ENG 102 Week 4 Tone, Style, and Irony in The Lottery Response Paper Humanities Assignment Help. ENG 102 Week 4 Tone, Style, and Irony in The Lottery Response Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
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The paper should be 500 words.
Tone, style, and irony are powerful tools of the storyteller. Choose one of the stories Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street and “The Lottery”, and analyze the story in terms of tone, style, and irony Respond to the following questions:
- What is the author’s tone in this story? What hints are there within the story that reveal this attitude?
- How would you characterize the author’s writing style? How is the style reflected in the tone? Give a specific example of this style within the writing. Select words or ideas that characterize this writing style.
- What is the irony in the story? Provide specific example/s to illustrate it.
- Compose a response that analyzes tone, style and irony.
- Format your paper in MLA. Remember to double space your paper, include an MLA heading, MLA pagination, and ensure that you are using 12 point Cambria or Times New Roman font.
- Use a third person point of view to discuss literature. Avoid using first person or second person pronouns. Focus on the determination rather on who is noticing it.
- Your paper should contain at least ONE direct quote and ONE paraphrase from the text (with correct in-text citations), and it should include an MLA-formatted Works Cited page.
ENG 102 Week 4 Tone, Style, and Irony in The Lottery Response Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Johnson & Wales University Leadership Traits in Teams Analysis Paper Programming Assignment Help
QUESTION 1: The purpose of each Leader in Action assignment is to have students reflect upon a relevant leadership question and to have students take away valuable lessons that might help them in their own interpersonal relationships and career growth..
Follow the five paragraph format, please double space your response, and submit the word document by cllicking on the title above. See the document attached which reviews the “Five Paragraph Format and Grading Rubric for Formal Writing Assignments.”
Your response must be submitted by Sunday at 11:59 p.m., EST. Late assignments will incur a 5 point deduction.
Leader in Action #1 Question:
Do you believe that men and women demonstrate different styles when leading others? If so, in what ways? Be clear and specific in your response.
CH11 Amazon v New York Times Legal Issues and Public Relations Case Study Writing Assignment Help
I hope this finds you all doing well. Attached please find your notes on chapter 11 – Legal. Please read thoroughly as this chapter will introduce you to a variety of legal issues facing the public relations practice today.
CASE STUDY – Amazon v. New York Times
In 2015, the New York Times ran a negative story about Amazon’s workplace conditions. To combat this negative coverage, Jay Carney, a former White House press secretary and Amazon’s senior vice president for corporate affairs, criticized the New York Times story and its source on Medium.com. sources from this story included anonymous sources that did not reveal their true identities because of a nondisclosure agreement with Amazon.
A major source for this story, a former Amazon employee, Bo Olsen, gave an interview with the New York Times criticizing Amazon’s workplace. In his response, Carney revealed that Olsen was under investigation for fraud during his time at Amazon. Olsen actually admitted he had attempted to defraud vendors and resigned his position because of that. This case study illustrates corporations’ willingness to use communication tactics, as opposed to legal ones, to combat negative publicity. The case study of Amazon v. NYT presents an example of the tensions between defamation and privacy laws and demonstrates how corporations use social media platforms to combat negative press attention.
For your assignment I want you suppose you work as the social media manager for the restaurant chain Best Burger. One day while scanning posts about your company, you see that someone on Twitter posted three very negative comments about Best Burger. The comments were as follows:
Tweet 1: Best Burger is the WORST restaurant EVER!!! #nevereathere
Tweet 2: Best Burger’s food tastes like cardboard. It isn’t even real food
Tweet 3: Best Burger is not worth the price. They use dog food to make their hamburgers.
Assuming that Best Burger thinks its hamburgers are great and that the do not use dog food to make them, are any of these comments subject to defamation laws? Why or why not? Write a two-page paper regarding your answer. This is due on Thursday, March 26, 2020. I will send Chapter 12 with your assignment on Friday, March 27, 2020. Please e-mail me or call me with amy questions. Stay safe and well.
Cedar Crest College We Need More Farmers Proposal & Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help
Due Dates
3/17-3/24 (HW12) Conferences– Meet with our course librarian at your scheduled time; library research sheet due at your instructor conference
Tuesday, 3/17 (HW10) Research Question Declaration Day; Bring two annotations to class and upload.
Thursday, 3/19 (HW11) Bring a draft of your proposal to class and upload.
3/20-3/24 Conferences–Bring a revised and printed draft to discuss during your conference. (Draft should consist of proposal and at least 5 annotated sources.) (Conference with librarian and instructor count for class attendance on 3/24 and 3/26)
Thursday, 3/26 Final Draft: Revise, submit to Canvas (WP3). Note: you will not have the option to revise this writing project.
The point of Writing Project 3 is to locate and synthesize at least 8 relevant sources that you plan to use in your final research paper, as well as to organize and map the goals of your research-based essay in a one to two-page proposal. In writing a proposal, you should be able to arrive at two conclusions: why you have chosen to address this specific topic; and how you plan to contemplate this topic in a meaningful and comprehensive way. The proposal should also create a point of reference, guiding the choices you will make in investigating specific sources, and it should evolve as you complete that research, reflecting your most recent thoughts as you become more knowledgeable in your area of inquiry. The topic you will explore should have some relation to the issues we’ve been exposed to this semester.
Part I: Proposal
Your 1-2-page research proposal should address the following questions in essay format: (1) What problem or question do you intend to address (i.e., what is your research question)? Phrase this as a question in the proposal. (2) How is this question connected to a documentary you viewed for the class? (3) Why is this an interesting question? Why does it matter? (4) Who is talking about it? What academic disciplines explore this question and what methods do they use? (5) What is your current thesis, even though it will continue to evolve?
Part II: Annotated Bibliography
Also complete an annotated bibliography of at least eight relevant, appropriate, and reliable primary and secondary sources. Sources like Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and news overviews are not acceptable. The majority of your sources should come from scholarly (not popular) publications. Try to include research that takes a variety of opinions and perspectives about your topic into account.
Provide an MLA-style or APA-style citation for each source (remember to remain consistent throughout the bibliography). Under each citation, provide a 125-175 word annotation that:
Briefly summarizes the source (book, chapter, article, interview, etc.)
Identifies the piece’s argument (or main point)
Relies primarily on your own words and phrasing (use summary and paraphrase and limit yourself to one direct quote per annotation)
Discusses the source’s strengths and weaknesses. For instance, does the item offer a good introduction to the issue? Does the item deal with a particular aspect of the issue that is especially relevant to the problem you plan to address in your proposal? Do you find the piece accessible or is it geared to a more specialized audience? Etc.
Describes how the piece will contribute to your project.
1-What problem or question do you intend to address?
How does it look like to be farmers?
2-How is this question connected to a documentary you viewed for the class?
The average age of North American farmers today approaches 60 years. This is a great concern because it seems there are no young farmers to replace the ageing workforce. The future is uncertain because the agricultural sector has pointed out a gap between consumers and farmers.
3-Why is this interesting question? Why does it matter?
Farming is a profession like medicine and teaching. However, to be farmer one needs more passion than the papers to volunteer in the organic farms. For this reason, the generational gap between ageing farmers and younger generation appears too big. Despite the fact that productivity increases with experience, there is shortage of younger farmers to replace them.
4-Who is talking about it? What academic disciplines explore this question and what methods do they use?
Dairy science, agricultural economists and farm managers are talking about. They use statistics to represent regression between age groups and relative performance.
5-What is your current thesis, even though it will continue to evolve?
Farming takes volunteering, rather than profession.
FTMY, 2016. Age Of The Farmer – Food To Meet You… [online] Food to meet you. Available at: https://www.foodtomeetyou.com/age-of-the-farmer/ [Accessed 17 March 2020].
In 2016, FTMY spencer MacDonald and Eva Verbeeck went on a trip throughout the Pacific Northwest, where major U.S farms exist. The main objective of the trip was to determine ‘the age of the farmer.’ The five-minute edited video establishes that the average age of the farmer is 65 years. This age bracket is very difficult to replace. The study explains how the authors set up their trip and moved to north. As it states, ‘Having spent much time WWOOFing on organic farms, he knew the importance of this mission. So they loaded their iPods with old bluegrass music and set off in a 1990 Nissan Truck, heading from Portland to British Columbia.’ One limitation of the study is that there is no evidence of empirical research on how they determined the average of the farmers. I expected to see visual statistical analysis showing how they arrived at the figure.
Tauer, L. (1995). Age and farmer productivity. Review of Agricultural Economics, 63-69.
A common belief is that farming productivity increases with age reaches a peak and then starts to reduce further with age. Tauer’s study estimates the relationship between farmer productivity with age. The study procedure assumes that different famers within a locality display efficiency while utilizing technology in farming. The efficiencies are estimated for each of the ten agriculturally producing regions, and efficacies vary from 5 to 10 for every ten years from 35-44 intervals. Areas in the southeast have no changes with age, while the west shows a lower efficiency. Generally, the article supports the notion above. The article is important because farmers and productivity have significant implications for the survival of beginning farmers. The study integrates statistical regression and mathematical models to establish the relationship.
Florida SouthWestern State College Chapter 15 Google Marketing Concepts Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Video Case
Please access this link: Chapter 15 Video (Links to an external site.)
View the entire video, then write a short 200 word essay explaining how this video illustrates at least 3 key marketing concepts from Chapter 15. Please bold type the two or three words that describe each of the three key marketing concepts that you are explaining.
As a part of this assignment you are required to support your paper with at least one CREDIBLE outside source which you can find by searching the FSW library data bases, Be sure to cite and reference these sources in proper APA format. Here is a link to the FSW library data bases where you can conduct your research, there are tutorial on how to use the data bases as well. https://www.fsw.edu/library (Links to an external site.)
Please remember that ALL written work must be completed in proper APA format. There are a number of APA resources listed on the home page of this course It is important that you become proficient in how to use APA.
Miami University Strengthen Self Control and Academic Integrity Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Citation expectations:
It’s essential to use quotation marks or block indentation when you incorporate any language from any other source, including all AIS readings. This requirement also applies to a “deceptive” or “patchwork paraphrase” (changing or adding occasional words, but otherwise using the author’s core ideas and phraseology without attribution).
Click here for guidance from the University of Wisconsin on the difference between permissible and impermissible paraphrasing.
Click here for guidance from Harvard University on the kinds of “common knowledge” you are not required to quote or cite. If in doubt, it’s always prudent to include quotation marks and a citation.
Contact your AIS tutor if this instruction is unclear or if you have any questions.
Why are rules against plagiarism so important? AIS wants you to be successful.
Successful students:
[1] Learn how to think for themselves and express their own creative ideas (a critical capacity as routine work is computerized worldwide);
[2] Learn how to enrich and improve their own writing;
[3] Participate in collaborative scholarship by alerting readers to other sources of insight and information;
[4] Honor other writers and thinkers by giving them credit for their work.
Writing is a discipline critical to any profession. To learn how to be a disciplined writer (much as an athlete learns and perfects a physical skill) you must form disciplined writing habits.
No formal citations or “works cited” list required. Just be sure to identify the author in your answer, using appropriate quotation marks or block indentation as needed. You’ll find additional guidance about avoiding plagiarism here.
Please remember: our questions are designed to elicit your analysis and opinion. Be sure to explain your reasoning. When you use any excerpts, use short selections only.
Identity verification: Please be prepared to discuss these questions and your answers in person with a university administrator, upon request. Be sure to bring your university identification (photo ID) with you. Your university, not AIS, will make the final decision about seminar completion status.”
Here are your assigned readings (links to the readings are also provided in the question text):
[A Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan’s 1999 Harvard University Commencement speech (backup PDF here).
[B] Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius.
[C] “Lincoln’s Great Depression” by Joshua Wolf Shenk
[D] Excerpts from the book An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres (the focus is on what we can learn about human behavior and adaptation in the most extreme conditions).
Some tips on answering the questions:
1. Please make reference to the readings in your answers. We’ll want to see, for example, that you’ve given careful thought to Alan Greenspan’s views about the ”value added” characteristic of business ethics.
2. There are no length requirements, although high quality will be expected. Please print and keep a copy of your answers.
3. You are expected to complete these answers on your own. It is not acceptable to discuss your answers with other students.
4. Don’t forget to sign the pledge (at the end of the questions).
5. Read the example answers here.
1. Is it naive for business leaders to try to be honest?
Please pay particular attention to <a title="Alan
Greenspan’s Harvard Commencement Speech.” href=”http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/1999/199906102.htm” target=”_blank” data-saferedirecturl=”https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/1999/199906102.htm&source=gmail&ust=1584838016695000&usg=AFQjCNH5zySvpRinHz4Ad0wjjGDIIWrBSw”>Alan Greenspan’s Harvard Commencement Speech. (backup PDF here).Provide a key quotation from the speech. You are not obligated to agree with any perspectives in Mr. Greenspan’s speech, but you are expected to consider the question with care; state a clear conclusion; and support your conclusion with convincing arguments.
2. Please read and think about this quotation:
“The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies and whatever it likes; it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy.”
—Buddha’s Teachings (Penguin Classics, p. 8).
Identify three strategies you use (or recommend) to strengthen self-control. This optional reading may give you some ideas: An interview conducted with Roberto Assagioli by Sam Keen.
3. Please read Book One of the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Then write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine.
4. First, please consider this list of failures and successes in the life of Abraham Lincoln. We’re suggesting that one of Lincoln’s greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with “melancholy” (what might now be called depression) Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk.
For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt. Based on your reading of Shenk’s article, please identify three of Lincoln’s most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals.
5. The Declaration of Independence refers to the ”pursuit of happiness.” Should the word ”pleasure” be substituted for ”happiness”? Why/why not? Explain your answer.
6. Please read this decision by the Iowa Supreme Court in an attorney discipline case and answer these four questions:
[a] Should judges care if attorneys submit legal briefs or written motions that are plagiarized? Please explain your answer.
[b] Attorney Peter Cannon was punished by the court and by the attorney disciplinary board. Do you think these punishments (taken as a whole) were too lenient, too severe, or about right? Please explain your answer.
[c] The Iowa Supreme Court referred to another case involving attorney plagiarism (Iowa Supreme Court Board of Professional Ethics & Conduct v. Lane). In that case, the punishment for attorney Lane (suspension of his license to practice) was more severe than the punishment imposed on attorney Cannon. What distinction did the court make between these two cases? Do you agree with the court’s reasoning? Please explain your answer.
[d] The state of Florida requires “personal appearances before the [disciplinary] board for public reprimands for disciplined lawyers” [italics added]. Do you think this kind of public shaming is appropriate or too harsh? Please explain your answer.
7. What advice do you have for your fellow students about the best way to avoid committing an act of academic dishonesty?
8. Please review the assigned excerpts from An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres. Kindly respond to this question:
“Does Terrence Des Pres think the human moral sense is an idealistic illusion or an evolutionary survival strategy?”
Please explain your answer, agreeing or disagreeing with Des Pres’ analysis. Cite at least one of the numbered paragraphs for support.
9. How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to the assigned readings (above) to support your answers.Citation expectations:
Miami University Strengthen Self Control and Academic Integrity Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Boston University Supply Chain Management and Managerial Issues Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Case Review Template:
- What are the key managerial issues to address (choose the role (i.e. manager, VP, President, etc. based on guidance from the case study)
- What is your specific recommendation (i.e. not the range of options – choose one)
- Highlight the benefits to your recommendation(s)
- Articulate any inherent risks associated with your recommendation) note: This is intended to address risks associated with your recommendation – not general risks that impact the business.
does NOT begin with an introduction, background, or summary of what is going on in the case and write-ups should not include those sections.Rather, assume that the audience and instructor are familiar with the facts of the case, so follow the Case Review Template above.Grading of the work will be limited to the four aspects outlined in this template.
write should follow the case template the questions on case can be an inspiration.
Lesson 6 Power of The President of The United States as Commander In Chief Paper Law Assignment Help
Lesson Six Discussion Question:
Please respond to the following discussion,
Very few would argue with the claim that the President’s role as Commander-in-Chief is the greatest formal power that a president possesses. Yet, in the Constitution, only Congress has the authority to formally “declare war.” Presidents for the last 60-70 years have openly stated that they do not need Congressional authorization to use the military to pursue America’s interests on the global stage. As proof, America has not formally declared war since WWII. So, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq War, Afghanistan, and now Syria have all been military exercises, but not wars in the Constitutional sense.
Has the power of the President of the United States as Commander-in-Chief exceeded constitutional boundaries and should those powers be curtailed, given the constant state of war we find ourselves in? Or should the President’s military powers continue to expand to address the growing chaos in our world, despite the Constitution or in congruence with the Constitution? Explain your answer.
Your initial discussion postings (250-300 words) should demonstrate an understanding and analysis of the assigned readings and video. It may be helpful to reference the assigned material in your response demonstrating connections between your thoughts and the course resources.
Coventry University Project Management in The Outside Reflective Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I was an assissant chef of one youtube video of our group,
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
LO1: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the scale and scope of project management in private and public sectors
LO3: Evaluate a strategy to ensure effective use of resources, assets and people within the project
LO5: Identify systems and organisational culture that ensure an effective project management approach
Within this module, students work in project teams on ‘live projects’ which aim to provide opportunities for them to apply project management methods and tools and develop project management skills in practice. The project brief is provided under ‘Assessment’ section on the module page on Moodle. Both CW1 and CW2 require critical analysis and application of relevant project management principles, methods and techniques to the live projects.
In the individual reflection report, you are required to critically reflect on the management of the project by your group, the lessons learned during the process, your contribution to the group work, and your personal development plan for the future.
The individual report should also effectively demonstrate how the above learning outcomes of the module have been achieved. Supporting evidences for the achievement of each learning outcome should be provided in detail in the appendices of the report.
The presentation slide should contain the following:
- Appropriate coversheet (as attached in this document – please ensure appropriate coversheet is attached to your assessment brief)
- Title Page, including the given title in full, the names of all the project team members and the web links if applicable.
- Contents Page
- Main body (see “details of the task” above)
- Appendices/References
Walden University Pain Perception and Treatment Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Discussion: Pain Perception and Treatment
Considering the complexity of the world, it is tempting to think that the human senses are designed to take in information with as much accuracy as possible. However, the literature points to the fact that sometimes sensory systems actively distort information. For example, touch receptors stop signaling about the way clothes press against skin, or the visual system ignores blind spots in vision. In some cases, the distortion of information is beneficial and allows humans to ignore unimportant details. Sometimes the distorted reports of sensory systems can be detrimental, as when an amputee suffers constant pain from a limb that is no longer there. To understand the mind, you have to understand how sensory systems report on the world. Important to this understanding is the distinction between sensation and perception.
In this Discussion, you will differentiate between sensation and perception. You will describe how pain is detected and transmitted to the nervous system and the pros and cons of pain perception. You will also describe the processes involved in pain management through both pharmaceutical and alternative pain treatments.
To prepare:
- Review this week’s Learning Resources in order to be able to differentiate between the terms sensation and perception as well as to be able to describe the processes involved in detecting and transmitting pain.
- Choose a specific pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical pain treatment and research the processes through which those treatments manage pain.
- Define, describe, and clearly differentiate between the terms sensation and perception.
- Then, considering the sensation and perception of pain:
- Describe how pain is detected and the neurotransmitters and receptors involved in transmitting that information to the central nervous system.
- Choose a specific pharmaceutical pain medication and explain how it interferes with this pathway to reduce and manage pain. Consider the downsides of treating pain via pharmacological methods, such as opioids.
- Choose an alternative pain treatment (non-pharmaceutical) and explain how it works to manage pain. What are some potential pros and cons to this approach?
- Finally, propose at least one potential cost and one potential benefit of pain perception.
Breedlove, S. M., & Watson, N. V. (2019). Behavioral neuroscience (9th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Chapter 8, “General Principles of Sensory Processing, Touch, and Pain”