ENG 120 CC Charting a Text Lauren Washington & Diverse Actors Discussion Writing Assignment Help

ENG 120 CC Charting a Text Lauren Washington & Diverse Actors Discussion Writing Assignment Help. ENG 120 CC Charting a Text Lauren Washington & Diverse Actors Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Part I: Review Charting

Review the PowerPoint on How to Chart a Text, which we go over in this week’s Zoom meeting.

Part II: Chart the Text

Read and chart Lauren Washinton’s essay, “The Importance of Representation in Film and Media,” which was published in Medium in 2019. If you do not understand a word, be sure to look it up.

Below, you will find the online version of it, as well as a formated version with numbered paragraphs for you to chart. You will need to print out the formatted version to chart it.

Part III: Post (50 points)

Post your charting of Washington’s”The Importance of Representation in Film and Media.” It should be in the same format as the sample charting on slide #12 in the PowerPoint, “Critical Reading Strategy: How to Chart a Text” (posted above). Use standard capitalization and be sure that you closely follow directions. You will want to give yourself time to adjust the format on the forum. Posts that do not follow directions will receive a zero.

ENG 120 CC Charting a Text Lauren Washington & Diverse Actors Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Overcoming the Brains Negativity Bias and Hardwiring Happiness Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Let’s pretend 100 notable things happen to you in a week. Perhaps, most of them are neutral (producing nonspecific feelings of contentment, maybe boredom). Some might be positive (producing confidence, sense of belonging, relaxation, happiness, even joy), and a few of them negative (producing anger, fear, disgust, or negative emotions). While 80 could have been neutral, 19 were positive, and 1 was negative – where do you find that your brain wants to spend it’s time?

Why is it that 80 things can be neutral, 19 positive, and 1 negative in a week – and it is difficult to focus on anything but that one negative thing? Have you ever wondered if the brain is “wired” to pay more attention to NEGATIVE experiences? Is it harder for the brain to pay attention to POSITIVE experiences? Does this change or shape our perception of the world in a negative way? Make us more or less resilient, cynical, optimistic, or creative? More or less prone to Depression? Anxiety?

It turns out – you might be onto something…..

For this “Get Off Your Computer” assignment you will be experimenting with your own brain’s Negativity Bias. First, you will do some preparation by watching the videos below. You will then get to know your own personal biases by doing a self-assessment of your Emotional Intelligence. Third, you will then perform an experiment in real life to try and alter your brain’s negativity bias, and see what happens. Last – you will complete a brief assessment and report on your experimental findings.

PREPARATION: Watch the following video, Dr. Rick Hansen detailing his work, on Hardwiring Happiness:

Then watch the following video, Dr. Alison Ledgerwood on her work, Getting Un-Stuck From Negative Thinking:

Element 1: Complete the Time 1 Self-Assessment ( How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Click for more options How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? – Alternative Formats

WLEIS, and score it). Make some notes.

****Important note: the Likert Scale scores are actually 1-5 (not 1-7). It is scored the same, however. See attached document.

Element 2: Perform 2-3 Random Acts of Kindness. Use the embedded resources below to prepare yourself and acclimate to the parameters of this assignment. You will be either planning or spontaneously performing these acts, as part of Hanson’s “HAVE” component of his acronym. It is important to be prepared, and not to go too far off. Use the embedded resources to choose a good activity. If you want to plan something bigger, or different – please text, call, or email your instructor for approval. Identify your Hypothesis: What will I personally experience if I perform this act? Will I be able to alter my Negativity Bias?

Random Acts of Kindness List Click for more options Random Acts of Kindness List – Alternative Formats

Element 3: Complete the Installation Procedure as soon after the experience as possible using the embedded Random Acts of Kindness Field Notes. Note how you feel physically after the experience (Heart rate? Adrenaline? Body sensations, etc.), and note how you feel emotionally before, during and after the experience (you can use the embedded Mood Meter / Emotion Word Descriptors sheet to find additional ‘words’ for emotions). Note any observations of your environment, and ask yourself key questions to Absorb and Enrich it (telling your brain to lock it down in Long Term Storage). How is this experience NEW or Different? How is it relevant to me? My goals? My values? Who I would like to be as a person? It will be hard to focus, but be sure to spend about 20-30 seconds intentionally staying with the thoughts, physical, and emotional experiences produced to install them. Write some notes in the Field Notes templates provided; you’ll need these notes for later.

Random Acts of Kindness Field Notes Click for more options Random Acts of Kindness Field Notes – Alternative Formats

Element 4: Finally write a Self-Reflection 3 page maximum – Double Spaced (12 point, Times New Roman font), that includes:

A). A brief (1 paragraph) summary for each Random Act of Kindness you performed, why you chose them, and what the outcome of that act was (note: sometimes you won’t know, and it is ok to write that you don’t). Describe your Hypothesis of how you thought these acts might impact you physically and emotionally.

B). A brief (1 paragraph) summary of your physical, and emotional experiences before, during, and after each of these acts.

C). A brief 2-3 paragraph Self-Reflection about your interpretation of your experiences, and whether you were able to alter your brain’s Negativity Bias (how did you do and why?).

D). Based on your findings, answer the question: Is kindness a social norm? Discuss.

E). How are the negativity bias and kindness are related in this experiment (2-3 paragraphs).

Element 4: Relate your self-reflection to the information provided in your text (source 1) and at least 1 outside academic / scientific source (journal article, book, .gov, .edu, or .org website).

UPLOAD ALL: Your Emotional Intelligence Test and Scores, Your Field Notes, and your Paper.


    IS 3310 Troy University Suicide Rate Analysis Presentation & Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    This is the final version of your IRP.


    In this Independent Research Project (IRP), students provide a business decision recommendation using SAS primarily and Excel as needed to obtain real-world data. The student will create and submit a business report that clearly communicates a recommendation based on their analysis of the data set that includes an analysis of different courses of action using weighted factors. The students will also create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes their IRP and present their analysis live, via video-teleconference or as a recorded video presentation. The student will also answer questions about their presentation. Note: The IRP should involve either conducting an ANOVA or Regression Analysis using SASand submitting the complete results including Tables, P value, Pr value, R-square, and graphics to prove you conducted the required SAS analysis. The IRP project should involve your research question findings as previously specified in your “IRP Research Questions and Data Set” exercise. You must also discuss the P, Pr, R-square values and their meaning and why they led to your decision.

    As in previous DAX exercises, you must also attach the Summary Descriptive Statistics Table along with the ANOVA Results Table or Regression Results Table. Example ANOVA or Regression Tables required:

    DAX ANOVA Tables Required-1.pdf

    Example Regression Results Tables.pdf


    IRP Memorandum



    American Military University Wk 4 Criminal Investigation of a Crime Scene Questions Law Assignment Help

    Read Chapter 1 (Souryal): Acquainting Yourself With Ethics: A Tour of the Ethical Hall of Fame”

    “Writing”: (One (1) post required)

    Answer the 10 “Review Questions” on pages 42 & 43.

    “Video”: (One (1) post required).

    Write a “Reflection” on the video below (Before you view the video, see the topics of the two discussions below and take notes to assist yourself in the discussions).


    The case of Dudley and Stephen

    n/a – Added: 3/15/13

    YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCc1jkFY_qU

    “Discussion”: “What Would You Have Done?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    “Discussion”: “Guilty or Not Guilty?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    Please be in depth as possible with each of the answers.


    ACC 699 Post University Importance of Financial Statement Analysis Writing Assignment Help


    1. At the undergraduate level,we are concerned about learning a body of knowledge – at the graduate level, we are concerned about integrating bodies of knowledge – at the doctoral level, we are concerned about creating new knowledge. Integrating bodies of knowledge requires us to research to learn what others are saying about our topic.
    2. Quotes – NO Quotes! I want to see that you have read and comprehended the material not that you can copy and paste.
    3. Voice–the paper should be in 3rd person past tense.Example: Jones (2019) reported that……
    4. Support your writing – bring in other’s ideas. Do some research! Other than the textbooks!!! Investopedia and Wikis are not valid graduate-level resources.
    5. An abstract is not required.
    6. Listyourreferencesandusethemasin-textcitations,supporting your narrative-(remember to follow APA).
    7. Ifyouincludeemployeecharts,graphs,tables,etc.tosupportyourwriting,theymust be labeled per APA guidelines.
    8. Payattentiontothegradingrubric.
    9. Your paper may include spreadsheets, graphics, charts, etc. Include those in thebody of your submission (or Appendix) – properly labeled. Everything in onedocument.

    10.NO Copying and Pasting!!!


    • Submit a Word document in APA format.
    • Ten pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference pages, charts, andappendices.

    • At least six quality resources.



    University of South Florida GEA Business Law Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Instructions for #GEA1:

    The concept of judicial review was pioneered by the United States. Some maintain that one of the reasons the doctrine was readily accepted in this country was that it fit well with the checks and balances designed by the founders. Today, all established constitutional democracies have some form of judicial review—the power to rule on the constitutionality of laws—but its form varies from country to country.

    For example, Canada’s Supreme Court can exercise judicial review but is barred from doing so if a law includes a provision explicitly prohibiting such review. France has a Constitutional Council that rules on the constitutionality of laws before the laws take effect. Laws can be referred to the council for prior review by the president, the prime minister, and the heads of the two chambers of parliament. Prior review is also an option in Germany and Italy, if requested by the national or a regional government. In contrast, the United States Supreme Court does not give advisory opinions; the Supreme Court will render a decision only when there is an actual dispute concerning an issue.


    (1) Research judicial review in either: (1) the countries mentioned above or (2) any other country (Switzerland, Australia, Japan).

    (2) In a minimum 250-word post, please:

    (a) describe the laws/statutes/rules/court cases governing judicial review of the country you chose;

    (b) describe the judicial review process;

    (c) from the country you researched, can you find an example of judicial review protecting human rights? (If not, please find an example from another country – an example of the United States is fine); and

    (d) propose at least one action (that is not already in place) that the country can take to better promote human rights.

    Research Information/Suggestions:

    1. Please use reliable and credible search engines (please do not use Wikipedia).

    2. This website has great information on research skills: http://lib.usfsp.edu/sb.php?subject_id=136086 (Links to an external site.).

    3. I suggest using either Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis which can be found under Databases once you log into the USF Library network.

    4. Don’t hesitate to ask a Librarian for assistance!


    1. You may use the APA, MLA or Turabian format. For information on how to cite your research, please visit this website: https://lib.usfsp.edu/Citations (Links to an external site.).

    2. Please put your citations into your assignment. The citations do not count towards the word count.


    #GEA1 (General Education Assignment)

    #GEA1 (General Education Assignment)

    Criteria Ratings Pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch, Findings, Example, and ProposalAssignment submission describes: (1) the laws and (2) the process of judicial review. The submission also gives an example of how judicial review protects human rights. Finally, there is one proposal of promotion of human rights.

    10.0 to >6.0 pts

    Full Marks

    The four assignment requirements were met in the submission.

    6.0 to >2.0 pts


    Some but not all of the four assignment requirements were discussed.

    2.0 to >0 pts

    No Marks

    Just one of the assignment requirements were discussed or there was no post at all.

    10.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalism, Citations, and Word CountProfessional vocabulary and professional writing style were used throughout the discussion. Text is free of spelling errors and contains appropriate citations. Word count is met.

    10.0 to >6.0 pts

    Full Marks

    Great professional writing style is used in the assignment, citations are appropriate, and the word count is met.

    6.0 to >2.0 pts


    Good professional writing style with few grammatical errors. Citations are not appropriate or missing.

    2.0 to >0 pts

    No Marks

    Unprofessional writing style and grammatical errors. No citations.

    10.0 pts

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnhanced Gen Ed Human and Cultural Diversityview longer description

    threshold: 1.0 pts

    1.0 ptsSatisfactory: Student satisfactorily demonstrates human and cultural diversity attributes by demonstrating effective and appropriate interaction in a variety of cultural contexts.

    0.0 ptsUnsatisfactory: Student does not satisfactorily demonstrate human and cultural diversity attributes.

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnhanced Gen Ed Problem Solvingview longer description

    threshold: 2.0 pts

    3.0 ptsProficient: Student demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement and to identify multiple approaches to solve a problem that indicate insightful comprehension of the problem and carefully addresses multiple contextual factors and thoroughly reviews results relative to the problem with specific consideration of need for further work.

    2.0 ptsDeveloping: Student demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement, proposes multiple solutions that suggest comprehension of the problem, some of which apply within a specific context, and reviews results relative to the problem with some consideration of need for further work.

    1.0 ptsNovice: Student demonstrates a limited ability to identify a problem statement and approaches for solving the problem, provides vague and cursory solutions that do not directly address a problem, and reviews results superficially with no consideration of need for further work.

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnhanced Gen Ed Critical & Analytical Thinkingview longer description

    threshold: 2.0 pts

    3.0 ptsProficient: Student identifies and states problems clearly and completely in understandable terms, carefully and comprehensively evaluates the relevance of assumptions and questions the viewpoints of experts when presenting a position, and formulates conclusions based on a thorough and logical thought process that reflects careful analysis of appropriate assumptions and evidence.

    2.0 ptsDeveloping: Student identifies problems to be considered critically with some omissions or lack of clarity, gathers mostly appropriate information to develop coherent arguments, and questions some conventional assumptions and often considers opposing viewpoints when formulating conclusions.

    1.0 ptsNovice: Student demonstrates some awareness of assumptions when identifying positions, states problems in simple terms without much clarification, generally accepts viewpoints of experts as fact without question, and routinely reaches conclusions not consistently tied to some of the available information.

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEnhanced Gen Ed Communicationview longer description

    threshold: 2.0 pts

    3.0 ptsProficient: Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of required context and is able to create a skillfully developed presentation that provides relevant, detailed, and compelling assertions supported by credible and relevant sources.

    2.0 ptsDeveloping: Student demonstrates an adequate understanding of required context and is able to explore ideas that are fairly-well developed in a presentation that is mostly organized and includes basic use of relevant sources to support ideas.

    1.0 ptsNovice: Student is able to develop simple ideas in portions of the assignment, provides a basic, somewhat organized presentation, and attempts to use sources to support ideas with some attention to context.

    University of South Florida GEA Business Law Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Rasmussen College Healthcare Patient Intake Packet Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help


    • Evaluate public health policies and practices as they relate to legal and ethical implications for individuals and populations.
    • Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.
    • Examine the structure of the U.S. legal system and government as it relates to ethics, law, and core principles of public health.
    • Assess current legal and ethical principles and the application of such principles in healthcare practice.
    • Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field.
    • Examine legal requirements for managing patient information, health information documentation, the release of information, and electronic health records.


    You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.

    You have been asked by the CEO to create an intake packet for new patients that will help establish patient trust. Once you’ve created this packet, the CEO wants you to send an email to all hospital employees letting them know about the intake packet. You will also create a PowerPoint reviewing intake packet details for the hospital to post on its website to inform patients


    This is a great opportunity to tie everything together that you have learned! Let’s break this up into 3 parts. Deep breath – it’s easier than it seems!

    Part 1: Intake Packet

    • Create a New Patient Letter in a business letter format. (Here is a library resource for help writing a business letter.)
    • In the letter:
      • Explain the importance of ethics
      • Explain why each part of the packet is included and how the packet is to be used
      • Include a HIPAA/Confidentiality statement and a Privacy Pledge
      • Add a line at the bottom of the form for the patient to sign acknowledging receipt
    • On a separate page, include your reference list in APA format.

    Part 2: PowerPoint

    • Create a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that explains the various elements of the new patient intake packet. (Here is a library resource for help creating a PowerPoint presentation.) Make sure to use the notes section below each slide to expand on the key points.

    Part 3: Email

    • Write an email in a Word document that will be sent out to all hospital employees making them aware of the intake packet. (Make sure your email uses proper email formatting. (Here is a library resource for help writing a professional email.)


    Coastal Carolina Community College Intersectionality & Forms of Power Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    This class is sex and gender in society where we explore the gender inequality which exists today.

    • Define intersectionality and four domains of power
    • Explain how the four domains of power are related to intersectionality.
    • Thoroughly define and describe the institution you selected.
    • Justify why applying intersectionality is useful for understanding inequality in the institution at hand using multiple detailed examples from course materials, discussions, and activities.
    • Evaluate BOTH the strengths and weaknesses of applying an intersectional perspective to the institution at hand.
    • Contain consistent in-text citations in a style of your choosing, a works cited page, and be free of any grammatical and syntactical errors.

    The rubric is attached with the instructions menttioned above! Thank you


    AMU Week 4 Field of Criminal Justice Discussion Law Assignment Help

    Read Chapter 1 (Souryal): Acquainting Yourself With Ethics: A Tour of the Ethical Hall of Fame”

    “Writing”: (One (1) post required)

    Answer the 10 “Review Questions” on pages 42 & 43.

    “Video”: (One (1) post required).

    Write a “Reflection” on the video below (Before you view the video, see the topics of the two discussions below and take notes to assist yourself in the discussions).


    The case of Dudley and Stephen

    n/a – Added: 3/15/13

    YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCc1jkFY_qU

    “Discussion”: “What Would You Have Done?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    “Discussion”: “Guilty or Not Guilty?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    Be as in depth as possible.


    SOC 116 Bryant and Stratton College Knowledge and Skills Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Brainstorm and create a list of knowledge and skills needed to enter into and advance in your chosen profession. Consider the categories below and identify at least one skill or qualification from each of the categories that you think will be necessary in your chosen career:
      1. Education & Networking – What minimal educational requirements are needed to get an entry-level job in your field? Is additional education necessary to get promoted? Are there any certifications that will help you in your career? Are there any professional organizations you could join to meet professionals in your field? Do you know anyone who could help you make contacts within your profession?
      2. Career-specific knowledge and skills – What knowledge and skills do experts in your field possess that you will need to be successful in this profession?
        1. (For example, medical assistants draw blood, paralegals complete various forms and templates, accountants deal with accounts payable and receivable, etc.)
      3. Professionalism – What other knowledge and skills do professionals exhibit? These aren’t necessarily career-specific but are expected in all workplaces.
        1. (For example, what types of communication skills will you need? Is teamwork important? What about punctuality, dependability, and meeting deadlines?)
    2. For each knowledge and skill category above (education and networking, career-specific knowledge and skills, and professionalism), write a 100-150-word paragraph that explains why you believe the goals you’ve identified are important to help you enter into and advance within your profession. For each of the knowledge and skill areas you identified, write a sentence or two that explains how you will gain that knowledge or skill.



    “Discussion”: “What Would You Have Done?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    “Discussion”: “Guilty or Not Guilty?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    Be as in depth as possible.


    SOC 116 Bryant and Stratton College Knowledge and Skills Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Brainstorm and create a list of knowledge and skills needed to enter into and advance in your chosen profession. Consider the categories below and identify at least one skill or qualification from each of the categories that you think will be necessary in your chosen career:
      1. Education & Networking – What minimal educational requirements are needed to get an entry-level job in your field? Is additional education necessary to get promoted? Are there any certifications that will help you in your career? Are there any professional organizations you could join to meet professionals in your field? Do you know anyone who could help you make contacts within your profession?
      2. Career-specific knowledge and skills – What knowledge and skills do experts in your field possess that you will need to be successful in this profession?
        1. (For example, medical assistants draw blood, paralegals complete various forms and templates, accountants deal with accounts payable and receivable, etc.)
      3. Professionalism – What other knowledge and skills do professionals exhibit? These aren’t necessarily career-specific but are expected in all workplaces.
        1. (For example, what types of communication skills will you need? Is teamwork important? What about punctuality, dependability, and meeting deadlines?)
    2. For each knowledge and skill category above (education and networking, career-specific knowledge and skills, and professionalism), write a 100-150-word paragraph that explains why you believe the goals you’ve identified are important to help you enter into and advance within your profession. For each of the knowledge and skill areas you identified, write a sentence or two that explains how you will gain that knowledge or skill.



    “Discussion”: “What Would You Have Done?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    “Discussion”: “Guilty or Not Guilty?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    Be as in depth as possible.


    SOC 116 Bryant and Stratton College Knowledge and Skills Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Brainstorm and create a list of knowledge and skills needed to enter into and advance in your chosen profession. Consider the categories below and identify at least one skill or qualification from each of the categories that you think will be necessary in your chosen career:
      1. Education & Networking – What minimal educational requirements are needed to get an entry-level job in your field? Is additional education necessary to get promoted? Are there any certifications that will help you in your career? Are there any professional organizations you could join to meet professionals in your field? Do you know anyone who could help you make contacts within your profession?
      2. Career-specific knowledge and skills – What knowledge and skills do experts in your field possess that you will need to be successful in this profession?
        1. (For example, medical assistants draw blood, paralegals complete various forms and templates, accountants deal with accounts payable and receivable, etc.)
      3. Professionalism – What other knowledge and skills do professionals exhibit? These aren’t necessarily career-specific but are expected in all workplaces.
        1. (For example, what types of communication skills will you need? Is teamwork important? What about punctuality, dependability, and meeting deadlines?)
    2. For each knowledge and skill category above (education and networking, career-specific knowledge and skills, and professionalism), write a 100-150-word paragraph that explains why you believe the goals you’ve identified are important to help you enter into and advance within your profession. For each of the knowledge and skill areas you identified, write a sentence or two that explains how you will gain that knowledge or skill.



    “Discussion”: “What Would You Have Done?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    “Discussion”: “Guilty or Not Guilty?” (Four (4) posts required)

    State what you would have done and why and then engage your classmates in a discussion about what philosophical theory (or theories) you would apply to decide what to do if you were in the lifeboat.

    Be as in depth as possible.


    SOC 116 Bryant and Stratton College Knowledge and Skills Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    1. Brainstorm and create a list of knowledge and skills needed to enter into and advance in your chosen profession. Consider the categories below and identify at least one skill or qualification from each of the categories that you think will be necessary in your chosen career:
      1. Education & Networking – What minimal educational requirements are needed to get an entry-level job in your field? Is additional education necessary to get promoted? Are there any certifications that will help you in your career? Are there any professional organizations you could join to meet professionals in your field? Do you know anyone who could help you make contacts within your profession?
      2. Career-specific knowledge and skills – What knowledge and skills do experts in your field possess that you will need to be successful in this profession?
        1. (For example, medical assistants draw blood, paralegals complete various forms and templates, accountants deal with accounts payable and receivable, etc.)
      3. Professionalism – What other knowledge and skills do professionals exhibit? These aren’t necessarily career-specific but are expected in all workplaces.
        1. (For example, what types of communication skills will you need? Is teamwork important? What about punctuality, dependability, and meeting deadlines?)
    2. For each knowledge and skill category above (education and networking, career-specific knowledge and skills, and professionalism), write a 100-150-word paragraph that explains why you believe the goals you’ve identified are important to help you enter into and advance within your profession. For each of the knowledge and skill areas you identified, write a sentence or two that explains how you will gain that knowledge or skill.


    ENG 120 CC Charting a Text Lauren Washington & Diverse Actors Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    ENG 120 CC Charting a Text Lauren Washington & Diverse Actors Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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