ENGL 1020 Texas Wesleyan University Mrs Jones Characterization Essay Humanities Assignment Help

ENGL 1020 Texas Wesleyan University Mrs Jones Characterization Essay Humanities Assignment Help. ENGL 1020 Texas Wesleyan University Mrs Jones Characterization Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Treat this response like a body paragraph with a topic sentence. You do not need a separate introduction to the paragraph but do indicate the author and title in your topic sentence.

Develop your paragraph with details and analysis.You must quote at least once from the short story and give a parenthetical citation in MLA format. You may quote other words and phrases from the story, but most of the words in this analytical paragraph must be your own.

A well-developed body paragraph should contain about ten to twelve substantial sentences or around 250 words.

More Information is given in attached DOC.

ENGL 1020 Texas Wesleyan University Mrs Jones Characterization Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

East Tennessee State University Museum visit The Milwaukee Art Museum Essay Humanities Assignment Help

( Use pictures of the museum from the internet, you don’t have to visit the museum personally )

The Course, so far, has explored Art from the late 1400’s to 1900.

In the nineteenth century and moving into the twentieth art began to go

through many changes.

The exhibition has work from the Neo-Classical period thru the beginning of Modernism.

With our visit to the museum I want you to connect with the exhibition and to explore the permanent collection of the MAM (Milwaukee Art Museum)

Explore the Museum, find works from each period that we have covered in class.

Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque etc.

Photograph with your phone and trace the timeline. What are your favorite pieces from each period? What is your absolute favorite work of art in the museum?

What do you think of the architecture of the Museum?

1. Make a PowerPoint of Photographs of you in the museum.

2. Photograph some of the art.

3. Write a one page paper about your visit. What did you see there? What about the architecture of the building? Choose one of the artworks there and write about it.


University of Miami Expanded Conflict Awareness Training Essay Writing Assignment Help

Expanded Conflict Awareness Training

Investigate a common conflict within your industry of study(communication arts) and a create a video training with the following criteria:
Research and setup an informational interview with an organization to investigate their organizational history, conflicts, challenges, and or changes they have encountered (past, present, or future).
Create a training video that will promote the understanding of conflicts cause, impact, parties involved, conflict styles, and strategies for conflict management or resolution.
An exemplary training will include both theory and practice. For your participants, be sure to include conceptual information and innovative activities that put the theories into creative practice.
Include a written description of your objectives – short and long term. Describe the rationale, the target audience, and the location where the training will take place. Summarize the key information, ideas, theories that your project relies on. Describe the activities that you will use and how you plan to lead these. Provide a list of resources for your participants to include articles, books, films, community resources, etc. Create and attach a booklet, PowerPoint presentation, or quick reference guide to help your participants keep your training in mind or advance on the learning you have provided.

5-page minimum for the written description.

Individual Requirements:
10-15 minute training video length.
3-page minimum for the written description.
Please note: The written description should include illustrations, graphs, and charts) be in APA format (no abstract page required), include a reference page, “Times New Roman” font, size 12, and the format for paragraphs is “double-spaced” and “left-aligned.” For information, please refer to Purdue Owl


ECN 121B University of California Davis Standing up For Steel Case Write Up Economics Assignment Help

answer three short questions within one page(single space)

Read the case “Standing up for Steel” in the case packet and briefly respond to the case question(s) below.
You are welcome to discuss the case as a group, but each person must write their own response. Responses
that are identical will not receive credit.
Based on your reading of the case, respond to the following question(s):

(a) Who are the winners and losers from steel tariffs?

(b) Referencing the class on political economy, what explains why the U.S. government might enact a
policy like steel tariffs?
(c) Big steel firms were initially against the steel tariffs, despite the fact that they would seem to
benefit from higher domestic steel prices. Later, they change their stance to favor steel tariffs.
later favored steel tariffs. What might explain why they weren’t in favor of steel tariffs throughout
the period?


LEH 325 Walden University Reflection on Women and The Arts Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The final paper will be a short self-directed reflection on selected themes we have studied during the semester. However, these themes should connect with the readings in Module 15 & 16, and the films “Faat Kine” and “The Troublemaker.”


Select any three themes of your choice relating to the themes we discussed about African women in AAS/WST 240 during Fall, 2020. Examples of possible themes are: women and agriculture, women and politics, or women and culture.

  • In a four-page double spaced write up, reflect on how your selected themes are important to the contemporary situations of African women.
  • Link your selected themes to the readings and films assigned for Module 15 &16.
  • Cite examples from other relevant assigned course materials, films and specific African countries to further support your reflections.
  • Note: The four –double spaced pages should also include references.




: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_BC7mUSEgw



ARH 252 University of Manitoba The Impact Of Abstract Expressionism Essay Writing Assignment Help

Please answer both questions in essay form. Your answer for each question should be around 2-3 double-spaced pages, for a total of 4-6 double-spaced pages.

  1. Using 3-4 examples, including at least one artwork from the second half of the nineteenth century, describe the gradual progression toward abstraction in European and American art. What motivated artists to move away from representational art? Why did illusionism become less important to artists after the invention of photography in the mid nineteenth century? What formal stages can you identify that led artists to paint in increasingly abstract styles? To answer these large questions, you are encouraged to structure your essay around a single theme, such as the changing approach to the human figure, shifting attitudes to landscape, or the evolving use of color, etc.
  1. Using 3-4 examples from the first half of the 20th century, compare and contrast at least three related movements of art. In terms of form, there are a lot of similarities among the various “isms” of the early 20th century, from the unnatural use of color in Fauvism and German Expressionism, to the interest in geometric form in Cubism, Constructivism, and De Stijl, to the reliance on chance and the unconscious in Dada and Surrealism, etc. Yet the aspirations behind these movements (political, social, spiritual, etc.) were often very different. In your essay, use your chosen artworks to discuss those differences. Consider what might have led artists with diverse viewpoints to arrive at similar formal innovations. Why do you think artists suddenly felt the need to define their practice in radical opposition to preceding artistic traditions and even their own contemporaries?

ARH 252 University of Manitoba The Impact Of Abstract Expressionism Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

East Tennessee State University Peter Paul Rubens Art Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

( Just put pictures and note in the powerpoint) SEE THE attached powerpoint example from a student work.

pick a couple of artworks from a specific time period or style of artwork, Cubism, Impressionism, etc.

These must be famous artist who made their work between 1400 AD and 1970 AD.

Students should pick an artist that worked in the Time frame that we have been looking at this semester, 1400 to 1900.

Then research this artist work and pick a couple of artworks by this artist.

The presentation you will do should be duplicating that idea.

Your presentation will then be describing the work like in our formal analysis. Then explaining what you think about the work. This will all be in written form in your PPT.

I want at least 8 to 10 images. Download an image to your computer and focus on parts of the image for your explanation.

In the end why did you decide on this work? What do you think about this artwork?The more detailed the better.


PLAN 2101 Dalhousie University Computing the Data Probability And Planning Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

You must provide complete solutions and write formulas if you use one to solve the problems. Do

not report just a numerical value as an answer. Show your calculation process. You may use a

software e.g. Excel, MINITAB if necessary. You do not need to submit MINITAB model. Include

all MINITAB outputs and plots in the assignment (hint: copy from MINIITAB and paste in the

assignment). If you are using excel for calculations, you must submit that in the assignment drop

box. You are expected to complete these problems independently. Use this document as the cover

page of your assignment.


PED 103 Chesapeake College Wellness and Fitness Absence of Sickness Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

PED 103Case Study – Martha

Martha is a 52-year-old divorced woman with three grown children. Her oldest child, Heather, is married with a good career and is expecting her first baby. She is beyond excited to become a grandmother but her daughter lives 3 states away. Martha will be there for the birth of the baby but will have to find a way to see her grandchild despite the distance. Martha’s middle child, Scott, is single. He has a teaching degree and a history of drug and alcohol abuse. He has been in recovery for a year now but Martha feels like she is always in a state of dread because he has relapsed 3 times before. Carter is Martha’s youngest child. He lives at home and commutes to a local university where he is a senior. Carter has been Martha’s bright spot and she is hopeful that he will remain on the “straight and narrow” and be a successful member of society. Although she is not anxious to experience the “empty nest” that so many of her friends talk about.

Martha works as a legal secretary and lives on a tight budget. She is considering returning to college, and maybe even dating, now that her children are older. However, Martha is afraid to make a decision that she may regret. In fact, when Martha makes plans to return to school or to join an online dating site, she feels so anxious that she sometimes experiences panic attacks. Martha can’t decide if she should let her life remain status quo or if she should work through her fears holding out hope for a more fulfilling life. Martha asked her family doctor for something for anxiety, but he suggested that she call a counselor. She has yet to schedule an appointment.

One thing Martha is doing for herself is taking a yoga and spin class at her local YMCA. She really enjoys the exercise and the social interaction the classes provide. Her life, up to this point, has focused on her family and their needs, but she is learning to take time for herself. Her doctor also encouraged her to begin an exercise routine when she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol last year. There is a history of heart attacks and stroke in her family so she decided to do something about her health besides just take the medication that was prescribed. This has also increased her self-esteem and she feels more empowered to take charge of her life and health. She is so proud of the fact that she could overcome her anxiety to participate in these activities.

Martha has a great support system. She has three very close friends that she can call on for support and socialize with. They usually get together once a week for dinner. She enjoys their company and values their friendship. Even when their lives get busy, someone is always a phone call away. Martha never had a very good family life; she grew up in the foster-care system which provided many stability challenges. She got married young to escape the system and it probably wasn’t the best decision as far as a long-term relationship but it did finally provide her with the home and family she always wanted.

Martha is a strong, resilient woman and will continue to battle life’s challenges with courage and optimism.

Please answer the following questions using the information you have learned throughout the semester. Your responses to the four questions should be in depth and in complete sentences and paragraph form.

1) Discuss each component of wellness and discuss how it relates to the lifestyle behaviors you can identify in the case. How would you rate each of the components of wellness on a scale of 1-10?

2) Identify and discuss the factors or behaviors that put this person at greater risk for the chronic lifestyle diseases we discussed in class.

3) Describe specific lifestyle changes you would recommend to improve their overall wellness (most important to least important). Make sure nutrition and exercise are part of the changes you recommend.

4) Locate a relevant source that provides research-based information that increases the knowledge of the person in the case. Evaluate the source for authority, accuracy, currency and objectivity. Fully cite the source in A.P.A. format.



COMM 335 Excelsior College Ethical Standards for Diversity in Media Discussion Writing Assignment Help

During Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004, sailors on the aircraft carrier USS George Washington relaxed by watching American television.The media is an integral part of culture. Cultural contracts theory tells us that our worldview of other cultures is shaped when we interact with people from those cultures. One of the alternate ways we learn about them is through film, television, books, and other various media. What role does the media play in shaping your view of other cultures? This activity is designed to help us explore ethical standards for diversity in media and other concepts presented our module. This activity aligns with module outcome 1.

Answer one of the following discussion questions below.

  1. Think about the films, television programs, music, games, or books
    that you have experienced in the past few years. Identify one that you
    believe offered a negative stereotypical portrayal according to gender,
    race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, physical ability, etc. What
    impact do you think this portrayal had on audience members?
  2. Global media conglomerates are largely owned by western corporations
    that export western entertainment programs worldwide. Given the
    significant number of police and crime dramas in U.S. films and
    television programs, how might audiences in other parts of the world
    perceive Americans? Give an example to support your response.
  3. The concept of cultural relativism helps us understand how ethical
    values and practices may vary according to culture. Ethically acceptable
    communication in one culture may be considered unethical in a different
    culture. Describe an experience you had with cultural relativism and
    how you felt about it.
  4. Consider the core theoretical assumptions of identity negotiation on
    pages 242-243 of our textbook. Which of these resonated with you the
    most and why? Give an example based on your personal experience that
    supports this particular assumption.
  5. Our textbook author provided several examples of minimalist values.
    Which minimalistic human value do you believe is most important in
    promoting common ground between absolutism and relativism? Provide an
    example to support your response.


ENGL 1020 Texas Wesleyan University Mrs Jones Characterization Essay Humanities Assignment Help

ENGL 1020 Texas Wesleyan University Mrs Jones Characterization Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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