ENGL124 Chapter 4 Rewriting Revising and Editing Important Concepts Outline Writing Assignment Help

ENGL124 Chapter 4 Rewriting Revising and Editing Important Concepts Outline Writing Assignment Help. ENGL124 Chapter 4 Rewriting Revising and Editing Important Concepts Outline Writing Assignment Help.

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After reading “Chapter 4: Taking An Approach” in Rewriting, 2nd edition (pages 74-98), type up an outline.

  1. Choose 10-15 important concepts you learned in this section. Use quotation marks or paraphrasing appropriately to avoid plagiarism, and include a page number for each of these concepts. Also, use bullet points or numbering for each new concept. Underline or bold any key terms/phrases for emphasis within each bullet point.
  2. For each bullet point (concept), add 1-2 sentences, explaining the importance of this concept, or why it stood out to you. Use complete sentences.
  3. Aim for 400-800 words total. Put this word count in the 5th line of your heading.

For each bullet point, you need a page number citation. Also, after each concept and page number, you should be including your own opinion about that concept

ENGL124 Chapter 4 Rewriting Revising and Editing Important Concepts Outline Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG120 Cuyamaca At 13 I Didn’t Expect My Teacher To Be Afraid of Me Summary Writing Assignment Help

  1. “At 13, I Didn’t Expect My Teacher To Be Afraid of Me” by Haneen Oriqat: At 13, I Didn’t Expect My Teacher To Be Afraid Of Me.pdf

After you have read and annotated your chosen secondary source, please submit an annotation worksheet which I have supplied.

You can submit one combined annotation worksheet with the information from each work, or submit a separate worksheet for each piece. Once you have finished the annotation worksheet, please write up an academic summary for both readings.

NEW ADDITION TO YOUR ACADEMIC SUMMARY: Your academic summary for these two pieces should now be longer than four sentences. The new piece we are adding this week to your academic summaries is the author’s tone. How does the author sounds in their language? Is it formal or informal? Is it scholarly? Is it humorous or sad? Is it furious or angry?

To receive full credit, you must fill out the entire annotation worksheet and submit a completed academic summary for each text. Notice: the Annotation Worksheet Template has been updated.

Happy Reading!


Click here for the Annotation Worksheet Template in .docx format.

Click here for the the Annotation Worksheet Template in .pdf format.

Click here tor the Academic Summary Directions + Worksheet.


Management at Galfar Engineering & Contracting SAOG Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Within your workplace or an organisation that you know well, assess the changing environment and evaluate its impact on the organisation and the need for management and leadership skills.

The word count for your essay is 2500 words.

Please see the guidance document attached for help in formatting your Essay and Command Verbs.

Guidance documents for Critical Analysis was sent out at the beginning of the course.

Please also see the Skills Hub on Moodle for the Harvard Referencing Guidance Document.

These are all helpful documents in the formation of your Essay for the MMA.

When submitting the MMA please ensure that this has:

  • Has been check within Turnitin to ensure a similarity rating below 15%.
  • A clear referencing list and bibliography in line with the Harvard Referencing Guidance.

Supporting your writing:

  • Include a range of theories with analysis showing how they apply
  • Use examples
  • Use a range of reliable academic sources. See the Essex e-library.

Please see Q&A 2 for suggestions on how to approach the content for the MMA.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

name of organization: Galfar Engineering & Contracting S.A.O.G


ANTHRO130 The Anthropology of Childhood by T Steury Article Summary 2 Writing Assignment Help

Summarize the three previous readings with mini-summaries! Download further instructions below (you may have to scroll down).

I attached the instructions below


Gallio, M. (2015). Ode to the fruit fly: tiny lab subject crucial to basic research. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/ode-to-the-fruit-fly-tiny-lab-subject-crucial-to-basic-research-38465 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

University of Cambridge. (2018). Genetic adaptations to diving discovered in humans for the first time. In: Phys.org Retrieved from https://phys.org/news/2018-04-genetic-humans.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Steury, T. (2012). Lessons from the Forest—The anthropology of childhood. Retrieved from https://magazine.wsu.edu/2012/01/31/lessons-from-the-forest-the-anthropology-of-childhood/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


HMD359 Nevada Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v Papin Enterprises Case Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi, this is me again.

I asked for same assignment a few weeks ago, do you remember?

this assignment exactly same what you did before.

please follow directions well.

Please read the case (EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION v. PAPIN ENTERPRISES, INC.) and use the “IRAC” method to tell me what happened in the case. Your assignment only needs to be one page long, so you don’t have to tell all the facts. Just provide enough detail to show me that you have read the case and understand the “IRAC” method.

here is the link you should read: https://unlv.instructure.com/courses/35195/files/6…

So this is only one page long.

you should know what the IRAC method is, and then you have to start to write.

I will attach the file that explain what is IRAC

you don’t need to find any references for this assignment

please just following above directions.



ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help

Now that you have read Chapters IV-VI of Watchmen, continue to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. Ultimately, this is a great practice for your upcoming and final out-of-class essay. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish. Note: You can use the same approach as Critical Response #9, or you can try a different one this time. Just be sure to use only examples from this week’s reading: Chapters IV-VI (pages 110-211).

ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Equifax Data Breach Policies Violations Case Study and Article Research Paper Other Assignment Help

Case Study: This is the first case study for the course, we looked into and discussed Edward Snowden. We will now look at another case that has happened to the general public – Equifax data breach!!

Highlight at least three policies that you feel were violated in this case and address the policies that need to be in place to prevent those violations from occurring in the future. Make sure to include enough detail that it could be amended to an existing policy and clear enough that any/all employees know what the new policy addresses.

Part 1:

Write 2-3 paragraphs at the beginning of your paper explaining the three issues you want to address and why. Follow APA guidelines for paper format and make sure to check spelling/grammar prior to submitting.

Part 2:

Write your mini-security policy following the template in textbook addressing the three issues you identified.

Article Research: Just like past assignments, find an article that pertains to a security breach and write a 2 page summary explaining that article. No discussion for this assignment as this is extra credit so submit directly to the link for grading.


HMD454 Strategic Controls and Crisis Prevention Contingency Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Create a contingency plan for what you will do if the front desk system (PMS) goes down. In class assignment #10 will entail creating a contingency plan and will have the elements you need to have in this section. Create three plans for:
    – 1-5 hour down time
    – 24 hour down time
    – Week long down time
  2. Discuss how you would communicate your contingency plan throughout the organization. How will the downtime impact housekeeping? How will the downtime impact sales? How will the downtime impact your free breakfast or other food and beverage departments? What information needs to be communicated to these departments? Write this section in the form of a 3 1-paragraph emails to the managers of each of these departments. Vary your language to address the specific needs of each department.


Ethical View of Overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison Paper Writing Assignment Help


4-5 Page Paper

Minimum of 1100 words

APA Format

Times New Roman

Size 12 Font

Needs to have an Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

Needs 3 references

Paper on the Ethical view of overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison



Gissendaner’s life in prison sentence change

Gissendaner was originally sentenced to death


Gissendaner plotted the death and murder of her husband with the aid of her boyfriend, Gregory Owen

When was she due to be executed and why was she not

She was due to be executed March 2015

She was not due to failed lab tests of the lethal injection drugs

Advocates of Gissendaner are trying to get her sentence commuted to life in prison

Religious groups rallied to get her sentenced commuted to life in prison

Body 1

Moral Logic 1 ( deontology )

What is deontology

Also known as Kantian Ethics

Main points

Actions are right or wrong based on the intent of the action

Actions must be universally acceptable in every case

If it is ok to murder someone, then it must be ok to murder someone regardless of circumstance

People cannot be thought of as a means to an end

Everyone has intrinsic value

How would deontologists view her sentence being overturned

Deontologists would not agree with her sentence being overturned

The act of her plotting the murder of her husband’s death is not a right action

The intent was murder regardless of whether she was committing the act or not

The act of plotting murder cannot be seen as a universally right action

Gissendaner used her husband as a means to an end to acquire financial relief through insurance money

What are the strengths to this view

Deontology provides a clear black and white approach

Leaves little grey area as to what a right action over a negative action is

What are the weaknesses

There is no grey area

There is no good way to determine what the right action is in the event there are multiple conflicting actions

Body 2

Moral Logic 2 ( Divine Command Theory )

What is command theory

The ethical framework that is dictated by the commandments of God

How would command theory view having Gissendaner’s sentence commuted to life in prison

This would all depend on what religion is in question

As I am not religious, for arguments sake I will use Christianity

The actions of plotting the death of her husband are a wrong and sinful act in the eyes of Christian followers

With that said, Christians believe in redemption and forgiveness.

During Gissendaner’s time in prison she found religion and became a model prisoner

Leading religious groups to rally behind having her sentence changed

What are strengths

There is a chance for forgiveness

what are weaknesses

This is dependent on what religion you believe in

Some religions may see plotting a murder as nothing sinful

While others see is as a cardinal sin

Body 3

Do I agree or disagree with the ethical views

I agree with both of the view as to how they would view the issue

Deontologist I think would not want the sentence commuted

While I see how the religious communities that follow command theory of ethics would believe the sentence should have been changed

What is your opinion on the issue

I agree that the sentence should have been changed to life in prison as opposed to death

The person that committed the murder was sentenced to life in prison

Makes little sense that the person that made the plan, gets a harsher punishment

If a person is able to find redemption through religion of other means and work toward the betterment of others there is no reason for that person to be killed


How can we determine if someone has changed to be a betterment for society?

Is this simply base on someone finding religion or can people change by other means

Can evil deeds be overlooked because we find our faith

To what degree of evil can a person go before there is no coming back

How are crimes judged to determine the sentencing

Our judicial system need to get better

With the betterment of technology and training methods for judicial action we can come to more adequate punishments for crimes.


Concept within Confucianism for Establishing a Good Society Assignment Writing Assignment Help


This week you have an option of which prompt you would like to respond to. Please choose either Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 and thoroughly address the questions included in that prompt.

Prompt 1

1. Identify the key value or concept within Confucianism that you find most important for establishing a good society. Explain this value or concept. Then explain why you find this key value or concept to be important for a good society.

2. Do you think Confucianism left out any values or concepts essential for establishing the foundation of a good society? If not, explain why. If so, what value should be included and why?


Prompt 2

1. Whether Confucianism qualifies as a religion is debatable. Briefly explain one of the reasons it is and one of the reasons it is not considered a religion, drawing on Huston Smith’s explanation in the text The Worlds Religions.

2. Express your own view on whether it should be classified as a religion. Draw on the definitions of religion we explored in Unit 1 to help you do so.

Instructions and Important Information

You must submit an initial post before you can view other postings in this discussion.



So this is only one page long.

you should know what the IRAC method is, and then you have to start to write.

I will attach the file that explain what is IRAC

you don’t need to find any references for this assignment

please just following above directions.



ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help

Now that you have read Chapters IV-VI of Watchmen, continue to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. Ultimately, this is a great practice for your upcoming and final out-of-class essay. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish. Note: You can use the same approach as Critical Response #9, or you can try a different one this time. Just be sure to use only examples from this week’s reading: Chapters IV-VI (pages 110-211).

ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Equifax Data Breach Policies Violations Case Study and Article Research Paper Other Assignment Help

Case Study: This is the first case study for the course, we looked into and discussed Edward Snowden. We will now look at another case that has happened to the general public – Equifax data breach!!

Highlight at least three policies that you feel were violated in this case and address the policies that need to be in place to prevent those violations from occurring in the future. Make sure to include enough detail that it could be amended to an existing policy and clear enough that any/all employees know what the new policy addresses.

Part 1:

Write 2-3 paragraphs at the beginning of your paper explaining the three issues you want to address and why. Follow APA guidelines for paper format and make sure to check spelling/grammar prior to submitting.

Part 2:

Write your mini-security policy following the template in textbook addressing the three issues you identified.

Article Research: Just like past assignments, find an article that pertains to a security breach and write a 2 page summary explaining that article. No discussion for this assignment as this is extra credit so submit directly to the link for grading.


HMD454 Strategic Controls and Crisis Prevention Contingency Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Create a contingency plan for what you will do if the front desk system (PMS) goes down. In class assignment #10 will entail creating a contingency plan and will have the elements you need to have in this section. Create three plans for:
    – 1-5 hour down time
    – 24 hour down time
    – Week long down time
  2. Discuss how you would communicate your contingency plan throughout the organization. How will the downtime impact housekeeping? How will the downtime impact sales? How will the downtime impact your free breakfast or other food and beverage departments? What information needs to be communicated to these departments? Write this section in the form of a 3 1-paragraph emails to the managers of each of these departments. Vary your language to address the specific needs of each department.


Ethical View of Overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison Paper Writing Assignment Help


4-5 Page Paper

Minimum of 1100 words

APA Format

Times New Roman

Size 12 Font

Needs to have an Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

Needs 3 references

Paper on the Ethical view of overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison



Gissendaner’s life in prison sentence change

Gissendaner was originally sentenced to death


Gissendaner plotted the death and murder of her husband with the aid of her boyfriend, Gregory Owen

When was she due to be executed and why was she not

She was due to be executed March 2015

She was not due to failed lab tests of the lethal injection drugs

Advocates of Gissendaner are trying to get her sentence commuted to life in prison

Religious groups rallied to get her sentenced commuted to life in prison

Body 1

Moral Logic 1 ( deontology )

What is deontology

Also known as Kantian Ethics

Main points

Actions are right or wrong based on the intent of the action

Actions must be universally acceptable in every case

If it is ok to murder someone, then it must be ok to murder someone regardless of circumstance

People cannot be thought of as a means to an end

Everyone has intrinsic value

How would deontologists view her sentence being overturned

Deontologists would not agree with her sentence being overturned

The act of her plotting the murder of her husband’s death is not a right action

The intent was murder regardless of whether she was committing the act or not

The act of plotting murder cannot be seen as a universally right action

Gissendaner used her husband as a means to an end to acquire financial relief through insurance money

What are the strengths to this view

Deontology provides a clear black and white approach

Leaves little grey area as to what a right action over a negative action is

What are the weaknesses

There is no grey area

There is no good way to determine what the right action is in the event there are multiple conflicting actions

Body 2

Moral Logic 2 ( Divine Command Theory )

What is command theory

The ethical framework that is dictated by the commandments of God

How would command theory view having Gissendaner’s sentence commuted to life in prison

This would all depend on what religion is in question

As I am not religious, for arguments sake I will use Christianity

The actions of plotting the death of her husband are a wrong and sinful act in the eyes of Christian followers

With that said, Christians believe in redemption and forgiveness.

During Gissendaner’s time in prison she found religion and became a model prisoner

Leading religious groups to rally behind having her sentence changed

What are strengths

There is a chance for forgiveness

what are weaknesses

This is dependent on what religion you believe in

Some religions may see plotting a murder as nothing sinful

While others see is as a cardinal sin

Body 3

Do I agree or disagree with the ethical views

I agree with both of the view as to how they would view the issue

Deontologist I think would not want the sentence commuted

While I see how the religious communities that follow command theory of ethics would believe the sentence should have been changed

What is your opinion on the issue

I agree that the sentence should have been changed to life in prison as opposed to death

The person that committed the murder was sentenced to life in prison

Makes little sense that the person that made the plan, gets a harsher punishment

If a person is able to find redemption through religion of other means and work toward the betterment of others there is no reason for that person to be killed


How can we determine if someone has changed to be a betterment for society?

Is this simply base on someone finding religion or can people change by other means

Can evil deeds be overlooked because we find our faith

To what degree of evil can a person go before there is no coming back

How are crimes judged to determine the sentencing

Our judicial system need to get better

With the betterment of technology and training methods for judicial action we can come to more adequate punishments for crimes.


Concept within Confucianism for Establishing a Good Society Assignment Writing Assignment Help


This week you have an option of which prompt you would like to respond to. Please choose either Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 and thoroughly address the questions included in that prompt.

Prompt 1

1. Identify the key value or concept within Confucianism that you find most important for establishing a good society. Explain this value or concept. Then explain why you find this key value or concept to be important for a good society.

2. Do you think Confucianism left out any values or concepts essential for establishing the foundation of a good society? If not, explain why. If so, what value should be included and why?


Prompt 2

1. Whether Confucianism qualifies as a religion is debatable. Briefly explain one of the reasons it is and one of the reasons it is not considered a religion, drawing on Huston Smith’s explanation in the text The Worlds Religions.

2. Express your own view on whether it should be classified as a religion. Draw on the definitions of religion we explored in Unit 1 to help you do so.

Instructions and Important Information

You must submit an initial post before you can view other postings in this discussion.



So this is only one page long.

you should know what the IRAC method is, and then you have to start to write.

I will attach the file that explain what is IRAC

you don’t need to find any references for this assignment

please just following above directions.



ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help

Now that you have read Chapters IV-VI of Watchmen, continue to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. Ultimately, this is a great practice for your upcoming and final out-of-class essay. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish. Note: You can use the same approach as Critical Response #9, or you can try a different one this time. Just be sure to use only examples from this week’s reading: Chapters IV-VI (pages 110-211).

ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Equifax Data Breach Policies Violations Case Study and Article Research Paper Other Assignment Help

Case Study: This is the first case study for the course, we looked into and discussed Edward Snowden. We will now look at another case that has happened to the general public – Equifax data breach!!

Highlight at least three policies that you feel were violated in this case and address the policies that need to be in place to prevent those violations from occurring in the future. Make sure to include enough detail that it could be amended to an existing policy and clear enough that any/all employees know what the new policy addresses.

Part 1:

Write 2-3 paragraphs at the beginning of your paper explaining the three issues you want to address and why. Follow APA guidelines for paper format and make sure to check spelling/grammar prior to submitting.

Part 2:

Write your mini-security policy following the template in textbook addressing the three issues you identified.

Article Research: Just like past assignments, find an article that pertains to a security breach and write a 2 page summary explaining that article. No discussion for this assignment as this is extra credit so submit directly to the link for grading.


HMD454 Strategic Controls and Crisis Prevention Contingency Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Create a contingency plan for what you will do if the front desk system (PMS) goes down. In class assignment #10 will entail creating a contingency plan and will have the elements you need to have in this section. Create three plans for:
    – 1-5 hour down time
    – 24 hour down time
    – Week long down time
  2. Discuss how you would communicate your contingency plan throughout the organization. How will the downtime impact housekeeping? How will the downtime impact sales? How will the downtime impact your free breakfast or other food and beverage departments? What information needs to be communicated to these departments? Write this section in the form of a 3 1-paragraph emails to the managers of each of these departments. Vary your language to address the specific needs of each department.


Ethical View of Overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison Paper Writing Assignment Help


4-5 Page Paper

Minimum of 1100 words

APA Format

Times New Roman

Size 12 Font

Needs to have an Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

Needs 3 references

Paper on the Ethical view of overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison



Gissendaner’s life in prison sentence change

Gissendaner was originally sentenced to death


Gissendaner plotted the death and murder of her husband with the aid of her boyfriend, Gregory Owen

When was she due to be executed and why was she not

She was due to be executed March 2015

She was not due to failed lab tests of the lethal injection drugs

Advocates of Gissendaner are trying to get her sentence commuted to life in prison

Religious groups rallied to get her sentenced commuted to life in prison

Body 1

Moral Logic 1 ( deontology )

What is deontology

Also known as Kantian Ethics

Main points

Actions are right or wrong based on the intent of the action

Actions must be universally acceptable in every case

If it is ok to murder someone, then it must be ok to murder someone regardless of circumstance

People cannot be thought of as a means to an end

Everyone has intrinsic value

How would deontologists view her sentence being overturned

Deontologists would not agree with her sentence being overturned

The act of her plotting the murder of her husband’s death is not a right action

The intent was murder regardless of whether she was committing the act or not

The act of plotting murder cannot be seen as a universally right action

Gissendaner used her husband as a means to an end to acquire financial relief through insurance money

What are the strengths to this view

Deontology provides a clear black and white approach

Leaves little grey area as to what a right action over a negative action is

What are the weaknesses

There is no grey area

There is no good way to determine what the right action is in the event there are multiple conflicting actions

Body 2

Moral Logic 2 ( Divine Command Theory )

What is command theory

The ethical framework that is dictated by the commandments of God

How would command theory view having Gissendaner’s sentence commuted to life in prison

This would all depend on what religion is in question

As I am not religious, for arguments sake I will use Christianity

The actions of plotting the death of her husband are a wrong and sinful act in the eyes of Christian followers

With that said, Christians believe in redemption and forgiveness.

During Gissendaner’s time in prison she found religion and became a model prisoner

Leading religious groups to rally behind having her sentence changed

What are strengths

There is a chance for forgiveness

what are weaknesses

This is dependent on what religion you believe in

Some religions may see plotting a murder as nothing sinful

While others see is as a cardinal sin

Body 3

Do I agree or disagree with the ethical views

I agree with both of the view as to how they would view the issue

Deontologist I think would not want the sentence commuted

While I see how the religious communities that follow command theory of ethics would believe the sentence should have been changed

What is your opinion on the issue

I agree that the sentence should have been changed to life in prison as opposed to death

The person that committed the murder was sentenced to life in prison

Makes little sense that the person that made the plan, gets a harsher punishment

If a person is able to find redemption through religion of other means and work toward the betterment of others there is no reason for that person to be killed


How can we determine if someone has changed to be a betterment for society?

Is this simply base on someone finding religion or can people change by other means

Can evil deeds be overlooked because we find our faith

To what degree of evil can a person go before there is no coming back

How are crimes judged to determine the sentencing

Our judicial system need to get better

With the betterment of technology and training methods for judicial action we can come to more adequate punishments for crimes.


Concept within Confucianism for Establishing a Good Society Assignment Writing Assignment Help


This week you have an option of which prompt you would like to respond to. Please choose either Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 and thoroughly address the questions included in that prompt.

Prompt 1

1. Identify the key value or concept within Confucianism that you find most important for establishing a good society. Explain this value or concept. Then explain why you find this key value or concept to be important for a good society.

2. Do you think Confucianism left out any values or concepts essential for establishing the foundation of a good society? If not, explain why. If so, what value should be included and why?


Prompt 2

1. Whether Confucianism qualifies as a religion is debatable. Briefly explain one of the reasons it is and one of the reasons it is not considered a religion, drawing on Huston Smith’s explanation in the text The Worlds Religions.

2. Express your own view on whether it should be classified as a religion. Draw on the definitions of religion we explored in Unit 1 to help you do so.

Instructions and Important Information

You must submit an initial post before you can view other postings in this discussion.



So this is only one page long.

you should know what the IRAC method is, and then you have to start to write.

I will attach the file that explain what is IRAC

you don’t need to find any references for this assignment

please just following above directions.



ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help

Now that you have read Chapters IV-VI of Watchmen, continue to take a deep dive by referring back to the ideas you read about in the five critical articles: gender, Marxist, psychological, historical, and eco-critical. Below is a chart that you will fill out. In this chart, you will make a claim about the story thus far and use evidence from the text to support this claim. Ultimately, this is a great practice for your upcoming and final out-of-class essay. The more effort you put into this assignment, the more likely you will be able to use the information from it for that essay. Below there is a student sample version to help you understand what you are supposed to be doing. However, please use this sample as an aid, and do not attempt to merely copy the information in your own words, or you will receive a zero on this assignment. You may also want to review the Critical Approaches to Literature handout to remind yourself what each one tries to accomplish. Note: You can use the same approach as Critical Response #9, or you can try a different one this time. Just be sure to use only examples from this week’s reading: Chapters IV-VI (pages 110-211).

ENG124 Chapters IV to VI Marxist Historical & Eco Critical Articles PAper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Equifax Data Breach Policies Violations Case Study and Article Research Paper Other Assignment Help

Case Study: This is the first case study for the course, we looked into and discussed Edward Snowden. We will now look at another case that has happened to the general public – Equifax data breach!!

Highlight at least three policies that you feel were violated in this case and address the policies that need to be in place to prevent those violations from occurring in the future. Make sure to include enough detail that it could be amended to an existing policy and clear enough that any/all employees know what the new policy addresses.

Part 1:

Write 2-3 paragraphs at the beginning of your paper explaining the three issues you want to address and why. Follow APA guidelines for paper format and make sure to check spelling/grammar prior to submitting.

Part 2:

Write your mini-security policy following the template in textbook addressing the three issues you identified.

Article Research: Just like past assignments, find an article that pertains to a security breach and write a 2 page summary explaining that article. No discussion for this assignment as this is extra credit so submit directly to the link for grading.


HMD454 Strategic Controls and Crisis Prevention Contingency Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Create a contingency plan for what you will do if the front desk system (PMS) goes down. In class assignment #10 will entail creating a contingency plan and will have the elements you need to have in this section. Create three plans for:
    – 1-5 hour down time
    – 24 hour down time
    – Week long down time
  2. Discuss how you would communicate your contingency plan throughout the organization. How will the downtime impact housekeeping? How will the downtime impact sales? How will the downtime impact your free breakfast or other food and beverage departments? What information needs to be communicated to these departments? Write this section in the form of a 3 1-paragraph emails to the managers of each of these departments. Vary your language to address the specific needs of each department.


Ethical View of Overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison Paper Writing Assignment Help


4-5 Page Paper

Minimum of 1100 words

APA Format

Times New Roman

Size 12 Font

Needs to have an Introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

Needs 3 references

Paper on the Ethical view of overturning Death Sentence to Life in Prison



Gissendaner’s life in prison sentence change

Gissendaner was originally sentenced to death


Gissendaner plotted the death and murder of her husband with the aid of her boyfriend, Gregory Owen

When was she due to be executed and why was she not

She was due to be executed March 2015

She was not due to failed lab tests of the lethal injection drugs

Advocates of Gissendaner are trying to get her sentence commuted to life in prison

Religious groups rallied to get her sentenced commuted to life in prison

Body 1

Moral Logic 1 ( deontology )

What is deontology

Also known as Kantian Ethics

Main points

Actions are right or wrong based on the intent of the action

Actions must be universally acceptable in every case

If it is ok to murder someone, then it must be ok to murder someone regardless of circumstance

People cannot be thought of as a means to an end

Everyone has intrinsic value

How would deontologists view her sentence being overturned

Deontologists would not agree with her sentence being overturned

The act of her plotting the murder of her husband’s death is not a right action

The intent was murder regardless of whether she was committing the act or not

The act of plotting murder cannot be seen as a universally right action

Gissendaner used her husband as a means to an end to acquire financial relief through insurance money

What are the strengths to this view

Deontology provides a clear black and white approach

Leaves little grey area as to what a right action over a negative action is

What are the weaknesses

There is no grey area

There is no good way to determine what the right action is in the event there are multiple conflicting actions

Body 2

Moral Logic 2 ( Divine Command Theory )

What is command theory

The ethical framework that is dictated by the commandments of God

How would command theory view having Gissendaner’s sentence commuted to life in prison

This would all depend on what religion is in question

As I am not religious, for arguments sake I will use Christianity

The actions of plotting the death of her husband are a wrong and sinful act in the eyes of Christian followers

With that said, Christians believe in redemption and forgiveness.

During Gissendaner’s time in prison she found religion and became a model prisoner

Leading religious groups to rally behind having her sentence changed

What are strengths

There is a chance for forgiveness

what are weaknesses

This is dependent on what religion you believe in

Some religions may see plotting a murder as nothing sinful

While others see is as a cardinal sin

Body 3

Do I agree or disagree with the ethical views

I agree with both of the view as to how they would view the issue

Deontologist I think would not want the sentence commuted

While I see how the religious communities that follow command theory of ethics would believe the sentence should have been changed

What is your opinion on the issue

I agree that the sentence should have been changed to life in prison as opposed to death

The person that committed the murder was sentenced to life in prison

Makes little sense that the person that made the plan, gets a harsher punishment

If a person is able to find redemption through religion of other means and work toward the betterment of others there is no reason for that person to be killed


How can we determine if someone has changed to be a betterment for society?

Is this simply base on someone finding religion or can people change by other means

Can evil deeds be overlooked because we find our faith

To what degree of evil can a person go before there is no coming back

How are crimes judged to determine the sentencing

Our judicial system need to get better

With the betterment of technology and training methods for judicial action we can come to more adequate punishments for crimes.


Concept within Confucianism for Establishing a Good Society Assignment Writing Assignment Help


This week you have an option of which prompt you would like to respond to. Please choose either Prompt 1 or Prompt 2 and thoroughly address the questions included in that prompt.

Prompt 1

1. Identify the key value or concept within Confucianism that you find most important for establishing a good society. Explain this value or concept. Then explain why you find this key value or concept to be important for a good society.

2. Do you think Confucianism left out any values or concepts essential for establishing the foundation of a good society? If not, explain why. If so, what value should be included and why?


Prompt 2

1. Whether Confucianism qualifies as a religion is debatable. Briefly explain one of the reasons it is and one of the reasons it is not considered a religion, drawing on Huston Smith’s explanation in the text The Worlds Religions.

2. Express your own view on whether it should be classified as a religion. Draw on the definitions of religion we explored in Unit 1 to help you do so.

Instructions and Important Information

You must submit an initial post before you can view other postings in this discussion.


ENGL124 Chapter 4 Rewriting Revising and Editing Important Concepts Outline Writing Assignment Help

ENGL124 Chapter 4 Rewriting Revising and Editing Important Concepts Outline Writing Assignment Help

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