Yet, the order of this decision-making can mean the difference between life and death, or even between conviction and acquittal. References: |
Innocent or guilty courtroom decisions are often high-stakes. However, the precise consequences of the verdict is unknown in U.S. judicial systems when the guilt versus innocence decision is being made. Dixit and Nalebuff (1991) explain that this order of decision-making “can mean the difference between life and death, or even between conviction and acquittal” (p. 270). References: |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 5
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
Merck, in fact, epitomizes the ideological nature–the pragmatic idealism–of highly visionary companies. Our research showed that a fundamental element in the “ticking clock” of a visionary company is a core ideology–core values and a sense of purpose beyond just making money–that guides and inspires people throughout the organization and remains relatively fixed for long periods of time. References: |
Several factors can contribute to long-term organizational success. One is the establishment of a core ideology that Collins and Porras (2002) describe as “core values and sense of purpose beyond just making money” (p. 48). Also, the importance of a visionary leader that guides and inspires people throughout the organization and remains relatively fixed for long periods of time is hard to over emphasize. References: |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 6
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
Suppose you study a group of successful companies and you find that they emphasize customer focus, or quality improvement, or empowerment; how do you know that you haven’t merely discovered the management practice equivalent of having buildings? How do you know that you’ve discovered something that distinguishes the successful companies from other companies? You don’t know. You can’t know–not unless you have a control set, a comparison group. References: |
One has to ask oneself how you know that you’ve discovered something that distinguishes the successful companies from other companies? Otherwise, you can fall into a trap that is the same as identifying “the management practice equivalent of having buildings” (Collins & Porras, 2002, p. 14). References: |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 7
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
Many physical education and health curricula have been developed to foster active, healthy lifestyles through various learning outcomes and objectives. Although such a goal may be desired and valued by our society, ways to achieve this goal are less understood. If elementary physical education is to assist children in developing skills and understanding that will serve as the foundation for future activities, then educators at all levels need to develop ways to foster these skills and understanding across numerous types of activities. References: |
While society may broadly appreciate and desire educational objectives that can help people lead healthy lives, the exact approaches necessary to reach these desired outcomes are not well understood. Mandigo and Anderson (2003) highlight the need for educators “to develop ways to foster these skills and understandings across numerous types of activities” (p. 8) as an important step towards making this desire a reality. References: |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 8
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
But what are reasonable outcomes of the influence of global processes on education? While the question of how global processes influence all aspects of education (and who controls these forces) is multidimensional and not completely testable, there appear to be some theories of globalization as it relates to education that can be empirically examined. References: |
The question of “how global processes influence all aspects of education (and who controls these forces) is multidimensional and not completely testable but there appear to be some theories of globalization as it relates to education that can be empirically examined” (Rutkowski and Rutkowski, 2009, p.138). |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 9
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
We shall take the simpleminded view that a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to observations that we make. It exists only in our minds and does not have any other reality (whatever that might mean). A theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements. It must accurately describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model that contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations. References: |
When asked if they believe in theory of evolution or that human activity is contributing to climate change, politicians sometimes reply “It’s just a theory.” Sure a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to observations that we make. While proposing a theory is easy, coming up with a good theory is much harder. |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Item 10
In the case below, the original source material is given along with a sample of student work. Determine the type of plagiarism by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Original Source Material |
Student Version |
But what are reasonable outcomes of the influence of global processes on education? While the question of how global processes influence all aspects of education (and who controls these forces) is multidimensional and not completely testable, there appear to be some theories of globalization as it relates to education that can be empirically examined. References: |
Rutkowski and Rutkowski (2009) ask “what are reasonable outcomes of the influence of global processes on education?” (p. 138). This question is not entirely testable and has multiple dimensions but theories of globalization’s impact on education exist and provide means of empirical analysis. References: |
Which of the following is true for the Student Version above?
Trident University The Health Care Human Resource Management Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SOC 449 Grand Canyon University Direct Practice Errors Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help
In Social Work, it is imperative to know direct practice errors and how to avoid them as well as how to recommend ways to overcome direct practice errors. This assignment will help develop this skill:
Complete the “Direct Practice Errors Worksheet” while watching the “Probation Officer: Session 1” video located in the Topic 3 folder in MindTap, assessing the Case Manager’s skill set.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assessment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
MKGT 753 UNH Nike Air Max Consumer Buyer Behavior Campaign Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a marketing multi-part question and need support to help me learn.
PRODUCT 1 – Nike – Air Max
Section 2: Product choice and Advertising Campaign Description
- Describe the products/services and their brands. Explain why they were chosen and why they are particularly appealing and representative of your group as consumers. Think about it in terms of your group’s consumer profile (Section 1) as well as how each product/service represents the self-concepts and your personalities (e.g., CH 12).
- Do a thorough investigation of the current advertising and promotion campaign (e.g., TV ads, Print ads, sales promotions, direct marketing, Internet sites, event marketing, etc.) for each specific product/service.
- Summarize the campaigns and describe the primary message or theme of the each campaign and how it is communicated.
- Compare the campaign to 1 or 2 main competitors in terms of primary message, positioning, brand image, and brand personality to show how your product differentiates itself in the marketplace. Explain why you chose these as main competitors.
- Provide examples (video, print, etc.). Web links may be included in the test; other visuals should be included in the appendix.
Section 3: Campaign Analysis – https://ww.fashionnetwork.com/news/nike-launches-multi-faceted-campaign-for-air-max-day,809956.html – Guerilla Marketing
Consumer Behavior Concepts
- For each campaign, identify 3 different consumer behavior concepts that we covered in class that the marketers are using for the products or services.
- Describe the concept and provide examples from the current campaigns to demonstrate.
- Discuss why you think these concepts are effective or not for the product/service campaign.
Target Market Profiles
- For each campaign, identify the specific target market segment to which the current campaigns are designed to appeal based on your campaign analysis and develop a one paragraph target market profile for each specific product/service.
- Consider all relevant segmentation techniques and be as detailed as possible.
- Include media consumed in the marketplace by the target market. Where do they come into contact with the marketing communications?
- Again, try to think of each of these profiles as a description that a marketing executive would want to circulate to his marketing team to describe the market that they are targeting. They should be concise, direct, and descriptive.
Section 4: Group Consumer Profile and Target Market Profile Comparison
- For each product, compare and contrast your group consumer profile (Section 1) against the target market profiles that you developed for each campaign in Section 3.
- How are the profiles similar and how are they different? Do some group members fit better with the target market profile than others? Does this correlate with who actually owns or uses the product?
- How effective is the campaign to the members of your group?
- Is it more or less effective than the campaign of the primary competition? Why?
- How could the campaign be changed or improved to more directly target the members of your group? Give some thoughtful suggestions.
PCC Hiring Discrimination in Business Technology Entertainment & Gaming Research Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need support to help me learn.
I have an English 1A Research Paper Assignment Including 1.Source Card 2.Rough Draft 3.Outline 4. Research Paper, which has four parts. The Research Paper title is “Hiring Discrimination in business, technology, science, entertainment, gaming, etc.”
For part 1 Source Card there is document support as “Using Notecards to Organize Research (1).pptx”
For part 2 Rough draft requirements: Write a first, “shitty” draft of your Research Paper, knowing this will not be the final product you submit. In this draft, your goals are to draft and revise a working thesis statement, an introduction that may be more than one paragraph, bodies that express your clear position with responsible inclusion of outside support, and a conclusion that reminds readers of the main ideas.
For part 3 Outling requirements: Make an outline to help you think through your topic carefully and organize it logically before you start writing (see the models I’ve provided and copy their format). A good outline is the most important step in writing a good paper. Check your outline to make sure that the points covered flow logically from one to the other.
Include in your outline at least an INTRODUCTION, a BODY, and a CONCLUSION:
–INTRODUCTION – State your thesis and the purpose of your research paper clearly. What is the chief reason you are writing the paper? State also how you plan to approach your topic. Is this a factual report, a book review, a comparison, or an analysis of a problem? Explain briefly the major points you plan to cover in your paper and why readers should be interested in your topic.
-BODY – This is where you present your arguments to support your thesis statement. Remember the Rule of 3, i.e. find 3 supporting arguments for each position you take. Begin with a strong argument, then use a stronger one, and end with the strongest argument for your final point.
-CONCLUSION – Restate or reword your thesis. Summarize your arguments. Explain why you have come to this particular conclusion. There also have support documents below for the outline.
For part 4 Research paper: All the requirement is in the ducument below.
SOC 449 Grand Canyon University Home For the Holidays Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Social workers need to be able to identify how social constructions influence the client’s life. This assignment will develop this skill.
Watch the assigned video “Home for the Holidays” located in the Topic 1 folder in MindTap. Regarding the case study, in 750-1,000 words, expound the following prompts. Cite 2-4 scholarly sources to defend your answers:
- What are the social phenomena apparent in this case? Explain them.
- What theories would a social worker need to be familiar with in order to most effectively help the clients in this situation?
- What are some ways a social worker could use those theories in helping the client work through these social phenomena?
- Use the NASW Code of Ethics to identify the appropriate principle(s) that aligns with ethical practice in this video case study.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.