ENGL 203 AU Plan Proposal About Social Media Influencers Writing Project Humanities Assignment Help

ENGL 203 AU Plan Proposal About Social Media Influencers Writing Project Humanities Assignment Help. ENGL 203 AU Plan Proposal About Social Media Influencers Writing Project Humanities Assignment Help.

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For this proposal, you should:

  • Identify the two videos you plan to analyze (include links)
  • Explain how you plan to analyze the videos – following Unit 2 Prompt
  • expectations

  • Provide at least three sources (at least 2 academic, peer-reviewed)
  • Use the Unit 2 Prompt to guide your proposal
  • Your proposal should be at least 250 words, typed in paragraphs. You should be specific when explaining how you plan to analyze each video – discuss what you will include in the body paragraphs of your final draft, mention what perspectives you are including (sources), and explain what argument you will provide for this paper. You should include links to the two videos you plan to analyze as well as links for at least three sources (at least two academic).

    ENGL 203 AU Plan Proposal About Social Media Influencers Writing Project Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    AC 401 Samford University Flexible Budgets and Variances Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

    answer the following questions, and read others answers give responds.

    Q1: What is the operating budget and what are its components listing first the budget relied on by most other supporting budgets. Two sentences maximum.

    Q2: Contrast the calculation differences between the flexible-budget and sales-volume variances. Two sentences maximum.

    Q3: How do managers use variances? Two sentences maximum.

    • Formatting: Format your discussions in the following ways:
    • Times New Roman font, size 12
    • Include your name
    • Include references to credit any text, video, or other materials that you used as sources (including your textbook).
    • Content: Your discussions will be graded based on the discussion rubric as well as the style of your writing.
    • Mechanics: You are expected to use proper mechanics, and you will lose points for grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.

    student 1 :

    Q.1- The budgeted income statement and its supporting budget schedules, which together are called the operating budget. Preparing the revenues budget is often the starting point of the operating budget because the forecasted level of unit sales or revenues has a major impact on the production capacity and the inventory levels planned.

    Q.2- The sales-volume variance is the difference between a flexible-budget amount and the corresponding static-budget amount. The flexible-budget variance is the difference between an actual result and the corresponding flexible-budget amount.

    Q.3- A variance is the difference between the actual results and the expected performance otherwise known as budgeted performance, and managers often use variance analysis when evaluating the performance of their employees or business units. The effectiveness, the degree to which a predetermined objective or target is met, and the efficiency, the relative amount of inputs used to achieve a given output level, are commonly evaluated.

    Reference: Datar, S.,and M. Rajan, 2018. Horngren’s Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis (16th Ed).

    student 2:

    Q1: What is the operating budget and what are its components listing first the budget relied on by most other supporting budgets. Two sentences maximum.

    An operating budget is an income statement that shows what has been budgeted for operations. The components of an operating budget are the revenues budget (which other supporting budgets rely on), followed by ending inventory budget, production budget, direct material costs budget, direct manufacturing labor costs budget, manufacturing overhead costs budget, cost of goods sold budget, R&D/Design Costs Budget, marketing costs budget, distribution costs budget, and budgeted income statement (Datar and Rajan, 2018).

    Q2: Contrast the calculation differences between the flexible-budget and sales-volume variances. Two sentences maximum.

    The sales-volume variance is calculated by subtracting the flexible-budget amount from the static-budget amount whereas the flexible-budget variance is calculated by subtracting the actual result from the flexible-budget amount. Between the two, the flexible-budget is a better measure of cost performance and sales price because it compares actual costs to budgeted costs and budgeted revenues to actual revenues (Datar and Rajan, 2018).

    Q3: How do managers use variances? Two sentences maximum.

    Variances are an important tool for managers because they allow them to see where performance has slipped and make corrections. For example, when I used to review my company’s corporate office vendor invoices, any area that had a variance greater than 5% required explanation so that we could determine if it was a one-time expense, if this was something we needed to start factoring into our monthly budget, or if there was a problem or inefficiency that needed to be resolved (Datar and Rajan, 2018).

    References: Datar, S. M. and Rajan, M. V. (2018). Horngren’s Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 16th Edition.


    PHIL 186 San Jose State University Automation or Employment Decision Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    For this discussion imagine that you are the deciding person at a corporation facing the following dilemma:

    option (i) automate the delivery of good via self-driving trucks, with the benefit of increased profits for 100 employees, and 100000 shareholders, but with the cost of 1,000 jobs lost.

    option (ii) do not automate the delivery of good, with the benefit of keeping 1,000 jobs for 15 years, but with the cost of not making as much profit for 100 employees and 1000000 shareholders.

    In your post do the following:

    (a) choose what you would do.

    (b) provide an argument as to why you would do what you would.

    (c) comment on another person’s post.


    ENT 435 Grand Canyon University Team Based Working Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Write a 500 word reflection on your team project that addresses the following:

    1. Assess the overall effectiveness of your team. How did the team’s dynamics contribute to both the success and the challenges of creating an implementation plan for your innovation?
    2. Assess the overall effectiveness of the model your team selected to both choose and implement your innovation. What were its strengths and weaknesses?
    3. What would you have done differently if you were working on the project independently? What other potential strategies might be more effective for bringing this particular innovation to fruition in your opinion?
    4. Overall, do you think teams contribute to or hinder innovative thinking and processes? Why?

    APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

    My Thoughts/Feedback for the questions asked. I also provided the final essay that was turned in for you to be able to answer question #2 and anything else.

    The team dynamic’s was effective as allowed different ideas to be presented regarding the innovation idea we chose, touch free elevator. No challenges creating the a implementation plan just challenges getting everyone to respond in a timely manner and get their portion completed without explaining all the issues they have going on.

    I provided the essay for you to see what model our team selected, for both choosing and implementing our innovation.

    If working independently I would have started before hand on the project

    I think the teams contribute to innovative thinking and processes

    Please reach out if you need anything else or have any other questions


    SIU Fintech Financial Technology & Regular Banking Comparative Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

    Please read “R3: Putting the ‘Fin’ Back into Fintech” case study (see HBS Coursepack) and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay. Your paper should be at least 3 pages in length. Use proper grammar, spelling, citations, etc.

    1.How does Fintech compare to regular banking?

    2. Discuss R3 and its distributed ledger technology mission.

    3. What are some of the applications of cords and strategies of growing and expanding?

    4. What are some of the emerging markets that Fintech has impacted?

    Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all s

    ources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page



    CRJS 1001 Walden University The Countrys Criminal System Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Individuals enter the criminal justice field for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they’ve been personally affected by a crime. Or they want to advocate for victims or counsel youth offenders. They may also have a keen sense of right and wrong that aligns with the profession. With this course, you are taking your first step toward a criminal justice degree. What does that degree mean to you—and how might it change your life?

    For this Journal, you reflect on your decision to pursue a bachelor’s degree and where you expect it to lead.

    Write a 300-word journal response to one of the following prompts:

    • If you have professional experience in the criminal justice system, explain how you expect a degree in criminal justice to affect your professional practice in the criminal justice system.
    • If you do not have professional experience in the criminal justice system, describe your criminal justice perspective and the reasons you have for choosing this degree. Add References

    CRJS 1001 Walden University The Countrys Criminal System Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    UMGC Technical & Business Writing Instagram Marketing Businesses Proposal Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


    Instagram Marketing business proposal project

    This project will help you test out your skills on writing proposals for contracts. Remember this is all testing your skills now. Don’t worry about getting everything 100%. We will review next week in class. Below are the guidelines:

    Part 1:

    1. Research 5 top instagram marketing businesses and their services.

    2. Create an Instagram Marketing business Model that will manage and market according to the assignment in Week 2. Give it a name simple name and services provides.

    3. Create your own pricing and guidelines. Remember this is your topic of the week. Create from your views of your research.

    Part 2.

    1. Make a basic 1 page outline to present to your audience.

    Part 3.

    1. Create a (No more than 8 slides) PowerPoint on business model. Pictures and details must be referenced and make easily readable.


    EL 122 Arab Open Clinical Interventions for Unwilling Patients Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    Broad Research Topics to Choose ONE from:

    1) Pollution and Environment

    2) Digital Learning

    3) Growing population

    4) Social Media and Violence

    5) Role of woman in Literature

    Requirements and Guidelines:

    1. Select ONE broad topic and narrow it down.

    2. Write your research question in relation to the selected broad research topic.

    3. Collect related resources.

    4. Use at least FIVE different resources to evidence your paper. Resources types should vary to include at least THREE of the following:

    ▪ Online journal(s)

    ▪ Books (with one author/multiple authors)

    ▪ Articles in edited books

    ▪ Media resources (interview, series, documentary)

    ▪ Anthology

    ▪ Report

    ▪ An encyclopedia entry

    ▪ Forum


    ENG 111 Wake Technical Community Good Essay Writing Discussion Response Humanities Assignment Help

    For the peer review participation requirement this week, you must respond to the draft. In the replies to your peer’s draft, compose responses of 200-300 words that complete the following guidelines:

    1. Read the essay.
    2. Read the first paragraph for its meaning and logic. How does the writer lure you into the essay? Locate and state the thesis/claim of the essay (do not simply type the last sentence of the paragraph). Is the thesis clearly stated and developed, informing the reader of the elements of the comparative study?
    3. Does the essay follow the assignment? Does the essay compare and contrast one pair of readings using examples and well-developed paragraphs? If not, clarify where the text deviates from the assignment.
    4. Does the essay follow a structure presented in thesis/claim? Does it recycle some of the key vocabulary terms from the thesis/claim? List the key terms in the topic sentences that relate back to the thesis. If the topic sentences do not refer back to the thesis, explain how the author could improve his or her topic sentences.
    5. Does the essay’s organization follow the alternating method or the block method? Are there any areas where the organization is not consistent? Make sure that the essay is not organized by similarities and differences.
    6. Does the essay flow smoothly? Does the author employ transitional words/phrases to link topics at both the paragraph and sentence levels?
      If not, where does it get choppy? Note what paragraphs/areas need more work.
    7. Does the author incorporate his or her sources accurately and efficiently? Are the in-text citations correct? If not, offer suggestions for corrections. Make sure that there is textual evidence in each body paragraph.
    8. Read the final paragraph. Does it smoothly bring the essay to a close without saying, “In conclusion”? What reader-catching technique appears in the conclusion to make a final and lasting impression? Does the conclusion do more than summarize the essay? Does it conclude something?
    9. Include a list of suggestions to the writer. (Examples: please use a dictionary or spell-check; watch your verb agreements; try to use more descriptive words; check your logic; visit the Writing Center for grammar; be more specific about…)
    10. Finally, offer some words of encouragement!


    Grand Canyon University Week 4 Counseling Environment for Students Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Topic 4 DQ 1:

    What activities did you participate in this week at your practicum site? Assessment, treatment plan, relapse prevention plan.

    Describe them.

    What did you like the most? I got to know the client a little better, not just a piece of paper.

    Will you change something in your process for next week? yes, next week I will start teaching relapse prevention classes.

    Topic 4 DQ 2:

    What is the overall structure of the site in which you are completing your practicum? Describe it.

    What type of funding streams does your site have (i.e., how do they bill or how are they paid)? Describe them.

    How has the funding source affected the clients at your site?

    Topic 4 DQ 3:

    In review of your site’s documentation procedures, what stood out for you the most? Why?



    ENGL 203 AU Plan Proposal About Social Media Influencers Writing Project Humanities Assignment Help

    ENGL 203 AU Plan Proposal About Social Media Influencers Writing Project Humanities Assignment Help

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