ENG 102 Trident University Technology and Children Case Study Writing Assignment Help

ENG 102 Trident University Technology and Children Case Study Writing Assignment Help. ENG 102 Trident University Technology and Children Case Study Writing Assignment Help.

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The Module 3 Case study is an Argumentative essay in which the writer takes a stance on technology and children and provides three or more supporting points as support.

After reflecting on “The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child” and “Is the Internet hurting children?” write a well-organized and well-supported essay on technology and children.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be brief summary on technology and children today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming the impact of technology on children today.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have one or two paragraphs for each supporting point? Will you divide the body of your paper into three or more paragraphs, one for each point? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph, which in this case would be each supporting point.

This essay must include no fewer than EIGHT citations from:
ONE of the assigned background materials for Module 3 and
ONE additional credible and reliable source selected by the student.

Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author’s name.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. In this case, where do we go from here?

The essay must also include a Reference List.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 3 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

Assignment Expectations

  • Write an essay (no fewer than five pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on technology and children.
  • Demonstrate the ability to make and support an Argumentative claim in a well-supported, organized, and cohesive essay.
  • Demonstrate the ability to select credible and reliable sources for use in a well-supported and cohesive essay.
  • Demonstrate the ability to write a direct quote, paraphrased, or summary citation in APA Style

Clinton, C., & Steyer, J. (2012). Is the Internet hurting children? CNN. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/21/opinion/clinton-steyer-internet-kids/

Rowan, C. (2013, May 29). The impact of technology on the developing child. The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 19, 2014, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cris-rowan/technology-children-negative-impact_b_3343245.html

ENG 102 Trident University Technology and Children Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

WU Because of You Song Personal Meaning & Family Issues Response Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I just need a paragraph answer.

below is what they want me to do:

Compare your artifact with your classmates’ posted artifacts. (Note: A song and a movie or a fashion element and a music video may have much in common, so do not limit yourself to comparing your artifact to one of the same type.) Consider what the artifact is conveying. What is its message? What response does it provoke in you? Analyze one specific issue that is addressed in both your artifact and your classmates’ artifacts.

this is my colleage’s posting: I chose a song that gave voice to my emotions that has helped me through trying times: Because of You by Kelly Clarkson. I know it is popular because it peaked at number seven on the Billboard Hot 100 and sold over 2 million digital downloads in the United States and it was certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). It first came to my attention by the radio and it came to my attention because I was left by my parents at a young age because they had chosen drugs over being parents. The part of the song that mostly connects me is when she sings “I will not make the same mistakes that you did” and “I learned to play on the safe side so I don’t get hurt”. I have been guarded most of my life due to fear and watching my parents choose drugs over me over and over again. I made a promise to myself as a mother to be the opposite of everything they showed me as a parent. I have had to grow on my own and get stronger throughout the years from what they have done to me and I had no control. It gets really personal when Kelly sings “You should have known, I was too young for you to lean on me, better than to lean on me, you never thought of anyone else, you never saw me, yeah you just saw your pain”. The song “Because of You” was sung by Kelly Clarkson and was released in 2004 and was in the pop genre. Music has been a huge coping skill I have utilized through out the years.

this is my posting: The modern popular culture sector is broad and intense; that is why it became split into groups. Due to the objective of this field of professionalism, contemporary popular culture is cleaved into the groups of animation, movies, advertising, and music.

The selected song for this discussion is the song referred to as ‘Got What I Got.’ The song, written by Michael Tyler, Thomas Archer, and Alex Palmer, became composed by Jason Aldean, an American ‘country music’ artist (Got What I Got, 2019). The song got unveiled in April 2020 as a subsequent single from Jason’s ninth workshop album. The music is popular because it has been listed among the top hundred songs by an American periodical magazine-Rolling stone-that prioritizes popular culture.

I initially came across the song via the internet. Currently, various individuals listen to music via streaming systems. Moreover, artists and songwriters may create their music (songs) and launch them through the internet to dodge music workshops. For ‘Got What I want’ piece, I found it on YouTube while streaming my favorite love songs. The song was among the current emerging famous popular culture songs. Since I was experiencing some relationship challenges, the song caught my attention, and I had to listen to it, maybe to get a better understanding of love affairs.

The message about contending with what an individual possesses or with the life a person is living fascinates me. The song clearly illustrates how an individual becomes fulfilled once they acquire what they had been praying for a long time (Got What I Got, 2019). The song’s symbolism reminds me of how I was eager to join college and the satisfaction I obtained after entering college. Besides, the soothing tone of pleasure in the song makes me like music more.


LAPC Carbon Footprint Leading Energy with The Highest Print Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Read through all of these directions first!

Find any “Carbon Footprint” calculator on the Internet. Go through the exercise to calculate your carbon footprint.

The information that is needed to do the calculation exercise is your personal information. Do NOT include it here in this written project. If you do not know the answer to a question, then ask someone else in your household if they know; otherwise, you can give it your best estimate.

Once you have gone through the exercise online, write about your results (and more), by addressing the below questions. Do NOT state the questions, but just respond to them in paragraphs. Your written project must be at least 5 paragraphs long, with at least 5 sentences per paragraph. You will need to upload a doc or docx file.

What are your results?

How do your results compare with the average USA household?

How do you feel about your results?

What can you do to lower your carbon footprint?

What do you think can be done about the current issue of climate change?

What changes do you think will happen to your lifestyle as a result of continued climate change?

This is not a discussion; your instructor will be the only one reading your response. Please be honest. Do not feel judged. This exercise is usually quite eye-opening to many people.



20 points: Thoughtful response, did the calculator, followed the directions, addressed each question, wrote at least 5 paragraphs with at least 5 sentences each


University of Louisiana at Monroe Public Management Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I have two readings: Reading one comes from the following: Rosenbloom, D.H. (2015). Administrative Law for Public Managers. 2
nd Edition. Boulder, CO:
Westview Press. ISBN-13: 9780813348810.. I have rented the book but it hasnt came in yet. With that being said, you can start on the second reading which will be attached. Once the book comes in, I will upload the book. If I haven’t upload by Friday, please remind me to do so.

Additional Instructions:

The memo should be
approximately 5 to 6 pages long, and must include a summary of the main points of the
reading, your thoughts about the reading, and 4 discussion questions.
Please note that this assignment also requires you to lead the online discussion for the
week. As the discussion leader, you should respond to questions from your group mates,
add additional commentary to keep the discussion going, etc.

All assignments for this class will require APA formatting for submission. Additionally, the same format will be utilized across all

▪ Times New Roman Font – Size 12

▪ Double Spaced

▪ 1” Margins

▪ Cover Sheet containing:
o Assignment Title
o Your Name
o Due Date of Assignment
o Course Name (POLS) o Instructor Name

▪ In-text citations and Reference Page listings using proper APA format.

Discussion Leader Memo, which contains at least four questions for group discussion at the end of the memo, are due by Sunday at 5pm. Questions should not be questions out of the book. You should create your own question. If the answers to the question can be found in the book please provide the page, answer, and which book where you got the answer. If the questions are authentically created, please provide me with the question and answer for the assignment.

From a content stand point, while it will be important for you to summarize the key concepts and ideas conveyed in the articles, it is perhaps more important (I can’t stress this enough…more important) to discuss what is not contained within the readings or where further explanation is needed to drive home the concepts contained in the readings. A summary is a summary no matter how you slice it, but dedicating a page or two towards critical analysis, insight, and potential avenues of exploration concerning the topic are what makes a sufficient memo stand apart from an exceptional memo!

The memo and questions are due by 5pm Sunday, however, I will have the time extended so that I can provide you with any question the class or instructor may ask me. When they respond to the writing, I will send the response to you so that you can provide me with the information to give back to them.


Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disorders & Lung Cancer Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Each Question must be 300 words. You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. The discussion board is never a place to use text language or emoticons.

1. List both modifiable and non-modifiable conditions that can lead to cardiovascular disorder or hypertension.

2. What advice would you give a patient to address risk factors for lung cancer?

3. What happens to the WBC count when you have an infection? Why?

4. How can UTI transmission be reduced or prevented?

5. How do diseases of the urinary system affect other body systems?



MKTG P91 Brock University Marketing Plan Guidelines for PESTEL Analysis Report Business Finance Assignment Help

This is a five-person group assignment, so you only need to complete the macro trend analysis in the interim marketing plan report. I have posted a detailed marketing plan guide and an example of a marketing plan below.

Student will complete a one-year marketing plan on behalf of your service-learning partner, Community Care of West Niagara. Please note that the partner will provide the marketing objectives they seek to achieve for the upcoming year rather than groups developing them.

The interim report is your upfront analysis including, but not limited to, SWOT, PESTEL, and Porter’s 5 Forces. This analysis will form the foundation for your final report and needs to be built and developed by supporting evidence versus being your group’s opinion. You will be provided feedback that will help you shape your final report. The maximum number of pages is 10 double-spaced, not including the title page or appendixes (Two pages for my part).

Interim Report:

Evidence of external analysis: 40%

For example

§Competition (direct & indirect)

§Macro trends/PESTEL (social, economic, industry, etc.)

§Porter’s Five Forces

§Customer Analysis

Evidence of internal analysis: 40%

For example

§Strengths, weaknesses, resources capabilities

§Competitive value of product/service

Quantitative analysis: 10%

§Includes (but not limited to) total market size, expected/current market share, expected sales, expected market growth… and much more.

§Remember that numbers are among the most convincing arguments you can make

§You’ll need to calculate some numbers by proxy. The key is to show that you’ve made the best possible estimate with the available info.

Format: 10%

§Readability, grammar, spelling, editing

§Appropriate format chosen for nature of product/service

MKTG P91 Brock University Marketing Plan Guidelines for PESTEL Analysis Report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The Dalai Lama and John Hick Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Write a 1200-1500 word paper in which you critically analyze the perspective of the Dalai Lama from the vantage point of John Hick’s pluralistic hypothesis.

  • Dalai Lama, “Buddhism, Christianity, and the Prospects for World Religion”
  • Hick, “Religious Pluralism and Ultimate Reality”

You need not agree with Hick’s position and you may role play if you choose, but your paper must take up and defend a clear thesis and the paper must include substantial engagement and specific references to both the Dalai Lama interview and the article by Hick.

Your paper must:  Defend a thesis and should proceed according to the following format: Thesis, Argument, Objection(s), Response(s), and Conclusion.  Include citations to the primary required class readings. These and any additional sources must be properly cited using MLA format.  Fall within the following length requirements: 1200-1500 words.  Use a standard 10-12 pt. font and be double-spaced. Information on MLA Citation style can be found here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01…


Georgia Institute of Technology Role of Statistics in the Modern World Essay Mathematics Assignment Help

Do you know what Mark Twain said about statistics?

In his autobiography he once wrote: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.”

On three pages, write an essay (double-spaced) that explains the important role statistics plays in driving modern world. How does statistics help managers assess the credibility and usefulness of information? How can it help them make decisions that lead to the most optimal outcomes? Please address these questions in your essay and provide examples from your future area of expertise (e.g., finance, operations management, marketing, etc).

You are encouraged to be as creative as possible; for example, you may use well-known quotes, that are contrary to the Twain quote above, to support your points. Humorous references are welcome, as well. Just be sure to include all of your references used at the end of your essay.

You will submit the essay on Canvas. It should be typed on 8½ x 11 paper. No late submission will be accepted. The assignment is open book and notes and requires individual effort.

A works cited page in the end of essay is required.


Saudi Electronic University The Decline of Sears Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-2 students will able to understand the

LO 1. Identify and explain the concept of management, functions, roles and skills of a manager (Lo1.1)


Please read the case“The Decline of Sears” on Page number 73, Chapter 2Management Theory” available in your textbook/e-textbookManagement: A Practical Approach9th edition by Kinicki, A., & Williams, B., and answer the following questions in about 500 words:

Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)

1. What is the underlying problem in this case from Edward Lampert’s perspective? (2marks)

2. What are the key causes of Sears’ decline? (1.5 marks)

3. To what extent did sears use a total Quality Management perspective in running the business? (1.5 marks)





no plagiarism . it must be original .


Rationalistic Versions in Traditional Western View of Human Nature Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1.The Socratic method of asking questions in his dialogues with specific examples and how it connects to the allegory of the cave.

2.Meaning of Sartre’s statement that “existence precedes essence” and what this implies about the existence of human nature

3.What are the unjustified assumptions Jean Grimshaw finds in the three feminist writers she discusses. How does this criticism challenge the traditional view of human nature?

4.Difference between a Platonic Form and the way Aristotle thinks of form. Where do these forms exist for each of them? How do we get to know them?

5.Arguments of different representatives of the atomic and relational view of the self.

6.Darwin’s theory of natural selection and how it works. Why is his argument an inference to the best explanation? Explain what it implies about human nature.

7.Explain how logic and philosophy are connected. Use concepts such as premise, conclusions, arguments, validity, clarity and so on. Give an example of this connection.

8.Compare and contrast the rationalistic and the Judeo-Christian versions of the traditional Western view of human nature.



Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)

1. What is the underlying problem in this case from Edward Lampert’s perspective? (2marks)

2. What are the key causes of Sears’ decline? (1.5 marks)

3. To what extent did sears use a total Quality Management perspective in running the business? (1.5 marks)





no plagiarism . it must be original .


Rationalistic Versions in Traditional Western View of Human Nature Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1.The Socratic method of asking questions in his dialogues with specific examples and how it connects to the allegory of the cave.

2.Meaning of Sartre’s statement that “existence precedes essence” and what this implies about the existence of human nature

3.What are the unjustified assumptions Jean Grimshaw finds in the three feminist writers she discusses. How does this criticism challenge the traditional view of human nature?

4.Difference between a Platonic Form and the way Aristotle thinks of form. Where do these forms exist for each of them? How do we get to know them?

5.Arguments of different representatives of the atomic and relational view of the self.

6.Darwin’s theory of natural selection and how it works. Why is his argument an inference to the best explanation? Explain what it implies about human nature.

7.Explain how logic and philosophy are connected. Use concepts such as premise, conclusions, arguments, validity, clarity and so on. Give an example of this connection.

8.Compare and contrast the rationalistic and the Judeo-Christian versions of the traditional Western view of human nature.



Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)

1. What is the underlying problem in this case from Edward Lampert’s perspective? (2marks)

2. What are the key causes of Sears’ decline? (1.5 marks)

3. To what extent did sears use a total Quality Management perspective in running the business? (1.5 marks)





no plagiarism . it must be original .


Rationalistic Versions in Traditional Western View of Human Nature Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1.The Socratic method of asking questions in his dialogues with specific examples and how it connects to the allegory of the cave.

2.Meaning of Sartre’s statement that “existence precedes essence” and what this implies about the existence of human nature

3.What are the unjustified assumptions Jean Grimshaw finds in the three feminist writers she discusses. How does this criticism challenge the traditional view of human nature?

4.Difference between a Platonic Form and the way Aristotle thinks of form. Where do these forms exist for each of them? How do we get to know them?

5.Arguments of different representatives of the atomic and relational view of the self.

6.Darwin’s theory of natural selection and how it works. Why is his argument an inference to the best explanation? Explain what it implies about human nature.

7.Explain how logic and philosophy are connected. Use concepts such as premise, conclusions, arguments, validity, clarity and so on. Give an example of this connection.

8.Compare and contrast the rationalistic and the Judeo-Christian versions of the traditional Western view of human nature.



Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)

1. What is the underlying problem in this case from Edward Lampert’s perspective? (2marks)

2. What are the key causes of Sears’ decline? (1.5 marks)

3. To what extent did sears use a total Quality Management perspective in running the business? (1.5 marks)





no plagiarism . it must be original .


Rationalistic Versions in Traditional Western View of Human Nature Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1.The Socratic method of asking questions in his dialogues with specific examples and how it connects to the allegory of the cave.

2.Meaning of Sartre’s statement that “existence precedes essence” and what this implies about the existence of human nature

3.What are the unjustified assumptions Jean Grimshaw finds in the three feminist writers she discusses. How does this criticism challenge the traditional view of human nature?

4.Difference between a Platonic Form and the way Aristotle thinks of form. Where do these forms exist for each of them? How do we get to know them?

5.Arguments of different representatives of the atomic and relational view of the self.

6.Darwin’s theory of natural selection and how it works. Why is his argument an inference to the best explanation? Explain what it implies about human nature.

7.Explain how logic and philosophy are connected. Use concepts such as premise, conclusions, arguments, validity, clarity and so on. Give an example of this connection.

8.Compare and contrast the rationalistic and the Judeo-Christian versions of the traditional Western view of human nature.


ENG 102 Trident University Technology and Children Case Study Writing Assignment Help

ENG 102 Trident University Technology and Children Case Study Writing Assignment Help

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