English 1A, Weekly Discussion. Five Reflections on others.

English 1A, Weekly Discussion. Five Reflections on others.. English 1A, Weekly Discussion. Five Reflections on others..

I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

For five reflection,

Write one paragraph for each reflection, there are five reflection in total.

1. Each post MUST BE three or more sentences. This includes your posts in response to other student posts.

2. Each post must be detailed. It is not enough to simply write, “I agree with you” or “I like your idea.” You must say WHY you agree or like someone’s ideas.

3. Write in complete, standard English sentences. Do not “text.” Poorly written posts will not be considered for a grade.

4. If you disagree with someone’s post, politely do so. Explain why you disagree with facts and details.

5. If you agree with someone, build on the ideas.

6. You can reply to someone who had replied to your original post; this will count as another of your required postings for the assignment.

7. Be kind, respectful, and curious toward other students.

8. The instructor reserves the right to delete any post that is offensive, intolerant, or not sufficiently academic for a college-level course.

Writing requirement

Thoughtful and detailed,

Be sure to keep working on wordiness, strong vocabulary, and comma usage,

Use correct MLA format for book titles, italics only,

Please reapply these five reflection:

1. Zekai Wu: “For the topic of essay 3, I decided to choose “personality” to interpret human characteristics. Many of our behaviors and styles are inseparable from our personality characteristics. The reason I chose this theme is because I feel that if you control your emotions and create or change your personality to make it good, you will better improve your behavior and quality. So far, my research on my speech has been halfway through. I have collected individual films about “behavior and character” or some interesting newspaper studies, and watched a lot of similar ones that are related to my topic. Professor’s ted talk.I believe I can finish a good article by the deadline. My goal in this research is to encourage people to create and change, and to stimulate their potential. In the end I think I am objective to study and look at it from my own perspective, so there may be many different opinions and statements. Of course, I hope to take more practical suggestions from the audience to improve myself.”

Example of the reapply:

Hi Zekai, Thank you for sharing your Essay #3 topic! I’m glad you chose a topic in which you have an interest in and I agree, personality is something that changes our behavior on how we approach things and handle the situations. Each one of us has different personalities and we somehow use different forms of it. I hope your research for this goes well!

Hi Zekai,Thank you for sharing! Personality also reflected in the values, beliefs, and expectations of a person. Its development plays an essential role not only in an individual’s professional but also personal lives. Personality development makes us a confident individual who is appreciated and respected wherever we go. Different personality shapes people differently, and that’s how the interaction between people is always interesting! I love the topic you chose for your essay, and I can wait to see what you are going to include in your writing!

2. Ruby Warya:”The topic I chose to write and talk about for my TED Talk Essay #3 is “Health”. So far my research for this topic is just starting because I just chose this topic today. We all know how important health is to us. Nowadays, some people focus on becoming healthier by going on a diet, going to the gym and run on the treadmill, and cooking their own food. On the other hand, people will make bad decisions like consuming pills to get rid of the fat in their bodies. I think everyone should start to make healthier choices like eating light food, going to the gym to work out that body fat, and making their own food because it will only make them feel better about themselves. For example, I tend to eat a lot of junk food every day. I somehow can’t stop myself from eating Hot Cheetos and candy every day. I have a habit of eating snacks which are mostly junk food-related. I want to stop that and make healthier choices because I know when I grow older, I will have to suffer the consequences and health risks from the junk that I put into my body. I want to learn from this TED Talk to make a healthier choice and not ruin my body by eating too much junk food. With this in mind, I want to inspire people to make healthier eating choices and do as much exercise and materials you can to keep your body shaped and have a healthy lifestyle. “

Example of the reapply:

Hi Ruby, Thank you for sharing your topic. I really like how you chose the topic of health and explained how you can personally relate in different ways. You mentioned that health is very important and I totally agree with this. This talk will be very informative and helpful for people to look into and learn new ways to improve their health.

Hi Ruby, After reading your sharing, I think you did a wise choice on your topic as you talk about ” Health,” which can be associated with our daily life. Not only do you sometimes forget how important it is to have a healthy body, but many of us have the same problem. Therefore, I feel grateful that you brought up this issue to remind everyone to eat healthily and work out frequently in order to have a better life in the future. Thanks to your sharing, I will continue maintaining my healthy diet and work out routine every day.

3. Kevin Chen:”My prompt for this last essay is about the pursuit of happiness. I slept at this topic because when I looked back at my first discussion reply I discussed how we as humans seem to misplace our value of happiness in materialistic goods and the future. But we shouldn’t be hoping to find happiness in the in these avenues because they are disingenuous. Recently I have read a book by Alan Watts, called the wisdom of insecurity, in which she discusses how we psychologically place meaning in meaningless things. I will definitely be using his research to inform my audience that meaning should be found in what we truly value in life. From this Ted talk I want to not only inform but also inspire and instill change within my audience, because this is something we can all improve upon. I expect this Ted Talk to be personal motivational emotional and most importantly truthful; to what happiness really means to me. “

Example of the reapply:

Hi Kevin,Thank you for sharing! I love your intention of urging people to make improvements with the pursuit o happiness. Indeed, a lot of people are undergoing indescribable pressure nowadays. It is important to remain mentally healthy and have the strength to face challenges. Thank you for your in-depth research on this topic. I am looking forward to seeing what you got in this essay!

4.Sandeep Chahal:” The topic I will be talking about for the third essay is failure and how to always approach it positively. It took me quite a while to figure out a topic that really sparked an interest. I decided to look around and think of something others can relate to, and I’ve realized there are many people out there that take failure as a negative sign. Most of the time people come to the realization that failure is the end, but they need to look at it from a different view. When people start taking failure in a positive way, it leads to the realization that it’s okay to fail, because one can learn so much from it. I believe failure is the beginning to one’s journey of sucess. Looking online, I came across many research articles and videos of people talking about failure and this was very helpful for me. My goal for this essay is to motivate people and give them hope and the outlook that failure is not the end of everything. Instead, failure is something one should look at in a postive way. From this TED Talk, I expect the audience to relate this into their lives and always keep in mind that failure is not the end. I personally can relate to this because I had often let failure take me down to the point where giving up was the only option. I want to share my experience as well as change the way people look at failure.”

Example of the reapply:

Hi Sandeep, Thank you for sharing! It is essential to have a positive mindset when we are facing failure and trials. If we put our minds and energy into how we failed, we will only think about the negative aspect. If we focus on why we failed, it reflects on that and uses that given information to make improvements. Plus, we can use that failure as a lesson for life.

5. Yu Tsen Lin:”There are many motivating, intriguing Ted Talks out there, which indeed helps me to come up with some inspiration and ideas for my own Ted Talk. For essay 3, I decided to talk about how people can communicate and be connected without verbally communicating. I think this is an interesting topic as people may sometimes forget the power of nonverbal communication. Even if you can’t speak the language, people can still be connected. I choose this as my topic due to three reasons. First of all, I am motivated by the Ted Talk I watched last week called “Your body language may shape who you are”. From this Ted Talk, as you can see from the title, the speaker mainly discussed that people can present themselves through body language. The second reason is associated with my major – Communication. There’s an important concept within communication which is nonverbal communication talks about how people can receive others’ messages and understand others’ affection without verbally telling the person. Last, I firmly believe that music, art, other things can be a channel of communication since people can still deliver their messages via lyrics, music, and paintings even though they don’t speak the language. Overall, I expect myself as well as the audience can be inspired by my Ted Talk, and we can always remember a crucial message that language isn’t an obstacle to communicate. Nonverbal communication is as important as verbal communication since we can only utilize nonverbal communication to express ourselves in some specific situation. From my perspective, I sometimes deem the messages of nonverbal communication more meaningful and significant.”

Example of the reapply:

Hi Yu, I’m so glad that you found so many good sources to start off with! Communication is definitely a very important part of everyone’s lives and discussing its origins and its uses can show us the a vast variety of different ways we can communicate, and not only verbally. I’m really excited to hear what you have to say about how humans communicate and I hope your speech turns out well.

English 1A, Weekly Discussion. Five Reflections on others.

English 1A, Weekly Discussion. Five Reflections on others.

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