Enron Case Assessment Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Enron Case Assessment Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help. Enron Case Assessment Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a marketing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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  1. (7472) The Enron Scandal – A Simple Overview – YouTube
  2. you will review this video on Enron’s illegal business practices and answer these questions:
    • Which elements of this case might involve issues of legal compliance? Which elements illustrate acting legally but not ethically? What would acting ethically and with personal integrity in this situation look like?
    • How do you think this breach will affect Enron’s position relative to those of its competitors? How might it affect the future success of the company?
    • Was the punishment of Enron executives fair? What else could have been done?

Enron Case Assessment Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Social Media and Its Impact on Norms Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting project and need a sample draft to help me study.


The prevalence of social media has had a huge impact on society in the area of how we tend to relate to each other and on what is considered to be normal in general. Taking a look at the ways in which social media changes attitudes and “norms” makes for an interesting study, and one that is applicable to understanding how society is slowly changing over time.

For this assignment, you will first conduct your own research on the effects of social media on societal norms (Part 1), then you will examine what has been found through previous research conducted by others (Part 2).

Part 1:

Compare and contrast the attitudes of two cohorts of people; one that consists of five people that rarely use social media and one cohort of five people that uses social media 2 or more hours a day.

Create a list of five people that you know that use social media at least 2 or more hours per day. This group of people will make up your first cohort. Then create a list of five people that you know that either do not use social media or use it very rarely. Take into account age when creating the cohorts, and try to keep the ages as similar as possible between the cohorts. Keeping a certain level of consistency in the two cohorts will help to negate the potential effects of generational differences. Provide a brief description of each of the ten people you are going to interview divided into their respective cohorts.

In other words, list the five people in the social media at least 2 or more hours a day, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them. Then provide a list of the five people that rarely or never use social media, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them.

Interview the participants to learn the similarities and differences between the two cohorts as it relates to attitudes, lifestyles, and relationships. Write a two-page paper comparing and contrasting what you learned about the two cohorts. Be sure to relate your findings to cultivation theory and socialization theory in the paper.

Part 2:

Now you will compare your research with research findings through previous research conducted by others. Look up at least 3 articles in the Rasmussen Library that relate to the topic of social media and its impact on society. You are not limited to articles that are strictly written on the specific topic of social media and norms. Articles that are covering social media and society are available from a wide number of angles. After studying these articles, write a two-page paper on what you learned on the topic of social media and its potential impact on societal attitudes, customs, and norms.


FIN 575 University of Phoenix Week 4 Budget and Profit and Loss Statement Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a data analytics exercise and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Assignment Content

  1. Resource: Budget and Profit and Loss Statement Grading GuidePurpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to gain the necessary knowledge to manage cost and determine project viability through capital budgeting techniques, so they can effectively minimize the cumulative error between the projected values and actual values over the relevant time horizon.Note: The official term Income Statement is also known informally as Profit and Loss Statement.

    Assignment Steps Conduct an internet search for an income statement or use the example located in the textbook or use one from your previous assignment.Analyze the revenue and expense items based on information collected from any income statement.  Use an internet search or use the example located in the textbook for the course, or one you used in previous assignments.Write a 350-word essay on the revenue and expense items found on an income statement.Create a Profit and Loss Statement (Income Statement) following the income statement format, using the items given below. Cost of goods sold                75,000Sales                                      100,000 Commissions expense          5,000Advertising expense             2,000Interest expense                     500Interest Revenues                  5,000Office Supplies expense        3,500Gain on sale of assets            3,000Office equipment expense    2,500Loss from lawsuit                  1,500


LU Immigrants Flood the Labor Market and Drive Down Wages in The US Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Respond to the charge that immigrants flood the labor market and drive down wages in the U.S.

Additional information:

  • “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 19:33–34, NIV).
  • “There is no evidence that over time, immigrants reduced wages, lowered the living standards of the resident population or raised unemployment rates.” — John Stapleford, Bulls, Bears, and Golden Calves. IVP Academic (p. 227)
  • Discussion Assignment Instructions
  • Discussions are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, the student will be presented with questions in Discussions. The student is required to answer the question in each Discussion with at least 1 citation in current APA format. Each Discussion thread must be at least 300 words. The student must also reply to one classmate’s thread and the reply must be at least 150 words.


Immigrants that immigrate from another country into the United States are looking for opportunities to grow. For example, immigrants flee their country to pursue religious freedom and safety, especially since the corrupt government systems in several countries has caused several uncertainty. Immigrants who enter the country are looking for employment, yet they are paid a lower wage than a U.S. citizen. Several studies have been conducted on immigrants taking jobs of Americans, but those individuals are paid about 30% lower. Therefore, people will make assumptions that the U.S. labor market will be affected as more immigrants come into the U.S. to begin a new life. In fact, the immigrants are increasing the labor supply which has helped producers since the labor will be cheaper. The immigrants are willing to work wherever as long they generate income to pay utilities and provide for their family back home.

Several countries have allowed immigrants from various backgrounds to enter their country to have religious freedom and a brighter future. Each immigrant has a different story behind their journey but hiring immigrants drives down the wage rate of the economy. In addition, a percentage of immigrants are paying taxes, especially once they receive permission to work. “Lundborg and Segerstrom develop a theoretical model to predict the positive impact of immigration on the growth of the host country through higher spending on R&D by facing lower wages due to immigrants” (Kang & Kim, 2018, p. 4968). The economy has benefited from immigrants within the United States due to the cheap labor and ability to provide those individuals with a better future. The U.S. is known for providing a better experience by producing higher education and an opportunity to work in any field post-graduation. The bible discusses how we should be willing to help anyone in need and helping those who are entering into America. No person should ever be mistreated, as it is written in the bible since each person should be treated equally.


Kang, Y., & Kim, B. (2018). Immigration and economic growth: Do origin and destination matter? Applied Economics, 50(46), 4968-4984. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2018.1466987



Dashboard Data Visualizations Computer Science Assignment Help


You have been asked to create a data table on the dashboard which shows an unfiltered view of the Austin Animal Center Outcomes data set. You have also been asked to add a geolocation chart to the dashboard, which will help the client visualize the data. For more details about the dash components for data tables and the geolocation chart, refer to the Module Six resources.

  1. Open the ModuleSixMilestone.ipynb file, which contains the starter code for the Grazioso Salvare dashboard. Upload this file into Apporto and open it using the Jupyter Notebook application. Be sure to review all of the starter code that you have been given. Pay special attention to the import commands and the comments describing what each section of code does.
  1. Update the code to create an interactive data table on the dashboard which shows an unfiltered view of the Austin Animal Center Outcomes data set. To populate the data onto your table, you will utilize your previous CRUD Python module, from Project One, to run a “retrieve all” query and bring in the data from MongoDB. This data retrieval will serve to access the “model” portion of your MVC pattern: the MongoDB database. Be sure to hardcode in the username and password for the “aacuser” account.

    Note: It may take a few minutes for the data table to fully render and display, depending on the speed of your internet connection.

    Tip: Be sure to consider your client when creating the interactive data table. Consider optional features that will make the table easier to use, such as limiting the number of rows displayed, enabling pagination (advanced), enabling sorting, and so on. Review the Module Six resources on data tables to help you select and set up these features.

  1. Add a geolocation chart that displays data from the interactive data table to your existing dashboard.
    • You are being given the function that sets up accessing the data for the geolocation chart and calls the Leaflet function: update_map:
      def update_map(viewData):
      dff = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(viewData)
      # Austin TX is at [30.75,-97.48]
      return [
      dl.Map(style={'width': '1000px', 'height': '500px'}, center=[30.75,-97.48], zoom=10, children=[
      # Marker with tool tip and popup
      dl.Marker(position=[30.75,-97.48], children=[
      html.H1("Animal Name"),
    • You will need to structure this function into your dashboard code by putting the correct statements in the layout. These statements are important so that your layout has a place for the geolocation chart. Here is an example statement:
      className='col s12 m6',
    • You will also need to add in the correct callback routines for the geolocation chart. These will look similar to the callback routines used for user authentication and your data table. Here is an example callback routine:
      Output('map-id', "children"),
      [Input('datatable-id', "derived_viewport_data")])
      Note: The Leaflet geolocation chart will show the first row of the data table by default. As long as your chart shows the location of the dog in the first row, that is sufficient for checking that your geolocation chart is set up correctly.
  1. Finally, run the IPYNB file and take a screenshot of your dashboard as proof of this execution. Your screenshot should include 1) the interactive data table populated with the Austin Animal Center Outcomes data from MongoDB and 2) your geolocation chart showing the location of the first dog in the table. Additionally, your unique identifier (created in the Module Five assignment) should also be visible in the screenshot.



RED 437 USC Investing on West Valley Distribution Centre Real Estate Finance Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Hi! I need help with a case study for my real estate finance class. For this assignment you will have to 

  1. Using Excel, recreate previous underwriting and build forward-looking pro forma for investment evaluation.  Focus will be on creating:

    1. Dynamic models with formulas that adapt to changing assumptions.  General pro forma calculations to include major metrics to evaluate Cash Flow categories, Debt calculations (including debt constraints), and Levered Equity Cash Flow.
    2. Interpreting changing rent rolls and tying a rent roll into an income line item in the pro forma

RED 437 USC Investing on West Valley Distribution Centre Real Estate Finance Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

South Internet Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Depression and Anxiety Report Humanities Assignment Help

Click here to find four research studies in different topic areas in the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) website. For example, you might look at the studies being conducted on panic disorder and depression. Read about each study and create a table to organize the required summary information.

For each study, you must state:

  • Study title
  • Purpose of the study
  • Study type
  • Study design
  • Three primary outcome measures
  • Estimated enrollment number
  • Brief description about the study
  • Eligibility requirements
  • One inclusion criterion and one exclusion criterion
  • Study location
  • One principal investigator

After finding the required information, write a brief report on what you learned about the various types of studies being conducted at NIMH. Submit the report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document along with the information on the four studies.


ENGL 1010 Middle Tennessee State University Genre Analysis Project Writing Assignment Help

ENGL 1010: Literacy for Life – Writing Project 2: Genre Analysis

Project Purpose

The purpose of the genre analysis writing project is to help you understand the expectations and conventions of a specific genre. Additionally, the analysis process will provide you with the skills to identify specific genre patterns, conventions, and functions in order to determine their rhetorical effects. Fuller awareness of genres and genre conventions will increase your success in writing situations in academic, professional, public, and civic contexts. Don’t forget: You have a TEMPLATE for this writing project. ( ATTACHED )

Project Description

A common definition for a genre analysis is “the process of describing the situations of a genre by identifying its relevant patterns and conventions, and analyzing what these patterns tell us about how the genre functions and how it reflects the values of the community of participants who use it” (Downs & Wardle). While this writing project requires you to locate a genre of your choice and analyze, it also provides you with an introduction to the memo genre and an opportunity to practice using it. For this writing project, you should locate a GENRE that is specific to your academic discipline or career choice. It will make your life easier if you use the same genre you chose for Small Writing 2: Genre Map, ( ATTACHED ) but you don’t have to!

Step-by-Step Writing Process

The writing process for our major writing projects occurs in 5 phases: Invention, Drafting, Revision, Editing, and Publication. We talked about these phases in the Week 3 lecture notes. But for the Genre Analysis project, you’ll follow a more specific step-by-step writing process. Each of the steps below will be section in your memo:

  1. Collect samples of the genre
  2. Describe the rhetorical situation of the genre
  3. Identify the patterns and conventions of the genre
  4. Analyze the rhetorical use of the patterns and conventions of the genre
  5. Reflect on the writing and research process

STEP 1: Collect samples of the genre

Gather 2-3 samples of your chosen genre. Determine where you can collect (legal!) samples of your chosen genre to include in your memo. Remember, you can select a genre from an academic, professional, public, or civic community. Public genres, like newspapers or websites are easy to locate online. Academic and professional genres can usually be found in textbooks, internal documents, through peers and mentors, or through careful internet research. Civic genres, like voting ballots or public policies, can usually be found online. For genres that are very specific to a given situation, like medical forms or internal administrative communication, you may need to visit physical locations to find samples.

Regardless of your genre choice, be sure you have permission to share the genre samples in your memo and in the peer review discussion boards in D2L. If you’re using medical genres or sensitive documents (e.g., police report), you’ll need to use a sample genre that is already freely available or obtain written permission to share the genre with our class. Failure to do so may result in a violation of HIPAA or another privacy law. Important note: Dr. Stone does not take any legal responsibility for the choices students make when location and sharing genre samples for this project.

Helpful Suggestion:

Try to gather samples from more than one place in order to obtain the most diverse and accurate representation of the genre. Make sure there are not significant deviations, but remember that little can be learned from looking at only one publication from one author. Gather 2-3 samples, at least!

STEP 2: Describe the rhetorical situation of the genre

Describe the rhetorical situation of the genre. Rhetorical situation is a term used to describe the components of any communication situation. There are 5 main components: Purpose, Writer, Audience, Message, Context/Culture. In this section of your memo, you will describe the rhetorical situation using the text you wrote for Small Writing 2: Genre Map (just copy and paste, folks). Then, answer these questions:

  • Setting: Where does the genre appear? How and when is it used? With what other genres does it commonly interact?
  • Subject: What topics, issues, and ideas does this genre address? When people use this genre, what are they usually talking about?
  • Users: Who are the typical users (or audiences) for this genre? Remember, there are usually multiple users for a genre and their use varies based on their own rhetorical situation—especially context and culture!
    • Writers: Who writes this genre? Are multiple writers possible? What roles do they perform? Under what circumstances do writers compose the genre (e.g., in teams, on a computer, on a notepad at a crime scene)? Describe their common circumstances, if you can.
    • Readers: Who reads this genre? Is there more than one type of reader for this genre? What roles do they perform? What characteristics must readers of this genre possess? Under what circumstances do readers encounter this genre (e.g., in a courtroom, in an office)?
  • Purpose: Why do writers compose this genre, and why do readers read it? What purposes does this genre fulfill for its users?

STEP 3: Identify the patterns and conventions of the genre

Identify the patterns and conventions of the genre. Genre patterns and conventions tell us about how the genre functions in specific rhetorical situations, and they reflect the values of the participants who use the genre. In this section of your memo, identify the recurrent features of your sample genres by answering the following questions:

  • What content is typically included? What is excluded (and why)? How is the content treated? What sorts of examples are used? What counts as evidence in the genre (e.g., personal testimony, numbers, facts, research)?
  • What rhetorical appeals are used? Does the writer appeal to measurable facts (logos), academic research (ethos), or personal emotion (pathos)?
  • How are the genres structured? What are their parts, and how are they organized?
  • In what format is the genre presented? What layout of appearance is common? How long is a typical sample of this genre? Does this genre prioritize written text, or is it common to encounter multimodal components like sound, video, or pictures?
  • What types of sentences do the texts of this genre typically use? How long are they? Are they simple or complex? Passive or active? Are the sentences varied, or are they all written in the same style?
  • What diction (types of words) is most common in this genre? Is it common to encounter specific jargon or slang? What is the typical voice or tone for this type of genre (e.g., formal, informal, conversational)?

STEP 4: Analyze the rhetorical use of the patterns and conventions of the genre

Analyze the rhetorical use of the patterns and convention of the genre. Rhetorical patterns and conventions provide insight into the most common use cases for a particular genre. In this section of your memo, answer the following questions about your chosen genre samples:

  • What do the users (readers/writers) of this genre have to know, believe, or understand?
  • Who is invited to use this genre? Who has access and who is excluded?
  • What values, beliefs, goals, or assumptions are communicated through the genre’s patterns and conventions?
  • Does prioritization or organization of the content tell you about what is important for the users of the genre?
  • What actions does the genre help make possible? What actions does the genre make difficult?
  • What is the genre’s attitude (tone) toward readers? How do you know?

STEP 5: Reflect on the writing and research process

Reflection is an important step in the writing and research process. It provides an opportunity to think about what you learned and how you will alter your process the next time you complete an activity like a genre analysis. In this section of your memo, consider the following questions:

  • Describe your research process. How did you locate your genre samples? Was your research process effective? How will you alter your research process in the future?
  • Describe your writing process. Did you follow the step-by-step process on this assignment sheet, or did you do something else? Was it effective? How will you alter your writing process in the future?
  • Describe the memo genre. What did you learn about the memo genre by composing your genre analysis as a memo? Will you use the memo genre in future writing contexts? If so, which ones?
  • Reflect on your learning process. What did you learn from this writing project about genres, genre analysis, or the context/culture of your chosen genre? How should I change this writing project for future sections of ENGL 1010?

Grading Checklist

The Genre Analysis is worth 75 points; it will be graded with the following checklist:

  • Is the genre analysis 1000-1500 words? (50 points)
  • Does the genre analysis follow the patterns and conventions of the memo genre? (5 points)
  • Does the genre analysis contain all five required parts (samples, description, identification, analyzation, reflection)? Note: If you follow the step-by-step writing process, you will have all five of these components. (15 points)
  • Was the genre analysis submitted by the deadline? (5 points)


PSYCH 1301 TJC Documentary on Altered States Alcohol & Other Drugs in America Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Documentary on Altered States: Alcohol and Other Drugs In America

PBS does a fabulous job with the WXXI Documentaries on Altered States: Alcohol and Other Drugs in America. This documentary is very relevant and should be viewed by everyone.

Produced in 1993 by WXXI-TV and distributed nationally, Altered States: Alcohol and Other Drugs in America looks at the history of drug use in America. It explores the idea that drug use is not a contemporary phenomenon or problem, but a constant presence throughout the country’s social history. In 1995, Altered States received a New York State Emmy for outstanding Societal Concerns Programming.

Aired: 01/01/93

Rating: NR

Look at this video and give the class your thoughts. Your thoughts should be well thought out and at least one paragraph. https://www.pbs.org/video/altered-states-alcohol-and-other-drugs-in-america-6px4fe/


Rasmussen College Learning to Communicate Globally Through the Platform of Social Media Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.

This assignment has two parts to it.

Part 1:

Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally. You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.

After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.

1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

  • Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

  • Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one you are interested in and like.

  • Describe why you chose this social media page as the one you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as. In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.

Part 2:

Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.

Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page. Use a minimum of 2 credible sources.




Rasmussen College Learning to Communicate Globally Through the Platform of Social Media Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.

This assignment has two parts to it.

Part 1:

Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally. You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.

After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.

1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

  • Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

  • Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one you are interested in and like.

  • Describe why you chose this social media page as the one you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as. In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.

Part 2:

Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.

Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page. Use a minimum of 2 credible sources.




Rasmussen College Learning to Communicate Globally Through the Platform of Social Media Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.

This assignment has two parts to it.

Part 1:

Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally. You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.

After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.

1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

  • Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

  • Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one you are interested in and like.

  • Describe why you chose this social media page as the one you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as. In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.

Part 2:

Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.

Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page. Use a minimum of 2 credible sources.




Rasmussen College Learning to Communicate Globally Through the Platform of Social Media Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me learn.


When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.

This assignment has two parts to it.

Part 1:

Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally. You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.

After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.

1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

  • Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

  • Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one you are interested in and like.

  • Describe why you chose this social media page as the one you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as. In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.

Part 2:

Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.

Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page. Use a minimum of 2 credible sources.


Enron Case Assessment Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Enron Case Assessment Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

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