English 2: Literary Analysis “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Humanities Assignment Help

English 2: Literary Analysis “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Humanities Assignment Help. English 2: Literary Analysis “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Humanities Assignment Help.

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Extra Information:

There is also a handout that shows how to organize your essay:

introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs, conclusion–this handout is in the Two Kinds Folder on Canvas. Body paragraphs and evidence must be in chronological order: Do not begin with evidence from the end of the story or end the essay with evidence from the first part of the story.

For your body paragraphs, you should choose one literary tool–plot,
or character or symbols, etc. and then choose just three of the
questions on the literary elements handout and answer them–this means
providing evidence (quotes) from the story to prove your answer. Also,
the questions should be organized chronologically so the evidence for
the first question will logically come from the early part of the story.

For example: plot: choose only thee questions that help to
interpret how the plot format of the short story are organized
chronologically: For example: The first paragraph answers question 1:
the topic sentence: Amy Tan begins “Two Kinds,” with the narrator,
Jing-Mei (June) describing her mother. This exposition and thus the
description of her mother and her strong beliefs sets up the important
background to understanding the plot structure. Then in 1-2 sentences
provide context/background: In the first paragraph of this story,
Jing-Mei recalls: “My mother believed you could be ……” (1). Then
interpret this quote by explaining how these words set the pattern for
the major conflict in this story. The first quote should be 2-3
sentences. There can be another quote from the beginning of the story
of 2-3 sentences, but it must show and prove the answer to the first
question–and it must also interpret this second quote for showing how
this evidence is important as part of the exposition. Use the correct
plot term: exposition . The linking sentence should include the next
major point of plot. In addition to the exposition of the story in the
development of plot, there is the scene that is considered the climax.

The second paragraph should begin with an appropriate transition,
include no evidence in the topic sentence,–just a description of the
scene –where it occurs. Then context: explain where the climax is in
this story–one sentence. Then 1-2 sentences as context that helps
explain where this takes place–this sets up the background for the
quote. Then the quote. Cite it (the pages for the PDF version are
1-6). Interpret/analyze how the quote proves your answer.

This is the format to follow: one literary tool, and choose just
three questions–this is based on my decision to limit this essay to 3-4
pages. The work cited page should include:

Work Cited

Tan, Amy. “Two Kinds.” PDF File, pp. 1-6.

English 2: Literary Analysis “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Machine Learning Engineering Assignment Help

Hello, I have the Codes on Jupyter Notebook with descriptions attached below I just need the data to be analyzed and following questions be answered: (Boston Housing)

Upload 1-predicting-house-prices.ipynb file to your Google Colab account and do the following:

1) In addition to recording the MAE metric during training, make a plot that shows the training error as well (put both curves in the same plot). Explain the behavior you see in the image.

2) Increase the size of the NN model (i.e., number of layers and/or number of neurons per layer) and study its effect on the training-testing loss figure.

3) Redo (1) but add L1 or L2 regularization on the fitted model. Change the regularization weights as well.

4) Study the effect of “number of folds” in your evaluations. What are the benefits/disadvantageous of using too many or too few folds?

5) Plot the histogram of the responses in the dataset. Would our NN modeling benefit from linear or nonlinear transformation of the output?

6) Fit the best NN model you can to the training data. Then, use it to predict the testing data (this testing should only be done once). Plot a scatter plot that shows your predictions vs. the target in the test data.


Answer questions based on the case study Business Finance Assignment Help

Subject of the paper: Case Q&A


Read the case and prepare the answers

  1. What course of action did you choose and why?
  2. How did your decision work out?
  3. How does corporate sustainability policy works for the company? Should companies have it?
  4. Please include the references and Plagiarism Report

Make sure you read the entire case and that the answer you provide as relevant to the business field. Please avoid filling/irrelevant information. The paper needs to be a minimum of 3 pages, Single Spaced so that would be 6 pages -Double spaced. Include relevant references , up to date.


slang paper revise Humanities Assignment Help

Here are the parts that need revise and edit

1. Come up a title include the slang phrase

2. Definition: briefly include the form and function of the phrase (noun, adjective, verb, adverb)

-distinguish between a traditional meaning (in dictionary) and the slang meaning

-offer synonyms for the phrase

-offer at least one example of the phrase used in a sentence

3. Origin: explain how it arrived at its slang meaning

4. Grammar function: explains the form of the phrase (including the individual words in the phrase) and–more importantly–the different functions of the phrase (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)

-include sample sentences for each function described

-explain how form affects the function of the phrase

-explain whether the phrase is found most often in any sentence pattern

-speak to its most common location in sentences

-offer clues to its function based on where it’s found in a sentence

5. Rhetorical Context

-include a sample sentence to show how it’s used to express each meaning

-show how each meaning is distinct from synonyms (why it’s used over synonyms)

-include any “rules” for its use; that is, does the writer help readers understand how its form or function within a sentence influences the meaning of the word

Comments 1

1. The introduction makes sense to me. Although the professor might suggest writing definition at the beginning. 2. Alternatively, you could discuss briefly about the form and function of this phrase, which would make readers easy to follow later. The first paragraph includes some parts from Demographics, I think. 3. The Grammatical Function section would be the main focus of a paper. Try providing more example of participle and adjective forms.

Comments 2

As a well-constructed introduction to this word, it knows what it’s doing but just needs to share more examples, synonyms/alternative definitions, provide more clarity about the word. For example, providing every example of how the term can be phrased to the paper’s start. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, you let us know later that the phrase “you hate to see it” can be transformed into “hate to have seen.” It’s amazing to know that this phrase has such an ability to mold, but it’s confusing to have alternative definitions brought up later rather than explored at the beginning. As well, what exactly are this phrase’s synonyms ? You refer to the fact that it has them, but don’t present us with them directly.

Comments 3

The synonym section was the most confusing for me, mostly because of the phrasing of the sentences. Mentioning some specific synonyms might help too, for example, what is the “barb” you refer to? Or the phrase that means someone feels cocky?


Glendale Community College Classical Indian Music Performance Concert Review Humanities Assignment Help

ATE DUE: Play Review 2 – MONDAY, JUNE 8 no later than 11:59 P.M.

GRADE WEIGHT: 15% of overall grade (15 points)


New Revisions in light of COVID-19

  1. If you have already seen a play live before the theater closures – FANTASTIC! Then complete your play review. Take a screenshot of your ticket/program and fill out the play review form.
  2. If you HAVE NOT YET seen a live play this semester, then you will need to see a play with one of the following methods I posted in CANVAS such as these below. I listed more in my announcement.

-Digital Theatre + (only available FREE through March 29, 2020 – but why not check and see if there’s a new promotion) www.digitaltheatreplus.com (Links to an external site.)

username: dtremote / password: dtremote

-Broadway HD (one week free trial): https://www.broadwayhd.com (Links to an external site.)

-PBS (select plays not films): Download the FREE PBS app to see one of their excellent selection of plays and musicals recorded live. Click here: https://www.pbs.org/show/great-performances/collections/broadway-pbs/ (Links to an external site.)

-You are welcome to research and find others, but I must approve them! Ask me if you’re not sure.

You must write a review of your selected play and reviews MUST follow my instructions CLOSELY – see below! Musicals are plays, too!



Review #2 can be of any full-length professional or collegiate play or musical you can find online that was recorded in front of a live audience, but I recommend using the links I provided.


-Papers must be 2 pages but no more than two (NOT including a “Cover” or “Works Cited” page if you have one).

-Text should be in Times New Roman, with a font size of 12, double spaced.

-No bullets.

-Use paragraphs to organize your ideas. A paragraph should not take up an entire page in a paper of this length. The introduction paragraph should include the scope of your paper or review. The concluding paragraph should convey critical thinking, drawing conclusions from the content of your paper.

Avoid long quotes from a text: No more than 5 lines of a quote (but try for less).

Though research is not required for our papers, if you feel research would add to your paper’s quality the source material must be of a collegiate level. “Wikipedia” and sources of that nature are not acceptable for a college level paper. It is recommended that you consult .edu and .org materials as well as books, films and/or periodicals. Use the GCC library resources. Use proper MLA format and procedure. Google “MLA format” if you do not have a book on it.

You must send your review as a PDF and upload it on the designated Assignment link on Canvas. It must be received no later than the due date and time listed.

Basic review structure:

Begin with an introduction paragraph with details like what play you saw, where you saw it, etc. Then give the basic impression the play made on you. In the next paragraphs (the body of the review) try to answer the basic questions of the play review: What is being attempted or what is the point? Were the intentions achieved? Was the play worthwhile?

Each paragraph should represent a new idea or point. Describe the theatrical elements such as the acting, design (lighting, costumes, set, sound/music), the directing, etc. Finish the review with a closing paragraph or conclusion. Tell me about the play you saw!


5 points: Format, grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, syntax.

5 points: Content – The parallels drawn between the play and your life experiences display a grasp of the themes and events of the source material. Describe the theatrical elements. Clearly communicate your ideas. NO PLOT SUMMARIES! If you mention plot, make it brief.

5 points: Critical Thinking – Your ability to convey meaning, significance, and draw conclusions regarding your life experience as it relates to the themes of the play you saw.



Instructions Criteria for Inclusive Curriculum Plan Assignment Writing Assignment Help

choose a theme and complete a weeklong (5day) lesson plan for any age between 6 months and 5 years. After use the Literature Lesson Plan Template. Will write a one-page description of the hypothetical inclusive preschool class that you are focusing on for this assignment. Information should include how many children are in the class, the professionals involved, where the preschool is located, etc. For Part 2 of this assignment, you will fill in all information in the template and you will engage in planning utilizing universal design for learning (UDL). Finally, you will write a one-page reflection about your experience working with a high-quality curriculum and ensuring that all children could participate in activities.

Instructions Criteria for Inclusive Curriculum Plan Assignment Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Trial 01. Business Finance Assignment Help

In each Trial, there are a specific number of legal concepts that are relevant to the fact scenario. To get all the points available for identification, you will need to identify roughly half of those topics. If you identify more than half, you will earn more than the max points for identification (this regularly happens).

Most of the points in the trials lie in identification, so it’s the king. It’s also crucial because it sets the ceiling for your points in description and application. This is because you can only describe and apply legal concepts that you’ve identified. More on that, below.

The strategy lesson here is to be sure you identify as many relevant legal concepts as possible using the most accurate legal vocabulary you can. Note that spewing random legal concepts that are distantly relevant is a waste of time – they won’t earn points and they’ll only make it harder for me to spot the legal concepts that are relevant.

On the other hand, it is fair game to identify legal concepts as a means of distinguishing or contextualizing a key concept you will explain and apply in depth. For example (one having nothing to do with the law), if the situation calls for you to talk about animals that can fly, you would get points for mentioning as context that there are also animals that walk on land and others that swim in the water. You would not, however, earn any additional points for identifying (or describing) water and land animals in any more detail. You may know a lot about water and land animals, but those are not the concepts that the scenario calls for.

You earn points here by fully and accurately describing and applying the legal concepts you identified. You can only describe and apply, of course, legal concepts that you’ve identified. So, if you identify the target number of concepts (roughly half of the total possible), you can earn full points for description and application if your work is high quality. If you only identify half of the target number of concepts (roughly 25% of the total possible), however, you can only earn half the points for description and application, and only then if your work is high quality.

The reverse is also true. If you identify more than target number of legal concepts, you can earn more than the points allotted for description and application because you will be describing more than what was expected.


Animal testing 5pg research and presentation Mathematics Assignment Help

REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS Fall 2019 Here are instructions regarding your Research Essay and your Oral Presentation for this class.

1. You will select a topic from the list. You will use this topic for both the paper and the presentation. You must email me to select a topic. First come first served. Each topic may only have two students working on it.

2. The essay’s requirements:I.An outline which will be due before the paper is due. 5% loss if lateII.Minimum 5 written pages in length. 20% loss per page shortIII.Minimum of 2 sources showing published statistics (these may be charts, tables, graphs, etc. and you will also use these in your presentation). You may also include your own statistics if you choose to perform an experiment and/or survey. 25% loss per statistic shortIV.APA formatting. Use the template That I will send U . It should have a title page, numbered pages, a reference page, and an appendix (where you include graphs/pictures of statistics with one per page, a label, and a caption) in that order. Points lost here per rubric

3. The oral presentation’s requirements:I.You must present on the information and topic from your paper. No exceptionsII.An outline (your slides) will be due before the presentation date. 5% loss if lateIII.Minimum length of 4 minutes and maximum length of 8 minutes. Then time after for questions. Points lost here per rubricIV.You must include and discuss/explain 2 graphs/tables showing statistics. 25% loss per statistic shortV.You must upload a video to Canvas of your presentation (the best way to do this is using Canvas Studio). The video should include both you and your slides, but your slides take priority if you cannot capture both. You will not receive a grade if you do not submit a video.


MKT- Global Marketing: Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Pringles in India Business Finance Assignment Help

MKT 564-Term Paper Guidelines

Select a U.S. brand and develop a marketing plan for selling it overseas. Select a country where you

want to sell it (this brand should not be sold in this country at this time), and then:

You should e-mail your choice of brand and country to your instructor by the end of Module 1 so

he/she can approve your choice before you proceed.

1. Analyze the key elements of the country’s culture, economic, and political environment.

2. Select a method of entry in the country and justify your selection.

3. Select and describe the target market.

4. Identify the key competitors and identify strategic elements that increase competitive advantage.

5. Analyze potential ethical issues in the practice of global marketing the US brand may encounter.

6.Identify a desirable brand image (it may differ than the image this brand has in the U.S.).

7.Identify key features/performance/benefits of the brand. Depending on the differences between the country you selected and the U.S., you may need to adjust the product features, benefits, and performance.

8.Select a pricing strategy.

9.Select the appropriate method of distribution.

10.Explain the role of the company’s Marketing Information System in the global strategy.

11.Come up with a comprehensive communication and promotion strategy including the various

methods (advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, direct marketing, PR, publicity) as well

as detailed descriptions of key ads and promotional material.

Current book: Keegan, W. J., Green, M. C. Global Marketing. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/books/97801341…


A Financial Management question Business Finance Assignment Help

Create an Excel “Retirement Calculator”.The output from your calculator will be the amount that a person needs to save starting in one year’s time in order to meet their retirement goals.The inputs will be:

a.The number of years until retirement (which will be the number of payments that the person makes into their savings account)

b.The number of years that they will live in retirement (which will be the number of withdrawals that they will make from their savings account in retirement)

c.The discount rate.

d.The growth rate of their deposits (remember that g must be less than r)

e.The growth rate of their withdrawals (again, g must be less than r)

f.The amount of money that they want to withdraw from their savings account in their first year of retirement.

Your spreadsheet must be “live” in that the marker will be changing each of your input assumptions to assess the usefulness of your spreadsheet.Your inputs should be clearly labelled, and your output (the amount that you need to start saving next year) should also be clearly labelled.


English 2: Literary Analysis “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Humanities Assignment Help

English 2: Literary Analysis “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan Humanities Assignment Help

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