ENG100 Analysis of Terminator: Dark Fate Humanities Assignment Help. ENG100 Analysis of Terminator: Dark Fate Humanities Assignment Help.
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Hi! I need a written analysis of the movie, Terminator: Dark Fate (2019). I can provide a link of the movie if you would like. The essay needs to be font 12, single spaced, and minimum of 2 pages (there is no required length, write as much as you want). The paper must analyze the movie and the theme.
Constitute a responsible analysis by discussing the film very closely. Please DO NOT discuss any subject matter outside of the the film except in the conclusion.
Present a well-organized discussion in consistent paragraphs including an introduction with a main point at the end of that first paragraph, then body paragraphs that use evidence (quotes) discussed in-depth and introduced with a strong first line to each paragraph. Finally, a substantial conclusion that considers the impact and larger implications of the film in line with your main point.
Utilize engaging prose and skilled grammar.
Let me know if you have any questions!
ENG100 Analysis of Terminator: Dark Fate Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Archeology exam questions Writing Assignment Help
Can you write a page an half for each section, answering the specific requirements. attached are the required references, you can also use outside references if they don’t contradict with these given. So total 3 pages, one page and half for first question and one page and half for the second question.
Section 4
a. One of the interesting questions about the past (at least to me!) is the formal disposal of the dead. Please trace this process beginning in the Lower Paleolithic and continuing through the Middle and Upper Paleolithic. What is the earliest evidence we have for intentional burial? Is it convincing or could it mean something else?How does this differ compared to the Middle Paleolithic? Are there significant differences between the burials of Neandertals and those of anatomically modern humans in the same period? Are the burials in the Upper Paleolithic significantly different from those of Neandertals or from those of other earlier hominins (including Homo sapiens sapiens)? Why do you think the evidence looks the way it does? Does it mean there are differences in terms of actual behavior, and if so, why did it change over time? You should describe at least ONE actual site for each period as you discuss it.
Section 5
a. What do we know about life in the Lower Paleolithic? What kinds of hominins lived during this period, what do their sites look like, and how did they get food? How is this different from what we know about early Homo sapiens sapiens? What sorts of things do we see in the Upper Paleolithic that we don’t see in the Lower Paleolithic? You can include some consideration of symbolic and/or ritual aspects in your answer here but I’m mostly asking about other aspects of life in these periods. Please be sure to include descriptions of at least one specific site form each period in your discussion.
Ethical Decisions Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Essay (any type)
7 pages / 1925 words
English (US)
6 sources required
The purpose of this assignment is to develop the ability to apply professional values, codes of ethics, and a decision-making model to the process of ethical decision making.
Your paper must be in current APA format including title page, abstract and reference page. The body of your paper must be 6–9 pages and include at least 6 references. Your paper must be well-thought-out and demonstrate critical thinking.
A. Begin by reading through the entire document, “A Practitioner’s Guide to Ethical Decision Making.” By copying and pasting the link into your browser (https://www.counseling.org/docs/ethics/practitioners_guide.pdf?sfvrsn=2). This is necessary BEFORE you begin to apply the decision making steps to an ethical scenario.
B. After reading the ethical decision making document above, choose one of the ethical dilemmas from the document entitled, “Ethical Decision Making Paper Scenarios,” found under the assignment instructions in Blackboard. Read and analyze the chosen scenario.
C. Approach the scenario as if it has already happened and now you must address the problems the scenario has created. In other words, as in much of real life and practice, you must now do damage control.
D. To apply the steps of the ethical decision making model to your chosen scenario, divide the body of your paper—formatted in current APA style—into the steps outlined in the “A Practitioner’s Guide to Ethical Decision Making” document, and outlined below, making sure to address all questions for each section:
• Identify the problem(s). In this section make sure to:
o Outline the facts, separating out innuendos, assumptions, hypotheses, or suspicions.
o Correctly and clearly identify the problem(s) by answering the questions, “Is this problem an ethical, legal, professional, or clinical problem? Is it a combination of more than one of these?”
Identify the problem as related to self, client, institution, or agency. In other words, answer the questions, “Is the issue related to me and what I am or am not doing? Is it related to a client and/or the client’s significant others and what they are or are not doing? Is it related to the institution or agency and their policies and procedures?”
• Apply the ACA Code of Ethics. In this section make sure to:
Identify all applicable ACA Code of Ethics. Which codes apply, or can address, the problem(s) presented in the scenario? Make sure to cite the code numbers.
• Determine the nature/dimensions of the dilemma. In this section make sure to:
o Correctly identify the moral principles of the profession that apply. In other words, which of the professional values apply to this problem? Autonomy, beneficence, justice, nonmaleficence, fidelity, and/or veracity? Why?
o Identify the relevant professional literature that applies to the dilemma. What does the professional literature say that might help you solve the problem? Go to the LUO databases and find articles or textbooks that address the problem. For example, what do experts say about the confidentiality, technology and counseling, etc.?
o Identify persons that would be consulted. Who could you consult that might help you come up with ideas to address the problem?
o Identify state or national professional associations that would be consulted. What professional associations or state boards might be able to give advice?
• Potential courses of action. In this section make sure to:
o List all potential courses of action. Brainstorm as many possible courses of action as possible.
• Consider consequences/Determine course of action. In this section make sure to:
o Describe the potential consequences and implications for each course of action.
o Identify the best course of action and explain why. In other words, considering the information you have gathered and the priorities you have set, evaluate each option and assess the potential consequences for all the parties involved. Ponder the implications of each course of action for the client, for others who will be effected, and for yourself as a counselor. Eliminate the options that clearly do not give the desired results or cause even more problematic consequences. Review the remaining options to determine which option or combination of options best fits the situation and addresses the priorities you have identified.
• Evaluate the selected course of action. In this section make sure to:
o Review the selected course of action to see if it presents any new ethical problems.
o Apply the tests of justice, publicity, and universality.
• Implement the course of action. In this section make sure to:
o Describe what steps will be taken to implement the course of action. In other words, step-by-step, what are you now going to do to address the problem and do damage control?
I have attached my ethical paper 1 and will be attaching ethical paper 2 before this is due
I have attached OHIO’s (that’s my state ) Code of Conduct Law’s and Rules
Website to use:
Remley & Herlihy, Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling (2019). chs. 8, 9
USA PATRIOT Act Paper Law Assignment Help
Assignment Content
include a title page, in text citations, proper grammar, headings, page headers and numbers, reference page. no plagiarism
Accounting Project Business Finance Assignment Help
The purpose of this group project is to learn what is required in setting up the accounting records for a new business and to develop skills that will allow you to work with others in future college courses and in your chosen profession. Each group will have the responsibility of creating a fictitious manufacturing company and operate the company for two months.
You are also expected to complete and submit the following on Canvas (no hardcopy submission is required):
- Written report
- The Excel Workbook (use this to submit the General Journal, General Ledger, Unadjusted Trial Balance, Adjusted Trial Balance, Post-closing Trial Balance, Cost of Goods Manufactured Schedule, Income Statement, Retained Earnings Statement, and Balance Sheet)
- PowerPoint presentation you would have used if you were going to do a live presentation (8 to 10 slides excluding the title and reference slides).
Make sure to select one person in your group to submit all parts of the project for the entire group. Do not have each group members submit separate parts of the project. No late submissions will be accepted.
Written Report
The written report should be 3 to 5 pages using the APA 6th format (you should include the cover page, introduction section and conclusion section, but you do not need to include the abstract section). The report should contain the following:
- Name of company
- Type of product manufactured
- Location of your business
- Fiscal Year-End (why you choose this date)
- Organizational layout (department descriptions, personnel, etc.)
- Capital investment requirements (Assets needed to start the business and associated costs)
- Financing of Assets (where did the money come from to purchase your assets)
- Inventory analysis of your company (Raw Materials, Work-in-Process and Finished Goods), product costing method (job cost or process cost) including individual jobs or processes.
- Summarize financial information of your company. Include in this discussion the financial results of the two months’ operation and the company’s future goals.
- Anything else you deem relevant to the project.
The Excel Workbook
Accounting portion of this report can be done manually or utilizing an accounting software (such as the Klooster & Allen software or QuickBooks). I encourage you to use the klooster & Allen software that I provided you. You can locate the software link to download to your personal computer in Canvas. Please go to Canvas – Module – Project – Klooster & Allen software. Please keep in mind that you cannot download the software if you have an Apple computer. Also, you have less problem with the download if you use Google Chrome.
You can also use the Klooster & Allen software in any of the Fullerton College Computer Labs.
Your Excel workbook should contain the following:
- A general journal containing all the journal entries, any necessary adjusting entries for both months, and the closing entries (for the end of the second month only). All entries should be posted to the general ledger if you are not using an accounting software. For the first two (2) months of operations, at least 40 business transactions are required (but you may have more). This is where your knowledge, creativity and thoroughness will be evaluated.
- A general ledger (if doing this project manually, you may use T-Accounts to represent the general ledger as long as it is clear and organized).
- A trial balance, adjusted trial balance and post-closing trial balance.
- A Cost of Goods Manufactured Schedule / Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured for the two months (you cannot use the Klooster & Allen or any other accounting software to prepare this schedule). If you forgot how to prepare this statement refer to chapter 15.
- An Income Statement for the two months.
- A Retained Earnings Statement for the two months.
- A Balance Sheet for the end of the two months.
If you are using the Klooster & Allen software, follow these steps:
1. Retrieve the trial balance before you prepare the adjusting journal entries and that will be the unadjusted trial balance.
2. After you prepare the adjusting journal entries, retrieve the trial balance again before you prepare the closing entries that will be the adjusted trial balance.
3. After you prepare the closing entries retrieve the trial balance again, that will be your post-closing trial
Science110, Survey, Follow the steps Science Assignment Help
The conflict between Religion & Science SURVEY
This is an assignment that will require you to collect information from other people.
I have placed the assignment at the beginning of the Unit so you can start collecting the information right away to have plenty of time to analyze the results.
For this assignment, you will run a survey.
The survey has to present the opinion of a minimum of 10 individuals. Individuals must be 18 or older.
Before you start, you should read the survey collected by the Pew Research Center: Religion and Science in the United States.
You can use this report as a guideline.
Your survey consists of 10 questions. Eight of the questions are below, but you have to create the other two. Think about what else you would like to ask about the subject that could, at the same time, enhance the overall information of the survey.
Once you have the results, you must present and submit a report with:
(report must be submitted in pdf format)
- Title of the report (10%)
- Introduction to the survey (20%)
Example of information to include in the introduction: What is the main subject of the survey? how many people participated? how were the participant chosen? What was the intent of the survey? What the survey anonymous? Did you ask the questions personally or though email, social media, mail?
- Answers to the survey (30%)
Present the answer to each of the questions. You can use written percentages, pie charts, bar charts, etc.. There are many tools online to help with this part ( here is one: https://www.meta-chart.com/) (Links to an external site.) The format should be easy to read, analyze and comprehend.
- Summary and conclusions to the report (30%)
These are some ideas to include in the conclusions:
Describe your experience. How receptive the participants were, Were the questions easy to ask and understand? Did participants think the questions were easy to answer?
Was the group survey big and diverse enough to extrapolate the results? What would you change? What questions would you like to add or change?
Explain what you learned from the results about the population surveyed: This part should remain objective, do your best to state and compare the results without adding your opinion and be clear when you add your interpretation of the results.
For example 95% of the people surveyed stated there is a conflict between religion and science, but surprisingly only 5% of them think their own believes are in conflict. This makes me wonder what religious believes the individuals surveyed share with religion they belong to.
- Presentation, formatting, readability and grammar, etc.. (10%)
And here are the questions:
1- Which of the following statements comes closest to your beliefs about God?
- I believe in God
- I believe in God, but I don’t believe God concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings
- I don’t believe in God, but do believe in universal spirit/higher power
- Don’t believe in either
- Other
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
2- In your opinion, generally, do you think science and religion are often in conflict, or science and religion are mostly compatible?
- Yes, often in conflict
- Mostly compatible with some very exceptional conflicts
- No, they are fully compatible
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
3- Are your own beliefs in conflict with science?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
4-Which of the following do you believe are conflicts between science and religion? Mark as many as needed
- Evolution/Creation
- Climate change
- Abortion
- Stem Cells
- Big Bang/Biblical origin of the universe
- Other/Specify
5- Do you think scientists are more or less likely than others to be religious people?
- More likely
- Same as others
- Less likely
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
6- How would you describe the impact of science on our society?
- Mostly Positive
- Mostly Negative
- Both/Neither
7- How would you describe the impact of religion on our society?
- Mostly Positive
- Mostly Negative
- Both/Neither
8- The same subject is talked about in a scientific conference and a religious celebration. The versions are opposite to each other. Which one do you think is true?
- The scientific version
- The religious version
- The scientific version, if the subject is related to the natural world and the religious version, if it is about a moral issue
- none of them, they are both probably wrong
- both of them. There can be different explanations for the same event
Science110, Survey, Follow the steps Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Response Paper Writing Assignment Help
Please check the 2 attached files, they are responses from my classmates and the discussion in their post for a Discussion Board Question I’m gonna copy it here. 200 words minimum each
Discussion 1
My emergency management committee (EMC) would be modeled after the HICS structure. While a typical HICS activation would include one person serving in the section chief and command positions, the committee would be subdivided into smaller groups with similar roles and responsibilities. Ideally, each committee would have one person from each shift pool on it so that there is a cohort that is familiar with the intricacies of HICS at the hospital at all times. Additionally, the copycat structure might help reduce role confusion and streamline operations in the event the EOP has to be activated. The committee might be structured like this:
Discussion 2 attached
Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean weights of Boston and Vermont shingles are different? Business Finance Assignment Help
The manufacturer of Boston and Vermont asphalt shingles knows that product weight is a major factor in the customer’s perception of quality. Moreover, the weight represents the amount of raw materials being used and is therefore very important to the company from a cost standpoint. The last stage of the assembly line packages the shingles before they are placed on wooden pallets. Once a pallet is full (a pallet for most brands holds 16 squares of shingles), it is weighed, and the measurement is recorded. The file Pallet contains the weight (in pounds) from a sample of 368 pallets of Boston shingles and 330 pallets of Vermont shingles.
Completely analyze the differences in the weights of the Boston and Vermont shingles, using a = 0.05.
Is there sufficient evidence to
conclude that the mean weights of Boston and Vermont shingles are different?
answer the question, and provide
a comprehensive explanation.
find example of a single system design and right some points about it Humanities Assignment Help
Locate an example of a single system design published in a professional journal during the past five years. You can access journals through the University library’s website; full text PDF copies of found articles can be downloaded via the University database links. Identify the type of design, the outcome measure, and how well the intervention is described. Judge for yourself whether the author’s conclusions are justified by the data. Be such to attach a copy of the referenced article to your posted response/thread.
you can use researchgate, to find that article
Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Research the speculations on where the state-of-the-art will be in the near future for one of the following technologies. Your paper should include a description of the state-of-the-art in your technology, a discussion of where the sources that you read believe the technology is heading in the near future, and a discussion of how this technology will affect the choices you would make if you were making purchase recommendations for a client. Although there is room for personal opinion in your paper, you must justify your conclusions.
Topic: Cloud Networking
Length and Style: The body of an analytic research paper should be 10 pages in length and typed using the APA Guide. Student projects distill fundamental issues, discuss the various available solutions, discuss the benefits and limitations of the available solutions, and provide a new solution and justification. Student papers must state a thesis, and based on the research, attempt to prove or disprove that thesis. An adequate literature search will include a few books and journal articles (or other relevant documents). A search of Internet documentation is required. Students should develop a conclusion which synthesizes the literature in such a way as to demonstrate new knowledge.
Guidelines for the format of the paper are as follows:
- The paper should be 10-12 pages of text in length. (This minimum and maximum length should not include the title page, separate figures and tables, or the list of references);
- The paper should include a one paragraph abstract, an introduction, and a conclusion – think as if you were writing for a professional journal;
- The paper should use APA format (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, one inch margins, page numbers with running head in upper right corner, section titles, citations, and references in accordance with the APA standard).
https://anyessayhelp.com/ The format should be easy to read, analyze and comprehend.
- Summary and conclusions to the report (30%)
These are some ideas to include in the conclusions:
Describe your experience. How receptive the participants were, Were the questions easy to ask and understand? Did participants think the questions were easy to answer?
Was the group survey big and diverse enough to extrapolate the results? What would you change? What questions would you like to add or change?
Explain what you learned from the results about the population surveyed: This part should remain objective, do your best to state and compare the results without adding your opinion and be clear when you add your interpretation of the results.
For example 95% of the people surveyed stated there is a conflict between religion and science, but surprisingly only 5% of them think their own believes are in conflict. This makes me wonder what religious believes the individuals surveyed share with religion they belong to.
- Presentation, formatting, readability and grammar, etc.. (10%)
And here are the questions:
1- Which of the following statements comes closest to your beliefs about God?
- I believe in God
- I believe in God, but I don’t believe God concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings
- I don’t believe in God, but do believe in universal spirit/higher power
- Don’t believe in either
- Other
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
2- In your opinion, generally, do you think science and religion are often in conflict, or science and religion are mostly compatible?
- Yes, often in conflict
- Mostly compatible with some very exceptional conflicts
- No, they are fully compatible
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
3- Are your own beliefs in conflict with science?
- Yes
- No
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
4-Which of the following do you believe are conflicts between science and religion? Mark as many as needed
- Evolution/Creation
- Climate change
- Abortion
- Stem Cells
- Big Bang/Biblical origin of the universe
- Other/Specify
5- Do you think scientists are more or less likely than others to be religious people?
- More likely
- Same as others
- Less likely
- Don’t know/Refuse to answer
6- How would you describe the impact of science on our society?
- Mostly Positive
- Mostly Negative
- Both/Neither
7- How would you describe the impact of religion on our society?
- Mostly Positive
- Mostly Negative
- Both/Neither
8- The same subject is talked about in a scientific conference and a religious celebration. The versions are opposite to each other. Which one do you think is true?
- The scientific version
- The religious version
- The scientific version, if the subject is related to the natural world and the religious version, if it is about a moral issue
- none of them, they are both probably wrong
- both of them. There can be different explanations for the same event