ENGL 101 JPSHS The Food History Reader and The Jungle Essay Writing Assignment Help

ENGL 101 JPSHS The Food History Reader and The Jungle Essay Writing Assignment Help. ENGL 101 JPSHS The Food History Reader and The Jungle Essay Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Due Friday May 7, 2021, via Canvas submission. Length: 1,500 words. Format: double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman, standard margins. Please conduct a focused analysis of one primary document (or two-to-three related primary documents) of your choosing in TheFood History Reader, coupled with relevant secondary readingsthat you find doing your own research.

To clarify: The Food History Reader is composed of 14 Parts, containing 90 primary documents (also called primary sources). The phrases “primary document” and “primary source” are interchangeable terms that historians use to refer to any original historical text written by someone in the past.

A secondary reading means a piece of research-based writing, written by an historian or another expert, that examines the past historical record and provides historical context for the primary documents you are analyzing. It should be based on primary-source evidence. It may explicitly analyze or make reference to the very text(s) you are analyzing.

You may focus on the history of one ingredient, the cuisine of a nation or people whom we have or have not discussed at length in class, or a topic related to food – such as agriculture, trade, nutrition, diets, the food industry, etc. in a particular time and place. For this paper you should use all secondary (=scholarly) sources you can get your hands on to help you interpret your chosen document(s). But note that a lot of what you might find related to food history on the Internet is generic or unsupported nonsense. Please note: articles in newspapers, general-interest magazines, popular websites, and blogs are not permitted for use unless you receive specific permission from me to use such articles. I recommend searching for material using Sprague Library’s “Find Articles & More” search box, as well as JSTOR, ProQuest, and Academic Search Complete. Google Books is also a fantastic research tool.

Minimum Expections
All written work submitted for this course must:

  • Be submitted as an MS Word document. No PDFs, no Pages, no Google Docs. (Pages and Google Docs will let you export the finished document as an MS Word file.)
  • Length: 1,500 words (approximately).
  • Font: Use Times New Roman 12-point font, with standard margins.
  • Header and Title: The essay must be headed in upper left corner with your name, the date, the class, and the assignment. You must then place, below and centered on the page, an appropriate and compelling title (please don’t call your essay “Essay 2” or “Document Analysis”!!). Have some fun here.
  • Proofreading: The essay must be written to the best of your ability. I expect it to be copy-edited and proofread to eliminate spelling mistakes, formatting mistakes, and errors of punctuation, grammar, capitalization, etc. Mispelling proper names is an especially egregious mistake: don’t do it.
  • Format:
    • Single-space the header and title. No separate title page. Just put the header and title at the top of p. 1 and then get right to the essay on the same page.
    • Double-space the body of the essay. No extra space between paragraphs.
    • Must include page numbers placed on the upper right-hand corner.
  • Cite sources using in-text references or footnotes. If using footnotes, use your app’s automated insert-footnote function. Do not create manual footnotes.
  • Follow Chicago/Turabian style for references/notes/bibliography. Information and instructions can be found by following the link to The Chicago Manual of Style on our course Canvas site.

ENGL 101 JPSHS The Food History Reader and The Jungle Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Richland Community College Things to Do in Dallas in Holiday Brochure Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities question and need support to help me learn.

You work for the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Dallas – your job is to:

Create 3-panel brochure in Publisher or Word.

Sell your city by creating a brochure that illustrates different events, activities, plays, shopping, holiday lights, caroling, children fun, etc., available in the DFW area.

  • Focus on events that occur from Dec. 15 – Jan. 3 (spring semester use year prior; fall semester use upcoming dates).
  • Must contain:

    (min of 5)
    different types of events (minimum) – at least 1 from each segment of

    Additional graded items:

    be visually appealing
    like something that could be given to a visitor to DFW looking for activities
    believe it or not, it shows when you take time to do an assignment


DEP 2004 Rasmussen College Mod 5 Managing Symptoms of Menopause Discussion Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a environmental science report and need support to help me understand better.

Module 05 Assignment – Menopause

Assignment Content

  1. In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of menopause and address the following:

    1. Explain perimenopause, surgical menopause, stress menopause, and postmenopause.
    2. Describe the signs of menopause.
    3. Which other life changes (e.g., physical, psychosocial, and cognitive) may influence a women’s experience during menopause?
    4. Which women are at the highest risk for osteoporosis?
    5. Describe the traditional and alternative therapies for the conditions associated with menopause.
    6. Suggest appropriate health, nutrition, and exercise guidelines for middle-aged and older adults.

    Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.


John P Stevens High School Whiteness as An Ideology and Racism Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

describe in a two-page typewritten essay how “whiteness as an ideology”; race dominance; and modern racism emerged as well as how history played a role in determining “where we have been, who we are… and where we must go…” in the 21stcentury.

In completing this assignment, please follow the guidelines as described in your course syllabus. Your paper must be emailed no later than one week from today.

All written work should be presented in the following style:

A cover letter with

1. Course name and number

2. Instructor’s name

3. Student’s name

4. Title of the assessment task

5. Date of submission

6. Student email

7. Total number of pages submitted

-Arial 12-point font

-Double spaced

-One-inch margins on all four sides

-References cited must follow the style guide you use for your major


Idaho State University Entrepreneurial Venture Snow Cone Shacks Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting question and need support to help me understand better.

Dr. Jay Zee is a college professor who is looking for an entrepreneurial venture.He has encountered an opportunity to acquire 10 brand new Snow Cone shacks for $15,000 each, which seems perfect because he can operate them during his four month summer break.He has about $35,000 cash to invest in the business.The business has the following additional characteristics

  • Sales are expected to be $4,000 per month, per shack.
  • Sales are expected to grow 2% per year.
  • Labor expenses will be 50% of sales.
  • Materials, supplies, and other expenses will be 20% of sales.
  • Properties will be leased for the four month period for $200/month, per shack.
  • His income tax rate is 39% (this is because he makes so much money as a college professor).
  • The shacks will be depreciated straight line over a 20 year life.
  • In 20 years, the business can be sold for 25% of the initial cost of the shacks, plus 50% of one year’s revenue.
  • He anticipates that the sale will not result in any additional taxes.
  • He believes that an investment of this type should earn at least 10% more than the 8% return he has been getting from his other investments.

Jay has two options for financing this project, they are as follows:

  • Commercial bank loan, using the equity in his home as additional collateral.
    • Interest rate will be 6% fixed
    • 20 year term
    • 20% down payment required
    • 3% Loan fee; paid up front
  • Alternatively, Jay has a former student who is willing to invest as an equity partner.He will give Jay $120,000 in return for an annual payout of 20% of the net revenue, plus 20% of the proceeds of the sale of the business.He also requires a 4% fee paid up front.

Given the characteristics of the project and the financing options, should Jay pursue the project, and, if so, how should he finance the venture?

What if Jay’s student is so appreciative of all he learned that he is willing to accept an annual payout of only 5% of the net revenue; would this change your recommendation?

Please perform a thorough analysis and justify your answer using the measures discussed in class.Also, what additional factors would you consider if you were Jay, and how would they affect your decision?



University of California San Diego Implicit Biases and Stereotypes Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Discussion and need an explanation to help me learn.


To explore your own implicit biases and how this may influence stereotyping and prejudice, as well as discuss your own lived experiences.

Remember- we ALL have implicit biases- and sometimes even explicit biases that come out in the form of prejudice or discrimination. This is going to be a conversation that might make you uncomfortable as the topic is often not discussed with family/friends. Please respect everyone’s lived experiences. Remember, if we don’t talk about these things and educate ourselves about how implicit and explicit biases work, we won’t be able to reduce these behaviors. Knowledge IS power.


  1. In your OWN words, what is the difference between a stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination? Provide an example either from the videos or in your own personal life (something that may have happened to you OR you were prejudiced towards a particular individual/group) of prejudice stereotyping, and discrimination.
  2. What is the danger of a single story? What does viewing someone based solely on their membership in a specific group often lead to?
  3. What are 2 historical examples of prejudice and discrimination?
  4. What is a current example of prejudice/discrimination? FIND A RECENT ARTICLE (past year) and copy the URL here. Summarize the article in 3-4 sentences and discuss how it relates to the textbook and videos.
  5. What is your understanding of privilege? Discuss a time when you have experienced privilege and might not have known it. HINT: Privilege is more than race/ethnicity. While it is true white privilege exists, there are so many other examples as well, including having parents who are still married, having your own car, being able to pay bills every month and save some money.
  6. Racism, sexism, prejudice, and discrimination are pervasive within our social structures and often perpetuate oppression and inequality. What are some ways we can reduce implicit biases, prejudice and discrimination? In 3- 5 sentences, provide some concrete examples of strategies e can use to educate people about prejudice and ways to reduce it.

University of California San Diego Implicit Biases and Stereotypes Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SSU 504 Plan for Melany & the Therapeutic Results on The Girl Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Not all kids need special education or individualized instruction.

But they might still need supports or services at school. Depending on their challenges, they may

be able to get that help through a 504 plan. 504 plans are designed to help kids with disabilities

learn alongside their peers. They do this by removing barriers to learning. 504 plans aren’t the

same as


. They’re each covered by different laws and work in different ways. But the end

goal is the same: to help students be successful in school. Review the link below to gain a better

understand of a 504 Plan.



Complete a 504 for Melany (the case study student assignment) accompanied by

notification meeting letter. (Form and sample letter are in D2


MGT 576 PSU US Bank Investment Internal and External Analysis MEMO Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business report and need a reference to help me understand better.

Write a 2- to 3-page memo to the CEO of the company you’ve been assessing throughout the course, outlining your plan to create economic, social, and environmental value. In your memo, include the following items:

  • An executive summary of the memo
  • A summary of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations for converting weaknesses into strengths
  • A summary of your Week 3 findings on Porter’s Five Forces
  • A summary of your Week 4 findings on the Diamond of National Advantage
  • A summary of your Week 5 analysis of the firm as a learning organization
  • Strategic recommendations based on your previous work in this course. Include the opportunity identified in Week 2, the move into the country identified in Week 4, and any recommended moves toward being a learning organization. Provide rationale for each recommendation.


UCSD Psychology Article Analysis and Classmates Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Discussion and need an explanation to help me learn.


To demonstrate how confirmation bias works and identify strengths and weaknesses of mainstream psychology articles.


Every day, we see several articles and blog posts about new research findings. It is tempting to skim the headline of an article or instagram post and take what is said at face value without looking deeper into the source. However, part of being a consumer of research is being able to a) identify “good” science and b) understanding how our own biases play into the media we consume.

Please watch this 8 minute video on confirmation bias and filter bubbles.

Then, go to google (Links to an external site.) and do a search on a topic related to psychology. Some potential search terms include (you can use your own terms too as long as the theme is around psychology):

  • Alzheimer’s and telomeres
  • Environmental determinants of autism
  • Social media use and memory
  • Marijuana and memory
  • Social media and self-esteem
  • COVID-19 and coping
  • Political ideology and parenting style

Once you have completed your search, please answer the following questions:

  1. What search term did you use
  2. Insert a screen shot of the results that were generated
  3. Think about your own “filter bubble” do you think your search generated results based on your prior search history and who you follow, links you click, etc? Why or why not?
  4. Pick one of the first THREE search results. Copy and paste the article link and summarize the article findings in 3-4 sentences.
  5. Now, analyze the quality of the article and address the following things:
    • Where was the article published?
    • What are the author’s credentials- are they qualified to write this article?
    • Did the author cite their sources either directly in the article or in a reference page at the end (or both)?
    • Did the author make any emotional appeals?
    • Did the author present the information through a specific lens or was the focus mainly on facts?


University of Leeds Impact of Globalization on Higher Education Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a education & teaching report and need support to help me study.

Write a 2,500-word essay on your chosen area of study. With a weighting of 30% for this unit of study, it is an important component of your assessed work. Your essay needs to be written in formal academic style, and you should consult the various documents contained in this handbook. Include documentation of all sources used, and present a full reference list at the end of the essay. At least 10 peer-reviewed sources should be cited, and additional references to readings from Modules 1-3 are required in order to achieve the quality of the higher grade-bands.

The essay should explore how education is transformed by globalisation in regards to the sector and context selected. For example, I might select the last Topic (i.e., Curriculum & Pedagogy) and after reading the 6 assigned readings and the 5 additional ones that I found on my own and used for my annotated bibliography, explore how curriculum and pedagogy at the secondary school level in Tanzania is transformed by globalization.


ENGL 101 JPSHS The Food History Reader and The Jungle Essay Writing Assignment Help

ENGL 101 JPSHS The Food History Reader and The Jungle Essay Writing Assignment Help

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