ENG130 SUNY Buffalo State Greek Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help

ENG130 SUNY Buffalo State Greek Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help. ENG130 SUNY Buffalo State Greek Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Answer five questions in Paragraph form.

What were Prometheus’ crimes against Zeus? (Examine especially Work + Days 25 and Theogony 154 seq.

Who were the gods of the three theogonies in Hesiod and how and why were they replaced and defeated? (Theogony 132-135/150-153)

Describe Ovid’s version of Ovid’s four ages of man from Prometheus’ creation of mankind. What are the characteristics of the Age of Iron?

What were the punishments for mankind dictated by Zeus because of Prometheus’ rebellion? (See especially WD 27-29 and Theogony 157-9.) Were there any similarities to the story of the Fall in Genesis?

What are Zeus’s punishments for Prometheus and how will he escape them? What does Io (female) have to with his eventual release? How long will it take for him to be free?

You have to use this sources (TEXTS) only to answer all the five (5) questions in Paragraph form

I don’t have this Texts and I wish if you have it. Please use this TEXTS only to answer the five questions



Please include one quote from the books for each paragraph answer.

ENG130 SUNY Buffalo State Greek Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

WRITE Lab report that be 6-8 single-spaced pages in length (font size 12). Writing Assignment Help

For this lab you will need to access to your XP security and Kali virtual machines in the
Computer Security Lab.
Both of the images have a wide range of security tools. In this lab do a survey of the
tools on each of these images. Are they classified a certain way? Can you make any
generalizations about the tools you see? Identify 3 tools on each image then explore
with greater detail what those tools do and how they might help a security practitioner
conduct security actions in a security operations center(SOC).

Lab reports will be 6-8 single-spaced pages in length (font size 12). The title page does
not count as one of the pages for the report. The bibliography will not count as one of
the page requirements. Appendices will not count as pages for the report and should
contain the referenced screen shots proving the work you accomplished or supporting
comments you make in the lab report. All references will be properly cited throughout
the report.


Primary Doc Annotations + Visual Chronology Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will complete the preliminary steps for writing the background of a contemporary ethical case. Please Note: The final contemporary ethical case will cite five primary documents, five secondary documents and your original article for a minimum of eleven references and two visuals. If you want to work ahead you may, but for this assignment only five are required.

Annotations of Primary Documents
First, find five primary documents as data sources for your contemporary ethical case. This may include newspaper articles or pre-recorded transcripts from podcasts, court records, or video presentations.

Visual Chronology
A critical skill of a good or ethical engineer is to communicate by connecting to an audience. Visual data is one of the most powerful tools we can use to create a meaningful connection to someone else. Create a chronology of important events that you have surmised from your primary documents. Use parenthetical in-text citations where appropriate in your visual. Visually connect any two events that have causality where the first shapes the second. Use the following labels for important events:

  • First Label – Major or minor
  • Second Label – Serendipitous or Causal
    • If, Causal, then, use one of these three labels:
      • Background enabling – “[does] not directly cause the [outcome] to occur, [but] made it possible, in that without it, the [outcome] would not have occurred”(McGinn 2018, 41)
      • Background facilitating – does not directly cause the outcome of interest, but creates an environment that is favorable (McGinn 2018, 41)
      • Foreground precipitating – “trigg[ers] the outcome of interest”(McGinn 2018, 42)

Keep in mind, that each event will have at least two labels. Also, you need to properly credit where you found each event with attribution through in-text parenthetical citation as necessary.

The visual chronology might be submitted in various forms (whichever is most helpful to you and aids your writing of later assignments in this scaffolded series). You could submit a photograph of your hand-drawn chronology. Alternatively, you could submit an electronic file with clipart using Microsoft Powerpoint SmartArt (figure 1) or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet chart (figure 2).

Figure 1 Visual Chronology with Microsoft Smart Art

Microsoft Excel Chart Timeline

Figure 2 Visual Chronology with Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet

Finally, you could submit an electronic file with a list or table using Microsoft Word Table, or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Submit the following Attachments

  1. Visual Chronology of Events (neatly hand-drawn and scanned or photographed, or, alternatively, typed in an electronic file using Microsoft Word SmartArt or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, etc.)
  2. Annotation 1, 2, 3 ….5
    • Bibliographic Reference
    • Summary
    • Three bullet points They Say/I Say

Reference: McGinn, Robert E. 2018. The Ethical Engineer: Contemporary Concepts and Cases. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Instruction: Writing an Annotation

Writing an Annotation (150-200 words)

One annotation should be approximately 150-200 words, including the bibliographic reference, paragraph, and three important points.

Type the full bibliographic reference, in your preferred citation format, for this article or book chapter

Use bullets to pull out three important points of scholarly argument and/or empirical data that help you to think about your research. VERY IMPORTANT: For each of these three important points, separate each bullet into two parts: what “They say” (e.g., a piece of data, a quote, a logical premise, etc. that you cite from the article) and what “I say” (your own assertion, original thought, or reflection about what they have said).


Pre Lab A Submarine Adventure : Density Saves the Day Science Assignment Help

I will upload everything in the files because it won’t let me otherwise.


You will use pre-labs to convince your instructor that you are knowledgeable enough to safely
perform the scheduled experiment. You need to do three things to demonstrate this:

1. Pre labs are first and foremost about safety. You need to know the hazards of the
experiment that you are about to perform. You should include a list of chemicals and
research their hazards by looking up and summarizing the information on their Safety Data

a. Always include the chemical reactions you are doing. List the reagents, product, and

  1. Pre labs show that you will efficiently go about your work. You will outline the procedure in
    your own words
    . You will include prepared tables and equations that are required to record
    and perform required calculations.
  2. You will work out and show the results of the pre lab questions. These questions are
    designed to demonstrate your preparation.

    1. Find and do the Laboratory Preparation and Prelaboratory Assignment for each lab
      in your lab manual.
    2. Handouts should be read carefully to determine if there is a pre lab component – it
      is up to you to do this without your TA telling you to do so.

Pre labs are type written (use equation editor in MS word to make equations)1 and submitted to
Canvas electronically in MS Word docx format ONLY. NO MACROS. Corrupt or virus ridden files will
receive a score of zero. Show care in your work.

Pre labs are due 24 hrs. before the start of the lab. Your instructor can bar you from performing
the experiment (and you’ll receive a 0) if your Pre lab is poor – you represent a safety hazard to yourself
and others.

Pre lab format

1 Some instructors may ask you to work out the problems by hand, photograph them, and submit electronically.
Page 2 of 9

Title and Author (5 pts)

See instructions in Post lab for writing a title

Hypothesis (5 pts)

The goal of the experiment

Materials (10 pts)

List chemicals, hazards, and special handling instructions

Procedure (10 pts)

In your own words, see above.

Pre Lab Questions (10 points)

See above


jot down a couple of ideas on how each of the components could impact a child in your program Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment you are a camp direct who runs a camp for children respond with 250 words . 50 words per idea


1. Considering the 5 components of the socio-ecological model, jot down a couple of ideas on how each of the components could impact a child in your program:

  • individual
  • interpersonal
  • organizational
  • community
  • public policy

Influences on Learning

Social Ecological Model

Read Wikipedia’s definition of the Social Ecology Model. You will see this model (see Figure 1) is a framework to examine the multiple effects and interrelatedness of social elements in an environment. Social ecology is the study of people, their environment, and the influences they have on one another. When trying to understand how learning occurs in our programs, it is useful to keep this model in mind because it illustrates not only the individual (camper or program participant, staff, YOU!) and their abilities but also the surrounding environment that includes interpersonal relationships (family, friends, other people, etc.), but also organizations, the communities with whom that individual interacts, and public policies that influence the individual.

Figure 1. Social Ecological Model

Points to Ponder About the Model

So what influences the learning of the individual? You can likely think of many factors that exert influence on the individual: genetics, intelligence, resilience, gender, skills, beliefs, knowledge, health (physical and mental), “grit”, aspirations, and motivation. Consider the other environmental components of the model and think about where your camp/program contributes to the other components of the model. For example, what interpersonal relationships fostered in your program influence the learning of individuals associated with your camp or program? What about organizational influences? Community? Public policy? All of the components of this model are important to consider when trying to understand how learning happens- and can be shaped- in your camp or program!



Manson Presentation Writing Assignment Help

create a draft of the Causes and Reaction to Controversy portions of your final project. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Causes of Controversy A. Media Coverage: Assess the impact of media coverage of the case on the judicial process. For instance, how did the news media shape public perception of the case? How did this, in turn, affect the court proceedings? Or, how did the selection of photographs and videos used by the media impact public opinion and the judicial process? B. Fairness: Assess the fairness of the administration of the judicial process in your case. In other words, how fair and equitable was the judicial process? Why did the judicial process cause such a controversy? II. Reaction to Controversy A. Reaction Explanation: Explain the reaction by the criminal justice court system, the media, and local, state, or national politicians to the perceived equality of the judicial process, supporting your response with specific examples. For instance, were politicians acting in a way that caused bias? Did local media provide objective coverage of the case? Did national media demonstrate sufficient, in-depth knowledge of the facts? B. Reaction Defense: Justify, with evidence, the appropriateness and effectiveness of the court system’s reaction to the controversy during the trial. Ensure that you communicate your justification clearly and effectively. C. Alternatives Explanation: How could the court system have responded more appropriately and effectively to the controversy during and after the trial? In other words, what alternative courses of direction could the court system have taken? How could the judicial system have worked in a more fair and ethical way? D. Alternatives Defense: Defend, with evidence, your conclusions about how the court system could have taken an alternative course of direction that might have remedied the situation more appropriately and effectively. Ensure that you communicate your defense clearly and effectively.

Must be plagiarism free, have references with in-text citing, grammar and spelling free. `

Manson Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

what other infrastructure systems were needed to make your selected one function Writing Assignment Help

This is an individual assignment in your own words…no writing together. Shared or plagiarized work (copied from a website) is considered academic misconduct. If you get your information from sources (as you should) just paraphrase {write in your own words} and formally site the website at the end of your response.

These assignments START with book exercises but are modified so follow THESE directions

  1. 45 points Pick ONE historic infrastructure project listed in Homework problem 8.11 page 155 of your text. Answer points 1,3, 4, and the following “ what other infrastructure systems were needed to make your selected one function (i.e. a bridge needs roads etc…) about this project in a well-formed ~½ page response. At the end of your response, provide a list of the websites from which you gathered information. List each website on a separate line.
  2. 15 points Take a photo of a piece of infrastructure on the UA campus that you believe needed the involvement of a structural engineer. In your response you will (a) identify the infrastructure, its location on campus, and describe its role (ie., a dorm is to house students), (b) describe what role you think the structural engineer in particular played in your selected, (c) include your infrastructure photo in the response. (3-5 sentences total should suffice).


Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting. A sound economy is con Mathematics Assignment Help

Assignment: Ethics in Accounting

Effective financial reporting depends on sound ethical behavior. Financial scandals in accounting and the businesses world have resulted in legislation to ensure adequate disclosures and honesty and integrity in financial reporting. A sound economy is contingent on truthful and reliable financial reporting.


  • Read the following scenario.
  • Answer the questions that follow. (1-2 paragraphs per question)
  • Reference back to your text book for guidance on how to think through the scenario.


Imagine you are the assistant controller in charge of general ledger accounting at Linbarger Company. Your company has a large loan from an insurance company. The loan agreement requires that the company’s cash account balance be maintained at $200,000 or more, as reported monthly. At June 30, the cash balance is $80,000. You give this update to Lisa Infante, the financial vice president. Lisa is nervous and instructs you to keep the cash receipts book open for one additional day for purposes of the June 30 report to the insurance company. Lisa says, “If we don’t get that cash balance over $200,000, we’ll default on our loan agreement. They could close us down, put us all out of our jobs!” Lisa continues, “I talked to Oconto Distributors (one of Linbarger’s largest customers) this morning. They said they sent us a check for $150,000 yesterday. We should receive it tomorrow. If we include just that one check in our cash balance, we’ll be in the clear. It’s in the mail!”


  1. What is the accounting problem that the Linbarger Company faces?
  2. What are the ethical considerations in this case? Provide rationale for why these are ethical considerations.
  3. What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow Lisa Infante’s instructions to wait one more day to post the balance?
  4. Who will be negatively impacted if you do comply? Provide a rationale for why these individuals will be impacted.
  5. What is one alternative that you could pursue in this scenario? Support your recommendations with information you learned in this class.


250 word paper , Need it tomorrow. Health Medical Assignment Help

Hospital Comparative Analysis Brief and is due Sunday September 15 at 11PM

Purpose: Demonstrate analytical skills using a publicly available data source; Demonstrate ability to write clearly and concisely for an executive level audience. Assignment: In this assignment, you are the newly hired health planner for one of these two hospitals (you pick). Your CEO has asked you to compare and contrast the two hospitals. You have at your disposal the information and tools contained within the California Healthcare Atlas:

In 250 words or less, write an executive brief that compares these two hospitals. How are they similar? How are they different? Are they competitors for similar patient populations? You will be graded on clarity of writing, succinctness, spelling and grammar. A minimum of 2 references should be used and cited.


ART 12 Picture each pic 2 sentence at least desirable about the pic Writing Assignment Help

Post due on Sunday September 15

ART EXPERIENCE: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.

Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.

Example below:

Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.



In 250 words or less, write an executive brief that compares these two hospitals. How are they similar? How are they different? Are they competitors for similar patient populations? You will be graded on clarity of writing, succinctness, spelling and grammar. A minimum of 2 references should be used and cited.


ART 12 Picture each pic 2 sentence at least desirable about the pic Writing Assignment Help

Post due on Sunday September 15

ART EXPERIENCE: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.

Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.

Example below:

Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.



In 250 words or less, write an executive brief that compares these two hospitals. How are they similar? How are they different? Are they competitors for similar patient populations? You will be graded on clarity of writing, succinctness, spelling and grammar. A minimum of 2 references should be used and cited.


ART 12 Picture each pic 2 sentence at least desirable about the pic Writing Assignment Help

Post due on Sunday September 15

ART EXPERIENCE: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.

Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.

Example below:

Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.



In 250 words or less, write an executive brief that compares these two hospitals. How are they similar? How are they different? Are they competitors for similar patient populations? You will be graded on clarity of writing, succinctness, spelling and grammar. A minimum of 2 references should be used and cited.


ART 12 Picture each pic 2 sentence at least desirable about the pic Writing Assignment Help

Post due on Sunday September 15

ART EXPERIENCE: Line, value, color, texture, pattern, shape, volume, space, motion, and chance exist all around you in nature and in the things that humans make and build. When you find these visual elements around you, record them with sketches or your camera. For example, look for examples of lines in tree limbs, tall grasses, human hair, veins in leaves, and so on. In the constructed environment, look for tangles of power cords, ribbons, spaghetti, highway lane markings, light poles, power lines, and so on. After you have collected twelve to fifteen examples, make a visual diary of all you have found.

Again, YOU will be fining the images around you that display the visual element that you are choosing to discuss.

Include this visual diary as a series of a few Instagram layout “pictures”. Please describe the visual element that you are identifying. Each “image” should have a few photos, that are all describing the same visual element.

Example below:

Below is one “image”, with a few photos all illustrating examples of LINE. Please use your own example- this is just to show the layout and that all images are showing the same visual element, line.


ENG130 SUNY Buffalo State Greek Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help

ENG130 SUNY Buffalo State Greek Mythology Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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