ENG1102 Annotated Bibliography& Research paper Humanities Assignment Help

ENG1102 Annotated Bibliography& Research paper Humanities Assignment Help. ENG1102 Annotated Bibliography& Research paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Annotated Bibliography:
In this assignment, you will present your research sources along with annotations to explain their relevance to your project. The topic and thesis of your project should be listed at the top of the assignment. Then, find at least six scholarly sources that you plan to use as evidence to support your research. Primary sources (the literary texts themselves) should also be listed in your final works cited page and may be listed here, but they do not count toward your total of six critical sources.
Here are two resources for formatting your annotated bibliography that should be helpful:
Here is a resource on writing a literary paper that may be helpful:
Here is a resource for evaluating sources that should be useful:
This paper will be based on the research resources you compiled for your bibliography in week 7.
Research paper:
This paper will be based on the research resources you compiled for your bibliography. Your paper should have a clear claim about the literature you have read this term.
Also, see this site for some ideas on how to outline your paper:
This site also has helpful advice about organizing your work:
Your final draft should be approximately 5-7 pages. You must use the topic you selected for your annotated bibliography, but you may substitute and/or expand your sources based on the feedback you received on that assignment.
You must use MLA format and include a works cited page.
Robert Frost (Links to an external site.) “Desert Places (Links to an external site.)”
Poems contained in the book:
Robert Frost   “Desert Places”
Theodore Roethke  “Root Cellar”
Dylan Thomas  “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night ”
Anne Bradstreet   “The Author to her Book”Langston Hughes “I, Too”
Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken”
Emily Dickinson “I heard a Fly Buzz – when I died ”
Walt Whitman “O Captain! My Captain! ”

ENG1102 Annotated Bibliography& Research paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CS 320 Sage programming Programming Assignment Help

We will use Sage to explore the basics of symbolic computing and the basic functionality of a computer
algebra system.

Problem One.
Write a Sage function which takes on input as its argument an integer n and returns a random n degree
polynomial with randomly generated integer coefficients. The randomly generated integer coefficients
range from -100 to +100, inclusive. In addition to returning the randomly generated polynomial of degree n, the Sage function must return the number of real roots of the randomly generated polynomial.
In particular, this Sage function returns the randomly generated polynomial and the number of its real
roots in form of a Python tuple or a list.

Input example : program1(6), where n = 6.

Output example:
(89*x^6 – 19*x^5 – 80*x^4 – 76*x^3 + 54*x^2 – 39*x + 45, 2)
As your solution to this problem, provide the Sage function and the output for n = 4 and n = 10.

Problem Two. Write a Sage function which takes on input as its arguments a polynomial f with integer
coefficients and a list L. The polynomial f is a symbolic expression in the variable x. The list L consists
of an unspecified number of sub-lists, each of which contains two integers. These two integers represent
the x and y coordinates. As an example of L, consider L = [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], …[xk, yk]]. This Sage
functions returns all sub-lists in L, for which f(xi) = yi
, for all xi and yi
in sub-lists of L.
Input example :

problem2( 2*x^2-2*x+3, [[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 7], [3, 17], [4, 33], [5, 43], [6, 63],
[7, 87], [8, 116], [9, 147]])

Output example:

[[0, 3], [2, 7], [5, 43], [6, 63], [7, 87], [9, 147]]

As your solution to this problem, provide the Sage function and the output for

f = x
3 − x
2 − 1
and L = [[0, −1], [1, −2], [2, 4], [3, 17], [4, 48], [5, 99], [6, 189], [7, 332]].

Problem Three. Write a Sage function which takes on input as its argument a polynomial f. The
polynomial f is a symbolic expression with integer coefficients. This function returns the count of how
often the sign of the coefficients has changed.
Input example :

problem3(13*x^6 – 88*x^5 + 53*x^4 – 58*x^3 – 57*x^2 + 93*x + 22)

Output example:

As your solution to this problem, provide the Sage function and the output for
f = −27 ∗ x
7 + 3 ∗ x
6 − 28 ∗ x
5 + 44 ∗ x
4 − 11 ∗ x
3 − 71 ∗ x
2 + 6 ∗ x − 14

Problem Four. Two cars leave an intersection at the same time. One car heads north at the constant
speed of s1 (ft/sec). The second car heads east at the constant speed of s2 (ft/sec). Write a Sage function
which takes on input as its argument the constant speed s1 of the first car, the constant speed s2 of the
second car, h hours and m minutes, the time the two cars left the intersection. This Sage function returns
the distance (in miles) between the two cars after h hours and m minutes.

Input example : problem4(65, 65, 1, 12)

Output example: 75.2104485443873
As your solution to this problem, provide the Sage function and the output for problem4(25, 45, 1, 30),
where s1 = 25, s2 = 45, h = 1, and m = 30.


write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including title and reference pages) that analyzes the rhetorical and linguistic norms of your field Writing Assignment Help

1- please watch the video first


2- Assignment #1: Rhetorical Analysis of Academic (or Professional) Texts in Your Field.. Reflecting on “Discourse Communities & Communities of Practice” by Ann Johns and the lecture(s) from Professor Centanni, write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including title and reference pages) that analyzes the rhetorical and linguistic norms of your field based on two (or more) typical texts from your discipline. NOTE: You are not merely analyzing these two (or more) texts! You are analyzing these texts AS REPRESENTATIVE of your field. In other words, while you definitely want to comment on what these authors do, make sure you keep your vision and analysis about how this represents the field as a whole.

It is important to note that a rhetorical analysis should not take a stance on the topic(s) of your text(s), nor should it make value judgments about if the rhetorical norms in your field are “good” or “bad.” In fact, try to eliminate all “praise” or “condemnation” language from academic writing. Instead, just observe and examine the choices that the writers in your field make to appeal to their audience.

Also be sure to do the following:

1) Identify the target audience of each piece. Do not fall into the tempting trap of oversimplifying your readers as the “general public” or “common people interested in the subject.” Rather, look at specific elements within the text that show what assumptions the writer(s) hold(s) about their readers. Focus less on concrete signifiers (i.e., don’t worry about stating exactly how old you think a reader is or what level of education they have) and, instead, try to identify the values this group of readers seems to share – and how you can tell. (This paragraph requires cited evidence.)

2) Identify 3 to 4 strategies the writers use. Each of these strategies should be analyzed according to their appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos); however, APPEALS SHOULD NOT BE MISTAKEN FOR STRATEGIES. In other words, if the writer tells a sad story, you wouldn’t say, “The author uses pathos.” You would say, “The author tells a sad story to appeal to the readers’ pathos.” So, one more time, DO NOT USE APPEALS AS YOUR STRATEGIES.

After you identify the strategy, be sure to find a quote/paraphrase that illustrates the writer doing so, and then analyze how and why it would likely persuade someone in the field. (These paragraphs require cited evidence.)

Your grade will be earned based on the following characteristics:

a) Genre expectations. This is a formal, undergraduate, rhetoric essay intended for an audience of academic readers who are not members of your discipline.

DO: Use the academic voice

(Links to an external site.)

. Write focused, effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs

(Links to an external site.)

that meet the expectations of this genre. Have a strong thesis statement

(Links to an external site.)

that organizes your main purpose for your reader. Structure body paragraphs

(Links to an external site.)

according to academic writing norms, with specific topic sentences, contextualized evidence, and relevant analysis.

DON’T: Use casual language; mistake speech for writing norms (such as the dreaded One Word Opener or Second-Person Question); skimp on analysis (if you end a paragraph with a quote, you are not doing what is expected).

b) Formatting requirements. This paper must be formatted according to APA Style 7th Edition. You can have all of your questions answered by visiting this Introduction to APA

(Links to an external site.)

resource, and if you have questions about your citations or references page, see the APA: Citing Within Your Paper

(Links to an external site.)

or Formatting Your References List

(Links to an external site.)

pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Four to six pages does not mean 3.5 pages. It also does not mean 7 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Additionally, there should be a title page and a References list – these do not count toward the 4-6 page requirement.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect


1&2 in different docs please follow apa with references and citations no plagarism 350 words each-ajar Engineering Assignment Help

1)Reflect on the assigned readings for Week 3 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in project planning. After submitting your two page paper as an initial post in the “Reflection and Discussion Forum,” then type at least two peer replies in response to your classmates posts (200 word minimum each).

2)Reflect on the assigned readings for Week 4 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in project planning. After submitting your two page paper as an initial post in the “Reflection and Discussion Forum,” then type at least two peer replies in response to your classmates posts (200 word minimum each).


Communication discussion: Understanding Theory Scope Business Finance Assignment Help

How does this model reflect the communication context of organizations and small groups? Would this model be equally effective applied to other communication contexts?

Next, look back at the model of communication you suggested in your very first discussion post. Compare it to this model of CCD. How did your first model reflect a particular communication context, perhaps without you even realizing it did?

Finally, discuss the idea of theories and models having “scopes.” Abstractly, a scope refers to the boundaries that delineate the area of influence for a particular theory. What scope did your initial model apply to? Is a scope the same as a communication context? How so, or how not? Is the scope of CCD big, or small? How does the size of a theory’s scope impact is usefulness (consider the text book’s tests for evaluating a theory)?



discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Please read the Airbnb Segmentation Study Airbnb Segmentation Study. and do the ZIP Code exercise – Alternative Formats

and answer the following questions in your post:

Please read the Airbnb Segmentation Study in module 6 and answer the following questions in your post:

  1. What market segment from this study do you belong to and why?
  2. Comment on one of your classmate’s posts
  3. For a different view of market segmentation, point to https://claritas360.claritas.com/mybestsegments/#zipLookup and click on the “Zip Code Lookup” tab. Click on the Claritas360 link below and enter one ZIP code other than your own and list the top characteristics of that area. For the ZIP code directory, see https://www.usps.com/nationalpremieraccounts/findzipcodes.htm . To see the characteristics of the ZIP code you selected, click on the “Segment Details” tab. Next, scroll through the Income, Household Composition, Population by Age and Population by Race and Ethnicity tabs to see the details of the area.

discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Economics Expert Please help-Two questions Economics Assignment Help

1. Suppose there are two firms in the market. If they cooperate, they can make $400 each per year in economic profit. If they both compete, they make $200 per year. If one competes and one tries to cooperate, the “competer” makes $800 and the cooperator makes $50. The yearly interest rate is r.
Suppose firm 1 plays a “trigger strategy” of cooperating until it observes the other firm competing, and then competing ever afterward. In this case, for what values r would firm 2 prefer playing a trigger strategy to competing in every period?
2. There are two firms in a market that produce an identical good, both with marginal cost MC=10. Fixed costs are zero for both firms. Suppose inverse demand for a product is P = 130 – Q.
a) If the firms set the monopoly price and split the monopoly quantity. What quantities do they choose and what profit do they receive?
b) Suppose they set quantities simultaneously. That is, suppose the firms play a Cournot game. What quantities do they choose and what profit do they receive?
c) Suppose firm 1 knows that firm 2 will play the quantity it chooses in (a). What quantity should firm 1 pick? (Hint: use the best response function you derive in (b)). What are profits for each firm?
d) Suppose the firms meet infinitely often. They can save money at interest rate r. Suppose both firms play trigger strategies. That is, suppose firm 2’s strategy is to play the collusive quantity every period (the quantity derived in (a)) unless it observes firm 1 cheat, in which case firm 2 switches to playing the competitive quantity (the quantity derived in (b)). If firm 2 plays this way, what interest rate is necessary for a trigger strategy to be preferable for firm 1, as compared to cheating in the first period (playing the quantity in (c)) and playing the competitive quantity (as in (b)) afterward.


Economics Need 5 page Economics Assignment Help

Also please note the following important information:

  1. To be submitted in a word document via the e-submission link.
  2. Please ensure you analyse only the data according to your enrolled class (LF01, LF02 or LP03).
  3. To create and join a group please see ‘Joining a group’. More information regarding this process will also be below.
  4. Group members can be between 2 to 5 members. All members must come from the same class (LF01, LF02 or LP03). If there are issues with this please email your local lecturer.
  5. This assignment is worth 50% with a total of 50 marks allocated. For a detailed rubrics see appendix 2.
  6. Good Luck!!


FUNDAMENTALS OF FINANC/Excel Structured Activity: Constant growth (5Q), Stock and their Valuation (17Q) Business Finance Assignment Help

You are considering an investment in Justus Corporation’s stock, which is expected to pay a dividend of $1.75 a share at the end of the year (D1 = $1.75) and has a beta of 0.9. The risk-free rate is 4.8%, and the market risk premium is 5.0%. Justus currently sells for $28.00 a share, and its dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate, g. The data has been collected in the Microsoft Excel Online file below. Open the spreadsheet and perform the required analysis to answer the question below.


Rhetorical Analysis of Academic (or Professional) Texts in Business Accounting Writing Assignment Help

Assignment #1: Rhetorical Analysis of Academic (or Professional) Texts in Your Field. (my field is business Accounting ). Due by the end of Week 5. Reflecting on “Discourse Communities & Communities of Practice” by Ann Johns and the lecture(s) from Professor Centanni, write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including title and reference pages) that analyzes the rhetorical and linguistic norms of your field based on two (or more) typical texts from your discipline. NOTE: You are not merely analyzing these two (or more) texts! You are analyzing these texts AS REPRESENTATIVE of your field. In other words, while you definitely want to comment on what these authors do, make sure you keep your vision and analysis about how this represents the field as a whole.

professor recorded lecture

It is important to note that a rhetorical analysis should not take a stance on the topic(s) of your text(s), nor should it make value judgments about if the rhetorical norms in your field are “good” or “bad.” In fact, try to eliminate all “praise” or “condemnation” language from academic writing. Instead, just observe and examine the choices that the writers in your field make to appeal to their audience.

Also be sure to do the following:

1) Identify the target audience of each piece. Do not fall into the tempting trap of oversimplifying your readers as the “general public” or “common people interested in the subject.” Rather, look at specific elements within the text that show what assumptions the writer(s) hold(s) about their readers. Focus less on concrete signifiers (i.e., don’t worry about stating exactly how old you think a reader is or what level of education they have) and, instead, try to identify the values this group of readers seems to share – and how you can tell. (This paragraph requires cited evidence.)

2) Identify 3 to 4 strategies the writers use. Each of these strategies should be analyzed according to their appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos); however, APPEALS SHOULD NOT BE MISTAKEN FOR STRATEGIES. In other words, if the writer tells a sad story, you wouldn’t say, “The author uses pathos.” You would say, “The author tells a sad story to appeal to the readers’ pathos.” So, one more time, DO NOT USE APPEALS AS YOUR STRATEGIES.

After you identify the strategy, be sure to find a quote/paraphrase that illustrates the writer doing so, and then analyze how and why it would likely persuade someone in the field. (These paragraphs require cited evidence.)

Your grade will be earned based on the following characteristics:

a) Genre expectations. This is a formal, undergraduate, rhetoric essay intended for an audience of academic readers who are not members of your discipline.

DO: Use the academic voice (Links to an external site.). Write focused, effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs (Links to an external site.) that meet the expectations of this genre. Have a strong thesis statement (Links to an external site.) that organizes your main purpose for your reader. Structure body paragraphs (Links to an external site.) according to academic writing norms, with specific topic sentences, contextualized evidence, and relevant analysis.

DON’T: Use casual language; mistake speech for writing norms (such as the dreaded One Word Opener or Second-Person Question); skimp on analysis (if you end a paragraph with a quote, you are not doing what is expected).

b) Formatting requirements. This paper must be formatted according to APA Style 7th Edition. You can have all of your questions answered by visiting this Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.) resource, and if you have questions about your citations or references page, see the APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) or Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Four to six pages does not mean 3.5 pages. It also does not mean 7 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Additionally, there should be a title page and a References list – these do not count toward the 4-6 page requirement.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Four to six pages does not mean 3.5 pages. It also does not mean 7 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Additionally, there should be a title page and a References list – these do not count toward the 4-6 page requirement.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Four to six pages does not mean 3.5 pages. It also does not mean 7 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Additionally, there should be a title page and a References list – these do not count toward the 4-6 page requirement.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Four to six pages does not mean 3.5 pages. It also does not mean 7 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Additionally, there should be a title page and a References list – these do not count toward the 4-6 page requirement.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.


ENG1102 Annotated Bibliography& Research paper Humanities Assignment Help

ENG1102 Annotated Bibliography& Research paper Humanities Assignment Help

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