ENLG 111 Nova Southeastern University Justice Term Essay Writing Assignment Help

ENLG 111 Nova Southeastern University Justice Term Essay Writing Assignment Help. ENLG 111 Nova Southeastern University Justice Term Essay Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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Words can have a profound impact: they can make or break relationships, instill courage, and incite revolutions. Sometimes writers will pause to contemplate a single term, analyzing its nuances and trying to figure out what the word means to them. For this essay, you will pick a term and do just that. But defining a term for a college essay goes well beyond providing the establishedwritten meaning (denotation). What does the term mean to you? How would you characterize its connotation—shades of meaning that are less obvious than a simple definition?How can you prove through real-life examples that an abstract term truly has meaning? You must write a definition essay that attempts to answer these complex questions.

ENLG 111 Nova Southeastern University Justice Term Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

NUR 342 Thomas Edison State College Cultural Diversity & Competence Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Purpose and Overview

The purpose of this assignment is for you to:

  • Describe encounters with culturally diverse patients outside the acute care setting.
  • Identify a changing demographic population of interest and describe that population’s related special needs.
  • Discuss ways to demonstrate a culturally competent approach when caring for members of the selected population.

Develop a 500- to 1100-word scholarly paper (2 to 4 pages, not including the title and reference pages) as follows:

  1. Your paper should be based on the following three sources; you may also do additional research:
  • Case Study: Sara (See Discussion Forum 9)
  • The article by Bucknor-Ferron and Zagaja on unconscious bias
  • The paper by Albougami, Pounds, and Alotaibi
  1. Introduction. Summarize Sara’s specific healthcare needs based on your cultural assessment.
  1. Reflection
    1. Identify your general feelings and attitudes (positive and negative) about Sara and explain why you may have felt the way you did (based on appearance, mannerisms, behaviors, etc.).
    2. Explain any explicit and implicit biases you may have discovered during your review of the case study.
    3. Identify strategies you will use to overcome the explicit and implicit biases you have identified.
  1. Cultural Competency. Select an appropriate cultural competency model from those described by Algougami, Pounds, and Alotaibi that best fits your clinical practice and personal style and can be used to implement culturally competent care for Sara.
    1. In your discussion, identify your patient as part of a changing demographic population of interest. Be sure to describe that population’s related special needs.
    2. Discuss ways to demonstrate a culturally competent approach when caring for members of the selected population.
  1. Conclusion. Write a concluding statement summarizing what you learned based on the case study, assigned readings, discussion forum, and research for this assignment
    Case Study: Sara

    Sara, a 27-year-old Refugee from Somalia, comes to the free clinic today for an appointment with the NP. She slowly enters the examination room with the medical assistant and meets the NP. She sits down as instructed but does not make eye contact. She is very fidgety and wringing her hands. Her appearance is unkempt with a strong body odor. She speaks Somali with very little understanding of the English language. She answers questions with a very soft, almost inaudible voice, and appears confused at times. VS: 182/94-116-32-99.5F Reading her chart it is discovered that she is homeless and a mother of 2 children ages 18 mos and 3 years old, diagnosed with HIV 6 months ago with a viral load count of 300 copies/mL. Sara has admitted to using IV drugs for 12 years.Sara came to America when she was 16 years old. She lived in a refugee camp for 2 years but left to strike out on her own. She did not attend school and became homeless. She has a history of Bipolar Disease.Sara’s brother died of AIDS in Somalia and she is concerned with beginning treatment because of what she watched her brother go through


University of Central Florida Course Reflection Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need support to help me understand better.

Expectations for Course Reflection Paper is a reflection of your major learnings this semester. Previously you have written short reflection papers on topics such as , leadership and ethics. These papers can be used in the development of this paper; a reflective summary paper on the course. The paper is a personal reflection but addressed to the instructor. The paper begins with a detailed brief abstract of the paper written in the past tense since the abstract is “abstracted ” from the paper..The Abstract would never say I will…rather it will say “This paper discusses …..”

The abstract is a maximum of 250 words but must reference the key issues addressed in the paper;

The main body of the paper should be no less than 5 typed pages and no more than 7 pages. If you choose to quote sources such as your text books make certain to use APA or other recognized style for the citations. Although you can use your previous writings this is not simply a cut and paste paper. It is an integrated paper that reflects on the entire course. The paper format is: Title & author page Abstract (1/2 page) My “top 5” learnings from the course? (Use a bullet to identify the top learning followed by a brief statement of why this is a significant learning for you. Approximately 1 page) How will you apply these learnings at work. This section is a narrative style explaining how the learning from ethics, creativity and leadership will affect the way in which you interact with your team. (5 – 7 pages)

The main objective to this course:

1. Describe Corporate structures
2. Describe the roll and function of management
3. Describe ethical frameworks and the application to engineering
4. Describe the key elements of leadership and creativity

Moreover, I have attached some assignment that I wrote in this course you can paraphrase from them not copy and past please.


Excelsior College Judicial Process Lafler v Cooper Case Study Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law project and need support to help me study.

During the 2011 term, the United States Supreme Court recognized the reality that you read about since the midterm: most criminal cases are settled before trial in plea bargains. The role of the court, judges and formal court procedures intended to promote fairness, consistency and due process become essentially meaningless when supplanted by plea bargains. Seeing this, the Court in Missouri v. Frye and Lafler v. Cooper, held that criminal defendants have a Sixth Amendment right to effective assistance of counsel during plea negotiations.

For this project, you will review your readings in your text and read about these seminal Supreme Court decisions. You will then write a 500-700 word essay responding to the prompt below:

Did the Supreme Court get it right when they decided that the Sixth Amendment protects criminal defendants by requiring effective assistance of counsel during plea negotiations or are the strong dissents in these cases persuasive and correct?

You are expected to consult scholarly outside sources (EC Library Criminal Justice Research Guide (Links to an external site.)) and provide in text citations for facts and ideas obtained therefrom. Some recommended sources are:

Make use of these EC Library resources to ensure proper citation .

EC Library Citing Sources (Links to an external site.)

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Upload Submission.” Enter the submission title and then click on “Select a file to upload.” Browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on “Continue.” Confirm submission is correct and then click on “Accept Submission & Save.


MKTG Tasks to Undertake in Three Snake Audio Market Research Case Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing Case Study and need support to help me learn.

Please keep each of your responses to one page in Word for each question, using the same font and formatting I have my content in here (Calibri 11). You can use bullet points if you can get your point across appropriately and that’s a format, you’re comfortable with. You may not need to fill each page, just answer the question in as much detail as you think is appropriate.

You should read through all of the questions before starting so that you don’t accidentally answer questions redundantly.

The scenario and questions will be attached below

Each question will focus on a different part of the market research process. Some of these questions are very vague. This is intentional, as market research isn’t like a math problem where there is one right answer. All I care about is your thought process. There are likely multiple correct answers for these questions if you structure it in a way that makes sense.



Colorado Technical University Grant Writing Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business plans question and need support to help me understand better.

Response Guidelines

Review the focus and grant search ideas and summaries of other learners. Respond to at least one other learner from the perspective of a grant-writing colleague. Within your response, address the following questions:

  • Discuss how choosing a focus for your grant was challenging or was helpful in searching for a grant.
  • What database did you find the most helpful?
  • What aspects of the search databases were the most useful?
  • What helped you choose the three grants?

      Student post down below:

      The non-profit organization that I choose to seek grants for is Margaret’s Place. Margaret’s Place is a program that is co-located in Middle and Highs throughout Westchester New York. The program will provide violence interventions and prevention services to youth and their families. The focus of the program will be to educate youth and school communities about violence prevention and promote youth leadership. The program will also offer family and relationship abuse counseling, domestic violence and prevention. Margaret’s place has developed a DV curriculum to teach throughout schools and the community. In addition, Social Workers will provide both group and individual counseling to individuals seeking services. Workshops will be provided in school for youth experiencing domestic violence both interpersonally and in their home. Students will be recruited as peer leaders to assist other youth who may be struggling with issue of Domestic Violence. Education workshops will be provided for parents and families on safety strategies. Writing a proposal to seek funding for the program is important for program sustainability. The proposal includes a vision for the project, the work to be done, how much money is needed, and what outcomes are expected (Carr, 2014).

      Three grants that I found to assist in funding for this program are:

      1. Training and workshops for girls and young women to counter online predators. In order to submit this grant the agency will need to provide an agency and program specific budget, goals of the program. Program outline will need to be outlined utilizing size 12 fonts and 1 inch margins, a draft of a monitoring and evaluation tool, a theory of change diagram, letters of from personal and community partners outlining shared services. In addition an application and duns number. This grant will fit my program but there are 8 grants being providing and there is a strong chance the agency will be provided the funding.
      2. Preventing Violence affecting young lives. Grant requirements include:
      1. Executive summary
      2. Letter of intent
      3. Application and informational call
      4. Logic model and problem to be addressed
      5. Linkages and relationships
      6. Activities and outcomes
      7. community and societal preventions
      8. Strategy implementations

      This grant does grant does not meet programmatic needs as it is hosted in India. In addition there is only one award being given. The effort required to complete the grant is not worth the work inputted as the likelihood of the agency being awarded is low.

      1. OVW grants that provide grants for programs serving violence against women. In order to apply for this grant the agency will submit a letter of intent, list of the specialty population served, attend a pre application session, complete a program budget. The grant meets the needs of the program and the population we wish to service. The likelihood of the program obtaining the grant is high.

Colorado Technical University Grant Writing Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

American College of Education Mod 1 Maryland Absenteeism Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a education & teaching presentation and need an explanation to help me learn.

For the Module 2 Application assignment, you will complete the literature review and carry out additional action research tasks. You will add to or extend your Module 1 Analysis assignment paper. This may include additions/revisions based on your faculty member’s feedback. Access the Formative Action Research Paper Outline (Links to an external site.)for use in this assignment. Organize your research paper in this format (headings, subheadings, etc.).


  1. Retrieve your action research paper from the Module 1 assignment. Continue adding to and expanding the paper with the additional components. Remember to update the references page in APA format as you make your addition
  2. Follow the Formative Action Research Paper Outline for headings and subheadings.
  3. Follow the directions to complete Part and Part 2.
  4. Before you submit your document, save a copy to your desktop. You will refer to this document in the Modules 3-4 assignments.
  5. Follow the directions to submit your final 6- to 9-page Word or text document.

Part 1: Literature Review (continued from Module 1)

The purpose of a literature review is to know what others have discovered about your topic before you begin your own investigation. A literature review grounds your study in what is known about a topic and establishes a foundation for the research question(s) you will answer. Relevant, peer-reviewed articles will help you better understand the problem (issue, concern, problem, need) and may introduce either data collection techniques you may want to use or intervention ideas you may want to incorporate into an action plan. You will discover information that will help you compile a promising action research project.

  1. In Module 1, you included one peer-reviewed article in your literature review. In this module, continue working on your literature review by adding two additional, peer-reviewed articles.
  2. In your literature search, place a check in the box for “peer reviewed,” so you are sure to use only peer-reviewed studies.
  3. Describe each article or study using at least two well-developed paragraphs, and include information about the purpose, problem statement, research questions, theory, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  4. Using the three articles from Modules 1-2, organize and integrate the information as appropriate based on common themes. A good literature review compares and contrasts as well describes. It may be good to mention more than one source or set of findings in a paragraph if they are related. Articles that report on one or more empirical studies will likely be the most useful, but theoretical articles and articles describing programs, interventions, and methodologies may help you decide on the appropriate action to take or propose.
  5. Follow your literature review with an explanation of how your action research relates to the studies you reviewed. Pull together ideas about what is known and what you still need to find out. This literature review should set you up for your subsequent planning for data collection and action.
  6. Cite your articles using APA , and reference all three articles in an APA-formatted references list at the end of the paper. Place titles in your reference list only, not in the paragraphs of your paper.

Part 2: Methodology and Data Collection Plan

In Part 2, you will describe the methodology/research design you will use in your formative action research including the existing data you will collect.

Methodology/Design. When conducting formative action research, your methodology/design will essentially be your formative data collection plan, but you should describe your research methodology/design using terms such as descriptive, formative, case study, observation, correlational, phenomenological, naturalistic, open-ended research questions, etc.

Data Collection Plan. You will choose three data sources appropriate for the stated purpose, problem, research questions, and methodology. You will describe the three data collection sources in this module. For each source, include a description of how the data was collected, processed, organized, and analyzed. Use the subheading, Data Collection, to report your data collection activities.

Use the following questions to guide your organization of the Data Collection planning section of your action research paper:

  • What data will you collect?
  • Will the data you collect be qualitative, quantitative, or both?
  • How will you collect the data?
  • How will the data help you answer the research question(s)?
  • How do you plan to analyze the data once collected?

Data Collection. In this module, you will describe the data from only one of the three sources in the data collection plan. You will describe the data from the remaining two sources in Module 3. Use the following questions to describe the results of your first data collection activity:

  • What data did you collect?
  • What kind of data did you collect? Was the data qualitative, quantitative or both?
  • How did you collect the data?
  • How did you analyze the data you collected?
  • How does the data help you answer the research question(s)?
  • In an actual research project (one in which you would have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, what new data would be helpful to collect?

Prior to starting your data collection section, review the res Thinking Through Two Action Research Scenarios resource in the Module 1 Analysis assignment, especially the section on data collection. If you recall, the three data sources were a survey, focus group, and interview. For your formative action research, consider the following data collection options, or develop your own.

  • Observe in classrooms while taking notes or using a semi-structured observation form.
  • Survey students within a classroom.
  • Survey teachers either online or using paper
  • Ask students and/or teachers to keep journals.
  • Interview teachers online, by phone, or in-person.
  • Create and analyze videos made in classrooms.
  • Collect and analyze lesson plans.
  • Collect and analyze student work samples.
  • Obtain office referral data.
  • Use a social media site to post a question and collect responses.
  • Create a focus group of professionals.
  • Use visual data such as tables, charts, informatics, photographs, and student drawings.

Part 3: Looking Ahead to Application Assignment 3

Looking ahead, you will create an action plan during the course. However, you will not include any part of your action plan or how to evaluate its effectiveness in the Module 2 Application assignment.

You are not expected to implement your action plan during the course, but you should have the plan in final form by the end of Module 4. It should describe outcome evaluation data to be collected in the future.


MAN 4583 St Petersburg College Supply Chain Issues Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

W5 Assignment-Project Supply Chains-Individual Assignment

Review project supply chain issues for your project as identified in your project charter

in Week 1.


  • Planning, conducting, controlling, and closing supply chains in your response. [Hint: PMBOK PROCUREMENT – Chap 12]
  • Business writing implies shorter sentences, clear headings, topic sentences for ALL paragraphs and a clear objective set in the introduction and supported in the conclusion.
  • Consult our course materials and at least two other quality sources (in-text citations).
  • The paper should have a title page; include no more than 2 pages of double spaced content (title page and reference page is not included in page count).
  • Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, APA
  • I will provide the previous portions of the project that you will need to complete this.


IT 200 University of Phoenix Computer Networking and Configuration Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing presentation and need support to help me learn.

you are hired as a chief technology officer (CTO) of a start-up company, which has two branches: one in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco. The company hired employees to begin working on the design of the product. As CTO, you need to explain to the board of directors your idea in interconnecting the two offices to ensure consistency and collaboration. Employees’ computer systems need to be connected and permitted to connect remotely (i.e. from outside of the office).

The following needs to be taken into consideration:

  • Network topology
  • Network protocols
  • Cost of implementation
  • Cloud productivity software

Create a 5- to 7-slide presentation detailed speaker notes


HUM 370 West Coast University Prejudice Essay Question Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

In this essay, you will reflect on the causes and consequences of prejudice, and apply the theories and strategies of conflict resolution to a fictional situation.

  • Respond to the following statement:

“All those women on welfare have it made. All they do is stay home and make babies while the rest of us have to work and pay taxes to support them.”

  • Reflect on this statement in the context of what we have learned about prejudice.
  • Propose strategies that could resolve this particular prejudice.


2-3 Pages

2-4 Sources

APA Format


ENLG 111 Nova Southeastern University Justice Term Essay Writing Assignment Help

ENLG 111 Nova Southeastern University Justice Term Essay Writing Assignment Help

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