Environment Final Paper using ethical theories – 1500 words needed Writing Assignment Help

Environment Final Paper using ethical theories – 1500 words needed Writing Assignment Help. Environment Final Paper using ethical theories – 1500 words needed Writing Assignment Help.

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Topic:  Environment

Week 3 – Assignment Final.docx Week 1 As

signment – Thesis Construction.docx 

This topic should be the thesis that you worked on in Week One and refined in Week Three. Remember that your first paragraph must contain a clear thesis statement as in the assignments from Weeks One and Three. In the body of your paper, examine the issue by discussing how three of the ethical theories presented in this course could be used to answer the particular question you have formulated. Use the core principles of each of these theories to support your discussion. Complete your paper by identifying which ethical theory you think provides the most satisfactory moral answer to your question, or the theory that provides the least satisfactory answer to your question. You should create a list of strengths and weaknesses for each of the theories as applied to your question to assist you with this task. However, you should not merely present the strengths and weaknesses of each theory but must argue that one theory is better or worse than the others in this case. Remember that each paragraph in your body must begin with a topic sentence that clearly identifies the main idea of the paragraph. Your paper should be 1500 to 2000 words (not including the words on the title and reference pages) in length. This means that you should devote approximately 300 words to each of the ethical theories, and 300 words to supporting your argument for which theory works best or worst.

The paper must be 1500 to 2000 words (excluding title and reference pages) in length and formatted according to APA style. You must utilize at least two required readings or media, and two recommended readings or media from any week of the course to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be 1500 to 2000 words in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least two required readings or media, and two recommended readings or media from any week of the course.

Environment Final Paper using ethical theories – 1500 words needed Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

This is a copy of my final paper Humanities Assignment Help

The purpose of the Final Paper is to apply your understanding of industrial/organizational psychology to a specific job and organization. This paper should be an objective analysis of a specific job in a particular work organization. It may be a place that you or a friend or family member is currently working.

Your paper should be based on material from the class and the textbook. You are expected to write an eight- to ten-page paper (not counting title and reference pages) that integrates relevant topics and theories from industrial/organizational psychology. Utilize a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources document in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Be sure to address the following discussion points in your paper:

  1. Describe the organization as a whole and a specific job within this organization.  Is there a formal job description?  Include a complete job description (if available) as an appendix. Does this organization use a formal job analysis? If so, describe it.  
  2. Explain how employees are recruited and selected by the organization. Do they use tests, interviews or application blanks?  If there is a standard application, include a copy with your paper as an appendix). Is there a formal job evaluation that determines the appropriate pay levels for different jobs and employees?
  3. Explain the criteria that are used to appraise employee performance.  How are employees appraised?  How often are they evaluated and by whom?
  4. Discuss the kinds of training/development which are a part of this job.  How effective is the training?
  5. Describe some of the specific stressors in this job and the company’s communication process.
  6. Discuss how the organization or your specific supervisor motivates his/her employees.  What motivation theory best seems to apply?  Identify the leadership approach or theory which best explains this organization and discuss how it is applied.
  7. Describe some of the various groups that exist in your workplace. What factors affect group performance in your job? Use at least one theory in your analysis of this setting.
  8. Describe changes you would suggest for improving this job and/or organization.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center


Assignment 2: Leadership Assessment Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment 2: Leadership Assessment
Organizational leaders are expected to create realistic visions for their companies and the employees they guide, but these visions often have characteristics or properties that differ. There is, therefore, the realization that there is no one best leadership style to guide employees toward accomplishing organizational goals.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the leadership style(s) of a senior executive (CEO, CFO, COO, Director, etc.) in your current or previous organization who made a positive or negative impact on you.
  2. Analyze the organizational structure and culture of the company for which you work (or would like to work) to determine its approach to team development, and whether that approach helped to enhance your relationship skills in the workplace.
  3. Evaluate the performance of your selected leader based on his or her ethical conduct and effective communication to determine if this leader was successful in motivating and empowering you to improve on your work performance. Explain your answer.
  4. Determine three (3) best practices organizational leaders can use to motivate employees and discuss their potential benefits.
  5. Discuss some of the challenges leaders encounter when managing diversity and how diversity helps business organizations better compete in global markets.
  6. Develop an effective business strategy to address the challenges and issues you have identified above.
  7. Use at least five (5) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources
  8. Write a nine (9) slide presentation in which you:
    1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.
    2. Summarize your response to each of the criteria in Assignment 2 – one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of six (6) slides.
    3. Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper.


What Is Federalism ? Humanities Assignment Help

What Is Federalism?

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper on American federalism in which you:

  1. Provide three (3) examples of how federalism has evolved from its origins to the American political system in place today.
  2. Examine three to five (3-5) factors that have allowed the concept of federalism to shape American political behavior.
  3. Discuss at least two (2) factors that illustrate how the relationship between the states and the U.S. federal government influences the creation of American policies overall.
  4. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites to not qualify as academic resources.
No plagiarism , all assignments pass through Turn in, that can check all the details of the assignment.


writing need help please Writing Assignment Help

Police-Community Relations vs.
Community-Oriented Policing


He wants us to put something in the text to
let him know we read the chapters of which I did. Also wants us to proofread
our discussion thanks Please list the discussion question above the answer, properly cite any references with the page number were you found them apa style thanks

In reviewing the text, thoroughly explain the
differences between community-oriented policing and police-community
relations. How do police-community relations interact or associate with
community-oriented policing? How did the philosophical or theoretical changes
happen over time?   

Your initial response should be 250-300 words in length. Please support your
claims with examples from the text and/or scholarly articles.



Discussion on Internal vs External goods – 500 words needed – sources provided Writing Assignment Help

Referring to MacIntyre’s account of practices and virtue, outline a practice in your own life that you believe requires certain virtues in order to do well.  Explain what the practice is, what the “internal goods” of the practice are and how they differ from certain “external goods” (such as money, prestige, power, etc.), and attempt to determine the virtues that one must have in order to excel in the practice.  In other words, what are virtues that make one a good practitioner of this practice?  What are some vices that get in the way of doing this practice well?  How might someone that primarily pursues internal goods behave differently than someone primarily concerned with external goods?  Your answers to these questions should include evidence from this week’s readings and media.


  1. Aristotle. (350 B.C.E.). Nicomachean ethics (W. D. Ross, Trans.). Retrieved from http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.html
    • Read: Book I, Chapters 1-5, 7, and 10; Book II, Chapters 1-4, 6, and 7. These portions of Aristotle’s work focus primarily on different aspects of virtue ethics and the relationship between virtue and a flourishing life.


  1. Hill, T. (1983). Ideals of human excellence and preserving natural environmentsJournal of Environmental Ethics, 5(3), 211-24. Retrieved from http://www.umweltethik.at/download.php?id=403
    • This article attempts to outline a response to the problem of environmental preservation through the lens of virtue ethics. Hill utilizes virtue ethics to examine how people ought to respond to the environment and how others might be able to judge their actions through the lens of the virtues that they display.
  2. Robinson, P. (2007). Magnanimity and integrity as military virtues. Journal of Military Ethics, 6(4), 259-269. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.
    • This article relates to the second applied ethics topic this week: military ethics. In this article, Robinson examines military ethics through the lens of virtue and argues for a re-evaluation of military virtues.
  3. Zúñiga y Postigo, G. (2013). How to write an argumentative essay [Unpublished work]. College of Liberal Arts, Ashford University, Clinton, IA.
    • This document explains how students can effectively present a philosophical argument.


  1. Albert, T. (Producer), & Ramis, H. (Director). (1993). Groundhog day [Motion picture]. United States: Columbia Pictures.
    • This classic film follows the life of a man who is trapped in the same day. He cannot escape, and he must figure out how to live and keep himself sane as he wakes up to the same day every morning. The main character struggles with questions about life’s meaning and the importance of the ways that people live their lives as he attempts to escape the monotony of repetitive existence.
      **Please be aware you need to stream, buy, or rent Groundhog Day (Week Four) in order to successfully complete this course.
  2. Wingclips. (n.d.). The bridge on the river Kwai [Movie clip]. Retrieved from http://www.wingclips.com/movie-clips/the-bridge-on-the-river-kwai/the-best-bridge
    • In this clip from the film, which is set during World War II, a group of British Army prisoners of war are building a bridge for their Japanese captors. The Colonel expresses the significance of character in the life of the soldier.
  3. Wingclips. (n.d.). The emperor’s club [Movie clip]. Retrieved from http://www.wingclips.com/movie-clips/the-emperors-club/who-we-really-are
    • The clip from this film relates to cheating and the relationship between cheating and one’s moral character. It also explores responses to virtue ethics and the relationship between virtue and success.

Discussion on Internal vs External goods – 500 words needed – sources provided Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Objectives & Data Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the report BLS Spotlight on Statistics: Women at Work on
the Bureau of Labor Statistics site.  Find an example of each of the
four research objectives listed in Table 11.1 at the beginning of
Chapter 11 in your text.  You should support your answer using the
description of data analysis that is appropriate to each type of
research in 300 words, but you do not need to show the precise form of statistical
analysis that was used to prepare the data. 



PA301 Please put into your own words!!! Business Finance Assignment Help

1)Why is Max Weber’s characterization of bureaucracy considered the essential building block for
understanding the formal institutional structures of public administration?

A) Weber developed the most comprehensive, classic formulation of the characteristics of bureaucracy. He believed that civilization evolved from the primitive and mystical to the
rational and complex.  Weber defined three “ideal-types” of authority throughout history.  The earliest being the “Traditional” authority of primitive society, second being the “Charismatic” authority, and lastly the “Legal-rational” type of authority.  The legal-rational type of authority forms the basis for Weber’s concept of bureaucracy.  This type of authority vests power to the office, rather than the person that holds that office.  This form of bureaucracy holds a central role in controlling modern societies.  Much more efficient than the former, more totalitarian forms of authority.

2) Briefly explain the meaning of political power and administrative power?

A) Political power reinforced by an entity or group, and administrative power is reinforced by a

3) Why is Woodrow Wilson described as the father of Public Administration in the US?

A) Woodrow Wilson was the driving
force behind the development of Social Security.  His efforts trail-blazed the development of
numerous assistance programs and instilled a collective realization that in
order to improve our society the less fortunate had to be assisted via subsidy.

4) Using ONE of the issues below, briefly explain why intergovernmental relations is so complex in the US:a) Illegal immigrationb) Homeland securityc) Educationd) Welfare…

A) Intergovernmental relations are so complex in the US for Homeland Security because it deals with so many different organizations.  So many of these organizations with different agendas and scopes of responsibility have to come together in order to accomplish a collective goal.


SOC 312 WEEK 3 DISC 2 Humanities Assignment Help


The role of the microsystem in shaping children’s effortful control is important and parents play a critical role. After reading the text and viewing the “Life at 3: Bad Behavior” video, address the following:

  1. What would you recommend to a parent who asks you what he or she can do to promote his or her preschool child’s self-regulation skills?
  2. Now turning to the mesosystem, identify examples of influences on the child’s effortful control you can share with the parent.  
  3. Provide examples of influences on children’s effortful control that you have observed in your own family and other families who are close to you.  

Guided Response:  

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length


SOC312 WEEK 3 DISC 1 Humanities Assignment Help

Imagine that you are a preschool teacher. Describe a situation in which you would use an extrinsic reward to motivate a preschooler. Discuss how these motivators could result in learned helplessness. Now, give examples and explain how you can lead the same child to achieve intrinsic motivation by becoming his or her own locus of control. Keep in mind that your end goal is for the child to be intrinsically motivated so that he or she has ownership of the behavior.

Guided Response:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


https://anyessayhelp.com/” video, address the following:

  1. What would you recommend to a parent who asks you what he or she can do to promote his or her preschool child’s self-regulation skills?
  2. Now turning to the mesosystem, identify examples of influences on the child’s effortful control you can share with the parent.  
  3. Provide examples of influences on children’s effortful control that you have observed in your own family and other families who are close to you.  

Guided Response:  

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length


SOC312 WEEK 3 DISC 1 Humanities Assignment Help

Imagine that you are a preschool teacher. Describe a situation in which you would use an extrinsic reward to motivate a preschooler. Discuss how these motivators could result in learned helplessness. Now, give examples and explain how you can lead the same child to achieve intrinsic motivation by becoming his or her own locus of control. Keep in mind that your end goal is for the child to be intrinsically motivated so that he or she has ownership of the behavior.

Guided Response:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


https://anyessayhelp.com/” video, address the following:

  1. What would you recommend to a parent who asks you what he or she can do to promote his or her preschool child’s self-regulation skills?
  2. Now turning to the mesosystem, identify examples of influences on the child’s effortful control you can share with the parent.  
  3. Provide examples of influences on children’s effortful control that you have observed in your own family and other families who are close to you.  

Guided Response:  

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length


SOC312 WEEK 3 DISC 1 Humanities Assignment Help

Imagine that you are a preschool teacher. Describe a situation in which you would use an extrinsic reward to motivate a preschooler. Discuss how these motivators could result in learned helplessness. Now, give examples and explain how you can lead the same child to achieve intrinsic motivation by becoming his or her own locus of control. Keep in mind that your end goal is for the child to be intrinsically motivated so that he or she has ownership of the behavior.

Guided Response:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


https://anyessayhelp.com/” video, address the following:

  1. What would you recommend to a parent who asks you what he or she can do to promote his or her preschool child’s self-regulation skills?
  2. Now turning to the mesosystem, identify examples of influences on the child’s effortful control you can share with the parent.  
  3. Provide examples of influences on children’s effortful control that you have observed in your own family and other families who are close to you.  

Guided Response:  

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length


SOC312 WEEK 3 DISC 1 Humanities Assignment Help

Imagine that you are a preschool teacher. Describe a situation in which you would use an extrinsic reward to motivate a preschooler. Discuss how these motivators could result in learned helplessness. Now, give examples and explain how you can lead the same child to achieve intrinsic motivation by becoming his or her own locus of control. Keep in mind that your end goal is for the child to be intrinsically motivated so that he or she has ownership of the behavior.

Guided Response:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


Environment Final Paper using ethical theories – 1500 words needed Writing Assignment Help

Environment Final Paper using ethical theories – 1500 words needed Writing Assignment Help

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