ENGH 202 George Mason University King Henrys Army Passage Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

ENGH 202 George Mason University King Henrys Army Passage Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help. ENGH 202 George Mason University King Henrys Army Passage Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Attached is the file with question from Richard Nanian and below are the answers from my peers. Since it is Peer Engagement Post so that should be considered.


Peer Engagement Posts

Peer Engagement Posts require you to think further about a reading assignment after some of your peers have posted initial responses to it. In your post, you must quote both your peer and a text from the same reading assignment, and the passage you quote from the text must be different from any that your peer has quoted. As always, you must set quotations up substantively, not just with a phrase like You said. Setting them up substantively also does not mean setting them up with an evaluative statement, such as You make a great point. Avoid evaluative statements in general. Whether you think a post makes a good point or you disagree with it should be clear without those kinds of overt statements.

Whenever quoting a passage from another post, do not include the whole original message in your post: always cut everything except the passage you want to quote.

Your goal is to engage with your peer’s response thoughtfully. That means you cannot simply agree with it. You must respond in one of the following four ways:

1) Extension: This means you think your peer makes a valid point, and you build on their comment logically as the foundation for deeper analysis of the same issue. Think of this as mentally inserting the phrase (note that I say mentally — you shouldn’t write this) If this is true, then I would go further and argue that between the quotation and your own commentary. You then should bring in more textual evidence to support your point.

2) Application: This means that you think your peer makes a valid point, and you use their comment as a way to analyze a different portion of the text. You may find a similarity or a difference between the passage you quote and the one your peer quoted; either way, you still agree with your peer, because any differences result from the passage itself.

3) Rebuttal: This means you find a flaw in your peer’s analysis. This flaw may result from a problem in the logic of the analysis itself, or it may result from your peer ignoring evidence from the reading that contradicts their point. In either case, keep your criticism focused on the analysis, not the writer.

Peer Engagement Posts should be between 200 and 250 words long, not including quotations. As with Reading Response Posts, the key is working effectively with quotations. Always set up and comment on quotations, which means you should never present two quotations back-to-back. Also, do not quote your peer quoting the text: quote peers for their ideas, not their evidence.

ENGH 202 George Mason University King Henrys Army Passage Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

National University Health Effect of Air Pollution in Nigeria Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

As we started doing air pollution in Nigeria and we have the out line. Now we need to finish that assignment.

In your introduction, briefly describe your issue or topic. Also, provide epidemiological information on the following: morbidity and mortality among the specific group, community, or country. Next section will be your methods, in which you describe keywords and how you conducted your literature review. Then, in your discussion section, discuss at least three interventions published in the scholarly literature to address the crisis in a country of your choice. Evaluate the progress and outcomes of such prevention programs. Describe the intervention (e.g. target audience, experimental/control group, intervention methods and materials, intervention outcomes) Assess the methods used in the intervention (e.g. level of the intervention, strengths and weaknesses of the intervention, potential impact/generalizability of the intervention). Conclusion offers a good wrap-up of everything discussed wherein!

E.g. Access to water in Kenya. Approximately 11% of the world’s population does not have access to safe or affordable drinking water; unfortunately, 46% of the population continues to have inadequate access to quality water in Kenya. Some interventions addressing this issue include: water kiosks, household water pumps, rock catchments, and boreholes. One program was implemented in Nairobi, Kenya …. It was successful because… Another program was implemented in Kitui, Kenya… It was unsuccessful because…

Submit a 3-5 page paper outlining the information below.

Include in your Assessment Paper:

  • Abstract.
  • Introduction to the topic of choice (one paragraph).
  • Answer all questions pertaining to your topic in Discussion section. Your methods section is also included in these points.
  • Conclusion- summary of overall research, quality, and potential recommendations you would (or would not) make regarding this global health issue.
  • Reference page (include at least 7 references primarily from peer-reviewed journals); exclusive of 3-5 page paper requirement.
  • APA format, grammar, structure, effort, overall professionalism of paper.


CCHS Feminism the Role of Women in The Ancient Times Analytical Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay Prompts for the Ancient You should keep in mind that the topics listed below are “prompts.” In other words, the topics are designed to provoke you into thinking about the works we have discussed.

Important note: A persuasive or analytical essay is not a summary. We persuade another reader to a particular conclusion by means of logical discourse, not by opinion. We analyze using the same criteria, to get a better understanding of the WHOLE by looking at the relationship of the PARTS, logically.

Write a THREE to FIVE page analytical essay using one of the topics below.


PSYC 5 CCSF Degree & Children Measure of Central Tendency Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

Module 3 Central Tendency Practice Assignment: Using the dataset (for the last time), Calculate and state the measure of central tendency for each of the four variables! Report on what you found for each variable. For Age, calculate the appropriate measure of central tendency from the regular frequency distribution and one from the grouped distribution. Report the difference if any? Calculate by hand using your calculator or Desmos/Scientific then check your answers using easycalculation.com/mean.median.mode.

Module 3 Data Central Tendency Practice Assignment.pdf


City College of San Francisco Strange Situation Procedure Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discuss temperament and attachment. After reading about temperament and attachment in Chapter 4, provide your perspective on how infant temperament may influence bonding and attachment with the caregiver(s). Is there a relationship between temperament and attachment? How does attachment work or play itself out in adult relationships? Be sure to support your ideas by referring to the text or to other scholarly sources you use. Include your references.

right arrow-1.jpgIn addition to the reading in the text, I recommend reading the lecture on attachment before addressing this discussion forum prompt.



DB 10 UOL The Ultimate Grand Canyon Travel Guide Writing Analysis Humanities Assignment Help


  1. Use the Weava Highlighter to read and annotate “The Ultimate Grand Canyon Travel Guide” (alternate pdf version).
  2. Watch Blending Quotations (a.k.a. ways to avoid dropped quotations) above (web handout).
  3. Use the Reading Response Instructions and the Example Reading Response to respond to “The Ultimate Grand Canyon Travel Guide” in DB10 – Reading Response.
  • For Part 1, the paragraph study, focus more on HOW the author put the paragraph together, and less on WHAT they’re saying.
  • So talk more what you can learn from them about how to write your own paragraphs — on any subject — and not at all about the information in the paragraph.
  • For Part 2, follow all the instructions for the quotation, paraphrase, and summary sentences exactly.
  • If it says to use a signal phrase and contextualize a paraphrase, then do that.
  • And so on. Refer to the instructions as you work.
  • If there is any plagiarism in DB10 — accidental or otherwise — you will receive a zero.
  • For Part 3, work to develop your OWN ideas in your response paragraph instead of just talking about what the source says. I know it’s hard. But it’s the secret weapon for excelling in college writing.
  • I am NOT looking for a summary here.
  • I am looking for your own idea in a topic sentence, a quotation used as evidence, and commentary that explains how the evidence supports your topic sentence claim.
  • For Part 4, read the instructions.
  • I attached an example of another student’s work down below.

DB 10 UOL The Ultimate Grand Canyon Travel Guide Writing Analysis Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BIO 120 Desert Ridge High School Cell Membrane & Osmosis Concentration Project Science Assignment Help

  1. What is a cell membrane?
  2. There are four different ways that cells move molecules across their membranes. List and define each of these four mechanisms.
  3. Read this brief excerpt to help you understand Brownian Motion:

[Introduction to Brownian Motion] (Links to an external site.)

Brownian Motion

Michael Fowler, U. Va.

Introduction: Jiggling Pollen Granules

In 1827 Robert Brown, a well-known botanist, was studying sexual relations of plants, and in particular was interested in the particles contained in grains of pollen. He began with a plant (Clarkia pulchella) in which he found the pollen grains were filled with oblong granules about 5 microns long. He noticed that these granules were in constant motion, and satisfied himself that this motion was not caused by currents in the fluid or evaporation. Smaller spherical grains, which at first he took to be oblongs end-on, but later realized weren’t, had even more vigorous motion. He thought at first that he was looking at the plant equivalent of spermthey were jiggling around because they were alive. To check this, he did the same experiment with dead plants. There was just as much jiggling. Perhaps all organic matter, everything that ever was alive, still contained some mysterious life force at this microscopic level? Sure enough, he found the movement in tiny fragments of fossilized wood! But then he went on to find it in matter that never was alivetiny particles of window glass, and even dust from a stone that had been part of the Sphinx. The movement evidently had nothing to do with the substance ever being alive or dead, much to Brown’s surprise. So what was causing it? Perhaps it was evaporation currents, or the incident light energy, or just tiny unnoticed vibrations. But none of these explanations was very satisfactory.

Half a century later, a new possible explanation emerged. The kinetic theory of heat developed by Maxwell, Boltzmann and others was gaining credence. If all the molecules in the fluid were indeed in vigorous motion, maybe these tiny granules were being moved around by this constant battering from all sides as the fluid molecules bounced off. But there was a problem with this explanation: didn’t it violate the second law of thermodynamics? It had been well established that energy always degrades, as friction slows movement kinetic energy goes to heat energy. This seemed to be the other way roundthe molecular battering was certainly disorganized heat energy, but when the granule moved it had evidently gained kinetic energy. Since many scientists regarded the second law as an absolute truth, they were very skeptical of this explanation.

In 1888, French experimentalist Léon Gouy investigated the movement in detail, finding it to be more lively in low viscosity liquids. He established that it was unaffected by intense illumination or by strong electromagnetic fields. Despite the second law, Guoy believedcorrectlythe random motion was indeed generated by thermal molecular collisions.

It’s easy to see the Brownian movement, or Brownian motion (it’s called both) by looking through a microscope at tobacco smoke in air.

[Introduction to Brownian Motion] (Links to an external site.)

4. Use this interactive online simulation to better understand what is happening as Brownian Motion is observed.

[Brownian Motion Simulation] (Links to an external site.)

5. Watch this four-minute YouTube video.

Brownian Motion – setting up a Smoke Cell (Links to an external site.)Brownian Motion - setting up a Smoke Cell

6. In your composition book, create a diagram or series of diagrams depicting Brownian motion. Include whatever labels and captions you see fit.

7. Draw and label a cell membrane with an embedded aquaporin protein. Your lab manual should be a sufficient reference for this objective.

8. Define the following:

      • Colloid
      • Selectively permeable membrane
      • Osmosis
      • Hypertonic
      • Hypotonic
      • Isotonic
      • Concentration Gradient

9. Carefully read and understand Osmosis and the rate (speed) of diffusion along a concentration gradient.

10. Read the procedure (pg 13) and reference Figure 2 (pg 11)

11. Write your answers to the following questions in your composition book:

      • What is this experiment evaluating?
      • How does the change in mass of the three model cells over time relate to osmosis?
      • How do you expect the mass to change for each of the model cells? (Increase? Decrease? No Change?) Explain why.


Ramapo College of New Jersey World Cinema Movements Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

– 1 paragraph analyzing anything you find noteworthy about the weekly screening (full-length film). If you wish to write additional analysis to include one or more of the weekly clips, that’s great.

screening: Singin’ in the Rain (Links to an external site.) (Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly, 1952)

clips: The Jazz Singer (Links to an external site.) – 1927

Jurassic Park (Links to an external site.) – 1993

– 1 paragraph with analysis of the week’s readings – for example, you could elaborate on a concept you found interesting or argue against a concept in the readings.

Film Art, 11th edition. David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson CHAPTER 7

– Do not summarize the lecture content, the readings, or the films’ plots. Write about things you can analyze. For example: you could write about how a film uses a visual storytelling device like subjective camera or editing. If you are ever struggling for an idea, begin with the leading questions on the worksheet. Avoid writing reviews; that is a whole other style of writing.


University of Colorado Boulder Visual Representation of Gender Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Following our readings and discussions, please take a few moments (or more) to explain and describe visually(!) the cultural-social or ideal definition of sex and gender in your point of view.

In other words, how would you describe GENDER in correlation to SEX? You are welcome to add SEXUAL ORIENTATION to the description, but it is not required.

Please present that explanation by a drawing/scheme/chart/any other visual option. There are many ways to view/draw it, and they are all acceptable. + next to your drawing add 1-2 sentences of explanation of your argument. However, your main work is not in words, but in visual 🙂

* If you believe it won’t affect your own thinking and creativity, you are welcome to view few of the works in this link, towards the end of that short article about the assignmenthttp://communicationstudies.colostate.edu/story/spcm-335-gender-communication-rethinking-relations-sex-gender/ (Links to an external site.)




California State University How Do You Define Yourself Discussion Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must first post a thoughtful response to the prompt posted below. Then, you must also respond to the post of one of your classmates. Each response should be at least one paragraph in length (five clearly written, thoughtful sentences).

Here is your opportunity to spend some time thinking about yourself and your identity. How do you define yourself? (Really think about which terms and labels you want to include/exclude). What terms/labels seem to be the most important to you in terms of having affected the experiences in your life? Is there a conflict between your avowed and ascribed identities? If so, what challenges does this present? If not, how do you think the alignment between your perception of yourself and others’ perceptions of you has impacted you?

Has the reading for this week changed the way you think about your identity in any significant way?




California State University How Do You Define Yourself Discussion Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must first post a thoughtful response to the prompt posted below. Then, you must also respond to the post of one of your classmates. Each response should be at least one paragraph in length (five clearly written, thoughtful sentences).

Here is your opportunity to spend some time thinking about yourself and your identity. How do you define yourself? (Really think about which terms and labels you want to include/exclude). What terms/labels seem to be the most important to you in terms of having affected the experiences in your life? Is there a conflict between your avowed and ascribed identities? If so, what challenges does this present? If not, how do you think the alignment between your perception of yourself and others’ perceptions of you has impacted you?

Has the reading for this week changed the way you think about your identity in any significant way?




California State University How Do You Define Yourself Discussion Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must first post a thoughtful response to the prompt posted below. Then, you must also respond to the post of one of your classmates. Each response should be at least one paragraph in length (five clearly written, thoughtful sentences).

Here is your opportunity to spend some time thinking about yourself and your identity. How do you define yourself? (Really think about which terms and labels you want to include/exclude). What terms/labels seem to be the most important to you in terms of having affected the experiences in your life? Is there a conflict between your avowed and ascribed identities? If so, what challenges does this present? If not, how do you think the alignment between your perception of yourself and others’ perceptions of you has impacted you?

Has the reading for this week changed the way you think about your identity in any significant way?




California State University How Do You Define Yourself Discussion Writing Assignment Help

For this assignment, you must first post a thoughtful response to the prompt posted below. Then, you must also respond to the post of one of your classmates. Each response should be at least one paragraph in length (five clearly written, thoughtful sentences).

Here is your opportunity to spend some time thinking about yourself and your identity. How do you define yourself? (Really think about which terms and labels you want to include/exclude). What terms/labels seem to be the most important to you in terms of having affected the experiences in your life? Is there a conflict between your avowed and ascribed identities? If so, what challenges does this present? If not, how do you think the alignment between your perception of yourself and others’ perceptions of you has impacted you?

Has the reading for this week changed the way you think about your identity in any significant way?


ENGH 202 George Mason University King Henrys Army Passage Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

ENGH 202 George Mason University King Henrys Army Passage Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

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