Entertainment Medium Comparison Review Writing Assignment Help. Entertainment Medium Comparison Review Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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Watch Murphy’s Romance (1985) and In Old California (1942)
Comparison Reviews should focus on the image of the Pharmacist as it is portrayed in both of these movies.
Compare a direct patient encounter by these two Pharmacists.
Compare how each pharmacist presented himself as a professional and how he represented the profession.
Which pharmacist would you rather have for your family? Why?
If a movie were to be made in 2021 that had a Pharmacist as a main character, which actor (male or female) would make a good Pharmacist? Why?
Entertainment Medium Comparison Review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Business Influence in Politics & Religion in Latin America Humanities Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a humanities multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
- Politics & Admin Latin America-01:
Pick and answer four of the six questions listed below. As part of each question, you will find listed a set of terms and phrases. Make sure that you use those terms and phrases in answering that question. A significant part of your grade for that answer will be based on how intelligently or meaningfully you use those terms and phrases in constructing your answer for that question. When typing your answers, please highlight those terms and phrases in bold or italic so that it is easy for me to locate them in your answers.
Additionally, there is a bonus question on the U.S.-Latin America relations, which is worth 5 percent of the total exam grade. You can find the question at the very end.
Each of your answers has to be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words (please specify the word count for each answer at the end of that answer). Answers are to be double-spaced, Times New Roman; 12-point font size; 1” on left, right, top and bottom. You are required to upload your answer as a word file or a PDF file under Week 16 Exam II module, by May 07, Friday, 11:59pm.
Question 1: Religion in Latin America
Present a supporting discussion for the assertion that the role of religion in Latin American politics, the status of the Catholic Church in particular, is complex, multilayered and dynamic. Make sure that you give country examples. Also, in constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Catholic Church
– Indigenous religions
– The CELAM conference
– Liberation Theology
– Protestantism
– Secularism
– Gustavo Gutierrez
– Santeria
– Voodoo
– Umbanda
– Candomble
Question 2: Political Economy of Latin America
In the 1980s and 1990s, Latin American countries experienced significant changes in the way that their governments engage their economies. Pretend that as a Latin America expert, you are invited to a conference to give a talk about the cause and nature of those changes. Give a synopsis of your talk. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Monoculture or monocrop economy
– The Prebisch thesis
– Dependency theory
– Imperialism
– Neocolonialism
– Import substitution industrialization
– Structural Adjustment
– Neoliberalism
– The Washington Consensus
– The new extractivism
– The twenty-first-century socialism
Question 3: Democracy and Authoritarianism: Latin American Political Culture
Is the political culture in Latin America conducive to democracy? Develop and defend a thesis about this question. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Elitism
– Personalism
– Pacted Democracy
– Patron-client relations or Clientelismo
– Military
– Bureaucratic authoritarianism
– Juan Manuel de Rosas
– Juan Domingo Peron
– Getulio Vargas
– Augusto Pinochet
– Attitude toward democracy
– Ideological fault lines
– Political participation
– Political culture
Question 4: Politics, Power, Institutions and Actors (1)
How would you react to an argument that there are many similarities in the configuration and functioning of political institutions across Latin America? In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Presidential
– Parliamentary
– Semi-presidential
– Single member district plurality system
– Unitary
– Federal
– Favoritism (Cronyism)
– Nepotism
– Clientelism
– Executive branch
– Legislative branch
– Judicial branch
Question 5: Politics, Power, Institutions and Actors (2)
What are the most important socio-economic and political actors in Latin American politics and what are their relative influences in shaping government policies? In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Large landowners (Latifundistas)
– Business and Industrial Elites
– Middle or intermediate sectors
– Organized labor
– Rural Poor
– The military
– The Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)
– Government Bureaucrats
– Political Parties
– Urbanization
– Industrialization
– Modern education
Question 6: Struggle for Change: Revolution, and Social and Political Movements in Latin America
In Latin America, political change has often wrought with conflict. Discuss some of the most dramatic and forceful attempts to bring about political change and their success. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Cuba
– Nicaragua
– El Salvador
– Guatemala
– Colombia
– Peru
– Fidel Castro
– The 26th of July Movement
– Che Guevara
– Anastasio Somoza
– The FSLN
– The FMLN
– The FARC
– Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path)
Bonus Question: The U.S.-Latin America Relations
The United States has been claimed to have interfered in the recent political crisis of Venezuela by actively supporting the opposition against the government of Nicolas Maduro. Put this claim in the political historical context of the region or the past involvement of the United States in the region’s politics, especially in terms of the underlying causes and manner of its involvement.
Gov’t & Business 1865-Present-02:
Pick and answer four of the six questions listed below. As part of each question, you will find listed a set of terms and phrases. Make sure that you use those terms and phrases in answering that question. A significant part of your grade for that answer will be based on how intelligently or meaningfully you use those terms and phrases in constructing your answer for that question. When typing your answers, please highlight those terms and phrases in bold or italic so that it is easy for me to locate them in your answers.
Each of your answers has to be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 500 words (please specify the word count for each answer at the end of that answer). Answers are to be double-spaced, Times New Roman; 12-point font size; 1” on left, right, top and bottom. You are required to upload your answer as a word file or a PDF file under Week 16 Exam II module, by May 07, Friday, 11:59pm.
Question 1: Business Influence in Politics
Business influence in politics is one of the most controversial topics in American politics. Discuss why business influence is commonly expected to be strong and why it might not be as strong and pervasive as it is sometimes assumed, though. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Public opinion
– Labor unions
– Post-materialist groups
– Leadership association
– Trade association
– Specialized business association
– Lobbying
– Political action committees (PACs)
– Revolving door
– Republican Party
– Democratic party
Question 2: Business and Economy (1)
Fiscal policy is one of the most important government policies for business to follow; however, it is also one policy whose effectiveness is commonly questioned. Discuss the significance of fiscal policy for business and review the controversy on its effectiveness. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Business cycle
– Fiscal policy
– Keynesian economics
– The Office of Management and Budget
– The Council of Economic Advisers
– Congress’s Joint Economic Committee
– Congressional Budget Office
Question 3: Business and Economy (2)
If someone argued that the monetary policy played an extremely important role in the recovery of the U.S. economy from the 2008-2009 Great Recession, how would you react to it? In constructing your memo, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Business cycle
– The Federal Reserve Board
– The Federal Open Market Committee
– Money supply (M1, M2 and M3)
– Discount rate
– Federal fund rate
– Open market operations
– Monetary economics
Question 4: Regulatory Policy
JP Morgan is one of the largest and most important financial institutions in the United States. Discuss how this company could be influenced by the regulatory polies in the United States. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Regulation
– Public interest theory
– Private interest theory
– Economic regulation
– Social regulation
– The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933
– The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
– The Dodd-Frank of 2010
Question 5: Antitrust and Competition Policy
Amazon is one of the multinational tech giants with a focus on e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. Discuss how this company could be directly or indirectly influenced by the antitrust policy in the United States. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Antitrust policy
– The Sherman Act of I890
– The Clayton Act of 1914
– Rule of Reason
– Horizontal merger
– Vertical merger
– Price-fixing
– Price discrimination
Question 6: Trade Policy
For a long time, especially in the decades following the WWII, the United States led the world in push for freer or more liberal trade policy, but recently the country’s commitment to free trade has wavered. Discuss the ups and downs in the U.S. commitment to free trade and in what ways or for what reason this has profound implications for the U.S. business. In constructing your answer, make sure to use the following terms and phrases in a meaningful way:
– Free trade
– The Tariff Act of 1930 (better known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act)
– The Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act of I934
– The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
– Principle of reciprocity
– Principle of nondiscrimination
– The escape clause
– Countervailing duty
– Antidumping duty
– The Uruguay round
– The International Trade Commission
Louisiana State University Personal Experience and School Community Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me study.
Please write me this essay. For this essay, you need to write about a true event in your life or someone else’s life. Remember, your audience will react well to stories that are close to home and ones they can relate to. Try to be as real as possible.
Some ideas for non-fiction:
A memoir (anything you want to talk about)
Inspirational experiences
Overcoming challenges
Fears or regret
Have fun with the assignment, but only share what you want. Even in non-fiction, you can be selective in what you want to share with your audience. Please make this essay 5 PAGES AND DOUBLE SPACED AND ABOUT AN EXPERIENCE IN YOUR LIFE NOT MINE. I just need a paper to turn in for the time being, so the event doesn’t need to be about me. Please make sure this is well written and completed in 6 hours. Thank you and feel free to ask me any questions need be.
MDC Role of Pharmacist in Society Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Discussion Guidelines
Read the article, The Public Image of the Pharmacist in the Popular Press AND view the short video, The Pharmacist 1946 Vocational Guidance Films, (The Pharmacist 1946 Vocational Guidance Films; Druggist Career Opportunities 1 (Links to an external site.)
As part of your discussion, answer the following questions:
How has the pharmacists’ image been portrayed over time?
What did you read that surprised or shocked you the most?
The short video was an accurate representation of what pharmacists did nearly 75 years ago. What did you like about the roles portrayed? Would you still be interested in being a pharmacist if the profession had not changed so significantly?
What can be learned from the past public perceptions of our profession to help our image in the future? Be specific.
You are encouraged to look at additional current references from the literature (which you must properly cite) to support your points. Limit your initial post to no more than 500 words.
MTSU interdisciplinary Research & Finding Solutions Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a literature project and need support to help me understand better.
he Draft Interdisciplinary Research Proposal will help you practice writing a research proposal for the PRST 4995 course. An acceptable interdisciplinary research problem requires perspectives of at least two academic disciplines, and the problem should relate to at least one of your areas of emphasis, concentrations, or minors.
Remember that Dropbox assignments should conform to the following requirements:
Draft Research Proposal Requirements
The Draft Research Proposal should include the following elements, including appropriate in-text citations for any information used from outside sources:
1. APA Title Page
Include the assignment title, student name, institution, running head, and page number
2. Interdisciplinary Research Problem Statement (1 paragraph)
The problem statement should be clear, define the scope of the problem, and include context explaining why it is important to investigate the problem. Refer to pages 265 – 268 of Chapter 10 in the Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies text for examples of research problem statements.
3. Justification for an Interdisciplinary Approach (1 paragraph or approximately 150 words)
Explain why the problem is complex, related to more than one discipline, cannot be solved by only one discipline, and is an unresolved or important issue. Refer to pages 268-275 in the Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research text for examples of statements justifying an interdisciplinary approach.
4. Relevant Academic Disciplines (1 paragraph or approximately 150 words)
Identify and describe the disciplines potentially related to the research problem. Then, based on your preliminary literature search and article reviews, identify 2-3 relevant academic disciplines that likely have insight into an interdisciplinary approach to your proposed research problem and explain your rationale for including these disciplines. At least one discipline must be the same as one of the disciplines described in question 3 above.
5. Connection to Disciplines (1-2 paragraphs or approximately 300 words)
Provide evidence that the research problem is connected to your previous academic coursework by explaining your areas of emphasis, concentration, and/or minor (if applicable), and include a list of 3 – 5 relevant courses you have taken (or plan to take) at the 2000, 3000, or 4000 level. Specify the course prefix, number, and title, as well as a brief description of what you learned in the class that relates to the research problem (do not copy course descriptions directly from the undergraduate catalog). At least one of the disciplines in your background must be included in the potentially relevant disciplines section above. Refer to Table 5.1 on pages 122-123 in Chapter 5 for a taxonomy of disciplines, applied fields, and professions.
6. Reference Page
Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all sources cited in the Draft Interdisciplinary Research Proposal and the four references you evaluated in your Article Reviews Assignment.
Miami Dade College Drugs in The News Social Behavioral Learning Exercise Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me study.
Drugs in the News: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion
This assignment is designed to develop your critical thinking skills, particularly in distinguishing facts from opinions. The statement “Over one billion dollars was used to prohibit drug use and drug trafficking last year” is a fact that can be verified by checking the relevant research on the subject. The statement “The federal government has not spent enough money to stop drug abuse and drug trafficking” is an expressed opinion. Not all statements of fact are true, unfortunately, because some are based on false or inaccurate information. For this assignment, however, you should be concerned primarily with understanding the difference between those statements that appear to be factual and those statements that appear to be based upon opinion.
Learning Exercises
Select a brief report from the media, excluding the Internet (print form is best, but you can work from radio or television reports, if you have recorded them) regarding drugs, drug use, or drug use problems in a medical context. Advertisements cannot to be used for this assignment. An online article from a non-Internet-based organization, which produces news for outlets other than the Internet, will be accepted. For example, an article from USA Today online or CNN online is okay. An article from Yahoo or Huffington Post will not be accepted. I hope that this information is helpful.
oIdentify those statements that appear to be based upon facts and those that appear to be based upon opinion.
oReview the whole report, summarize its major statements, and comment on its overall value in covering the issue.
oWrite a paper (no more than two (2) pages in length using 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing), giving an account of the above researched information.
oUpload the actual article or report (as a PDF document).
This assignment will be graded on neatness, relevance, meeting the objectives, and promptness.
Your score will be determined by the following formula:
70% content
20% grammar, syntax, readability, and flow
10% originality
This learning exercise represents a large component of your grade; a corresponding effort is expected and necessary in order to earn a satisfactory grade.
Miami Dade College Drugs in The News Social Behavioral Learning Exercise Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CUNY Borough of Manhattan Genotype XX With Recessive Alleles Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a biology multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Answer questions below in details in 1-2 paragraphs
“1.You are trying to determine the order of three Drosophila mutants on the X chromosome, relative to each other. The symbols for those three recessive mutant alleles are ph, z, and te. Describe the crosses you would do (stating the genotypes and sex of the individuals in crosses) and the results that you will get in order to determine the relative order of the mutant alleles along the X chromosome.”
“2. Describe what it means to be a palindrome. Is GATATC a palindrome? Is AAAGGG?”
“3. How many fragments would you expect to be formed from digestion of a 2500 base pair long linear piece of DNA using a restriction enzyme with a 5 base pair recognition sequence?”
“4. What is recombinant DNA?”
“5. What nucleotide derivatives are used for Sanger sequencing and why are they important for this process?”
UCLA The Environmental Defense Fund vs Greenpeace International Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Essay and need support to help me learn.
You will compare an international non-governmental organization (INGO) working in other countries, with the US nonprofit organization you chose.
Consider how you will find the necessary information to complete each of the different elements of the paper, and briefly describe how you propose to (1) research and compare the two organizations and (2) incorporate course concepts to complete the final paper.
Your proposal should be 500-750 words in length and cite at least 3 appropriate sources in APA style. Please submit it as a Word document, using your last name as the first word in the document name.
Minnesota State University Pieces of Advice for Public Speakers Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications presentation and need support to help me study.
You will do Reflection Speech
Topic: Three pieces of advice for public speakers
Time Limit: ~3 minutes
you will select your most important take-aways from our public speaking class to present. The
goal of the speech is to inform your audience about what they can do to be a better public
speaker. Focus on three elements you have found particularly useful to your own development as
a speaker and share them with the audience. Personal examples and stories of transformation are
good, but make sure your focus is on teaching the audience how they can use your information to
become a better speaker. Make sure to cite three sources, which can be from our course materials.
In my public speaking class we had community, informative, persuasive, and culture speeches. we discussed history of speech, ted talks, how to write outline and how to write speech, how to know your audience, how to improve your critical thinking, visual aids, language choice, and global audience.
PCC Black English Is a Language by James Baldwin Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Craft a 250-word critical response to Baldwin’s “If Black English Isn’t a Language, then Tell Me, What Is?”
Then answer the following three questions:
- Baldwin, on the other hand, argues that “people evolve a language,” thus inferring an agency, even an intentionality, on the part of the people involved in language’s evolution. Do you agree with Baldwin? How does Baldwin’s emphasis on the intentionality of language evolution, as a sort of teleological argument, connect to your planned discussion of authenticity in African literature?
- Baldwin posits that “a language comes into existence by means of brutal necessity, and the rules of the language are dictated by what the language must convey.” What does he mean? Can you think of an example?
- Are there parts of Baldwin’s essay that you don’t understand? What is the source of this lack of understanding? Does the challenge of understanding Baldwin prove his thesis? Explain.
As part of your discussion, answer the following questions:
How has the pharmacists’ image been portrayed over time?
What did you read that surprised or shocked you the most?
The short video was an accurate representation of what pharmacists did nearly 75 years ago. What did you like about the roles portrayed? Would you still be interested in being a pharmacist if the profession had not changed so significantly?
What can be learned from the past public perceptions of our profession to help our image in the future? Be specific.
You are encouraged to look at additional current references from the literature (which you must properly cite) to support your points. Limit your initial post to no more than 500 words.