ENG112 Hills Like White Elephants and Good People Compare Contrast Essay Writing Assignment Help. ENG112 Hills Like White Elephants and Good People Compare Contrast Essay Writing Assignment Help.
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These two (2) short stories have significant similarities. They both center on young couple having a difficult conversation about the same subject and trying desperately to be heard/understood. However, you may notice some noteworthy differences in how the stories are told and how the conversation unfolds. For example, from whose point of view and perspective is Hemingway’s story told? What about Wallace’s? Which character do we seem set up to feel empathy for in both stories? How does point of view affect the message of the story? Compare and contrast the settings of the stories. How do the settings support the mood or message of the stories? Are the stories hopeful or do they evoke dread? You don’t necessarily have to respond to each of these questions but consider them as you compare and contrast the stories.
Above all in your response, be specific. Do not vaguely or superficially allude to similarities or differences: explain your ideas as fully and precisely as possible. Read through the stories at least twice and select key quotes from the text to support your claims. Your discussion should explain what is significant about the ideas presented and does not leave the reader up to guessing why it’s important.
ENG112 Hills Like White Elephants and Good People Compare Contrast Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UMUC Critical Reflection on Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Writing Assignment Help
Collaborative Critical Reflection and Replies
Step 1: Capture your topic. For the critical reflections, please choose a one or two sentence direct quotation from the readings or supporting resources as your prompt. The quotation(s) should reference, in a relevant, meaningful way, the issues, idea or concept that you will reflect about and that, in the end, you hope all learners will come to think about as a deeply important truth or lesson of this class. To make it easier for you to reflect meaningfully on the topic, the quotation should be relevant to a topic that you can tie directly to your own (or others’) experiences, observations, and critical reasoning. It should also be something you are willing to discuss with the class and something you are willing to think critically about.
Step 2: Write your reflection. Once you have identified the quotation prompt for your reflection, post it at the top of your paper, followed by a line space. Then, share 300 to 400 words (in meaningful, well organized paragraphs) that defend your belief that there is an important truth or lesson relevant to this course to be gleaned from this quotation. Essentially, your job is to clarify just what the lesson to be learned is and then to strongly (and thoughtfully) defend why you think the lesson is vital.
To help you think about your topic and write well, consider (and answer) these questions: What truth or lesson is being communicated by this quote? Why is this truth or lesson so important? How do your own or other’s experiences and observations relate to and support this truth or lesson? In what ways does this lesson make logical sense to you? In what ways does this lesson make emotional sense to you? How might this lesson be relevant to your own or others’ life and career? Why do some fail to live as if this truth or lesson were important? Why might some suggest this truth or lesson is not important? How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important? What can we do (at an individual, community, or society level to make this truth or lesson better recognized or practiced?
You are encouraged to be creative in your reflections. Your reflections may include, when relevant, links to media, pictures, or other supporting resources.
Step 3: Write a Discussion Question that Prompts Further Dialog on the Topic. End your entry with a line space and then post a single, relevant, provocative, open-ended question that you believe will prompt further debate and reflection by readers.
Step 4: Give Your Reflection a Title. Be sure to give your reflection a relevant, catchy but professional title. The title should be something creative that sparks other learners to want to read your reflection. Your title should be like a creative, but good headline.
Oxford How Would You Characterize the History of Attribution Theory HW Business Finance Assignment Help
in 7 pages (double spaced not including ref/title page) How would you characterize the history of attribution theory and what have we learned about how we arrive at causal explanations in our social world? Begin with a discussion of attribution models and close your discussion with the litany of attribution biases (and heuristics). What conclusions do you draw from this broad array of research? Have we learned something specific about the ways that we make attributions? Does the research on attribution models and attribution bias inform one another? Does one line of research contradict the other or might we think about how they complement one another? Your discussion should incorporate examples of both models and biases in order to demonstrate your command of this material. How does your knowledge of Schemas inform your position?
Fisher College Julius Cesar Film Essay Humanities Assignment Help
In approximately 800-1000 words, submit an essay that explores the following question
– Within Julius Caesar, what do you believe to be the primary conflict?
– While this may seem like an obvious question, it really is not. There could be a
number of ways to address this prompt. Do you see the primary conflict to be the
personalities of some of the characters? Caesar’s “ambition?” Cassius’s actions?
Brutus’s actions? The desire for power? Fear of tyranny? Something else?
– A few important notes about this paper
1. In order for first drafts to receive a ’10,’ they must be complete drafts.
2. Your thesis statement, or your argument, should be the final sentence of your
introductory paragraph.
3. As always, I don’t have a predefined conflict in my mind. In fact, I see this
play as very dynamic and reflective of the complexities of real life; thus, I am
open to a wide range of interpretations. Take time to think through what you
want your thesis to be.
4. Important: it is expected that you use significant evidence/quotes from the
movie/text to support your ideas. A good rule of thumb is 1-2 quotes/specifics
per body paragraph.
5. Your papers should be cited in MLA format to the best of your ability. This
will be an aspect that I can comment on to help you when you submit your
draft, but all drafts should still be submitted with MLA format. Please see the
MLA guide in ‘Syllabus & Resources’ section of the course.
6. Please reach out with any and all questions. I am here to help! If you have
ideas that you might want to write about, please reach out and we can work
on developing them together.
ECO561 University of Michigan Coca Cola Co Economic recommendations Paper Economics Assignment Help
Final Project Assignment
You have been hired as a consultant to make economic recommendations for a public firm (or private firm if data is available) of your choice. The goal of every business is Profit Maximization and you are giving them economic advice to achieve their goal. Conduct thorough research on different economic aspects of this firm using outside sources.
Complete an economic analysis for the firm based on at least five (5) of the key weekly topics (see attached file) or concepts discussed during this class. The topics can be demand, supply, price, profit, competition etc. Make a recommendation to the firm for the improvement of its current performance and future sustainability based on your research and enhanced economic knowledge achieved through this class.
Below is a general outline for you to use in your paper. This is a guideline; you can use your creativity and talents and make necessary changes.
1. Pick your company (Introduction)
2. If your company produces several products you can chose one product. (For example if you are picking Apple, you can chose just one key product like iPhone or iPad) for the simplicity of analysis. Give a brief description and why you chose that product (market share, profitability, future prospect etc.)
3. Research current demand, supply and equilibrium price of that product and develop demand and supply chart.
4. Based on the research, the concepts we learned, and in your own intuition, analyze factors that can influence the change in the demand and supply of this product. (Show the graphs)
5. Based on the elasticity concept analyze whether a price change is desirable for profit maximization. (Use hypothetical numbers for analytical purposes)
6. Find the profit maximization price and quantity
7. Write your conclusion, summarizing the main analysis and recommendation.
The paper should be a minimum word count at least 1800, excluding cover page and reference page.
A Philosophical Response to Fiction Essay Writing Assignment Help
A Philosophical Response to Fiction
What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:
Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see: michaelboylan.net, blog, book reviews)—note this is for preparation purposes only and is not to be turned in as part of your 5 pages.
Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240.
Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)
Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book in a controversial fashion (the anomaly)
Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view (your judgment of the anomaly)
Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.
Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.
Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? What concrete cases occurring in the world today might be different if your judgment were to be adopted? * most important point. At least a page.
Rubric: If you represent all eight points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A-“ or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.
A Philosophical Response to Fiction Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HIST460 SNHU Transcontinental Railroad and Manifest Destiny Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Use the below information to write a 6-page research paper on the Transcontinental Railroad and its effects on Manifest Destiny. This will be added to 4 other research papers to create a 25-page research paper on Manifest Destiny.
Transcontinental Railroad Outline:
- Building of the Transcontinental Railroad (Primary source #4)
- Movement of people and goods in relation to the American Industrial Revolution (see secondary source #7)
- National Railways of Mexico and American Railroad Unions (see secondary source #2)
- Mexican railroad workers and the American Railroad (see secondary source #3), also applicable to immigrants
While the idea of an American Manifest Destiny took the better part of a century to come to fruition and maturity, it is so pivotally rooted on the Industrial Revolution, Transcontinental Railroad, and immigrants that without any of these it would never have been realized.
While the idea of an American Manifest Destiny took the better part of a century to come to fruition and maturity, it is so pivotally rooted on the Industrial Revolution, Transcontinental Railroad, and immigrants that without any of these it would never have been realized. The popular editor and columnist John Louis O’Sullivan says, “… in a spirit of hostile interference against us, for the avowed object of thwarting our policy and hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.”(7) And thus, the term “Manifest Destiny” was coined as the motivator of wars, dreams and the God given right of freedom.
The American Industrial Revolution was gateway to Manifest Destiny. With the introduction of the industrial mill in the 1790’s, modeled after the British design (Secondary #5), increased the speed in which cotton thread could be spun into yarn. This same model and process began to revolutionize other industries and a mass increase of productivity was born. The American Industrial Revolution also brought forward wage labor, the coined term “market revolution” and an improved transportation system for raw materials.
Although the locomotive was an invention of earlier years, Manifest Destiny and the American Industrial Revolution urged the rush for the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad (primary #3). The Transcontinental Railroad is arguably the greatest accomplishment of America in the 19th century. Prior to the Transcontinental Railroad, the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific were two rail lines that joined in Utah, on May 10, 1869 creating the first rail line to connect citizens and goods from San Francisco, California all the way to Omaha, Nebraska.
As the Euro-Settlers pushed west in expansion, they were quick to realize that they were not alone. During the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, the California Gold Rush and the Mexican-American war came an influx of Mexican and Chinese immigrants (secondary source #8). Although these immigrants had gained entrance to America like the Euro-Settlers, they were treated with harsh discrimination. Although Mexican Americans were given opportunity to American citizens after the Mexican-American War, they were still treated as second-class, discriminated citizens.
“The Oregon Treaty was one of the first successes of Manifest Destiny.” (secondary #9) In 1846, the Oregon Treaty was signed and proved that Manifest Destiny was real and proved that the west was worth fighting for. Prior to the Oregon Treaty, the Oregon Trail, a 2,200-mile-long route stretching from Missouri to Oregon, led settlers seeking land and freedom to the wide-open, unsettled, West; The picture of Manifest Destiny.
Two years after the Oregon Treaty was signed, gold was discovered while James Marshall was constructing a sawmill in California (secondary #11). As the rumors of the deadly Oregon Trail spread east, so did the rumors of gold in California. Although it would be another 20 years before the railroad would be complete, Clippers were commissioned to take those seeking the “American Dream” from the east and into San Francisco.
- Danver, Steven L. “VOLUME 1: MANIFEST DESTINY: The Discovery of Gold in California.” Defining Documents: Manifest Destiny & the New Nation (1803-1859), August 2013, 210–18. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=127122394&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- “Volume 1: Manifest Destiny: Supplemental Historical Documents: Present at the Beginning of the Gold Rush.” 2013. Defining Documents: Manifest Destiny & the New Nation (1803-1859), August, 219–22. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=127122395&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- “Pacific Railway Act.” 2017. Pacific Railroad Act of 1862, August, 1. http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ulh&AN=21212851&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- Digital Public Library of America. “Building the First Transcontinental Railroad.” Ida B. Wells and Anti-Lynching Activism | DPLA. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://dp.la/exhibitions/transcontinental-railroad/history.
- “Credit-ticket System.” Immigration to the United States. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://www.immigrationtounitedstates.org/450-credit-ticket-system.html.
- U.S. Government, “Oregon Treaty,” HST 325 – U.S. Foreign Relations to 1914 (MSU), accessed May 26, 2019, http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/usforeignrelations/items/show/42.
- John O’Sullivan, “Annexation,” The United States Magazine and Democratic Review, Volume 17 (New York: 1845), 5-6, 9-10.
- Schakenbach Regele, Lindsay. 2018. “Industrial Manifest Destiny: American Firearms Manufacturing and Antebellum Expansion.” Business History Review 92 (1): 57–83. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ecn&AN=1723079&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- Miller, Richard Ulric. 1974. “American Railroad Unions and the National Railways of Mexico: An Exercise in Nineteenth-Century Proletarian Manifest Destiny.” Labor History 15 (2): 239. doi:10.1080/00236567408584293.
- Hart, John M. 2002. Empire and Revolution : The Americans in Mexico Since the Civil War. Berkeley: University of California Press. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=90489&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- Gordon H. Chang. “”China and the Pursuit of America’s Destiny: Nineteenth-Century Imagining and Why Immigration Restriction Took So Long”.” Journal of Asian American Studies 15, no. 2 (2012): 145-169. https://muse.jhu.edu/.
- “Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution.” Ushistory.org. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://www.ushistory.org/us/22a.asp.
- “Chinese Immigration and the Transcontinental Railroad.” Immigration Direct. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.uscitizenship.info/Chinese-immigration-and-the-Transcontinental-railroad/.
- The American Industrial Revolution. [Electronic Resource (Video)]. 2001. New York, N.Y. : Films Media Group, [2012], c2001. http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat04477a&AN=snhu.b1147925&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- “Chinese Immigrants and Mexican Americans in the Age of Westward Expansion.” Khan Academy. Accessed May 26, 2019. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/the-gilded-age/american-west/a/apush-chinese-immigrants-and-mexican-americans-westward-expansion.
- “Oregon Treaty 1846.” Omeka RSS. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/usforeignrelations/exhibits/show/manifest-destiny/oregon-treaty-1846.
- “Oregon Trail.” HistoryNet. Accessed May 26, 2019. https://www.historynet.com/oregon-trail.
- “California Gold Rush.” Omeka RSS. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/usforeignrelations/exhibits/show/manifest-destiny/california-gold-rush.
HIST460 Southern New Hampshire University Manifest Destiny: Immigrants Humanities Assignment Help
Use the below information to write a 6-page research paper on the Western Immigrants and its effects on Manifest Destiny. This will be added to 4 other research papers to create a 25-page research paper on Manifest Destiny.
Chinese immigration into California and treatment (see secondary source #4 & #6)
- Chinese and Mexican labor during the Gold Rush (secondary source #8)
- Chinese and Mexican labor during the building of the Transcontinental Railroad (secondary source #8)
- Relation to Manifest Destiny (secondary source #8)
- Credit-Ticket (primary source #5)
While the idea of an American Manifest Destiny took the better part of a century to come to fruition and maturity, it is so pivotally rooted on the Industrial Revolution, Transcontinental Railroad, and immigrants that without any of these it would never have been realized.
While the idea of an American Manifest Destiny took the better part of a century to come to fruition and maturity, it is so pivotally rooted on the Industrial Revolution, Transcontinental Railroad, and immigrants that without any of these it would never have been realized. The popular editor and columnist John Louis O’Sullivan says, “… in a spirit of hostile interference against us, for the avowed object of thwarting our policy and hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.”(7) And thus, the term “Manifest Destiny” was coined as the motivator of wars, dreams and the God given right of freedom.
The American Industrial Revolution was gateway to Manifest Destiny. With the introduction of the industrial mill in the 1790’s, modeled after the British design (Secondary #5), increased the speed in which cotton thread could be spun into yarn. This same model and process began to revolutionize other industries and a mass increase of productivity was born. The American Industrial Revolution also brought forward wage labor, the coined term “market revolution” and an improved transportation system for raw materials.
Although the locomotive was an invention of earlier years, Manifest Destiny and the American Industrial Revolution urged the rush for the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad (primary #3). The Transcontinental Railroad is arguably the greatest accomplishment of America in the 19th century. Prior to the Transcontinental Railroad, the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific were two rail lines that joined in Utah, on May 10, 1869 creating the first rail line to connect citizens and goods from San Francisco, California all the way to Omaha, Nebraska.
As the Euro-Settlers pushed west in expansion, they were quick to realize that they were not alone. During the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, the California Gold Rush and the Mexican-American war came an influx of Mexican and Chinese immigrants (secondary source #8). Although these immigrants had gained entrance to America like the Euro-Settlers, they were treated with harsh discrimination. Although Mexican Americans were given opportunity to American citizens after the Mexican-American War, they were still treated as second-class, discriminated citizens.
“The Oregon Treaty was one of the first successes of Manifest Destiny.” (secondary #9) In 1846, the Oregon Treaty was signed and proved that Manifest Destiny was real and proved that the west was worth fighting for. Prior to the Oregon Treaty, the Oregon Trail, a 2,200-mile-long route stretching from Missouri to Oregon, led settlers seeking land and freedom to the wide-open, unsettled, West; The picture of Manifest Destiny.
Two years after the Oregon Treaty was signed, gold was discovered while James Marshall was constructing a sawmill in California (secondary #11). As the rumors of the deadly Oregon Trail spread east, so did the rumors of gold in California. Although it would be another 20 years before the railroad would be complete, Clippers were commissioned to take those seeking the “American Dream” from the east and into San Francisco.
- Danver, Steven L. “VOLUME 1: MANIFEST DESTINY: The Discovery of Gold in California.” Defining Documents: Manifest Destiny & the New Nation (1803-1859), August 2013, 210–18. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=127122394&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- “Volume 1: Manifest Destiny: Supplemental Historical Documents: Present at the Beginning of the Gold Rush.” 2013. Defining Documents: Manifest Destiny & the New Nation (1803-1859), August, 219–22. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=khh&AN=127122395&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- “Pacific Railway Act.” 2017. Pacific Railroad Act of 1862, August, 1. http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ulh&AN=21212851&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- Digital Public Library of America. “Building the First Transcontinental Railroad.” Ida B. Wells and Anti-Lynching Activism | DPLA. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://dp.la/exhibitions/transcontinental-railroad/history.
- “Credit-ticket System.” Immigration to the United States. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://www.immigrationtounitedstates.org/450-credit-ticket-system.html.
- U.S. Government, “Oregon Treaty,” HST 325 – U.S. Foreign Relations to 1914 (MSU), accessed May 26, 2019, http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/usforeignrelations/items/show/42.
- John O’Sullivan, “Annexation,” The United States Magazine and Democratic Review, Volume 17 (New York: 1845), 5-6, 9-10.
- Schakenbach Regele, Lindsay. 2018. “Industrial Manifest Destiny: American Firearms Manufacturing and Antebellum Expansion.” Business History Review 92 (1): 57–83. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ecn&AN=1723079&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- Miller, Richard Ulric. 1974. “American Railroad Unions and the National Railways of Mexico: An Exercise in Nineteenth-Century Proletarian Manifest Destiny.” Labor History 15 (2): 239. doi:10.1080/00236567408584293.
- Hart, John M. 2002. Empire and Revolution : The Americans in Mexico Since the Civil War. Berkeley: University of California Press. https://search-ebscohost-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=90489&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- Gordon H. Chang. “”China and the Pursuit of America’s Destiny: Nineteenth-Century Imagining and Why Immigration Restriction Took So Long”.” Journal of Asian American Studies 15, no. 2 (2012): 145-169. https://muse.jhu.edu/.
- “Economic Growth and the Early Industrial Revolution.” Ushistory.org. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://www.ushistory.org/us/22a.asp.
- “Chinese Immigration and the Transcontinental Railroad.” Immigration Direct. Accessed January 25, 2019. https://www.uscitizenship.info/Chinese-immigration-and-the-Transcontinental-railroad/.
- The American Industrial Revolution. [Electronic Resource (Video)]. 2001. New York, N.Y. : Films Media Group, [2012], c2001. http://ezproxy.snhu.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cat04477a&AN=snhu.b1147925&site=eds-live&scope=site.
- “Chinese Immigrants and Mexican Americans in the Age of Westward Expansion.” Khan Academy. Accessed May 26, 2019. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/the-gilded-age/american-west/a/apush-chinese-immigrants-and-mexican-americans-westward-expansion.
- “Oregon Treaty 1846.” Omeka RSS. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/usforeignrelations/exhibits/show/manifest-destiny/oregon-treaty-1846.
- “Oregon Trail.” HistoryNet. Accessed May 26, 2019. https://www.historynet.com/oregon-trail.
- “California Gold Rush.” Omeka RSS. Accessed May 26, 2019. http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/usforeignrelations/exhibits/show/manifest-destiny/california-gold-rush.
Differences Between New York & London Cities Culture Geography Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Research Assignment
Assignment: You will be researching a topic related to Human Geography and writing a brief (3-5 pages) paper presenting your research.
Topics: Describe some of the major differences between a chosen major U.S. city and a chosen major European city (for example, New York and London). What are some of the key distinctions between how the cores of the cities are used? Why might public transportation be much more popular in your chosen European city than in your chosen U.S. city?
Citations: You must provide citations for information gathered from your research. Use APA style for in-text citations and for your Works Cited and/or bibliography pages. An excellent source for APA style and citation is the website The OWL at Purdue. See the attached page for the Avila policy.
Writing Style: Use formal Standard English and writing conventions. Papers must be word-processed, double spaced and in Arial font, size 12.
Ashford University Chapter 16 Opioid Crisis and Violent Crimes Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Opioid Crisis and Violent Crimes Debate [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] |
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 16 in your textbook, the required articles, Why the Opioid Epidemic May Have Fueled America’s Murder Spike (Links to an external site.) and Opioid Epidemic So Dangerous, Says CDC, It’s Finally Killing More People Than Guns (Links to an external site.), and watch the video: Warning: This Drug May Kill You (Links to an external site.). The opioid crisis has become a controversial issue but one that is becoming harder and harder to ignore. In the context of the relationship between psychology and criminal behavior, substance abuse is one of the leading risk factors for criminal behavior. Therefore, the opioid crisis is an issue that criminal psychologists, public health professionals, and our community-at-large are examining the implications, the most crucial of which appears to be a relationship between homicide/violent crime rates and opioid abuse. In your discussion,
Conduct additional research on the opioid crisis using the Ashford Library to ensure you are aware of the latest issues in the opioid crisis national debate. Then, briefly debate the issue with your classmates. Your instructor will assign you to one of the two prompts. Please debate the issue from the perspective that:
- Prompt 1: Physicians have caused the opioid crisis by over-prescribing pain medications that are highly addictive, and
- Prompt 2: From the perspective that the person taking the opiates is responsible for the person’s own behavior and doctors should be able to prescribe whatever they want in any quantity they deem medically necessary. Remember to provide your insight into whether rising violent crime rates stems from the opioid crisis as asserted in your assigned readings.
Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ initial posts and, in a minimum of 100 words each, by Day 7, respond to at least two of your classmates posts who espoused the opposing viewpoint. Be sure to provide constructive feedback; ask follow-up questions to your peers regarding their assessment of the opioid crisis, its relationship to violent crime, and what should be done about it. Are your classmates’ responses supported by scholarly, credible evidence or mere speculation? Gently remind those who speculate that in academic work, opinions must be supported by credible and/or scholarly evidence. Respond in a substantive manner with specific examples to extend their thinking. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly or credible sources, and properly cite any references. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7, and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.
https://anyessayhelp.com/. The opioid crisis has become a controversial issue but one that is becoming harder and harder to ignore. In the context of the relationship between psychology and criminal behavior, substance abuse is one of the leading risk factors for criminal behavior. Therefore, the opioid crisis is an issue that criminal psychologists, public health professionals, and our community-at-large are examining the implications, the most crucial of which appears to be a relationship between homicide/violent crime rates and opioid abuse. In your discussion,
Conduct additional research on the opioid crisis using the Ashford Library to ensure you are aware of the latest issues in the opioid crisis national debate. Then, briefly debate the issue with your classmates. Your instructor will assign you to one of the two prompts. Please debate the issue from the perspective that:
- Prompt 1: Physicians have caused the opioid crisis by over-prescribing pain medications that are highly addictive, and
- Prompt 2: From the perspective that the person taking the opiates is responsible for the person’s own behavior and doctors should be able to prescribe whatever they want in any quantity they deem medically necessary. Remember to provide your insight into whether rising violent crime rates stems from the opioid crisis as asserted in your assigned readings.
Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ initial posts and, in a minimum of 100 words each, by Day 7, respond to at least two of your classmates posts who espoused the opposing viewpoint. Be sure to provide constructive feedback; ask follow-up questions to your peers regarding their assessment of the opioid crisis, its relationship to violent crime, and what should be done about it. Are your classmates’ responses supported by scholarly, credible evidence or mere speculation? Gently remind those who speculate that in academic work, opinions must be supported by credible and/or scholarly evidence. Respond in a substantive manner with specific examples to extend their thinking. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly or credible sources, and properly cite any references. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Day 7, and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.